Food-specific requirements and guidance – Meat products and food animals

The information below focuses mainly on slaughtering activities, carcasses and their parts as a result of slaughtering activities and the welfare of food animals during slaughtering activities. Before you review this information, read the information on General food requirements and guidance. The Safe Food for Canadians Regulations (SFCR) set out many requirements that apply across food commodities, along with the specific requirements highlighted here.

Additional requirements for Food imports and Food exports may apply also to your business.

Know the requirements

The documents listed below are incorporated by reference in the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations (SFCR) and have the same force of law as the SFCR itself.

Regulatory requirements for slaughter and meat products

Regulatory requirements for humane treatment of food animals during slaughtering activities

Preventive control recommendations

Preventive controls for food – Meat products
Find information on select preventive control recommendations for operators to mitigate food safety risks associated with the preparation of processed meat products.

Additional guidance

The following guidance documents include historically accepted and proven parameters, examples of control measures, and other information to help facilitate regulatory compliance. Note there may be other controls that satisfy the requirements under Part 6, Division 7 of the SFCR that are not listed below. Always ensure that the controls you choose are tailored to the uniqueness of your business and are shown to be effective for your situation.

Guidance on slaughter and meat manufacturing activities



Red meat

Guidance on animal welfare during slaughter activities

Related information

Food business activities that require a license under the SFCR

Learn more about specific meat related activities that would or would not require a licence under the SFCR.

Provincially registered meat establishments

Some Canadian meat establishments may be registered provincially rather than federally. A list of provincially registered meat establishments or contact information for provincial meat inspection authorities is available for:

For all other provinces, please contact your provincial Department of Agriculture.

Note: We are not responsible for the content of these provincial lists.