Last amended: 2025-01-10
Previous versions:
- From 2024-07-03 to 2025-01-09; copy available upon request
This document is incorporated by reference into the Feeds Regulations, 2024. Any changes to this document must be made in accordance with the CFIA Incorporation by Reference Policy.
On this page
- Glossary
- Part 1
- Class 1. Forages and roughages
- Class 2. Energy feeds
- Class 3. Protein feeds
- Class 4. Recycled food products
- Class 5. Nutritional ingredients
- Class 6. Non-nutritive ingredients
- 6.1 Preservatives, antioxidants, and stabilizers
- 6.2 Mould inhibitors
- 6.3 pH Adjusters
- 6.4 Pelleting aids
- 6.5 Anticaking ingredients
- 6.6 Colourants for livestock feeds
- 6.7 Chelating ingredients
- 6.8 Emulsifying ingredients
- 6.9 Viscosity modifiers
- 6.10 Solvents
- 6.11 Microtracers
- 6.12 Encapsulating ingredients
- 6.13 Dewatering ingredients
- 6.14 Odour control ingredients
- 6.15 Anionic and cationic ingredients
- 6.16 Food modifying ingredients
- 6.17 Flavour ingredients
- 6.18 Enzymes
- 6.19 Gut modifier ingredients
- 6.20 Forage additives
- 6.21 Fermentation products non viable
- 6.22 Sweeteners
- 6.23 Mycotoxin detoxification ingredients
- Class 7. Other
- Part 2
- Class 1. Forage and roughages
- Class 2. Energy feeds
- Class 3. Protein feeds
- Class 4. Recycled food products
- Class 5. Nutritional ingredients
- Class 6. Non-nutritive ingredients
- 6.1 Preservatives, antioxidants, and stabilizers
- 6.2 Mould inhibitors
- 6.3 pH Adjusters
- 6.4 Pelleting aids
- 6.5 Anticaking ingredients
- 6.6 Colourants for livestock feeds
- 6.7 Chelating ingredients
- 6.8 Emulsifying ingredients
- 6.9 Viscosity modifiers
- 6.10 Solvents
- 6.11 Microtracers
- 6.12 Encapsulating ingredients
- 6.13 Dewatering ingredients
- 6.14 Odour control ingredients
- 6.15 Anionic and cationic ingredients
- 6.16 Food modifying ingredients
- 6.17 Flavour ingredients
- 6.18 Enzymes
- 6.19 Gut modifier ingredients
- 6.20 Forage additives
- 6.21 Fermentation products non viable
- 6.22 Sweeteners
- 6.23 Mycotoxin detoxification ingredients
- Class 7. Other
The following definitions apply in this table:
- Agent
- means a single ingredient feed, or a mixed feed containing more than 1 single ingredient feed, that is to be used for a specific purpose.
- means the organization formerly known as the Association of Official Agricultural Chemists which is an independent, third party, not-for-profit association that helps develop voluntary consensus standards and promote public health and safety.
- AOCS – American Oil Chemists Society
- means the organization that publishes a comprehensive collection of analytical testing methods for fats and oils, the Official Methods and Recommended Practices of the AOCS.
- Approved for use
- means, in respect of a feed approved by the Minister, acceptable for a specified purpose as indicated by where the item is listed in this table or, when the term is used within an item, it means acceptable for a specified purpose as described in that item.
- Approved grains
- means those grains that are listed in this table.
- Approved processing aids/additives
- means the processing aids that are listed in this table or have been approved as food additives.
- Approved rate
- means the level or rate of use that is indicated on the label of the product or as part of the description for a single ingredient feed, based on how the product was approved. Approved rates may differ based on how the product is to be used.
- Carrier
- means a single ingredient feed or water used to facilitate the handling of a feed and its incorporation into ingredient market formulations, premixes, feed or water. The use of a carrier does not alter the feed's intended effect and purpose.
- CAS – Chemical Abstracts Service
- means a division of the American Chemical Society. The CAS Registry contains information on more than organic and inorganic substances, as well as protein and Nucleic acid sequences. The Registry identifies each compound with a specific CAS registry number, index name, and graphic representation of its chemical structure.
- CAS # – CAS Registry Numbers
- (often referred to as CAS RN® or CAS Numbers) – means numbers that are universally used to provide a unique, unmistakable identifier for chemical substances.
- Common name/names
- means the name most often used in association with the item. For items listed in this table it would be the name in the applicable definition.
- Complete feed
- means a mixed feed that, when used for the type and class of livestock stated on the label, provides all of the nutrients necessary for the maintenance of life or for promoting production, except water and, in the case of ruminants and horses, roughage.
- Facilitating agent
- means a single ingredient feed in an amount not exceeding the amount set out in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table or a specialty feed used according to its directions for use that is added to another feed for the purpose of improving or conserving some or all of the nutrient content or of aiding or improving the manufacturing or handling properties of that other feed. The use of a facilitating agent does not alter the purpose of any feed into which it has been mixed.
- FCC – Food Chemicals Codex
- means a compendium of internationally recognized standards for determining the purity and quality of food ingredients.
- Feed
- means feed for livestock as defined in the Feeds Act.
- Flavouring agent
- means a mixed feed that is composed predominantly of flavour ingredients listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table and that is added to a feed to enhance its flavour.
- GLC method of the Canadian Grain Commission
- means a method for determining the glucosinolate content in accordance with the International Organization for Standardization method reference number ISO 9167–3: 2007 (E) Rapeseed—Determination of glucosinolate content—Part 3: Spectrometric method for total glucosinolates by glucose release. Results are total seed glucosinolates expressed as micromoles per gram (µmol/g), calculated to an 8.5% moisture basis for canola or on a dry matter basis for all mustard seeds.
- Good manufacturing practices (GMPs)
- means guidelines for manufacturing, testing, and quality assurance in order to ensure that a feed is safe for consumption or use.
- ppb
- parts per billion
- ppm
- parts per million
- Reasonably free
- means that the product may contain a trace amount of the named substance, which does not seriously affect the quality or edibility of the product.
- Sound
- means in good condition; not damaged, injured, or diseased.
- Standard for human consumption
- means a product that is legally suitable and approved as nourishment for humans and would be considered edible.
- Total diet
- means the ration consisting of all feeds, including roughage, that are offered daily to livestock.
Part 1
- Class 1. Forages and roughages
- Class 2. Energy feeds
- Class 3. Protein feeds
- Class 4. Recycled food products
- Class 5. Nutritional ingredients
- Class 6. Non-nutritive ingredients
- Class 7. Other
Class 1. Forages and roughages
Feeds in this class have been approved for the purpose of predominately providing a source of fibre.
- 1-100-001 Alfalfa-grass hay sun-cured ground (or alfalfa-grass meal)
is the product that consists of the aerial part of a mixture of alfalfa and grass plants (predominantly alfalfa) that has been sun-cured and finely ground. It shall be reasonably free of other crop plants, weeds, and mould.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, maximum percent moisture, minimum percent alfalfa, and minimum percent grass.
- 1-100-002 Alfalfa hay sun-cured ground (or sun-cured alfalfa meal)
is the product that consists of the aerial part of the alfalfa plant (Medicago sativa) that has been sun-cured and finely ground. It shall be reasonably free of other crop plants, weeds, and mould.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-100-003 Alfalfa leaves meal dehydrated (or alfalfa leaf meal)
is the product that consists of alfalfa leaves separated from the alfalfa plant (Medicago sativa) that have been dried by thermal means under controlled conditions and finely ground. It shall be reasonably free of other crop plants, weeds, and mould.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-100-004 Alfalfa meal dehydrated
is the product that consists of the aerial part of the alfalfa plant (Medicago sativa), that has been finely ground and dried by thermal means under controlled conditions. It shall be reasonably free of other crop plants, weeds, and mould.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-100-005 Alfalfa stems sun-cured ground (or alfalfa stem meal)
is the product that consists of the finely ground sun-cured aerial part of the alfalfa plant (Medicago sativa) from which the leaves have been removed. It shall be reasonably free of other crop plants, weeds, and mould.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-100-006 Grass-alfalfa hay sun-cured ground (or grass-alfalfa meal)
is the product that consists of the aerial part of a mixture of grass and alfalfa plants (predominantly grass) that has been sun-cured and finely ground. It shall be reasonably free of other crop plants, weeds, and mould.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, maximum percent moisture, minimum percent alfalfa, and minimum percent grass.
- 1-100-007 Cellulose powdered (or cellulose)
is the purified, mechanically disintegrated polysaccharide consisting of glucose in a beta (1 to 4) linkage prepared by processing alpha cellulose obtained as a pulp from fibrous plant materials.
- 1-100-008 Cereals grass meal dehydrated (or dehydrated cereal grass)
is the product that consists of the aerial part of a cereal grass that has been finely ground and dried by thermal means under controlled conditions. It shall be reasonably free of other crop plants, weeds, and mould.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-100-009 Corn cobs dehydrated fine ground (or fine grind corn cob meal)
is the product that consists of the entire corn (Zea mays) cob that has been finely ground and dried by thermal means under controlled conditions.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-100-010 Corn cob fractions screened (or corn cob fractions)
is the product that consists of the hard woody, ring or beeswing fractions obtained by screening ground corn (Zea mays) cobs.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-100-011 Oats hulls
is the product that consists of the outer coverings of threshed oats (Avena sativa) and any by-product obtained in the milling of table cereals or in the groating of oats, from clean oats and containing more than 22% crude fibre.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-100-012 Oats groats by-product less than 22% fibre (or oat feed or oat mill by-product)
is the by-product obtained in the manufacture of oat (Avena sativa) groats, consisting of oat hulls and particles of the groat and containing not more than 22% crude fibre.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-100-013 Peanut hulls
is the product that consists of the outer hull or shell of the peanut (Arachis hypogaea).
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-100-014 Peanut skins
is the product that consists of the outer covering of the peanut (Arachis hypogaea) kernel, exclusive of hulls, as obtained in ordinary commercial processing. It may contain broken peanut kernels.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-100-015 Rice hulls
is the product that consists of the outer covering of the rice grain.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-100-016 Soybean hulls
is the product that consists of the outer covering of the soybean seed (Glycine max).
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-100-017 Sunflower hulls
is the product that consists of the outer covering of the sunflower seed.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-100-018 Jerusalem artichoke residues (or Helianthus tuberosus residues or Jerusalem artichoke aerial part residues)
is the product that consists of the press extract obtained after removal of the sugars from the aerial part of Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus), which has been ensiled at pH 4.1 to 4.3.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-100-019 Persian walnut shells ground (or Juglans regia ground shells or walnut shell meal)
is the product obtained by drying and grinding the fibrous outer covering or shell of the walnut (Juglans regia). It shall be free from foreign matter.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-100-020 Citrus pomace without fines dehydrated (or dried citrus pulp)
is the dried product obtained after grinding the peel, residue of the inside portions, and occasional cull fruits of the citrus family. It may contain other citrus by-products in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices. It may also contain calcium oxide or calcium hydroxide as a processing aid, which shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind or origin (for example, orange), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, maximum percent moisture, and maximum percent calcium.
- 1-100-021 Ground debarked aspen
is the product that consists of grade #2 aspen material derived from the sawing of green virgin (no pesticides used in culture) Aspen populus which has been debarked, and dried at a high temperature (exit temperature of 54.4°C).
It shall be labelled with guarantees for maximum percent moisture, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent ash.
- 1-100-022 Buckwheat hulls
is the product that consists primarily of the outer covering of the buckwheat grain (Fagopyrum esculentum) obtained in the milling of buckwheat flour.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-100-023 Cottonseed hulls
is the product that consists primarily of the outer covering of the cotton seed.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum crude percent protein, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-100-024 Yucca mohavensis pulp dehydrated (or Yucca schidigera pulp dehydrated)
is the product that consists of the dried fibrous residue of the aerial part of the Yucca plant (Yucca schidigera) from which the sap has been extracted.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for maximum percent moisture, minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent acid detergent fibre (ADF).
- 1-100-025 Barley grass powder
is the product that consists of the barley plant (Hordeum vulgare) harvested from the field to include the stems and leaves of the pre-flowering plant. It is dried to a maximum of 7% moisture by heat assisted air dryers and then ground.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-100-026 Alfalfa cubes dehydrated (or dehydrated alfalfa cubes)
is the product that consists of the aerial part of the alfalfa plant (Medicago sativa) that has been chopped, dried by thermal means under controlled conditions, and cubed. It shall be reasonably free of other crop plants, weeds, and mould.
If a pelleting aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum crude percent fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-100-027 Alfalfa corn cubes dehydrated (or corn alfalfa cubes dehydrated)
is the product that consists of the aerial parts of the alfalfa plant (Medicago sativa) and corn plant (Zea mays) that have been chopped, dried by thermal means under controlled conditions, and cubed. It shall be reasonably free of other crop plants, weeds, and mould.
If a pelleting aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, maximum percent moisture, minimum percent alfalfa, and minimum percent maize.
- 1-100-028 Alfalfa timothy cubes dehydrated (or timothy alfalfa cubes dehydrated)
is the product that consists of the aerial parts of the alfalfa plant (Medicago sativa) and timothy plant (Phleum pratense), that have been chopped, dried by thermal means under controlled conditions, and cubed. It shall be reasonably free of other crop plants, weeds, and mould.
If a pelleting aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, maximum percent moisture, minimum percent alfalfa, and minimum percent timothy.
- 1-100-029 Canola hulls
is the product that consists of the outer covering of whole seeds of the species Brassica napus, Brassica rapa, or Brassica juncea, the oil component of which seed contains less than 2% erucic acid and the solid component of which seed contains less than 30 micromoles of glucosinolates per gram of air dry, oil free solid (GLC method of the Canadian Grain Commission). The canola hulls are obtained as a by-product of the mechanical dehulling of canola seeds or as a by-product of the manufacturing of canola meal concentrate.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, maximum percent ash, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-100-030 Timothy meal
is the product that consists of the aerial parts of the timothy plant (Phleum pratense), that have been chopped, sun-cured or dried by thermal means under controlled conditions, and finely ground. It shall be reasonably free of other crop plants, weeds, and mould.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-100-031 Timothy pellets
is the product that consists of the aerial parts of the timothy plant (Phleum pratense), that have been chopped, sun-cured or dried by thermal means under controlled conditions, finely ground and pelleted. It shall be reasonably free of other crop plants, weeds, and mould.
If a pelleting aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-100-032 Timothy cubes
is the product that consists of the aerial parts of the timothy plant (Phleum pratense), that have been chopped, sun-cured or dried by thermal means under controlled conditions, and cubed. It shall be reasonably free of other crop plants, weeds, and mould.
If a pelleting aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-100-033 Canola fibre by-product
is the high fibre by-product resulting from the manufacture of canola protein hydrolysate (as defined in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table). It is dried using a rotary drum dryer.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, maximum percent crude fat, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-100-034 Cereal grain straw chopped (or cereal grain straw)
is the dry, sun-cured product consisting of the stalk portion of the cereal grain plant which is separated from the grain during harvesting. It may also be chopped. It shall be reasonably free of other crop plants, weeds, and mould. The term cereal grain refers to wheat, oats, rye, barley and triticale, solely or as a mixture thereof.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind or origin (for example, chopped wheat straw), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for maximum percent moisture, minimum percent crude fibre, minimum percent acid detergent fibre (ADF), and minimum percent neutral detergent fibre (NDF).
Class 2. Energy feeds
Feeds in this class have been approved for the purpose of predominately providing a source of energy.
- 2.1 Cereal grains
- 2.2 Milling by-products
- 2.3 Seed and mill screenings
- 2.4 Molasses and related products
- 2.5 Animal and plant fats and derived products
- 2.6 Fruit and vegetable derived products
- 2.7 Sugars and starches
2.1 Cereal grains
- 1-201-001 Barley cereals grain (or barley mixed grain)
is the product that consists of mixtures of grain traded on a sample basis. Barley (Hordeum vulgare) is the predominant grain.
- 1-201-002 Barley grain
is the product that consists of the whole grain of the barley plant (Hordeum vulgare).
- 1-201-003 Corn cereals grain (or cereals mixed grain)
is the product that consists of mixtures of grain traded on a sample basis. Corn (Zea mays) is the predominant grain.
- 1-201-004 Corn dent white grain
is the product that consists of the whole white corn (Zea mays) kernel.
- 1-201-005 Corn dent yellow grain
is the product that consists of the whole yellow corn (Zea mays) kernel.
- 1-201-006 Corn grain
is the product that consists of the whole corn (Zea mays) kernel.
- 1-201-007 Corn opaque 2 grain (high lysine)
is the product that consists of the whole opaque 2 corn (Zea mays) kernel (high lysine).
- 1-201-008 Oats cereals grain
is the product that consists of mixtures of grain traded on a sample basis. Oats is the predominant grain.
- 1-201-009 Oats grain
is the product that consists of the whole grain of the oat plant.
- 1-201-010 Mixed feed oats (or oats wild-oats-cereals grain)
means mixed feed oats referred to in the Off Grades of Grain and Grades of Screenings Order.
- 1-201-011 Rice grain
is the product that consists of the whole grain from the rice plant.
- 1-201-012 Rye cereals grain (or rye mixed grain)
is the product that consists of mixtures of grain traded on a sample basis. Rye (Secale cereal) is the predominant grain.
- 1-201-013 Rye grain
is the product that consists of the whole grain of the rye plant (Secale cereal).
- 1-201-014 Sorghum grain
is the product that consists of the whole grain of the sorghum plant.
- 1-201-015 Sorghum milo grain (or milo)
is the product that consists of the whole grain of the sorghum plant of the milo variety.
- 1-201-016 Wheat cereals grain
is the product that consists of mixtures of grain traded on a sample basis. Wheat is the predominant grain.
- 1-201-017 Wheat grain
is the product that consists of the whole grain of the wheat plant.
- 1-201-018 Buckwheat grain
is the product that consists of the whole grain of the buckwheat plant (Fagopyrum esculentum).
- 1-201-019 Triticale grain
is the product that consists of the whole grain of the triticale plant (Triticale hexaploide).
- 1-201-020 High available phosphorus barley grain (or low phytate barley)
is the product that consists of the whole grain of the barley plant (Hordeum vulgare) with a total phosphorus content of not less than 0.30% t, a phytate phosphorus content of not more than 0.14% and an available phosphorus content of not less than 0.21% on an as fed basis.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent available phosphorus, and minimum percent total phosphorus.
- 1-201-021 Hulless oats
is the product that consists of the whole grain of the oat plant (Avena sativa) of the hulless variety.
2.2 Milling by-products
- 1-202-001 Barley mill run (or barley mixed feed or barley mill by-product)
is the product that consists of the entire by-product from the milling of barley flour from clean barley (Hordeum vulgare). It is composed of barley hulls and barley middlings.
- 1-202-002 Barley pearl by-product (or barley feed)
consists of the entire by-product resulting from the manufacture of pearl barley from clean barley (Hordeum vulgare).
- 1-202-003 Corn bran
is the product that consists of the outer coating of the corn (Zea mays) kernel with little or none of the starchy part or germ.
- 1-202-004 Corn ears ground (or corn and cob meal)
is the product that consists of the entire ground ear of corn (Zea mays), including the kernels, without husks, with no greater proportion of cob than occurs naturally in the ear.
- 1-202-005 Corn flour
is the product that consists of the fine sized hard flinty portions of ground corn (Zea mays) containing little or none of the bran or germ.
- 1-202-006 Corn grain fines (or corn feed meal)
is the product that consists of the fine siftings obtained from screened cracked corn (Zea mays), with or without its aspiration products added.
- 1-202-007 Corn grits (or hominy grits)
is the product that consists of the medium sized hard flinty portions of ground corn (Zea mays) containing little or none of the bran or germ.
- 1-202-008 Corn grits by-product (or hominy feed)
is the product that consists of a mixture of corn bran, corn germ and part of the starchy portion of either white or yellow corn (Zea mays) kernels or mixture thereof, as produced in the manufacture of pearl hominy, hominy grits or table meal.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind or origin (for example, white or yellow), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
It shall contain not less than 4% crude fat.
- 1-202-009 Corn extractives fermented condensed
is the product obtained by the partial removal of water from the liquid resulting from steeping corn in a water and sulfur dioxide solution that is allowed to ferment by the action of naturally occurring lactic acid producing microorganisms, as practiced in the wet milling of corn.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, and minimum percent dry matter.
- 1-202-010 Oats groats
is the product that consists of cleaned oats (Avena sativa) without hulls.
- 1-202-011 Rice bran with germs (or rice bran)
is the product that consists of the pericarp or bran layer and germ of rice, with only such quantity of hull fragments, chipped, broken, or brewer's rice, and calcium carbonate as is unavoidable in the regular milling of edible rice.
It shall contain less than 13% crude fibre.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for maximum percent calcium when the calcium carbonate content exceeds 3%.
- 1-202-012 Rye flour by-product less than 8.5% fibre (or rye middlings)
is the product that consists of rye (Secale cereal) feed and rye red dog combined in the proportions obtained in the usual process of milling rye flour.
It shall contain less than 8.5% crude fibre.
- 1-202-013 Soybean flour by-product (or soybean mill feed)
is the product that consists of soybean (Glycine max) hulls and the by-product from the tail of the mill resulting from the manufacture of soy grits or flour.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-202-014 Wheat bran
is the product that consists of the coarse outer covering of the wheat kernel as separated from cleaned and scoured wheat in the usual process of commercial flour milling.
- 1-202-015 Wheat flour less than 1.5% fibre
is the product that consists principally of wheat flour together with fine particles of wheat bran, wheat germ and the by-product from the "tail of the mill". It must be obtained in the usual process of commercial flour milling.
It shall contain less than 1.5% crude fibre.
- 1-202-016 Wheat middlings (or wheat flour by-product less than 7% fibre)
is the product that consists of a small proportion of fine bran particles, germ and a large proportion of floury endosperm particles as separated in the usual processes of commercial flour milling.
It shall contain less than 7% crude fibre.
- 1-202-017 Wheat shorts (or wheat flour by-product less than 9.5% fibre)
is the product that consists of the fine bran particles, germ and a small proportion of floury endosperm particles as separated in the usual processes of commercial flour milling.
It shall contain less than 9.5% crude fibre.
- 1-202-018 Wheat mill run (or wheat mill run less than 9.5% crude fibre)
is the product that consists of all parts of the wheat kernel, except the flour, as separated in the usual processes of commercial flour milling. The parts included are wheat bran, wheat shorts and wheat middlings.
It shall contain less than 9.5% crude fibre.
- 1-202-019 Rice bran with germs meal solvent extracted (or rice bran solvent extracted)
is the product obtained by removing part of the oil from rice bran by the use of solvents.
It shall contain not less than 14% crude protein and not more than 14% crude fibre.
- 1-202-020 Kibbled corn (or corn kibbled)
is the dry product obtained by cooking cracked corn (Zea mays) under steam pressure and extruding it from an expeller or other mechanical pressure device.
- 1-202-021 Rice groats polished broken (or broken rice or brewer's rice)
is the product that consists of the small fragments of rice kernels that have been separated from the larger kernels of milled rice.
- 1-202-022 Buckwheat middlings
is the product that consists of the fine bran particles, germ and a small proportion of floury endosperm particles as separated in the usual processes of commercial buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum) flour milling.
It shall contain less than 10% crude fibre.
- 1-202-023 Flaked corn
is the product obtained by running cracked corn (Zea mays) which has been aspirated and properly tempered, over smooth flaking rolls and subsequently dried and cooled.
- 1-202-024 Rye flour
is the product that consists of the soft, finely ground meal obtained from the milling of the rye grain (Secale cereal). It primarily consists of the starch and gluten of the endosperm but may contain fine particles of the bran, germ and the by-product from the "tail of the mill".
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for maximum percent crude fibre.
- 1-202-025 Feeding oat meal (or oats cereal by-product less than 4% fibre)
is the product obtained from the manufacture of rolled oat groats or rolled oats and consists of broken oat groats, oat groat chips, and floury portions of the oat groats, exclusive of finely ground oat hulls except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices.
It must not contain more than 4% crude fibre.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-202-026 Canola hulls with solubles
is the product that consists of canola hulls and solubles derived from the manufacturing of canola meal protein concentrate (as defined in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table). The solubles consists of the water-soluble non-protein material obtained from the canola meal protein concentrate manufacturing process. The canola hulls and solubles shall be present in a ratio of 2:1.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, maximum percent ash, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-202-027 Distillers' wet corn fibre (or corn wet distillers' fibre)
is the product obtained following the mechanical separation of fibre from liquefied corn grain slurry enzymatically treated to hydrolyze starch from a process of ethanol production for human beverage or fuel. This process shall be conducted using approved grains and processing additives.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, maximum percent acid detergent fibre (ADF), maximum percent neutral detergent fibre (NDF), maximum percent starch, and maximum percent of moisture.
- 1-202-028 Whole corn germ wet milled dehydrated (or dried whole corn germ wet milled)
is the dried by-product obtained from the wet milling process of corn. It consists of the dried whole corn germ without other parts of the corn kernel and from which the oil has not been removed. This ingredient is approved for use as a source of dietary energy and protein in livestock feeds.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a preservative is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
2.3 Seed and mill screenings
- 1-203-001 Cereals grain screenings grade 1 (or No. 1 feed screenings)
is the product that consists of cereal grain screenings (that is from wheat, oats, rye, barley and triticale, solely or a mixture thereof) conforming to the No. 1 Feed Screenings standard referred to in the Off Grades of Grain and Grades of Screenings Order.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind (for example, wheat grain screenings grade 1) or form (for example, pelleted), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If a pelleting aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
- 1-203-002 Cereals grain screenings grade 2 (or No. 2 feed screenings)
is the product that consists of cereal grain screenings (that is from wheat, oats, rye, barley and triticale, solely or a mixture thereof) conforming to the No. 2 Feed Screenings standard referred to in the Off Grades of Grain and Grades of Screenings Order.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind (for example, wheat grain screenings grade 2) or form (for example, pelleted), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If a pelleting aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
- 1-203-003 Cereals grain screenings refuse (or refuse screenings)
is the product that consists of cereal grain screenings (that is from wheat, oats, rye, barley and triticale, solely or a mixture thereof) conforming to the Refuse Screenings standard referred to in the Off Grades of Grain and Grades of Screenings Order.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind (for example, barley grain screening refuse) or form (for example, pelleted), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If a pelleting aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
- 1-203-004 Cereals grain screenings uncleaned (or uncleaned screenings)
is the product that consists of cereal grain screenings (that is from wheat, oats, rye, barley and triticale, solely or a mixture thereof) conforming to the Uncleaned Screenings standard referred to in the Off Grades of Grain and Grades of Screenings Order.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind (for example, rye grain screenings uncleaned) or form (for example, pelleted), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If a pelleting aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
- 1-203-005 Pulse grain screenings grade 1 (or No. 1 feed screenings pulse grains)
is the product that consists of pulse grain screenings (that is from chickpeas, lentils, peas and beans, solely or a mixture thereof) conforming to the No. 1 Feed Screenings standard referred to in the Off Grades of Grain and Grades of Screenings Order.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind (for example, lentil screenings grade 1) or form (for example, pelleted), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If a pelleting aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
- 1-203-006 Pulse grain screenings grade 2 (or No. 2 feed screenings pulse grains)
is the product that consists of pulse grain screenings (that is from chickpeas, lentils, peas and beans, solely or a mixture thereof) conforming to the No. 2 Feed Screenings standard referred to in the Off Grades of Grain and Grades of Screenings Order.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind (for example, lentil screenings grade 2) or form (for example, pelleted), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If a pelleting aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
- 1-203-007 Pulse grain screenings refuse (or refuse screenings pulse grains)
is the product that consists of pulse grain screenings (that is from chickpeas, lentils, peas and beans, solely or a mixture thereof) conforming to the Refuse Screenings standard referred to in the Off Grades of Grain and Grades of Screenings Order.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind (for example, lentil screenings refuse) or form (for example, pelleted), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If a pelleting aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
- 1-203-008 Pulse grain screenings uncleaned (or uncleaned screenings pulse grains)
is the product that consists of pulse grain screenings (that is from chickpeas, lentils, peas and beans, solely or a mixture thereof) conforming to the Uncleaned Screenings standard referred to in the Off Grades of Grain and Grades of Screenings Order.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind (for example, lentil screenings uncleaned) or form (for example, pelleted), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If a pelleting aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
2.4 Molasses and related products
- 1-204-001 Beet sugar molasses (or beet molasses)
is the by-product from the manufacturing or refining of sucrose from sugar beets.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent total sugars expressed as inverted.
- 1-204-002 Beet sugar pulp dehydrated (or dried beet pulp)
is the product that consists of the dried residue from sugar beets that have been cleaned and freed from the crowns, leaves and sand and that have been extracted in the process of manufacturing sugar.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent moisture, and maximum percent crude fibre.
- 1-204-003 Beet sugar pulp dehydrated with molasses
is the product that consists of the dried residue from sugar beets that have been cleaned and freed from the crowns, leaves and sand and which has been extracted in the process of manufacturing sugar, to which has been added molasses.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent invert sugars, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-204-004 Beet sugar molasses dehydrated with soybean mill run
is the product that consists of a free-flowing and friable dried molasses product made by dehydrating beet sugar molasses that has been mixed with soybean mill run.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent invert sugars, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-204-005 Beet sugar molasses dehydrated with corn cob fractions
is the product that consists of a free-flowing and friable dried molasses product made by dehydrating beet sugar molasses that has been mixed with corn cob fractions.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent invert sugars, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-204-006 Sugarcane molasses
is the by-product from the manufacturing or refining of sucrose from sugarcane.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent total sugars expressed as invert.
- 1-204-007 Sugarcane molasses distillers' solubles condensed (or molasses distillers' condensed solubles)
is the product obtained by condensing to a syrupy consistency the residue from the yeast fermentation of sugarcane molasses after the removal of alcohol by distillation.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for maximum percent moisture.
- 1-204-008 Sugarcane molasses dehydrated with soybean mill run
is the product that consists of a free flowing and friable dried molasses product made by dehydrating sugarcane molasses that has been mixed with soybean mill run.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent invert sugars, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-204-009 Beet sugar pulp
is the product that consists of the residue from sugar beets that have been cleaned and freed from the crowns, leaves and sand and that have been extracted in the process of manufacturing sugar.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent moisture, and maximum percent crude fibre.
- 1-204-010 Sugarcane molasses dehydrated with corn cob fractions
is the product that consists of a free flowing and friable dried molasses product made by dehydrating sugarcane molasses that has been mixed with corn cob fractions.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent invert sugars, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-204-011 Sugarcane molasses dehydrated with sunflower hulls
is the product that consists of a free flowing and friable dried molasses product made by dehydrating sugarcane molasses that has been mixed with sunflower hulls.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent invert sugars, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-204-012 Malt extract syrup
is the human food grade product resulting from the multi-stage conversion of barley to produce a fully soluble syrup.
- 1-204-013 Beet sugar Steffens filtrate condensed (or condensed Steffens filtrate)
is the by-product of the recovery of sucrose from beet molasses by precipitation with calcium oxide.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
2.5 Animal and plant fats and derived products
- 1-205-001 Animal fat (or feeding fat)
is the product that consists of the fat obtained from the tissues of mammals or poultry or both through the commercial process of rendering or extracting.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind or origin (for example, bovine, bovine and porcine, bovine and poultry, poultry and ovine, poultry, tallow, lard, grease), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If this product is totally or in part ruminant origin it may not contain more than 0.15% insoluble impurities as determined using the methodology approved by the American Oil Chemists Society (AOCS official method Ca 3a-46). Products which are not clearly identified as being of non-ruminant origin must contain no more than 0.15% insoluble impurities.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a preservative is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for maximum percent moisture, maximum percent insoluble matter, maximum percent unsaponifiable matter, and maximum percent free fatty acid.
- 1-205-002 Animal vegetable fat (or animal vegetable feeding fat or yellow grease)
is the product that consists of animal fat (as defined in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table) and vegetable oil in any combination and includes fat used to manufacture foods for human consumption as well as fats used in food service establishments.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind or origin (for example, poultry feeding fat), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label. The fat shall be further processed such that the end product contains no more than 0.15% insoluble impurities as determined using the methodology approved by the American Oil Chemists Society (AOCS official method Ca 3a-46). It shall be free of chemical residues resulting from cleaning of food and fat processing equipment (for example, cleaning agents, degreasers, disinfectants, etc.).
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for maximum percent moisture, maximum percent insoluble matter, maximum percent unsaponifiable matter, and maximum percent free fatty acid.
- 1-205-003 Canola oil (or canola oil low erucic acid low glucosinolates)
is the oil extracted from whole seeds of the species Brassica napus, Brassica rapa, or Brassica juncea, the oil component of which the seed contains less than 2% erucic acid and the solid component of which the seed contains less than 30 micromoles of any one or any mixture of 3-butenyl glucosinolate, 4-pentenyl glucosinolate, 2-hydroxy-3-butenyl glucosinolate and 2-hydroxy-4-pentenyl glucosinolate per gram of air dry, oil-free solid (GLC method of the Canadian Grain Commission). It does not contain the prepress solvent extracted oil from the whole seeds of Brassica napus which is developed to synthesize omega-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 LC-PUFAs).
The oil may be crude or refined, bleached and deodorized. It shall have a saponification value (milligrams potassium hydroxide per gram of oil) of not less than 182 and not more than 193. It shall have an erucic acid content of less than 2% (weight/weight) of the component fatty acids.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for maximum percent moisture, maximum percent insoluble matter, maximum percent unsaponifiable matter, maximum percent free fatty acids, and maximum percent erucic acid.
- 1-205-004 Coconut oil
is the oil extracted from the whole kernels of Cocos nucifera L. It consists predominantly of glyceride esters of fatty acids.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for maximum percent moisture, maximum percent insoluble matter, maximum percent unsaponifiable matter, and maximum percent free fatty acids.
- 1-205-005 Corn oil (or corn endosperm oil)
is the oil extracted from corn gluten. It consists predominantly of glyceride esters of fatty acids.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for maximum percent moisture, maximum percent insoluble matter, maximum percent unsaponifiable matter, and maximum percent free fatty acids.
- 1-205-006 Soybean oil (or soya oil or soy oil)
is the oil from soybean seeds that are commonly processed for edible purposes. It consists predominantly of glyceride esters of fatty acids. If partially hydrogenated, it shall be so indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for maximum percent moisture, maximum percent insoluble matter, maximum percent unsaponifiable matter, and maximum percent free fatty acids.
- 1-205-008 Vegetable oil
is the product of vegetable origin obtained by extracting the oil from seeds or fruits that are commonly processed for edible purposes. It does not include oil that has been used in the manufacture of human foods, used in food service establishments or omega-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids canola oil. It consists predominantly of glyceride esters of fatty acids and contains no additions of free fatty acids or other materials obtained from fats.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind or origin (for example, safflower oil), it must correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent total fatty acids, maximum percent moisture, maximum percent unsaponifiable matter, and maximum percent insoluble matter.
- 1-205-009 Animal fat hydrolyzed
is the dry residue obtained during the fat processing procedures commonly used in edible processing or soap making. It consists predominantly of fatty acids and must contain not less than 85% total fatty acids, not more than 6% unsaponifiable matter, and not more than 1% insoluble matter.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude fat, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-205-010 Animal plant distillers' residue (or animal vegetable fat residues)
is the product that consists of a combination of residues obtained from the distillation of animal and vegetable fat based fatty acids. It consists predominantly of glyceride esters of fatty acids and may contain unconverted fat or oil, undistilled fatty acids and unsaponifiable matter.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for maximum percent moisture, maximum percent insoluble matter, maximum percent unsaponifiable matter, and maximum percent free fatty acids.
- 1-205-011 Acidulated soapstock (or acidulated fatty acids)
is the by-product of the refining of oil from oilseed crops, that has been acidulated and hot water washed to recover the fatty material from the water phase. It consists predominantly of fatty acids, phosphatides and triglycerides together with trace amounts of salt, phosphoric acid, oil and gums.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind or origin (for example, corn), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for maximum percent moisture, maximum percent insoluble matter, maximum percent unsaponifiable matter, and maximum percent free fatty acids.
- 1-205-012 Calcium isobutyrate
is the calcium salt of isobutyric acid.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent of the calcium salt of isobutyric acid equivalent, minimum percent isobutyric acid, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-205-013 Calcium isovalerate
is the calcium salt of isovaleric acid.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent of the calcium salt of isovaleric acid equivalent, minimum percent isovaleric acid, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-205-014 Calcium 2-methylbutyrate
is the calcium salt of 2-methylbutyric acid.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent of the calcium salt of 2-methylbutyric acid equivalent, minimum percent 2-methylbutyric acid, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-205-015 Calcium n-valerate
is the calcium salt of n-valeric acid.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent of the calcium salt of n-valeric acid equivalent, minimum percent n-valeric acid, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-205-016 Glycerides hydrogenated (or hydrogenated glycerides)
is the product obtained by hydrogenation of animal, marine or vegetable oil glycerides.
The source of the hydrogenated glycerides shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for maximum percent moisture, maximum percent insoluble matter, maximum percent unsaponifiable matter, and maximum percent free fatty acids.
- 1-205-017 Cephalopod mollusc oil
is the product that consists of the oil extracted from the tissues of cephalopod molluscs.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind (for example, liver) or origin (for example, squid, cuttlefish, octopus), it shall correspond thereto and may be indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for maximum percent moisture, maximum percent insoluble matter, maximum percent unsaponifiable matter, and maximum percent free fatty acids.
- 1-205-018 Partially hydrogenated animal fat
is the product that consists of animal fat which has been hydrogenated in order to partially saturate some of the unsaturated fatty acids.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind or origin (for example, poultry, swine, tallow, lard, grease), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If this ingredient is of (or potentially of) ruminant origin it may not contain more than 0.15% insoluble impurities. Products which are not clearly identified as being of non-ruminant origin must contain less than 0.15% insoluble impurities.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for maximum percent moisture, maximum percent insoluble matter, maximum percent unsaponifiable matter, maximum percent free fatty acids, and minimum milligrams of iodine per kilogram.
- 1-205-019 Hydrogenated vegetable oil
is the product that consists of distilled vegetable oil to which hydrogen has been added under pressure, in order to saturate some of the unsaturated fatty acids.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind or origin (for example, safflower), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for maximum percent moisture, maximum percent insoluble matter, maximum percent unsaponifiable matter, and maximum percent free fatty acids.
- 1-205-020 Wheat germ oil
is the oil, primarily the glyceride esters of fatty acids, extracted from wheat germ.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for maximum percent moisture, maximum percent insoluble matter, maximum percent unsaponifiable matter, and maximum percent free fatty acids.
- 1-205-021 Flax oil (or linseed oil)
is the oil, primarily the glyceride esters of fatty acids, extracted from flax seeds. It contains no additions of free fatty acids or other material obtained from fats.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent total fatty acids, maximum percent free fatty acids, maximum percent moisture, maximum percent unsaponifiable matter, and maximum percent insoluble matter.
- 1-205-022 Rice bran oil
is the oil, primarily the glyceride esters of fatty acids, extracted from rice bran. It shall not contain more than 1% insoluble impurities.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent total fatty acids, maximum percent unsaponifiable matter, maximum percent free fatty acids, maximum percent insoluble impurities, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-205-023 Fish oil
is the oil obtained from the tissues of sound, undecomposed fish. It contains no additions of free fatty acids or other material obtained from fats that are of animal or plant origin.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind or origin (for example, salmon), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for maximum percent moisture, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent free fatty acids, minimum International Units of vitamin A per kilogram, and minimum International Units of vitamin D per kilogram.
- 1-205-024 Dried egg yolk
is the product containing a minimum of 50% crude fat and is produced by spray drying the yolk of chicken eggs, exclusive of albumen, shells and non-egg products except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices.
If a conditioning agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used in an amount not to exceed 0.5% by weight, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent ash, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-205-025 Vegetable processing oil (or spent vegetable oil)
is the vegetable oil obtained by extracting oil from seeds or fruits that are commonly processed for edible purposes (excluding omega-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids canola oil) that has been used in the manufacture of plant-based human foods (for example, the manufacturing of french fries). It shall not contain oil used to process meat or meat-by products, or oil used in food service establishments. The oil shall be further processed such that the end product contains no more than 0.15% insoluble impurities as determined using the methodology approved by the American Oil Chemists Society (AOCS official method Ca 3a-46). It shall be free of chemical residues resulting from the cleaning of food and fat processing equipment (for example, cleaning agents, degreasers, disinfectants, etc.).
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for maximum percent moisture, maximum percent insoluble matter, maximum percent unsaponifiable matter, and maximum percent free fatty acid.
- 1-205-026 Dried crude corn oil gums
is the by-product of the edible corn oil degumming process in which the crude corn oil obtained from wet milling is further processed by being acidified, filtered, hydrated and then centrifuged to separate the wet gums from corn oil. The wet gums are then dehydrated to produce dried corn oil gums. The production process shall use approved processing additives.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent moisture, and maximum percent free fatty acids.
- 1-205-027 Corn syrup process residue (or corn syrup refinery insolubles)
is the product that consists predominantly of the fatty fraction of corn starch together with protein and residual carbohydrates obtained in the refining of corn syrup.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent ash, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-205-028 Camelina oil mechanical extracted (or camelina oil cold-pressed mechanical extracted or Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz oil cold-pressed mechanical extracted)
is the oil obtained by a cold-pressed mechanical extraction process from selected, sound, cleaned, whole seeds of the species Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz. It shall have an erucic acid content of less than 3.5% (weight/weight) of the total fatty acid content and shall also have an unsaponifiable matter concentration of not more than 1.5%. This ingredient is approved for use as a source of dietary energy in an amount not to exceed 13% of the total diet for salmonid fish.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and its common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as a source of dietary energy in an amount not to exceed 13% of the total diet for salmonid fish."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for maximum percent moisture, maximum percent insoluble matter, maximum percent unsaponifiable matter, maximum percent free fatty acids, minimum percent total fatty acids, and maximum percent erucic acid.
2.6 Fruit and vegetable derived products
- 1-206-001 Glycerin (or glycerol or 1,2,3-propanetriol)
is 1,2,3-propanetriol, generally expressed as HOCH2CH(OH)CH2OH, and having the CAS# 56-81-5, obtained from the saponification of vegetable or animal fats and oils during the manufacturing of soap and fatty acids. It shall contain not less than 95% glycerol and must meet the specification for Food Chemicals Codex (FCC) grade (food grade).
This ingredient is approved for use as a source of energy in an amount not to exceed 10% of the total diet for swine and ruminants.
Note: glycerin is also approved under subclass 6.10 with ingredient number 1-610-008 and subclass 6.22 with ingredient number 1-622-007.
- 1-206-002 Apple pomace dehydrated (or dried apple pomace)
is the product that consists of the sound dried residue obtained by the removal of cider from apples.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
Caution/Précaution :
"Do not feed to poultry. / Ne pas servir à la volaille."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent moisture, and maximum percent crude fibre.
- 1-206-003 Apple pomace fresh (or wet apple pomace)
is the product that consists of the sound residue obtained by the removal of cider from apples.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
Caution/Précaution :
"Do not feed to poultry. / Ne pas servir à la volaille."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent moisture, and maximum percent crude fibre.
- 1-206-004 Apples fresh crushed (or fresh crushed apples)
is the product that consists of sound, properly ripened apples which have been washed, sorted and crushed in accordance with good manufacturing practices. The product must meet all standards for human consumption.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
Caution/Précaution :
"Do not feed to poultry. / Ne pas servir à la volaille."
- 1-206-005 Dehydrated apples
is the product that consists of sound, properly ripened apples which have been washed, mechanically peeled, cored, sorted, trimmed, cut to the desired size and properly dried to not more than 3.5% moisture by weight in accordance with good manufacturing practices. It may or may not be treated with sodium sulfate (at a rate of 500-1500 mg/kg of product) or an approved preservative (for example, erythorbic acid, citric acid or their salts). The product must meet all standards for human consumption. This ingredient is approved for use as a source of energy in an amount not to exceed 10% of the total diet for livestock species.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
Caution/Précaution :
"Do not feed to poultry. / Ne pas servir à la volaille."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for maximum percent moisture.
Note: dehydrated apples is also approved under subclass 6.17 with ingredient number 1-617-391.
- 1-206-006 Fresh carrots (or carrot root fresh ground)
is the product that consists of sound carrot roots which have been washed and sorted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. The product must meet all standards for human consumption.
- 1-206-007 Processed cassava root (or processed cassava root sun-cured)
is the product that consists of the whole cassava root that has been mechanically chipped into small pieces and sun-dried on concrete surfaces for 2 to 3 days. It shall be free of sand and other debris except for that which occurs unavoidably as a result of good harvesting practices. The levels of HCN (hydrogen cyanide) equivalents (HCN, linamarin and cyanohydrins combined) shall not exceed 50 milligrams HCN equivalent per kilogram of product in the complete feed. This ingredient is approved for use as a source of energy in an amount not to exceed 40% of the complete feed for swine and cattle, and in an amount not to exceed 20% of the complete feed for all other livestock species.
It shall be labelled with the following statements:
"This ingredient is approved for use as a source of energy in an amount not to exceed 40% of the complete feed for swine and cattle."
"This ingredient is approved for use as a source of energy in an amount not to exceed 20% of the complete feed for all other livestock species."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for maximum percent moisture, and maximum milligrams of HCN equivalents per kilogram.
- 1-206-008 Fresh garden beets (or garden beet root fresh)
is the product that consists of the sound roots of the garden beet plant, which have been washed and sorted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. The product must meet all standards for human consumption.
- 1-206-009 Sweet potatoes fresh (or fresh sweet potatoes)
is the product that consists of the sound tuberous roots of the sweet potato plant (Ipomoea batatas), which have been washed and sorted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. The product must meet all standards for human consumption.
- 1-206-010 Vegetable process residue wet (or wet vegetable process residue)
is the product that consists of the wet residue generated from the processing of washed, sorted vegetables for human consumption. It may contain any or all of the following: fresh, blanched or frozen vegetable by-products, peelings, trimmings, off-coloured vegetables and other culls. It excludes rotten vegetables.
It shall not contain waste by-products generated by the use of chemical processing aids unapproved for livestock feed (for example, flocculants, coagulants, anti-foaming agents, etc.).
The vegetables shall be picked up often such that no decomposition is evident.
If the ingredient contains raw potatoes, it shall be labelled with the following statement:
"It is recommended that whole raw potatoes in this ingredient be chopped as there is a potential choking hazard. / Il est recommandé de hacher les pommes de terre crues entières pour éviter les dangers d'étouffement."
- 1-206-011 Potatoes cull and/or sound fresh (or cull and/or sound potatoes fresh)
is the product that consists of fresh whole sound potatoes and/or potato culls that have been pre-sorted to exclude rotten, sprouted or green potatoes. It may contain any or all of the following cull potatoes: cut or bruised potatoes, potatoes which are odd shaped or odd sized, hollow heart potatoes, or potatoes that have been mechanically injured at harvest. It shall be free of soil and other debris, except for that which occurs unavoidably as a result of good harvesting practices.
It shall not contain waste by-products that result from processes that use chemical processing aids (for example, flocculants, coagulants, anti-foaming agents, etc.) unapproved for livestock feed use. The potatoes shall be picked up often such that no decomposition is evident. This ingredient is approved for use as an energy source in cattle diets.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"It is recommended that whole raw potatoes in this ingredient be chopped as there is a potential choking hazard. / Il est recommandé de hacher les pommes de terre crues entières pour éviter les dangers d'étouffement."
- 1-206-012 Potato process residue raw wet (or wet raw potato process residue)
is the product that consists of the wet residue generated from the manufacture of processed potato products for human consumption. It may contain any or all of the following: potato culls (that have been pre-sorted to exclude rotten, sprouted or green potatoes), potato slivers, potato peels, dry starch, wet recovered starch and processed battered or unbattered potato products. The product shall not contain more than 3% calcium hydroxide that may be added as a processing aid.
It shall not contain waste by-products generated with the use of chemical processing aids (for example, flocculants, coagulants, anti-foaming agents, etc.) unapproved for livestock feed use. The potatoes shall be picked up often such that no decomposition is evident. This ingredient is approved for use as a source of energy in cattle diets.
- 1-206-013 Potato process residue heat-treated wet (or heat-treated potato process residue)
is the product that consists of the steamed or heat-treated residue generated from the manufacturing of processed potato products for human consumption. It may contain any or all of the following: potato slivers, potato peels and heat-treated processed frozen battered or unbattered potato products that have been pre-sorted to exclude rotten, green or sprouted potatoes. The product shall not contain more than 3% calcium hydroxide that may be added as a processing aid.
It shall not contain waste by-products generated with the use of chemical processing aids (for example, flocculants, coagulants, anti-foaming agents, etc.) unapproved for livestock feed use.
The potatoes shall be picked up often such that no decomposition is evident. This ingredient is approved for use as a source of energy in swine and cattle diets.
- 1-206-014 Corn kernels heat processed (or whole corn heat processed)
is the product resulting from heating whole corn kernels without removing any of the component parts.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, and maximum percent crude fibre.
- 1-206-015 Dried broccoli powder (or broccoli meal dehydrated)
is the product that consists of the aerial parts of the broccoli plant that have been dried by thermal means and finely ground. It shall be processed in accordance with good manufacturing practices and be reasonably free of other crop plants, weeds and moulds. It shall also be free of harmful microorganisms and not contain more than 8% moisture content by weight. The source of the broccoli shall come from food processing plants only, with no chemicals added. This ingredient is approved for use as a source of energy in an amount not to exceed 3% of the total diet for poultry.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as a source of energy in an amount not to exceed 3% of the total diet for poultry."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-206-016 Tomato pomace dehydrated (or dried tomato pomace)
is the product that consists of the dried mixture of tomato skins, pulp and crushed seeds. If the pomace contains spices used in the production of a tomato product, the name of this pomace product shall be "tomato pomace spiced dehydrated".
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, and maximum percent crude fibre.
- 1-206-017 Dried sweet potato
is the product that consists of sound tuberous roots of the sweet potato plant (Ipomoea batatas), which have been sorted to meet all standards for human consumption. Sweet potatoes are washed, shredded and dried in accordance with good manufacturing practices.
This ingredient is approved for use as a source of energy in livestock feeds.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
2.7 Sugars and starches
- 1-207-001 Lactose
is the disaccharide generally expressed as C12H22O11 and is composed of galactose and glucose.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent lactose.
- 1-207-002 Corn starch
is the granular polymer composed of glucose monomers in the form of amylose and amylopectin obtained by separation from the mature seed endosperm of corn.
- 1-207-003 Maltodextrins
is the dried purified concentrated product of nutritive saccharides derived from corn starch and having a dextrose equivalent less than 20.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum dextrose equivalent (DE) (as determined by A.O.A.C. method 31.245, 14th edition).
- 1-207-004 Corn syrup
is the purified concentrated aqueous solution of nutritive saccharides obtained from corn starch and having a dextrose equivalent not less than 20.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum dextrose equivalent (DE) (as determined by A.O.A.C. method 31.245, 14th edition).
- 1-207-005 Beet sugar (or sucrose from beet sugar)
is the disaccharide composed of glucose and fructose and is obtained from sugar beets.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent primary sugar.
- 1-207-006 D-Glucose (or dextrose)
is a monosaccharide hexose.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent glucose.
- 1-207-007 Honey bee honey (or honey)
is the sweet viscid liquid elaborated out of the nectar of flower blossoms in the honey sac of Apis mellifera.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent invert sugar.
- 1-207-008 Sugarcane sugar (or sucrose from sugarcane sugar)
is the disaccharide containing glucose and fructose obtained from sugarcane.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent primary sugar.
- 1-207-009 Dextrin
is the dried product obtained from partial hydrolysis of the starch derived from corn, milo, potato, wheat, rice or sago.
- 1-207-010 Corn syrup dehydrated (or dried corn syrup)
is the purified, concentrated aqueous solution of nutritive saccharides obtained from corn starch having a dextrose equivalent of 20 or more.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum dextrose equivalent (DE) (as determined by A.O.A.C. method 31.245, 14th edition).
- 1-207-011 Wheat starch
is the granular polymer consisting of amylose and amylopectin which has been separated from the mature seed endosperm of wheat.
- 1-207-012 Fructose
is the monosaccharide, generally expressed as C6H1206, derived from the chemical treatment of starch. It may contain 1 or both anomer forms of fructose; B-D-fructopyranose and B-D-fructofuranose.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent fructose.
- 1-207-013 Unmodified potato starch (or potato starch unmodified)
is the native starch consisting of amylose and amylopectin, obtained by counter-current washing and heat drying of the starch slurry derived from the cutting of potatoes (Solanum tuberosum) during processing for human consumption. This ingredient is approved for use as an energy source in livestock feeds.
If a processing aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent total starch, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-207-014 Condensed deproteinized cattle whey permeate (or deproteinized whey permeate)
is the liquid, condensed product remaining after the removal of whey protein through ultra-filtration and without the removal of lactose from clarified, skimmed and concentrated cattle whey obtained from the cheese-making process.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent lactose, maximum percent moisture, minimum percent sodium, maximum percent crude protein, and maximum percent ash.
- 1-207-015 Concentrated milk permeate dehydrated (or concentrated spray-dried milk permeate or concentrated milk permeate powder)
is the concentrated, spray-dried product remaining after the removal of milk proteins through the pasteurization and ultra- filtration of raw milk, without the removal of lactose. The resulting milk permeate is concentrated using reverse osmosis prior to spray drying.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent lactose, maximum percent moisture, maximum percent crude protein, and maximum percent ash.
- 1-207-016 Liquid concentrated deproteinized cattle whey permeate (or liquid cattle whey permeate concentrated and deproteinized)
is the liquid product remaining after the removal of milk proteins through the pasteurization and ultra-filtration of sweet whey obtained from the cheese-making process, without the removal of lactose. Water is subsequently removed from the resulting whey permeate to concentrate it, using reverse osmosis.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent lactose, maximum percent moisture, maximum percent crude protein, and maximum percent ash.
- 1-207-017 Pea starch
is the native starch consisting of amylose and amylopectin, obtained mechanically (by air classification) from dehulled, dry milled field peas (Pisum sativum). It contains a minimum of 65% starch on a dry matter basis. This ingredient is approved for use as a source of dietary energy in livestock feeds.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an anticaking or flow agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used in an amount not to exceed 0.5% by weight, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent total starch, maximum percent crude fibre, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude protein, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-207-018 Faba bean starch
is the product obtained mechanically (by air classification) from dehulled, dry milled field faba beans (Vicia faba). It contains a minimum of 55% starch on a dry matter basis. This ingredient is approved for use as a source of dietary energy in livestock feeds.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an anticaking or flow agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used in an amount not to exceed 0.5% by weight, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent total starch, maximum percent crude fibre, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude protein, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-207-019 Liquid concentrated deproteinized bovine milk permeate (or liquid bovine milk permeate deproteinized and concentrated)
is the liquid product remaining after the removal of the milk proteins through ultra-filtration of pasteurized skimmed milk, without the removal of lactose. The liquid is then concentrated by removing some of the water.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent lactose, maximum percent moisture, minimum percent sodium, maximum percent crude protein, and maximum percent ash.
Class 3. Protein feeds
Feeds in this class have been approved for the purpose of predominately providing a source of protein.
- 3.1 Protein products and by-products of animal origin
- 3.2 Protein products and by-products of plant origin
- 3.3 Brewers' and distillers' by-products
- 3.4 Biomass from fermentation processes
3.1 Protein products and by-products of animal origin
3.1.1 Terrestrial animals
- 1-301-001 Animal blood meal conventional cooker dehydrated
is the product obtained from clean, fresh blood (whole blood or blood cells obtained by centrifugation and removal of some or all of the plasma from whole blood) exclusive of all extraneous materials such as hair, stomach contents or urine, except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices. The moisture is removed from the crude blood by the conventional cooker method.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind or origin (for example, porcine), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-301-002 Animal blood meal flash or ring dehydrated
is the product obtained from clean, fresh blood (whole blood or blood cells obtained by centrifugation and removal of some or all of the plasma from whole blood) exclusive of all extraneous materials such as hair, stomach contents or urine, except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices. The moisture is removed from the crude blood by dewatering and flash drying. The minimum available lysine (as determined by A.O.A.C. Method 43.224, 13th edition) shall be 80%.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind or origin (for example, porcine), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-301-003 Animal blood meal spray dehydrated (or spray-dried animal blood)
is the product obtained from clean, fresh blood (whole blood or blood cells obtained by centrifugation and removal of some or all of the plasma from whole blood) exclusive of all extraneous materials such as hair, stomach contents or urine, except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices. The moisture is removed from the crude blood by spray drying.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind or origin (for example, porcine), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-301-004 Animal blood plasma spray dehydrated (or dried animal blood plasma or blood albumin dehydrated)
is the spray-dried plasma fraction obtained from clean, fresh, blood exclusive of all extraneous materials such as hair, stomach contents, or urine, except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind or origin (for example, porcine), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent moisture, maximum percent ash, and maximum percent sodium.
