Food imports

Rules, licences, preventive control plans, traceability, notices, and oversight.

Services and information

Step-by-step guide

How to import food into Canada.

Importing specific foods

Rules by food type.

Importing food with a licence

Automatic licence verification, steps to make sure you have a valid licence, how to correct errors.

Preventative control plan for importers

How to develop, put in place and maintain a plan to make sure imported food is safe.

Automated Import Reference System (AIRS)

Find applicable import requirements by commodity classification, origin, destination, or end use.

Importing from certain countries

Requirements for importing from CFIA-accepted food safety systems.

Non-resident importers

Steps to follow if you do not live in Canada.

General requirements

Licences, preventive control plans, traceability documents and recall steps.

Food import notices

Changes to rules and important reminders.

Foreign food safety systems

Other countries whose food safety levels are equal to Canada.

Foreign establishment verifications

CFIA verification of foreign establishments that manufacture food for export to Canada.



Learn more about My CFIA online services.

A blueprint for imports

Learn more about the agency's import programs.

Requirements for peaches going into British Columbia

British Columbia is the only commercial peach-growing area of North America to be free from of the Oriental fruit moth.