Food export notices

These food export notices are used to communicate information to industry and other interested parties.

The notices listed below concern:

  • changes to export requirements to foreign markets
  • new export-related requirements implemented by foreign trading partners
  • export program related changes that apply to all foreign markets, and
  • the opening or closure of access to foreign markets for Canadian goods.

Note: Information listed here relates to food commodities that fall under our oversight through the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations (SFCR). Exports of these products may need certification from us, as per importing country requirements, in order to be exported internationally.

Date of notice
Country Commodity Description
2024-10-08 Indonesia Animal and animal products, fish and fish products, and plant and plant products New pre-export shipment information submission requirement for exporters
2024-10-01 United States of America Food containing egg ingredient Export requirements for edible food products containing processed egg ingredients
2024-09-17 European Union Fish and seafood products EU Export Requirements Library Update – Fish and Seafood
2024-03-08 Qatar Genetically modified (GM), organic, and irradiated foods Qatar is now requiring shipments of GM, organic, and irradiated foods to be accompanied by a third party issued Certificate of Conformity
2023-03-15 China Medium risk food commodities in CIFER Update for establishments responsible for "medium-risk" products in CIFER and exported to China – requirement to submit "applications for modification"
2023-02-16 China Certain medium risk food commodities Changes to registration requirements for certain medium risk food commodities exported to China
2022-11-18 China Fish and seafood products Urgent action required for operators of fish and seafood establishments: renewal of CIFER registrations
2022-06-10 China Food, animal-based and plant-based products New establishment registration requirements for food exports to China (Decrees 248 and 249)
2021-12-20 China Food, animal-based and plant-based products Additional information on the self-registration process for low-risk products exported to China
2021-12-20 China Food, animal-based and plant-based products Additional information on the self-registration process for low-risk products exported to China
2021-11-10 China Food, animal-based and plant-based products China Decrees 248/249 – Registration of low-risk food product companies
2021-10-15 China Food, animal-based and plant-based products Urgent action required for exports to China
2021-07-29 European Union Food and animal products Exporting food and animal products to the European Union
2020-07-30 USA Meat and poultry Updated requirements for export of meat and poultry – United States
2019-11-05 China Meat and poultry Resumption of exports of Canadian pork and beef products to China
2019-05-17 Japan Meat and poultry Expanded access for beef derived from cattle aged 30 months and over (OTM) for export to Japan
2019-05-09 Taiwan Manufactured foods and beverages Canola oil exports to Taiwan using the Certificate of Free Sale (CFIA/ACIA 5786)
2019-03-11 United States Meat and poultry Reporting of test results for Shiga toxin-producing E. coli verification sampling of raw beef manufacturing trimmings in slaughter establishments eligible for export to the USA
2019-02-19 All All Policy on export documentation and establishment numbers under the SFCR
2019-01-31 French Polynesia Meat and poultry Beef and pork exports to French Polynesia
2018-04-06 United States Various Notice to industry – Foreign Supplier Verification Program (FSVP)