- 1-301-005 Poultry and blood digest
is the product resulting from the chemical or enzymatic hydrolysis, or both, of clean and undecomposed poultry parts and blood, with or without feathers and exclusive of extraneous materials such as stomach contents and excreta, except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent pepsin digestible protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent ash, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-301-006 Animal blood cells spray dehydrated (or spray-dried animal blood cells)
is the product obtained by centrifugation and removal of plasma from clean, fresh blood, exclusive of all extraneous materials except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices. The product is then spray-dried.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind or origin (for example, porcine), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent moisture, maximum percent ash, and maximum percent sodium.
- 1-301-007 Clotted animal blood cells dried (or animal blood cells clotted and dried)
is the product resulting from the separation of red blood cells from the plasma fraction of clean, fresh, whole blood using centrifugation. The separated blood cells are then clotted using steam and subsequently centrifuged. The liquid phase is removed and the clotted blood cells are dried using air swept tubular drying.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind or origin (for example, porcine), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent moisture, maximum percent ash, and maximum percent sodium.
- 1-301-008 Poultry feathers meal hydrolyzed (or feather meal or hydrolyzed poultry feathers)
is the product obtained by hydrolyzing feathers from slaughtered poultry, free of additives or accelerators.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent pepsin digestible protein, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-301-009 Animal hair hydrolyzed (or hydrolyzed hair)
is the product obtained from clean, undecomposed hair by heat and pressure to produce a product suitable for animal feeding.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, and minimum percent pepsin digestible protein.
- 1-301-010 Feather and hog hair meal (or feather meal with hog hair)
is the hydrolyzed product consisting predominately of feathers from slaughtered poultry and shall contain no more than 15% clean, undecomposed hog hair. This product shall be free of additives or accelerators.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient does not contain more than 15% clean, undecomposed hog hair."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent pepsin digestible protein, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-301-011 Hydrolyzed chicken feathers and blood meal
is the product obtained by the steam hydrolysis and subsequent drying of a mixture containing fresh, clean chicken feathers and fresh whole chicken blood. The feathers shall be free of extraneous materials except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices. The blood used shall be whole, fresh and clean without any extraneous materials. The product shall be composed of a maximum of 20% chicken blood.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent pepsin digestible protein, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-301-012 Mixed animal meat meal
is the product obtained by rendering animal tissues that are of multiple species origin, exclusive of any bones, hair, hooves, horns, feathers, hide trimmings, scales, manure and stomach contents except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices. It shall not contain other extraneous materials not provided in this description.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind or origin (for example, bovine and porcine, bovine and poultry, poultry and fish, poultry and ovine, bovine, fish and poultry), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a preservative is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If the product contains "prohibited material" as set forth in section 162(1) of the Health of Animals Regulations, it shall be labelled with the following statement required by the Minister:
"Feeding this product to cattle, sheep, deer or other ruminants is illegal and is subject to fines or other punishment under the Health of Animals Act. / Il est interdit d'en nourrir les boeufs, moutons, cerfs et autres ruminants et des amendes ou autres peines sont prévues à cet égard par la Loi sur la santé des animaux."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent pepsin digestible protein, maximum percent moisture, maximum percent ash, maximum percent calcium, and minimum percent phosphorus.
- 1-301-013 Mixed animal meat and bone meal
is the product obtained by rendering animal tissues that are of multiple species origin, including bones, exclusive of any hair, hooves, horns, feathers, hide trimmings, scales, manure and stomach contents except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices. It shall not contain specified risk material (SRM) as defined in section 6.1 of the Health of Animals Regulations or other extraneous materials not provided in this description.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind or origin (for example, bovine and porcine, bovine and poultry, poultry and fish, poultry and ovine, bovine, fish and poultry), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a preservative is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If the product contains "prohibited material" as set forth in section 162(1) of the Health of Animals Regulations, it shall be labelled with the following statement required by the Minister:
"Feeding this product to cattle, sheep, deer or other ruminants is illegal and is subject to fines or other punishment under the Health of Animals Act. / Il est interdit d'en nourrir les boeufs, moutons, cerfs et autres ruminants et des amendes ou autres peines sont prévues à cet égard par la Loi sur la santé des animaux."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent pepsin digestible protein, maximum percent moisture, maximum percent ash, maximum percent calcium, and minimum percent phosphorus.
- 1-301-014 Mixed animal meat and blood meal (or animal tankage or feeding tankage)
is the product obtained by rendering animal tissues that are of multiple species origin, exclusive of any hair, hooves, horns, feathers, bones, hide trimmings, scales, manure and stomach contents except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices. It may contain added blood or blood meal. It may also contain whole carcasses (excluding ruminant carcasses) and undeveloped for example, whole eggs with and without shells, egg yolks, egg whites, and culled chicks. It shall not contain other extraneous materials not provided in this description.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind or origin (for example, bovine and porcine, bovine and poultry, poultry and fish, poultry and ovine, bovine, fish and poultry), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a preservative is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If the product contains "prohibited material" as set forth in section 162(1) of the Health of Animals Regulations, it shall be labelled with the following statement required by the Minister:
"Feeding this product to cattle, sheep, deer or other ruminants is illegal and is subject to fines or other punishment under the Health of Animals Act. / Il est interdit d'en nourrir les boeufs, moutons, cerfs et autres ruminants et des amendes ou autres peines sont prévues à cet égard par la Loi sur la santé des animaux."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent pepsin digestible protein, maximum percent moisture, maximum percent ash, maximum percent calcium, and minimum percent phosphorus.
- 1-301-015 Mixed animal meat, bone and blood meal (or animal tankage with bone meal or feeding meat and bone tankage)
is the product obtained by rendering animal tissues that are of multiple species origin including bones, exclusive of hair, hooves, horns, feathers, hide trimmings, scales, manure and stomach contents except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices. It may contain added blood or blood meal. It may also contain whole carcasses (excluding ruminant carcasses) and undeveloped for example, whole eggs with and without shells, egg yolks, egg whites, and culled chicks. It shall not contain other extraneous materials not provided in this description.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind or origin (for example, bovine and porcine, bovine and poultry, poultry and fish, poultry and ovine, bovine, fish and poultry), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a preservative is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If the product contains "prohibited material" as set forth in section 162(1) of the Health of Animals Regulations, it shall be labelled with the following statement required by the Minister:
"Feeding this product to cattle, sheep, deer or other ruminants is illegal and is subject to fines or other punishment under the Health of Animals Act. / Il est interdit d'en nourrir les boeufs, moutons, cerfs et autres ruminants et des amendes ou autres peines sont prévues à cet égard par la Loi sur la santé des animaux."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent pepsin digestible protein maximum percent moisture, maximum percent ash, maximum percent calcium, and minimum percent phosphorus.
- 1-301-016 Mammalian meat solubles dehydrated (or dried meat solubles)
is the by-product of steam lard which comes from the heat hydrolysis of the connective tissue in fat and is obtained by spray drying the defatted water extract from the production of lard. It is exclusive of any additional fresh raw blood not from slaughtered mammals, hair, hooves, horns, hide trimmings, bones, manure and stomach contents except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices. It shall not contain other extraneous materials not provided in this description. It shall not contain less than 70% crude protein.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind or origin (for example, bovine, porcine, ovine, bovine and porcine, porcine and ovine, bovine, porcine and ovine), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a preservative is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If the product contains "prohibited material" as set forth in section 162(1) of the Health of Animals Regulations, it shall be labelled with the following statement required by the Minister:
"Feeding this product to cattle, sheep, deer or other ruminants is illegal and is subject to fines or other punishment under the Health of Animals Act. / Il est interdit d'en nourrir les boeufs, moutons, cerfs et autres ruminants et des amendes ou autres peines sont prévues à cet égard par la Loi sur la santé des animaux."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent ash, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-301-017 Mammalian skin fleshing hydrolyzed rendered dehydrated (or dried mammalian fleshings hydrolysate)
is the defatted, strained and neutralized product obtained by acid hydrolysis of the flesh from fresh or salted hides of mammals. It shall not contain other extraneous materials not provided in this description.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind or origin (for example, bovine, porcine, ovine, bovine and porcine, porcine and ovine, bovine, porcine and ovine), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a preservative is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If the product contains "prohibited material" as set forth in section 162(1) of the Health of Animals Regulations, it shall be labelled with the following statement required by the Minister:
"Feeding this product to cattle, sheep, deer or other ruminants is illegal and is subject to fines or other punishment under the Health of Animals Act. / Il est interdit d'en nourrir les boeufs, moutons, cerfs et autres ruminants et des amendes ou autres peines sont prévues à cet égard par la Loi sur la santé des animaux."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent sodium, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-301-018 Swine pancreas extract dehydrated (or dry pancreas extract)
is the dried product obtained after the solvent extraction and concentration of clean hog pancreases. The extraction is conducted to maintain the enzymatic activity present in the pancreas.
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for maximum percent moisture, and minimum percent crude protein.
- 1-301-019 Mixed animal digest condensed
is the product resulting from the chemical or enzymatic hydrolysis, or both, of clean and undecomposed animal tissues, exclusive of hair, hooves, horns, feathers, hide trimmings, scales, bones, manure and stomach contents except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices. It shall not contain added blood or blood meal. It shall not contain other extraneous materials not provided in this description.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind or origin (for example, bovine and porcine, bovine and poultry, poultry and fish, poultry and ovine, bovine, fish and poultry), it must correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label. This product is obtained by rendering animal tissues that are of mixed species origin.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a preservative is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If the product contains "prohibited material" as set forth in section 162(1) of the Health of Animals Regulations, it shall be labelled with the following statement required by the Minister:
"Feeding this product to cattle, sheep, deer or other ruminants is illegal and is subject to fines or other punishment under the Health of Animals Act. / Il est interdit d'en nourrir les boeufs, moutons, cerfs et autres ruminants et des amendes ou autres peines sont prévues à cet égard par la Loi sur la santé des animaux."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-301-020 Mixed animal digest dehydrated (or mixed animal digest dried)
is the product resulting from the chemical or enzymatic hydrolysis, or both, of clean and undecomposed animal tissues, which is then dried. It is exclusive of hair, hooves, horns, feathers, hide trimmings, scales, bones, manure and stomach contents except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices. It shall not contain added blood or blood meal. It shall not contain other extraneous materials not provided in this description.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind or origin (for example, bovine and porcine, bovine and poultry, poultry and fish, poultry and ovine, bovine, fish and poultry), it must correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label. This product is obtained by rendering animal tissues that are of mixed species origin.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a preservative is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If the product contains "prohibited material" as set forth in section 162(1) of the Health of Animals Regulations, it shall be labelled with the following statement required by the Minister:
"Feeding this product to cattle, sheep, deer or other ruminants is illegal and is subject to fines or other punishment under the Health of Animals Act. / Il est interdit d'en nourrir les boeufs, moutons, cerfs et autres ruminants et des amendes ou autres peines sont prévues à cet égard par la Loi sur la santé des animaux."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, and maximum percent ash.
- 1-301-021 Mammalian by-products dehydrated (or dried mammalian by-products)
is the product obtained by rendering the clean, undecomposed parts of carcasses, other than meat, derived from slaughtered mammals, exclusive of hair, hooves, horns, hide trimmings, bones, teeth, manure and stomach contents except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices. It shall not contain any added blood or blood meal. It shall not contain other extraneous materials not provided in this description.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind or origin (for example, bovine, porcine, ovine, bovine and porcine, porcine and ovine, bovine, porcine and ovine), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If the product contains "prohibited material" as set forth in section 162(1) of the Health of Animals Regulations, it shall be labelled with the following statement required by the Minister:
"Feeding this product to cattle, sheep, deer or other ruminants is illegal and is subject to fines or other punishment under the Health of Animals Act. / Il est interdit d'en nourrir les boeufs, moutons, cerfs et autres ruminants et des amendes ou autres peines sont prévues à cet égard par la Loi sur la santé des animaux."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, and maximum percent ash.
- 1-301-022 Poultry by-product meal
is the product obtained by rendering parts of slaughtered poultry, such as necks, feet, undeveloped for example, whole eggs with and without shells, egg yolks, egg whites, culled chicks, and viscera, exclusive of added feathers except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices. It shall not contain added blood or blood meal. It may contain whole carcasses. It shall not contain other extraneous materials not provided in this description.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind or origin (for example, chicken, turkey, duck, geese, chicken and turkey, chicken and duck, chicken, turkey and duck), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a preservative is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent pepsin digestible protein, maximum percent moisture, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent ash, maximum percent calcium, minimum percent phosphorus, and maximum percent acid-insoluble ash.
- 1-301-023 Poultry by-products aggregate (or poultry by-products conglomerate)
is the product obtained by rendering clean undecomposed whole carcasses of poultry (for example spent hens), or parts of slaughtered poultry, such as heads, feet, intestines, feathers, and blood.
The product shall be processed in accordance with good manufacturing practices. It shall be free of extraneous materials except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices. It shall not contain other extraneous materials not provided in this description. It shall also be free of harmful microorganisms and not contain more than 8% moisture by weight.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind or origin (for example, chicken, turkey, duck, geese, chicken and turkey, chicken and duck, chicken, turkey and duck), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a preservative is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent pepsin digestible protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent moisture, and maximum percent ash.
- 1-301-063 Poultry meal (or poultry meat and bone meal)
is the product obtained by rendering a combination of clean flesh and skin with or without accompanying bone, derived from the parts of whole carcasses of slaughtered poultry exclusive of any feathers, heads, feet, viscera, and whole carcasses, except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices. It shall not contain other extraneous materials not provided in this description.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind or origin (for example, chicken, turkey, duck, geese, chicken and turkey, chicken and duck, chicken, turkey and duck), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a preservative is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent pepsin digestible protein, maximum percent moisture, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent ash, minimum percent phosphorus, maximum percent calcium, and maximum percent acid-insoluble ash.
- 1-301-064 Mammalian meat and bone meal
is the product obtained by rendering mammal tissues, including bones, exclusive of any hair, hooves, horns, hide trimmings, manure and stomach contents except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices. It shall not contain specified risk material (SRM) as defined in section 6.1 of the Health of Animals Regulations or other extraneous materials not provided in this description.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind or origin (for example, bovine, porcine, ovine, bovine and porcine, porcine and ovine, bovine, porcine and ovine), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a preservative is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If the product contains "prohibited material" as set forth in section 162(1) of the Health of Animals Regulations, it shall be labelled with the following statement required by the Minister:
"Feeding this product to cattle, sheep, deer or other ruminants is illegal and is subject to fines or other punishment under the Health of Animals Act. / Il est interdit d'en nourrir les boeufs, moutons, cerfs et autres ruminants et des amendes ou autres peines sont prévues à cet égard par la Loi sur la santé des animaux."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent pepsin digestible protein, maximum percent moisture, maximum percent ash, maximum percent calcium, and minimum percent phosphorus.
- 1-301-065 Mammalian meat meal
is the product obtained by rendering mammal tissues, exclusive of any bones, hair, hooves, horns, hide trimmings, manure and stomach contents except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices. It shall not contain other extraneous materials not provided in this description.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind or origin (for example, bovine, porcine, ovine, bovine and porcine, porcine and ovine, bovine, porcine and ovine), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a preservative is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If the product contains "prohibited material" as set forth in section 162(1) of the Health of Animals Regulations, it shall be labelled with the following statement required by the Minister:
"Feeding this product to cattle, sheep, deer or other ruminants is illegal and is subject to fines or other punishment under the Health of Animals Act. / Il est interdit d'en nourrir les boeufs, moutons, cerfs et autres ruminants et des amendes ou autres peines sont prévues à cet égard par la Loi sur la santé des animaux."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent pepsin digestible protein, maximum percent moisture, maximum percent ash, maximum percent calcium, and minimum percent phosphorus.
3.1.2 Egg
- 1-301-024 Eggs without shells dehydrated (or powdered egg or spray-dried whole egg)
is the product obtained by spray drying for example, exclusive of the shell, except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices.
If an anticaking or flow agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used in an amount not to exceed 0.5% by weight, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with percent guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent ash, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-301-025 Dried egg albumen (or dried egg whites or spray-dried egg whites)
is the product produced by spray drying the non-decomposed albumen of chicken for example, exclusive of yolk, shells and non-egg materials except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices. This product shall contain a minimum of 80% crude protein. This ingredient is approved for use as a source of protein in livestock feeds.
If an anticaking or flow agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used in an amount not to exceed 0.5% by weight, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent ash, and maximum percent moisture.
3.1.3 Dairy
- 1-301-026 Cattle buttermilk dehydrated (or dried buttermilk)
is the product that consists of the residue obtained by drying cow's buttermilk by thermal means.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent moisture, and maximum percent ash.
- 1-301-027 Cattle milk dehydrated (or dried whole milk)
is the product obtained by drying whole cow's milk.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent lactose, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-301-028 Cattle skim milk dehydrated (or dried skimmed milk)
is the residue obtained by drying defatted cow's milk by thermal means.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-301-029 Cattle whey protein dehydrated (or dried whey protein concentrate)
is the product obtained by the partial removal of water, lactose and minerals from cattle whey by ultra-filtration, followed by subsequent dehydration of the residue. It shall contain not less than 25% crude protein.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent lactose, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent ash, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-301-030 Casein (or casein acid precipitated dehydrated)
is the solid residue obtained by acid or rennet coagulation of defatted cow's milk. It shall contain not less than 80% crude protein.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent ash, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-301-031 Sodium caseinate
is the sodium salt of casein obtained by protein precipitation of a casein suspension with sodium hydroxide.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent sodium, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent ash, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-301-032 Cattle cheese rind (or cheese powder or cheese rind)
is the product obtained by cooking cattle cheese trimmings devoid of fat other than milk fat.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind or origin (for example, cheddar cheese rind), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent salt, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-301-033 Cattle cheese trimmings dehydrated (or dry cheese trimmings)
is the dried by-product obtained when cattle cheese is trimmed for final packaging.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind or origin (for example, mozzarella cheese trimmings dehydrated), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent salt, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-301-034 Cattle milk protein dehydrated (or dried milk protein)
is the product obtained by drying the coagulated protein residues resulting from the controlled precipitation of casein, lactalbumin and minor milk proteins from defatted cow's milk.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent lactose, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-301-035 Casein hydrolyzed dehydrated (or dried hydrolyzed casein)
is the product obtained by drying the water soluble residue resulting from the enzymatic digestion of casein. It shall contain not less than 74% crude protein.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent ash, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-301-036 Cattle whey solubles dehydrated (or dried whey solubles)
is the product obtained by drying the residue remaining after removal of whey protein, with or without partial removal of lactose.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent lactose, maximum percent ash, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-301-037 Cheese product dehydrated (or dried cheese product)
is the dried product obtained by grinding and screening packaged and bulk cheese powders that have been separated from packaging materials. The cheeses must be picked up often so that no decomposition is evident and shall be free of harmful microorganisms.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent salt, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-301-038 Cattle whey solubles on carrier dehydrated (or dry whey solubles on carrier)
is the product obtained by combining the whey residue remaining after the removal of cattle whey protein, with or without partial removal of lactose, with a suitable carrier. It is then dried.
If a carrier is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent lactose, maximum percent ash, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-301-039 Cattle whey condensed (or condensed whey)
is the residue obtained after the removal of a portion of the moisture from cattle whey by thermal means.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent lactose, maximum percent moisture, and minimum percent total solids.
- 1-301-040 Cattle whey cultured condensed (or condensed cultured whey)
is the residue obtained by partially removing water from lactic acid bacteria cultured cattle whey.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, and minimum percent total solids.
- 1-301-041 Cattle whey dehydrated (or dried whey)
is the residue remaining after the drying or evaporating of cattle whey by thermal means.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent lactose, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-301-042 Cattle whey low lactose dehydrated (or dried whey product)
is the residue obtained by drying cattle whey by thermal means from which a portion of the lactose has been removed.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent lactose, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-301-043 Fresh liquid whey (or liquid whey)
is the product obtained as a fluid by separating the coagulum from milk, cream, skimmed milk or cheese.
This product shall be processed in accordance with good manufacturing practices and treated in a manner approved by the Minister to prevent the introduction or spread of any disease. It shall be free of harmful microorganisms. The milk may come from any of the following sources: cattle, bison, water buffalo, goats, and sheep.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind (for example, water buffalo whey), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
The product may contain 0.005 kg/100 L of potassium sorbate, as a facilitating agent, which shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent lactose, minimum percent total solids, minimum percent calcium, minimum percent phosphorus, minimum percent magnesium, minimum percent potassium, maximum percent sodium, and minimum milligrams per kilogram copper.
- 1-301-044 Cattle whey solubles modified and condensed (or low lactose whey without albumin condensed)
is the product obtained by concentrating the cattle whey residue after the removal of whey protein and the partial removal of lactose. The sugar content is subsequently modified so that there is a minimum of 0.3% non-lactose carbohydrate for each percent of solids.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent lactose, maximum percent moisture, and minimum percent total solids.
- 1-301-045 Cattle whey and whey solubles dehydrated (or dried whey and whey solubles)
is the product obtained by mixing cattle whey and whey solubles together. The mixture is then pasteurized and spray-dried.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent lactose, and maximum percent moisture.
3.1.4 Aquatic animals
- 1-301-046 Fish autolysate condensed (or fish silage)
is the condensed enzymatic digest of clean undecomposed whole fish or fish cuttings or both using an enzyme autolysis process.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind or origin (for example, menhaden), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent salt, maximum percent salt, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent ash, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-301-047 Fish hydrolyzed condensed (or condensed fish protein digest)
is the condensed enzymatic digest of clean undecomposed whole fish or fish cuttings using an enzyme hydrolysis process. The product shall be free of bones, scales, and undigested solids with or without the extraction of part of the oil. It shall contain not less than 30% crude protein.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind or origin (for example, salmon), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent salt, maximum percent ash, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-301-048 Fish hydrolyzed dehydrated (or dried fish protein digest)
is the dried enzymatic digest of clean undecomposed whole fish or fish cuttings using an enzyme hydrolysis process, with or without the extraction of part of the oil. The product shall be free of bones, scales and undigested solids. It shall contain not less than 70% protein and not more than 10% moisture. If the degree of fineness is stated, it shall correspond thereto.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind or origin (for example, menhaden), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent salt, maximum percent ash, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-301-049 Fish meal
is the product obtained by rendering tissues of clean undecomposed whole fish, fish cuttings or both. This product shall contain not more than 7% salt (NaCl).
It shall not contain other extraneous materials except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind or origin (for example, salmon), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a preservative is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent salt, maximum percent salt, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent ash, minimum percent phosphorous, minimum percent calcium, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-301-050 Fish meal with solubles
is the product obtained by rendering tissues of clean and undecomposed whole fish, fish cuttings or both. The fish solubles are incorporated into the product.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind or origin (for example, menhaden), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent salt, maximum percent salt, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent ash, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-301-051 Fish protein concentrate solvent extracted
is the product that is prepared from eviscerated, partially deboned, clean and undecomposed fish which is ground, solvent extracted and dried by thermal means, with or without the extraction of part of the oil. It shall contain not less than 80% protein. If the degree of fineness is stated, it shall correspond thereto.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind or origin (for example, salmon), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent salt, maximum percent ash, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-301-052 Fish meal mechanical extracted
is the product obtained by rendering tissues of clean and undecomposed whole fish, fish cuttings or both, after the extraction of the oil by a mechanical process. This product shall contain not more than 7% salt (NaCl).
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind or origin (for example, menhaden), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent salt, maximum percent salt, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent ash, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-301-053 Fish solubles condensed (or condensed fish solubles)
is the product obtained by condensing the aqueous portion (stickwater) of the mixture resulting from pressing the oil from fish. This product shall contain not more than 7% salt (NaCl).
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent calcium, maximum percent salt, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-301-054 Fish solubles dehydrated
is the product obtained by dehydrating the aqueous portion (stickwater) of the mixture resulting from pressing the oil from fish.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent calcium, maximum percent salt, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-301-055 Fish autolysed dehydrated (or dried fish autolysed)
is the dried enzymatic digest of clean, undecomposed fish cuttings using an enzyme autolysis process, with or without the extraction of part of the oil. The product shall be free of bones, scales and undigested solids. It shall not contain less than 70% protein.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fat, minimum percent salt, maximum percent salt, maximum percent ash, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-301-056 Fish meal condensed
is the product that consists of pasteurized, condensed and ground tissues of clean and undecomposed whole fish, fish cuttings, or both.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind or origin (for example, menhaden), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent salt, maximum percent salt, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent ash, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-301-057 Fish spawn dehydrated (or spawn powder)
is the product that consists of ground, dried fish spawn. This product shall contain not more than 7% salt (NaCl).
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind or origin (for example, trout), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent moisture, and maximum percent salt.
- 1-301-058 Shrimp meal (or shrimp process residue meal)
is the product that consists of the ground dried remnants of undecomposed whole shrimp or parts of shrimp. This product shall contain not more than 7% salt (NaCl).
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, and maximum percent salt.
- 1-301-059 Crab/lobster meal (or crab/lobster process residue meal)
is the product that consists of the undecomposed, ground, dried remnants of crabs or lobsters, or both, and contains the shell, viscera and parts or all of the flesh. This product shall contain not more than 7% salt (NaCl).
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind or origin (for example, crab meal, crab and lobster meal), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, and maximum percent salt.
- 1-301-060 Clam meal (or clam process residue meal)
is the product that consists of the undecomposed, ground, dried remnants of clams and contains the shell, viscera and flesh. This product shall contain not more than 7% salt (NaCl).
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent moisture, and maximum percent salt.
- 1-301-061 Shrimp hydrolysate spray-dried (or spray-dried shrimp protein digest)
is the spray-dried digest resulting from the enzymatic digestion of shrimp meal (as defined in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table) or of the shells, cephalothorax and portions of the abdomen remaining after the processing of shrimp (Pandalus borealis species) for human consumption, using an enzyme hydrolysis process at an alkaline pH. The liquid product resulting from the hydrolysis is centrifuged and filtered to remove unhydrolyzed material and is subsequently pasteurized and then spray-dried.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent salt, maximum percent ash, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-301-062 Squid meal (or Humboldt squid meal)
is the product that consists of the clean and undecomposed tissues of whole Humboldt squid (Dosidicus gigas), caught for human consumption, Humboldt squid cuttings or both, that are cooked and ground. This product shall be processed in accordance with good manufacturing practices and shall be free of harmful microorganisms.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a preservative is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent salt, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent ash and maximum percent moisture.
3.2 Protein products and by-products of plant origin
- 3.2.1 Oil seed
- 3.2.2 Cereals, pulses and legumes
- 3.2.3 Vegetable based
- 3.2.4 Marine plant based
- 3.2.5 Other plants
3.2.1 Oil seed
- 1-302-001 Soybean flour mechanical extracted (or soy flour)
is the finely powdered material resulting from the screened and graded product after the removal of most of the oil from selected, sound, cleaned and dehulled soybeans by a mechanical extraction process. It shall contain less than 4% crude fibre.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-302-002 Soybean flour solvent extracted (or soy flour)
is the finely powdered material resulting from the screened and graded product after the removal of most of the oil from selected, sound, cleaned and dehulled soybeans by a solvent extraction process. It shall contain less than 4% crude fibre.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-302-003 Soy protein concentrate
is the product obtained by removing most of the oil and water-soluble non-protein constituents from selected, sound, cleaned, dehulled soybeans. It shall contain no less than 65% crude protein on a dry matter basis.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, maximum percent ash, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-302-004 Soy protein isolate
is the dried product obtained by removing most of the non-protein constituents from selected, sound, cleaned, dehulled soybeans. It shall contain not less than 90% crude protein on a dry matter basis.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent ash, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-302-005 Soybeans heat processed
is the product resulting from heating whole soybeans without removing any of the component parts.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-302-006 Soybean meal
is the meal obtained by grinding the flakes that remain after the removal of most of the oil from hulled or dehulled soybeans by a mechanical or solvent extraction process. If derived from dehulled soybeans it shall be labelled as such and shall correspond thereto. If the method of oil extraction is included in the ingredient name it shall correspond thereto.
If the product bears a name descriptive of the form (for example, pelleted), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If a pelleting aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an anticaking or flow agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used in an amount not to exceed 0.5% by weight, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
When produced at an integrated crushing and refining site, it may contain not more than 0.2% on an oil free basis of the spent bleaching clay (comprised of approved ingredients for example, bentonite, montmorillonite, diatomaceous earth, silicon dioxide) and not more than 1.5% weight/weight (w/w )of vegetable oil refinery lipids (comprised of soapstock, acidulated or not, from caustic refining of free-fatty acids and crude lecithin gums from water, acid, enzyme, or top degumming processes), derived from that site. Where spent bleaching clay is included in the soybean meal, the maximum percent spent bleaching clay on an oil free basis shall be indicated on the label. Where vegetable oil refinery lipids are included in the soybean meal, the maximum percent vegetable oil refinery lipids shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-302-007 Soy flour chemically and physically modified (or chemically and physically modified soy flour or modified soy flour)
is the product resulting from treating soy flour by chemical and physical (for example, heating and pressure) means.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-302-009 Soybeans extruded ground (or ground extruded whole soybeans)
is the product resulting from the extrusion of ground whole soybeans without removing any of the component parts, through friction heat or steam.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-302-010 Soybean feed solvent extracted
is the product remaining after the partial removal of the protein and nitrogen-free extract from dehulled, solvent extracted soybean flakes.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-302-012 Canola meal (or canola meal low erucic acid low glucosinolates)
is the meal obtained after the removal of most of the oil, by prepress solvent extraction, direct solvent extraction or a mechanical extraction process, from whole seeds of the species Brassica napus, Brassica rapa or Brassica juncea. In the case of the species Brassica napus developed to synthesize omega-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 LC-PUFAs) including eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), the meal can be obtained from whole seeds by prepress solvent extraction only. In all cases, the oil component of which seed contains less than 2% erucic acid and the solid component of which seed contains less than 30 micromoles of any one or any mixture of 3-butenyl glucosinolate, 4-pentenyl glucosinolate, 2-hydroxy-3 butenyl glucosinolate, and 2-hydroxy- 4-pentenyl glucosinolate per gram of air dry, oil free solid (GLC method of the Canadian Grain Commission). If the method of oil extraction is included in the ingredient name (for example, solvent extracted, prepress solvent extracted, mechanically extracted) it shall correspond thereto.
If the product bears a name descriptive of the form (for example, pelleted), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label. This product shall contain not more than 30 micromoles of glucosinolates per gram of dried meal and not more than 5 micromoles of allyl glucosinolate per gram of dried meal.
If a pelleting aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an anticaking or flow agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used in an amount not to exceed 0.5% by weight, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
When produced at an integrated crushing and refining site, it may contain not more than 1.0% on an oil free basis of the spent bleaching clay (comprised of approved ingredients for example, bentonite, montmorillonite, diatomaceous earth, silicon dioxide) and not more than 3.5% w/w of vegetable oil refinery lipids (comprised of soapstock, acidulated or not, from caustic refining of free-fatty acids and crude lecithin gums from water, acid, enzyme, or top degumming processes), derived from that site. Where spent bleaching clay is included in the canola meal, the maximum percent spent bleaching clay on an oil free basis shall be indicated on the label. Where vegetable oil refinery lipids are included in the canola meal, the maximum percent vegetable oil refinery lipids shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, maximum percent moisture, maximum percent erucic acid, and maximum micromoles of glucosinolates per gram.
- 1-302-015 Canola meal protein concentrate
is the product obtained after removal of most of the fibre and water-soluble non-protein materials from canola meal (as defined in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table). It shall contain not less than 50% crude protein.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, maximum percent ash, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-302-016 Canola seeds
is the product that consists of the entire seed of the species Brassica napus, Brassica rapa or Brassica juncea, the oil component of which contains less than 2% erucic acid and the solid component of which contains less than 30 micromoles of any one or any mixture of 3-butenyl glucosinolate, 4-pentenyl glucosinolate, 2-hydroxy-3-butenyl glucosinolate and 2-hydroxy-4-pentenyl glucosinolate per gram of air dry, oil free solid (GLC method of the Canadian Grain Commission). The dried meal produced from this product shall contain not more than 30 micromoles of glucosinolates per gram.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, maximum percent moisture, maximum percent erucic acid, and maximum micromoles of glucosinolates per gram.
- 1-302-017 Canola protein isolate
is the granular product resulting from the isolation of the soluble protein fractions obtained from washing the presscake meal produced by crushing whole seeds of the species Brassica napus, Brassica rapa, or Brassica juncea to remove most of the oil by a prepress solvent extraction process using butane as the solvent, the oil component of which the seed contains less than 2% erucic acid and the solid component of which the seed contains less than 30 micromoles of glucosinolates per gram of air dry, oil free solid (GLC method of the Canadian Grain Commission). The phytic acid content of the meal is reduced by an enzymatic process and an aqueous extraction method is used to remove the soluble protein fraction. This fraction is subsequently centrifuged, concentrated, pasteurized and subjected to ultra-filtration. The resulting protein isolate is then spray-dried. It shall not contain less than 85% crude protein.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent moisture, and maximum percent ash.
- 1-302-018 Canola protein hydrolysate (or hydrolysed canola protein)
is the granular product resulting from the hydrolysis of the insoluble protein fraction obtained from washing the presscake meal produced by crushing whole seeds of the species Brassica napus, Brassica rapa, or Brassica juncea to remove most of the oil by a prepress solvent extraction process using butane as the solvent, the oil component of which the seed contains less than 2% erucic acid and the solid component of which the seed contains less than 30 micromoles of glucosinolates per gram of air dry, oil free solid (GLC method of the Canadian Grain Commission). The phytic acid content of the meal is reduced by an enzymatic process and an aqueous extraction method is used to remove the insoluble protein fraction. This fraction is subsequently enzymatically hydrolysed, centrifuged, subjected to ultra-filtration, and concentrated through evaporation. The resulting protein hydrolysate is then spray-dried. It shall not contain less than 75% crude protein.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent moisture, and maximum percent ash.
- 1-302-019 Partially deproteinized canola meal (or washed canola meal partially deproteinized)
is the dried by-product resulting from the manufacturing of canola protein isolate and canola protein hydrolysate (as defined in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table). The partially deproteinized, washed canola meal remaining after the removal of a portion of the protein fraction is then dried using a rotary drum dryer. This product shall contain not more than 30 micromoles of glucosinolates per gram of dried meal, and not more than 5 micromoles of allyl glucosinolate per gram of dried meal.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, minimum percent phosphorus, maximum percent moisture, maximum percent erucic acid, and maximum micromoles of glucosinolates per gram.
- 1-302-020 Ground flax seeds (or ground linseeds)
is the product that consists of the ground whole seed of the flax (linseed) plant (Linum usitatissimum).
- 1-302-021 Flax seed meal mechanical extracted (or linseed meal)
is the meal obtained after the removal of some or most of the oil from whole flax seeds by a mechanical extraction process.
If the product bears a name descriptive of the form (for example, pelleted), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If a pelleting aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an anticaking or flow agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used in an amount not to exceed 0.5% by weight, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-302-022 Flax seed meal solvent extracted (or linseed meal)
is the meal obtained after the removal of most of the oil from whole flax seeds by a solvent extraction process.
If the product bears a name descriptive of the form (for example, pelleted), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If a pelleting aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an anticaking or flow agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used in an amount not to exceed 0.5% by weight, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-302-023 Whole flax seeds (or flax seeds or whole linseed)
is the product that consists of the whole seed of the flax (linseed) plant (Linum usitatissimum).
- 1-302-026 Safflower meal mechanical extracted (or safflower meal)
is the meal obtained after extracting the oil from whole safflower seeds by a mechanical extraction process.
If the product bears a name descriptive of the form (for example, pelleted), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If a pelleting aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an anticaking or flow agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used in an amount not to exceed 0.5% by weight, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-302-027 Safflower meal solvent extracted (or safflower meal)
is the meal obtained after extracting the oil from whole safflower seeds by a solvent extraction process.
If the product bears a name descriptive of the form (for example, pelleted), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If a pelleting aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an anticaking or flow agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used in an amount not to exceed 0.5% by weight, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-302-028 Sunflower meal mechanical extracted (or sunflower meal)
is the meal obtained after the removal of most of the oil from whole sunflower seeds by a mechanical extraction process.
If the product bears a name descriptive of the form (for example, pelleted), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If a pelleting aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an anticaking or flow agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used in an amount not to exceed 0.5% by weight, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-302-029 Sunflower meal solvent extracted (or sunflower meal)
is the meal obtained after the removal of most of the oil from whole sunflower seeds by a solvent extraction process.
If the product bears a name descriptive of the form (for example, pelleted), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If a pelleting aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an anticaking or flow agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used in an amount not to exceed 0.5% by weight, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-302-030 Sunflower meal without hulls mechanical extracted (or dehulled sunflower meal)
is the meal obtained after the removal of most of the oil from sunflower seeds without hulls by a mechanical extraction process.
If the product bears a name descriptive of the form (for example, pelleted), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If a pelleting aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an anticaking or flow agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used in an amount not to exceed 0.5% by weight, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-302-031 Sunflower meal without hulls solvent extracted (or dehulled sunflower meal)
is the meal obtained after the removal of most of the oil from sunflower seeds without hulls by a solvent extraction process.
If the product bears a name descriptive of the form (for example, pelleted), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If a pelleting aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an anticaking or flow agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used in an amount not to exceed 0.5% by weight, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-302-035 Crambe meal (or crambe meal solvent extracted)
is the meal obtained after the removal of most of the oil, either by prepress solvent extraction or by solvent extraction alone, from crambe seeds (Crambe abyssinicia). This product shall contain not more than 60 micromoles of glucosinolates per gram of dried meal. This ingredient is approved for use as a source of protein in an amount not to exceed 4.2% of the total diet for feedlot beef cattle.
If the product bears a name descriptive of the form (for example, pelleted), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If a pelleting aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an anticaking or flow agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used in an amount not to exceed 0.5% by weight, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as a source of protein in an amount not to exceed 4.2% of the total diet for feedlot beef cattle."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, maximum percent moisture, and maximum micromoles of glucosinolates per gram.
- 1-302-036 Crambe meal mechanical extracted (or crambe meal expeller-pressed)
is the meal obtained after the mechanical extraction of most of the oil from crambe seeds (Crambe abyssinica). This product shall contain not more than 110 micromoles of glucosinolates per gram of dried meal. This ingredient is approved for use as a source of protein in an amount not to exceed 2.3% of the total diet on a dry matter basis for feedlot beef cattle.
If the product bears a name descriptive of the form (for example, pelleted), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If a pelleting aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an anticaking or flow agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used in an amount not to exceed 0.5% by weight, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as a source of protein in an amount not to exceed 2.3% of the total diet on a dry matter basis for feedlot beef cattle."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, maximum percent moisture, and maximum micromoles of glucosinolates per gram.
- 1-302-037 Camelina meal mechanical extracted (or Camelina sativa (L.)
Crantz meal mechanical extracted or camelina meal expeller-pressed) is the meal obtained after the removal of most of the oil, through the mechanical extraction process of high-pressure pressing, from whole seeds of the species Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz. The meal may be pressed cold or heated. This product shall be processed in accordance with good manufacturing practices. It shall be free of harmful microorganisms. The oil component of the meal shall contain not more than 4.5% erucic acid and the solid component of the meal shall contain not more than 43.5 micromoles of total glucosinolates per gram of dried meal. This meal cannot contain more than one-half of 1% of the seeds of Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz, and no screenings shall be added.
This ingredient is approved for use as a source of protein in an amount not to exceed 12% of the total diet for broiler chickens, and in an amount not to exceed 10% of the total diet for laying hens.
If the method of oil extraction is included in the ingredient name (for example, cold-pressed or hot-pressed) it shall correspond thereto.
If the product bears a name descriptive of the form (for example, pelleted), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If a pelleting aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an anticaking or flow agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used in an amount not to exceed 0.5% by weight, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with the following statements:
"This ingredient is approved for use as a source of protein in an amount not to exceed 12% of the total diet for broiler chickens."
"This ingredient is approved for use as a source of protein in an amount not to exceed 10% of the total diet for laying hens."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, maximum percent moisture, maximum percent erucic acid, and maximum micromoles of glucosinolates per gram.
- 1-302-038 Sesame meal with hulls cold-pressed non-solvent extracted (or sesame meal with hulls mechanical extracted or sesame meal with hulls expeller-pressed or sesame meal)
is the meal obtained after the removal of most of the oil through the mechanical extraction process of cold pressing, from whole seeds with hulls of the species Sesamum indicum L. This product shall be processed in accordance with good manufacturing practices. It shall be free of harmful microorganisms. This ingredient shall come from a food processing facility. This ingredient is approved for use in an amount not to exceed 5% of the total diet on a dry matter basis for ruminants.
If the product bears a name descriptive of the form (for example, pelleted), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If a pelleting aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an anticaking or flow agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use in an amount not to exceed 5% of the total diet on a dry matter basis for ruminants."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-302-050 Cotton seeds (or whole cotton seeds)
is the product that consists of the cotton seed remaining after removal of fibre in the ginning process.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, maximum percent moisture, and maximum percent gossypol.
- 1-302-051 Cotton seed meal mechanical extracted (or cottonseed meal)
is the meal obtained after extraction of most of the oil from cotton seeds by a mechanical extraction process. It may contain cotton seed hulls to adjust its crude protein content.
If the product bears a name descriptive of the form (for example, pelleted), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If a pelleting aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an anticaking or flow agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used in an amount not to exceed 0.5% by weight, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, maximum percent moisture, and maximum percent gossypol.
- 1-302-052 Cotton seed meal solvent extracted (or cottonseed meal)
is the meal obtained after extraction of most of the oil from cotton seeds by a solvent extraction process. It may contain cotton seed hulls to adjust its crude protein content.
If the product bears a name descriptive of the form (for example, pelleted), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If a pelleting aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an anticaking or flow agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used in an amount not to exceed 0.5% by weight, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, maximum percent moisture, and maximum percent gossypol.
- 1-302-062 Rapeseed meal from low glucosinolates high erucic acid rapeseed prepress solvent extracted (or rapeseed meal from low glucosinolates high erucic acid rapeseed (LG HEAR))
is the meal obtained after the removal of most of the oil, exclusively by prepress solvent extraction, from whole seeds of the species Brassica napus. The oil component of the rapeseed contains greater than 2% erucic acid and the solid component of which the seed contains less than 30 micromoles of any one or any mixture of 3-butenyl glucosinolate, 4-pentenyl glucosinolate, 2-hydroxy-3 butenyl glucosinolate, and 2-hydroxy- 4-pentenyl glucosinolate per gram of air dry, oil free solid (GLC method of the Canadian Grain Commission). This product shall contain not more than 30 micromoles of glucosinolates per gram of dried meal, not more than 5 micromoles of allyl glucosinolate per gram of dried meal, and not more than 2% erucic acid per gram of dried meal.
If the product bears a name descriptive of the form (for example, pelleted), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If a pelleting aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an anticaking or flow agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used in an amount not to exceed 0.5% by weight, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
When produced at an integrated crushing and refining site, it may contain not more than 1.0% on an oil free basis of the spent bleaching clay (comprised of approved ingredients, for example, bentonite, montmorillonite, diatomaceous earth, silicon dioxide) and not more than 3.5% w/w of vegetable oil refinery lipids (comprised of soapstock, acidulated or not, from caustic refining of free-fatty acids and crude lecithin gums from water, acid, enzyme, or top degumming processes), derived from that site. Where spent bleaching clay is included in the meal, the maximum percent spent bleaching clay on an oil free basis shall be indicated on the label. Where vegetable oil refinery lipids are included in the meal, the maximum percent vegetable oil refinery lipids shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, maximum percent moisture, maximum percent erucic acid, and maximum micromoles of glucosinolates per gram.
3.2.2 Cereals, pulses and legumes
- 1-302-024 Peanuts without coats meal mechanical extracted (or peanut meal mechanical extracted or peanut meal)
is the meal obtained after the extraction of most of the oil from peanut kernels by a mechanical extraction process. It may contain such amounts of hulls as is unavoidable during good manufacturing practices. It must contain no more than 7% crude fibre.
If the product bears a name descriptive of the form (for example, pelleted), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If a pelleting aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an anticaking or flow agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used in an amount not to exceed 0.5% by weight, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-302-025 Peanut without coats meal solvent extracted (or peanut meal or peanut meal solvent extracted)
is the meal obtained after the extraction of most of the oil from peanut kernels by a solvent extraction process. It may contain such amounts of hulls as is unavoidable during good manufacturing practices.
It must contain no more than 7% crude fibre. If the product bears a name descriptive of the form (for example, pelleted), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If a pelleting aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an anticaking or flow agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used in an amount not to exceed 0.5% by weight, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-302-032 Dehulled ground sweet lupine (or sweet lupine seeds without hulls ground or dehulled sweet lupine)
is the product that consists of the ground seeds from the sweet lupine species Lupinus albus, Lupinus angustifolius or Lupinus luteus containing less than 0.03% total alkaloids after the mechanical removal of the hulls. The species of seed must be listed after the single ingredient feed name on the product label (for example, dehulled ground sweet lupine, Lupinus albus).
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an anticaking or flow agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used in an amount not to exceed 0.5% by weight, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-302-033 Sweet lupine meal (or sweet lupine meal solvent extracted)
is the meal obtained by grinding the flakes that remain after the removal of most of the oil by a solvent extraction process from sweet lupine seeds of the species Lupinus albus, Lupinus angustifolius or Lupinus luteus which contain less than 0.03% total alkaloids. It shall contain not more than 7% crude fibre. The species of seed must be listed after the single ingredient feed name on the product label (for example, sweet lupine meal Lupinus albus).
If the product bears a name descriptive of the form (for example, pelleted), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If a pelleting aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an anticaking or flow agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used in an amount not to exceed 0.5% by weight, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-302-034 Ground sweet lupine seeds (or sweet lupine seeds ground)
is the ground whole seed of the sweet lupine species Lupinus albus, Lupinus angustifolius or Lupinus luteus. It shall contain less than 0.03% total alkaloids. The species of seed must be listed after the single ingredient feed name on the product label (for example, ground sweet lupine seeds, Lupinus albus).
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an anticaking or flow agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used in an amount not to exceed 0.5% by weight, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-302-039 Navy beans heat processed
is the product resulting from heating whole navy beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) without removing any of the component parts.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind (for example, white beans, dark and light red kidney beans, black beans, cranberry beans, brown beans, yellow eye beans, pink beans, small red pinto beans), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-302-040 Broadbeans (or faba beans or field beans or horse beans)
is the product that consists of the entire seed of the faba bean plant (Vicia faba).
- 1-302-041 Pulse seeds
is the product that consists of whole or ground chickpeas, lentils, peas, beans, or a mixture thereof.
If the product bears a name descriptive of the form (for example, pelleted) or origin (for example, lentils), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If a pelleting aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, maximum percent moisture.
- 1-302-044 Corn germ meal dry milled mechanical extracted (or dry milled corn germ meal)
is the meal that consists of the commercial corn germ and all or part of the corn kernel remaining after removal of the oil by a mechanical extraction process.
If the product bears a name descriptive of the form (for example, pelleted), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If a pelleting aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an anticaking or flow agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used in an amount not to exceed 0.5% by weight, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-302-045 Corn gluten meal (or corn protein meal)
is the meal that consists of the dried residue from corn after the separation of the bran and the removal of the majority of the starch and germ either by the process employed in the wet milling manufacture of corn starch or syrup or by enzymatic treatment of the endosperm. It may contain fermented corn extractives or corn germ meal.
If the product bears a name descriptive of the form (for example, pelleted), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If a pelleting aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an anticaking or flow agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used in an amount not to exceed 0.5% by weight, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-302-046 Corn gluten feed (or corn protein feed or corn gluten with bran)
is the product that consists of that part of commercially shelled corn that remains after extraction of the majority of the starch, gluten, and germ by the process employed in the wet milling manufacture of corn starch or syrup. It may contain fermented corn extractives or corn germ meal.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an anticaking or flow agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used in an amount not to exceed 0.5% by weight, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-302-047 Corn zein
is the product that consists of prolamin, the principal storage protein in corn. It is a yellowish powder that is usually obtained by extracting corn gluten with aqueous isopropyl alcohol.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an anticaking or flow agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used in an amount not to exceed 0.5% by weight, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-302-048 Corn protein concentrate
is the dried, proteinaceous fraction of corn grain, primarily originating from the endosperm after removal of the majority of the non-protein components by enzymatic solubilization of the protein stream obtained from the corn wet milling process. It shall contain not less than 80% crude protein on a dry matter basis. It shall be free of fermented corn extractives, corn germ meal and other non-protein components except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices. It shall not be used at levels exceeding 20% of the complete feed.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, maximum percent ash, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-302-049 Condensed fermented corn extractives with germ meal and bran dehydrated
is the product obtained by drying condensed, fermented corn extractives onto the germ meal and bran remaining after the extraction of the larger portion of the starch, bran gluten and oil by the process employed in the wet milling manufacture of corn starch or syrup. It may contain corn gluten meal to adjust its crude protein content.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-302-053 Field pea protein product spray dehydrated (or pea protein)
is the product obtained after the removal of most of the non-protein constituents from dried, sound, clean, dehulled field peas (Pisum sativum) by wet milling followed by acid extraction, isoelectric precipitation, and then spray drying.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, maximum percent ash, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-302-054 Field peas (or green peas or yellow peas)
is the entire seed from the field pea plant (Pisum sativum).
- 1-302-055 Pea meal
is the meal obtained by grinding cleaned whole peas (Pisum sativum).
If the product bears a name descriptive of the form (for example, pelleted), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If a pelleting aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an anticaking or flow agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used in an amount not to exceed 0.5% by weight, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, maximum percent ash, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-302-056 Wheat germ ground
is the product that consists primarily of the germ from wheat grain together with some bran, wheat middlings and wheat shorts.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-302-057 Wheat gluten
is a dried residue obtained after the removal of the majority of the starch from wheat flour.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-302-058 Wheat gluten protein modified (or modified wheat gluten)
is the product that results from treating wheat flour by chemical and physical means.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-302-061 Pea protein concentrate (or pea protein or field pea protein)
is the product obtained by removing most of the fibre and starch constituents through a mechanical (air classification) process from selected, sound, cleaned, dehulled, dry milled field peas (Pisum sativum). This product shall be processed in accordance with good manufacturing practices. It shall contain not less than 40% crude protein on a dry matter basis.
If the product bears a name descriptive of the form (for example, pelleted), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
This ingredient is approved for use as a source of protein in livestock feeds.
If a pelleting aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an anticaking or flow agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, maximum percent ash, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-302-063 Faba bean protein concentrate (or faba bean protein)
is the product obtained by removing most of the fibre and starch constituents through a mechanical (air classification) process from sound, cleaned, dehulled, dry milled field faba beans (Vicia faba). This product shall be processed in accordance with good manufacturing practices. It shall contain not less than 50% crude protein on a dry matter basis.
If the product bears a name descriptive of the form (for example, pelleted), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
This ingredient is approved for use as a source of protein in livestock feeds.
If a pelleting aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an anticaking or flow agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, maximum percent ash, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-302-064 Barley protein concentrate
is the dried protein fraction obtained by enzymatic hydrolysis to remove most of the starch, beta glucans and fibre from cleaned dehulled or hulless barley. The enzymes used for hydrolysis are inactive in the final product. This product shall be processed in accordance with good manufacturing practices. It shall contain not less than 54% crude protein on a dry matter basis, and it shall contain not more than 10% moisture.
This ingredient is approved for use as a source of protein in livestock feeds.
If a pelleting aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an anticaking or flow agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used in an amount not to exceed 0.5% by weight, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, maximum percent ash, and maximum percent moisture.
3.2.3 Vegetable based
- 1-302-060 Potato protein isolate (or potato protein)
is the product derived from de-starched potato juice, from which the proteinaceous fraction has been precipitated by thermal coagulation followed by dehydration.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
3.2.4 Marine plant based
Reserved for future use
3.2.5 Other plants
- 1-302-042 Coconut meal mechanical extracted (or copra meal mechanical extracted or coconut meal)
is the meal that consists of the ground residue after extraction of oil from the dried meat of the coconut by a mechanical extraction process.
If the product bears a name descriptive of the form (for example, pelleted), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If a pelleting aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an anticaking or flow agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used in an amount not to exceed 0.5% by weight, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-302-043 Coconut meal solvent extracted (or copra meal solvent extracted or coconut meal)
is the meal that consists of the ground residue after extraction of oil from the dried meat of the coconut by a solvent extraction process.
If the product bears a name descriptive of the form (for example, pelleted), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If a pelleting aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an anticaking or flow agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used in an amount not to exceed 0.5% by weight, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-302-059 Palm kernel oil residues with coats mechanical extracted (or palm kernels with coats mechanical extracted or palm meal)
is the meal obtained after removal of most of the oil from whole kernels of the palm plant (Elaeis guineensis)by a mechanical extraction process.
If the product bears a name descriptive of the form (for example, pelleted), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If a pelleting aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an anticaking or flow agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used in an amount not to exceed 0.5% by weight, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, minimum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
3.3 Brewers' and distillers' by-products
- 1-303-001 Barley distillers' grains with solubles dehydrated (or dried barley distillers' grains with solubles or barley distillers' dried grains with solubles)
is the by-product obtained after the removal of ethyl alcohol (ethanol), for the production of human beverages or fuel, by distillations from the yeast fermentation of barley, or a whole grain mixture in which barley predominates, by separating the resultant coarse grain fraction of the whole stillage and the major portion of the condensed screened stillage and drying it using methods employed in the ethanol grain distilling industry. The fermentation and production processes shall be conducted using approved grains and processing additives.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-303-002 Corn distillers' grains with solubles dehydrated (or dried corn distillers' grains with solubles or corn distillers' dried grains with solubles)
is the by-product obtained after the removal of ethyl alcohol (ethanol), for the production of human beverages or fuel, by distillations from the yeast fermentation of corn, or a whole grain mixture in which corn predominates, by separating the resultant coarse grain fraction of the whole stillage and the major portion of the condensed screened stillage and drying it using methods employed in the ethanol grain distilling industry. The fermentation and production processes shall be conducted using approved grains and processing additives.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-303-003 Rye distillers' grains with solubles dehydrated (or dried rye distillers' grains with solubles or rye distillers' dried grains with solubles)
is the by-product obtained after the removal of ethyl alcohol (ethanol), for the production of human beverages or fuel, by distillations from the yeast fermentation of rye, or a whole grain mixture in which rye predominates, by separating the resultant coarse grain fraction of the whole stillage and the major portion of the condensed screened stillage and drying it using methods employed in the ethanol grain distilling industry. The fermentation and production processes shall be conducted using approved grains and processing additives.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-303-004 Sorghum distillers' grains with solubles dehydrated (or dried sorghum distillers' grains with solubles or sorghum distillers' dried grains with solubles)
is the by-product obtained after the removal of ethyl alcohol (ethanol), for the production of human beverages or fuel, by distillations from the yeast fermentation of sorghum, or a whole grain mixture in which sorghum predominates, by separating the resultant coarse grain fraction of the whole stillage and the major portion of the condensed screened stillage and drying it using methods employed in the ethanol grain distilling industry. The fermentation and production processes shall be conducted using approved grains and processing additives.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-303-005 Wheat distillers' grains with solubles dehydrated (or dried wheat distillers' grains with solubles or wheat distillers' dried grains with solubles)
is the by-product obtained after the removal of ethyl alcohol (ethanol), for the production of human beverages or fuel, by distillations from the yeast fermentation of wheat, or a whole grain mixture in which wheat predominates, by separating the resultant coarse grain fraction of the whole stillage and the major portion of the condensed screened stillage and drying it using methods employed in the ethanol grain distilling industry. The fermentation and production processes shall be conducted using approved grains and processing additives.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-303-006 Barley brewers grains dehydrated (or barley brewers dried grains)
is the dried, extracted residue of barley malt, alone or in combination with other cereal grains or grain products, resulting from the manufacture of beer. It may contain pulverized spent hops that are evenly distributed throughout the product.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent moisture, and maximum percent dried spent hops.
