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Showing 1 to 10 of 57 results
- This directive prescribes measures to prevent the entry by vessels and establishment of flighted spongy moth complex (FSMC) in Canada.
Program: Plants
- The Canadian seed certification system relies on accredited industry personnel and laboratories to perform various activities that result in traceable information being generated for official seed…
Program: Plants
- This procedure will be reviewed and updated as required. The contact for the review of this document is the National Manager of the Invasive Alien Species and Domestic Programs Section, Canadian Food…
Program: Plants
- The Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) variety verification program evaluates the effectiveness of Canada's seed certification system and confirms the description of a variety when it is…
Program: Plants
- Regulations, definitions and labelling, advertising, sale, and import of seed.
Program: Plants
- This Seed Program Specific Work Instruction (SWI) outlines the procedures that an official crop inspector will follow in inspecting soybean seed crops for pedigreed seed status.
Program: Plants
- An Official Tag is a label that is either issued or approved by the CFIA. An Official Tag is approved when the CFIA receives, reviews and approves an application submitted by a Registered Seed Establishment (…
Program: Plants
- This QSP outlines the principles for licensing of Authorized Seed Crop Inspection Services (ASCIS) and Licensed Seed Crop Inspectors (LSCI) under subsection 4.2 (1) of the Seeds Act to provide pedigreed seed…
Program: Plants
- This document describes the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) oversight of the inspection of pedigreed seed crops by Licensed Seed Crop Inspectors (LSCI) operating under the supervision of Authorized…
Program: Plants
- This specific work instruction (SWI) outlines the procedures that a seed crop inspector will follow when inspecting pedigreed status seed crops of barley, oats, triticale, wheat, rye, buckwheat, canary seed, flax…
Program: Plants