Exports of genetically modified, organic and irradiated foods to Qatar

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has become aware that Qatar is now requiring a Certificate of Conformity for shipments of genetically modified, organic and irradiated foods. A Certificate of Conformity for these foods is only issued by third parties authorized by Qatar. Exporters must communicate with their importer to obtain an official list of authorized third parties.

A Certificate of Conformity is different than the Certificate of Free Sale (CFS) issued by CFIA to exporters licensed under the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations. A CFS may still be required by Qatar.

The CFIA is currently seeking clarity from Qatari food safety authorities on further details regarding exports of the implicated foods going forward.

At this time, Canadian food exporters are advised to communicate closely with their importers in Qatar to determine all certification and documentation requirements prior to planning export shipments. The commercial risk of such shipments should be assessed prior to making export decisions. CFIA will continue to issue the CFS for exports to Qatar upon request.

The CFIA will inform industry and Operations Branch inspection staff as further developments on this issue arise, based on clarification from Qatar's competent authority for food.

Any exporter encountering issues at the border should contact their importer, as well as their local CFIA office.