- 1-303-007 Barley distillers' dried grains (or barley distillers' grains dehydrated or dried Barley distillers' grains)
is the by-product obtained after the removal of ethyl alcohol (ethanol), for the production of human beverages or fuel, by distillations from the yeast fermentation of barley, or a whole grain mixture in which barley predominates, by separating the resultant coarse grain fraction of the whole stillage and drying it using methods employed in the ethanol production industry. The fermentation and production processes shall be conducted using approved grains and processing additives.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-303-008 Barley malt sprouts dehydrated (or malt sprouts or dried malt sprouts)
is the dried product obtained by the removal of the sprouts from malted barley and may include malt hulls and other parts of the malt. It is exclusive of extraneous materials except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-303-009 Corn distillers' grains dehydrated (or dried corn distillers' grains or corn distillers' dried grains)
is the by-product obtained after the removal of ethyl alcohol (ethanol), for the production of human beverages or fuel, by distillations from the yeast fermentation of corn, or a whole grain mixture in which corn predominates, by separating the resultant coarse grain fraction of the whole stillage and drying it using methods employed in the ethanol production industry. The fermentation and production processes shall be conducted using approved grains and processing additives.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-303-010 Rye distillers' grains dehydrated (or dried rye distillers' grains or rye distillers' dried grains)
is the by-product obtained after the removal of ethyl alcohol (ethanol), for the production of human beverages or fuel, by distillations from the yeast fermentation of rye, or a whole grain mixture in which rye predominates, by separating the resultant coarse grain fraction of the whole stillage and drying it using methods employed in the ethanol production industry. The fermentation and production processes shall be conducted using approved grains and processing additives.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-303-011 Rye malt sprouts dehydrated (or dried rye malt sprouts)
is the dried product obtained by the removal of the sprouts from malted rye and may include malt hulls and other parts of the malt. It is exclusive of extraneous materials except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-303-012 Sorghum distillers' grains dehydrated (or dried sorghum distillers' grains or sorghum distillers' dried grains)
is the by-product obtained after the removal of ethyl alcohol (ethanol), for the production of human beverages or fuel, by distillations from the yeast fermentation of sorghum, or a whole grain mixture in which sorghum predominates, by separating the resultant coarse grain fraction of the whole stillage and drying it using methods employed in the ethanol production industry. The fermentation and production processes shall be conducted using approved grains and processing additives.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-303-013 Wheat distillers' grains dehydrated (or dried wheat distillers' grains or wheat distillers' dried grains)
is the by-product obtained after the removal of ethyl alcohol (ethanol), for the production of human beverages or fuel, by distillations from the yeast fermentation of wheat, or a whole grain mixture in which wheat predominates, by separating the resultant coarse grain fraction of the whole stillage and drying it using methods employed in the ethanol production industry. The fermentation and production processes shall be conducted using approved grains and processing additives.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-303-014 Wheat malt sprouts dehydrated
is the dried product obtained by the removal of the sprouts from malted wheat and may include malt hulls and other parts of the malt. It is exclusive of extraneous materials except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-303-015 Barley distillers' solubles condensed (or condensed barley distillers' solubles or barley condensed distillers' solubles)
is the by-product obtained after the removal of ethyl alcohol (ethanol), for the production of human beverages or fuel, by distillations from the yeast fermentation of barley, or a whole grain mixture in which barley predominates, by condensing the screened stillage fraction to a semi-solid state using methods employed in the ethanol production industry. The fermentation and production processes shall be conducted using approved grains and processing additives.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-303-016 Corn distillers' solubles condensed (or condensed corn distillers' solubles or corn condensed distillers' solubles)
is the by-product obtained after the removal of ethyl alcohol (ethanol), for the production of human beverages or fuel, by distillations from the yeast fermentation of corn, or a whole grain mixture in which corn predominates, by condensing the screened stillage fraction to a semi-solid state using methods employed in the ethanol production industry. The fermentation and production processes shall be conducted using approved grains and processing additives.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-303-017 Rye distillers' solubles condensed (or condensed rye distillers' solubles or rye condensed distillers' solubles)
is the by-product obtained after the removal of ethyl alcohol (ethanol), for the production of human beverages or fuel, by distillations from the yeast fermentation of rye, or a whole grain mixture in which rye predominates, by condensing the screened stillage fraction to a semi-solid state using methods employed in the ethanol production industry. The fermentation and production processes shall be conducted using approved grains and processing additives.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-303-018 Sorghum distillers' solubles condensed (or condensed sorghum distillers' solubles or sorghum condensed distillers' solubles)
is the by-product obtained after the removal of ethyl alcohol (ethanol), for the production of human beverages or fuel, by distillations from the yeast fermentation of sorghum, or a whole grain mixture in which sorghum predominates, by condensing the screened stillage fraction to a semi-solid state using methods employed in the ethanol production industry. The fermentation and production processes shall be conducted using approved grains and processing additives.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-303-019 Wheat distillers' solubles condensed (or condensed wheat distillers' solubles or wheat condensed distillers' solubles)
is the by-product obtained after the removal of ethyl alcohol (ethanol), for the production of human beverages or fuel, by distillations from the yeast fermentation of wheat, or a whole grain mixture in which wheat predominates, by condensing the screened stillage fraction to a semi-solid state using methods employed in the ethanol production industry. The fermentation and production processes shall be conducted using approved grains and processing additives.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-303-020 Rye distillers' solubles dehydrated (or dried rye distillers' solubles)
is the by-product obtained after the removal of ethyl alcohol (ethanol), for the production of human beverages or fuel, by distillations from the yeast fermentation of rye, or a whole grain mixture in which rye predominates, by condensing the screened stillage fraction and drying it using methods employed in the ethanol production industry. The fermentation and production processes shall be conducted using approved grains and processing additives.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-303-021 Corn distillers' solubles dehydrated (or dried corn distillers' solubles)
is the by-product obtained after the removal of ethyl alcohol (ethanol), for the production of human beverages or fuel, by distillations from the yeast fermentation of corn, or a whole grain mixture in which corn predominates, by condensing the screened stillage fraction and drying it using methods employed in the ethanol production industry. The fermentation and production processes shall be conducted using approved grains and processing additives.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-303-022 Barley distillers' solubles dehydrated (or dried barley distillers' solubles)
is the by-product obtained after the removal of ethyl alcohol (ethanol), for the production of human beverages or fuel, by distillations from the yeast fermentation of barley, or a whole grain mixture in which barley predominates, by condensing the screened stillage fraction and drying it using methods employed in the ethanol production industry. The fermentation and production processes shall be conducted using approved grains and processing additives.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-303-023 Sorghum distillers' solubles dehydrated (or dried sorghum distillers' solubles)
is the by-product obtained after the removal of ethyl alcohol (ethanol), for the production of human beverages or fuel, by distillations from the yeast fermentation of sorghum, or a whole grain mixture in which sorghum predominates, by condensing the screened stillage fraction and drying it using methods employed in the ethanol production industry. The fermentation and production processes shall be conducted using approved grains and processing additives.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-303-024 Wheat distillers' solubles dehydrated (or dried wheat distillers' solubles)
Is the by-product obtained after the removal of ethyl alcohol (ethanol), for the production of human beverages or fuel, by distillations from the yeast fermentation of wheat, or a whole grain mixture in which wheat predominates, by condensing the screened stillage fraction and drying it using methods employed in the ethanol production industry. The fermentation and production processes shall be conducted using approved grains and processing additives.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-303-025 Barley brewers grains wet (or barley brewers wet grains)
is the extracted residue of barley malt, alone or in combination with other cereal grains or grain products, resulting from the manufacture of beer.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-303-026 Barley wet distillers' grains
is the by-product obtained after the removal of ethyl alcohol (ethanol), for the production of human beverages or fuel, by distillations from the yeast fermentation of barley, or a whole grain mixture in which barley predominates, by separating the resultant coarse grain fraction of the whole stillage using methods employed in the ethanol production industry. The fermentation and production processes shall be conducted using approved grains and processing additives.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-303-027 Corn wet distillers' grains
is the by-product obtained after the removal of ethyl alcohol (ethanol), for the production of human beverages or fuel, by distillations from the yeast fermentation of corn, or a whole grain mixture in which corn predominates, by separating the resultant coarse grain fraction of the whole stillage using methods employed in the ethanol production industry. The fermentation and production processes shall be conducted using approved grains and processing additives.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-303-028 Rye wet distillers' grains
is the by-product obtained after the removal of ethyl alcohol (ethanol), for the production of human beverages or fuel, by distillations from the yeast fermentation of rye, or a whole grain mixture in which rye predominates, by separating the resultant coarse grain fraction of the whole stillage using methods employed in the ethanol production industry. The fermentation and production processes shall be conducted using approved grains and processing additives.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-303-029 Sorghum wet distillers' grains
is the by-product obtained after the removal of ethyl alcohol (ethanol), for the production of human beverages or fuel, by distillations from the yeast fermentation of sorghum, or a whole grain mixture in which sorghum predominates, by separating the resultant coarse grain fraction of the whole stillage using methods employed in the ethanol production industry. The fermentation and production processes shall be conducted using approved grains and processing additives.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-303-030 Wheat wet distillers' grains
is the by-product obtained after the removal of ethyl alcohol (ethanol), for the production of human beverages or fuel, by distillations from the yeast fermentation of wheat, or a whole grain mixture in which wheat predominates, by separating the resultant coarse grain fraction of the whole stillage using methods employed in the ethanol production industry. The fermentation and production processes shall be conducted using approved grains and processing additives.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-303-031 Barley wet distillers' grains with solubles
is the by-product obtained after the removal of ethyl alcohol (ethanol), for the production of human beverages or fuel, by distillations from the yeast fermentation of barley, or a whole grain mixture in which barley predominates, by separating the resultant coarse grain fraction of the whole stillage and the major portion of the condensed screened stillage using methods employed in the ethanol production industry. The fermentation and production processes shall be conducted using approved grains and processing additives.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-303-032 Corn wet distillers' grains with solubles
is the by-product obtained after the removal of ethyl alcohol (ethanol), for the production of human beverages or fuel, by distillations from the yeast fermentation of corn, or a whole grain mixture in which corn predominates, by separating the resultant coarse grain fraction of the whole stillage and the major portion of the condensed screened stillage using methods employed in the ethanol production industry. The fermentation and production processes shall be conducted using approved grains and processing additives.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-303-033 Rye wet distillers' grains with solubles
is the by-product obtained after the removal of ethyl alcohol (ethanol), for the production of human beverages or fuel, by distillations from the yeast fermentation of rye, or a whole grain mixture in which rye predominates, by separating the resultant coarse grain fraction of the whole stillage and the major portion of the condensed screened stillage using methods employed in the ethanol production industry. The fermentation and production processes shall be conducted using approved grains and processing additives.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-303-034 Sorghum wet distillers' grains with solubles
is the by-product obtained after the removal of ethyl alcohol (ethanol), for the production of human beverages or fuel, by distillations from the yeast fermentation of sorghum, or a whole grain mixture in which sorghum predominates, by separating the resultant coarse grain fraction of the whole stillage and the major portion of the condensed screened stillage using methods employed in the ethanol production industry. The fermentation and production processes shall be conducted using approved grains and processing additives.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-303-035 Wheat wet distillers' grains with solubles
is the by-product obtained after the removal of ethyl alcohol (ethanol), for the production of human beverages or fuel, by distillations from the yeast fermentation of wheat, or a whole grain mixture in which wheat predominates, by separating the resultant coarse grain fraction of the whole stillage and the major portion of the condensed screened stillage using methods employed in the ethanol production industry. The fermentation and production processes shall be conducted using approved grains and processing additives.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-303-036 Barley thin stillage (or barley screened stillage)
is the by-product obtained after the removal of ethyl alcohol (ethanol), for the production of human beverages or fuel, by distillations from the yeast fermentation of barley, or a whole grain mixture in which barley predominates, by separating the thin stillage fraction of the whole stillage using methods employed in the ethanol production industry. The fermentation and production processes shall be conducted using approved grains and processing additives.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-303-037 Corn thin stillage (or corn screened stillage)
is the by-product obtained after the removal of ethyl alcohol (ethanol), for the production of human beverages or fuel, by distillations from the yeast fermentation of corn, or a whole grain mixture in which corn predominates, by separating the thin stillage fraction of the whole stillage using methods employed in the ethanol production industry. The fermentation and production processes shall be conducted using approved grains and processing additives.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-303-038 Rye thin stillage (or rye screened stillage)
is the by-product obtained after the removal of ethyl alcohol (ethanol), for the production of human beverages or fuel, by distillations from the yeast fermentation of rye, or a whole grain mixture in which rye predominates, by separating the thin stillage fraction of the whole stillage using methods employed in the ethanol production industry. The fermentation and production processes shall be conducted using approved grains and processing additives.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-303-039 Sorghum thin stillage (or sorghum screened stillage)
is the by-product obtained after the removal of ethyl alcohol (ethanol), for the production of human beverages or fuel, by distillations from the yeast fermentation of sorghum, or a whole grain mixture in which sorghum predominates, by separating the thin stillage fraction of the whole stillage using methods employed in the ethanol production industry. The fermentation and production processes shall be conducted using approved grains and processing additives.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-303-040 Wheat thin stillage (or wheat screened stillage)
is the by-product obtained after the removal of ethyl alcohol (ethanol), for the production of human beverages or fuel, by distillations from the yeast fermentation of wheat, or a whole grain mixture in which wheat predominates, by separating the thin stillage fraction of the whole stillage using methods employed in the ethanol production industry. The fermentation and production processes shall be conducted using approved grains and processing additives.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-303-041 Wet distillers' grains from fibre extracted corn
is the wet by-product obtained following the mechanical separation of fibre from enzymatically hydrolyzed starch in a liquefied corn grain slurry from a process of ethyl alcohol (ethanol) production for human beverages or fuel. The starch-rich slurry then undergoes the conventional fermentation and distillation process used in the ethanol production industry. The fermentation and production processes shall be conducted using approved grains and processing additives.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent of moisture.
- 1-303-042 Dried distillers' grains from fibre extracted corn
is the dried by-product obtained following the mechanical separation of fibre from enzymatically hydrolyzed starch in a liquefied corn grain slurry from a process of ethyl alcohol (ethanol) production for human beverages or fuel. The starch-rich slurry then undergoes the conventional fermentation, distillation, and drying process used in the ethanol production industry. The fermentation and production processes shall be conducted using approved grains and processing additives.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent of moisture.
3.4 Biomass from fermentation processes
Reserved for future use
Class 4. Recycled food products
Feeds in this class have been approved for the purpose of providing a source of energy and protein from products from human food.
- 1-400-001 Bakery waste dehydrated
is the product that consists of a mixture of bread, cookies, cake, crackers, flours and doughs that have been mechanically separated from non-edible materials, artificially dried then and ground.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, maximum percent moisture, and maximum percent salt.
- 1-400-002 Breakfast cereals process residue (or Cereal food fines)
is the product that consists of particles of breakfast cereals obtained as a by-product of their processing.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, maximum percent moisture, and maximum percent salt.
- 1-400-003 Potato process residue dehydrated (or dried potato waste meal)
is the product that consists of the dried ground by-product of whole potatoes (for example, culls), potato peelings, pulp, potato chips and off colour french fries obtained from the manufacture of processed potato products for human consumption. The product shall be free of all extraneous materials such as glass, metals, sand and dirt. The product shall not contain more than 3% calcium hydroxide that may be added as a processing aid.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, maximum percent ash, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-400-004 Snack food waste dehydrated
is the product that consists of a mixture of potato chips, cheeses, pretzels and flours that have been mechanically separated from non-edible packaging materials, artificially dried and ground. The product may be obtained from food processing establishments and shall be picked up often such that no decomposition is evident.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, maximum percent moisture, and maximum percent salt.
- 1-400-005 Sugar foods process residue (or sugar foods by-product)
is the product that consists of a mixture of sugar based food products such as candy, dry packaged drinks, dried gelatin mixes and other similar food products, which principally consist of sugar, and which have been separated from non-edible packaging materials, ground and mixed. It excludes bakery by-products. The product may be obtained from food processing establishments and shall be picked up often such that no decomposition is evident.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent invert sugars.
- 1-400-006 Ice cream manufacturing by-product
is the product that consists of a mixture of ice cream, finished ice cream novelty products, and water flushed from ice cream manufacturing lines, as well as flavours, coatings, nuts and other ice cream ingredients that do not exceed 0.5% of the total product. This ingredient may not contain dairy ingredients that are unpasteurized.
The product may only be obtained directly from food manufacturing establishments and is separated from non-edible packaging material. The product shall be free from contamination, picked up often such that no decomposition is evident, and shall be free of harmful microorganisms. This ingredient is approved for use in feeds for ruminants and swine.
If a processing aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with the following statements:
"This ingredient is approved for use in feeds for ruminants and swine."
"This ingredient is perishable and is recommended to be fed within 1 week of delivery. / Cet ingrédient est périssable. Il est recommandé de l'utiliser dans la semaine suivant la livraison."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent total solids, minimum percent crude fat, and maximum percent ash.
- 1-400-007 Chocolate manufacturing by-product
is the product that consists of a mixture of products derived from the manufacturing of chocolate and includes various types of finished chocolate, cocoa powder, chocolate bars, and similar food products, which are predominantly chocolate. It excludes bakery by-products, by-products of the cacao plant, and waste from cocoa processing establishments. The product may be obtained from food processing establishments, is separated from non-edible packaging materials and is ground and mixed. The by-product shall be free from contamination and picked up often such that no decomposition is evident.
This ingredient is not approved for use in horse, poultry or fish feeds.
This ingredient is approved for use in an amount not to exceed 1.0% of the complete feeds for swine and ruminants less than 3 months of age, and in an amount not to exceed 2.5% of the complete feed for ruminants.
It shall be labelled with the following statements:
"This ingredient is approved for use in an amount not to exceed 1.0% of the complete feeds for swine and ruminants less than 3 months of age."
"This ingredient is approved for use in an amount not to exceed 2.5% of the complete feed for ruminants."
Caution/Précaution :
"This ingredient is not approved for use in horse, poultry or fish feeds. / Cet ingrédient n'est pas approuvé pour l'utilisation dans les aliments pour les chevaux, la volaille ou les poissons."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude fat, minimum percent total sugars, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-400-008 Dairy food by-product dehydrated (or dried dairy food by-product)
is the product obtained after drying the liquid fraction resulting from processing outdated dairy food products such as milk, cottage cheese, yoghurt, etc. The waste dairy food products shall be picked up often such that no decomposition is evident. The product shall be free from harmful microorganisms.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent moisture, and maximum percent salt.
Class 5. Nutritional ingredients
Feeds in this class have been approved for the purpose of providing nutritional elements in accordance with the sub-classes.
- 5.1 Amino acids
- 5.2 Non-protein nitrogen ingredients
- 5.3 Minerals
- 5.4 Vitamins
- 5.5 Essential fatty acids
5.1 Amino acids
- 5.1.1 Amino acids from fermentation processes
- 5.1.2 Amino acids excluding those from fermentation processes
5.1.1 Amino acids from fermentation processes
- 1-501-001 L-Arginine from fermentation process (or (S)-2-amino-5-guanidinopentanoic acid from fermentation process)
is the crystalline product containing a minimum of 80% (S)-2-amino-5-guanidinopentanoic acid, and having the CAS# 74-79-3. It is obtained from a fermentation process using a non-pathogenic strain of Corynebacterium glutamicum, which does not contain a novel trait. It shall contain not more than 18% moisture. The fermentation process shall be conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. It shall not contain other extraneous materials except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices.
If a carrier is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
To address worker safety concerns, it shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient may cause eye, skin and respiratory irritation and/or sensitization. Appropriate protective equipment must be worn during handling. / Cet ingrédient peut causer une irritation des yeux, de la peau et des voies respiratoires et/ou une sensibilisation. Un appareil de protection approprié doit être porter lors de la manutention."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent L-arginine, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-501-002 L-Valine
is (2S)-2-amino-3-methylbutanoic acid, having the CAS# 72-18-4, resulting from a fermentation process using a selected non-pathogenic strain of Escherichia coli K12, which has been modified to produce L-valine. It contains a minimum of 96.5% L-valine.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent L-valine.
- 1-501-020 L-Histidine monohydrochloride monohydrate (or glyoxaline-5-alanine)
is the crystalline monohydrochloride salt of alpha-amino-4(or 5)-imidazolepropionic acid, having the CAS# 5934-29-2. It is the purified product resulting from a fermentation process using the non-pathogenic strain Escherichia coli NITE SD 00268 (Escherichia coli KY23123). It contains a minimum of 98% crystalline L-histidine monohydrochloride monohydrate.
To address worker safety concerns, it shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient may cause respiratory irritation and/or sensitization. Appropriate respiratory protective equipment must be worn during handling. / Cet ingrédient peut causer une irritation et/ou une sensibilisation respiratoire. Un appareil de protection respiratoire approprié doit être porter lors de la manutention."
It shall be labeled with guarantees for minimum percent L-histidine monohydrochloride monohydrate, minimum percent L-histidine, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-501-022 L-Threonine from fermentation process (or (2S,3R)-2-amino-3-hydroxybutanoic acid from fermentation process)
is the dried and concentrated product containing a minimum of 80% (2S,3R)-2-amino-3-hydroxybutanoic acid, and having the CAS# 72-19-5. It is obtained from a fermentation process using non-pathogenic strains of either Corynebacterium glutamicum or Escherichia coli K12, which do not contain a novel trait. It shall contain not more than 5% moisture. The fermentation process shall be conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. It shall not contain other extraneous materials except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices.
If a carrier is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
To address worker safety concerns, it shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient may cause eye, skin and respiratory irritation and/or sensitization. Appropriate protective equipment must be worn during handling. / Cet ingrédient peut causer une irritation des yeux, de la peau et des voies respiratoires et/ou une sensibilisation. Un appareil de protection approprié doit être porter lors de la manutention."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent L-threonine, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-501-023 L-Tryptophan from fermentation process (or (2S)-2-amino-3-(1H-indol-3-yl) propanoic acid from fermentation process)
is the crystalline product containing a minimum of 98% (2S)-2-amino-3-(1H-indol-3-yl) propanoic acid, and having the CAS# 73-22-3. It is obtained from a fermentation process using a non-pathogenic strain of Corynebacterium glutamicum, which does not contain a novel trait. It shall contain not more than 1% moisture. The fermentation process shall be conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. It shall not contain other extraneous materials except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices.
If a carrier is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent L-tryptophan, and maximum percent moisture.
5.1.2 Amino acids excluding those from fermentation processes
- 1-501-003 L-Lysine
is the product that contains a minimum of 95% alpha epsilon-diaminocaproic acid, and having the CAS# 56-87-1.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent L-lysine.
- 1-501-004 DL-Methionine
is the product that contains a minimum of 95% racemic 2-amino-4-methylthiobutyric acid, and having the CAS# 59-51-8.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent L-methionine, and minimum percent DL-methionine.
- 1-501-005 DL-Methionine hydroxy analogue calcium
is the product that contains a minimum of 93% racemic 2-hydroxy-4-methylthiobutyric acid calcium salt, and having the CAS# 4857-44-7.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent L-methionine hydroxy analogue calcium.
- 1-501-006 Glycine (or aminoacetic acid)
is the product that contains a minimum of 97% aminoacetic acid, and having the CAS# 56-40-6.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent L-glycine.
- 1-501-007 N-Hydroxymethyl-DL-methionine dehydrated calcium salt
is the product that contains a minimum of 98% racemic dehydrated calcium salt of N-hydroxymethyl-DL-methionine, and having the CAS# 52886-07-4.
It shall be labelled with a statement indicating the equivalent minimum percent of L-methionine.
- 1-501-008 L-Threonine
is the product that contains a minimum of 95% (2S,3R)-2-amino-3-hydroxybutanoic acid, and having the CAS# 72-19-5.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent L-threonine.
- 1-501-009 L-Tryptophan
is the product that contains a minimum of 97% alpha-epsilon-1-amino-3-indolepropionic acid, and having the CAS# 73-22-3.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent L-tryptophan.
- 1-501-010 DL-Tryptophan
is the product that contains a minimum of 97% racemic 1-alpha-amino-3-indolepropionic acid, and having the CAS# 54-12-6.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent DL-tryptophan.
- 1-501-011 L-Proline
is the product that contains a minimum of 97% 2-pyrrolidine carboxylic acid, and having the CAS# 147-85-3.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent L-proline.
- 1-501-012 DL-Sodium methionate aqueous solution (or aqueous DL-sodium methionate)
is the aqueous solution containing a minimum of 45.9% racemic of DL-methionate sodium (2-amino-4-(methylmercapto)butanoic acid sodium salt).
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent DL-methionine, and minimum percent L-methionine.
- 1-501-013 DL-Methionine hydroxy analogue (or 2-hydroxy-4(methylthio) butanoic acid or MHA or MHB)
is the product that contains a minimum of 88% racemic 2-amino-4-methylthiobutyric (2-hydroxy-4-(methylmercapto) butyric acid), and having the CAS# 107-35-7.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent DL-methionine hydroxy analogue, and minimum percent L-methionine hydroxy analogue.
- 1-501-014 Taurine
is a product that contains a minimum of 97% 2 -aminoethane sulfonic acid, and having the CAS# 107-35-7.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent L-taurine.
- 1-501-015 L-Isoleucine
is the product that contains a minimum of 90% L-isoleucine (2-amino-3methylvaleric acid), and having the CAS# 73-32-5.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent L-isoleucine.
- 1-501-016 L-Lysine monohydrochloride
is the product that contains a minimum of 95% alpha epsilon-diaminocaproic acid monohydrochloride and a maximum of 80% L-lysine, and having the CAS# 657-27-2.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent L-lysine.
- 1-501-017 L-Lysine solution (or liquid L-lysine)
is the product that contains a minimum of 50% (w/v) alpha epsilon-diamiocaproic acid in a water solution, and having the CAS# 56-87-1.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent L-lysine.
- 1-501-018 L-Carnitine
is the product that contains a minimum of 96% γ-trimethylamino-β-hydroxybutyrate, and having the CAS# 541-15-1. This ingredient is approved for use in an amount not to exceed 0.1% of the complete feed for swine, and in an amount not to exceed 0.02% of the complete feed for poultry.
It shall be labelled with the following statements:
"This ingredient is approved for use in an amount not to exceed 0.1% of the complete feed for swine."
"This ingredient is approved for use in an amount not to exceed 0.02% of the complete feed for poultry."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent L-carnitine.
- 1-501-019 2-Hydroxy-4(methylthio) butanoic acid on carrier (or DL-methionine hydroxy analogue on carrier or MHA on carrier or MHB on carrier)
is the product which contains a minimum of 88% racemic 2-amino-4-methylthiobutyric (2-hydroxy-4-(methyl mercapto) butyric) acid, and which is applied to a suitable carrier.
If a carrier is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent DL-methionine hydroxy analogue, and minimum percent L-methionine hydroxy analogue.
- 1-501-021 Guanidinoacetic acid (or glycocyamine or guanidinoacetate)
is the product resulting from the reaction of glycine with cyanamide in an aqueous solution. It contains a minimum of 97% (w/w) guanidinoacetic acid, and has the CAS# 352-97-6. This ingredient must also meet the following specifications: dicyandiamide in an amount not to exceed 0.5%, cyanamide in an amount not to exceed 0.01%, melamine in an amount not to exceed 15 ppm; the combined total of ammeline, ammelide, and cyanuric acid in an amount not to exceed 35 ppm; and water in an amount not to exceed 1%. This ingredient is approved for use as an agent to spare arginine and as a precursor of creatine in an amount not to exceed 0.12% of the complete feed for broiler chickens and turkeys."
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as an agent to spare arginine and as a precursor of creatine in an amount not to exceed 0.12% of the complete feed for broiler chickens and turkeys."
To address worker safety concerns, it shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient may cause respiratory irritation and/or sensitization. Appropriate respiratory protective equipment must be worn during handling. / Cet ingrédient peut causer une irritation et/ou une sensibilisation respiratoire. Un appareil de protection respiratoire approprié doit être porter lors de la manutention."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent guanidinoacetic acid, maximum percent moisture, maximum percent cyanamide, maximum percent dicyandiamide, maximum milligrams melamine per kilogram, and maximum milligrams combined total of ammeline, ammelide, and cyanuric acid per kilogram.
5.2 Non-protein nitrogen ingredients
- 1-502-001 Anhydrous ammonia
is ammonia gas, generally expressed as NH3, and having the CAS# 7664-41-7, compressed to liquid form containing not less than 82% nitrogen.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is a source of non-protein nitrogen and should be used with care when added to livestock feeds containing urea and/or other sources of non-protein nitrogen. / Cet ingrédient est une source d'azote non protéique et doit être utilisé avec soin lorsqu'il est ajouté aux aliments pour les animaux de ferme contenant l'urée et/ou d'autres sources d'azote non protéique."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent nitrogen.
- 1-502-002 Biuret
is the product that consists predominantly of a minimum 55% biuret, generally expressed as NH(CONH2)2, and having the CAS# 108-19-0, and results from the controlled pyrolysis of urea and its subsequent processing. If it is combined with other related non-toxic nitrogenous compounds, it must contain not less than 35% nitrogen (which is equivalent to 218.7% crude protein) and no more than 15% of the nitrogen present (which is equivalent 93.75% crude protein) shall come from urea. It shall not contain more than 0.5% mineral oil.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent nitrogen, and maximum percent nitrogen from urea.
- 1-502-003 Urea (or urea 45% nitrogen 281% protein equivalent)
is the product that consists predominantly of urea, generally expressed as CO(NH2)2, and having the CAS# 57-13-6, but may contain other non-toxic nitrogenous compounds that are present as by-products from the commercial synthesis and processing of urea. It may contain methylenediurea (MDU) as a conditioning agent and shall contain less than 1.0% free formaldehyde.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent nitrogen.
If urea-formaldehyde is used in the process, it shall be labelled with a guarantee for maximum percent methylenediurea.
For liquid urea, it shall be labelled with guarantees for maximum percent biuret, and maximum percent free ammonia.
5.3 Minerals
- 1-503-001 Ammonium phosphate dibasic (or diammonium phosphate)
is the dibasic ammonium salt of phosphoric acid, generally expressed as (NH4)2HPO4, and having the CAS# 7783-28-0.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent nitrogen, maximum percent nitrogen, minimum percent phosphorus, maximum milligrams of arsenic per kilogram, maximum milligrams of iron per kilogram, maximum milligrams of lead per kilogram, and maximum milligrams of fluorine per kilogram.
- 1-503-002 Ammonium phosphate monobasic (or monoammonium phosphate)
is the monobasic ammonium salt of phosphoric acid, generally expressed as (NH4)H2PO4, and having the CAS# 7722-76-1.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent nitrogen, maximum percent nitrogen, minimum percent phosphorus, maximum milligrams of arsenic per kilogram, maximum milligrams of iron per kilogram, maximum milligrams of lead per kilogram, and maximum milligrams of fluorine per kilogram.
- 1-503-003 Animal bone meal steamed
is the ground product obtained from undecomposed bones cooked with steam and dried.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind or origin (for example, porcine), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If the product contains "prohibited material" as set forth in section 162(1) of the Health of Animals Regulations, it shall be labelled with the following statement required by the Minister:
"Feeding this product to cattle, sheep, deer or other ruminants is illegal and is subject to fines or other punishment under the Health of Animals Act. / Il est interdit d'en nourrir les boeufs, moutons, cerfs et autres ruminants et des amendes ou autres peines sont prévues à cet égard par la Loi sur la santé des animaux."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent calcium, and minimum percent phosphorus.
- 1-503-004 Calcium carbonate (or calcium flour)
is the calcium salt of carbonic acid, generally expressed as CaCO3, and having the CAS# 471-34-1. It shall contain not less than 38% calcium.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent calcium.
- 1-503-005 Calcium chloride
is the anhydrous and hydrated forms of the calcium salt of hydrochloric acid, generally expressed as CaCl2.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent calcium.
- 1-503-006 Calcium hydroxide (or hydrated lime)
is the hydrated form of calcium oxide, generally expressed as Ca(OH)2, and having the CAS# 1305-62-0.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent calcium.
- 1-503-007 Calcium iodate
is the anhydrous calcium salt of iodic acid, generally expressed as Ca(IO3)2, and having the CAS# 7789-80-2.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum milligrams of iodine per kilogram.
- 1-503-008 Calcium phosphate dibasic (or dicalcium phosphate)
is the anhydrous dibasic calcium salt of phosphoric acid, generally expressed as CaHPO4, and having the CAS#7757-93-9.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent phosphorus, minimum percent calcium, maximum milligrams of fluorine per kilogram, and maximum milligrams of iron per kilogram.
- 1-503-009 Calcium phosphate monobasic (or monocalcium phosphate)
is the anhydrous monobasic calcium salt of phosphoric acid, generally expressed as CaH4(PO4)2, and having the CAS# 7758-23-8.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent phosphorus, minimum percent calcium, maximum milligrams of fluorine per kilogram, and maximum milligrams of iron per kilogram.
- 1-503-010 Calcium phosphate tribasic (or tricalcium phosphate)
is the anhydrous tribasic calcium salt of phosphoric acid, generally expressed as Ca3(PO4)2.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent phosphorus, minimum percent calcium, maximum milligrams of fluorine per kilogram, and maximum milligrams of iron per kilogram.
- 1-503-011 Calcium sulfate anhydrous
is the anhydrous calcium salt of sulfuric acid, generally expressed as CaSO4, and having the CAS #7778-18-9.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent calcium, minimum percent sulfur, and maximum milligrams of iron per kilogram.
- 1-503-012 Calcium sulfate dihydrate
is the dihydrated calcium salt of sulfuric acid, generally expressed as CaSO4·2H2O, and having the CAS# 10101-41-4.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent calcium, minimum percent sulfur, and maximum milligrams of iron per kilogram.
- 1-503-013 Cobalt carbonate
is the anhydrous divalent cobalt salt of carbonic acid, generally expressed as CoCO3, and having the CAS# 513-79-1.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent cobalt.
- 1-503-014 Cobalt sulfate heptahydrate (or cobaltous sulfate heptahydrate)
is the heptahydrated divalent cobalt salt of sulfuric acid, generally expressed as CoSO4·7H2O, and having the CAS# 10026-24-1.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent cobalt.
- 1-503-015 Cobalt sulfate monohydrate
is the monohydrated divalent cobalt salt of sulfuric acid, generally expressed as CoSO4·H2O, and having the CAS# 10124-43-3.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent cobalt.
- 1-503-016 Cupric carbonate (or copper (II) carbonate)
is the anhydrous divalent copper salt of carbonic acid, generally expressed as CuCO3, and having the CAS# 1184-64-1.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent copper, and maximum milligrams of lead per kilogram.
- 1-503-017 Cupric oxide (or copper (II) oxide)
is the anhydrous oxide of divalent copper, generally expressed as CuO, and having the CAS# 1317-38-0.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent copper, maximum milligrams of lead per kilogram, and maximum milligrams of iron per kilogram.
- 1-503-018 Copper sulfate (or cupric sulfate anhydrous)
is the anhydrous divalent copper salt of sulfuric acid, generally expressed as CuSO4, and having the CAS# 7758-98-7.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent copper, minimum percent sulfur, maximum milligrams of lead per kilogram, maximum milligrams of arsenic per kilogram, and maximum milligrams of iron per kilogram.
- 1-503-019 Cupric sulfate pentahydrate (or copper (II) sulfate pentahydrate)
is the pentahydrated divalent copper salt of sulfuric acid, generally expressed as CuSO4·5H2O, and having the CAS# 7758-99-8.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent copper, minimum percent sulfur, maximum milligrams of lead per kilogram, maximum milligrams of arsenic per kilogram, and maximum milligrams iron per kilogram.
- 1-503-020 Ethylenediamine dihydroiodide (or EDDI)
is an organic compound generally expressed as C2H4(NH2)2·2HI, and having the CAS# 5700-49-2.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent iodine.
- 1-503-021 Ferric ammonium citrate
is an ammoniacally complexed iron salt of citric acid of indefinite composition generally expressed as Fe(NH4)C6H5O7, and having the CAS# 1185-57-5.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent iron.
- 1-503-022 Ferric chloride
is the iron salt of hydrochloric acid, generally expressed as FeCl3 and its hydrated forms.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent iron.
- 1-503-023 Ferrous carbonate (or iron (II) carbonate)
is the anhydrous divalent iron salt of carbonic acid, generally expressed as FeCO3, and having the CAS# 563-71-3.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent iron, and maximum milligrams of ferric iron per kilogram.
- 1-503-024 Ferrous fumarate
is the iron salt of fumaric acid, generally expressed as FeC4H2O4, and having the CAS# 141-01-5.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent iron.
- 1-503-025 Ferrous gluconate dihydrate (or ferrous gluconate)
is the iron salt of gluconic acid, generally expressed as Fe(C6H11O7)2·2H2O.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent iron.
- 1-503-026 Ferrous sulfate heptahydrate (or iron sulfate)
is the heptahydrated divalent iron salt of sulfuric acid, generally expressed as FeSO4·7H2O, and having the CAS# 7782-63-0.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent iron, minimum percent sulfur, maximum milligrams of lead per kilogram, and maximum milligrams of ferric iron per kilogram.
- 1-503-027 Ferrous sulfate monohydrate
is the monohydrated divalent iron salt of sulfuric acid, generally expressed as FeSO4·H2O, and having the CAS# 17375-41-6.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent iron, minimum percent sulfur, maximum milligrams of lead per kilogram, and maximum milligrams of ferric iron per kilogram.
- 1-503-028 Limestone ground (or pulverized limestone)
is the product that consists predominantly of calcium carbonate.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent calcium, and maximum percent magnesium.
- 1-503-029 Magnesium carbonate anhydrous
is the anhydrous double salt of magnesium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide, generally expressed as MgCO3.Mg(OH)2.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent magnesium.
- 1-503-030 Magnesium carbonate pentahydrate
is the pentahydrated double salt of magnesium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide, generally expressed as (MgCO3)4·Mg(OH)2·5H2O, and having the CAS# 56378-72-4.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent magnesium.
- 1-503-031 Magnesium carbonate trihydrate
is the trihydrated double salt of magnesium carbonate and magnesium hydroxide, generally expressed as (MgCO3)4·Mg(OH)2·3H2O.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent magnesium.
- 1-503-032 Magnesium chloride
is the magnesium salt of hydrochloric acid, generally expressed as MgCl2 and its hydrated forms.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent magnesium.
- 1-503-033 Magnesium oxide
is the anhydrous oxide of magnesium, generally expressed as MgO, and having the CAS# 1309-48-4.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent magnesium.
Note: magnesium oxide is also approved under subclass 6.3 with ingredient number 1-603-018.
- 1-503-034 Magnesium phosphate
is the magnesium salt of phosphoric acid, generally expressed as MgHPO4 and its hydrated forms. It shall not contain more than 1 part fluorine to 100 parts phosphorus.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent magnesium, minimum percent phosphorus, and maximum milligrams of fluorine per kilogram.
- 1-503-035 Magnesium sulfate anhydrous
is the anhydrous magnesium salt of sulfuric acid, generally expressed as MgSO4, and having the CAS# 7487-88-9.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent magnesium, minimum percent sulfur, maximum milligrams of lead per kilogram, and maximum milligrams of iron per kilogram.
- 1-503-036 Magnesium sulfate heptahydrate
is the heptahydrated magnesium salt of sulfuric acid, generally expressed as MgSO4·7H2O, and having the CAS# 10034-99-8.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent magnesium, minimum percent sulfur, maximum milligrams of lead per kilogram, and maximum milligrams of iron per kilogram.
- 1-503-037 Manganous oxide
is the anhydrous oxide of divalent manganese, generally expressed as MnO, and having the CAS# 1344-43-0.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent manganese, maximum milligrams of lead per kilogram, maximum milligrams of arsenic per kilogram, and maximum milligrams of iron per kilogram.
- 1-503-038 Manganous sulfate monohydrate
is the monohydrated divalent manganese salt of sulfuric acid, generally expressed as MnSO4·H2O, and having the CAS# 10034-96-5.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent manganese, minimum percent sulfur, maximum milligrams of lead per kilogram, and maximum milligrams of iron per kilogram.
- 1-503-039 Manganous sulfate pentahydrate
is the pentahydrated divalent manganese salt of sulfuric acid, generally expressed as MnSO4·5H2O.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent manganese, minimum percent sulfur, maximum milligrams of lead per kilogram, and maximum milligrams of iron per kilogram.
- 1-503-040 Manganous sulfate tetrahydrate
is the tetrahydrated divalent manganese salt of sulfuric acid, generally expressed as MnSO4·4H2O, and having the CAS# 10101-68-5.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent manganese, minimum percent sulfur, maximum milligrams of lead per kilogram, and maximum milligrams of iron per kilogram.
- 1-503-041 Oyster shells ground (or oyster shell flour)
is the product that consists predominantly of calcium carbonate.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent calcium.
- 1-503-042 Phosphate defluorinated (or defluorinated phosphate)
is the product that consists of either calcined, fused, precipitated or reacted calcium phosphate. It shall not contain more than 1 part fluorine to 100 parts phosphorus.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent calcium, minimum percent phosphorus, and maximum milligrams of fluorine per kilogram.
- 1-503-043 Phosphoric acid (or orthophosphoric acid)
is a solution of phosphoric acid in water, generally expressed as H3PO4, and having the CAS# 7664-38-2.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent phosphorus, maximum milligrams of fluorine per kilogram, maximum milligrams of arsenic per kilogram, and maximum milligrams iron per kilogram.
Note: phosphoric acid is also approved under subclass 6.3 with ingredient number 1-603-016.
- 1-503-044 Potassium bicarbonate
is the potassium salt of carbonic acid, generally expressed as KHCO3, and having the CAS# 298-14-6.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent potassium.
- 1-503-045 Potassium chloride
is the anhydrous potassium salt of hydrochloric acid, generally expressed as KCl, and having the CAS# 7447-40-7.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent potassium.
- 1-503-046 Potassium iodate
is the anhydrous potassium salt of iodic acid, generally expressed as KIO3, and having the CAS# 7758-05-6.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent iodine.
- 1-503-047 Potassium iodide
is the anhydrous potassium salt of hydriodic acid, generally expressed as KI, and having the CAS# 7681-11-0.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent iodine.
- 1-503-048 Potassium and magnesium sulfate
is the double salt of potassium sulfate and magnesium sulfate, generally expressed as K2SO4·2MgSO4.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent potassium, minimum percent magnesium, minimum percent sulfur, maximum milligrams of lead per kilogram, and maximum milligrams of iron per kilogram.
- 1-503-049 Potassium sulfate
is the anhydrous potassium salt of sulfuric acid, generally expressed as K2SO4, and having the CAS# 7778-80-5.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent potassium, minimum percent sulfur, maximum milligrams of lead per kilogram, and maximum milligrams of iron per kilogram.
- 1-503-050 Rock phosphate Curacao ground (or Curacao rock phosphate)
is the ground phosphate rock from Curacao.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent calcium, minimum percent phosphorus, and maximum milligrams of fluorine per kilogram.
- 1-503-051 Salt (or sodium chloride)
is the anhydrous sodium salt of hydrochloric acid, generally expressed as NaCl, and having the CAS# 7647-14-5.
If an anticaking or flow agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used in an amount not to exceed 0.5% by weight, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent sodium, and minimum percent sodium chloride.
- 1-503-052 Sodium acid pyrophosphate
is the disodium salt of pyrophosphoric acid, generally expressed as Na2H2P2O7·6H2O, and its other hydrated forms. It shall not contain more than 1 part fluorine to 100 parts phosphorus.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent phosphorus, minimum percent sodium, and maximum milligrams of fluorine per kilogram.
- 1-503-053 Sodium bicarbonate
is the anhydrous monobasic sodium salt of carbonic acid, generally expressed as NaHCO3, and having the CAS# 144-55-8.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent sodium.
Note: sodium bicarbonate is also approved under subclass 6.3 with ingredient number 1-603-019.
- 1-503-054 Sodium carbonate
is the sodium salt of carbonic acid, generally expressed as Na2CO3 and its hydrated forms.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent sodium.
- 1-503-055 Sodium phosphate dibasic (or disodium phosphate)
is the anhydrous dibasic sodium salt of phosphoric acid, generally expressed as Na2HPO4, and having the CAS# 7558-79-4.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent sodium, minimum percent phosphorus, maximum milligrams of fluorine per kilogram, and maximum milligrams of iron per kilogram.
- 1-503-056 Sodium phosphate monobasic (or monosodium phosphate)
is the anhydrous monobasic sodium salt of phosphoric acid, generally expressed as NaH2PO4, and having the CAS# 7558-80-7.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent sodium, minimum percent phosphorus, maximum milligrams of fluorine per kilogram, and maximum milligrams of iron per kilogram.
- 1-503-057 Sodium phosphate tribasic (or trisodium phosphate)
is the anhydrous tribasic sodium salt of phosphoric acid, generally expressed as Na3PO4, and having the CAS# 7601-54-9.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent sodium, minimum percent phosphorus, maximum milligrams of fluorine per kilogram, and maximum milligrams of iron per kilogram.
- 1-503-058 Sodium selenate
is the anhydrous sodium salt of selenic acid, generally expressed as Na2SeO4, and having the CAS# 13410-01-0.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent selenium.
- 1-503-059 Sodium selenite
is the anhydrous sodium salt of selenious acid, generally expressed as Na2SeO3, and having the CAS# 10102-18-8.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent selenium.
- 1-503-060 Sodium sesquicarbonate
is the mixed sodium salt of carbonic acid, generally expressed as Na2CO3·NaHCO3·2H2O.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent sodium.
Note: sodium sesquicarbonate is also approved under subclass 6.3 with ingredient number 1-603-020.
- 1-503-061 Sodium sulfate anhydrous (or sodium sulfate or disodium sulfate)
is the anhydrous sodium salt of sulfuric acid, generally expressed as Na2SO4, and having the CAS# 7757-82-6.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent sodium, minimum percent sulfur, maximum milligrams of lead per kilogram, and maximum milligrams of iron per kilogram.
- 1-503-062 Sodium sulfate decahydrate
is the decahydrated sodium salt of sulfuric acid, generally expressed as Na2SO4·10H2O, and having the CAS# 7727-73-3.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent sodium, minimum percent sulfur, maximum milligrams of lead per kilogram, and maximum milligrams of iron per kilogram.
- 1-503-063 Sodium tripolyphosphate
is the anhydrous sodium salt of trimeric phosphoric acid, generally expressed as Na5P3O10, and having the CAS# 7758-29-4.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent sodium, minimum percent phosphorus, maximum milligrams of fluorine per kilogram, and maximum milligrams of iron per kilogram.
- 1-503-064 Sulfur (or sulphur)
is elemental sulfur, generally expressed as S, and having the CAS# 7704-34-9.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent sulfur.
- 1-503-065 Sulfuric acid solution
is the solution of sulfuric acid in water, generally expressed as H2SO4.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent sulfuric acid.
- 1-503-066 Zinc oxide (or zinc oxide anhydrous)
is the anhydrous oxide of zinc, generally expressed as ZnO, and having the CAS# 1314-13-2.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent zinc, maximum milligrams of arsenic per kilogram, maximum milligrams of iron per kilogram, and maximum milligrams of lead per kilogram.
- 1-503-067 Zinc sulfate heptahydrate
is the heptahydrated zinc salt of sulfuric acid, generally expressed as ZnSO4·7H2O, and having the CAS# 7446-20-0.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent zinc, maximum milligrams of arsenic per kilogram, maximum milligrams of iron per kilogram, and maximum milligrams of lead per kilogram.
- 1-503-068 Zinc sulfate monohydrate
is the monohydrated zinc salt of sulfuric acid, generally expressed as ZnSO4·H2O, and having the CAS# 7446-19-7.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent zinc, maximum milligrams of arsenic per kilogram, maximum milligrams of iron per kilogram, and maximum milligrams of lead per kilogram.
- 1-503-069 Calcium carbonate precipitated (or chalk precipitated)
is a commercial form of calcium carbonate, generally expressed as CaCO3, and having the CAS# 471-34-1, that is produced by chemical means. It shall contain not less than 33% calcium.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent calcium.
- 1-503-070 Calcium periodate
is the addition product of calcium iodate with calcium hydroxide or calcium oxide, generally expressed as Ca(IO4)2. It shall contain between 28% to 31% by weight of iodine.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent calcium, and minimum milligrams of iodine per kilogram.
- 1-503-071 Iron reduced
is the metallic form of iron obtained by reducing ferric oxide with hydrogen, generally expressed as Fe(II).
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent iron.
- 1-503-072 Limestone dolomitic ground (or dolomitic limestone or dolomite limestone or magnesium limestone)
Is the product that consists predominantly of magnesium and calcium carbonate. It must contain not less than 10% magnesium.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent magnesium, and minimum percent calcium.
- 1-503-073 Magnesium gluconate
is the magnesium salt of gluconic acid, generally expressed as Mg(C6H11O7)2, and its hydrated forms.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent magnesium.
- 1-503-074 Magnesium hydroxide (or magnesium hydrate)
is the hydrated form of magnesium, generally expressed as Mg(OH)2, and having the CAS# 1309-42-8.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent magnesium.
- 1-503-075 Potassium phosphate dibasic (or dipotassium phosphate)
is the anhydrous dibasic potassium salt of phosphoric acid, generally expressed as K2HPO4, and having the CAS# 7758-11-4.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent potassium, minimum percent phosphorus, maximum milligrams of arsenic per kilogram, maximum milligrams of iron per kilogram, and maximum milligrams fluorine per kilogram.
- 1-503-076 Potassium phosphate monobasic (or monopotassium phosphate)
is the anhydrous monobasic potassium salt of phosphoric acid, generally expressed as KH2HPO4, and having the CAS# 7778-77-0.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent potassium, minimum percent phosphorus, maximum milligrams fluorine per kilogram, maximum milligrams of arsenic per kilogram, and maximum milligrams of iron per kilogram.
- 1-503-077 Sodium molybdate
is the sodium salt of molybdenum, generally expressed as Na2MoO4, and its hydrated forms.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent molybdenum.
- 1-503-078 Cobalt glucoheptonate
is the cobalt salt of glucoheptonic acid, generally expressed as C14H26O16Co, and its hydrated forms.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent cobalt.
- 1-503-079 Manganese chloride (or manganous chloride tetrahydrate)
is the manganese salt of hydrochloric acid, generally expressed as MnCl2·4H2O.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent manganese.
- 1-503-080 Monocalcium dicalcium phosphate (or mono and dicalcium phosphate)
is the anhydrous monobasic and dibasic calcium salts of phosphoric acid, generally expressed as Ca(H2PO4)2 and CaHPO4 respectively.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent phosphorus, minimum percent calcium, maximum milligrams of fluorine per kilogram, and maximum milligrams of iron per kilogram.
- 1-503-081 Phosphoric acid on carrier (or orthophosphoric acid on carrier)
is a solution of phosphoric acid, generally expressed as H3PO4, applied to a suitable carrier.
If a carrier is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent phosphorus, maximum milligrams of fluorine per kilogram, maximum milligrams of arsenic per kilogram, and maximum milligrams of iron per kilogram.
- 1-503-082 Manganese carbonate
is the manganese salt of carbonic acid, generally expressed as MnCO3, and its hydrated forms.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent manganese.
- 1-503-083 Sodium iodide
is the sodium salt of hydriodic acid, generally expressed as Nal, and having the CAS# 7681-82-5.
It shall be labelled with guarantee for minimum percent sodium, and minimum percent iodine.
- 1-503-084 Manganous sulfate trihydrate
is the trihydrated divalent manganese salt of sulfuric acid, generally expressed as MnSO4·3H2O.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent manganese, minimum percent sulfur, maximum milligrams lead per kilogram, and maximum milligrams of iron per kilogram.
- 1-503-085 Copper gluconate (or cupric gluconate)
is the copper salt of gluconic acid, generally expressed as Cu(C6H11O7)2 and its hydrated forms.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent copper.
- 1-503-086 Cobalt gluconate
is the cobalt salt of gluconic acid, generally expressed as Co(C6H11O7)2 and its hydrated forms.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent cobalt.
- 1-503-087 Potassium carbonate
is a potassium salt of carbonic acid, generally expressed as K2CO3, and having the CAS# 584-08-7.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent potassium.
- 1-503-088 Dried egg shell meal (or egg shell meal dehydrated)
is a product obtained from drying and crushing chicken egg shells, exclusive of the albumen, yolk, and whole eggs, except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices. It predominantly consists of calcium carbonate.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent calcium.
- 1-503-089 Calcium chloride dihydrate
is the dihydrated calcium salt of hydrochloric acid, generally expressed as CaCl2·2H2O, and having the CAS# 10035-04-8.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent calcium.
- 1-503-090 Seaweed extract liquid
is the stabilized product resulting from the extraction of the stable, solid material obtained from the solubilization of non-toxic macroscopic marine algae of the families Alariaceae, Bangiaceae, Fucaceae, Gelidiaceae, Gigartinaceae, Gracilariaceae, Laminariaceae, Monostromataceae, Palmariaceae, Sargassaceae, Solieriaceae, and Ulvacea, conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind or origin (for example, Sargassaceae), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for maximum percent moisture, maximum percent salt, maximum percent crude fibre, maximum milligrams of iodine per kilogram, maximum percent sulfate, and minimum percent potassium.
- 1-503-091 Pelleted whole seaweed (or dehydrated seaweed pellets)
is the product resulting from drying, grinding and pelleting non-toxic macroscopic marine algae of the families Alariaceae, Bangiaceae, Fucaceae, Gelidiaceae, Gigartinaceae, Gracilariaceae, Laminariaceae, Lessoniaceae, Monostromataceae, Palmariaceae, Sargassaceae, Solieriaceae, and Ulvaceae.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind or origin (for example, Sargassaceae), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for maximum percent salt, maximum percent crude fibre, maximum milligrams of iodine per kilogram, maximum percent sulfate, and minimum percent potassium.
- 1-503-092 Dehydrated seaweed extract (or seaweed extract powder)
is the product resulting from drying the extract of the stable, solid material obtained from the solubilization of non-toxic macroscopic marine algae of the families Alariaceae, Bangiaceae, Fucaceae, Gelidiaceae, Gigartinaceae, Gracilariaceae, Laminariaceae, Monostromataceae, Palmariaceae, Sargassaceae, Solieriaceae, and Ulvaceae, conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind or origin (for example, Sargassaceae), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for maximum percent moisture, maximum percent salt, maximum percent crude fibre, maximum milligrams of iodine per kilogram, maximum percent sulfate, and minimum percent potassium.
- 1-503-093 Seaweed meal whole dehydrated (or dried seaweed meal)
is the product resulting from drying and grinding non-toxic macroscopic marine algae of the families Alariaceae, Bangiaceae, Fucaceae, Gelidiaceae, Gigartinaceae, Gracilariaceae, Laminariaceae, Lessoniaceae, Monostromataceae, Palmariaceae, Sargassaceae, Solieriaceae, and Ulvaceae.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind or origin (for example, Sargassaceae), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for maximum percent salt, maximum percent crude fibre, maximum percent sulfate, minimum percent potassium, and maximum milligrams of iodine per kilogram.
5.4 Vitamins
- 5.4.1 Vitamins from fermentation processes
- 5.4.2 Vitamins excluding those from fermentation processes
5.4.1 Vitamins from fermentation processes
Reserved for future use
5.4.2 Vitamins excluding those from fermentation processes
- 1-504-001 Vitamin C (or ascorbic acid)
is a water-soluble vitamin, and having the CAS# 50-81-7.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum milligrams of ascorbic acid per kilogram.
- 1-504-002 Betaine hydrochloride
is the hydrochloride form of betaine, and having the CAS# 590-46-5.
It may be blended with suitable carriers listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table to standardize the betaine hydrochloride concentration.
If a carrier is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum milligrams of betaine hydrochloride per kilogram.
- 1-504-003 d-Biotin (or biotin)
is hexahydro-2-oxo-1H-thieno 3,4-d imidazole-4-pentanoic acid, and having the CAS# 58-85-5.
It may be blended with suitable carriers listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table to standardize the d-biotin concentration.
If a carrier is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a preservative is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum milligrams of d-biotin per kilogram.
- 1-504-004 Calcium D-pantothenate
is the calcium salt of d-pantothenic acid, and having the CAS# 137-08-6.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum milligrams of calcium D-pantothenate per kilogram, and minimum milligrams of D-pantothenic acid equivalent per kilogram.
- 1-504-005 Calcium DL-pantothenate
is the calcium salt of racemic DL-pantothenic acid.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum milligrams of calcium DL-pantothenate per kilogram, and minimum milligrams of D-pantothenic acid equivalent per kilogram.
- 1-504-006 Choline chloride solution
is an aqueous solution of choline chloride, and having the CAS# 67-48-1.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum milligrams of choline chloride per kilogram, and minimum milligrams of choline equivalent per kilogram.
