Livestock feeds that require approval
Subsection 5(1) of the Feeds Regulations, 2024 outline the livestock feeds that require approval, whether manufactured in Canada or imported, and are as follows:
- livestock feeds with a novel trait
- feed ingredients that are not listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table (CFIT)
- single ingredient feeds (SIFs) that are listed in the CFIT, and differ from the description established in the CFIT with respect to any of the following:
- purpose (as reflected in the class or subclass of the CFIT)
- composition
- hazards
- nutritional quality
- structure
- physiological effect
- manufacturing process
- intended livestock species or class of livestock
- instructions on how it is to be used (for example, changes in the usage rate)
- livestock feeds intended for research or experimental purposes, if exemption criteria are not met
- if the research feed is novel, imported or there is no safe disposal plan, approval is required
Livestock feeds that require registration
Under the Feeds Regulations, 2024, all livestock feeds require registration (subsection 6(1)) with the exception of those that meet the exemption from registration criteria listed in subsection 6(2), and the conditions for exemption set out in subsection 6(3).
The following livestock feeds require registration, whether manufactured in Canada or imported:
- SIFs listed in part 2 of the CFIT
- SIFs that have a label guarantee that is not outlined in the SIF description in the CFIT
- livestock feeds that are designed to be administrated in water to be consumed by livestock (that is, a livestock feed that is added directly to water which the animals would drink, not liquid feeds)
- free-choice medicated supplements
- free-choice medicated minerals
- free-choice medicated trace mineral salt feeds
- mixed feeds that contain a pest control product
- specialty feeds that are not listed in the Tables of Permissible Claims for Feed Labels or do not meet the conditions set out in that table
- specialty feeds that contain medicating ingredients and/or non-feed products
- SIFs that have a claim that:
- is not described in the SIF description of the CFIT
- is not listed in the Tables of Permissible Claims for Feed Labels
- does not meet the conditions set out in the Tables of Permissible Claims for Feed Labels for an approved claim
- is not included in the permissible statements or logos set out in section 6.2 Permissible statements and logos of RG-12 Labelling of livestock feeds
- mixed feeds with labels that have a claim that:
- is not listed in the Tables of Permissible Claims for Feed Labels
- does not meet the conditions set out in the Tables of Permissible Claims for Feed Labels for that approved claim
- is not included in the permissible statements or logos set out in section 6.2 Permissible statements and logos of RG-12 Labelling of livestock feeds
- livestock feeds with labels that have information in languages other than English or French
- mixed feeds with labels that:
- do not contain the mandatory guarantees as set out in table 1 of the Tables of Nutrient Guarantees and Conditions for Feed Labels for that particular mixed feed type
- have a guarantee not listed in the Tables of Nutrient Guarantees and Conditions for Feed Labels
- do not meet the conditions set out for any optional guarantee in table 2 of the Tables of Nutrient Guarantees and Conditions for Feed Labels
- mixed feeds with inadequate mixing directions with other SIFs/mixed feeds which are not sufficient to allow the safe use of the mixed feed (for example, premixes to be fed undiluted or free-choice)
- custom medicated feeds that do not conform to the requirements in the Feeds Regulations, 2024
- imported livestock feedsfootnote 1 that are imported by a non-licence holder
All part 2 SIFs will continue to require registration before being manufactured in Canada, sold in Canada or imported into Canada.