- 1-504-007 Choline chloride on carrier
is aqueous choline chloride applied to a suitable carrier.
If a carrier is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an anticaking or flow agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used in an amount not to exceed 0.5% by weight, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum milligrams of choline chloride per kilogram, minimum milligrams of choline equivalent per kilogram, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-504-008 Folic acid (or folacin)
is N-[4-[[(2-amino-1,4-dihydro-4-oxo-6-pteridinyl)methyl]amino]benzoyl]-L-glutamic acid, generally expressed as C19H19N7O6, and having the CAS# 59-30-3.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum milligrams of folic acid per kilogram.
- 1-504-009 Inositol (or I-inositol or meso-inositol)
is cyclohexanehexol, generally expressed as C6H12O6, and having the CAS# 87-89-8.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum milligrams of inositol per kilogram.
- 1-504-010 Menadione dimethylpyrimidinol bisulfite
is the dimethylpyrimidinol bisulfite salt of menadione, generally expressed as C17H18N2O6S, and having the CAS# 14451-99-1.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum milligrams of menadione per kilogram.
- 1-504-011 Menadione sodium bisulfite
is the addition product of menadione and sodium bisulfite containing not less than 50% menadione, and having the CAS# 130-37-0.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum milligrams of menadione per kilogram.
- 1-504-012 Menadione sodium bisulfite complex
is the addition product of menadione and sodium bisulfite containing not less than 30% menadione.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum milligrams of menadione per kilogram.
- 1-504-013 Niacin (or nicotinic acid)
is 3-pyridinecarboxylic acid, generally expressed as C6H5NO2, and having the CAS# 59-67-6.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum milligrams of niacin per kilogram.
- 1-504-014 Niacinamide (or nicotinamide)
is the amide of nicotinic acid, generally expressed as C6H6N2O, and having the CAS# 98-92-0.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum milligrams of niacinamide per kilogram, and minimum milligrams of niacin equivalent per kilogram.
- 1-504-015 Pyridoxine hydrochloride
is the hydrochloride of pyridoxine, generally expressed as C8H11NO3·HCl, and having the CAS# 58-56-0.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum milligrams of pyridoxine hydrochloride per kilogram, and minimum milligrams of pyridoxine equivalent per kilogram.
- 1-504-016 Riboflavin
is 7,8-dimethyl-10-(D-ribo-2,3,4,5-tetrahydroxypentyl) isoalloxazine, generally expressed as C17H20N4O6, and having the CAS# 83-88-5.
It may be blended with suitable carriers listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table to standardize the riboflavin concentration.
If a carrier is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a preservative is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum milligrams of riboflavin per kilogram.
- 1-504-017 Riboflavin-5-phosphate sodium
is the sodium salt of the phosphate ester of riboflavin, generally expressed as C17H20N4NaO9P·XH2O, and having the CAS# 130-40-5.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum milligrams of riboflavin-5'-phosphate sodium per kilogram, and minimum milligrams of riboflavin equivalent per kilogram.
- 1-504-018 Thiamine hydrochloride
is the hydrochloride of thiamine, generally expressed as C12H17ClN4OS·HCl, and having the CAS# 67-03-8.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum milligrams of thiamine hydrochloride per kilogram.
- 1-504-019 Thiamine mononitrate
is the mononitrate of thiamine, generally expressed as C12H17N5O4S, and having the CAS# 532-43-4.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum milligrams of thiamine mononitrate per kilogram, and minimum milligrams of thiamine hydrochloride equivalent per kilogram.
- 1-504-020 Vitamin B12 (or cyanocobalamin)
is generally expressed as C63H88CoN14O14P, and having the CAS# 68-19-9.
It may be blended with suitable carriers listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table to standardize the vitamin B12 concentration.
If a carrier is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a preservative is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum milligrams of vitamin B12 per kilogram.
- 1-504-021 Sodium ascorbate
is the sodium salt of ascorbic acid, generally expressed as C6H7NaO6, and having the CAS# 134-03-2.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum milligrams of sodium ascorbate per kilogram, and minimum milligrams of ascorbic acid equivalent per kilogram.
- 1-504-022 L-Ascorbyl-2-polyphosphate (or ascorbic acid polyphosphate)
is the tri-, di-, and mono- phosphate esters of L-ascorbic acid and is a source of ascorbic acid. It is approved for use in feeds for salmonid fish.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum milligrams of phosphorylated ascorbic acid per kilogram, and minimum milligrams of ascorbic acid equivalent per kilogram.
- 1-504-023 Disodium L-ascorbate-2-sulfate
is the disodium salt of L-ascorbate-2-sulfate and is a source of ascorbic acid. It is approved for use in feeds for salmonid fish.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum milligrams of ascorbate-2-sulfate per kilogram, and minimum milligrams of ascorbic acid equivalent per kilogram.
- 1-504-024 Choline bitartrate
is a non-hygroscopic source of choline, generally expressed as C9H19NO7, and having the CAS# 87-67-2, containing a minimum of 46.9% choline.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent choline bitartrate.
- 1-504-025 Betaine
is the inner salt of 1-carboxy-N,N,N-trimethylmethanaminium hydroxide, generally expressed as C5H11NO2, and having the CAS# 107-43-7, and which can be either in a liquid (prior to crystallisation) or solid (anhydrous) form.
If the product bears a name descriptive of the form (for example, liquid betaine), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
It may be blended with suitable carriers listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table to standardize the betaine concentration.
If a carrier is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum milligrams of betaine per kilogram.
- 1-504-026 Vitamin K4 (or acetomenaphthone or menadiol diacetate)
is the product which contains a minimum of 98% 2-methyl-1,4-napthalenedial diacetate, generally expressed as C15H14O4, and having the CAS# 573-20-6.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum milligrams of menadiol diacetate per kilogram, and minimum milligrams of menadione equivalent per kilogram.
- 1-504-027 Menadione nicotinamide bisulfite
is the salt obtained from the precipitation of a mixture of menadione sodium bisulfite, nicotinamide hydrochloric acid, and water.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum milligrams of menadione per kilogram, and minimum milligrams of niacin equivalent per kilogram.
1-504-028 L-Ascorbic acid-2-monophosphate-calcium salt (or ascorbic acid monophosphate) is the mono-phosphate ester of L-ascorbic acid in the calcium salt form, and is a source of ascorbic acid. It is approved for use in feeds for salmonid fish.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum milligrams of phosphorylated ascorbic acid per kilogram, and minimum milligrams of ascorbic acid equivalent per kilogram.
- 1-504-029 Vitamin A
is an acetate ester, a palmitate ester, a propionate ester or a mixture of these esters of retinol. The retinol ester(s) may be blended with suitable carriers listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table to standardize the vitamin A concentration.
If a carrier is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum International Units of vitamin A per kilogram.
- 1-504-030 Ascorbyl palmitate
is 6-hexadecanoate L-ascorbic acid, generally expressed as C22H38O7, and having the CAS# 137-66-6.
Note: ascorbyl palmitate is also approved under subclass 6.1 with ingredient number 1-601-056.
- 1-504-031 D-Panthenol (or dexpanthenol or D(+)-pantothenyl alcohol)
is the product synthesized by the condensation of D-pantolactone with 3-aminopropanol, and having the CAS# 81-13-0. It is an alcohol analogue of D-pantothenic acid, and contains a minimum of 98% D-panthenol.
This ingredient is approved for use as a precursor of D-pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) in supplements for drinking water for poultry and swine.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as a precursor of D-pantothenic acid (vitamin B5) in supplements for drinking water for poultry and swine."
To address worker safety concerns, it shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient may cause eye, skin and respiratory irritation and/or sensitization. Appropriate protective equipment must be worn during handling. / Cet ingrédient peut causer une irritation des yeux, de la peau et des voies respiratoires et/ou une sensibilisation. Un appareil de protection approprié doit être porter lors de la manutention."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent D-panthenol, minimum milligrams of D-pantothenic acid equivalent per kilogram, maximum percent D-pantolactone, maximum percent 3-aminopropanol, and maximum percent moisture.
5.5 Essential fatty acids
- 1-505-001 Omega-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids canola oil (or long chain omega-3 canola oil or n-3 LC–PUFAs canola oil)
is the product that consists of the prepress solvent extracted oil from whole seeds of the species Brassica napus which has been developed to synthesize omega-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 LC-PUFAs) including eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA). The oil component of the seed contains less than 2% erucic acid and the solid component of which seed contains less than 30 micromoles of any one or any mixture of 3-butenyl glucosinolate, 4-pentenyl glucosinolate, 2-hydroxy-3-butenyl glucosinolate and 2-hydroxy-4-pentenyl glucosinolate per gram of air dry, oil-free solid (GLC method of the Canadian Grain Commission).
The oil may be crude or refined, bleached and deodorized and it shall have an erucic acid content of less than 2% (weight/weight) of the total fatty acid component. It shall contain not less than 4% (weight/weight) combined eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) of the total fatty acid component, and a total omega-3 fatty acid content of not less than 10% (weight/weight) of the total fatty acid component.
This ingredient is approved for use as a source of omega-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 LC-PUFAs) in complete feed for fish.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), maximum percent eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), minimum percent docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), maximum percent docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), minimum percent total omega-3 fatty acids, maximum percent total omega-3 fatty acids, maximum percent moisture, maximum percent insoluble matter, maximum percent unsaponifiable matter, maximum percent free fatty acids, and maximum percent erucic acid.
Class 6. Non-nutritive ingredients
Feeds in this class have been approved for the purpose of providing non-nutritive substances in accordance with the sub-classes.
- 6.1 Preservatives, antioxidants, and stabilizers
- 6.2 Mould inhibitors
- 6.3 pH Adjusters
- 6.4 Pelleting aids
- 6.5 Anticaking ingredients
- 6.6 Colourants for livestock feeds
- 6.7 Chelating ingredients
- 6.8 Emulsifying ingredients
- 6.9 Viscosity modifiers
- 6.10 Solvents
- 6.11 Microtracers
- 6.12 Encapsulating ingredients
- 6.13 Dewatering ingredients
- 6.14 Odour control ingredients
- 6.15 Anionic and cationic ingredients
- 6.16 Food modifying ingredients
- 6.17 Flavour ingredients
- 6.18 Enzymes
- 6.19 Gut modifier ingredients
- 6.20 Forage additives
- 6.21 Fermentation products non viable
- 6.22 Sweeteners
- 6.23 Mycotoxin detoxification ingredients
6.1 Preservatives, antioxidants, and stabilizers
- 1-601-001 Benzoic acid
is benzenecarboxylic acid, an organic acid, generally expressed as C6H5COOH, and having the CAS# 65-85-0.
This ingredient is approved for use as a preservative in an amount not to exceed 0.1% of the complete feed for livestock species.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as a preservative in an amount not to exceed 0.1% of the complete feed for livestock species."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent benzoic acid.
Note: benzoic acid is also approved under subclass 6.3 with ingredient number 1-603-008 and subclass 6.19 with ingredient number 1-619-006.
- 1-601-002 Erythorbic acid (or isoascorbic acid)
is D-erythro-hex-2-enoic acid, generally expressed as C6H5COOH, and having the CAS# 89-65-6.
- 1-601-003 Mixed tocopherols
is a mixture of alpha, beta, delta and gamma tocopherols. This ingredient is approved for use as an antioxidant in livestock feeds. It shall not to be used as a source of vitamin E activity in livestock feeds.
- 1-601-004 Sorbic acid
is 2, 4-hexadienoic acid, an organic acid, generally expressed as CH3CHCHCHCHCOOH, and having the CAS# 89-65-6.
Note: sorbic acid is also approved under subclass 6.3 with ingredient number 1-603-017.
- 1-601-005 L-tartaric acid
is L-2, 3-dihydroxybutanedioic acid, generally expressed as HO2CCH(OH)CH(OH)CO2H, and having the CAS# 87-69-4.
- 1-601-006 Butylated hydroxyanisole (or BHA)
is 2-5-butyl-4-methoxy phenol, generally expressed as (CH3)3CC6H3(OCH3)OH, and having the CAS# 25013-16-5.
This ingredient is approved for use as an antioxidant in an amount not to exceed 0.02% (butylated hydroxyanisole plus butylated hydroxytoluene) of the fat or oil content of the complete feed for livestock species.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as an antioxidant in an amount not to exceed 0.02% (butylated hydroxyanisole plus butylated hydroxytoluene) of the fat or oil content of the complete feed for livestock species."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent butylated hydroxyanisole.
- 1-601-007 Butylated hydroxytoluene (or butylhydroxytoluene or BHT)
is 2, 6-di-tert-butyl para cresol, generally expressed as [(CH3)3C]2C6H2(CH3)OH, and having the CAS# 128-37-0.
This ingredient is approved for use as an antioxidant in an amount not to exceed 0.02% (butylated hydroxyanisole plus butylated hydroxytoluene) of the fat or oil content of the complete feed for livestock species.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as an antioxidant in an amount not to exceed 0.02% (butylated hydroxyanisole plus butylated hydroxytoluene) of the fat or oil content of the complete feed for livestock species."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent butylated hydroxytoluene.
- 1-601-008 Calcium acetate
is the calcium salt of acetic acid, and generally expressed as Ca(CO2CH3)2.
- 1-601-009 Ethoxyquin
is 1, 2-dihydro-6 ethoxy- 2, 2, 4-tri-methylquinoline, generally expressed as C14H19NO, and having the CAS# 91-53-2.
This ingredient is approved for use as an antioxidant in an amount not to exceed 0.015% of the total diet for livestock species.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as an antioxidant in an amount not to exceed 0.015% of the total diet for livestock species."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent ethoxyquin.
- 1-601-010 Propyl gallate
is the n-propyl ester of 3, 4, 5-trihydroxybenzoic acid, generally expressed as 3, 4, 5-(HO)3C6H2CO2CH2CH2CH3, and having the CAS# 91-53-2.
This ingredient is approved for use as an antioxidant in an amount not to exceed 0.02% of the fat or oil content of the complete feed for livestock species.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as an antioxidant in an amount not to exceed 0.02% of the fat or oil content of the complete feed for livestock species."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent propyl gallate.
- 1-601-011 Resin guaiac (or guaiac gum)
is the resin obtained from the wood of Guajacum officinale L. or Guajacum sanctum zygophyllaceæ.
This ingredient is approved for use as an antioxidant in an amount not to exceed 0.1% (equivalent antioxidant activity 0.01%) of the fat or oil content of the complete feed for livestock species.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as an antioxidant in an amount not to exceed 0.1% (equivalent antioxidant activity 0.01%) of the fat or oil content of the complete feed for livestock species."
- 1-601-012 Sodium erythorbate (or sodium isoascorbate)
is generally expressed as NaC6H7O6∙H2O, and having the CAS# 91-53-2.
This ingredient is approved for use as an antioxidant in livestock feeds.
- 1-601-013 DL-alpha-tocopherol (or DL-α-tocopherol)
is synthetic alpha-tocopherol, a component of mixed tocopherols, and generally expressed as C29H50O2.
This ingredient is approved for use as an antioxidant in livestock feeds.
It shall not to be used as a source of vitamin E activity in livestock feeds. It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum milligrams of DL-alpha-tocopherol per kilogram.
- 1-601-014 Acetic acid
is ethanoic acid, an organic acid, generally expressed as CH3COOH, and having the CAS # 64-19-7.
This ingredient is approved for use as a preservative in livestock feeds.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent acetic acid.
Note: acetic acid is also approved under subclass 6.3 with ingredient number 1-603-006, subclass 6.10 with ingredient number 1-610-005, and subclass 6.19 with ingredient number 1-619-005.
- 1-601-015 Calcium propionate
is the calcium salt of propionic acid, generally expressed as Ca(CH3CH2COO)2, and having the CAS# 4075-81-4.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent calcium propionate.
- 1-601-016 Formic acid
is an organic acid, generally expressed as HCOOH, and having the CAS# 64-18-6.
This ingredient is approved for use as a preservative in livestock feeds.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent formic acid.
Note: formic acid is also approved under subclass 6.3 with ingredient number 1-603-010 and subclass 6.19 with ingredient number 1-619-008.
- 1-601-017 Lactic acid
is 2-hydroxypropanic acid, an organic acid, generally expressed as CH3CH(OH)COOH, and having the CAS# 50-21-5. Lactic acid consists of DL-lactic acid (CAS# 598-82-3), L(+)-lactic acid (CAS# 79-33-4) and D(-)-lactic acid (CAS# 10329-41-7). For DL-lactic acid, it shall contain a minimum of 50% of the enantiomer L(+)‑lactic acid and a maximum of 50% of the enantiomer D(-)-lactic acid.
This ingredient is approved for use as a preservative in livestock feeds.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent lactic acid.
Note: lactic acid is also approved under subclass 6.3 with ingredient number 1-603-011 and subclass 6.19 with ingredient number 1-619-009.
- 1-601-018 Potassium sorbate
is the potassium salt of 2, 4-hexadienoic acid, generally expressed as CH3CHCHCHCHCOOK, and having the CAS# 24634-61-5.
- 1-601-019 Propionic acid
is an organic acid, generally expressed as CH3CH2COOH, and having the CAS# 79-09-4.
This ingredient is approved for use as a preservative in livestock feeds.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent propionic acid.
Note: propionic acid is also approved under subclass 6.2 with ingredient number 1-602-005, subclass 6.3 with ingredient number 1-603-012, subclass 6.19 with ingredient number 1-619-010, and subclass 6.20 with ingredient number 1-620-001.
- 1-601-020 Sodium propionate
is the sodium salt of propionic acid, generally expressed as CH3CH2COONa, and having the CAS# 137-40-6.
- 1-601-021 Calcium L-ascorbate (or calcium ascorbate)
is the calcium salt of ascorbic acid, generally expressed as Ca(C6H7O6)2·2H2O, and having the CAS# 5743-28-2.
- 1-601-022 Fumaric acid
is trans-butenedioic acid, an organic acid, generally expressed as HOOCCHCHCOOH, and having the CAS# 110-17-8.
This ingredient is approved for use as a preservative in livestock feeds.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent fumaric acid.
Note: fumaric acid is also approved under subclass 6.3 with ingredient number 1-603-014, subclass 6.19 with ingredient number 1-619-013, and subclass 6.22 with ingredient number 1-622-005.
- 1-601-023 Calcium citrate (or tricalcium citrate)
is 2-hydroxy-1, 2, 3-propanetricarboxylic acid calcium salt, the calcium salt of citric acid, generally expressed as Ca3[O2CCH2C(OH)(CO2)CH2CO2]2·4H2O, and having the CAS# 5785-44-4.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent calcium citrate.
Note: calcium citrate is also approved under subclass 6.7 with ingredient number 1-607-004.
- 1-601-024 D-Mannitol
is the product of a reduction process by either H2 gas in the presence of metal catalysts (for example, platinum) or sodium amalgam in water with mannose. It is generally expressed as C6H14O6, and having the CAS# 69-65-8.
Note: D-mannitol is also approved under subclass 6.5 with ingredient number 1-605-017, subclass 6.9 with ingredient number 1-609-001, and subclass 6.22 with ingredient number 1-622-006.
- 1-601-025 Sterculia gum (or karaya gum)
is the processed sap derived from the plant source Sterculia urens, and having the CAS# 9000-36-6.
- 1-601-026 Citric ester of mono and di-glycerides
is the product that consists of mixture of mono and di-glycerides in a citric ester matrix, and having the CAS# 977093-28-9.
- 1-601-027 Propylene glycol mono- and di-esters of fats and fatty acids
is a mixture of 1 or both of 1, 2-propanediol mono- and di-esters of fats or fatty acids.
Note: propylene glycol mono- and di-esters of fats and fatty acids is also approved under subclass 6.8 with ingredient number 1-608-006 and subclass 6.10 with ingredient number 1-610-006.
- 1-601-028 Polyvinylpyrrolidone
is a synthetic water-soluble polymer primarily consisting of linear 1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone groups, generally expressed as (C6H9NO)n, and having the CAS# 9003-39-8.
This ingredient is approved for use as a stabilizer in livestock feeds.
Note: polyvinylpyrrolidone is also approved under subclass 6.4 with ingredient number 1-604-013, subclass 6.9 with ingredient number 1-609-002, and subclass 6.10 with ingredient number 1-610-007.
- 1-601-029 Sodium carboxymethylcellulose (or sodium cellulose glycolate)
is the sodium salt of carboxymethylcellulose, having the CAS# 9004-32-4, that is present in a quantity that is not less than 99.5% on a dry weight basis.
This ingredient is approved for use as a stabilizer in an amount not to exceed 2% of the finished feed for livestock species.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as a stabilizer in an amount not to exceed 2% of the finished feed for livestock species."
- 1-601-030 Xanthan gum
is a polysaccharide gum, having the CAS# 11138-66-2. It is derived from a non-pathogenic strain of the microorganism, Xathomonas campestris, and purified by recovery with isopropyl alcohol. The dominant hexose units are D-glucose, D-mannose and D-glucuronic acid in addition to their sodium, potassium or calcium salts. It shall not contain more than 750 ppm residual isopropyl alcohol.
This ingredient is approved for use as a stabilizer in an amount not to exceed 0.1% in calf milk replacers, and in an amount not to exceed 0.25% in liquid supplements for ruminants.
It shall be labelled with the following statements:
"This ingredient is approved for use as a stabilizer in an amount not to exceed 0.1% in calf milk replacers."
"This ingredient is approved for use as a stabilizer in an amount not to exceed 0.25% in liquid supplements for ruminants."
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Note: xanthan gum is also approved under subclass 6.8 with ingredient number 1-608-010 and subclass 6.9 with ingredient number 1-609-003.
- 1-601-031 Sodium alginate (or algin or alginic acid sodium salt or sodium polymannuronate)
is a gelling polysaccharide, having the CAS# 9005-38-3, from giant brown seaweed (giant kelp, Macrocystic pyrifera (L.)), horsetail kelp (Laminaria digitata (L.)) or sugar kelp (Laminaria saccharina (L.)).
This ingredient is approved for use as a stabilizer in livestock feeds.
- 1-601-032 Glycerin polyethyleneglycol ricinoleate
is alpha, alpha', alpha''-1, 2, 3-propanetryltris-omega-hydroxy-poly(oxy-1, 2-ethanediyl), [r-(Z)]-12-hydroxy-9-octadecenoate, and having the CAS# 51142-51-9.
This ingredient is approved for use as a stabilizer in an amount not to exceed 0.05% of the total diet for livestock species.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as a stabilizer in an amount not to exceed 0.05% of the total diet for livestock species."
Note: glycerin polyethyleneglycol ricinoleate is also approved under subclass 6.8 with ingredient number 1-608-014 and subclass 6.9 with ingredient number 1-609-004.
- 1-601-033 Sodium metabisulfite (or sodium pyrosulfite)
is an inorganic compound, generally expressed as Na2S2O5, and having the CAS# 7681-57-4. It shall contain not less than 95% sodium metabisulfite and not less than 64% sulfur dioxide.
This ingredient is approved for use as a chemical preservative or an antioxidant in an amount not to exceed 0.55% of the fat or oil content of the complete feed for dairy cattle. It may be used in combination with another antioxidant that is approved for use in livestock feeds.
To address worker safety concerns, it shall be labelled with the following statement:
"Sulfur dioxide gas is released when sodium metabisulfite is in the presence of heat and moisture. Sulfur dioxide gas can irritate the eyes and respiratory tract. Appropriate protective equipment must be worn during handling. / Le dioxyde de soufre est libéré lorsque le métabisulfite de sodium est en présence de la chaleur et de l'humidité. Le dioxyde de soufre peut irriter les yeux et les voies respiratoires. Un appareil de protection approprié doit être porter lors de la manutention."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent sodium metabisulfite, and minimum percent sulfur dioxide.
- 1-601-034 Sodium thiosulfate
is the product obtained from the reaction of sodium carbonate with sulfur dioxide, and powdered sulfur resulting in a product containing a minimum of 99.0% pure sodium thiosulfate, generally expressed as Na2S2O3. It shall not be produced from liquid waste products.
This ingredient is approved for use as a stabilizer in enzyme supplements in an amount not to exceed 1 ppm of the complete feed for livestock species.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent purity sodium thiosulfate.
- 1-601-035 Zinc acetate dihydrate (or zinc acetate)
is the product containing a minimum of 99.5% pure dihydrated zinc salt of acetic acid, generally expressed as ZnC4H6O4·2H2O, and having the CAS# 5970-45-6. It is prepared by the reaction of acetic acid with zinc carbonate, zinc oxide or zinc metal and water.
This ingredient is approved for use as a stabilizer in enzyme supplements in an amount not to exceed 1 ppm of the complete feed for livestock species.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee pour minimum percent zinc acetate.
- 1-601-036 Guar mucilage (or guar gum or Cyamopsis gum)
is the product obtained by grinding the endosperms derived from the plant source Cyamopsis tetragonolobus, generally expressed as C17H17ClO6, and having the CAS# 9000-30-0.
Note: guar mucilage is also approved under subclass 6.8 with ingredient number 1-608-016.
- 1-601-037 Gum arabic (or gum acacia)
is the dried gummy exudate of the stems and branches derived from the plant source Acacia senegal (L) Willd, generally expressed as C12H7ClN2O3, and having the CAS# 9000-01-5.
- 1-601-038 Locust bean gum (or carob bean gum)
is the dried gummy exudate obtained by grinding the endosperms derived from the tree pods of the plant source Ceratonia siliqua L., Lequminosae (St. John's Bread), and having the CAS # 9000-40-2.
- 1-601-039 Polyvinyl alcohol (or PVA or PVOH)
is a synthetic polymer containing not less than 93% polyvinyl alcohol with an average molecular mass in the range of 30, 000 to 40, 000 Daltons, generally expressed as [-CH2CHOH-]n, and having the CAS# 9002-89-5. It is manufactured from vinyl acetate monomer (VAM). It shall not contain more than 0.9% of a combination of methanol and methyl acetate, 1.9% of sodium acetate and 12 ppm of the vinyl acetate monomer.
This ingredient is approved for use as a stabilizer in an amount not to exceed 4% in enzyme preparations intended for swine and poultry.
It shall be labeled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as a stabilizer in an amount not to exceed 4% in enzyme preparations intended for swine and poultry."
It shall be labeled with maximum guarantees for maximum percent combined methanol and methyl acetate, maximum percent sodium acetate, and maximum milligrams of vinyl acetate monomer per kilogram.
- 1-601-040 Calcium lactate
is the calcium salt of lactic acid, generally expressed as Ca(C3H5O3)2, and having the CAS# 814-80-2.
- 1-601-041 Sodium sulfite anhydrous (or sodium sulfite)
is the anhydrous sodium salt of sulfur trioxide, generally expressed as Na2SO3, and having the CAS# 7757-83-7.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent sodium sulfite.
- 1-601-056 Ascorbyl palmitate
is 6-hexadecanoate L-ascorbic acid, generally expressed as C22H38O7, and having the CAS# 137-66-6.
Note: ascorbyl palmitate is also approved under subclass 5.4 with ingredient number 1-504-030.
- 1-601-042 Sodium acetate
is the sodium salt of acetic acid, generally expressed as CH3COONa, and having the CAS# 127-09-3.
This ingredient is approved for use as a preservative in livestock feeds.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent acetic acid.
Note: sodium acetate is also approved under subclass 6.3 with ingredient number 1-603-013 and subclass 6.19 with ingredient number 1-619-011.
- 1-601-043 Ammonium sulfate
is the ammonium salt of sulfuric acid, generally expressed as (NH4)2SO4, and having the CAS# 7783-20-2.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent nitrogen, maximum percent nitrogen, minimum percent sulfate, maximum milligrams of arsenic per kilogram, maximum milligrams of iron per kilogram and maximum milligrams of lead per kilogram.
Note: ammonium sulfate is also approved under subclass 6.3 with ingredient number 1-603-015.
- 1-601-044 Ammonium hydroxide
is an aqueous ammonia solution, generally expressed as NH4OH, and having the CAS# 1336-21-6. It contains between 15% to 30% (weight/weight) of ammonia.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is for use in an amount not to exceed 0.1% of the total diet for livestock species."
- 1-601-045 Citric acid
is 2-hydroxy-1, 2, 3-propanetricarboxylic acid, an organic acid, generally expressed as HOC(COOH)(CH2COOH)2, and having the CAS# 77-92-9.
This ingredient is approved for use as a preservative in livestock feeds.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent citric acid.
Note: citric acid is also approved under subclass 6.3 with ingredient number 1-603-009 and subclass 6.19 with ingredient number 1-619-007.
- 1-601-046 Formaldehyde solution (or formalin)
is the solution that is produced by dissolving 37% by weight of formaldehyde gas in water, usually in the presence of 10% to 15% methanol, which is added to prevent polymerization. It is generally expressed as CH2O, and having the CAS# 50-00-0.
This ingredient is approved for use as a preservative in whey powder.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient shall not be used in an amount to exceed 0.25% of the total diet."
To address worker safety concerns, it shall be labelled with the following statement:
"Formaldehyde is highly irritating to the upper respiratory tract and eyes; avoid inhalation. Do not swallow; ingestion may cause severe irritation and inflammation of the mouth, throat, and stomach. Formaldehyde is a severe skin irritant and a sensitizer. Appropriate protective equipment must be worn during handling. / La formaldéhyde est grandement irritante pour la voie respiratoire supérieure et les yeux; éviter d'inhaler. Ne pas avaler. L'ingestion peut causer de sévères irritations et inflammations de la bouche, la gorge, et l'estomac. La formaldéhyde est un irritant et un sensibilisateur pour la peau. Un appareil de protection approprié doit être porter lors de la manutention."
Note: formaldehyde solution is also approved under subclass 6.2 with ingredient number 1-602-001 and class 7 with ingredient number 1-701-017.
6.2 Mould inhibitors
- 1-602-001 Formaldehyde solution (or formalin)
is the solution that is produced by dissolving 37% by weight of formaldehyde gas in water, usually in the presence of 10 to 15% methanol, which is added to prevent polymerization. It is generally expressed as CH2O, and having the CAS# 50-00-0.
This ingredient is approved for use as a mould inhibitor in livestock feeds.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient shall not be used in an amount to exceed 0.25% of the total diet."
To address worker safety concerns, it shall be labelled with the following statement:
"Formaldehyde is highly irritating to the upper respiratory tract and eyes; avoid inhalation. Do not swallow; ingestion may cause severe irritation and inflammation of the mouth, throat, and stomach. Formaldehyde is a severe skin irritant and a sensitizer. Appropriate protective equipment must be worn during handling. / La formaldéhyde est grandement irritante pour la voie respiratoire supérieure et les yeux; éviter d'inhaler. Ne pas avaler. L'ingestion peut causer de sévères irritations et inflammations de la bouche, la gorge, et l'estomac. La formaldéhyde est un irritant et un sensibilisateur pour la peau. Un appareil de protection approprié doit être porter lors de la manutention."
Note: formaldehyde solution is also approved under subclass 6.1 with ingredient number 1-601-046 and class 7 with ingredient number 1-701-017.
- 1-602-002 Propylparaben (or propyl p-hydroxybenzoate)
is 4-hydroxybenzoic acid propyl ester, generally expressed as HOC6H4CO2CH2CH2CH3 and having the CAS# 94-13-3.
This ingredient is approved for use as a mould inhibitor in an amount not to exceed 0.1% of the total diet for livestock species.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as a mould inhibitor in an amount not to exceed 0.1% of the total diet for livestock species."
- 1-602-003 Sodium benzoate
is the sodium salt of benzoic acid, generally expressed as C6H5COONa and having the CAS# 532-32-1.
This ingredient is approved for use as a mould inhibitor in an amount not to exceed 0.1% of the total diet for livestock species.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as a mould inhibitor in an amount not to exceed 0.1% of the total diet for livestock species."
- 1-602-004 Methylparaben (or methyl p-hydroxybenzoate)
is 4-hydroxybenzoic acid methyl ester, generally expressed as HOC6H4CO(OCH3) and having the CAS# 99-76-3.
This ingredient is approved for use as a mould inhibitor in an amount not to exceed 0.1% of the total diet for livestock species.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as a mould inhibitor in an amount not to exceed 0.1% of the total diet for livestock species"
- 1-602-005 Propionic acid
is an organic acid, generally expressed as CH3CH2COOH, and having the CAS# 79-09-4.
This ingredient is approved for use as a mould inhibitor in livestock feeds.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent propionic acid.
Note: propionic acid is also approved under subclass 6.1 with ingredient number 1-601-019, subclass 6.3 with ingredient number 1-603-012, subclass 6.19 with ingredient number 1-619-010, and subclass 6.20 with ingredient number 1-620-001.
6.3 pH Adjusters
- 1-603-001 Adipic acid
is hexanedioic acid, generally expressed as HOOC(CH2)4COOH, and having the CAS# 124-04-9.
This ingredient is approved for use as a pH adjuster in livestock feeds.
- 1-603-002 Calcium formate
is the calcium salt of formic acid, generally expressed as Ca(COOH)2, and having the CAS# 544-17-2.
This ingredient is approved for use as a pH adjuster in livestock feeds.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent calcium, and minimum percent calcium formate.
Note: calcium formate is also approved under subclass 6.19 with ingredient number 1-619-012.
- 1-603-003 Potassium diformate on carrier (or potassium hydrogen diformate on carrier)
is the potassium salt of formic acid with a suitable carrier.
This ingredient is approved for use as a pH adjuster in an amount not to exceed 1.2% of the total diet for swine.
If a carrier is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as a pH adjuster in an amount not to exceed 1.2% of the total diet for swine."
The directions for use must contain the following statement:
Caution/Précaution :
"Ensure that animals have an adequate supply of fresh water available at all times. / Assurez-vous que les animaux ont accès à une quantité suffisante d'eau fraîche à tout temps."
To address worker safety concerns, it shall be labelled with the following statement:
"Risk of serious damage to eyes. Appropriate protective equipment must be worn during handling. In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice. Avoid inhalation of dust; may cause respiratory distress. / Risque de lésions sérieuses aux yeux. Un appareil de protection approprié doit être porter lors de la manutention. En cas de contact avec les yeux, rincer immédiatement avec beaucoup d'eau et consulter un médecin. Éviter d'inhaler la poussière, car celle-ci peut causer une détresse respiratoire."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent potassium diformate.
- 1-603-004 Sodium bisulfate (or sodium hydrogen sulfate or sodium acid sulfate)
is the sodium salt of sulfuric acid, generally expressed as NaHSO4, and having the CAS# 7681-38-1.
This ingredient is approved for use as a pH adjuster in forage additive products. This ingredient is approved for use as a pH adjuster in livestock feeds.
To address worker safety concerns, it shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is corrosive and causes burns to any area of contact. May be harmful or fatal if swallowed. Do not inhale dust. Appropriate protective equipment must be worn during handling. / Cet ingrédient est corrosif et cause des brûlures sur n'importe quel endroit de contact. Peut être nocif ou fatal si avaler. Ne pas respirez la poussière. Un appareil de protection approprié doit être porter lors de la manutention."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent sodium bisulfate.
- 1-603-005 Butyric acid (or butanoic acid or n-butanoic acid or n-butyric acid)
is butanoic acid, an organic acid, generally expressed as CH3(CH2)2COOH, and having the CAS# 107-92-6.
This ingredient is approved for use as a pH adjuster in an amount not to exceed 0.1% of the complete feed for poultry, swine, and pre-ruminant calves.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent butyric acid.
Note: butyric acid is also approved under subclass 6.17 with ingredient number 1-617-390 and subclass 6.19 with ingredient number 1-619-014.
- 1-603-006 Acetic acid
is ethanoic acid, an organic acid, generally expressed as CH3COOH, and having the CAS # 64-19-7.
This ingredient is approved for use as a pH adjuster in livestock feeds.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent acetic acid.
Note: acetic acid is also approved under subclass 6.1 with ingredient number 1-601-014, subclass 6.10 with ingredient number 1-610-005, and subclass 6.19 with ingredient number 1-619-005.
- 1-603-010 Formic acid
is an organic acid, generally expressed as HCOOH, and having the CAS# 64-18-6.
This ingredient is approved for use as a pH adjuster in livestock feeds.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent formic acid.
Note: formic acid is also approved under subclass 6.1 with ingredient number 1-601-016 and subclass 6.19 with ingredient number 1-619-008.
- 1-603-013 Sodium acetate
is the sodium salt of acetic acid, generally expressed as CH3COONa, and having the CAS# 127-09-3.
This ingredient is approved for use as an pH adjuster in livestock feeds.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent acetic acid.
Note: sodium acetate is also approved under subclass 6.1 with ingredient number 1-601-042 and subclass 6.19 with ingredient number 1-619-011.
- 1-603-014 Fumaric acid
is trans-butenedioic acid, an organic acid, generally expressed as HOOCCHCHCOOH, and having the CAS# 110-17-8.
This ingredient is approved for use as a pH adjuster in livestock feeds.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent fumaric acid.
Note: fumaric acid is also approved under subclass 6.1 with ingredient number 1-601-022, subclass 6.19 with ingredient number 1-619-013, and subclass 6.22 with ingredient number 1-622-005.
- 1-603-015 Ammonium sulfate
is the ammonium salt of sulfuric acid generally expressed as (NH4)2SO4, and having the CAS# 7783-20-2.
This ingredient is approved for use as a pH adjuster in livestock feeds.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent nitrogen, maximum percent nitrogen, minimum percent sulfate, maximum milligrams of arsenic per kilogram, maximum milligrams of iron per kilogram, and maximum milligrams of lead per kilogram.
Note: ammonium sulfate is also approved under subclass 6.1 with ingredient number 1-601-043.
- 1-603-008 Benzoic acid
is benzenecarboxylic acid, an organic acid, generally expressed as C6H5COOH, and having the CAS# 65-85-0.
This ingredient is approved for use as a pH adjuster in an amount not to exceed 0.5% of the complete feed for livestock species.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as a pH adjuster in an amount not to exceed 0.5% of the complete feed for livestock species."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent benzoic acid.
Note: benzoic acid is also approved under subclass 6.1 with ingredient number 1-601-001 and subclass 6.19 with ingredient number 1-619-006.
- 1-603-009 Citric acid
is 2-hydroxy-1, 2, 3-propanetricarboxylic acid, an organic acid, generally expressed as HOC(COOH)(CH2COOH)2, and having the CAS# 77-92-9.
This ingredient is approved for use as a pH adjuster in livestock feeds.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent citric acid.
Note: citric acid is also approved under subclass 6.1 with ingredient number 1-601-045 and subclass 6.19 with ingredient number 1-619-007.
- 1-603-011 Lactic acid
is 2-hydroxypropanic acid, generally expressed as CH3CH(OH)COOH, and having the CAS# 50-21-5. Lactic acid consists of DL-lactic acid (CAS# 598-82-3), L(+)-lactic acid (CAS# 79-33-4) and D(-)-lactic acid (CAS# 10329-41-7). For DL-lactic acid, it shall contain a minimum of 50% of the enantiomer L(+)‑lactic acid and a maximum of 50% of the enantiomer D(-)-lactic acid.
This ingredient is approved for use as a pH adjuster in livestock feeds.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent lactic acid.
Note: lactic acid is also approved under subclass 6.1 with ingredient number 1-601-017 and subclass 6.19 with ingredient number 1-619-009.
- 1-603-016 Phosphoric acid (or orthophosphoric acid)
is a solution of phosphoric acid in water, generally expressed as H3PO4, and having the CAS# 7664-38-2.
This ingredient is approved for use as a pH adjuster in livestock feeds.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent phosphorus, maximum milligrams of fluorine per kilogram, maximum milligrams of arsenic per kilogram, and maximum milligrams iron per kilogram.
Note: phosphoric acid is also approved under subclass 5.3 with ingredient number 1-503-043.
- 1-603-012 Propionic acid
is an organic acid, generally expressed as CH3CH2COOH, and having the CAS# 79-09-4.
This ingredient is approved for use as a pH adjuster in livestock feeds.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent propionic acid.
Note: propionic acid is also approved under subclass 6.1 with ingredient number 1-601-019, subclass 6.2 with ingredient number 1-602-005, subclass 6.19 with ingredient number 1-619-010, and subclass 6.20 with ingredient number 1-620-001.
- 1-603-007 Malic acid (or hydroxysuccinic acid or hydroxybutanedioic acid)
is an organic acid, generally expressed as HO2CCH2CH(OH)CO2H, and having the CAS# 6915-15-7.
This ingredient is approved for use as a pH adjuster in livestock feeds.
- 1-603-017 Sorbic acid
is 2, 4-hexadienoic acid, an organic acid, generally expressed as CH3CHCHCHCHCOOH, and having the CAS# 89-65-6.
This ingredient is approved for use as a pH adjuster in livestock feeds.
Note: sorbic acid is also approved under subclass 6.1 with ingredient number 1-601-004.
- 1-603-018 Magnesium oxide
is the anhydrous oxide of magnesium, generally expressed as MgO, and having the CAS#1309-48-4.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent magnesium.
Note: magnesium oxide is also approved under subclass 5.3 with ingredient number 1-503-033.
- 1-603-019 Sodium bicarbonate
is the anhydrous monobasic sodium salt of carbonic acid, generally expressed as NaHCO3, and having the CAS# 144-55-8.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent sodium.
Note: sodium bicarbonate is also approved under subclass 5.3 with ingredient number 1-503-053.
- 1-603-020 Sodium sesquicarbonate
is the mixed sodium salt of carbonic acid, generally expressed as Na2CO3·NaHCO3·2H2O.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent sodium.
Note: sodium sesquicarbonate is also approved under subclass 5.3 with ingredient number 1-503-060.
- 1-603-021 Sodium citrate
is the sodium salt of citric acid, generally expressed as HOC(COONa)(CH2COONa)2·2H2O.
This ingredient is approved for use as a pH adjuster in livestock feeds.
Note: sodium citrate is also approved under subclass 6.7 with ingredient number 1-607-002.
6.4 Pelleting aids
- 1-604-001 Sepiolite
is a natural mineral clay, generally expressed as Si12Mg8O30(OHH+)4∙8H2O, and having the CAS# 63800-37-3.
This ingredient is approved for use as a pelleting aid in livestock feeds.
Note: sepiolite is also approved under subclass 6.5 with ingredient number 1-605-015.
- 1-604-002 Calcium bentonite
is a naturally occurring mineral, generally expressed as Al2O3∙4(SiO2)∙H2O, and having the CAS# 1302-78-9, consisting primarily of montmorillonite, a tri-layered aluminum silicate. It contains calcium as the predominant available or exchange ion.
This ingredient is approved for use as a pelleting aid in an amount not to exceed 2% of the total diet for livestock species.
It shall be labelled with the following statements:
"This ingredient is approved for use as a pelleting aid in an amount not to exceed 2% of the total diet for livestock species."
"Consult the Compendium of Medicating Ingredient Brochures to determine if this product is compatible with the medicating ingredient being used."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent calcium, and maximum percent moisture.
Note: calcium bentonite is also approved under subclass 6.5 with ingredient number 1-605-016.
- 1-604-003 Animal bone collagen hydrolyzed
is the dried ground collagen colloid obtained after the removal of the fat and minerals from the hydrolysis of clean undecomposed ground beef bone under heat and pressure.
This ingredient is approved for use as a pelleting aid in livestock feeds.
It shall be labelled with the following statements:
"This ingredient is approved for use as a pelleting aid in livestock feeds."
"Consult the Compendium of Medicating Ingredient Brochures to determine if this product is compatible with the medicating ingredient being used."
If the product contains "prohibited material" as set forth in section 162(1) of the Health of Animals Regulations, it shall be labelled with the following statement required by the Minister:
"Feeding this product to cattle, sheep, deer or other ruminants is illegal and is subject to fines or other punishment under the Health of Animals Act. / Il est interdit d'en nourrir les boeufs, moutons, cerfs et autres ruminants et des amendes ou autres peines sont prévues à cet égard par la Loi sur la santé des animaux."
- 1-604-004 Sodium bentonite
is a naturally occurring mineral, generally expressed as Al2O3∙4(SiO2)∙H2O, and having the CAS# 1302-78-9, consisting primarily of montmorillonite, a tri-layered aluminum silicate. It may also be produced by adding sodium bicarbonate to calcium bentonite. It contains sodium as the predominant available or exchange ion.
This ingredient is approved for use as a pelleting aid in an amount not to exceed 2% of the total diet for livestock species.
It shall be labelled with the following statements:
"This ingredient is approved for use as a pelleting aid in an amount not to exceed 2% of the total diet for livestock species."
"Consult the Compendium of Medicating Ingredient Brochures to determine if this product is compatible with the medicating ingredient being used."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent sodium, and maximum percent moisture.
Note: sodium bentonite is also approved under subclass 6.5 with ingredient number 1-605-018.
- 1-604-005 Lignin sulfonate condensed
is the product that consists of either 1 or a combination of the ammonium, calcium, magnesium or sodium salts of the extract of spent sulfite liquor derived from the sulfite digestion of wood or of abaca (Musa textilis). The moisture content of this product shall not exceed 50% by weight. The label must bear a name that is descriptive of its kind (that is, ammonium lignin sulfonate condensed, calcium lignin sulfonate condensed, magnesium lignin sulfonate condensed, sodium lignin sulfonate condensed or a combination thereof).
This ingredient is approved for use as a pelleting aid in an amount, calculated on a dry weight basis, not to exceed 4% in the finished pellets.
It shall be labelled with the following statements:
"This ingredient is approved for use as a pelleting aid in an amount, calculated on a dry weight basis, not to exceed 4% in the finished pellets."
"Consult the Compendium of Medicating Ingredient Brochures to determine if this product is compatible with the medicating ingredient being used."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for maximum percent ash, minimum percent total solids, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-604-006 Lignin sulfonate dehydrated
is the product that consists of either 1 or a combination of the ammonium, calcium, magnesium or sodium salts of the extract of spent sulfite liquor derived from the sulfite digestion of wood or of abaca (Musa textilis). It is dried by thermal means so that the moisture content does not exceed 6% by weight. The label must bear a name that is descriptive of its kind (that is, ammonium lignin sulfonate dehydrated, calcium lignin sulfonate dehydrated, magnesium lignin sulfonate dehydrated, sodium lignin sulfonate dehydrated or a combination thereof).
This ingredient is approved for use as a pelleting aid in an amount, calculated on a dry weight basis, not to exceed 4% in the finished pellets.
It shall be labelled with the following statements:
"This ingredient is approved for use as a pelleting aid in an amount, calculated on a dry weight basis, not to exceed 4% in the finished pellets."
"Consult the Compendium of Medicating Ingredient Brochures to determine if this product is compatible with the medicating ingredient being used."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for maximum percent ash, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-604-013 Polyvinylpyrrolidone
is a synthetic water-soluble polymer primarily consisting of linear 1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone groups, generally expressed as (C6H9NO)n, and having the CAS# 9003-39-8.
This ingredient is approved for use as a pelleting aid in fish feeds.
Note: polyvinylpyrrolidone is also approved under subclass 6.1 with ingredient number 1-601-028, subclass 6.9 with ingredient number 1-609-002, and subclass 6.10 with ingredient number 1-610-007.
- 1-604-007 Ethyl cellulose (or cellulose ethyl ether)
is prepared from wood pulp or chemical cotton by treatment with alkali and ethylation of the alkali cellulose with ethyl chloride, and having the CAS# 9004-57-3.
This ingredient is approved for use as a pelleting aid in livestock feeds.
It shall be labelled with the following statements:
"This ingredient is approved for use as a pelleting aid in livestock feeds."
"Consult the Compendium of Medicating Ingredient Brochures to determine if this product is compatible with the medicating ingredient being used."
- 1-604-008 Montmorillonite clay (or montmorillonite)
is a clay forming the principal constituent of bentonite, generally expressed as R+0.33(AI, Mg)2Si4O10(OH)2NH2O where R+, in natural minerals includes 1 or more of the cations Na+, K+, Mg2+, and Ca2+, and possibly others. It has the CAS# 1318-93-0.
This ingredient is not approved for use in medicated feeds.
This ingredient is approved for use as a pelleting aid in an amount not to exceed 2% of the total diet for livestock species.
It shall be labelled with the following statements:
"This ingredient is not approved for use in medicated feeds. / Cet ingrédient n'est pas approuvé pour l'utilisation dans les aliments médicamentés."
"This ingredient is approved for use as a pelleting aid in an amount not to exceed 2% of the total diet for livestock species."
Note: montmorillonite clay is also approved under subclass 6.5 with ingredient number 1-605-019.
- 1-604-009 Aluminium hydroxide (or hydrated alumina or aluminium (III) hydroxide)
is the hydrated oxide salt of aluminium, generally expressed as Al(OH)3, and having the CAS# 21645-51-2.
This ingredient is approved for use as a pelleting aid in livestock feeds.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"Consult the Compendium of Medicating Ingredient Brochures to determine if this product is compatible with the medicating ingredient being used."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent aluminium hydroxide, and maximum percent aluminium.
Note: aluminium hydroxide is also approved under subclass 6.8 with ingredient number 1-608-012.
- 1-604-010 Attapulgite clay (or Attapulgite)
is hydrated aluminum-magnesium silicate, a naturally occurring mineral mined in Attapulgus, Georgia, generally expressed as (Mg, Al)5Si8O22(OH)4∙4H2O, and having the CAS# 12174-11-7.
This ingredient is not approved for use in medicated feeds.
This ingredient is approved for use as a pelleting aid in an amount not to exceed 0.25%t of the finished feed for livestock species.
It shall be labelled with the following statements:
"This ingredient is not approved for use in medicated feeds. / Cet ingrédient n'est pas approuvé pour l'utilisation dans les aliments médicamentés."
"This ingredient is approved for use as a pelleting aid in an amount not to exceed 0.25% of the finished feed for livestock species."
Note: attapulgite clay is also approved under subclass 6.5 with ingredient number 1-605-020 and subclass 6.8 with ingredient number 1-608-020.
- 1-604-011 Sodium hydroxide lignin dehydrated (or dehydrated sodium hydroxide lignin)
is the by-product of pulping wheat straw with sodium hydroxide and steam in a digester until the lignin is solubilized. There is no bleaching step in this process. The product is washed with water and then flash dried to a powder with not less than 94% solids.
This ingredient is not approved for use in fish feeds.
This ingredient is approved for use as a pelleting aid in an amount, calculated on a dry weight basis, not to exceed 4% in the finished pellets.
It shall be labelled with the following statements:
"This ingredient is approved for use as a pelleting aid in an amount, calculated on a dry weight basis, not to exceed 4% in the finished pellets."
"Consult the Compendium of Medicating Ingredient Brochures to determine if this product is compatible with the medicating ingredient being used."
Caution/Précaution :
"This ingredient is not approved for use in fish feeds. / Cet ingrédient n'est pas approuvé pour l'utilisation dans les aliments destinés aux poissons."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for maximum percent ash, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-604-012 Gelatin
is the product obtained by partial hydrolysis of collagen derived from animal skin, white connective tissue and bones, and having the CAS# 9000-70-8.
This ingredient is approved for use as a pelleting aid in livestock feeds.
If the product bears a name descriptive of its kind or origin (for example, porcine), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If the product contains "prohibited material" as set forth in section 162(1) of the Health of Animals Regulations, it shall be labelled with the following statement required by the Minister:
"Feeding this product to cattle, sheep, deer or other ruminants is illegal and is subject to fines or other punishment under the Health of Animals Act. / Il est interdit d'en nourrir les boeufs, moutons, cerfs et autres ruminants et des amendes ou autres peines sont prévues à cet égard par la Loi sur la santé des animaux."
6.5 Anticaking ingredients
- 1-605-001 Smectite-vermiculite (or magnesium-mica)
is a naturally occurring magnesium, iron and potassium layered aluminum silicate.
This ingredient is approved for use as an anticaking agent in livestock feeds.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent magnesium, minimum milligrams of iron per kilogram, and minimum percent potassium.
- 1-605-015 Sepiolite
is a natural mineral clay, generally expressed as Si12Mg8O30(OHH+)4∙8H2O, and having the CAS# 63800-37-8.
This ingredient is approved for use as an anticaking agent in livestock feeds.
Note: sepiolite is also approved under subclass 6.4 with ingredient number 1-604-001.
- 1-605-016 Calcium bentonite
is a naturally occurring mineral, generally expressed as Al2O3∙4(SiO2)∙H2O, and having the CAS# 1302-78-9, consisting primarily of montmorillonite, a tri-layered aluminum silicate. It contains calcium as the predominant available or exchange ion.
This ingredient is approved for use as an anticaking agent in an amount not to exceed 2% of the total diet for livestock species.
It shall be labelled with the following statements:
"This ingredient is approved for use as an anticaking agent in an amount not to exceed 2% of the total diet for livestock species."
"Consult the Compendium of Medicating Ingredient Brochures to determine if this product is compatible with the medicating ingredient being used."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent calcium, and maximum percent moisture.
Note: calcium bentonite is also approved under subclass 6.4 with ingredient number 1-604-002.
- 1-605-017 D-Mannitol
is the product of a reduction process by either H2 gas in the presence of metal catalysts (for example, platinum) or sodium amalgam in water with mannose. It is generally expressed as C6H14O6, and having the CAS# 69-65-8.
This ingredient is approved for use as an anticaking agent in livestock feeds.
Note: D-mannitol is also approved under subclass 6.1 with ingredient number 1-601-024, subclass 6.9 with ingredient number 1-609-001, and subclass 6.22 with ingredient number 1-622-006.
- 1-605-002 Verxite granules (or hydrobiotite or magnesium-aluminum-iron silicate or vermiculite)
is a magnesium-iron-aluminum silicate containing a minimum of 98% hydrobiotite.
This ingredient is approved for use as an anticaking agent in an amount not to exceed 5% of the finished feed for livestock species.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as an anticaking agent in an amount not to exceed 5% of the finished feed for livestock species."
- 1-605-018 Sodium bentonite
is a naturally occurring mineral, generally expressed as Al2O3∙4(SiO2)∙H2O, and having the CAS# 1302-78-9, consisting primarily of montmorillonite, a tri-layered aluminum silicate. It may also be produced by adding sodium bicarbonate to calcium bentonite. It contains sodium as the predominant available or exchange ion.
This ingredient is approved for use as an anticaking agent in an amount not to exceed 2% of the total diet for livestock species.
It shall be labelled with the following statements:
"This ingredient is approved for use as an anticaking agent in an amount not to exceed 2% of the total diet for livestock species."
"Consult the Compendium of Medicating Ingredient Brochures to determine if this product is compatible with the medicating ingredient being used."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent sodium, and maximum percent moisture.
Note: sodium bentonite is also approved under subclass 6.4 with ingredient number 1-604-004.
- 1-605-003 Calcium silicate
is the calcium salt of silicic acid, generally expressed as CaSiO3, and having the CAS# 1344-95-2.
This ingredient is approved for use as an anticaking agent in an amount not to exceed 2% of the finished feed for livestock species.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as an anticaking agent in an amount not to exceed 2% of the finished feed for livestock species."
- 1-605-004 Calcium stearate
is the calcium salt of octadecanoic acid, generally expressed as Ca(C18H35O2)2, and having the CAS# 1592-23-0.
This ingredient is approved for use as an anticaking agent in livestock feeds.
- 1-605-005 Diatomaceous earth
is the product that consists of siliceous skeletal material derived from various species of diatoms.
This ingredient is approved for use as an anticaking agent in an amount not to exceed 2% of the total diet for livestock species.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as an anticaking agent or an inert carrier in an amount not to exceed 2% of the total diet for livestock species."
- 1-605-006 Silicon dioxide
is silicic anhydride, generally expressed as SiO2, and having the CAS # 7631-86-9.
This ingredient is approved for use as an anticaking agent in an amount not to exceed 2% of the total diet for livestock species.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as an anticaking agent in an amount not to exceed 2% of the total diet for livestock species."
- 1-605-007 Sodium ferrocyanide (or yellow prussiate of soda)
is yellow prussiate of soda, generally expressed as C6FeN6Na4, and having the CAS# 13601-19-9.
This ingredient is approved for use as an anticaking agent in an amount not to exceed 0.0013% in salt for livestock species.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as an anticaking agent in an amount not to exceed 0.0013% in salt for livestock species."
- 1-605-008 Kaolin
is hydrated aluminum silicate, generally expressed as Al2O7Si2∙H2O, and having the CAS # 1332-58-7.
This ingredient is approved for use as an anticaking agent in an amount not to exceed 2.5% of the finished feed for livestock species.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as an anticaking agent in an amount not to exceed 2.5% of the finished feed for livestock species."
- 1-605-019 Montmorillonite clay (or montmorillonite)
is a clay forming the principal constituent of bentonite, generally expressed as R+0.33(AI, Mg)2Si4O10(OH)2NH2O where R+, in natural minerals, includes 1 or more of the cations Na+, K+, Mg2+, and Ca2+, and possibly others. It has the CAS# 1318-93-0.
This ingredient is not approved for use in medicated feeds.
This ingredient is approved for use as an anticaking agent in an amount not to exceed 2% of the total diet for livestock species.
It shall be labelled with the following statements:
"This ingredient is not approved for use in medicated feeds. / Cet ingrédient n'est pas approuvé pour l'utilisation dans les aliments médicamentés."
"This ingredient is approved for use as an anticaking agent in an amount not to exceed 2% of the total diet for livestock species."
Note: montmorillonite clay is also approved under subclass 6.4 with ingredient number 1-604-008.
- 1-605-009 Sodium calcium aluminosilicate hydrated (or hydrated sodium calcium aluminosilicate)
is NaCaO∙Al2O3∙2SiO2∙H2O.
This ingredient is approved for use as an anticaking agent in an amount not to exceed 2% of the total diet for livestock species.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as an anticaking agent in an amount not to exceed 2% of the total diet for livestock species."
- 1-605-010 Sodium salts of fatty acids
is the product obtained by saponification of animal fat or vegetable oil followed by removal of glycerol and neutralization of the remaining fatty acids with sodium hydroxide to form salts of the fatty acids (soap). The source of the free fatty acids shall be indicated on the label.
This ingredient is approved for use as an anticaking agent in livestock feeds.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for maximum percent moisture, maximum percent unsaponifiable matter, maximum percent free fatty acids, and minimum percent total fatty acids.
Note: sodium salts of fatty acids is also approved under subclass 6.8 with ingredient number 1-608-011.
- 1-605-011 Talc
is a naturally occurring mineral consisting primarily of magnesium silicate hydrated, generally expressed as 3MgO·4SiO2·H2O, and having the CAS # 14807-96-6.
This ingredient is approved for use as an anticaking agent in an amount not to exceed 2% of the finished feed for livestock species.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as an anticaking agent in an amount not to exceed 2% of the finished feed for livestock species."
- 1-605-020 Attapulgite clay (or Attapulgite)
is hydrated aluminum-magnesium silicate, a naturally occurring mineral mined in Attapulgus, Georgia, generally expressed as (Mg, Al)5Si8O22(OH)4∙4H2O, and having the CAS# 12174-11-7.
This ingredient is not approved for use in medicated feeds.
This ingredient is approved for use as an anticaking agent in an amount not to exceed 0.25% of the finished feed for livestock species.
It shall be labelled with the following statements:
"This ingredient is not approved for use in medicated feeds. / Cet ingrédient n'est pas approuvé pour l'utilisation dans les aliments médicamentés."
"This ingredient is approved for use as an anticaking agent in an amount not to exceed 0.25% of the finished feed for livestock species."
Note: attapulgite clay is also approved under subclass 6.4 with ingredient number 1-604-010 and subclass 6.8 with ingredient number 1-608-020.
- 1-605-012 Magnesium stearate
is the magnesium salt of octadecanoic acid, generally expressed as Mg[CH3(CH2)16CO2]2, and having the CAS # 557-04-0.
This ingredient is approved for use as an anticaking agent in livestock feeds.
- 1-605-013 Perlite
is the expanded, powdered form of a glassy volcanic rock, consisting of fused sodium potassium aluminum silicate. It has the CAS# 83969-76-0.
This ingredient is approved for use as an anticaking agent in an amount not to exceed 4% of the finished feed for livestock species.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as an anticaking agent in an amount not to exceed 4% of the finished feed for livestock species."
- 1-605-014 Sodium aluminosilicate (or sodium aluminum silicate)
is the mined, naturally occurring crystalline mineral consisting of aluminum oxide, silicon dioxide and sodium oxide. It has a general chemical formula of n(Na2O∙Al2O3∙2SiO2∙H2O)·rH2O and the CAS# 73987-94-7.
This ingredient is approved for use as an anticaking agent or flow agent in an amount not to exceed 2% of the finished feed for livestock species.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as an anticaking agent or flow agent in an amount not to exceed 2% of the finished feed for livestock species."
6.6 Colourants for livestock feeds
- 1-606-001 Ferric oxide (or iron oxide)
is the anhydrous oxide of iron present in several valences and colours, generally expressed as Fe2O3 (trivalent), and having the CAS # 1309-37-1.
This ingredient is approved for use as a colourant for livestock feeds.
- 1-606-002 Brilliant blue FCF lake (or FD&C Blue No. 1 lake)
is the disodium salt of N-ethyl-N-(4-((4-(ethyl((3-sulfophenyl)methyl)amino) phenyl)methylene)-2,5-cyclohadien-1-ylidene) -3 -sulfobenzenemethanaminium hydroxide inner salt, generally expressed as C37H34N2O9S3, and having the CAS# 3844-45-9.
This ingredient is approved for use as a colourant for livestock feeds.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent of the primary dye.
- 1-606-003 Tartrazine lake (or FD&C Yellow No. 5 lake)
is the trisodium salt of 4,5-dihydro-5-oxo-1-(4-sulfophenyl)-4-((4-sulfophenyl)azo)-1H-pyrazole -3-carboxylic acid.
This ingredient is approved for use as a colourant for livestock feeds.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent of the primary dye.
- 1-606-004 Turmeric tubers dehydrated
is the dried rhizome derived from the plant source Curcuma longa, generally expressed as CH2[HOC6H3(OCH3)CHCHCO]2, and having the CAS# 458-37-7.
This ingredient is approved for use as a colourant for livestock feeds.
- 1-606-005 Amaranth dye (or FD&C Red No. 2 dye)
is the trisodium salt of 1-(4-sulfo-1-naphthylazo)-2- naphtol-3,6-disulfonic acid, generally expressed as C20H11N2Na3O10S3, and having the CAS# 915-67-3.
This ingredient is approved for use as a colourant for livestock feeds.
- 1-606-006 Brilliant blue FCF dye (or FD&C Blue No. 1 dye)
is the disodium salt of N-ethyl-N-(4-((4-ethyl((3-sulfophenyl)methyl, amino)phenyl)methylene)-2,5-cyclohadien-1-ylidene)-3-sulfobenzene-methanaminium hydroxide inner salt.
This ingredient is approved for use as a colourant for livestock feeds.
- 1-606-007 Caramel (or caramel colour)
is the burnt sugar colouring made by heating sugar or glucose, adding small quantities of alkaline carbonate or a trace of mineral acid during the heating, and having a CAS# 8028-89-5.
This ingredient is approved for use as a colourant for livestock feeds.
- 1-606-008 Erythrosine dye (or FD&C Red No. 3 dye)
is 3'6'-dihydroxy-2,4,5,7-tetraiodospiro (isobenzofuran1(3H),9'-(9H)xanthan)-3-1 disodium salt, generally expressed as C20H6I4Na2O5, and having the CAS# 16423-68-0.
This ingredient is approved for use as a colourant for livestock feeds.
- 1-606-009 Fast green FCF dye (or FD&C Green No. 3 dye)
is the disodium salt of N-ethyl-N(4-((4-(ethyl ((3-sulfophenyl)methyl)amino)phenyl) (4-hydroxy-2-sulfophenyl) -methylene)-2,5-cyclohexadien- 1-ylidene)-3- sulfobenzenemethanamin hydroxide inner salt, generally expressed as C37H34N2O10S3Na2, and having the CAS# 2353-45-9.
This ingredient is approved for use as a colourant for livestock feeds.
- 1-606-010 Indigo carmine lake (or FD&C Blue No.2 lake or Indigotine lake)
is the product generally expressed as C16H8N2Na2O8S2, and having the CAS# 860-22-0. The Lake form may also be used if it consists of Indigo carmine extended on alumina. If the Lake form is used then the common name shall correspond thereto.
This ingredient is approved for use as a colourant for livestock feeds.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent of the primary dye.
- 1-606-011 Potassium sodium copper chlorophyllin
is the copper derivative of the potassium sodium salt of chlorophyll.
This ingredient is approved for use as a colourant for livestock feeds.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent of the primary dye.
- 1-606-012 Sodium copper chlorophyllin
is the copper derivative of the sodium salt of chlorophyll and having the CAS# 11006-34-1.
This ingredient is approved for use as a colourant for livestock feeds.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent of the primary dye.
- 1-606-013 Sunset yellow FCF dye (or FD&C Yellow No. 6 dye)
is 6-hydroxy-5-((4-sulfophenyl)azol)-2-naphthalenesulfonic acid disodium salt. This ingredient is approved for use as a colourant for livestock feeds.
- 1-606-014 Sunset yellow FCF lake (or FD&C Yellow No. 6 lake)
is the disodium salt of 6-hydroxy-5-((4-sulfophenyl)azol)-2-naphthalenesulfonic acid. This ingredient is approved for use as a colourant for livestock feeds.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent of the primary dye.
- 1-606-016 Tartrazine dye (or FD&C Yellow No. 5 dye)
is the trisodium salt of (4,5-dihydro-5-oxo-1-(4-sulfophenyl) -4- ((4-sulfophenyl) azo)-IH-pyrazole-3-carboxylic acid. This ingredient is approved for use as a colourant for livestock feeds.
- 1-606-017 Ultramarine blue
is the product obtained by calcining a mixture of kaolin, sulfur, sodium carbonate and carbon at temperatures above 700oC to form a complex sodium aluminum sulfosilicate (Na7Al6Si6O2S3).
This ingredient is approved for use as a colourant in an amount not to exceed 0.5% by weight in salt blocks for livestock species.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as a colourant in an amount not to exceed 0.5% by weight in salt blocks for livestock species."
- 1-606-018 Wood charcoal
is the ground, black, amorphous carbon solid obtained by the processing of the wood, generally expressed as C, and having the CAS# 7440-44-0.
This ingredient is approved for use as a colourant in an amount not to exceed 250 grams per tonne of the complete feed for livestock species.
- 1-606-019 Annatto seeds extract (or annatto extract or Bixa orellana seed extract)
is the extract of the annatto seed, Bixa orellana, which contains bixin and several yellow to orange-red pigments which give carotene reactions, and is generally expressed as C24H28O4.
This ingredient is approved for use as a colourant for livestock feeds.
- 1-606-020 Allura red dye (or red dye No. 40 or FD&C Red No. 40)
is a 6-hydroxy-5-[(2-methoxy-5-methyl-4-sulfophenyl)azo]-2-naphthalene sulfonic acid disodium salt, generally expressed as C18H14N2Na2O8S2, and having the CAS# 25956-17-6. The Lake form may also be used if it consists of Allura Red extended on alumina. If the Lake form is used then the common name shall correspond thereto.
This ingredient is approved for use as a colourant for livestock feeds.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"The pure dye content is not to be used at levels exceeding 30 mg/kg (ppm) in lactating dairy feeds."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent of the primary dye.
6.7 Chelating ingredients
- 1-607-001 Disodium EDTA (or disodium ethylenediamine tetraacetate)
is N,N'-1,2-ethanediylbis (N-(carboxymethyl) glycine) disodium salt, and generally expressed as C10H14O8N2Na2∙2H2O.
This ingredient is approved for use as a chelating agent or sequestering agent in amount not to exceed 0.024% of the finished feed for livestock species.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as a chelating agent or sequestering agent in amount not to exceed 0.024% of the finished feed for livestock species."
- 1-607-004 Calcium citrate (or tricalcium citrate)
is 2-hydroxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic acid calcium salt, the calcium salt of citric acid, generally expressed as Ca3[O2CCH2C(OH)(CO2)CH2CO2]2·4H2O, and having the CAS# 5785-44-4.
This ingredient is approved for use as a chelating agent in livestock feeds.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent calcium citrate.
Note: calcium citrate is also approved under subclass 6.1 with ingredient number 1-601-023.
- 1-607-002 Sodium citrate
is the sodium salt of citric acid, generally expressed as HOC(COONa)(CH2COONa)2·2H2O.
This ingredient is approved for use as a chelating agent in livestock feeds.
Note: sodium citrate is also approved under subclass 6.3 with ingredient number 1-603-021.
- 1-607-003 Sodium diacetate
is the sodium salt of acetic acid in a 1:2 ratio, generally expressed as CH3COONa∙CH3COOH, and having the CAS# 126-96-5.
This ingredient is approved for use as a chelating agent in livestock feeds.
6.8 Emulsifying ingredients
- 1-608-001 Sorbitan monostearate
is a mixture of stearic and palmitic acid esters of sorbitol and their mono- and di-anhydrides, generally expressed as C24H46O6, and having the CAS# 1338-41-6.
This ingredient is approved for use as an emulsifying agent in livestock feeds.
- 1-608-002 Ammonium polyphosphate solution
is the ammonium salt of superphosphoric acid.
This ingredient is approved for use as an emulsifying agent in livestock feeds.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum milligrams of nitrogen per kilogram, maximum milligrams of nitrogen per kilogram, minimum percent phosphorus, maximum milligrams of arsenic per kilogram, maximum milligrams of iron per kilogram, maximum milligrams of lead per kilogram, and maximum milligrams of fluorine per kilogram.
- 1-608-003 Glyceryl monostearate
is octadecanoic acid mono-ester with 1,2,3-propanetriol, generally expressed as C21H42O4, and having the CAS# 31566-31-1.
This ingredient is approved for use as an emulsifying agent in livestock feeds.
- 1-608-004 Soybean lecithin (or soy lecithin)
is the product obtained from soybean oil by a degumming process. It contains lecithin, cephaline and inositol phosphatides together with glycerides of soybean oil and traces of tocopherols, glucosides and pigments.
This ingredient is approved for use as an emulsifying agent in livestock feeds.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent free fatty acids, and maximum percent moisture.
Note: soybean lecithin is also approved under subclass 6.19 with ingredient number 1-619-004.
- 1-608-005 Citric ester of mono and di-glycerides
is the product that consists of mixture of mono- and di-glycerides in a citric ester matrix, and having the CAS# 977093-28-9.
This ingredient is approved for use as an emulsifying agent in livestock feeds.
- 1-608-006 Propylene glycol mono-and di-esters of fats and fatty acids
is a mixture of 1 or both of 1,2-propanediol mono- and di-esters of fats or fatty acids.
This ingredient is approved for use as an emulsifying agent in livestock feeds.
Note: propylene glycol mono- and di-esters of fats and fatty acids is also approved under subclass 6.1 with ingredient number 1-601-027 and subclass 6.10 with ingredient number 1-610-006.
- 1-608-007 Polysorbate 80 (or Tween 80 or polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan mono-oleate)
is food grade polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan mono-oleate.
This ingredient is approved for use as an emulsifying agent in livestock feeds.
It may also be used in the bio-fuel process in the production of ethanol distillers' corn oil at a maximum use rate of 1000 ppm.
- 1-608-008 Polysorbate 20 (or polyoxyethylene sorbitan monolaurate or Tween 20)
is food grade polyoxyethylene 20 sorbitan monolaurate, and having the CAS# 9005-64-5.
This ingredient is approved for use as an emulsifying agent in livestock feeds.
- 1-608-009 Propylene glycol
is 1,2-propanediol, generally expressed as CH3CH(OH)CH2OH, and having the CAS# 57-55-6.
This ingredient is approved for use as an emulsifying agent in livestock feeds.
- 1-608-010 Xanthan gum
is a polysaccharide gum, having the CAS# 11138-66-2. It is derived from a non-pathogenic strain of the microorganism, Xathomonas campestris, and purified by recovery with isopropyl alcohol. The dominant hexose units are D-glucose, D-mannose and D-glucuronic acid in addition to their sodium, potassium or calcium salts. It shall not contain more than 750 ppm residual isopropyl alcohol.
This ingredient is approved for use as an emulsifying agent in an amount not to exceed 0.1% in calf milk replacers, and in an amount not to exceed 0.25% in liquid supplements for ruminants.
It shall be labelled with the following statements:
"This ingredient is approved for use as an emulsifying agent in an amount not to exceed 0.1% in calf milk replacers."
"This ingredient is approved for use as an emulsifying agent in an amount not to exceed 0.25% in liquid supplements for ruminants."
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Note: xanthan gum is also approved under subclass 6.1 with ingredient number 1-601-030, and subclass 6.9 with ingredient number 1-609-003.
- 1-608-011 Sodium salts of fatty acids
is the product obtained by saponification of animal fat or vegetable oil followed by removal of glycerol and neutralization of the remaining fatty acids with sodium hydroxide to form salts of the fatty acids (soap). The source of the free fatty acids shall be indicated on the label.
This ingredient is approved for use as an emulsifying agent in livestock feeds.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for maximum percent moisture, maximum percent unsaponifiable matter, maximum percent free fatty acids, and minimum percent total fatty acids.
Note: sodium salts of fatty acids is also approved under subclass 6.5 with ingredient number 1-605-010.
- 1-608-012 Aluminium hydroxide (or hydrated alumina or aluminium (III) hydroxide)
is the hydrated oxide salt of aluminium, generally expressed as Al(OH)3, and having the CAS# 21645-51-2.
This ingredient is approved for use as an emulsifying agent in livestock feeds.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"Consult the Compendium of Medicating Ingredient Brochures to determine if this product is compatible with the medicating ingredient being used."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent aluminium hydroxide, and maximum percent aluminium.
Note: aluminium hydroxide is also approved under subclass 6.4 with ingredient number 1-604-009.
- 1-608-013 Triethyl citrate (or triethyl citrate (ethyl citrate))
is generally expressed as HOC(COOC2H5)(CH2COOC2H5)2, and having the CAS# 77-93-0.
This ingredient is approved for use as an emulsifying agent in livestock feeds.
- 1-608-014 Glycerin polyethyleneglycol ricinoleate
is alpha,alpha',alpha''-1,2,3-propanetryltris-omega-hydroxy-poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),[r-(Z)]-12-hydroxy-9-octadecenoate, and having the CAS# 51142-51-9.
This ingredient is approved for use as an emulsifying agent in an amount not to exceed 0.05% of the total diet for livestock species.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as an emulsifying agent in an amount not to exceed 0.05% of the total diet for livestock species."
Note: glycerin polyethyleneglycol ricinoleate is also approved under subclass 6.1 with ingredient number 1-601-032, and subclass 6.9 with ingredient number 1-609-004.
- 1-608-015 Glycerol mono-oleate
is 9-octadecanoic acid mono-ester with 1,2,3-propanetriol, generally expressed as C21H40O4, and having the CAS# 25496-72-4.
This ingredient is approved for use as an emulsifying agent in livestock feeds.
- 1-608-016 Guar mucilage (or guar gum or Cyamopsis gum)
is the product obtained by grinding the endosperms derived from the plant source Cyamopsis tetragonolobus, generally expressed as C17H17ClO6, and having the CAS# 9000-30-0.
This ingredient is approved for use as an emulsifying agent in livestock feeds.
Note: guar mucilage is also approved under subclass 6.1 with ingredient number 1-601-036.
- 1-608-017 Mono-and diglycerides of edible fats or oils (or mono- and diglycerides)
is the product that consists of a mixture of monoglycerides and diglycerides.
This ingredient is approved for use as an emulsifying agent in livestock feeds.
- 1-608-018 Polysorbate 60 (or Tween 60)
is polyoxyethylene (20) sorbitan mono-stearate, and having the CAS# 9005-67-8.
This ingredient is approved for use as an emulsifying agent in livestock feeds.
- 1-608-019 Polyoxyethylene glycol 400 mono-and di-oleates
is the product resulting from condensation of ethylene glycol and ethylene oxide.
This ingredient is approved for use as an emulsifying agent in livestock feeds.
- 1-608-020 Attapulgite clay (or Attapulgite)
is hydrated aluminum-magnesium silicate, a naturally occurring mineral mined in Attapulgus, Georgia, generally expressed as (Mg, Al)5Si8O22(OH)4∙4H2O, and having the CAS# 12174-11-7.
This ingredient is not approved for use in medicated feeds.
This ingredient is approved for use as an emulsifying agent in an amount not to exceed 2.5% of the liquid supplements for livestock species.
It shall be labelled with the following statements:
"This ingredient is not approved for use in medicated feeds. / Cet ingrédient n'est pas approuvé pour l'utilisation dans les aliments médicamentés."
"This ingredient is approved for use as an emulsifying agent in an amount not to exceed 2.5% of the liquid supplements for livestock species."
Note: attapulgite clay is also approved under subclass 6.4 with ingredient number 1-604-010 and subclass 6.5 with ingredient number 1-605-020.
- 1-608-021 Ammonium chloride
is the ammonium salt of hydrochloric acid, generally expressed as NH4Cl, and having the CAS# 12125-12-9.
This ingredient is approved for use as an emulsifying agent in livestock feeds.
6.9 Viscosity modifiers
- 1-609-001 D-Mannitol
is the product of a reduction process by either H2 gas in the presence of metal catalysts (for example, platinum) or sodium amalgam in water with mannose. It is generally expressed as C6H14O6, and having the CAS# 69-65-8.
This ingredient is approved for use as a viscosity modifier in livestock feeds.
Note: D-mannitol is also approved under subclass 6.1 with ingredient number 1-601-024, subclass 6.5 with ingredient number 1-605-017, and subclass 6.22 with ingredient number 1-622-006.
- 1-609-002 Polyvinylpyrrolidone
is a synthetic water-soluble polymer primarily consisting of linear 1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone groups, generally expressed as (C6H9NO)n, and having the CAS# 9003-39-8.
This ingredient is approved for use as a viscosity modifier in solutions and suspensions.
Note: polyvinylpyrrolidone is also approved under subclass 6.1 with ingredient number 1-601-028, subclass 6.4 with ingredient number 1-604-013, and subclass 6.10 with ingredient number 1-610-007.
- 1-609-003 Xanthan gum
is a polysaccharide gum, having the CAS# 11138-66-2. It is derived from a non-pathogenic strain of the microorganism, Xathomonas campestris, and purified by recovery with isopropyl alcohol. The dominant hexose units are D-glucose, D-mannose and D-glucuronic acid in addition to their sodium, potassium or calcium salts. It shall not contain more than 750 ppm residual isopropyl alcohol.
This ingredient is approved for use as a viscosity modifier in an amount not to exceed 0.1% in calf milk replacers, and in an amount not to exceed 0.25% in liquid supplements for ruminants.
It shall be labelled with the following statements:
"This ingredient is approved for use as a viscosity modifier in an amount not to exceed 0.1% in calf milk replacers."
"This ingredient is approved for use as a viscosity modifier in an amount not to exceed 0.25% in liquid supplements for ruminants."
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Note: xanthan gum is also approved under subclass 6.1 with ingredient number 1-601-030 and subclass 6.8 with ingredient number 1-608-010.
- 1-609-004 Glycerin polyethyleneglycol ricinoleate
is alpha,alpha',alpha''-1,2,3-propanetryltris-omega-hydroxy-poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl),[r-(Z)]-12-hydroxy-9-octadecenoate, and having the CAS# 51142-51-9.
This ingredient is approved for use as a viscosity modifier in an amount not to exceed 0.05% of the total diet for livestock species.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as a viscosity modifier in an amount not to exceed 0.05% of the total diet for livestock species."
Note: glycerin polyethyleneglycol ricinoleate is also approved under subclass 6.1 with ingredient number 1-601-032 and subclass 6.8 with ingredient number 1-608-014.
6.10 Solvents
- 1-610-001 Ethanol (or ethyl alcohol or anhydrous alcohol)
is ethanol, generally expressed as CH3CH2OH, and having the CAS# 64-17-5.
This ingredient is approved for use as a solvent in livestock feeds.
- 1-610-006 Propylene glycol mono-and di-esters of fats and fatty acids
is a mixture of 1 or both of 1,2-propanediol mono- and di-esters of fats or fatty acids.
This ingredient is approved for use as a solvent in livestock feeds.
Note: propylene glycol mono- and di-esters of fats and fatty acids is also approved under subclass 6.1 with ingredient number 1-601-027, and subclass 6.8 with ingredient number 1-608-006.
- 1-610-002 n-Propyl alcohol (or propyl alcohol, n-)
is 1-propanol, generally expressed as CH3CH2CH2OH, and having the CAS# 71-23-8.
This ingredient is approved for use as a solvent in flavouring agents.
- 1-610-007 Polyvinylpyrrolidone
is a synthetic water-soluble polymer primarily consisting of linear 1-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone groups, generally expressed as (C6H9NO)n, and having the CAS# 9003-39-8.
This ingredient is approved for use as a solvent in livestock feeds.
Note: polyvinylpyrrolidone is also approved under subclass 6.1 with ingredient number 1-601-028, subclass 6.4 with ingredient number 1-604-013, and subclass 6.9 with ingredient number 1-609-002.
- 1-610-005 Acetic acid
is ethanoic acid, an organic acid, generally expressed as CH3COOH, and having the CAS # 64-19-7.
This ingredient is approved for use as a solvent in livestock feeds.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent acetic acid.
Note: acetic acid is also approved under subclass 6.1 with ingredient number 1-601-014, subclass 6.3 with ingredient number 1-603-006, and subclass 6.19 with ingredient number 1-619-005.
- 1-610-003 Glyceryl triacetate (or triacetin)
is 1,2,3-propanetriol triacetate, generally expressed as (CH3COOCH2)2CHOCOCH3, and having the CAS# 102-76-1.
This ingredient is approved for use as a solvent in livestock feeds.
- 1-610-004 Isopropyl alcohol (or isopropanol)
is 2-propanol, generally expressed as (CH3)2CHOH, and having the CAS# 67-63-0.
This ingredient is approved for use as a solvent in livestock feeds.
- 1-610-008 Glycerin (or glycerol or 1,2,3-propanetriol)
is 1,2,3-propanetriol, generally expressed as HOCH2CH(OH)CH2OH, and having the CAS# 56-81-5, obtained from the saponification of vegetable or animal fats and oils during the manufacturing of soap and fatty acids. It shall contain not less than 95% glycerol and must meet the specification for Food Chemicals Codex (FCC) grade (food grade).
This ingredient is approved for use as a solvent in an amount not to exceed 100 ppm in flavouring agents.
Note: glycerin is also approved under subclass 2.6 with ingredient number 1-206-001, and subclass 6.22 with ingredient number 1-622-007.
6.11 Microtracers
- 1-611-001 Stainless steel grits
is the product that consists of small particles (between 35 and 100 mesh) principally composed of iron with chromium, manganese, silicon and carbon. It shall not contain more than 20% chromium.
This ingredient is approved for use as a carrier in microtracers for livestock feeds.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use in microtracers in an amount not to exceed 10 grams per tonne of the complete feed for livestock species."
- 1-611-002 Iron grits (or cast steel grits)
is the product that consists of small particles (between 35 and 100 mesh) principally composed of iron with carbon, manganese and silicon.
This ingredient is approved for use as a carrier in microtracers for livestock feeds.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use in microtracers in an amount not to exceed 10 grams per tonne of the complete feed for livestock species."
- 1-611-003 Tannic acid (or hydrolyzable tannins or hydrolyzable gallo-tannins)
is the hydrolyzable fraction of tannins obtained by extraction with water or organic solvents (acetone or ethyl acetate) from a variety of botanical sources (for example, Caesalpinia spinosa, Castanea sativa, Quercus infectoria, Rhus spp.). It is a yellow to light brown powder composed of a low molecular weight polymer of glucose esterified with up to 12 molecules of gallic acid and/or 3‑galloylgallic acid. It shall contain a minimum of 96% tannic acid on a dry matter basis, and it shall contain not more than 12% moisture.
This ingredient is approved for use as a component of microtracers in an amount not to exceed 3% of the microtracer formulations, and in an amount not to exceed 1.5 grams per tonne of the complete feed for livestock species.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as a component of microtracers in an amount not to exceed 3% of the microtracer formulations and in an amount not to exceed 1.5 grams per tonne of the complete feed for livestock species."
To address worker safety concerns, it shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient may cause eye, skin and respiratory irritation and/or sensitization. Appropriate protective equipment must be worn during handling. / Cet ingrédient peut causer une irritation des yeux, de la peau et des voies respiratoires et/ou une sensibilisation. Un appareil de protection approprié doit être porté lors de la manutention."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent tannic acid, and maximum percent moisture.
6.12 Encapsulating ingredients
- 1-612-001 Agar
is the polysaccharide obtained from the algae of the genus Gracilaria, generally expressed by (C12H18O9)n, and having the CAS # 9002-18-0. The algae is cut, boiled, filtered, and the filtrate is mixed with an ethanol/water mixture to precipitate the agar, which is then dried.
This ingredient is approved for use as an encapsulating agent in livestock feeds.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as an encapsulating agent in livestock feeds."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum milligrams of agar per kilogram.
- 1-612-002 Wax-free bleached shellac (or refined bleached shellac)
is the product obtained from lac, the resinous secretion of the insect Laccifer (Tachardia) lacca Kerr (Fam. Coccidae), that is dissolved, bleached, filtered for wax and dried, and having the CAS# 9000-59-3. It is dissolved in an approved alcohol as listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table.
This ingredient is approved for use as a protective coating on microtracers in an amount not to exceed 0.01% of the complete feed for livestock species.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as a protective coating on microtracers in an amount not to exceed 0.01% of the complete feed for livestock species."
- 1-612-003 Modified corn starch (or chemically modified corn starch)
is the food grade product resulting from the chemical modification of waxy corn starch slurry using acid hydrolysis and esterification by octenylsuccinic anhydride (OSA). The pH and temperature of the acid-hydrolyzed waxy corn starch slurry may be adjusted before treatment with OSA. The modified intermediate product may be filtered, dewatered and washed. It may also be pH adjusted, steam cooked and heat-treated. The resulting product is either spray-dried or flashed dried to produce the modified corn starch.
This ingredient is approved for use as an encapsulating agent in livestock feeds.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as an encapsulating agent in livestock feeds."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent total starch, maximum percent total starch, and maximum percent moisture.
Note: modified corn starch is also approved under class 7 with ingredient number 1-701-016.
6.13 Dewatering ingredients
Reserved for future use
6.14 Odour control ingredients
Reserved for future use
6.15 Anionic and cationic ingredients
- 1-615-001 Hydrochloric acid (or hydrogen chloride solution)
is a clear colourless solution of hydrogen chloride gas, generally expressed as HCl, and having the CAS# 7647-01-0, in water. It must meet the specification of the United States Pharmacopeia and the National Formulary (USP–NF) or Food Chemicals Codex (FCC) monograph.
This ingredient is approved for use as a source of dietary chloride anions in anion/cation balance livestock feeds.
To address worker safety concerns, it shall be labelled with the following statement:
"Hydrochloric acid is toxic and corrosive and causes severe burns to eyes, skin, and respiratory tract. Avoid contact with skin and eyes and avoid breathing dust, vapour or spray mist. Do not swallow. Appropriate protective equipment must be worn during handling. / L'acide chlorhydrique est toxique et corrosif. Il provoque des brûlures graves aux yeux, à la peau et aux voies respiratoires. Éviter tout contact cutané ou oculaire et éviter de respirer les vapeurs, les poussières ou la brume. Ne pas avaler. Un appareil de protection approprié doit être porter lors de la manutention."
It shall be labelled with the content, by weight, of hydrochloric acid or alternatively, indicate the range of hydrochloric acid content, the range of degrees Baumé, and the specific gravity range.
6.16 Food modifying ingredients
6.16.1 Non-microbial
- 1-616-001 Marigold oil extract (or Tagetes erecta L. oil extract)
is the oil extract derived by hexane extraction of the flower petals of marigold (Tagetes erecta L.).
This ingredient shall not contain more than 0.3% ethoxyquin.
This ingredient is approved for use in registered food modifying agents for livestock species to modify the colour of edible tissues of animal origin.
It may be blended with suitable carriers listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table to standardize the total carotenoid concentration.
If a carrier is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
6.16.2 Microbial
Reserved for future use
6.17 Flavour ingredients
- 1-617-001 Hexadecanoic acid (or palmitic acid)
is a glyceryl ester occuring in many fats and oils, generally expressed as C16H32O2 and having the CAS# 57-10-3.
- 1-617-002 Octadecanoic acid (or stearic acid)
is a glyceride occurring in animal fats and oils and vegetable oils, generally expressed as CH3(CH2)16COOH and having the CAS# 57-11-4.
- 1-617-003 Octadec-9-enoic acid (or oleic acid)
is generally expressed as CH3(CH2)7CHCH(CH2)7COOH and has the CAS# 112-80-1.
- 1-617-004 Acetaldehyde (or acetic aldehyde or ethanal)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 75-07-0, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0010% or 10 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-005 Acetoin (or acetyl methyl carbinol)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 513-86-0, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0050% or 50 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-006 2'-Acetonaphthone (or methyl b-naphtyl ketone or beta-Naphthylmethyl ketone)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 93-08-3, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0005% or 5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-007 Acetophenone (or methyl phenyl ketone)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 98-86-2, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0010% or 10 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-008 2-Acetylpyridine (or methyl-2-pyridyl-ketone)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 1122-62-9, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0003% or 3 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-009 2-Acetylthiazole
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 24295-03-2, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0001% or 1 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-010 Allyl-3-cyclohexyl-1-propionate (or allyl cyclohexane propionate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 2705-87-5, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0010% or 10 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-011 Allyl hexanoate (or allyl caproate or allyl capronate or 2-propenyl n-hexanoate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 123-68-2, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0003% or 3 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-012 Allyl phenoxyacetate (or acetate PA)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 7493-74-5, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-013 Anethole(or trans-anethole)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 104-46-1, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.00625% or 62.5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-014 Anisaldehyde (or p-anisaldehyde or anisic aldehyde or aubepine or aubepine liquid or p-methoxybenzaldehyde)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 123-11-5, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0050% or 50 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-015 Anise, oil (or Illicium verum H. oil)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 8007-70-3, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.00625% or 62.5 g/tonne of anethole in the complete feed.
- 1-617-016 Anise seeds (or aniseed or Pimpinella anisum L. seeds)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 99999-27-4, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0001% or 1 g/tonne of safrole in the complete feed and in an amount not to exceed 0.00625% or 62.5 g/tonne of anethole in the complete feed.
- 1-617-017 Anisyl acetate (or p-methoxybenzyl acetate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 104-21-2, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0015% or 15 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-018 Apple, wildcrab, peelings, extract, condensed (or apple extract or apple flavour isolates)
is a flavour ingredient, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-019 Alfalfa extract (or Medicago sativa L. extract or Lucerne extract)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 99999-19-5, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-020 Angelica root powder (or Angelica root ground or Angelica archangelica L. root dehydrated)
is a flavour ingredient, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-021 Anisyl alcohol (or p-methoxybenzyl alcohol)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 105-13-5, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0020% or 20 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-022 Anisyl formate (or p-methoxybenzyl formate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 104-01-8, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0015% or 15 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-023 Apple essence
is a flavour ingredient for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-024 Apple juice concentrate
is a flavour ingredient for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-391 Dehydrated apples
is the product that consists of sound, properly ripened apples which have been washed, mechanically peeled, cored, sorted, trimmed, cut to the desired size and properly dried to not more than 3.5% moisture by weight in accordance with good manufacturing practices. It may or may not be treated with sodium sulfate (at a rate of 500-1500 mg/kg of product) or an approved preservative (for example, erythorbic acid, citric acid or their salts). The product must meet all standards for human consumption.
This ingredient is approved for use as a flavour ingredient in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
Caution/Précaution :
"Do not feed to poultry. / Ne pas servir à la volaille."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for maximum percent moisture.
Note: dehydrated apples is also approved under subclass 2.6 with ingredient number 1-206-005.
- 1-617-025 Peru Balsam bark extract (or Peru Balsam extract or Myroxylon pereira extract)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 8007-00-09, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-026 Peru Balsam oil (or Myroxylon pereira oil)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 8007-00-09, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0008% or 8 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-027 Benzaldehyde, free from chlorine (or benzoic aldehyde)
is a flavouring ingredient having the CAS# 100-52-7, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-028 Benzyl acetate
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 140-11-4, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-029 Benzyl alcohol (or phenyl carbinol)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 100-51-6, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-030 Benzyl benzoate
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 120-51-4, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-031 Benzyl isovalerate (or benzyl 3-methyl butyrate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 103-38-8, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-032 Benzyl phenyl acetate (or benzyl alpha toluate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 102-16-9, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0005% or 5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-033 Benzyl propionate
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 122-63-4, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0020% or 20 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-034 Beta gamma hexenol (or 3-hexen-1-ol or cis-3-hexenol, hex-3-en-1-ol or leaf alcohol)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 928-96-1, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0020% or 20 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-035 Sweet birch oil (or Betula lenta L. oil)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 68917-50-0, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.00125% or 12.5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-036 Rosewood oil (or Aniba rosaeodora oil)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 8015-77-8, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-037 Butanedeione (or diacetyl)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 431-03-8, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0050% or 50 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-038 Butter acids
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 99999-21-1, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-039 Butter esters
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 99999-21-2, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-040 n-Butyl acetate
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 123-86-4, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0030% or 30 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-041 Butyl isovalerate
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 109-19-3, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-042 Butyl butyryllactate (or butyl butyrolactate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 7492-70-8, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0010% or 10 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-043 Butyl lactate
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 138-22-7, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0010% or 10 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-044 4-Butyl-1,4-octanolactone (or 4,4-dibutyl- γ-butyrolactone or 4-butyl-4-octanolide)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 7774-47-2, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-390 Butyric acid (or butanoic acid or n-butanoic acid or n-butyric acid)
is butanoic acid, an organic acid, generally expressed as CH3(CH2)2COOH, and having the CAS# 107-92-6.
This ingredient is approved for use as a flavour ingredient in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent butyric acid.
Note: butyric acid is also approved under subclass 6.3 with ingredient number 1-603-005, and subclass 6.19 with ingredient number 1-619-014.
- 1-617-045 1,4-Butyrolactone (or gamma-butyrolactone)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 96-48-0, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0010% or 10 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-046 Sweet birch leaves dehydrated (or Betula alba L. leaves dehydrated, ground or sweet birch leaves)
is a flavour ingredient for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.00125% or 12.5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-047 2-Butanone (or ethyl methyl ketone or methyl ethyl ketone)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 78-93-3, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-048 Barley distillers extract denatured (or Hordeun vulgare or denatured beer)
is a flavour ingredient for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-049 Banana oil (or Musa spp. or oil of banana)
is a flavour ingredient for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-050 Benzyl butyrate (or benzyl butanoate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 103-37-7, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0050% or 50 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-051 Benzyl cinnamate (or cinnamein)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 103-41-3, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0005% or 5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-052 Benzyl isobutyrate (or benzyl 2-methyl propanoate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 103-28-6, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0010% or 10 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-053 Benzyl salicylate (or benzyl-o-hydroxybenzoate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 118-58-1, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0002% or 2 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-054 Black wattle (or mimosa or Acacia decurrens Willd. var. dealbata)
is a flavour ingredient for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.000017% or 0.17 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-055 Butylamine
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 109-73-9, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0001% or 1 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-056 Butyraldehyde (or butyl aldehyde or butyric aldehyde or butanal)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 123-72-8, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0001% or 1 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-057 Bergamot oil (or Citrus aurantium L. ssp. bergamia, oil)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 8007-75-8, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-058 Blackberry juice concentrate
is a flavour ingredient for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-059 Blackcurrant juice concentrate
is a flavour ingredient for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-060 Blueberry juice concentrate
is a flavour ingredient for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-061 Balsam, tolu tree extract (or Myroxylon balsanum (L.) Harms. extract)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 9000-64-0, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-062 Benzophenone (or benzoilbenzene or diphenyl ketone)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 119-61-9, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0005% or 5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-063 Butyl butyrate (or n-butyl butyrate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 109-21-7, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0050% or 50 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-064 Capsicum (or paprika or Capsicum anuum L.)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 8023-77-6, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-065 Caraway oil (or Carum carvi L. oil)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 8000-42-8, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-066 Caraway seeds (or Carum carvi L. seeds)
are a flavour ingredient for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-067 Carob bean oil (or St. John's bread or locust bean oil or Ceratonia siliqua L. oil)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 9000-40-2, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-068 d-Carvone (or p-mentha-6,8-dien-2-one)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 2244-16-8, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-069 Celery seed oleoresin (or Aprium graveolens L. seed oleoresin)
is a flavour ingredienthaving the CAS# 977090-86-0, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-070 Cinnamaldehyde (or cinnamic aldehyde)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 104-55-2, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.00175% or 17.5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-071 Ceylon cinnamon (or Cinnamomum zeylanicum Nees)
is a flavour ingredient for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.00175% or 17.5 g/tonne of cinnamaldehyde in the complete feed.
- 1-617-072 Ceylon cinnamon oil (or Cinnamomum zeylanicum Nees oil)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 8007-80-5, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.00175% or 17.5 g/tonne of cinnamaldehyde in the complete feed.
- 1-617-073 Chinese cinnamon bark oil (or cassia oil or Cinnamomum aromaticum Nees oil)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 8007-80-5, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.00175% or 17.5 g/tonne of cinnamaldehyde in the complete feed.
- 1-617-074 Cinnamyl acetate
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 103-54-8, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-075 Cinnamyl alcohol (or cinnamic alcohol)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 104-54-1, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0030% or 30 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-076 Cinnamyl isobutyrate
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 103-59-3, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0020% or 20 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-077 Cinnamyl phenylacetate (or cinnamyl alpha-toluate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 7492-65-1, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-078 Citral (or geranial or neral)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 5392-40-5, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.00125% or 12.5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-079 Clove oil (or Eugenia caryophyllus oil or oil of clove)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 8000-34-8, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.00625% or 62.5 g/tonne of eugenol in the complete feed.
- 1-617-080 Cocoa powder (or theobroma cacao L. powder)
is a flavour ingredient for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-081 Coriander oil (or Coriandrum sativum L. oil)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 8008-52-4, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-082 Cornmint oil (or Mentha arvensis L. oil)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 68917-18-0, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0008% or 8 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-083 Dehydrated cumin fruit (or dehydrated Cuminum cyminum L. fruit)
is a flavour ingredient for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-084 Cyclohexyl acetate
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 622-45-7, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-085 Cyclohexyl butyrate
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 1551-44-6, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-086 Chicory root powder (or chicory root or Chicorium intybus L. root dehydrated, ground)
is a flavour ingredient for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-087 Clove powder (or Eugenia caryophylus flowerbuds dried)
is a flavour ingredient for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.00625% or 62.5 g/tonne of eugenol in the complete feed.
- 1-617-088 Concentrated cherry juice
is a flavour ingredient for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-089 Coriander seeds (or Coriandum sativum L. seeds)
are a flavour ingredient for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-090 Cyclotene (or 3-methylcyclopentane-1,2-dione or corylone)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 80-71-1, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0050% or 50 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-091 Capsicum oleoresin (or Capsicum annum L. oleoresin or paprika oleoresin or red pepper oleoresin)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 8023-77-6, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-092 Camphor crystals (or 2-bornanon)
are a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 76-22-2, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0025% or 25 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-093 White camphor oil (or Cinnamomum camphora oil)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 8008-51-3, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.000003% or 0.03 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-094 Castoreum resin (or Castor fibre L. or Castor canadensis Kerbil)
is a flavour ingredient for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.00001% or 0.1 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-095 Formosan citronella oil (or Cymbopogon nardus (L.) Rendle or Cymbopogan winterianus or ceylon citronella oil)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 8000-29-1, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-096 Citronellal (or 2,7-dimethyloct-6-enal)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 106-23-0, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.00125% or 12.5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-097 Citronellyl acetate (or 3,7-dimethyl-6-octen-1-yl acetate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 150-84-5, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-098 Carrot, dehydrated, sliced, diced, or ground (or Daucus carota L., dried, sliced, diced, or ground)
is a flavour ingredient for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-099 Chamomile flower powder (or Matricaria chamomilla L. flower dehydrated, ground or camomille allemande Matricaire)
is a flavour ingredient for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-100 Carrot root, ground (or Daucus carota L. ground)
is a flavour ingredient for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-101 Camphene
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 79-92-5, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0002% or 2 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-102 Chocolate extract (or cocoa extract)
is a flavour ingredient for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-103 Decanal (or capric aldehyde or aldehyde C-10)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 112-31-2, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0014% or 14 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-104 Decanoic acid (or n-capric acid)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 334-48-5, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0010% or 10 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-105 1,4-Decanolactone (or gamma-decalactone or 1,4-decanolide)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 706-14-9, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0020% or 20 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-106 1,5-Decanolactone (or delta-decalactone)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 705-86-2, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0020% or 20 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-107 Decyl acetate (or acetate C-10 or decanyl acetate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 112-17-4, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-108 Diethyl malonate (or ethyl malonate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 105-53-3, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0015% or 15 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-109 Diethyl succinate (or diethyl butanedioate or ethyl succinate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 123-25-1, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0050% or 50 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-110 2,4-Dihydrocoumarin (or 1,2-benzodihydropyrone)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 119-84-6, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0030% or 30 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-111 5,7-Dihydro-2-methyl-thieno' (3,4d) pyrimidine (or thienylpyrimidine)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 36267-71-7, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.00005% or 0.5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-112 Dill seeds (or Anethum graveolens L. seeds)
are a flavour ingredient for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-113 p-Dimethoxybenzene (or dimethylhydroquinone)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 3658-77-3, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0005% or 5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-114 2,6-Dimethoxyphenol
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 91-10-1, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-115 1,2-Dimethoxy-4-propenyl-benzene (or isoeugenyl methyl ether or o-methyl isoeugenol)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 93-16-3, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0030% or 30 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-116 Dimethyl disulfide (or methyl disulfide)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 624-92-0, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0001% or 1 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-117 2,6-Dimethyl-5-heptenal (or melonal)
is a flavouring ingredient having the CAS# 106-72-9, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0010% or 10 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-118 2,5-Dimethyl-4-hydroxy-2,3-dihydrofuran-3-one (or 4-hydroxy-2,5-dimethyl-furan-3-one)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 3658-77-3, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0005% or 5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-119 3,7-Dimethyl oct-6-en-1-ol (or citronellol or d-citronellol)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 106-22-9, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.00125% or 12.5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-120 3,7-Dimethyl-octa-2,6-dien-1-yl isobutyrate (or geranyl isobutyrate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 2345-26-8, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-121 1,1-Dimethyl-2-phenyl-ethyl acetate (or dimethyl benzyl carbonyl acetate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 151-05-3, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-122 2,5 Dimethylpyrazine (or glycoline or ketine)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 123-32-0, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-123 2,6-Dimethylpyrazine
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 108-50-9, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-124 Dimethyl sulfide (or methyl sulfide)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 75-18-3, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0005% or 5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-125 Dipentene (or dl-limonene or p-mentha-1,8-diene)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 138-86-3, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.00375% or 37.5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-126 Dodecan-1-ol (or alcohol C12 or lauryl alcohol or dodecyl alcohol)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 112-53-8, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0010% or 10 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-127 1,5 Dodecanolactone (or delta-dodecalactone)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 713-95-1, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0040% or 40 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-128 Dodecyl acetate (or dodecanyl acetate or acetate C-12 or lauryl acetate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 112-66-3, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0005% or 5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-129 Diethyl sebacate (or diethyl decanedioate or ethyl sebacate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 110-40-7, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0010% or 10 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-130 1,1-Dimethocy-2 phenylethane (or phenyl acetaldehyde dimethyl acetal)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 101-48-4, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0001% or 1 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-131 Dodecanal (or lauric aldehyde)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 112-54-9, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0007% or 7 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-132 Dodecanoic acid (or lauric acid)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 143-07-7, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-133 1-Decanol (or decyl alcohol or capric alcohol or alcohol C-10)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 112-30-1, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0010% or 10 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-134 1,8 Epoxy-p menthane (or eucalyptol or 1,8-cineole)
is a flavouring ingredient having the CAS# 470-82-6, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0005% or 5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-135 3-Ethoxy-4-hydroxy-benzaldehyde (or ethyl protal or ethyl vanillin)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 121-32-4, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed. The total vanillin concentration from all sources must not exceed 250 ppm.
- 1-617-136 2-Ethoxy naphthalene (or nerolin or b-naphthylethyl ether or bromelia)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 93-18-5, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-137 Ethyl acetate
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 141-78-6, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-138 Ethyl acetoacetate (or acetoaceticester or ethyl-b-ketobutyrate or ethyl-3-oxobutanoate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 141-97-9, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0050% or 50 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-139 Ethyl acrylate (or ethyl propenoate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 140-88-5, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0001% or 1 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-140 Ethyl anthranilate (or ethyl o-aminobenzoate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 87-25-2, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0020% or 20 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-141 Ethyl benzolacetate (or benzolacetic ester)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 94-02-0, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-142 Ethyl benzoate
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 93-89-0, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0010% or 10 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-143 Ethyl butyrate (or ethyl butanoate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 105-54-4, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-144 Ethyl cinnamate
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 103-36-6, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0010% or 10 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-145 Ethyl formate
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 109-94-4, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0075% or 75 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-146 Ethyl heptanoate (or ethyl oenanthate or oenanthic ether)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 106-30-9, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0065% or 65 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-147 Ethyl hexanoate (or ethyl caproate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 123-66-0, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0040% or 40 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-148 2-Ethyl-3-hydroxy-4-pyrone (or ethyl maltol)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 4940-11-8, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0050% or 50 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-149 Ethyl isovalerate
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 108-64-5, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0030% or 30 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-150 Ethyl lactate
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 97-64-3, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-151 2-Ethyl-3,(5or6)-dimethyl pyrazine (or (2,(5or6)-dimethyl-3-ethyl pyrazine))
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 13925-07-0, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0005% or 5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-152 Ethyl 2-methyl-butyrate
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 7452-79-1, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0005% or 5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-153 2-Ethyl-3-methyl pyrazine
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 15707-23-0, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-154 Ethyl nonanoate (or ethyl pelargonate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 123-29-5, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.00625% or 62.5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-155 Ethyl octanoate (or ethyl caprylate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 106-32-1, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0050% or 50 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-156 Ethyl phenyl acetate
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 101-97-3, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0050% or 50 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-157 Ethyl 3-phenylglycidate
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 121-39-1, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.00023% or 2.3 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-158 Ethyl propionate
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 105-37-3, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0080% or 80 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-159 Ethyl salicylate (or ethyl o-hydroxybenzoate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 118-61-6, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0015% or 15 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-160 Ethyl n-valerate
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 539-82-2, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-161 Eugenol
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 97-53-0, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.00625% or 62.5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-162 Ethyl decanoate (or ethyl caprate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 110-38-3, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0010% or 10 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-163 Ethyl dodecanoate (or ethyl laurate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 106-33-2, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-164 Ethyl hexadecanoate (or ethyl palmitate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 628-97-7, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-165 Ethyl oleate
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 111-62-6, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-166 Ethyl levulinate (or ethyl 4-oxopentanoate or ethyl levulate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 539-88-8, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0002% or 2 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-167 Elderberry juice concentrate
is a flavour ingredient for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-168 Ethyl anisate (or ethyl-p-methoxybenzoate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 94-30-4, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.00005% or 0.5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-169 Ethyl tetradecanoate (or ethyl myristate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 124-06-1, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0001% or 1 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-170 Eucalyptus oil (or Eucalyptus globulus oil)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 8000-48-4, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0001% or 1 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-171 Fennel seeds (or fennel or Foeniculum vulgare seeds)
are a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 8006-84-6, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.00625% or 62.5 g/tonne of anethole in the complete feed.
- 1-617-172 Fenugreek oleoresin (or Trigonella foenum-graecum L. oleoresin)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 68990-15-8, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.00625% or 62.5 g/tonne of anethole in the complete feed.
- 1-617-173 Fenugreek seeds (or Trigonella foenum-graecum L. seeds)
are a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 68990-15-8, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.00625% or 62.5 g/tonne of anethole in the complete feed.
- 1-617-174 Fenugreek seed extract (or Trigonella foenum-graecum L. seed extract)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 68990-15-8, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.00625% or 62.5 g/tonne of anethole in the complete feed.
- 1-617-175 Refined fusel oil (or mixed amyl alcohols)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 8013-75-0, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0030% or 30 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-176 Fenchyl alcohol (or fenchol or 1,3,3-trimethyl-2-norbomanol)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 1632-73-1, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0002% or 2 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-177 Florentine orris concrete (or orris oil)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 8002-73-1, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-178 Fennel terpenes
are a flavour ingredient for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0005% or 5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-179 Garlic (or Allium sativum L.)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 977001-81-2 for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-180 Garlic oil (or Allium sativum L. oil)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 8000-78-0, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-181 Geraniol
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 106-24-1, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.00125% or 12.5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-182 Geranyl acetate (or geraniol acetate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 105-87-3, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.00125% or 12.5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-183 Geranyl butyrate (or 3,7-dimethyl-octa-2,6-dienyl butyrate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 106-29-6, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0010% or 10 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-184 Geranyl formate (or 3,7-dimethyl-octa-2,6-dien-1-yl formate or geraniol formate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 105-86-2, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0030% or 30 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-185 Geranyl isovalerate
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 109-20-6, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0010% or 10 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-186 Geranyl propionate
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 105-90-8, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-187 Geranyl valerate
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 10402-47-8, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-188 Ginger, oleoresin (or Zingibar officinale Rosc. oleoresin)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 8007-08-7, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-189 Ginger tubers dehydrated (or ginger or Zingibar officinale Rosc. tubers, dehydrated)
is a flavour ingredient for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-190 Glycyrrhiza (or licorice or Glycyrrhiza glabra L.)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 68916-91-6, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-191 Glycyrrhiza extract powder (or licorice extract powder or Glycyrrhiza glabra L. extract powder)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 8008-94-4, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-192 Guaiacol (or o-hydroxyanisole or o-methoxyphenol)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 90-05-1, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.00005% or 0.5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-193 Geranium rose, oil (or geranium oil or Pelargonium graveolens oil or pelargonium oil)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 8000-46-2, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-194 Grapefruit extract condensed (or Citrus paradise M. extract condensed or Citrus decumana L. extract condensed)
is a flavour ingredient for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-195 Ginger oil
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 8007-08-7, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-196 Grape juice concentrate
is a flavour ingredient for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-197 Glycerol tributyrate (or tributyrin or tributanoylglycerol or glyceryl tributyrate)
is the triglyceride of butyric acid with the chemical name butanoic acid 1,2,3-propanetriyl ester, and having the CAS# 60-01-5. It is prepared by esterification of glycerin with excess butyric acid.
This ingredient is approved for use as a flavour ingredient for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.005% or 50 g/tonne of the complete feed.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent tributyrin, maximum percent free butyric acid, maximum percent monoglyceride of butyric acid, and maximum percent diglyceride of butyric acid.
Note: glycerol tributyrate is also approved under subclass 6.19 with ingredient number 1-619-002.
- 1-617-198 Hemlock oil (or oil of spruce or Tsuga heterophylla oil or Tsuga canadensis L. oil)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 8008-80-8, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-199 Heptan-4-one (or dipropyl ketone or 4-heptanone)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 123-19-3, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0030% or 30 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-200 cis-Hept-4-enal (or cis-4-heptenal)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 6728-31-0, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-201 Heptan-2-1 (or methyl amyl ketone)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 110-43-0, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0030% or 30 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-202 1,4-Heptanolactone (or gamma-heptalactone or 1,4-heptaneolide)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 105-21-5, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-203 Heptyl acetate
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 112-06-1, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0005% or 5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-204 Hexanal (or aldehyde C-6 or caproic aldehyde or hexoic aldehyde or n-caproaldehyde)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 66-25-1, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-205 Trans-2-hexenal (or trans-hex-2-enal)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 6728-26-3, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0010% or 10 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-206 Hexane 2,3-dione (or acetyl butyryl)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 3848-24-6, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0005% or 5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-207 Hexanoic acid (or n-caproic acid)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 142-62-1, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0010% or 10 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-208 Hex-3-enal (or cis-3-hexenal)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 6789-80-6, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-209 1,4-Hexanolactone (or ethyl butyrolactone or gamma-hexalactone)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 695-06-7, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0005% or 5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-210 Hex-2-en-1-ol (or 2-hexenol or trans-2-hexenol)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 928-95-0, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0005% or 5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-211 Hexyl acetate
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 108-84-9, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0050% or 50 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-212 n-Hexyl alcohol (or 1-hexanol or hexan-1-ol)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 111-27-3, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0030% or 30 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-213 Hexyl hexanoate (or hexyl caproate or hexyl capronate)_
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 6378-65-0, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-214 4-(p-Hydroxy-phenyl)-butan-2-one (or p-hydroxy benzyl acetone)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 5471-51-2, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0070% or 70 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-215 Hydrolyzed vegetable protein
is a flavour ingredient for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-216 7-Hydroxy-3,7-dimethyl-octanal (or hydroxycitronellal)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 107-75-5, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-217 Indole (or 1-benzazole or 2,3-benzopyrrole)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 120-72-9, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.00005% or 0.5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-218 alpha-Ionone (or 4-(2,6,6-trimethyl-2-cyclohex-1-enyl)-but-3-en-2-one)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 127-41-3, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.00125% or 12.5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-219 beta-Ionone (or 4-(2,6,6-trimethyl-1-cyclohex-1-enyl)-but-3-en-2-one)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 79-77-6, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.00125% or 12.5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-220 Isobornyl acetate (or 2-camphanyl acetate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 125-12-2, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0005% or 5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-221 Isobutyl acetate
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 110-19-0, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-222 Isobutyl phenylacetate
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 102-13-6, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0005% or 5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-223 Isobutyraldehyde (or 2-methylpropanal)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 78-84-2, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0001% or 1 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-224 Isopentyl acetate (or isoamyl acetate or amylacetic ester)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 123-92-2, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-225 Isopentyl formate (or isoamyl formate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 110-45-2, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-226 Isopentyl isovalerate (or isoamyl isovalerate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 659-70-1, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0060% or 60 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-227 Isopentyl propionate (or isoamyl propionate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 105-68-0, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-228 Isopentyl salicylate (or isoamyl salicylate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 87-20-7, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0004% or 4 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-229 4-Isopropyl benzaldehyde (or cuminaldehyde or cuminic aldehyde)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 122-03-2, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0015% or 15 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-230 Isobutyric acid (or 2-methylpropanoic acid)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 79-31-2, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0040% or 40 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-231 Isovaleraldehyde (or 3-methylbutyraldehyde)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 590-86-3, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-232 Isovaleric acid
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 503-74-2, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0015% or 15 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-233 Isoamyl butyrate (or isopentyl butyrate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 106-27-4, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0075% or 75 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-234 Isobutyl formate
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 542-55-2, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0020% or 20 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-235 Isoeugenol (or 2-methoxy-4-propenyl phenol)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 97-54-1, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0030% or 30 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-236 Isopentylamine (or 1-amino-3-methylbutane or isoamylamine)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 107-85-7, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0001% or 1 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-237 Isopropylacetate
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 108-21-4, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0070% or 70 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-238 Juniper oil (or Juniperus communis L. oil)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 8002-68-4, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-239 Juniperberry powder (or juniperberry or Juniperus communis L. powder)
is a flavour ingredient for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-240 Krill, whole, dehydrated, ground (or dried krill meal)
is a flavour ingredient for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-241 Krill, whole, pasteurized (or whole krill)
is a flavour ingredient for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-242 Lemon oil (or Citrus limonum L. oil)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 8008-56-2, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.00375% or 37.5 g/tonne of limonene in the complete feed.
- 1-617-243 Lime oil (or Citrus aurantifolio S. oil)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 8008-26-2, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.00375% or 37.5 g/tonne of limonene in the complete feed.
- 1-617-244 Linalool
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 78-70-6, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.00125% or 12.5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-245 Linalyl acetate
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 115-95-7, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.00125% or 12.5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-246 Linalyl formate (or Linalool formate)
is a flavouring ingredient having the CAS# 115-99-1, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-247 Linalyl propionate (or 3,7-dimethyl-1,6-octadien-3-yl-propanoate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 114-39-8, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0010% or 10 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-248 Lovage root oil (or Levisticum officinale K. root oil)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 8016-31-7, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-249 Lemon oil terpenes (or Citrus limonum L. oil terpenes)
are a flavouring ingredient for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.00375% or 37.5 g/tonne of limonene in the complete feed.
- 1-617-250 Labdanum resin (or Cistus ladaniferus L., Labdanum ciste resin)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 8016-26-0, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.00005% or 0.5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-251 Lime oil terpenes (or Citrus aurantifolia Swingle oil terpenes)
are a flavour ingredient for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-252 Linalyl butyrate (or 3,7-dimethyl-octa-1,6-dien-3-yl butyrate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 78-36-4, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0015% or 15 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-253 Lemon juice concentrate
is a flavour ingredient for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-254 d-Limonene (or d-p-mentha-1,8-diene)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 5989-27-5, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.00375% or 37.5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-255 Mace oil (or Myristica fragans H. arillodes oil)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 8007-12-3, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-256 Maltol (or 3-hydroxy-2-methyl-4-pyrone)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 118-71-8, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0050% or 50 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-257 Mandarin oil (or tangerine oil or Citrus reticula Blanco oil)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 8008-31-9, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-258 Sweet marjoram (or Marjorana hortensis M.)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 977051-23-2, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-259 4-(p-Methoxyphenyl)butan-2-one (or raspberry ketone methyl ether or anisyl acetone)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 104-20-1, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0020% or 20 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-260 2-Methoxy-4-vinylphenol (or 4-vinyl guaiacol)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 7786-61-0, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0001% or 1 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-261 p-Methylacetophenone (or 4-methylacetophenone)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 122-00-9, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0005% or 5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-262 Methyl anthranilate
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 134-20-3, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.00375% or 37.5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-263 2-Methylbutyric acid (or 2-methylbutanoic acid)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 116-53-0, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-264 Methyl cinnamate
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 103-26-4, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0010% or 10 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-265 6-Methyl coumarin
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 92-48-8, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0040% or 40 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-266 5-Methylhexan-2-one (or isoamyl methyl ketone)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 110-12-3, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-267 Methyl hexyl ketone (or 2-octanone)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 111-13-7, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0005% or 5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-268 Methyl non-2-ynoate (or methyl octine carbonate or methyl octyne carbonate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 111-80-8, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0001% or 1 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-269 Methyl oct-2-yonate (or methyl heptine carbonate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 111-12-6, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0005% or 5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-270 4-Methyl-1-phenyl-2-pentanone (or isobutyl benzyl ketone)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 5349-62-2, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-271 Methyl salicylate
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 119-36-8, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.00125% or 12.5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-272 Methyl thiobutyrate (or methane thiol-n-butyrate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 2432-51-1, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-273 3-Methylthiopropionaldehyde (or methyl beta-mercaptopropionaldehyde)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 3268-49-3, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0001% or 1 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-274 Monosodium glutamate
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 142-47-2, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-275 Musk ambrette
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 123-69-3, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0001% or 1 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-276 Marshmallow root powder (or Athaenae officinalis L. root dehydrated, ground or marshmallow root)
is a flavour ingredient for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-277 l-and dl-Menthol (or menthol)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 89-78-1, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0005% or 5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-278 2-Methoxy cinnamic aldehyde (or o-methoxy cinnamic aldehyde or methoxycinnamaldehyde)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 1504-74-1, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0010% or 10 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-279 1-(4-methoxyphenyl)pent-1-en-3-one (or ethone)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 122-51-0, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0015% or 15 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-280 4-Methoxytoluene (or p-tolyl methyl ether or p-cresyl methyl ether or p-methylanisole)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 104-93-8, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0005% or 5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-281 2-Methyl-butan-2-ol (or t-amyl alcohol)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 75-85-4, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0002% or 2 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-282 Methyl isobutyrate (or 2-methyl propanoic acid methyl ester)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 547-63-7, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-283 Methyl N-methyl anthranilate (or dimethyl anthranilate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 85-91-6, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0005% or 5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-284 Methyl-alpha-ionone (or alpha-methylionone or (2,6,6-trimethyl -2-cyclohexene-1-yl)pent-1-en-3-1)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 127-42-4, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0005% or 5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-285 Methyl-beta-ionone
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 127-43-5, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0005% or 5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-286 Methyl phenylacetate (or methyl alpha-toluate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 101-41-7, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0005% or 5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-287 n-Nonanal (or aldehyde C-9)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 124-19-6, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.00015% or 1.5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-288 gamma-Nonalactone (or aldehyde C-18)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 104-61-0, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0032% or 32 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-289 Nutmeg oil (or Myristica fragans Houtt. oil)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 8008-45-5, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0001% or 1 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-290 Nonan-1-ol (or nonyl alcohol)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 143-08-8, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0002% or 2 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-291 Nonan-2-one (or methyl heptyl ketone)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 821-55-6, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0005% or 5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-292 Neroli extract (or Citrus aurantium L. ssp. amara L. extract)
is a flavour ingredient for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-293 Neohesperidin dihydrochalcone
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 20702-77-6, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0035% or 35 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-294 n-Octanal (or aldehyde C-8 or caprylic aldehyde)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 124-13-0, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.00015% or 1.5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-295 Octanoic acid (or n-caprylic acid)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 124-07-2, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0050% or 50 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-296 Octan-1-ol (or n-octyl alcohol or caprylic alcohol or alcohol C-8)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 111-87-5, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0005% or 5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-297 1,4-Octanolactone (or gamma-octalactone or n-octalactone)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 104-50-7, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0030% or 30 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-298 Oct-1-en-3-ol (or amyl vinyl carbinol)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 3391-86-4, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-299 Onion oil (or Allium cepa L. oil)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 8002-72-0, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-300 Orange oil (or Citus sinensis oil)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 8008-57-9, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.00375% or 37.5 g/tonne of limonene in the complete feed.
- 1-617-301 Orange oil, terpenes (or Citrus sinensis oil, terpenes)
are a flavour ingredient for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed. The total limonene from all sources must not exceed 37.5 ppm.
- 1-617-302 Orange oil, terpeneless (or Citrus sinensis oil, terpeneless)
is a flavour ingredient for having the CAS# 68606-94-0, use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed. The total limonene from all sources must not exceed 37.5 ppm.
- 1-617-303 Orange juice concentrate
is a flavour ingredient for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-304 1,15-Pentadecanolactone (or omega-pentadecalactone or pentadecanolide or angelica lactone or thibetolide)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 106-02-5, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0001% or 1 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-305 2,3-Pentanedione (or acetyl propionyl)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 600-14-6, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0020% or 20 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-306 Pentyl acetate (or amyl acetate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 628-63-7, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-307 Pentyl benzoate (or amyl benzoate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 2049-96-9, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-308 Pentyl butyrate (or amyl butyrate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 540-18-1, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0010% or 10 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-309 alpha-Pentyl cinnamaldehyde (or alpha-amyl cinnamaldehyde)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 1331-92-6, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0005% or 5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-310 Pentyl cinnamate (or amyl cinnamate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 3487-99-8, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-311 Pentyl formate (or amyl formate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 638-49-3, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0030% or 30 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-312 Pentyl hexanoate (or amyl caproate or amyl hexanoate or pentyl caproate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 540-07-8, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0020% or 20 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-313 Amyl isovalerate (or pentyl isovalerate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 25415-62-7, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0030% or 30 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-314 Pentyl phenylacetate (or amyl phenylacetate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 102-19-2, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0005% or 5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-315 Pentyl propionate (or amyl propionate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 624-54-4, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0070% or 70 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-316 Pentyl salicylate (or amyl salicylate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 2050-08-0, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-317 Pentyl valerate (or amyl valerate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 2173-56-0, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0050% or 50 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-318 Black pepper (or Piper nigrum L. leaves and twigs)
is a flavour ingredient for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-319 Black pepper oil (or Piper nigrum L. oil)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 977051-62-9, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-320 Black pepper oleoresin (or Piper nigrum L. oleoresin)
is a flavour ingredient for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-321 Tabasco pepper (or cayenne pepper or chillies or Capsicum frutescens L.)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 8023-77-6, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-322 Peppermint (or Mentha piperita L.)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 977001-36-7, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-323 Peppermint oil (or Mentha piperita L. oil)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 8006-90-4, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-324 Petitgrain oil (or Citrus aurantium L. leaves and twigs oil)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 8014-17-3, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-325 alpha-Phellandrene (or p-mentha-1,5-diene)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 99-83-2, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-326 Phenylacetic acid (or alpha-toluic acid)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 103-82-2, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0030% or 30 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-327 4-Phenyl-3-buten-2-one (or benzylidene acetone or benzal acetone)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 122-57-6, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0002% or 2 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-328 2-Phenyl ethanol (or 2-phenyl-ethyl alcohol)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 60-12-8, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0020% or 20 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-329 2-Phenyl ethyl acetate (or phenyl ethyl acetate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 103-45-7, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0005% or 5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-330 2-Phenyl ethyl phenyl acetate
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 102-20-5, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-331 2-Phenyl ethyl propionate
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 122-70-3, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-332 3-Phenyl propionaldehyde (or hydrocinnamaldehyde)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 104-53-0, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-333 1-Phenylpropan-1-ol (or alpha-ethyl-benzyl alcohol or phenyl ethyl carbinol)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 93-54-9, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-334 2-Phenylpropan-1-ol (or benzyl ethyl alcohol or 3-phenyl propyl alcohol or hydrocinnamic alcohol)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 122-97-4, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-335 Pimenta oil (or allspice oil or Pimenta dioica oil)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 8006-77-7, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-336 Pin-2-ene (or alpha-pinene)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 80-56-8, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0040% or 40 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-337 Piperonaldehyde (or piperonal or heliotropine)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 120-57-0, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.00625% or 62.5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-338 Propan-1-ol (or n-propyl alcohol)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 71-23-8, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-339 Prop-2-enethiol (or allyl mercaptan)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 870-23-5, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0002% or 2 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-340 Propenylguaethol (or 2-ethoxy-5-propenyl-phenol)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 94-86-0, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0020% or 20 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-341 Propyl acetate
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 109-60-4, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0015% or 15 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-342 Propyl benzoate
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 2315-68-6, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-343 Peach juice concentrate
is a flavour ingredient for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-344 Pentan-2-one (or methyl propyl ketone or 2-pentanone)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 107-87-9, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0010% or 10 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-345 Phenyl acetaldehyde
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 122-78-1, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0005% or 5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-346 2-Phenyl ethyl cinnamate (or phenethyl cinnamate or benzyl carbinyl cinnamate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 103-53-7, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0005% or 5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-347 Propionaldehyde (or propyl aldehyde or methyl acetaldehyde or propanal)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 123-38-6, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0001% or 1 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-348 Pineapple juice concentrate
is a flavour ingredient for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-349 Pyruvic acid
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 127-17-3, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0030% or 30 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-350 Curly Parsley Flakes, dehydrated (or curly Parsley Flakes or Petroselinum crispum, L., dehydrated)
are a flavour ingredient, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-351 Quassia (or Quassia amara L. wood)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 68915-32-2, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0005% or 5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-352 Quillaja extract (or Quillaja saponaria, Molina or soap bark tree)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 99999-24-6, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-353 Rhodinol (or alpha-citronellol or 1-citronellol or 3,7-dimethyl-7-octen-1-ol)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 141-25-3, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.00125% or 12.5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-354 Rum extractives
are a flavour ingredient for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of acetates in the complete feed and in an amount not to exceed 0.0075% or 75 g/tonne of butyrates in the complete feed.
- 1-617-355 Bulgarian rose oil (or attar of roses)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 8007-01-0, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-356 Rosemary oil (or Rosmarinus officinalis L. oil)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 8000-25-7, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-357 Ribotide (or disodium inosate or disodium guanylate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 80702-47-2, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-358 Sage (or Salvia officinalis L.)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 977002-44-0, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-359 Skatole
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 83-34-1, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0001% or 1 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-360 Storax resinoid (or styrax resinoid or Liquidambar styraciflua L. resinoid or Liquidambar orientalis Mill. resinoid)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 1401-55-4, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-361 Sugarcane molasses extract (or molasses extract condensed)
is a flavour ingredient for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-362 Spearmint oil (or Menta spicata Houds oil)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 8008-79-5, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-363 Sage oil (or Salva officinalis oil or dalmatian oil of sage)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 8022-56-8, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.00005% or 0.5 g/tonne of thujone in the complete feed.
- 1-617-364 alpha-Terpineol
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 2438-12-2, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0025% or 25 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-365 Terpinyl acetate (or p-menth-1-en-8-yl-acetate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 80-26-2, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0040% or 40 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-366 5,6,7,8-Tetrahydroquinoxaline (or cyclohexapyrazine)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 34413-35-9, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-367 Thyme (or Thymus vulgaris or Thymus zygis)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 8007-46-3, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-368 Thyme oil (or Thymus vulgaris oil or Thymus zygis oil)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 8007-46-3, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-369 p-Tolyl acetate (or p-cresyl acetate)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 140-39-6, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-370 Tolualdehydes (or tolyl aldehydes)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 1334-78-7, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0030% or 30 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-371 2,3,5-Trimethylpyrazine
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 1195-73-1, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0001% or 1 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-372 Tetradecanal (or myristaldehyde or aldehyde C-14 or myristic)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 124-25-4, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0008% or 8 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-373 Thymol (or 3-p-cymenol or 5-methyl-2-(1-methylethyl)phenol)
is a natural mono-terpenoid phenol derivative of p-cymene, generally expressed as C10H14O, and having the CAS# 89-83-8. It is found in the oil that has been extracted from the thyme plant (Thymus vulgaris or Thymus zygis). It may also be produced synthetically by the condensation of m-cresol and propene, followed by alkylation, purification by distillation and crystallization. It shall contain not less than 95% thymol.
This ingredient is approved for use as a flavour ingredient for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0005% or 5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent thymol.
Note: thymol is also approved under subclass 6.19 with ingredient number 1-619-001.
- 1-617-374 Wild thyme powder (or Thymus serpyllum L. aerial part dehydrated, ground or serpolet)
is a flavour ingredient for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-375 4-Terpinenol (or terpinen-4-ol or p-menth-1-en-4-ol)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 562-74-3, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0050% or 50 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-376 Tetradecanoic acid (or myristic acid)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 544-63-8, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0010% or 10 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-377 2,3,5,6-Tetramethyl pyrazine
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 1124-11-4, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0005% or 5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-378 Turmeric oleoresin (or Curcuma longa L. oleoresin)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 8024-37-1, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-379 gamma-Undecalactone (or aldehyde C-14 or peach aldehyde)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 104-67-6, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.003125% or 31.25 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-380 Undecan-2-one (or methyl nonyl ketone or 2-undecanone)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 112-12-9, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0005% or 5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-381 10-Undecen-1-al (or undec-10-enal or 10-undeclyenic aldehyde or 10-undecenal)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 112-45-8, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0005% or 5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-382 n-Valeric acid (or pentanoic acid)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 109-54-4, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0020% or 20 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-383 Vanilla oleoresin
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 8024-06-4, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-384 Vanilla pods with seeds, immature, boiled, dehydrated (or Vanilla planifolia or vanilla)
are a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 8024-06-4, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-385 Vanillin
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 121-33-5, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0250% or 250 g/tonne of the complete feed. The total vanillin concentration from all sources must not exceed 250 ppm.
- 1-617-386 Veratraldehyde (or methylvanillin)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 120-14-9, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0030% or 30 g/tonne of the complete feed. The total vanillin concentration from all sources must not exceed 250 ppm.
- 1-617-387 Wintergreen oil (or Gaultheria procumbens L. oil)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 119-36-8, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.00125% or 12.5 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-388 Ylang Ylang oil (or Cananga odorata (Lam) Hook & Thoms or cananga Ylang-Ylang)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 8006-81-3, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.00001% or 0.01 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 1-617-389 Zingerone (or 4-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxy-phenyl)-2-butanone)
is a flavour ingredient having the CAS# 122-48-5, for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0010% or 10 g/tonne of the complete feed.
6.18 Enzymes
Reserved for future use
6.19 Gut modifier ingredients
- 6.19.1 Prebiotics
- 6.19.2 Viable microorganisms
- 6.19.3 Acids
- 6.19.4 Ingredients for the mitigation of environmental impacts related to livestock production
- 6.19.5 Other
6.19.1 Prebiotics
Reserved for future use
6.19.2 Viable microorganisms
Reserved for future use
6.19.3 Acids
- 1-619-005 Acetic acid
is ethanoic acid, an organic acid, generally expressed as CH3COOH, and having the CAS # 64-19-7.
This ingredient is approved for use as a component of gut modifier products for poultry.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent acetic acid.
Note: acetic acid is also approved under subclass 6.1 with ingredient number 1-601-014, subclass 6.3 with ingredient number 1-603-006, and subclass 6.10 with ingredient number 1-610-005.
- 1-619-006 Benzoic acid
is benzenecarboxylic acid, an organic acid, generally expressed as C6H5COOH, and having the CAS# 65-85-0.
This ingredient is approved for use as a component of gut modifier products in an amount not to exceed 0.5% of the complete feed for swine and poultry.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as a component of gut modifier products in an amount not to exceed 0.5% of the complete feed for swine and poultry."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent benzoic acid.
Note: benzoic acid is also approved under subclass 6.1 with ingredient number 1-601-001, and subclass 6.3 with ingredient number 1-603-008.
- 1-619-007 Citric acid
is 2-hydroxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic acid, an organic acid, generally expressed as HOC(COOH)(CH2COOH)2, and having the CAS# 77-92-9.
This ingredient is approved for use as a component in gut modifier products for poultry and swine.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent citric acid.
Note: citric acid is also approved under subclass 6.1 with ingredient number 1-601-045, and subclass 6.3 with ingredient number 1-603-009.
- 1-619-008 Formic acid
is an organic acid, generally expressed as HCOOH, and having the CAS# 64-18-6.
This ingredient is approved for use as a component of gut modifier products for poultry and swine.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent formic acid.
Note: formic acid is also approved under subclass 6.1 with ingredient number 1-601-016, and subclass 6.3 with ingredient number 1-603-010.
- 1-619-009 Lactic acid
is 2-hydroxypropanic acid, generally expressed as CH3CH(OH)COOH, and having the CAS# 50-21-5. Lactic acid consists of DL-lactic acid (CAS# 598-82-3), L(+)-lactic acid (CAS# 79-33-4) and D(-)-lactic acid (CAS# 10329-41-7). For DL-lactic acid, it shall contain a minimum of 50% of the enantiomer L(+)‑lactic acid and a maximum of 50% of the enantiomer D(-)-lactic acid.
This ingredient is approved for use as a component of gut modifier products for poultry.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent lactic acid.
Note: lactic acid is also approved under subclass 6.1 with ingredient number 1-601-017, and subclass 6.3 with ingredient number 1-603-011.
- 1-619-010 Propionic acid
is an organic acid, generally expressed as CH3CH2COOH, and having the CAS# 79-09-4.
This ingredient is approved for use as a component of gut modifier products for poultry and swine.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent propionic acid.
Note: propionic acid is also approved under subclass 6.1 with ingredient number 1-601-019, subclass 6.2 with ingredient number 1-602-005, subclass 6.3 with ingredient number 1-603-012, and subclass 6.20 with ingredient number 1-620-001.
- 1-619-011 Sodium acetate
is the sodium salt of acetic acid, generally expressed as CH3COONa, and having the CAS# 127-09-3.
This ingredient is approved for use as a component of gut modifier products for poultry.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent acetic acid.
Note: sodium acetate is also approved under subclass 6.1 with ingredient number 1-601-042, and subclass 6.3 with ingredient number 1-603-013.
- 1-619-012 Calcium formate
is the calcium salt of formic acid, generally expressed as Ca(COOH)2, and having the CAS# 544-17-2.
This ingredient is approved for use as a component of gut modifier products for poultry.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent calcium, and minimum percent calcium formate.
Note: calcium formate is also approved under subclass 6.3 with ingredient number 1-603-002.
- 1-619-013 Fumaric acid
is trans-butenedioic acid, an organic acid, generally expressed as HOOCCHCHCOOH, and having the CAS# 110-17-8.
This ingredient is approved for use as a component of gut modifier products for poultry and swine.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent fumaric acid.
Note: fumaric acid is also approved under subclass 6.1 with ingredient number 1-601-022, subclass 6.3 with ingredient number 1-603-014, and subclass 6.22 with ingredient number 1-622-005.
- 1-619-014 Butyric acid (or butanoic acid or n-butanoic acid or n-butyric acid)
is butanoic acid, an organic acid, generally expressed as CH3(CH2)2COOH, and having the CAS# 107-92-6.
This ingredient is approved for use as a component of gut modifier products for poultry and swine.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent butyric acid.
Note: butyric acid is also approved under subclass 6.3 with ingredient number 1-603-005 and subclass 6.17 with ingredient number 1-617-390.
- 1-619-015 Sodium butyrate (or sodium butanoate)
is the sodium salt of butyric acid, generally expressed as CH3(CH2)2COONa, and having the CAS# 156-54-7.
This ingredient is approved for use as a component of gut modifier products in an amount not to exceed 0.12% (1200 mg/kg) of the complete feed for swine and poultry.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as a component of gut modifier products in an amount not to exceed 0.12% (1200 mg/kg) of the complete feed for swine and poultry."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent sodium butyrate.
6.19.4 Ingredients for the mitigation of environmental impacts related to livestock production
- 1-619-016 3-Nitrooxypropanol (or 3-NOP or 3-hydroxypropyl nitrate)
is 3-hydroxypropyl nitrate, generally expressed as HOCH2CH2CH2ONO2, and having the CAS# 100502-66-7. This ingredient has the potential to reduce rumen methane emissions from cattle and is approved for use as a component of gut modifier products for cattle.
This ingredient is approved for use at an amount not to exceed 100 mg/kg of the total diet on a dry matter basis for dairy cows and 200 mg/kg of the total diet on a dry matter basis for cattle for meat production.
It shall be labelled with the following statements:
"This ingredient has the potential to reduce rumen methane emissions from cattle and is approved for use as a component of gut modifier products at an amount not to exceed 100 mg/kg of the total diet on a dry matter basis for dairy cows and 200 mg/kg of the total diet on a dry matter basis for cattle for meat production."
Caution/Précaution :
"Do not feed to male ruminants intended for breeding (for example, bulls, bucks, rams). / Ne pas alimenter aux ruminants mâles destinés à la reproduction (par exemple, taureaux, boucs, béliers)."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent 3-nitrooxypropanol.
6.19.5 Other
- 1-619-001 Thymol (or 3-p-cymenol or 5-methyl-2-(1-methylethyl)phenol)
is a natural mono-terpenoid phenol derivative of p-cymene, generally expressed as C10H14O, and having the CAS# 89-83-8. It is found in the oil that has been extracted from the thyme plant (Thymus vulgaris or Thymus zygis). It may also be produced synthetically by the condensation of m-cresol and propene, followed by alkylation, purification by distillation and crystallization. It shall contain not less than 95% thymol.
This ingredient is approved for use as a component of gut modifier products in an amount not to exceed 70 g/tonne (70 mg/kg) of the complete feed for starter, grower and finisher swine, broiler chickens, and grower and finisher turkeys.
This ingredient is approved for use as a component of gut modifier products in an amount not to exceed 25 g/tonne (25 mg/kg) of the complete feed for all other livestock species.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent thymol.
Note: thymol is also approved under subclass 6.17 with ingredient number 1-617-373.
- 1-619-002 Glycerol tributyrate (or tributyrin or tributanoylglycerol or glyceryl tributyrate)
is the triglyceride of butyric acid with the chemical name butanoic acid 1,2,3-propanetriyl ester, and having the CAS# 60-01-5. It is prepared by esterification of glycerin with excess butyric acid.
This ingredient is approved for use as a component of gut modifier products for poultry and swine.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent tributyrin, maximum percent free butyric acid, maximum percent monoglyceride of butyric acid, and maximum percent diglyceride of butyric acid.
Note: glycerol tributyrate is also approved under subclass 6.17 with ingredient number 1-617-197.
- 1-619-003 Calcium gluconate
is the calcium salt of gluconic acid and its hydrated forms.
This ingredient is approved for use as a component of gut modifier products for poultry and swine.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as a component of gut modifier products for poultry and swine."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent calcium salt of gluconic acid.
- 1-619-004 Soybean lecithin (or soy lecithin)
is the product obtained from soybean oil by a degumming process. It contains lecithin, cephaline and inositol phosphatides together with glycerides of soybean oil and traces of tocopherols, glucosides and pigments.
This ingredient is approved for use as a component of gut modifier products for livestock species.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent free fatty acids, and maximum percent moisture.
Note: soybean lecithin is also approved under subclass 6.8 with ingredient number 1-608-004.
6.20 Forage additives
- 1-620-001 Propionic acid
is an organic acid, generally expressed as CH3CH2COOH, and having the CAS# 79-09-4.
This ingredient is approved for use as a component of forage additives for livestock species.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent propionic acid.
Note: propionic acid is also approved under subclass 6.1 with ingredient number 1-601-019, subclass 6.2 with ingredient number 1-602-005, subclass 6.3 with ingredient number 1-603-012, and subclass 6.19 with ingredient number 1-619-010.
6.21 Fermentation products non viable
- 1-621-001 Aspergillus niger fermentation extract dehydrated (or dried Aspergillus niger fermentation extract)
is the dried product resulting from extracting and precipitating the water soluble materials from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of the microorganism Aspergillus niger, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-002 Aspergillus niger fermentation product dehydrated (or dried Aspergillus niger fermentation product)
is the product resulting from drying both solid and liquid materials from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of the microorganism Aspergillus niger, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-003 Aspergillus niger fermentation product liquid (or liquid Aspergillus niger fermentation product)
is the stabilized product of both solid and liquid materials from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of the microorganism Aspergillus niger, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-004 Aspergillus niger fermentation solubles dehydrated (or dried Aspergillus niger fermentation solubles)
is the product resulting from drying the liquid after the separation of suspended solids from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of the microorganism Aspergillus niger, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-005 Aspergillus niger fermentation solubles meal extracted dehydrated
is the product resulting from drying both the solid and liquid materials obtained from the fermentation of Aspergillus niger. This fermentation shall be conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of Aspergillus niger, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-006 Aspergillus oryzae fermentation extract dehydrated (or dried Aspergillus oryzae fermentation extract)
is the dried product resulting from extracting and precipitating the water soluble materials from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of the microorganism Aspergillus oryzae, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-007 Aspergillus oryzae fermentation product dehydrated (or dried Aspergillus oryzae fermentation product)
is the product resulting from drying both solid and liquid materials from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of the microorganism Aspergillus oryzae, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-008 Aspergillus oryzae fermentation product liquid (or liquid Aspergillus oryzae fermentation product)
is the stabilized product of both solid and liquid materials from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of the microorganism Aspergillus oryzae, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-009 Aspergillus oryzae fermentation solubles dehydrated (or dried Aspergillus oryzae fermentation solubles)
is the product resulting from drying the liquid after the separation of suspended solids from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of the microorganism Aspergillus oryzae, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-010 Aspergillus oryzae fermentation solubles meal extracted dehydrated
is the product resulting from drying the liquid after the separation of suspended solids from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of the microorganism Aspergillus oryzae, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-011 Bacillus acidopullulyticus fermentation extract dehydrated (or dried Bacillus acidopullulyticus fermentation extract)
is the dried product resulting from extracting and precipitating water soluble materials from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of Bacillus acidopullulyticus, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-012 Bacillus licheniformis fermentation extract dehydrated (or dried Bacillus licheniformis fermentation extract)
is the dried product resulting from extracting and precipitating water soluble materials from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of Bacillus licheniformis, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-013 Bacillus subtilis fermentation extract dehydrated (or dried Bacillus subtilis fermentation extract)
is the dried product resulting from extracting and precipitating water soluble materials from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of Bacillus subtilis, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-014 Bacillus subtilis fermentation product dehydrated (or dried Bacillus subtilis fermentation product)
is the product resulting from drying both solid and liquid materials from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of the microorganism Bacillus subtilis, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-015 Bacillus subtilis fermentation product liquid (or liquid Bacillus subtilis fermentation product)
is the stabilized product of both solid and liquid materials from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of microorganism Bacillus subtilis, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-016 Bacillus subtilis fermentation solubles dehydrated (or dried Bacillus subtilis fermentation solubles)
is the product resulting from drying the liquid after the separation of suspended solids from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of the microorganism Bacillus subtilis, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-017 Citric acid fermentation press cake meal extracted
is the filtered dried and ground mycelium obtained from the fermentation conducted for the production of citric acid in accordance with good manufacturing practices. Such fermentation shall use a non-pathogenic strain of microorganism, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-018 Citric acid fermentation solids with solubles liquid
is the stabilized product resulting from the fermentation undertaken for the production of citric acid. This fermentation shall be conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices using a non-pathogenic strain of microorganism, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-019 Citric acid fermentation solubles extracted dehydrated (or dried citric acid fermentation solubles extracted)
is the product resulting from drying the liquid obtained after separation of suspended solids, from the fermentation undertaken for the production of citric acid. This fermentation shall be conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices using a non-pathogenic strain of microorganism, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-020 Citric acid fermentation solubles meal extracted dehydrated (or dried citric acid fermentation solubles meal extracted)
is the product resulting from drying both the solid and liquid materials obtained from the fermentation undertaken for the production of citric acid. This fermentation shall be conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices using a non-pathogenic strain of microorganism, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-021 Humicola insolens fermentation extract dehydrated (or dried Humicola insolens fermentation extract or dehydrated Humicola insolens fermentation extract)
is the dried product resulting from extracting and precipitating water soluble materials from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites in accordance with good manufacturing practices using a non-pathogenic strain of Humicola insolens, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-022 Lactobacillus acidophilus fermentation product dehydrated (or dried Lactobacillus acidophilus fermentation product)
is the product resulting from drying both solid and liquid materials from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of the microorganism Lactobacillus acidophilus, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-023 Lactobacillus acidophilus fermentation product liquid (or liquid Lactobacillus acidophilus fermentation product)
is the stabilized product of both solid and liquid materials from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of the microorganism Lactobacillus acidophilus, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-024 Lactobacillus bulgaricus fermentation product dehydrated (or dried Lactobacillus bulgaricus fermentation product)
is the product resulting from drying both solid and liquid materials from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of the microorganism Lactobacillus bulgaricus, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-025 Lactobacillus bulgaricus fermentation product liquid (or liquid Lactobacillus bulgaricus fermentation product)
is the stabilized product of both solid and liquid materials from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of the microorganism Lactobacillus bulgaricus, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-026 Penicillium fermentation presscake meal extracted
is the filtered, dried and ground mycelium obtained from the fermentation conducted for the production of penicillin in accordance with good manufacturing practices. Such fermentation shall use a non-pathogenic strain of Penicillium, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-027 Penicillium fermentation solids with solubles liquid
is the stabilized product resulting from the fermentation undertaken for the production of penicillin. This fermentation shall be conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices using a non-pathogenic strain of Penicillium, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-028 Penicillium fermentation solubles extracted dehydrated
is the product resulting from drying the liquid materials obtained after the separation of suspended solids from a fermentation undertaken for the production of penicillin. This fermentation shall be conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices using a non-pathogenic strain of Penicillium, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-029 Penicillium fermentation solubles meal extracted dehydrated
is the product resulting from drying both the solid and liquid materials obtained from the fermentation undertaken for the production of penicillin. This fermentation shall be conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices using a non-pathogenic strain of Penicillium, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-030 Rhizopus oryzae fermentation extract dehydrated (or dried Rhizopus oryzae fermentation extract)
is the dried product resulting from extracting and precipitating the water soluble materials from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites in accordance with good manufacturing practices using a non-pathogenic strain of Rhizopus oryzae, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-031 Enterococcus faecium fermentation product dehydrated (or dried Enterococcus faecium fermentation product)
is the product resulting from drying both solid and liquid materials from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of the microorganism Enterococcus faecium, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-032 Cattle skim milk cultured condensed (or condensed cultured cattle skim milk)
is the residue obtained by evaporating lactic acid bacteria cultured defatted milk.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, and minimum percent total solids.
- 1-621-033 Cattle skim milk cultured dehydrated (or dried culture cattle skim milk)
is the residue obtained by drying lactic acid bacteria cultured defatted milk.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-034 Cattle whey fermentation solubles condensed (or condensed whey fermentation solubles)
is the product resulting from the removal of a considerable portion of the liquid by-product resulting from the action of the ferment on the basic medium of whey.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, and minimum milligrams of riboflavin per kilogram.
- 1-621-035 Sugarcane-beet sugar molasses yeast solubles condensed (or molasses yeast condensed solubles)
is the product obtained by condensing to a syrupy consistency the liquid from the manufacture of baker's yeast from sugarcane or sugarbeet molasses.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-036 Enterococcus faecium fermentation product liquid (or liquid Enterococcus faecium fermentation product)
is the stabilized product of both solid and liquid materials from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of the microorganism Enterococcus faecium which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-037 Streptomyces fermentation press cake meal extracted
is the filtered, dried and ground mycelium obtained from the fermentation conducted for the production of streptomycin in accordance with good manufacturing practices. Such fermentation shall use a non-pathogenic strain of Streptomyces, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-038 Streptomyces fermentation solids with solubles liquid
is the stabilized product resulting from the fermentation undertaken for the production of streptomycin in accordance with good manufacturing practices. Such fermentation shall use a non-pathogenic strain of Streptomyces, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-039 Streptomyces fermentation solubles dehydrated (or dried Streptomyces fermentation solubles)
is the product resulting from drying the liquid after the separation of suspended solids from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of the microorganism Streptomyces, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-040 Streptomyces fermentation solubles extracted dehydrated (or dried Streptomyces fermentation solubles extracted)
is the product resulting from drying the liquid materials obtained after the separation of suspended solids from a fermentation undertaken for the production of streptomycin. This fermentation shall be conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices using a non-pathogenic strain of Streptomyces, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-041 Streptomyces fermentation solubles meal extracted dehydrated (or dried Streptomyces fermentation solubles meal extracted)
is the product resulting from drying both the solid and liquid materials obtained from the fermentation undertaken for the production of streptomycin. This fermentation shall be conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices using a non-pathogenic strain of Streptomyces, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-042 Trichoderma longibrachiatum fermentation extract condensed
is the stabilized product resulting from concentrating the extracted water soluble materials from a fermentation undertaken for the production of Trichoderma longibrachiatum. This fermentation shall be conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites in accordance with good manufacturing practices using a non-pathogenic strain of Trichoderma longibrachiatum (formerly Trichoderma reesei), which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-043 Trichoderma longibrachiatum fermentation extract dehydrated
is the dried product resulting from extracting and precipitating the water soluble materials from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation shall be conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of Trichoderma longibrachiatum (formerly Trichoderma reesei), which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-044 Trichoderma viridae fermentation extract dehydrated (or dried Trichoderma viridae fermentation extract)
is the dried product resulting from extracting and precipitating the water soluble materials from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation shall be conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of Trichoderma viridae, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-045 Bacillus licheniformis fermentation solubles dehydrated (or dried Bacillus licheniformis fermentation solubles)
is the product resulting from drying the liquid after the separation of suspended solids from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of the microorganism Bacillus licheniformis, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-046 Trichoderma longibrachiatum fermentation product liquid (or liquid Trichoderma longibrachiatum fermentation product)
is the stabilized product of both solid and liquid materials from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of the microorganism Trichoderma longibrachiatum (formerly Trichoderma reesei) which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-047 Candida famata fermentation solubles dehydrated (or dried Candida famata fermentation solubles)
is the product resulting from drying the liquid after the separation of suspended solids from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of nutrient metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of Candida which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-048 Lysine fermentation residue concentrated (or dried condensed extracted lysine fermentation product or dehydrated corn fermentation solubles or dried corn fermentation solubles)
is a concentrated mixture of the liquor remaining from the extraction of lysine and the cells of Brevibacterium lactofermentum, Brevibacterium divaricatum, Corynebacterium lilium or Corynebacterium glutamicum used to produce lysine. This fermentation is conducted for the production of fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of the microorganisms listed above, which do not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-049 Glutamic acid fermentation residue concentrated (or dried condensed extracted glutamic acid fermentation product)
is a concentrated mixture of the liquor remaining from the extraction of glutamic acid and the cells of Brevibacterium lactofermentum, Brevibacterium divaricatum, Corynebacterium lilium or Corynebacterium glutamicum used to produce the glutamic acid. This fermentation is conducted for the production of fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of the microorganisms listed above, which do not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-050 Rhizopus arrhizus fermentation extract dehydrated (or dried Rhizopus arrhizus fermentation extract)
is the dried product resulting from extracting and precipitating water soluble materials from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation shall be conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of Rhizopus oryzae which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-051 Saccharomyces fermentation extract liquid (or liquid Saccharomyces fermentation extract)
is the extract obtained from the ultra-filtration and concentration of the liquid materials obtained from the fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances, or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of Saccharomyces which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite levels shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent moisture, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent ash.
- 1-621-052 Bacillus amyloliquefaciens fermentation solubles liquid (or liquid Bacillus amyloliquefaciens fermentation solubles)
is the liquid after the separation of suspended solids from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of the microorganism Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-053 Corynebacterium glutamicum fermentation product dehydrated (or dried Corynebacterium glutamicum fermentation product or L-lysine sulfate with fermentation product)
is the dried product containing a minimum of 45% alpha epsilon-diaminocaproic acid resulting from the drying of both solid and liquid materials from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of L-lysine sulfate using a non-pathogenic strain of the microorganism Corynebacterium glutamicum.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent L-lysine.
- 1-621-054 Trichoderma longibrachiatum fermentation solubles dehydrated
is the product resulting from drying the liquid after the separation of suspended solids from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of the microorganism Trichoderma longibrachiatum (formerly Trichoderma reesei), which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-055 Trichoderma longibrachiatum fermentation solubles condensed
is the product resulting from concentrating the liquid after the separation of suspended solids from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of the microorganism Trichoderma longibrachiatum (formerly Trichoderma reesei), which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-056 Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation solubles extracted, dehydrated (or dried Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation solubles extract)
is the product resulting from drying the soluble components of the internal cell structures after the separation of the liquid materials from a fermentation, autolysis of the cells and removal of cell debris by centrifugation in accordance with good manufacturing practices. The fermentation is conducted for the production of enzymes or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which does not possess a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolites levels shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent moisture, and maximum percent crude fibre.
- 1-621-057 Lactobacillus buchneri fermentation product dehydrated (or dried Lactobacillus buchneri fermentation product)
is the product resulting from drying both solid and liquid materials from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of the microorganism Lactobacillus buchneri, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-058 Bacillus amyloliquefaciens fermentation product liquid (or liquid Bacillus amyloliquefaciens fermentation product)
is the stabilized product of both solid and liquid materials from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of the microorganism Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-059 Bacillus licheniformis fermentation solubles liquid (or liquid Bacillus licheniformis fermentation solubles)
is the liquid after the separation of suspended solids from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of the microorganism Bacillus licheniformis, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-060 Trichoderma longibrachiatum fermentation solubles liquid (or liquid Trichoderma longibrachiatum fermentation solubles)
is the liquid after the separation of suspended solids from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of the microorganism Trichoderma longibrachiatum, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-061 Bacillus subtilis fermentation solubles liquid (or liquid Bacillus subtilis fermentation solubles)
is the liquid after the separation of suspended solids from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of the microorganism Bacillus subtilis, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-062 Aspergillus niger fermentation solubles liquid (or liquid Aspergillus niger fermentation solubles)
is the liquid after the separation of suspended solids from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of the microorganism Aspergillus niger, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-063 Trichoderma longibrachiatum fermentation product dehydrated (or dried Trichoderma longibrachiatum fermentation product)
is the product resulting from drying both solid and liquid materials from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of the microorganism Trichoderma longibrachiatum, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-064 Aspergillus oryzae fermentation solubles liquid condensed (or condensed Aspergillus oryzae fermentation solubles liquid)
is the condensed liquid product after the separation of suspended solids from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of the microorganism Aspergillus oryzae, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-065 Bacillus amyloliquefaciens fermentation solubles condensed (or condensed Bacillus amyloliquefaciens fermentation solubles)
is the product resulting from concentrating the liquid after the separation of suspended solids from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of the microorganism Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-066 Penicillium funiculosum fermentation solubles condensed (or condensed Penicillium funiculosum fermentation solubles)
is the condensed liquid product after the separation of suspended solids from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of the microorganism Penicillium funiculosum, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-067 Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation product spray-dried, granulated (or spray-dried granulated Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation product)
is the spray-dried and granulated product obtained from the ultra-filtration and concentration of the liquid materials resulting from a fermentation process conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. There is no separation or removal of the yeast cell wall components from the products of fermentation during the manufacturing process. The liquid fermentation product is mixed with carriers and is subsequently spray-dried and granulated.
This fermentation is conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of the microorganism Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which does not contain a novel trait.
If a carrier is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-068 Corn protein concentrate and l-lysine sulfate with fermentation product mixed dried (or corn protein concentrate and Corynebacterium glutamicum fermentation product mixed dried)
is the product that consists of the dried mixture of the liquid corn protein concentrate and the liquid Corynebacterium glutamicum fermentation product. The liquid corn protein concentrate is the liquid proteinaceous fraction of the corn primarily originating from the endosperm after removal of the majority of the non-protein components by enzymatic solubilization of the protein stream obtained from the corn wet-milling process. The liquid Corynebacterium glutamicum fermentation product is the liquid form of the product containing a minimum of 45% alpha, epsilon-diaminocaproic acid resulting from the drying of both solid and liquid materials from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of L-lysine sulfate using a non‑pathogenic strain of the microorganism Corynebacterium glutamicum. It shall contain not less than 80% crude protein on a dry matter basis. It shall be free of fermented corn extractives, corn germ meal and other non-protein components except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices. It shall not be used at levels exceeding 20% of the complete feed.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
It shall be labelled with percent guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent L-lysine, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, minimum percent sulfur, maximum percent ash, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-069 Yeast brewers dehydrated
is the dried, non-fermentative, non-extracted yeast produced from an unmodified strain of the botanical classification Saccharomyces resulting as a by-product from the brewing of beer and ale.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is not a source of viable Saccharomyces cells."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-070 Yeast culture dehydrated
is the dried product composed of yeast produced from an unmodified strain of the botanical classification Saccharomyces and the medium in which it is grown. Such media shall not be fortified with levels of minerals and vitamins above those required for optimal growth of the yeast cells. The media shall be stated on the label.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is not a source of viable Saccharomyces cells."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-071 Yeast irradiated dehydrated
is dried, non-fermentative yeast produced from an unmodified strain of the botanical classification Saccharomyces that has been subjected to ultra-violet rays to produce antirachitic potency. The media in which the yeast is grown shall not be fortified with levels of minerals and vitamins above those required for optimal growth of the yeast cells.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is not a source of viable Saccharomyces cells."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-072 Yeast primary dehydrated
is dried, non-fermentative yeast produced from an unmodified strain of the botanical classification Saccharomyces that is separated from the medium in which it is propagated. The media in which the yeast is grown shall not be fortified with levels of minerals and vitamins above those required for optimal growth of the yeast cells.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is not a source of viable Saccharomyces cells."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-073 Yeast torula dehydrated
is dried, non-fermentative yeast produced from an unmodified strain of the botanical classification Torulopsis that is separated from the medium in which it is propagated. The media in which the yeast is grown shall not be fortified with levels of minerals and vitamins above those required for optimal growth of the yeast cells.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is not a source of viable Torulopsis cells."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-074 Yeast autolysate dehydrated
is the dried enzymatic digest of primary grown yeast produced from an unmodified strain of the botanical classification Saccharomyces using an autolysis process. The media in which the yeast is grown shall not be fortified with levels of minerals and vitamins above those required for optimal growth of the yeast cells.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is not a source of viable Saccharomyces cells."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-075 Yeast brewers liquid
is the non-fermentative, non-extracted yeast produced from an unmodified strain of the botanical classification Saccharomyces resulting as a by-product from the brewing of beer and ale. It shall contain not less than 35% crude protein on a dry matter basis.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is not a source of viable Saccharomyces cells."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 1-621-076 Barley malt flour dehydrated (or dried barley malt flour or malted barley flour of malt diastase)
is the product obtained by milling cleaned malted barley for the production of diastase.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum amylase enzyme activity.
- 1-621-077 Pseudomonas fluorescens fermentation extract liquid (or liquid Pseudomonas fluorescens fermentation extract)
is the product obtained from the ultra-filtration and concentration of the liquid materials obtained from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of Pseudomonas fluorescens, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent moisture, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent ash.
6.22 Sweeteners
- 1-622-006 D-Mannitol
is the product of a reduction process by either H2 gas in the presence of metal catalysts (for example, platinum) or sodium amalgam in water with mannose. It is generally expressed as C6H14O6, and having the CAS# 69-65-8.
This ingredient is approved for use as a sweetener in livestock feeds.
Note: D-mannitol is also approved under subclass 6.1 with ingredient number 1-601-024, subclass 6.5 with ingredient number 1-605-017, and subclass 6.9 with ingredient number 1-609-001.
- 1-622-001 Sorbitol
is the product prepared industrially from glucose by high pressure hydrogenation or by electrolytic reduction, generally expressed as C6H14O6, and having the CAS# 50-70-4.
This ingredient is approved for use as a sweetener in livestock feeds.
- 1-622-007 Glycerin (or glycerol or 1,2,3-propanetriol)
is 1,2,3-propanetriol, generally expressed as HOCH2CH(OH)CH2OH, and having the CAS# 56-81-5, obtained from the saponification of vegetable or animal fats and oils during the manufacturing of soap and fatty acids. It shall contain not less than 95% glycerol and must meet the specification for Food Chemicals Codex (FCC) grade (food grade).
This ingredient is approved for use as a sweetener in an amount not to exceed 100 ppm in the complete feed for livestock species.
Note: glycerin is also approved under subclass 2.6 with ingredient number 1-206-001, and subclass 6.10 with ingredient number 1-610-008.
- 1-622-002 Saccharin sodium
is an organic compound containing sodium, generally expressed as C7H4NNaO3S, and having the CAS# 128-44-9.
This ingredient is approved for use as a sweetener in livestock feeds.
This ingredient is not approved for use in lactating dairy feeds.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
Caution/Précaution :
"This ingredient is not approved for use in lactating dairy feeds. / Cet ingrédient n'est pas approuvé pour l'utilisation dans les aliments pour les vaches laitières en lactation."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent sodium saccharin.
- 1-622-003 Thaumatin
is the product consisting of the proteins thaumatin I and thaumatin II, having the CAS# 53850-34-3, extracted from the arils of the fruit derived from the plant source Thaumatococcus denielli.
This ingredient is approved for use as a non-nutritive flavour enhancer in an amount not to exceed 0.0001% of the total diet for livestock species.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as a non-nutritive flavour enhancer in an amount not to exceed 0.0001% of the total diet for livestock species."
- 1-622-004 Isoamyl alcohol (or isopentyl alcohol or isopentanol)
is 3-methyl-1-butanol, generally expressed as (CH3)2CHCH2CH2OH, and having the CAS# 123-51-3.
This ingredient is approved for use as a sweetener in livestock feeds.
- 1-622-005 Fumaric acid
is trans-butenedioic acid, an organic acid, generally expressed as HOOCCHCHCOOH, and having the CAS# 110-17-8.
This ingredient is approved for use as a sweetener in livestock feeds.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent fumaric acid.
Note: fumaric acid is also approved under subclass 6.1 with ingredient number 1-601-022, subclass 6.3 with ingredient number 1-603-014, and subclass 6.19 with ingredient number 1-619-013.
6.23 Mycotoxin detoxification ingredients
Reserved for future use
Class 7. Other
Feeds in this class have been approved for specific non-nutritional purposes, other than those in the other sub-classes.
- 1-701-001 p-Aminobenzoic acid (or aminobenzoic acid, p-)
is para-aminobenzoic acid, generally expressed as H2NC6H4CO2H, and having the CAS # 150-13-0.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum milligrams of para-aminobenzoic acid per kilogram.
- 1-701-002 Irish moss (or Chondrus crispus)
is a red seaweed of the family Gigartinaceae (class Rhodophyceae, order Gigartinales). This product is for use only as a component of a flocculating agent to be used in the recovery of soluble fat and protein from waste water of slaughterhouse and meat processing facilities. The recovered product will be further mixed uncooked into meat and bone meal, and rendered. This ingredient shall not contain undegraded forms of carrageenan.
- 1-701-003 Distilled acetylated monoglycerides
is the product obtained through molecular distillation of the reaction mixture of soybean oil and triacetin.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
- 1-701-004 Polydimethylsiloxane (or dimethylpolysiloxane)
is the linear and cyclic polymer generally expressed as [Si(CH3)2O]n, and having the CAS# 63148-62-9.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This product is an ingredient in antifoaming agents used in liquid feeds and in inedible rendering establishments for blood plasma separation and rendering processes. It shall not result in residues in complete feed of greater than 20 ppm."
- 1-701-005 Polyoxyethylene stearate (or polyethylene glycol stearate or polyoxyethylene monostearate)
is the product that consists of a mixture of mono- and di-esters of stearic acid, and polyoxyethylene diols, generally expressed as C18H35O2· (C2H4O)n·H, and having the CAS# 9004-99-3.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This product is an ingredient in antifoaming agents used in liquid feeds and in inedible rendering establishments for blood plasma separation and rendering processes. It shall not result in residues in complete feed of greater than 5 ppm."
- 1-701-006 Graphite (or calcined petroleum coke)
is crystallized carbon, generally expressed as C, and having the CAS# 7782-42-5, of uniform particle size with traces of iron, silicon dioxide, etc.
This ingredient is approved for use as a carrier in livestock feeds.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent carbon.
- 1-701-007 Sphagnum peat moss
is the tan to light brown partially decomposed fibrous plant material derived mainly from the genus Sphagnum that has been dried and ground. Since sphagnum mosses accumulate metals, sphagnum peat moss intended for feeding to livestock should not be harvested from areas where the soil contains high concentrations of heavy metals and when used as directed it shall not contribute heavy metals in the total diet above the following levels: copper (25 mg/kg), zinc (300 mg/kg), lead (8 mg/kg), arsenic (8 mg/kg) and cadmium (0.3 mg/kg).
It shall be labelled with guarantees for maximum percent moisture, maximum percent crude fibre, maximum milligrams of copper per kilogram, maximum milligrams of zinc per kilogram, maximum milligrams of lead, maximum milligrams of arsenic, and maximum milligrams of cadmium.
- 1-701-008 Mineral oil
is a refined petroleum product having the CAS# 8012-95-1.
This ingredient is approved for use as an aid in dust control and as a lubricant in an amount not to exceed 3% in mineral premixes and mineral feeds, and in an amount not to exceed 0.06% of the complete feed for livestock species.
It shall be labelled with the following statements:
"This ingredient is approved for use as an aid in dust control and as a lubricant in an amount not to exceed 3% in mineral premixes and mineral feeds."
"This ingredient is approved for use as an aid in dust control and as a lubricant in an amount not to exceed 0.06% of the complete feed for livestock species."
It shall be labelled to indicate the viscosity in centistokes at 40oC and to indicate freedom from polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
- 1-701-009 Polyethylene glycol 400 mono and di-oleate (or PEG 400 mono and di-oleate)
is the polyethylene glycol salt of mono- or di-oleic acid or both. It is generally expressed as H(OCH2CH2)nOH, where the average n value is between 8.2 and 9.1, and having the CAS# 25322-68-3.
- 1-701-010 Silica gel
is the dehydrated gel, generally expressed as SiO2, and having the CAS# 112926-00-8, produced by mixing sodium or potassium silicate solution with an acid solution.
- 1-701-011 Sodium hydroxide solution
is an aqueous solution of sodium hydroxide, generally expressed as NaOH, and having the CAS# 1310-73-2.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent sodium hydroxide.
- 1-701-012 Grit (or granite or crushed stone)
is coarse ground, non-nutritive, insoluble material (for example, granite rock) for the in vivo grinding of feed by poultry.
- 1-701-013 Tetrasodium pyrophosphate anhydrous (or sodium pyrophosphate tetrabasic anhydrous or tetrasodium diphosphate anhydrous)
is the anhydrous, food grade ingredient, generally expressed as Na4P2O7, and having the CAS# 7722-88-5.
This ingredient is not approved for use in fish feeds.
It shall be labelled with the following statements:
"This ingredient is approved for use to disperse clays in water which are subsequently mixed into livestock feed. It shall be used in accordance with good manufacturing practices and shall not result in residual levels in complete feed of greater than 90 ppm."
Caution/Précaution :
"This ingredient is not approved for use in fish feeds. / Cet ingrédient n'est pas approuvé pour l'utilisation dans les aliments pour les poissons."
- 1-701-014 Sedge peat moss (or peat moss, sedge)
is the partially decomposed plant material derived mainly from the genus Carex that has been dried and ground. Since sedge mosses accumulate metals, sedge peat moss intended for feeding to livestock should not be harvested from areas where the soil contains high concentrations of heavy metals. When used as directed it shall not contribute heavy metals in the total diet above the following levels: copper (25 mg/kg), zinc (300 mg/kg), lead (8 mg/kg), arsenic (8 mg/kg) and cadmium (0.3 mg/kg).
It shall be labelled with guarantees for maximum percent moisture, maximum percent crude fibre, maximum milligrams of copper per kilogram, maximum milligrams of zinc per kilogram, maximum milligrams of lead per kilogram, maximum milligrams of arsenic per kilogram, and maximum milligrams of cadmium per kilogram.
- 1-701-015 Calcium oxide (or quicklime or high calcium quicklime)
is the oxide form of calcium generally expressed as CaO.
This ingredient is approved for use as a processing aid to improve fibre digestibility in cereal straws and corn stover at a moisture content of 35% to 50%. Calcium oxide shall be used in an amount not to exceed 5% (weight/weight) of the cereal straws or corn stover on a dry matter basis.
It shall be labelled with the following statements:
Warning/Mise en garde :
"Do not store feeds that have been treated with calcium oxide next to combustible materials. Do not allow calcium oxide to come into contact with incompatible materials (for example, acids, oxidizing materials and reactive halogenated compounds). To be stored in a sealed container after opening. / Ne pas entreposer les aliments pour le bétail qui ont été traités avec l'oxyde de calcium près de matériaux combustibles. Ne pas permettre l'oxyde de calcium d'entrer en contact avec des matériaux incompatibles (par exemple, des acides, des matières oxydantes et des composés réactifs halogénés). Conserver dans un contenant scellé après l'ouverture."
To address worker safety concerns, it shall be labelled with the following statement:
"When calcium oxide is added to water, calcium hydroxide is formed and an exothermic chemical reaction occurs, causing heat to be released. / Lorsque l'oxyde de calcium est ajouté à l'eau, l'hydroxyde de calcium se forme, ce qui produit une réaction exothermique qui libère la chaleur."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent calcium, and maximum milligrams of fluorine per kilogram.
- 1-701-016 Modified corn starch (or chemically modified corn starch)
is the food grade product resulting from the chemical modification of waxy corn starch slurry using acid hydrolysis and esterification by octenylsuccinic anhydride (OSA). The pH and temperature of the acid-hydrolyzed waxy corn starch slurry may be adjusted before treatment with OSA. The modified intermediate product may be filtered, dewatered and washed. It may also be pH adjusted, steam cooked and heat-treated. The resulting product is either spray-dried or flashed dried to produce the modified corn starch.
This ingredient is approved for use as a carrier and facilitating agent to increase particle size in livestock feeds.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as a carrier and facilitating agent to increase particle size in livestock feeds."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent total starch, maximum percent total starch, and maximum percent moisture.
Note: modified corn starch is also approved under subclass 6.12 with ingredient number 1-612-003.
- 1-701-017 Formaldehyde solution (or formalin)
is the solution that is produced by dissolving 37% by weight of formaldehyde gas in water, usually in the presence of 10% to 15% methanol, which is added to prevent polymerization. It is generally expressed as CH2O, and having the CAS# 50-00-0.
This ingredient is approved for use as a treatment for rapeseed meal to aid it bypass the rumen.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient shall not be used in an amount to exceed 0.25% of the total diet."
To address worker safety concerns, it shall be labelled with the following statement:
"Formaldehyde is highly irritating to the upper respiratory tract and eyes; avoid inhalation. Do not swallow; ingestion may cause severe irritation and inflammation of the mouth, throat, and stomach. Formaldehyde is a severe skin irritant and a sensitizer. Appropriate protective equipment must be worn during handling. / La formaldéhyde est grandement irritante pour la voie respiratoire supérieure et les yeux; éviter d'inhaler. Ne pas avaler. L'ingestion peut causer de sévères irritations et inflammations de la bouche, la gorge, et l'estomac. La formaldéhyde est un irritant et un sensibilisateur pour la peau. Un appareil de protection approprié doit être porter lors de la manutention."
Note: formaldehyde solution is also approved under subclass 6.1 with ingredient number 1-601-046, and subclass 6.2 with ingredient number 1-602-001.
Part 2
- Class 1. Forage and roughages
- Class 2. Energy feeds
- Class 3. Protein feeds
- Class 4. Recycled food products
- Class 5. Nutritional ingredients
- Class 6. Non-nutritive ingredients
- Class 7. Other
Class 1. Forage and roughages
Feeds in this class have been approved for the purpose of predominately providing a source of fibre.
- 2-100-001 Plantago seed husks (or psyllium seed husks)
is the product that consists of the outer covering of the psyllium seed.
This ingredient is approved for use as a source of dietary fibre in an amount not to exceed 2.0% of the total diet.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as a source of dietary fibre in an amount not to exceed 2.0% of the total diet."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 2-100-002 Hydrolyzed wood chip pulp (or hardwood lignocellulose hydrolyzed or wood chips hydrolyzed)
is the concentrated, air dried product resulting from the mechanical and chemical processing of hardwood chips into a fibrous pulp mass, which is then subjected to enzymatic hydrolysis.
This ingredient is approved for use as a source of dietary fibre in complete feeds for swine and poultry.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as a source of dietary fibre in complete feeds for swine and poultry."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 2-100-003 Wood lignocellulose mechanically processed (or wood chips mechanically processed)
is the concentrated, air dried product resulting from the mechanical processing of softwood or hardwood chips into a fibrous pulp mass. This product may not be manufactured from poisonous species of trees (for example, hemlock).
This ingredient is approved for use as a source of dietary fibre in complete feeds for swine, calves, and poultry.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as a source of dietary fibre in complete feeds for swine, calves, and poultry."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 2-100-004 Pea hulls (or field pea hulls)
is the product that consists of the outer coverings from sound and cleaned whole seeds of field peas (Pisum sativum). The pea hulls are obtained as a by-product of the mechanical dehulling of field peas.
This ingredient is approved for use as a source of fibre in livestock feeds.
If the product bears a name descriptive of the form (for example, pelleted), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If a pelleting aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent moisture, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent ash.
Class 2. Energy feeds
Feeds in this class have been approved for the purpose of predominately providing a source of energy.
- 2.1 Cereal grains
- 2.2 Milling by-products
- 2.3 Seed and mill screenings
- 2.4 Molasses and related products
- 2.5 Animal and plant fats and derived products
- 2.6 Fruit and vegetable derived products
- 2.7 Sugars and starches
2.1 Cereal grains
Reserved for future use
2.2 Milling by-products
- 2-202-001 Rice bran stabilized
is rice bran which has been treated, soon after milling by heat treatment or other means in order to substantially reduce the lipase activity. The stabilization process used should be included as part of the product name (for example, heat treated). Free fatty acid content of the crude fat component shall not exceed 4%. It shall contain less than 13% crude fibre.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for maximum percent calcium when the calcium carbonate exceeds 3% (that is, Ca exceeds 1.2%).
2.3 Seed and mill screenings
Reserved for future use
2.4 Molasses and related products
Reserved for future use
2.5 Animal and plant fats and derived products
- 2-205-001 Corn syrup process residue with filter (or corn syrup refinery insolubles with filter)
is the product that consists predominantly of diatomaceous earth and the fatty fraction of corn starch together with protein and residual carbohydrates obtained in the refining of corn syrup by vacuum filtration with diatomaceous earth. This product shall be processed in accordance with good manufacturing practices. It shall be free of harmful microorganisms.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is for use in feeds in amounts calculated on a dry weight basis not to exceed 2% diatomaceous earth in the total diet."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for maximum percent diatomaceous earth on a dry matter basis, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent ash, and maximum percent moisture.
- 2-205-002 Crude glycerin (or crude glycerol or 1,2,3-propanetriol crude)
is 1,2,3-propanetriol derived as a by-product of the biodiesel fuel manufacturing process. It shall not contain greater than 0.1% residual methanol.
This ingredient is approved for use as a source of energy in an amount not to exceed 15% of the total diet for ruminants, in an amount not to exceed 10% of the complete feed for swine, and in an amount not to exceed 5% of the complete feed for poultry.
It shall be labelled with the following statements:
"This ingredient is approved for use as a source of energy in an amount not to exceed 15% of the total diet for ruminants."
"This ingredient is approved for use as a source of energy in an amount not to exceed 10% of the complete feed for swine."
"This ingredient is approved for use as a source of energy in an amount not to exceed 5% of the complete feed for poultry."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent glycerol, maximum percent moisture, and maximum percent methanol.
- 2-205-003 Calcium salts of fatty acids
are the calcium salts of the free fatty acids from animal fat or vegetable oil. The source of the free fatty acids shall be indicated on the label (for example, poultry fat).
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent fatty acids, maximum percent unsaturated fatty acids, maximum percent triglycerides, maximum percent free fatty acids, maximum percent moisture, and minimum percent calcium salt of the fatty acids.
- 2-205-004 Tree oil fatty acid (or tall oil fatty acid)
is the vacuum distilled fatty acid end product obtained after the concentration, separation and acidification of tall oil from the Kraft or sulfate process of making pulp from pine. It shall contain a minimum of 95% total fatty acids, a maximum of 1% rosin acids, and a maximum of 2% unsaponifiable matter.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent total fatty acids, maximum percent unsaponifiable matter, and maximum percent rosin acids.
- 2-205-005 Palm fatty acid distillates fractionated (or fractionated palm fatty acid distillates or fractionated PFAD)
is the product that consists of the spray-dried solid fraction of palm fatty acid distillates, a by-product of edible palm oil production. It consists predominantly of saturated long chain free fatty acids, resulting from a fractionation process.
This ingredient is approved for use as a source of energy in feeds for ruminants.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent total fatty acids, maximum percent free fatty acids, maximum percent unsaturated fatty acids, maximum percent moisture, maximum percent unsaponifiable matter, and maximum percent insoluble matter.
- 2-205-006 Ethanol distillers' corn oil (or post fermentation distillers' corn oil)
is the by-product obtained by mechanically extracting oil during the condensing of the thin stillage fraction, obtained by the distillation of yeast fermentation of corn for the production of human beverages or fuel ethanol from a dry milling process. The fermentation and production processes shall be conducted using approved processing additives. It consists predominantly of glyceride esters of fatty acids and contains no additions of free fatty acids or other materials obtained from fats.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent total fatty acids, maximum percent moisture, maximum percent insoluble matter, maximum percent unsaponifiable matter, and maximum percent free fatty acids.
- 2-205-007 Recuperated shrimp oil (or shrimp oil recuperated)
is the product that consists of the oil recuperated from the wash water used during the processing of fresh or frozen shrimp products, or both, intended for human consumption.
This ingredient is approved for use as a source of dietary energy in feeds for salmonid fish.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
Warning/Mise en garde :
"This ingredient contains astaxanthin and should be used in feeds for salmonid fish at a rate not to exceed 80 grams of astaxanthin per tonne of the complete feed. If astaxanthin from recuperated shrimp oil is used in combination with canthaxanthin in salmonid fish feeds, then the rate of canthaxanthin used shall not exceed 50 grams per tonne of the complete feed. The combined concentration of astaxanthin, canthaxanthin and adonirubin from all sources shall not exceed 80 grams per tonne of the complete feed. / Cet ingrédient contient de l'astaxanthine et doit être utilisé dans les aliments destinés aux poissons salmonidés en quantité ne devant pas dépasser 80 grammes d'astaxanthine par tonne de l'aliment complet. Si l'astaxanthine provenant de l'huile de crevettes récupérée est utilisée en conjonction avec la canthaxanthine dans les aliments pour les poissons salmonidés, la quantité de canthaxanthine utilisée ne doit pas dépasser 50 grammes par tonne de l'aliment complet. La concentration totale de l'astaxanthine, la canthaxanthine et l'adonirubine provenant de toutes les sources ne devra pas dépasser 80 grammes par tonne de l'aliment complet."
For mixed feed labels:
Warning/Mise en garde :
"This product contains astaxanthin and should be used in feeds for salmonid fish at a rate that does not exceed 80 grams of astaxanthin per tonne of the complete feed. If astaxanthin from recuperated shrimp oil is used in combination with canthaxanthin in salmonid fish feeds, then the rate of canthaxanthin used shall not exceed 50 grams per tonne of the complete feed. The combined concentration of astaxanthin, canthaxanthin and adonirubin from all sources shall not exceed 80 grams per tonne of the complete feed. / Ce produit contient de l'astaxanthine et doit être utilisé dans les aliments destinés aux poissons salmonidés en quantité ne devant pas dépasser 80 grammes d'astaxanthine par tonne de l'aliment complet. Si l'astaxanthine provenant de l'huile de crevettes récupérée est utilisée en conjonction avec la canthaxanthine dans les aliments pour les poissons salmonidés, la quantité de canthaxanthine utilisée ne doit pas dépasser 50 grammes par tonne de l'aliment complet. La concentration totale de l'astaxanthine, la canthaxanthine et l'adonirubine provenant de toutes les sources ne devra pas dépasser 80 grammes par tonne de l'aliment complet."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for maximum percent moisture, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent free fatty acids, minimum number of International Units of vitamin A per kilogram, maximum number of International Units of vitamin A per kilogram, minimum milligrams of esterified astaxanthin per kilogram, and maximum milligrams of esterified astaxanthin per kilogram.
- 2-205-008 Hydrogenated palm fatty acid distillates (or palm fatty acid distillates hydrogenated or hydrogenated PFAD or HPFAD)
is the product that consists of palm fatty acid distillates, a by-product of the crude palm oil refining process, which have been hydrogenated using hydrogen gas under pressure in order to increase the degree of saturation of the long chain free fatty acids present in the distillates. It consists predominantly of palmitic acid (C16:0) and stearic acid (C18:0).
This ingredient is approved for use as a source of energy in feeds for ruminants and breeding and finishing swine.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude fat, minimum percent total fatty acids, minimum percent saturated fatty acids, maximum percent free fatty acids, maximum percent moisture, maximum percent unsaponifiable matter, and maximum percent insoluble matter.
- 2-205-009 Palm palmitic acid (or palm palmitic fatty acid or free palmitic acid palm)
is the product that consists of free fatty acid by-products derived from crude/refined palm kernel oil and/or crude/refined palm oil and/or palm stearin manufacturing processes which have been fractionated and/or hydrogenated and/or distilled in order to increase the level of palmitic acid (C16:0). It shall not contain less than 80% palmitic acid (C16:0).
This ingredient is approved for use as a source of energy in feeds for ruminants and breeding and finishing swine.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude fat, minimum percent total fatty acids, maximum percent free fatty acids, minimum percent palmitic acid, maximum percent moisture, maximum percent unsaponifiable matter, and maximum percent insoluble matter.
- 2-205-010 Palm free fatty acids dried (or dried free fatty acids palm)
is the product that consists of free fatty acids derived from the hydrolysis of 1 or more of the following: crude and/or refined palm stearin; hydrogenated and/or fractionated palm stearin; crude and/or refined and/or hydrogenated palm oil; crude and/or refined and/or hydrogenated palm kernel oil; and/or mixtures thereof, which have been further fractionated to increase the concentration of saturated fatty acids present in the final product. It is filtered and then spray-dried. It consists predominantly of palmitic acid (C16:0) and stearic acid (C18:0). It shall contain a minimum of 80% free fatty acids, a minimum of 40% palmitic acid, and a minimum of 30% stearic acid.
This ingredient is approved for use as a source of energy in feeds for ruminants.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a preservative is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude fat, minimum percent free fatty acids, minimum percent palmitic acid, minimum percent stearic acid, maximum percent moisture, maximum percent unsaponifiable matter and maximum percent insoluble matter.
- 2-205-011 Dried hydrogenated refined bleached deodorized palm stearin (or hydrogenated RBD palm stearin dried)
is the product that consists of refined, bleached, and deodorized (RBD) palm stearin, which has been hydrogenated using hydrogen gas under pressure in order to increase the degree of saturation of the fatty acids present. It is then filtered and spray-dried. It consists predominantly of palmitic acid (C16:0) and stearic acid (C18:0). It shall contain a minimum of 40% palmitic acid, a minimum of 30% stearic acid, and not more than 5% free fatty acids.
This ingredient is approved for use as a source of energy in feeds for ruminants, swine and poultry.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a preservative is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude fat, minimum percent total fatty acids, minimum percent palmitic acid, minimum percent stearic acid, maximum percent moisture, maximum percent free fatty acids, maximum percent unsaponifiable matter and maximum percent insoluble matter.
- 2-205-012 Dried fractionated refined bleached deodorized palm stearin (or RBD palm stearin fractionated or RBD palm stearin dried)
is the product that consists of dried refined, bleached, deodorized (RBD) palm stearin, a by-product of palm oil processing, which has been further fractionated through a controlled temperature crystallization process, then filtered and spray-dried. The fractionation process results in increased concentrations of palmitic acid (C16:0). It shall contain a minimum of 70% palmitic acid (C16:0) and not more than 5% free fatty acids.
This ingredient is approved for use as a source of energy in feeds for ruminants.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a preservative is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an anticaking is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude fat, minimum percent total fatty acids, minimum percent palmitic acid, maximum percent moisture, maximum percent free fatty acids, maximum percent unsaponifiable matter, and maximum percent insoluble matter.
- 2-205-013 Seal oil refined (or refined seal blubber oil)
is the product that consists of the oil obtained through the rendering of the untainted and undecomposed blubber of harp seals (Phoca groenlandica). The product shall be free of harmful microorganisms.
This ingredient is approved for use in an amount not to exceed 1.25% of the complete feed for laying hens, broiler chickens, and horses, and in an amount not to exceed 2% of the complete feed for salmonid fish, and gestating and lactating sows.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with the following statements:
"This ingredient is approved for use in an amount not to exceed 1.25% of the complete feed for laying hens, broiler chickens, and horses."
"This ingredient is approved for use in an amount not to exceed 2% of the complete feed for salmonid fish and gestating and lactating sows."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude fat, minimum International Units of vitamin A per kilogram, maximum International Units of vitamin A per kilogram, minimum International Units of vitamin E per kilogram, maximum International Units of vitamin E per kilogram, maximum percent free fatty acids, maximum percent unsaponifiable matter, maximum percent insoluble matter, and maximum percent moisture.
- 2-205-014 Soy saturated fatty acids (or soy fatty acids saturated)
is the product that consists of the fatty acids derived from the by-products of soybean oil manufacturing which have been hydrogenated using hydrogen gas under pressure in order to increase the concentration of saturated fatty acids present in the product, primarily stearic acid (C18:0) and to a lesser extent palmitic acid (C16:0). It is then filtered and spray-dried. It shall contain not less than 70% stearic acid (C18:0) and not more than 5% free fatty acids.
This ingredient is approved for use as a source of energy in feeds for ruminants.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a preservative is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude fat, minimum percent total fatty acids, maximum percent free fatty acids, minimum percent stearic acid, maximum percent moisture, maximum percent unsaponifiable matter, and maximum percent insoluble matter.
- 2-205-015 Black soldier fly larvae oil mechanical extracted (or black soldier fly larvae oil)
is the product that consists of the oil extracted from the whole larvae of the black soldier fly, Hermetia illucens, raised on and fed a substrate that is acceptable for the production of safe and nutritious livestock feeds. Whole larvae are harvested and cleaned to be free of the growth substrate. Whole larvae are then heat treated, dried, and pressed to extract the oil. This product shall be processed in accordance with good manufacturing practices. It shall be free of harmful microorganisms.
This ingredient is approved for use as a source of energy in an amount not to exceed 5% of the total diet for fish and poultry.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent moisture, maximum percent insoluble matter, maximum percent unsaponifiable matter, and maximum percent free fatty acids.
- 2-205-016 Soy free fatty acids dried
is the product that consists of free fatty acids derived from soy acid oil from acidulated soapstock, which has been further distilled and/or hydrogenated and/or fractionated to increase the concentration of saturated fatty acids present in the final product. It is filtered and then spray-dried. It consists predominantly of palmitic acid (C16:0) and stearic acid (C18:0). It shall contain a minimum of 80% free fatty acids, a minimum of 40% palmitic acid, and a minimum of 30% stearic acid.
This ingredient is approved for use as a source of energy in feeds for ruminants.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a preservative is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude fat, minimum percent free fatty acids, minimum percent palmitic acid, minimum percent stearic acid, maximum percent moisture, maximum percent unsaponifiable matter, and maximum percent insoluble matter.
2.6 Fruit and vegetable derived products
Reserved for future use
2.7 Sugars and starches
- 2-207-001 Extracted sugar by-product condensed (or extracted mixed mono- and di-saccharide by-product condensed)
is a liquid by-product obtained from the enzymatic production of oligo- and poly-saccharides which is further extracted and purified. This ingredient consists mainly of a mixture of mono- and di-saccharides.
This ingredient is approved for use as a source of energy in livestock feeds.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for maximum percent moisture, and minimum percent total sugars.
- 2-207-002 Pea solubles
is the product obtained after the removal of most of the fibre, starch and protein constituents by a wet milling process from sound, cleaned, dehulled and dry milled field peas (Pisum sativum).
This ingredient is approved for use as a source of dietary energy and protein in feeds for swine and cattle.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
Caution/Précaution :
"Do not feed to pigs weighing less than 25 kg. / Ne pas servir aux porcs pesant moins de 25 kg."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent total sugars, minimum percent crude fat, minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent moisture, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent ash.
- 2-207-003 Pea pulp
is the fibrous product obtained after the removal of most of the starch and protein constituents by a wet milling process from sound, cleaned, dehulled and dry milled field peas (Pisum sativum).
This ingredient is approved for use as a source of dietary energy in feeds for swine and cattle.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
Caution/Précaution :
"Do not feed to pigs weighing less than 25 kg. / Ne pas servir aux porcs pesant moins de 25 kg."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent total starch, minimum percent crude fat, minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent moisture, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent ash.
- 2-207-004 Recycled maple syrup
is the product prepared by boiling the sap from maple trees to produce a concentrated syrup that may or may not meet the grading standards of maple syrup produced for human consumption. It shall be manufactured in accordance with good manufacturing practices. It shall be obtained from a maple syrup production plant (processing establishment) and shall be picked up sufficiently often such that no decomposition is evident. It shall be free from harmful microorganisms and chemical contaminants.
This ingredient is approved for use as a source of energy in livestock feeds.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent total sugars, minimum percent sucrose, and maximum percent moisture.
Class 3. Protein feeds
Feeds in this class have been approved for the purpose of predominately providing a source of protein.
- 3.1 Protein products and by-products of animal origin
- 3.2 Protein products and by-products of plant origin
- 3.3 Brewers' and distillers' by-products
- 3.4 Biomass from fermentation processes
3.1 Protein products and by-products of animal origin
3.1.1 Terrestrial animals
- 2-301-001 Poultry feather meal fresh (or fresh ground feathers)
is the product that consists of the non-rendered, ground, clean, undecomposed feathers from slaughtered poultry, free of additives or accelerators.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent pepsin digestible protein, and maximum percent moisture.
- 2-301-002 Porcine solubles dried (or dried porcine solubles)
is the product obtained after the extraction of heparin for human use from enzymatically digested porcine mucosa and small intestines which have been heat treated, condensed and dried with or without carrier.
If a carrier is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent moisture, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent ash.
- 2-301-003 Dried whole black soldier fly larvae
is the product that consists of the larvae of the black soldier fly, Hermetia illucens, raised on and fed a substrate that is acceptable for the production of safe and nutritious livestock feeds. Whole larvae are harvested and cleaned to be free of the growth substrate. They are then heat treated, dried, and may be ground. This product shall be processed in accordance with good manufacturing practices. It shall be free of harmful microorganisms.
This ingredient is approved for use as a source of protein and energy in feeds for poultry and swine. This ingredient is also approved for use as a source of protein and energy in an amount not to exceed 10% of the feed for salmonid fish, and in an amount not to exceed 7.5% of the feed for tilapia.
If the product bears a name descriptive of the form (for example, ground), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent ash, and maximum percent moisture.
- 2-301-009 Defatted black soldier fly larvae meal (or defatted whole black soldier fly larvae meal or defatted whole Hermetia illucens larvae meal or defatted dried whole black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens) larvae meal)
is the product that consists of the defatted protein meal mechanically extracted from the whole larvae of the black soldier fly, Hermetia illucens, raised on and fed a substrate that is acceptable for the production of safe and nutritious livestock feeds. Whole larvae are harvested and cleaned to be free of the growth substrate. Whole larvae are then heat treated, dried, pressed to extract the oil, and then ground into meal. This product shall be processed in accordance with good manufacturing practices. It shall be free of harmful microorganisms.
This ingredient is approved for use as a source of protein in feeds for poultry and swine. This ingredient is also approved for use as a source of protein in an amount not to exceed 10% of the total diet for salmonid fish and tilapia.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, and maximum percent moisture.
3.1.2 Egg
Reserved for future use
3.1.3 Dairy
- 2-301-004 Fermented whey spray-dried (or spray-dried fermented whey)
is the spray-dried, granular product resulting from the microbial fermentation of mild, acidic, salty or sweet whey originating from the cheese-making process. The resulting biomass is centrifuged, pasteurized, and then spray-dried.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent lactose, and maximum percent moisture.
- 2-301-005 Fermented whey with serum proteins added spray-dried (or spray-dried fermented whey with serum proteins added)
is the spray-dried, granular product resulting from the microbial fermentation of sweet whey originating from the cheese-making process. The serum proteins contained in the sweet whey are precipitated using sodium hydroxide and are added to the media prior to the fermentation process. The resulting serum-protein containing biomass is centrifuged, pasteurized, and then spray-dried.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent lactose, and maximum percent moisture.
3.1.4 Aquatic animals
- 2-301-006 Fish by-products with ground cereal grain dehydrated (or dried fish by-products with ground cereal grain)
is the product obtained by grinding and drying a mixture of clean, undecomposed parts of fish from the edible fish processing industry and ground cereal grain. Ground oyster shells may be present at levels up to 5.0%. The product shall be processed in accordance with good manufacturing practices. It shall be free of extraneous materials except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices. It shall also be free of harmful microorganisms, and not contain more than 8% moisture content by weight.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
Caution/Précaution :
"This ingredient is not approved for use in fish feeds. / Cet ingrédient n'est pas approuvé pour l'utilisation dans les aliments pour les poissons."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, maximum percent moisture, and maximum percent ash.
- 2-301-007 Krill meal (or Antarctic krill meal or Euphausia superba meal)
is the product resulting from the drying and milling of fresh or frozen, or both, Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) that has been steam-processed and has had the oil removed.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with the following statements:
Caution/Précaution :
"This ingredient is only approved for use in complete feeds for marine fish. Do not use in freshwater environments. / Cet ingrédient est seulement approuvé pour l'utilisation dans les aliments complets pour les poissons marins. Ne pas utiliser dans des milieux d'eau douce."
Warning/Mise en garde :
"This ingredient is also approved for use as a colouring agent in salmonid fish feeds at a rate not to exceed 80 grams of equivalent astaxanthin per tonne of the complete feed. If astaxanthin from krill meal is used in combination with canthaxanthin in salmonid fish feeds, then the rate of canthaxanthin used shall not exceed 50 grams per tonne of the complete feed and the combined level of these carotenoids shall not exceed 80 grams per tonne of the complete feed. / Cet ingrédient est aussi approuvé pour l'utilisation comme agent de coloration dans les aliments pour les poissons salmonidés en quantité ne devant pas dépasser 80 grammes d'équivalent d'astaxanthine par tonne de l'aliment complet. Si l'astaxanthine provenant de la farine de krill est utilisée en conjonction avec de canthaxanthine dans les aliments pour les poissons salmonidés, la quantité de canthaxanthine utilisée ne doit pas dépasser 50 grammes par tonne de l'aliment complet et la teneur totale de ces deux caroténoïdes ne devra pas dépasser 80 grammes par tonne de l'aliment complet."
For mixed feed labels:
Warning/Mise en garde :
"This feed contains krill meal which is also for use as a colouring agent in salmonid fish feeds at a rate not to exceed 80 grams of equivalent astaxanthin per tonne of the complete feed. If astaxanthin from krill meal is used in combination with canthaxanthin in salmonid fish feeds, then the rate of canthaxanthin used shall not exceed 50 grams per tonne of the complete feed and the combined level of these carotenoids shall not exceed 80 grams per tonne of the complete feed. / Cet aliment contient la farine de krill qui est aussi approuvée comme agent de coloration dans les aliments pour les poissons salmonidés en quantité ne devant pas dépasser 80 grammes d'équivalent d'astaxanthine par tonne de l'aliment complet. Si l'astaxanthine provenant de la farine de krill est utilisée en conjonction avec de canthaxanthine dans les aliments pour les poissons salmonidés, la quantité de canthaxanthine utilisée ne doit pas dépasser 50 grammes par tonne de l'aliment complet et la teneur totale de ces deux caroténoïdes ne devra pas dépasser 80 grammes par tonne de l'aliment complet."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent salt, maximum percent ash, maximum percent moisture, minimum milligrams of esterified astaxanthin per kilogram, maximum milligrams of esterified astaxanthin per kilogram, minimum milligrams of free astaxanthin per kilogram, maximum milligrams of free astaxanthin per kilogram, and maximum milligrams of fluorine per kilogram.
Note: krill meal is also approved under subclass 6.16 with ingredient number 2-616-011.
- 2-301-008 Defatted Antarctic krill meal (or defatted Euphausia superba meal or Antarctic krill meal defatted)
is the dried, non-soluble fraction or meal obtained after extracting the lipids (fat and oil) from frozen Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba) that has been processed for human consumption. This product shall be processed in accordance with good manufacturing practices and shall be free of harmful microorganisms.
This ingredient is approved for use in complete feeds for starter piglets.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent salt, maximum percent ash, maximum percent moisture, maximum percent crude fibre, maximum milligrams of esterified astaxanthin per kilogram, maximum milligrams of free astaxanthin per kilogram, and maximum milligrams of fluorine per kilogram.
3.2 Protein products and by-products of plant origin
- 3.2.1 Oil seed
- 3.2.2 Cereals, pulses and legumes
- 3.2.3 Vegetable based
- 3.2.4 Marine plant based
- 3.2.5 Other plants
3.2.1 Oil seed
- 2-302-001 Soy pulp (or okara)
is the product that consists of the fresh pulp obtained following the extraction of soy milk from soybeans.
The product shall be free from contamination, picked up often such that no decomposition is evident. The product shall be free from harmful microorganisms.
If a processing aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with directions for use reflective of the storage stability of the product; and shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is perishable. / Cet ingrédient est périssable."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for maximum percent moisture, minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent ash.
- 2-302-002 Dried fermented soybean meal (or fermented soybean meal dried)
is the dried product obtained from the fermentation of dehulled soybean meal (as defined in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table) with brewer's yeast.
If the product bears a name descriptive of the form (for example, pelleted), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If a pelleting aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
It shall also be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 2-302-003 Modified soybean meal
is the product resulting from treating soybean meal (as defined in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table) by chemical, physical or chemical and physical means for the purpose of increasing the rumen undegradable protein.
If the product bears a name descriptive of the form (for example, pelleted), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If a pelleting aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with a statement indicating the estimated minimum percent undegradable intake protein expressed as a percent of the crude protein.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, maximum percent moisture and maximum protein dispersibility index (PDI) (as determined by AOCS Official Method Ba 10-65, 4th Edition).
- 2-302-004 Brassica carinata meal solvent extracted (or carinata meal solvent extracted)
is the meal that is obtained after the removal of most of the oil by solvent extraction from whole seeds of the species Brassica carinata. This product shall be processed in accordance with good manufacturing practices and shall be free of harmful microorganisms.
This ingredient is approved for use in feeds for growing and finishing beef cattle.
If the product bears a name descriptive of the form (for example, pelleted), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If a pelleting aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an anticaking or flow agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used in an amount not to exceed 0.5% by weight, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent neutral detergent fibre (NDF), maximum percent acid detergent fibre (ADF), maximum percent moisture, maximum percent erucic acid, and maximum micromoles of glucosinolates per gram of dried meal.
- 2-302-006 Guar meal korma (or guar germ)
is the meal obtained by milling and thermally dehusking guar seeds (Cyamopsis tetragonoloba (L.) Taub.) to produce guar germ which is roasted. The roasted guar germ is then passed through screens to remove any remaining guar husks. This product shall be processed in accordance with good manufacturing practices. It shall contain not less than 55% crude protein on a dry matter basis.
If the product bears a name descriptive of the form (for example, pelleted), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.
If a pelleting aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an anticaking or flow agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, maximum percent ash, and maximum percent moisture.
3.2.2 Cereals, pulses and legumes
Reserved for future use
3.2.3 Vegetable based
- 2-302-005 Beet sugar separator by-product condensed (or condensed separator by-product)
is the by-product obtained by the recovery of sucrose from beet molasses by utilization of molecular exclusion chromatography.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent ash, and maximum percent moisture.
3.2.4 Marine plant based
Reserved for future use
3.2.5 Other plants
Reserved for future use
3.3 Brewers' and distillers' by-products
Reserved for future use
3.4 Biomass from fermentation processes
- 2-304-001 Dried Methylorubrum extorquens biomass (or single cell protein meal from Methylorubrum extorquens)
is the spray-dried product derived from the biomass of the microbial fermentation of Methylorubrum extorquens. The resulting biomass is concentrated by centrifugation, pasteurized, and then spray-dried. The fermentation process shall be conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices using a non-pathogenic microbial strain. It shall not contain other extraneous materials except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices.
This ingredient is approved for use as a source of protein in an amount not to exceed 10% of the total diet for salmonid fish.
It shall be labelled with the following statements:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
"This ingredient is approved for use as a source of protein in an amount not to exceed 10% of the total diet for salmonid fish."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fiber, maximum percent moisture, and maximum percent ash.
Class 4. Recycled food products
Feeds in this class have been approved for the purpose of providing a source of energy and protein from products from human food.
- 2-400-001 Recycled food products mixed heat-treated and dehydrated
is the product that consists of a mixture of food waste products that have been separated from non-edible packaging materials, ground, and is further processed by heat treatment, and dehydration. The food products may be obtained from food processing and food servicing establishments other than international ports of entry. It may contain grains, mill feed or oilseed meal as a carrier. The waste product shall be picked up daily or often that no decomposition is evident. This product shall be processed in accordance with good manufacturing practices and shall be free of harmful microorganisms.
It shall be labelled with clear Directions for Use.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled for guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fat, minimum percent calcium, maximum percent calcium, minimum percent phosphorous, maximum percent phosphorus, maximum percent salt, maximum percent crude fibre, maximum percent moisture, and minimum percent antioxidant.
- 2-400-002 Recycled food products mixed wet
is the product that consists of a mixture of food products and by-products which have been separated from the non-edible material. This product may not contain unpasteurized dairy or egg products. The food products and by-products may be obtained from food processing and food service establishments other than international ports of entry and shall be picked up often such that no decomposition is evident. This product shall be processed in accordance with good manufacturing practices and shall be free of harmful microorganisms.
It shall be labelled with Directions for Use that are reflective of the shelf life of the product and with the following statement:
"This ingredient is perishable. / Cet ingrédient est périssable."
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, maximum percent sodium, and maximum percent moisture.
- 2-400-003 Food waste dry mixed (or dry food waste)
is the product that consists of a mixture of dry food waste products of non-animal origin listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table, such as bakery waste dehydrated, cereal food fines, sugar foods by-products, peanut skins, grains, millfeeds, or oilseed meals. The waste product shall be picked up daily or often that no decomposition is evident.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent salt, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 2-400-004 Liquid dairy recycled food products mixed
is the product that consists of a mixture of finished dairy food products, for use in livestock feeds, which may include liquid milk, cream, chocolate milk, sour cream, egg nog, hard cheeses, cream cheese, cottage cheese, yogurt, butter, ice cream, milk by-products, or other food products that are milk-based. It may not contain dairy ingredients that are unpasteurized. The product is separated from non-edible packaging materials. The product shall be free from contamination, and picked up often such that no decomposition is evident. The product shall be free from harmful microorganisms.
If a processing aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is perishable. / Cet ingrédient est périssable."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent dry matter.
- 2-400-005 Sugar water by-product (or sugar water recycled food product)
is the product that consists of a mixture of finished fruit or vegetable juices, soft drink beverages, or similar mixtures that are composed principally of sugars and water, and do not contain dairy based ingredients. The product shall be free from contamination, picked up often such that no decomposition is evident, and separated from any packaging. The product shall be free from harmful microorganisms.
This ingredient is approved for use in feeds for swine.
If a processing aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is perishable. / Cet ingrédient est périssable."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent total sugars, and maximum percent moisture.
- 2-400-006 Dairy and egg by-products mixed dehydrated
is the product that consists of a mixture of both dairy and egg manufacturing by-products. The starting materials are separated from non-edible packaging materials are mixed, heat-treated and dehydrated. The starting materials shall be obtained from food processing establishments and picked up often so that no decomposition is evident. It may not contain egg shells, except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices. The product shall be free of harmful microorganisms.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent sodium, maximum percent ash, and maximum percent moisture.
- 2-400-007 Infant formula product dry (or dry infant formula product)
is the product obtained by separating outdated infant formula products from packaging materials. The infant formula shall be picked up often so that no decomposition is evident, and shall be free of artificial flavours, colours, and harmful microorganisms.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fat, actual percent calcium, actual percent phosphorus, actual percent sodium, actual milligrams of iron per kilogram, and maximum percent moisture.
Class 5. Nutritional ingredients
Feeds in this class have been approved for the purpose of providing nutritional elements in accordance with the sub-classes.
- 5.1 Amino acids
- 5.2 Non-protein nitrogen ingredients
- 5.3 Minerals
- 5.4 Vitamins
- 5.5 Essential fatty acids
5.1 Amino acids
- 5.1.1 Amino acids from fermentation processes
- 5.1.2 Amino acids excluding those from fermentation processes
5.1.1 Amino acids from fermentation processes
Reserved for future use
5.1.2 Amino acids excluding those from fermentation processes
- 2-501-001 DL-methionine hydroxy analogue isopropyl ester (or 2-hydroxy-4-methylthiobutanoic acid isopropyl ester or isopropyl ester of DL-methionine hydroxy analogue or MHBi or MHAi)
is the product resulting from the esterification of DL-methionine hydroxy analogue with isopropanol. It contains a minimum of 90% racemic 2-hydroxy-4-methylthiobutanoic acid isopropyl ester.
This ingredient is approved for use as a source of methionine activity in diets for dairy cattle.
It shall be labelled with following statement:
"DL-methionine hydroxy analogue isopropyl ester is for use in lactating dairy cattle diets only in an amount not to exceed 27 g/cow/day."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent DL-methionine hydroxy analogue isopropyl ester, and a minimum percent methionine equivalence.
5.2 Non-protein nitrogen ingredients
Reserved for future use
5.3 Minerals
- 2-503-001 Seleno yeast dehydrated (or selenium enriched yeast)
is the dried product composed of yeast produced from an unmodified strain of the botanical classification Saccharomyces and the media on which it is grown. Such media shall not be fortified with levels of minerals and vitamins above those required for the optimal growth of yeast cells with the exception of selenium. The media shall be stated on the label.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is not a source of viable Saccharomyces cells."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for actual milligrams of total selenium per kilogram.
- 2-503-002 Animal bone charcoal spent (or bone charcoal spent)
is the product produced by the charring and combustion of beef bones to be used in the filtration of raw sugar liqueur in the sugar refining industry. It is subsequently subjected to a repeated washing, drying, and heating process when exhausted.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent calcium, and minimum percent phosphorus.
- 2-503-003 Calcified red seaweed dried ground (or coralline red algae dried ground or calcareous red seaweed dried ground)
is the dried, ground product resulting from the harvest of free-living, non-geniculate (lacking calcified joints) marine algae belonging to the phylum Rhodophyta and the order Corallinales. This product is principally composed of, but not limited to, the following calcareous red seaweeds: Phymatolithon calcareum, Lithothamnion corallioides, and Lithothamnion glaciale.
This ingredient is approved for use as a source of minerals in feeds for terrestrial livestock.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent calcium, minimum percent magnesium, maximum milligrams iodine per kilogram, maximum percent moisture, maximum percent sulfate, and maximum milligrams strontium per kilogram.
- 2-503-004 Unrefined salt (or salt unrefined)
is the sodium salt of hydrochloric acid, derived from mineral salt deposits, crushed or ground, or obtained from sea water by solar evaporation. This salt is not subjected to further refining. It shall be free of sand and any other extraneous material except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably as a result of good mining or harvesting practices.
If an anticaking agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent sodium, and minimum percent sodium chloride.
- 2-503-005 Basic copper chloride (or copper chloride hydroxide or tribasic copper chloride)
is a copper-containing hydroxylated mineral salt, generally expressed as Cu2(OH)3Cl, resulting from a reactive crystallization process.
This ingredient is approved for use as a source of dietary copper in livestock feeds.
If a carrier or facilitating agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent copper, and maximum percent chloride.
- 2-503-006 Zinc chloride hydroxide monohydrate (or zinc hydroxychloride or tetra basic zinc chloride (TBZC))
is a zinc-containing hydroxylated mineral salt, generally expressed as Zn5(OH)8Cl2·H2O, resulting from a reactive crystallization process.
This ingredient is approved for use as a source of dietary zinc in livestock feeds.
If a carrier or facilitating agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent zinc, and maximum percent chloride.
- 2-503-007 Magnesium aspartate hydrochloride
is the stabilized, hydrated complex formed after the reaction of magnesium and aspartic acid, generally expressed as (C4H6ClNO4)Mg·3H2O.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for a minimum percent magnesium.
- 2-503-008 Calcium amino acid chelate
is the product resulting from the chelation of a soluble calcium salt with amino acids.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent calcium, and minimum percent bound calcium.
- 2-503-009 Cobalt amino acid chelate
is the product resulting from the chelation of a soluble cobalt salt with amino acids.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent cobalt, and minimum percent bound cobalt.
- 2-503-010 Copper amino acid chelate
is the product resulting from the chelation of a soluble copper salt with amino acids.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent copper, and minimum percent bound copper.
- 2-503-011 Iron amino acid chelate
is the product resulting from the chelation of a soluble iron salt with amino acids.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent iron and minimum percent bound iron.
- 2-503-012 Magnesium amino acid chelate
is the product resulting from the chelation of a soluble magnesium salt with amino acids.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent magnesium, and minimum percent bound magnesium.
- 2-503-013 Manganese amino acid chelate
is the product resulting from the chelation of a soluble manganese salt with amino acids.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent manganese, and minimum percent bound manganese.
- 2-503-014 Zinc amino acid chelate
is the product resulting from the chelation of a soluble zinc salt with amino acids.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent zinc, and minimum percent bound zinc.
- 2-503-015 Cobalt choline citrate complex (or cobalt choline citrate)
is the product resulting from the complexing of the soluble cobalt salt with choline dihydrogen citrate.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent cobalt, and minimum percent bound cobalt.
- 2-503-016 Cobalt polysaccharide complex
is the product resulting from coating a soluble cobalt salt with polysaccharides.
It shall be labelled with the name of the material from which the polysaccharides are derived.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent cobalt, and minimum percent bound cobalt.
- 2-503-017 Copper choline citrate complex (or copper choline citrate)
is the product resulting from the complexing of the soluble copper salt with choline dihydrogen citrate.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent copper, and minimum percent bound copper.
- 2-503-018 Copper polysaccharide complex
is the product resulting from coating a soluble copper salt with polysaccharides.
It shall be labelled with the name of the material from which the polysaccharides are derived.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent copper, and minimum percent bound copper.
- 2-503-019 Ferric choline citrate complex (or ferric choline citrate)
is the product resulting from the complexing of the soluble iron salt with choline dihydrogen citrate.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent iron, and minimum percent bound iron.
- 2-503-020 Iron polysaccharide complex
is the product resulting from coating a soluble iron salt with polysaccharides.
It shall be labelled with the name of the material from which the polysaccharides are derived.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent iron, and minimum percent bound iron.
- 2-503-021 Copper lysine complex (or copper lysine sulfate)
is the product resulting from complexing a soluble copper salt (that is, copper sulfate) with the specific amino acid lysine.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent copper, and minimum percent bound copper.
- 2-503-022 Zinc lysine complex (or zinc lysine sulfate)
is the product resulting from complexing a soluble zinc salt (that is, zinc sulfate) with the specific amino acid lysine.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent zinc, and minimum percent bound zinc.
- 2-503-023 Magnesium amino acid complex
is the product resulting from the complexing of magnesium with amino acids.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent magnesium, and minimum percent bound magnesium.
- 2-503-024 Magnesium polysaccharide complex
is the product resulting from coating a soluble magnesium salt with polysaccharides.
It shall be labelled with the name of the material from which the polysaccharides are derived.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent magnesium, and minimum percent bound magnesium.
- 2-503-025 Manganese choline citrate complex (or manganese choline citrate)
is the product resulting from the complexing of the soluble manganese salt with choline dihydrogen citrate.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent manganese, and minimum percent bound manganese.
- 2-503-026 Manganese polysaccharide complex
is the product resulting from coating a soluble manganese salt with polysaccharides.
It shall be labelled with the name of the material from which the polysaccharides are derived.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent manganese, and minimum percent bound manganese.
- 2-503-027 Iron methionine complex (or iron methionine sulfate)
is the product resulting from complexing a soluble iron salt (that is, iron sulfate) with the specific amino acid methionine.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent of iron, and minimum percent bound iron.
- 2-503-028 Manganese methionine complex (or manganese methionine sulfate)
is the product resulting from complexing soluble manganese salt (that is, manganese sulfate) with the specific amino acid methionine.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent manganese, and minimum percent bound manganese.
- 2-503-029 Potassium amino acid complex
is the product resulting from the complexing of potassium with amino acids.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent potassium, and minimum percent bound potassium.
- 2-503-030 Zinc methionine complex (or zinc methionine sulfate)
is the product resulting from complexing a soluble zinc salt (that is, zinc sulfate) with the specific amino acid methionine.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent zinc, and minimum percent bound zinc.
- 2-503-031 Zinc choline citrate complex (or zinc choline citrate)
is the product resulting from the complexing of the soluble zinc salt with choline dihydrogen citrate.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent zinc, and minimum percent bound zinc.
- 2-503-032 Zinc polysaccharide complex
is the product resulting from coating a soluble zinc salt with polysaccharides.
It shall be labelled with the name of the material from which the polysaccharides are derived.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent zinc, and minimum percent bound zinc.
- 2-503-033 Calcium proteinate
is the product resulting from the chelation of a soluble calcium salt with amino acids, partially hydrolyzed protein or both.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent calcium, and minimum percent bound calcium.
- 2-503-034 Cobalt proteinate
is the product resulting from the chelation of a soluble cobalt salt with amino acids, partially hydrolyzed protein or both.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent cobalt, and minimum percent bound cobalt.
- 2-503-035 Copper proteinate
is the product resulting from the chelation of a soluble copper salt with amino acids, partially hydrolyzed protein or both.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent copper, and minimum percent bound copper.
- 2-503-036 Iron proteinate
is the product resulting from the chelation of a soluble iron salt with amino acids, partially hydrolyzed protein or both.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent iron, and minimum percent bound iron.
- 2-503-037 Magnesium proteinate
is the product resulting from the chelation of a soluble magnesium salt with amino acids, partially hydrolyzed protein or both.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent magnesium, and minimum percent bound magnesium.
- 2-503-038 Manganese proteinate
is the product resulting from the chelation of a soluble manganese salt with amino acids, partially hydrolyzed protein or both.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent manganese, and minimum percent bound manganese.
- 2-503-039 Zinc proteinate
is the product resulting from the chelation of a soluble zinc salt with amino acids, partially hydrolyzed protein or both.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent zinc, and minimum percent bound zinc.
- 2-503-040 Chromium yeast dehydrated (or chromium enriched yeast)
is the dried product composed of chromium enriched yeast produced from a strain of the botanical classification Saccharomyces.
This ingredient is for use in feeds for first lactation dairy cattle at a level not to supply more than 0.4 ppm chromium in complete feed.
If a carrier is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with the following statements:
"This ingredient is for use in feeds for first lactation dairy cattle at a level not to supply more than 0.4 ppm chromium in complete feed."
"This ingredient is not a source of viable Saccharomyces cells."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for actual milligrams of total chromium per kilogram.
- 2-503-041 Selenium proteinate
is the product resulting from the chelation of a soluble selenium salt with amino acids, partially hydrolyzed protein or both.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent selenium, and minimum percent bound selenium.
- 2-503-042 Copper amino acid complex
is the product resulting from the complexing of copper with amino acids.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent copper, and minimum percent bound copper.
- 2-503-043 Manganese amino acid complex
is the product resulting from the complexing of manganese with amino acids.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent manganese, and minimum percent bound manganese.
- 2-503-044 Zinc amino acid complex
is the product resulting from the complexing of zinc with amino acids.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent zinc, and minimum percent bound zinc.
- 2-503-045 Zinc glycine complex (or zinc glycine sulfate)
is the product resulting from complexing a soluble zinc salt (that is, zinc sulfate) with the specific amino acid glycine.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent zinc, and minimum percent bound zinc.
- 2-503-046 Iron glycine complex (or iron glycine sulfate)
is the product resulting from complexing a soluble Iron salt (that is, iron sulfate) with the specific amino acid glycine.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent iron, and minimum percent bound iron.
- 2-503-047 Chromium propionate
is the product resulting from the reaction of a chromium metal salt with an excess of propionic acid, at an appropriate stoichiometric ratio.
Chromium propionate is for use as a source of chromium in registered chromium propionate supplements for swine and broiler chickens at a level not to exceed 0.2 mg/kg (200 ppb) chromium in the complete feed. It is also approved for use as a source of chromium in registered chromium propionate supplements for cattle at a level not to exceed 0.5 mg/kg (500 ppb) chromium in the total diet dry matter.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"Chromium propionate is for use as a source of chromium in registered chromium propionate supplements for swine and broiler chickens at a level not to exceed 0.2 mg/kg (200 ppb) chromium in the complete feed. It is also approved for use as a source of chromium in registered chromium propionate supplements for cattle at a level not to exceed 0.5 mg/kg (500 ppb) chromium in the total diet dry matter."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent chromium.
- 2-503-048 Copper glycine complex (or copper glycine sulphate)
is the product resulting from the complexing of a soluble copper salt (that is, copper sulfate) with the specific amino acid glycine.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent copper, and minimum percent bound copper.
- 2-503-049 Manganese glycine complex (or manganese glycine sulfate)
is the product resulting from the complexing of a soluble manganese salt (that is, manganese sulfate) with the specific amino acid glycine.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent manganese, and minimum percent bound manganese.
- 2-503-050 Monocalcium dicalcium monosodium phosphates (or mono and dicalcium and monosodium phosphates)
is the product resulting from the reaction of defluorinated phosphoric acid and limestone with soda ash to produce monocalcium dicalcium phosphate and monosodium phosphate. It shall contain at least 60% monocalcium dicalcium phosphate by weight in the finished product.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent calcium, minimum percent phosphorus, minimum percent sodium, maximum milligrams of fluorine per kilogram, and maximum milligrams of iron per kilogram.
- 2-503-051 Crushed blue mussel shells (or blue mussel shells crushed or blue mussel shell flour)
is the dried, crushed product resulting from the separation of the shells from the meat of cultured blue mussels (Mytilus edulis). The mussels are treated using either steam or hot water and the meat is mechanically removed from the shells. The shells are then air dried and crushed.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent calcium, minimum percent sodium, maximum milligrams strontium per kilogram, and maximum percent moisture.
- 2-503-052 Hydroxy-analogue of selenomethionine (or DL-2-hydroxy-4-methylselenobutanoic acid (HMSeBA) or DL-selenomethionine hydroxy analogue)
is the product that contains the hydroxyl-analogue of selenomethionine, and is generally expressed as C5H10O3Se, and having the CAS# 873660-49-2.
This ingredient is approved for use as a source of selenium in livestock feeds.
If a carrier or facilitating agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
To address worker safety concerns, it shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is an eye irritant and considered an inhalation hazard; avoid inhalation. Appropriate protective equipment must be worn during handling. / Cet ingrédient est un irritant pour les yeux et présente un risque par inhalation; éviter d'inhaler cet ingrédient. Un appareil de protection approprié doit être porter lors de la manutention."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent selenium, maximum percent selenium, and minimum percent bound selenium.
- 2-503-053 L-selenomethionine
is the product resulting from a series of catalyzed condensation, distillation, and methylation reactions of selenium and L-methionine. The product is further refined and purified through condensation, washing, filtration, and drying. It is generally expressed as C5H11NO2Se, and having the CAS# 3211-76-5.
This ingredient is approved for use as a source of dietary selenium in livestock feeds.
If a carrier is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
To address worker safety concerns, it shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is an eye irritant and considered an inhalation hazard; avoid inhalation. Appropriate protective equipment must be worn during handling. / Cet ingrédient est un irritant pour les yeux et présente un risque par inhalation; éviter d'inhaler cet ingrédient. Un appareil de protection approprié doit être porter lors de la manutention."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum milligrams of selenium per kilogram, maximum milligrams of selenium per kilogram, and minimum percent bound selenium as L-selenomethionine.
- 2-503-054 Manganese chloride hydroxide (or manganese hydroxychloride or tribasic manganese chloride (TBMC))
is a manganese-containing hydroxylated mineral salt, generally expressed as Mn2(OH)3Cl, resulting from a reactive crystallization process.
This ingredient is approved for use as a source of dietary manganese in livestock feeds.
If a carrier or facilitating agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent manganese, and maximum percent chloride.
5.4 Vitamins
- 5.4.1 Vitamins from fermentation processes
- 5.4.2 Vitamins excluding those from fermentation processes
5.4.1 Vitamins from fermentation processes
- 2-504-008 Crystalline 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (or calciferol or 25-hydroxycholecalciferol monohydrate or crystalline 25-hydroxycholecalciferol)
is (3β,5Z,7E)-9,10-secocholesta-5,7,10(19)-triene-3,25-diol monohydrate and is the crystalline monohydrate form of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3, generally expressed as C27H44O2·H2O, and having the CAS# 63283-36-3. It is obtained from the slurry that is produced from the fermentation of a non-pathogenic strain of Saccharomyces cerevisiae that does not contain a novel trait, in accordance with good manufacturing practices. The resulting sterol is extracted, chemically transformed, purified, crystallized, and then spray-dried.
This ingredient is approved for use in supplements for drinking water and complete feeds for chickens and turkeys, and in complete feeds for swine.
It may be blended with suitable carriers listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table to standardize the 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 concentration.
If a carrier is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with the following statements:
"1 milligram of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 is equivalent to 40,000 International Units (IU) of vitamin D3 activity per kilogram."
"This ingredient is approved for use in supplements for drinking water and complete feeds for chickens and turkeys, and in complete feeds for swine."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum milligrams of 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 per kilogram, and equivalent minimum International Units of vitamin D3 activity per kilogram.
5.4.2 Vitamins excluding those from fermentation processes
- 2-504-001 Beta-carotene
is a vitamin A precursor. It may be blended with suitable carriers listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table to standardize the beta-carotene concentration.
If a carrier is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum milligrams of beta-carotene per kilogram.
- 2-504-002 Vitamin D3
is cholecalciferol.
It may be blended with suitable carriers listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table to standardize the vitamin D3 concentration.
If a carrier is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum International Units of vitamin D3 per kilogram.
- 2-504-003 Vitamin E
is an acetate ester, a succinate ester or a mixture of these esters of DL-alpha-tocopherol.
It may be blended with suitable carriers listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table to standardize the vitamin E concentration.
If a carrier is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum International Units of vitamin E per kilogram.
- 2-504-004 Animal sterol irradiated (or D-activated animal sterol)
is the product obtained by the activation of a sterol fraction of animal origin by ultra-violet light or other means. On the label, the ingredient name may be followed with the parenthetical phrase (source of vitamin D3).
It may be blended with suitable carriers listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table to standardize the vitamin D3 concentration.
If a carrier is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum International Units of vitamin D3 per kilogram.
- 2-504-005 Coated ascorbic acid
is ascorbic acid.
It may be blended with suitable carriers listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table to standardize the ascorbic acid concentration.
If a carrier is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum milligrams ascorbic acid per kilogram.
- 2-504-006 Coated menadione sodium bisulfite
is menadione sodium bisulfite.
It may be blended with suitable carriers listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table to standardize the menadione concentration.
If a carrier is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum milligrams menadione per kilogram.
- 2-504-007 Vitamin E acetate (or vitamin E oil)
is the acetate ester of DL-alpha tocopherol.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum International Units of vitamin E per kilogram.
- 2-504-009 d-Alpha tocopheryl acetate (or d-alpha tocopherol acetate)
is the acetate ester of d-alpha-tocopherol.
It may be blended with suitable carriers listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table to standardize the d-alpha tocopheryl acetate concentration.
If a carrier is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is for use in livestock feeds at levels not to exceed nutritional levels. Do not feed in amounts intended to impact antioxidant protection for meat products."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum International Units of vitamin E per kilogram.
- 2-504-010 Waxy-leaf nightshade leaf powder (or Solanum glaucophyllum leaf powder)
is the product that consists of waxy-leaf nightshade (Solanum glaucophyllum) leaves that have been dried by thermal means and finely ground under controlled conditions. It shall contain a minimum of 50 mg/kg of glycosylated 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (glycosylated 1,25-dihydroxycholecalciferol, G-1,25(OH)2D3), and it shall contain no more than 10% moisture.
This ingredient is approved for use as a source of vitamin D activity in the total diet for broiler chickens.
It may be blended with suitable carriers listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table to standardize the glycosylated 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 concentration.
If a carrier is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labeled with the following statements:
"1 milligram of glycosylated 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 is equivalent to 11,000 International Units (IU) of vitamin D3 activity per kilogram."
"This ingredient is approved for use as a source of vitamin D activity in the total diet for broiler chickens."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum milligrams of glycosylated 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 per kilogram, equivalent minimum International Units of vitamin D3 activity per kilogram, and maximum percent moisture.
5.5 Essential fatty acids
- 2-505-001 Omega-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids micro-algal oil (or long chain omega-3 micro-algal oil or n-3 LC–PUFAs micro-algal oil)
is the oil extracted from fermented micro-algae. This fermentation shall be conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices using a non-pathogenic strain of micro-algae, which does not contain a novel trait. The name of the micro-algae (for example, Aurantiochytrium limanicum) shall be indicated on the label.
This ingredient is approved in an amount not to exceed 10% of the complete feed for salmonid fish as a source of omega-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (n-3 LC-PUFAs), docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA).
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with the following statements:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Warning/Mise en garde :
"This livestock feed contains canthaxanthin and should be used in feeds for salmonid fish at a rate not to exceed 50 grams of canthaxanthin per tonne of the complete feed. If canthaxanthin from omega-3 long chain polyunsaturated fatty acids micro-algal oil is used in combination with other sources of canthaxanthin in feeds for salmonid fish, then the combined rate of canthaxanthin from all sources shall not exceed 50 grams per tonne of the complete feed. The combined concentration of astaxanthin, canthaxanthin and adonirubin from all sources shall not exceed 80 grams per tonne of the complete feed. / Cet aliment pour animaux de ferme contient aussi de la canthaxanthine et doit être utilisé dans les aliments destinés aux poissons salmonidés en quantité ne devant pas dépasser 50 grammes de canthaxanthine par tonne de l'aliment complet. Si la canthaxanthine provenant des acides gras polyinsaturés à longue chaîne oméga-3 d'huile de micro-algues est utilisée en combinaison avec d'autres sources de canthaxanthine dans les aliments destinés aux poissons salmonidés, la quantité totale de canthaxanthine utilisée ne doit pas dépasser 50 grammes par tonne de l'aliment complet. La concentration totale de l'astaxanthine, la canthaxanthine et l'adonirubine provenant de toutes les sources ne doit pas dépasser 80 grammes par tonne de l'aliment complet."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), maximum percent eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA), minimum percent docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), maximum percent docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), minimum percent total omega-3 fatty acids, maximum percent total omega-3 fatty acids, maximum percent moisture, maximum percent insoluble matter, maximum percent unsaponifiable matter, maximum percent free fatty acids, and maximum milligrams of canthaxanthin per kilogram.
Class 6. Non-nutritive ingredients
Feeds in this class have been approved for the purpose of providing non-nutritive substances in accordance with the sub-classes.
- 6.1 Preservatives, antioxidants, and stabilizers
- 6.2 Mould inhibitors
- 6.3 pH Adjusters
- 6.4 Pelleting aids
- 6.5 Anticaking ingredients
- 6.6 Colourants for livestock feeds
- 6.7 Chelating ingredients
- 6.8 Emulsifying ingredients
- 6.9 Viscosity modifiers
- 6.10 Solvents
- 6.11 Microtracers
- 6.12 Encapsulating ingredients
- 6.13 Dewatering ingredients
- 6.14 Odour control ingredients
- 6.15 Anionic and cationic ingredients
- 6.16 Food modifying ingredients
- 6.17 Flavour ingredients
- 6.18 Enzymes
- 6.19 Gut modifier ingredients
- 6.20 Forage additives
- 6.21 Fermentation products non viable
- 6.22 Sweeteners
- 6.23 Mycotoxin detoxification ingredients
6.1 Preservatives, antioxidants, and stabilizers
- 2-601-001 Phytic acid
is hexakis (dihydrogen phosphate) myo-inositol resulting from the extraction of defatted rice bran with sulfuric acid, and the removal of ions using a chromatographical procedure.
This ingredient is approved for use as an antioxidant in an amount not to exceed 10 ppm of the complete feed.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as an antioxidant in an amount not to exceed 10 ppm of the complete feed."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for minimum percent phytic acid.
- 2-601-002 Onion (Allium cepa L.) bulb extract, dried (or dried onion extract)
is the spray-dried product resulting from the ethanol extraction of finely ground onion (Allium cepa L.) bulbs. It shall contain not less than 20% (weight/weight) quercetin and not less than 55% (weight/weight) total flavonoids.
This ingredient is approved for use as an antioxidant in an amount not to exceed 0.1% in the fats and oils used in livestock feeds.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as an antioxidant in an amount not to exceed 0.1% in the fats and oils used in livestock feeds."
To address worker safety concerns, it shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient may cause eye, skin and respiratory irritation and/or sensitization. Appropriate protective equipment must be worn during handling. / Cet ingrédient peut causer une irritation des yeux, de la peau et des voies respiratoires et/ou une sensibilisation. Un appareil de protection approprié doit être porter lors de la manutention."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent quercetin, minimum percent total flavonoids, minimum percent polyphenols, maximum percent polyphenols, maximum percent ash, and maximum percent moisture.
6.2 Mould inhibitors
Reserved for future use
6.3 pH Adjusters
Reserved for future use
6.4 Pelleting aids
- 2-604-001 Polymethylolcarbamide
is pulverulent spray-dried urea-formaldehyde resin in an urea: formaldehyde molar ratio of 1:1.6 to 1:2. It shall not contain more than 4% free formaldehyde.
This ingredient is approved for use as a pelleting aid in an amount not to exceed 0.3% in the finished pellets for ruminants and meat producing poultry.
It shall be labelled with the following statements:
"This ingredient is approved for use as a pelleting aid in an amount not to exceed 0.3% in the finished pellets for ruminants and meat producing poultry."
"Consult the Compendium of Medicating Ingredient Brochures to determine if this product is compatible with the medicating ingredient being used."
- 2-604-002 Sodium carbonate lignin dehydrated
is the by-product of pulping hardwood chips with sodium carbonate and steam in a digester until the lignin is solubilized. There is no bleaching step in this process. The product is dehydrated by spray drying to a fine powder with 96% solids.
This ingredient is approved for use as a pelleting aid in livestock feeds.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as a pelleting aid in livestock feeds."
"Consult the Compendium of Medicating Ingredient Brochures to determine if this product is compatible with the medicating ingredient being used."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for maximum percent ash and maximum percent moisture.
- 2-604-003 Dacitic tuff breccia
is a mined, naturally occurring mineral product consisting primarily of volcanic glass and montmorillonite. Other minor constituents are feldspars, calcite, biotite, quartz, hornblende, and mordenite.
This ingredient is approved for use as a pelleting aid in an amount not to exceed 2% of the pelleted feed for livestock species.
It shall be labelled with the following statements:
"This ingredient is approved for use as a pelleting aid in an amount not to exceed 2% of the pelleted feed for livestock species."
"Consult the Compendium of Medicating Ingredient Brochures to determine if this product is compatible with the medicating ingredient being used."
To address worker safety concerns, it shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient may cause eye, skin and respiratory irritation and/or sensitization. Appropriate protective equipment must be worn during handling. / Cet ingrédient peut causer une irritation et/ou une sensibilisation des yeux, de la peau et des voies respiratoires. Un équipement de protection approprié doit être porté lors de la manipulation."
6.5 Anticaking ingredients
- 2-605-001
Zeolite ore is a naturally occurring crystalline, hydrated alkali-aluminum silicate found in sedimentary deposits containing only approved species of zeolite. The principal species of zeolite must be listed.
This ingredient is approved for use as an anticaking agent or flow agent in an amount not to exceed 2% of the finished feed.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as an anticaking agent or flow agent in an amount not to exceed 2% of the finished feed."
Note: zeolite ore is also approved under subclass 6.14 with ingredient number 2-614-005.
6.6 Colourants for livestock feeds
Reserved for future use
6.7 Chelating ingredients
Reserved for future use
6.8 Emulsifying ingredients
- 2-608-001 Sodium stearate (or sodium salt of octadecanoic acid or sodium salt of stearic acid)
is the product that consists of fatty acids derived from triglycerides in edible palm oil reacting with sodium hydroxide (NaOH). It is a mixture of sodium stearate (C18H35NaO2) and sodium palmitate (C16H31NaO2), which together constitute not less than 90% of the total content. The content of sodium stearate is not less than 40% of the total.
This ingredient is approved for use as an emulsifying agent in an amount not to exceed 2% of the finished feed.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall also be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as an emulsifying agent in an amount not to exceed 2% of the finished feed."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for maximum percent moisture, maximum percent unsaponifiable matter, and minimum percent sodium stearate.
6.9 Viscosity modifiers
- 2-609-001 Carrageenan (or Kappa-carrageenan)
is the refined hydrocolloid prepared by processing the species Eucheuma cottonii, a red seaweed of the family Solieraceae (class Rhodophyceae). The minimum viscosity of a 1.5% solution of carrageenan shall be 5 centipoises at 75º, as determined by the Food Chemicals Codex (FCC) method for carrageenan, 3rd Edition.
This ingredient is approved for use as a gelling agent in an amount not to exceed 2.1% of the nutrient gels for day old poultry during shipping and handling.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as a gelling agent in an amount not to exceed 2.1% of the nutrient gels for day old poultry during shipping and handling."
6.10 Solvents
Reserved for future use
6.11 Microtracers
- 2-611-001 Coded paper tracer
is the product that consists of unbleached paper, which may be coded with approved colourants for livestock feeds as listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table or ink.
This ingredient is approved for use as a tracer for lot identification in an amount not to exceed 0.02% of the complete feed.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as a tracer for lot identification in an amount not to exceed 0.02% of the complete feed."
- 2-611-002 Coded paper tracer, coated (or coated paper tracer)
is the product that consists of unbleached paper, which may be coded with approved colourants for livestock feeds as listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredienets Table or ink and coated with polyethylene.
This ingredient is approved for use as a tracer for lot identification in an amount not to exceed 0.02% of the complete feed. This ingredient is coated with polyethylene in an amount not to exceed 0.005% of complete feed.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as a tracer for lot identification in an amount not to exceed 0.02% of the complete feed. This ingredient is coated with polyethylene in an amount not to exceed 0.005% of complete feed."
6.12 Encapsulating ingredients
- 2-612-001 Poly(2-vinylpyridine-co-styrene)
is the copolymer comprised of 10% to 40% styrene and 60% to 90% 2-vinylpyridine. It shall not contain residual monomeric levels greater than 200 ppb for each monomer.
This ingredient is approved for use as a bypass coating in an amount not to exceed 5.1 grams per head per day in nutritional supplements for dairy and beef cattle.
6.13 Dewatering ingredients
- 2-613-001 Wood pulp
is the product obtained by the mechanical processing of wood chips, and the subsequent bleaching with peroxide.
This ingredient is approved for use as a dewatering agent in an amount not to exceed 3% of the wet by-product feeds for livestock species.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as a dewatering agent in an amount not to exceed 3% of the wet by-product feeds for livestock species."
6.14 Odour control ingredients
- 2-614-005 Zeolite ore
is a naturally occurring crystalline, hydrated alkali-aluminum silicate found in sedimentary deposits containing only approved species of zeolite. The principal species of zeolite must be listed.
This ingredient is approved for use as an odour control agent in an amount not to exceed 2% of the finished feed.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as an odour control agent in an amount not to exceed 2% of the finished feed."
Note: zeolite ore is also approved under subclass 6.5 with ingredient number 2-605-001.
- 2-614-001 Yucca schidigera powder (or dried Yucca schidigera)
is the product obtained when the whole stem (trunk) of the Yucca schidigera plant is shredded, sun-dried and pulverized into a fine powder.
This ingredient is approved for use as a component of odour control agents.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as a component of odour control agents."
- 2-614-002 Yucca mohavensis extract (or Yucca schidigera extract)
is the product obtained from the water extraction of chopped or shredded Yucca schidigera stems (Yucca mohavensis), or both. This product is clarified and stabilized with copper and/or sodium benzoate.
This ingredient is approved for use as a component of odour control agents.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as a component of odour control agents."
- 2-614-003 Yucca mohavensis sap (or Yucca schidigera sap)
is the sap obtained from chopped or shredded Yucca schidigera stems (Yucca mohavensis), or both.
This ingredient is approved for use as a component of odour control agents.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as a component of odour control agents."
- 2-614-004 Oxidized coal solution
is the aqueous solution of coal that has been chemically oxidized. The type of coal shall be indicated in the ingredient name (for example, oxidized 'bituminous' coal solution, oxidized 'lignite' coal solution, etc.).
This ingredient is approved for use as a component of odour control agents.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved for use as a component of odour control agents."
6.15 Anionic and cationic ingredients
- 2-615-001 Acid chlorinated canola meal (or chlorinated canola meal)
is the product obtained by blending hydrochloric acid with canola meal (as defined in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table) in a sealed mixing chamber ventilated in compliance with provincial environmental regulations.
This ingredient is to be fed to dry cows for a period of up to 3 weeks pre-calving as a source of dietary anions for the purpose of modifying the dietary cation/anion balance.
It shall be labelled with the following statements:
Caution/Précaution :
"Dry cows receiving this ingredient require a minimum calcium intake of 120 grams/head/day. / Les vaches taries recevant ce produit ont besoin d'un apport minimal de calcium de 120 grammes/tête/jour."
To address worker safety concerns, it shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is corrosive. Appropriate protective equipment must be worn during handling. / Cet ingrédient est corrosif. Un appareil de protection approprié doit être porter lors de la manutention."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, minimum percent chlorine, and actual cation/anion balance expressed as milliequivalents (mEq) per kilogram.
- 2-615-002 Acid chlorinated soybean meal (or chlorinated soybean meal)
is the product obtained by blending hydrochloric acid with soybean meal (as defined in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table) in a sealed mixing chamber ventilated in compliance with environmental regulations.
This ingredient is to be fed to dry cows for a period of up to 3 weeks pre-calving as a source of dietary anions for the purpose of modifying the dietary cation/anion balance.
It shall be labelled with the following statements:
Caution/Précaution :
"Dry cows receiving this ingredient require a minimum calcium intake of 120 grams/head/day. / Les vaches taries recevant ce produit ont besoin d'un apport minimal de calcium de 120 grammes/tête/jour."
To address worker safety concerns, it shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is corrosive. Appropriate protective equipment must be worn during handling. / Cet ingrédient est corrosif. Un appareil de protection approprié doit être porter lors de la manutention."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, minimum percent chlorine, and actual cation/anion balance expressed as milliequivalents (mEq) per kilogram.
6.16 Food modifying ingredients
6.16.1 Non-microbial
- 2-616-001 Ginseng root Panax quinquefolius, dried (or North American ginseng root)
is the dried and ground root of North American ginseng (Panax quinquefolius) for use in livestock feeds to improve storage stability of meat.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"For use only in registered ginseng premixes as a preservative to improve the storage stability of broiler meat."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for maximum percent moisture.
- 2-616-011 Krill meal (or Antarctic krill meal or Euphausia superba meal)
is the product resulting from the drying and milling of fresh or frozen Antarctic krill (Euphausia superba), or both, that has been steam-processed and has had the oil removed.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with the following statements:
Caution/Précaution :
"This ingredient is only approved for use in complete feeds for marine fish. Do not use in freshwater environments. / Cet ingrédient est seulement approuvé pour l'utilisation dans les aliments complets pour les poissons marins. Ne pas utiliser dans des milieux d'eau douce."
Warning/Mise en garde :
"This ingredient is also approved for use as a colouring agent in salmonid fish feeds at a rate not to exceed 80 grams of equivalent astaxanthin per tonne of the complete feed. If astaxanthin from krill meal is used in combination with canthaxanthin in salmonid fish feeds, then the rate of canthaxanthin used shall not exceed 50 grams per tonne of the complete feed and the combined level of these carotenoids shall not exceed 80 grams per tonne of the complete feed. / Cett ingrédient est aussi approuvé pour l'utilisation comme agent de coloration dans les aliments pour les poissons salmonidés en quantité ne devant pas dépasser 80 grammes d'équivalent d'astaxanthine par tonne de l'aliment complet. Si l'astaxanthine provenant de la farine de krill est utilisée en conjonction avec de canthaxanthine dans les aliments pour les poissons salmonidés, la quantité de canthaxanthine utilisée ne doit pas dépasser 50 grammes par tonne de l'aliment complet et la teneur totale de ces deux caroténoïdes ne devra pas dépasser 80 grammes par tonne de l'aliment complet."
For mixed feed labels:
Warning/Mise en garde :
"This feed contains krill meal which is also for use as a colouring agent in salmonid fish feeds at a rate not to exceed 80 grams of equivalent astaxanthin per tonne of the complete feed. If astaxanthin from krill meal is used in combination with canthaxanthin in salmonid fish feeds, then the rate of canthaxanthin used shall not exceed 50 grams per tonne of the complete feed and the combined level of these carotenoids shall not exceed 80 grams per tonne of the complete feed. / Cet aliment contient la farine de krill qui est aussi approuvée comme agent de coloration dans les aliments pour les poissons salmonidés en quantité ne devant pas dépasser 80 grammes d'équivalent d'astaxanthine par tonne de l'aliment complet. Si l'astaxanthine provenant de la farine de krill est utilisée en conjonction avec de canthaxanthine dans les aliments pour les poissons salmonidés, la quantité de canthaxanthine utilisée ne doit pas dépasser 50 grammes par tonne de l'aliment complet et la teneur totale de ces deux caroténoïdes ne devra pas dépasser 80 grammes par tonne de l'aliment complet."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent salt, maximum percent ash, maximum percent moisture, minimum milligrams of esterified astaxanthin per kilogram, maximum milligrams of esterified astaxanthin per kilogram, minimum milligrams of equivalent free astaxanthin per kilogram, maximum milligrams of equivalent free astaxanthin per kilogram, and maximum milligrams of fluorine per kilogram.
Note: krill meal is also approved under subclass 3.1 with ingredient number 2-301-007.
- 2-616-002 Crystalline canthaxanthin
is the synthetic form of the carotenoid pigment canthaxanthin (or beta-carotene-4-4'-dione, all trans), generally expressed as C40H52O2, and having the CAS# 514-78-3.
It may be blended with suitable carriers listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table to standardize the canthaxanthin concentration.
If a carrier is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with the following statements:
Warning/Mise en garde :
"This ingredient is approved for use as a colouring agent in poultry feeds at a rate not to exceed 30 grams of canthaxanthin per tonne of the complete feed. / Cet ingrédient est approuvé pour l'utilisation comme agent de coloration dans les aliments pour la volaille en quantité ne devant pas dépasser 30 grammes de canthaxanthine par tonne de l'aliment complet."
"This ingredient is approved for use as a colouring agent in salmonid fish feeds at a rate not to exceed 50 grams of canthaxanthin per tonne of the complete feed. If canthaxanthin is used in combination with astaxanthin in salmonid fish feeds, then the rate of canthaxanthin used shall not exceed 50 grams per tonne of the complete feed. The combined concentration of astaxanthin, canthaxanthin and adonirubin from all sources shall not exceed 80 grams per tonne of the complete feed. / Cet ingrédient est approuvé pour l'utilisation comme agent de coloration dans les aliments pour les poissons salmonidés en quantité ne devant pas dépasser 50 grammes de canthaxanthine par tonne de l'aliment complet. Si la canthaxanthine est utilisée en conjonction avec l'astaxanthine dans les aliments pour les poissons salmonidés, la quantité de canthaxanthine utilisée ne doit pas dépasser 50 grammes par tonne de l'aliment complet. La concentration totale de l'astaxanthine, la canthaxanthine et l'adonirubine provenant de toutes les sources ne devra pas dépasser 80 grammes par tonne de l'aliment complet."
For mixed feed labels:
Warning/Mise en garde :
"This product is for use as a colouring agent in poultry feeds at a rate not to exceed 30 grams of canthaxanthin per tonne of the complete feed. / Ce produit est pour l'utilisation comme agent de coloration dans les aliments pour la volaille en quantité ne devant pas dépasser 30 grammes de canthaxanthine par tonne de l'aliment complet."
"This product is for use as a colouring agent in salmonid fish feeds at a rate not to exceed 50 grams of canthaxanthin per tonne of the complete feed. If canthaxanthin is used in combination with astaxanthin in salmonid fish feeds, then the rate of canthaxanthin used shall not exceed 50 grams per tonne of the complete feed. The combined concentration of astaxanthin, canthaxanthin and adonirubin from all sources shall not exceed 80 grams per tonne of the complete feed. / Ce produit est pour l'utilisation comme agent de coloration dans les aliments pour les poissons salmonidés en quantité ne devant pas dépasser 50 grammes de canthaxanthine par tonne de l'aliment complet. Si la canthaxanthine est utilisée en conjonction avec l'astaxanthine dans les aliments pour les poissons salmonidés, la quantité de canthaxanthine utilisée ne doit pas dépasser 50 grammes par tonne de l'aliment complet. La concentration totale de l'astaxanthine, la canthaxanthine et l'adonirubine provenant de toutes les sources ne devra pas dépasser 80 grammes par tonne de l'aliment complet."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum milligrams of canthaxanthin per kilogram and maximum milligrams of canthaxanthin per kilogram.
- 2-616-003 Crystalline astaxanthin
is the synthetic form of the carotenoid pigment astaxanthin (or (3S,3'S)-3,3'-dihydroxy-beta, beta-carotene-4-4'-dione), generally expressed as C40H52O4, and having the CAS# 472-61-7.
It may be blended with suitable carriers listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table to standardize the astaxanthin concentration.
If a carrier is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
Warning/Mise en garde :
"This ingredient is approved for use as a colouring agent in salmonid fish feeds at a rate not to exceed 80 grams of astaxanthin per tonne of the complete feed. If astaxanthin is used in combination with canthaxanthin in salmonid fish feeds, then the rate of canthaxanthin used shall not exceed 50 grams per tonne of the complete feed. The combined concentration of astaxanthin, canthaxanthin and adonirubin from all sources shall not exceed 80 grams per tonne of the complete feed. / Cet ingrédient est approuvé pour l'utilisation comme agent de coloration dans les aliments pour les poissons salmonidés en quantité ne devant pas dépasser 80 grammes d'astaxanthine par tonne de l'aliment complet. Si l'astaxanthine est utilisée en conjonction avec la canthaxanthine dans les aliments pour les poissons salmonidés, la quantité de canthaxanthine utilisée ne doit pas dépasser 50 grammes par tonne de l'aliment complet. La concentration totale de l'astaxanthine, la canthaxanthine et l'adonirubine provenant de toutes les sources ne devra pas dépasser 80 grammes par tonne de l'aliment complet."
For mixed feed labels:
Warning/Mise en garde :
"This product is for use as a colouring agent in salmonid fish feeds at a rate not to exceed 80 grams of astaxanthin per tonne of the complete feed. If astaxanthin is used in combination with canthaxanthin in salmonid fish feeds, then the rate of canthaxanthin used shall not exceed 50 grams per tonne of the complete feed. The combined concentration of astaxanthin, canthaxanthin and adonirubin from all sources shall not exceed 80 grams per tonne of the complete feed. / Ce produit est pour l'utilisation comme agent de coloration dans les aliments pour les poissons salmonidés en quantité ne devant pas dépasser 80 grammes d'astaxanthine par tonne de l'aliment complet. Si l'astaxanthine est utilisée en conjonction avec la canthaxanthine dans les aliments pour les poissons salmonidés, la quantité de canthaxanthine utilisée ne doit pas dépasser 50 grammes par tonne de l'aliment complet. La concentration totale de l'astaxanthine, la canthaxanthine et l'adonirubine provenant de toutes les sources ne devra pas dépasser 80 grammes par tonne de l'aliment complet."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum milligrams of astaxanthin per kilogram and maximum milligrams of astaxanthin per kilogram.
- 2-616-004 Crystalline beta-apo-8'-carotenoic acid ethyl ester (or Crystalline ethyl-beta-apo-8' carotenoid)
is the synthetic form of the carotenoid pigment beta-apo-8'-carotenoic acid ethyl ester, generally expressed as C32H44O2, and having the CAS# 1109-11-1.
It may be blended with suitable carriers listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table to standardize the beta-apo-8'-carotenoic acid ethyl ester concentration.
If a carrier is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
Warning/Mise en garde :
"This ingredient is approved for use as a colouring agent in poultry and salmonid fish feeds at a rate not to exceed 30 grams of beta-apo-8'-carotenoic acid ethyl ester per tonne of the complete feed. / Cet ingrédient est approuvé pour l'utilisation comme agent de coloration dans les aliments pour la volaille et les poissons salmonidés en quantité ne devant pas dépasser 30 grammes d'ester éthylique de l'acide bêta-apo-8'-caroténoïque par tonne de l'aliment complet."
For mixed feed labels:
Warning/Mise en garde :
"This product is for use as a colouring agent in poultry and salmonid fish feeds at a rate not to exceed 30 grams of beta-apo-8'-carotenoic acid ethyl ester per tonne of the complete feed. / Ce produit est pour l'utilisation comme agent de coloration dans les aliments pour la volaille et les poissons salmonidés en quantité ne devant pas dépasser 30 grammes d'ester éthylique de l'acide bêta-apo-8'-caroténoïque par tonne de l'aliment complet."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum milligrams of beta-apo-8'-carotenoic acid ethyl ester per kilogram, and maximum milligrams of beta-apo-8'-carotenoic acid ethyl ester per kilogram.
- 2-616-005 Crystalline astaxanthin dimethyldisuccinate (or crystalline astaxanthin DMDS)
is the synthetic dimethyldisuccinate form of the carotenoid pigment astaxanthin (or (3R,3'R)-(±)-3,3'bis(4-methoxy-1,4,dioxobutoxy)-ß,ß-carotene-4,4'dione), and generally expressed as C50H64O10.
It may be blended with suitable carriers listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table to standardize the astaxanthin concentration.
If a carrier is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
Warning/Mise en garde :
"This ingredient is approved for use as a colouring agent in salmonid fish feeds at a rate not to exceed 80 grams of astaxanthin equivalents per tonne of the complete feed. If astaxanthin from astaxanthin dimethyldisuccinate is used in combination with canthaxanthin in salmonid fish feeds, then the rate of canthaxanthin used shall not exceed 50 grams per tonne of the complete feed. The combined concentration of astaxanthin, canthaxanthin and adonirubin from all sources shall not exceed 80 grams per tonne of the complete feed. / Cet ingrédient est approuvé pour l'utilisation comme agent de coloration dans les aliments pour les poissons salmonidés en quantité ne devant pas dépasser 80 grammes d'équivalents d'astaxanthine par tonne de l'aliment complet. Si l'astaxanthine provenant de l'astaxanthine diméthyle disuccinate est utilisée en conjonction avec de canthaxanthine dans les aliments pour les poissons salmonidés, la quantité de canthaxanthine utilisée ne doit pas dépasser 50 grammes par tonne de l'aliment complet. La concentration totale de l'astaxanthine, la canthaxanthine et l'adonirubine provenant de toutes les sources ne devra pas dépasser 80 grammes par tonne de l'aliment complet."
For mixed feed labels:
Warning/Mise en garde :
"This product is for use as a colouring agent in salmonid fish feeds at a rate not to exceed 80 grams of astaxanthin equivalents per tonne of the complete feed. If astaxanthin from astaxanthin dimethyldisuccinate is used in combination with canthaxanthin in salmonid fish feeds, then the rate of canthaxanthin used shall not exceed 50 grams per tonne of the complete feed. The combined concentration of astaxanthin, canthaxanthin and adonirubin from all sources shall not exceed 80 grams per tonne of the complete feed. / Ce produit est pour l'utilisation comme agent de coloration dans les aliments pour les poissons salmonidés en quantité ne devant pas dépasser 80 grammes d'équivalents d'astaxanthine par tonne de l'aliment complet. Si l'astaxanthine provenant de l'astaxanthine diméthyle disuccinate est utilisée en conjonction avec de canthaxanthine dans les aliments pour les poissons salmonidés, la quantité de canthaxanthine utilisée ne doit pas dépasser 50 grammes par tonne de l'aliment complet. La concentration totale de l'astaxanthine, la canthaxanthine et l'adonirubine provenant de toutes les sources ne devra pas dépasser 80 grammes par tonne de l'aliment complet."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum milligrams of astaxanthin dimethyldisuccinate per kilogram, maximum milligrams of astaxanthin dimethyldisuccinate per kilogram, minimum milligrams of astaxanthin equivalents per kilogram, and maximum milligrams of astaxanthin equivalents per kilogram.
- 2-616-006 Saponified marigold oleoresin (or saponified Tagetes erecta L. oleoresin)
is the dried and granular product resulting from the saponification of marigold extract derived by hexane extraction of the flower petals of marigold (Tagetes erecta L.).
It shall contain a minimum of 40,000 mg/kg of total carotenoids, and not more than 10% moisture.
This ingredient is approved for use in registered food modifying agents for broiler chickens and laying hens to modify the colour of the skin, meat, and egg yolks.
It may be blended with suitable carriers listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table to standardize the total carotenoid concentration.
If a carrier is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
To address worker safety concerns, it shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient may cause eye, skin and respiratory irritation and/or sensitization. Appropriate protective equipment must be worn during handling. / Cet ingrédient peut causer une irritation et/ou une sensibilisation des yeux, de la peau et des voies respiratoires. Un équipement de protection approprié doit être porté lors de la manipulation."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum milligrams of total carotenoids per kilogram, and maximum percent moisture.
- 2-616-012 Saponified paprika oleoresin (or saponified paprika extract or saponified red pepper oleoresin)
is the dried and granular product resulting from the saponification of paprika extract derived by hexane extraction of red peppers (Capsicum annuum).
It shall contain a minimum of 10,000 mg/kg of total carotenoids, a minimum of 4,500 mg/kg of capsanthin, and not more than 10% moisture.
This ingredient is approved for use in registered food modifying agents for laying hens to modify the colour of egg yolks.
It may be blended with suitable carriers listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table to standardize the total carotenoid concentration.
If a carrier is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
To address worker safety concerns, it shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient may cause eye, skin and respiratory irritation and/or sensitization. Appropriate protective equipment must be worn during handling. / Cet ingrédient peut causer une irritation et/ou une sensibilisation des yeux, de la peau et des voies respiratoires. Un équipement de protection approprié doit être porté lors de la manipulation."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum milligrams of total carotenoids per kilogram, minimum milligrams of capsanthin per kilogram, and maximum percent moisture.
6.16.2 Microbial
- 2-616-007 Phaffia rhodozyma, dehydrated (or Phaffia rhodozyma yeast)
is the product resulting from the heat pasteurization, mechanical homogenization and spray drying of Phaffia rhodozyma yeast cells.
This ingredient is approved for use in salmonid fish feeds as a source of the carotenoid pigment astaxanthin.
It may be blended with suitable carriers listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table to standardize the astaxanthin concentration.
If a carrier is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
Warning/Mise en garde :
"This ingredient is approved for use as a colouring agent in salmonid fish feeds at a rate not to exceed 80 grams of astaxanthin per tonne of the complete feed. If astaxanthin from Phaffia rhodozyma yeast is used in combination with canthaxanthin in salmonid fish feeds, then the rate of canthaxanthin used shall not exceed 50 grams per tonne of the complete feed. The combined concentration of astaxanthin, canthaxanthin and adonirubin from all sources shall not exceed 80 grams per tonne of the complete feed. / Cet ingrédient est approuvé pour l'utilisation comme agent de coloration dans les aliments pour les poissons salmonidés, en quantité ne devant pas dépasser 80 grammes d'astaxanthine par tonne de l'aliment complet. Si l'astaxanthine provenant de la levure Phaffia rhodozyma est utilisée en conjonction avec la canthaxanthine dans les aliments pour les poissons salmonidés, la quantité de canthaxanthine utilisée ne doit pas dépasser 50 grammes par tonne de l'aliment complet. La concentration totale de l'astaxanthine, la canthaxanthine et l'adonirubine provenant de toutes les sources ne devra pas dépasser 80 grammes par tonne de l'aliment complet."
For mixed feed labels:
Warning/Mise en garde :
"This product is for use as a colouring agent in salmonid fish feeds at a rate not to exceed 80 grams of astaxanthin per tonne of the complete feed. If astaxanthin from Phaffia rhodozyma yeast is used in combination with canthaxanthin in salmonid fish feeds, then the rate of canthaxanthin used shall not exceed 50 grams per tonne of the complete feed. The combined concentration of astaxanthin, canthaxanthin and adonirubin from all sources shall not exceed 80 grams per tonne of the complete feed. / Ce produit est pour l'utilisation comme agent de coloration dans les aliments pour les poissons salmonidés, en quantité ne devant pas dépasser 80 grammes d'astaxanthine par tonne de l'aliment complet. Si l'astaxanthine provenant de la levure Phaffia rhodozyma est utilisée en conjonction avec la canthaxanthine dans les aliments pour les poissons salmonidés, la quantité de canthaxanthine utilisée ne doit pas dépasser 50 grammes par tonne de l'aliment complet. La concentration totale de l'astaxanthine, la canthaxanthine et l'adonirubine provenant de toutes les sources ne devra pas dépasser 80 grammes par tonne de l'aliment complet."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum milligrams of astaxanthin per kilogram, maximum milligrams of astaxanthin per kilogram, minimum milligrams of adonirubin per kilogram, maximum milligrams of adonirubin per kilogram, and maximum percent moisture.
- 2-616-008 Haematococcus algae meal, comminuted dehydrated (or dried Haematococcus algae meal)
is the comminuted (pulverized/homogenized) dried spores of an unmodified strain of Haematococcus pluvialis (Phylum Chlorophyta, Class Chlorophyceae, Order Chlamydomonadales, Family Haematococcaceae).
This ingredient is approved for use in salmonid fish feeds as a source of the carotenoid pigment astaxanthin.
It may be blended with suitable carriers listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table to standardize the astaxanthin concentration.
If a carrier is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
Warning/Mise en garde :
"This ingredient is approved for use as a colouring agent in salmonid fish feeds at a rate not to exceed 80 grams of astaxanthin per tonne of the complete feed. If astaxanthin from dried Haematococcus algae meal is used in combination with canthaxanthin in salmonid fish feeds, then the rate of canthaxanthin used shall not exceed 50 grams per tonne of the complete feed. The combined concentration of astaxanthin, canthaxanthin and adonirubin from all sources shall not exceed 80 grams per tonne of the complete feed. / Cet ingrédient est approuvé pour l'utilisation comme agent de coloration dans les aliments pour les poissons salmonidés en quantité ne devant pas dépasser 80 grammes d'astaxanthine par tonne de l'aliment complet. Si l'astaxanthine provenant de la farine d'algues Haematococcus séchée est utilisée en conjonction avec la canthaxanthine dans les aliments pour les poissons salmonidés, la quantité de canthaxanthine utilisée ne doit pas dépasser 50 grammes par tonne de l'aliment complet. La concentration totale de l'astaxanthine, la canthaxanthine et l'adonirubine provenant de toutes les sources ne devra pas dépasser 80 grammes par tonne de l'aliment complet."
For mixed feed labels:
Warning/Mise en garde :
"This product is for use as a colouring agent in salmonid fish feeds at a rate not to exceed 80 grams of astaxanthin per tonne of the complete feed. If astaxanthin from dried Haematococcus algae meal is used in combination with canthaxanthin in salmonid fish feeds, then the rate of canthaxanthin used shall not exceed 50 grams per tonne of the complete feed. The combined concentration of astaxanthin, canthaxanthin and adonirubin from all sources shall not exceed 80 grams per tonne of the complete feed. / Ce produit est pour l'utilisation comme agent de coloration dans les aliments pour les poissons salmonidés en quantité ne devant pas dépasser 80 grammes d'astaxanthine par tonne de l'aliment complet. Si l'astaxanthine provenant de la farine d'algues Haematococcus séchée est utilisée en conjonction avec la canthaxanthine dans les aliments pour les poissons salmonidés, la quantité de canthaxanthine utilisée ne doit pas dépasser 50 grammes par tonne de l'aliment complet. La concentration totale de l'astaxanthine, la canthaxanthine et l'adonirubine provenant de toutes les sources ne devra pas dépasser 80 grammes par tonne de l'aliment complet."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum milligrams of astaxanthin per kilogram, maximum milligrams of astaxanthin per kilogram, and maximum percent moisture.
- 2-616-009 Paracoccus carotinifaciens fermentation product dehydrated (or dried Paracoccus carotinifaciens fermentation product)
is the product resulting from the heat treatment, concentration and drying of Paracoccus carotinifaciens cells.
This ingredient is approved for use in salmonid fish feeds as a source of the carotenoid pigments astaxanthin and canthaxanthin.
It may be blended with suitable carriers listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table to standardize the astaxanthin and canthaxanthin concentrations.
If a carrier is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with the following statements:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Warning/Mise en garde :
"This ingredient is approved for use as a colouring agent in salmonid fish feeds at a rate not to exceed 80 grams of astaxanthin per tonne of the complete feed and at a rate not to exceed 50 grams of canthaxanthin per tonne of the complete feed. The combined concentration of astaxanthin, canthaxanthin and adonirubin from all sources shall not exceed 80 grams per tonne of the complete feed. / Cet ingrédient est approuvé pour l'utilisation comme agent de coloration dans les aliments pour les poissons salmonidés en quantité ne devant pas dépasser 80 grammes de l'astaxanthine par tonne d'aliment complet et en quantité ne devant pas dépasser 50 grammes de canthaxanthine grammes par tonne de l'aliment complet. La concentration totale de l'astaxanthine, la canthaxanthine et l'adonirubine provenant de toutes les sources ne devra pas dépasser 80 grammes par tonne de l'aliment complet."
For mixed feed labels:
Warning/Mise en garde :
"This product is for use as a colouring agent in salmonid fish feeds at a rate not to exceed 80 grams of astaxanthin per tonne of the complete feed and at a rate not to exceed 50 grams of canthaxanthin per tonne of the complete feed. The combined concentration of astaxanthin, canthaxanthin and adonirubin from all sources shall not exceed 80 grams per tonne of the complete feed. / Ce produit est pour l'utilisation comme agent de coloration dans les aliments pour les poissons salmonidés en quantité ne devant pas dépasser 80 grammes de l'astaxanthine par tonne d'aliment complet et en quantité ne devant pas dépasser 50 grammes de canthaxanthine grammes par tonne de l'aliment complet. La concentration totale de l'astaxanthine, la canthaxanthine et l'adonirubine provenant de toutes les sources ne devra pas dépasser 80 grammes par tonne de l'aliment complet."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum milligrams of astaxanthin per kilogram, maximum milligrams of astaxanthin per kilogram, minimum milligrams of canthaxanthin per kilogram, maximum milligrams of canthaxanthin per kilogram, minimum milligrams of adonirubin per kilogram, maximum milligrams of adonirubin per kilogram, and maximum percent moisture.
- 2-616-010 Dried micro-algae fermentation product (or micro-algae fermentation product dehydrated)
is the dried product resulting from the fermentation of micro-algae. This fermentation shall be conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices using a non-pathogenic strain of micro-algae which does not contain a novel trait. The name of the micro-algae (for example, Aurantiochytrium limacinum) shall be indicated on the label.
This ingredient is approved for use in feeds for lactating dairy cows, laying hens, broiler chickens, swine, and salmonid fish. This ingredient is approved for use as a source of docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) to enrich the DHA content of foods of animal origin.
If an antioxidant is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with the following statements:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
Warning/Mise en garde :
"This ingredient also contains canthaxanthin and should be used in feeds for laying hens or broiler chickens at a rate not to exceed 30 grams of canthaxanthin per tonne of the complete feed. If canthaxanthin from dried micro-algae fermentation product is used in combination with other sources of canthaxanthin in feeds for laying hens or broiler chickens, then the combined rate of canthaxanthin from all sources shall not exceed 30 grams per tonne of the complete feed. / Cet ingrédient contient aussi de la canthaxanthine et doit être utilisé dans les aliments destinés aux poules pondeuses ou aux poulets à griller en quantité ne devant pas dépasser 30 grammes de canthaxanthine par tonne de l'aliment complet. Si la canthaxanthine provenant du produit de fermentation de microalgues séchées est utilisée en conjonction avec d'autres sources de canthaxanthine dans les aliments destinés aux poules pondeuses ou aux poulets à griller, la quantité totale de canthaxanthine utilisée ne doit pas dépasser 30 grammes par tonne de l'aliment complet."
"This ingredient also contains canthaxanthin and should be used in feeds for salmonid fish at a rate not to exceed 50 grams of canthaxanthin per tonne of the complete feed. If canthaxanthin from dried micro-algae fermentation product is used in combination with other sources of canthaxanthin in feeds for salmonid fish, then the combined rate of canthaxanthin from all sources shall not exceed 50 grams per tonne of the complete feed. The combined concentration of astaxanthin, canthaxanthin and adonirubin from all sources shall not exceed 80 grams per tonne of the complete feed. / Cet ingrédient contient aussi de la canthaxanthine et doit être utilisé dans les aliments destinés aux poissons salmonidés en quantité ne devant pas dépasser 50 grammes de canthaxanthine par tonne de l'aliment complet. Si la canthaxanthine provenant du produit de fermentation de microalgues séchées est utilisée en combinaison avec d'autres sources de canthaxanthine dans les aliments destinés aux poissons salmonidés, la quantité totale de canthaxanthine utilisée ne doit pas dépasser 50 grammes par tonne de l'aliment complet. La concentration totale de l'astaxanthine, la canthaxanthine et l'adonirubine provenant de toutes les sources ne doit pas dépasser 80 grammes par tonne de l'aliment complet."
For mixed feed labels:
Warning/Mise en garde :
"This product contains canthaxanthin and should be used in feeds for laying hens or broiler chickens at a rate not to exceed 30 grams of canthaxanthin per tonne of the complete feed. If canthaxanthin from dried micro-algae fermentation product is used in combination with other sources of canthaxanthin in feeds for laying hens or broiler chickens, then the combined rate of canthaxanthin from all sources shall not exceed 30 grams per tonne of the complete feed. / Ce produit contient de la canthaxanthine et doit être utilisé dans les aliments destinés aux poules pondeuses ou aux poulets à griller en quantité ne devant pas dépasser 30 grammes de canthaxanthine par tonne de l'aliment complet. Si la canthaxanthine provenant du produit de fermentation de microalgues séchées est utilisée en conjonction avec d'autres sources de canthaxanthine dans les aliments destinés aux poules pondeuses ou aux poulets à griller, la quantité totale de canthaxanthine utilisée ne doit pas dépasser 30 grammes par tonne de l'aliment complet."
"This product contains canthaxanthin and should be used in feeds for salmonid fish at a rate not to exceed 50 grams of canthaxanthin per tonne of the complete feed. If canthaxanthin from dried micro-algae fermentation product is used in combination with other sources of canthaxanthin in feeds for salmonid fish, then the combined rate of canthaxanthin from all sources shall not exceed 50 grams per tonne of the complete feed. The combined concentration of astaxanthin, canthaxanthin and adonirubin from all sources shall not exceed 80 grams per tonne of the complete feed. / Ce produit contient de la canthaxanthine et doit être utilisé dans les aliments destinés aux poissons salmonidés en quantité ne devant pas dépasser 50 grammes de canthaxanthine par tonne de l'aliment complet. Si la canthaxanthine provenant du produit de fermentation de microalgues séchées est utilisée en combinaison avec d'autres sources de canthaxanthine dans les aliments destinés aux poissons salmonidés, la quantité totale de canthaxanthine utilisée ne doit pas dépasser 50 grammes par tonne de l'aliment complet. La concentration totale de l'astaxanthine, la canthaxanthine et l'adonirubine provenant de toutes les sources ne doit pas dépasser 80 grammes par tonne de l'aliment complet."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude fat, minimum percent total fatty acids, minimum percent docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), maximum percent docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), maximum percent sodium, maximum percent crude fibre, maximum percent ash, maximum percent moisture, and maximum milligrams of canthaxanthin per kilogram.
6.17 Flavour ingredients
- 2-617-001 Liquid smoke (or smoke flavouring)
is a flavour ingredient for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0100% or 100 g/tonne of the complete feed.
- 2-617-002 Origanum oil (or Origanum vulgarae spp. hirtum oil)
is a flavour ingredient for use in livestock feeds in an amount not to exceed 0.0050% or 50 g/tonne of the complete feed.
6.18 Enzymes
Reserved for future use
6.19 Gut modifier ingredients
- 6.19.1 Prebiotics
- 6.19.2 Viable microorganisms
- 6.19.3 Acids
- 6.19.4 Ingredients for the mitigation of environmental impacts related to livestock production
- 6.19.5 Other
6.19.1 Prebiotics
- 2-619-001 Galacto-oligosaccharides (or oligogalactosyllactose or oligogalactose)
is the product that consists of a mixture of oligosaccharides containing several galactosyl residues (from 2 to 9 units) and a terminal glucose linked by β-glycosidic bonds, such as β-(1–2), β-(1–3), β-(1–4), and β-(1–6). It is enzymatically derived from lactose using a transgalactosylation process. It shall contain a minimum of 64% galactooligosaccharides (GOS) on a dry matter basis. This ingredient shall be processed in accordance with good manufacturing practices and shall be free of harmful microorganisms.
This ingredient is approved for use as a prebiotic in livestock feeds.
If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
If an anticaking or flow agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used in an amount not to exceed 0.5% by weight, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent galacto-oligosaccharides (GOS), maximum percent galactose, maximum percent glucose, maximum percent lactose, maximum percent moisture, and maximum percent ash.
- 2-619-002 Yeast cell wall
is the product resulting from the extraction and purification of the structural components of the yeast cell wall from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of beta-glucans, mannans and mannan oligo-saccharides using a non-pathogenic strain of the microorganism Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent beta-glucans, minimum percent mannans, minimum percent mannan oligosaccharides, and maximum percent moisture.
- 2-619-003 Nucleotides from Saccharomyces cerevisiae fermentation extract spray-dried
is the product that consists of nucleotides resulting from spray drying the extract after the separation of suspended solids and the purification of the liquid from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of nucleotides using a non-pathogenic strain of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae, which does not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
It shall also be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent total nucleotides and maximum percent moisture.
6.19.2 Viable microorganisms
- 2-619-004 Bacillus culture dehydrated
is the dried product composed of homofermentative Bacillus species and the medium in which it is grown, dried in such a manner as to preserve the viability of the Bacillus bacteria which does not contain a novel trait. The Bacillus culture shall not be affected with any communicable disease which would render it unsuitable for importation into Canada pursuant to section 7 of the Health of Animals Regulations.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is for use only as a component of a silage additive to aid in the production of lactic acid or to lower the pH of the ensiled plant materials or as a source of viable organisms in viable microbial products."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for the minimum number of colony forming units per unit of weight.
Note: Bacillus culture dehydrated is also approved under subclass 6.20 with ingredient number 2-620-007.
- 2-619-005 Enterococcus culture dehydrated
is the dried product composed of homofermentative lactic acid-producing Enterococcus species and the medium in which it is grown, dried in such a manner as to preserve the viability of the Enterococcus bacteria, which does not contain a novel trait. The Enterococcus culture shall not be affected with any communicable disease which would render it unsuitable for importation into Canada pursuant to section 7 of the Health of Animals Regulations.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is for use only as a component of a silage additive to aid in the production of lactic acid or to lower the pH of the ensiled plant materials or as a source of viable organisms in viable microbial products."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for the minimum number of colony forming units per unit of weight.
Note: Enterococcus culture dehydrated is also approved under subclass 6.20 with ingredient number 2-620-008.
- 2-619-006 Lactobacillus culture dehydrated
is the dried product composed of homofermentative lactic acid-producing Lactobacillus species and the medium in which it is grown, dried in such a manner as to preserve the viability of the Lactobacillus bacteria, which does not contain a novel trait. The Lactobacillus culture shall not be affected with any communicable disease which would render it unsuitable for importation into Canada pursuant to section 7 of the Health of Animals Regulations.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is for use only as a component of a silage additive to aid in the production of lactic acid or to lower the pH of the ensiled plant materials or as a source of viable organisms in viable microbial products."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for the minimum number of colony forming units per unit of weight.
Note: Lactobacillus culture dehydrated is also approved under subclass 6.20 with ingredient number 2-620-009.
- 2-619-007 Pediococcus culture dehydrated
is the dried product composed of homofermentative lactic acid-producing Pediococcus species and the medium in which it is grown, dried in such a manner as to preserve the viability of the Pediococcus bacteria, which does not contain a novel trait. The Pediococcus culture shall not be affected with any communicable disease which would render it unsuitable for importation into Canada pursuant to section 7 of the Health of Animals Regulations.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is for use only as a component of a silage additive to aid in the production of lactic acid or to lower the pH of the ensiled plant materials, or as a source of viable organisms in viable microbial products."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for the minimum number of colony forming units per unit of weight.
Note: Pediococcus culture dehydrated is also approved under subclass 6.20 with ingredient number 2-620-010.
- 2-619-008 Streptococcus culture dehydrated
is the dried product composed of homofermentative lactic acid-producing Streptococcus species and the medium in which it is grown, dried in such a manner as to preserve the viability of the Streptococcus bacteria, which does not contain a novel trait. The Streptococcus culture shall not be affected with any communicable disease which would render it unsuitable for importation into Canada pursuant to section 7 of the Health of Animals Regulations.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is for use only as a component of a silage additive to aid in the production of lactic acid or to lower the pH of the ensiled plant materials or as a source of viable organisms in viable microbial products."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for the minimum number of colony forming units per unit of weight.
Note: Streptococcus culture dehydrated is also approved under subclass 6.20 with ingredient number 2-620-011.
- 2-619-009 Bifidobacteria culture dehydrated (or dried Bifidobacteria culture)
is the dried product composed of homofermentative lactic acid-producing Bifidobacteria species and the medium in which it is grown, dried in such a manner as to preserve the viability of the Bifidobacteria bacteria, which does not contain a novel trait. The Bifidobacteria culture shall not be affected with any communicable disease which would render it unsuitable for importation into Canada pursuant to section 7 of the Health of Animals Regulations.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is for use only as a component of a silage additive to aid in the production of lactic acid or to lower the pH of the ensiled plant materials or as a source of viable organisms in viable microbial products."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for the minimum number of colony forming units per unit of weight.
Note: Bifidobacteria culture dehydrated is also approved under subclass 6.20 with ingredient number 2-620-012.
- 2-619-010 Kluyveromyces marxianus culture dehydrated
is the dried product composed of Kluyveromyces marxianus and its growth medium, which are dried in such a manner as to preserve the viability of the Kluyveromyces marxianus yeast. The culturing process of the microorganism shall be conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices using a non-pathogenic strain of Kluyveromyces marxianus, which does not contain a novel trait. A microbial strain unique identifier shall be indicated on the label. It shall not contain other extraneous materials except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices. The growth medium shall not be fortified with levels of minerals or vitamins above those required for optimal growth of the yeast cells.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved as a source of viable organisms for use as a component of gut modifier products for livestock species."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for the minimum number of viable Kluyveromyces marxianus cells per gram.
- 2-619-011 Yeast active dehydrated (or Saccharomyces active dehydrated)
is the product composed of a strain of yeast of the botanical classification Saccharomyces which has been dried in such a manner as to preserve the viability of the Saccharomyces, which does not contain a novel trait. It may or may not contain the media in which it is grown. Such media shall not be fortified with levels of minerals and vitamins above those required for optimal growth of the yeast cells. Where the media is included it shall be stated on the label. The culture shall not contain any pathogenic organism or be infected with any communicable disease, which would render it unsuitable for importation into Canada pursuant to the Health of Animals Act.
It shall be labelled with the minimum number of Saccharomyces cells per unit of weight.
- 2-619-016 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum culture dehydrated
is the dried product composed of homofermentative organic acid-producing Lactiplantibacillus plantarum and its growth medium, which are dried in such a manner as to preserve the viability of the Lactiplantibacillus plantarum bacteria. The fermentation process shall be conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices using a non-pathogenic strain of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum, which does not contain a novel trait. The microbial strain identification number shall be indicated on the label. It shall not contain other extraneous materials except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved as a source of viable organisms for use as a component of gut modifier products for livestock species."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for the minimum number of colony forming units per gram.
Note: Lactiplantibacillus plantarum culture dehydrated is also approved under subclass 6.20 with ingredient number 2-620-006.
- 2-619-017 Ligilactobacillus animalis culture dehydrated
is the dried product composed of homofermentative organic acid-producing Ligilactobacillus animalis and its growth medium, which are dried in such a manner as to preserve the viability of the Ligilactobacillus animalis bacteria. The fermentation process shall be conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices using a non-pathogenic strain of Ligilactobacillus animalis, which does not contain a novel trait. The microbial strain identification number shall be indicated on the label. It shall not contain other extraneous materials except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved as a source of viable organisms for use as a component of gut modifier products for livestock species."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for the minimum number of colony forming units per gram.
- 2-619-018 Ligilactobacillus salivarius culture dehydrated
is the dried product composed of homofermentative organic acid-producing Ligilactobacillus salivarius and its growth medium, which are dried in such a manner as to preserve the viability of the Ligilactobacillus salivarius bacteria. The fermentation process shall be conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices using a non-pathogenic strain of Ligilactobacillus salivarius, which does not contain a novel trait. The microbial strain identification number shall be indicated on the label. It shall not contain other extraneous materials except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved as a source of viable organisms for use as a component of gut modifier products for livestock species."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for the minimum number of colony forming units per gram.
- 2-619-019 Enterococcus faecium culture dehydrated
is the dried product composed of homofermentative organic acid-producing Enterococcus faecium and its growth medium, which are dried in such a manner as to preserve the viability of the Enterococcus faecium bacteria. The fermentation process shall be conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices using a non-pathogenic strain of Enterococcus faecium, which does not contain a novel trait. The microbial strain identification number shall be indicated on the label. It shall not contain other extraneous materials except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved as a source of viable organisms for use as a component of gut modifier products for livestock species."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for the minimum number of colony forming units per gram.
Note: Enterococcus faecium culture dehydrated is also approved under subclass 6.20 with ingredient number 2-620-025.
- 2-619-020 Pediococcus acidilactici culture dehydrated
is the dried product composed of homofermentative, organic acid-producing Pediococcus acidilactici and its growth medium, which are dried in such a manner as to preserve the viability of the Pediococcus acidilactici bacteria. The culturing process of the microorganism shall be conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices using a non-pathogenic strain of Pediococcus acidilactici, which does not contain a novel trait. A microbial strain unique identifier shall be indicated on the label. It shall not contain other extraneous materials except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved as a source of viable organisms for use as a component of gut modifier products for livestock species."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for the minimum number of colony forming units per gram.
Note: Pediococcus acidilactici culture dehydrated is also approved under subclass 6.20 with ingredient number 2-620-013.
- 2-619-021 Limosilactobacillus reuteri culture dehydrated
is the dried product composed of heterofermentative, organic acid-producing Limosilactobacillus reuteri and its growth medium, which are dried in such a manner as to preserve the viability of the Limosilactobacillus reuteri bacteria. The culturing process of the microorganism shall be conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices using a non-pathogenic strain of Limosilactobacillus reuteri, which does not contain a novel trait. A microbial strain unique identifier shall be indicated on the label. It shall not contain other extraneous materials except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved as a source of viable organisms for use as a component of gut modifier products for livestock species."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for the minimum number of colony forming units per gram.
- 2-619-022 Bifidobacterium animalis culture dehydrated
is the dried product composed of organic acid-producing Bifidobacterium animalis and its growth medium, which are dried in such a manner as to preserve the viability of the Bifidobacterium animalis bacteria. The culturing process of the microorganism shall be conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices using a non-pathogenic strain of Bifidobacterium animalis, which does not contain a novel trait. A microbial strain unique identifier shall be indicated on the label. It shall not contain other extraneous materials except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved as a source of viable organisms for use as a component of gut modifier products for livestock species."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for the minimum number of colony forming units per gram.
- 2-619-023 Bacillus velezensis culture dehydrated
is the dried product composed of organic acid-producing Bacillus velezensis and its growth medium, which are dried in such a manner as to preserve the viability of the Bacillus velezensis bacteria. The culturing process of the microorganism shall be conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices using a non-pathogenic strain of Bacillus velezensis, which does not contain a novel trait. A microbial strain unique identifier shall be indicated on the label. It shall not contain other extraneous materials except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved as a source of viable organisms for use as a component of gut modifier products for livestock species."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for the minimum number of colony forming units per gram.
- 2-619-024 Levilactobacillus brevis culture dehydrated
is the dried product composed of heterofermentative, organic acid-producing Levilactobacillus brevis and its growth medium, which are dried in such a manner as to preserve the viability of the Levilactobacillus brevis bacteria. The culturing process of the microorganism shall be conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices using a non-pathogenic strain of Levilactobacillus brevis, which does not contain a novel trait. A microbial strain unique identifier shall be indicated on the label. It shall not contain other extraneous materials except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved as a source of viable organisms for use as a component of gut modifier products for livestock species."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for the minimum number of colony forming units per gram.
Note: Levilactobacillus brevis culture dehydrated is also approved under subclass 6.20 with ingredient number 2-620-020.
- 2-619-025 Bacillus paralicheniformis culture dehydrated
is the dried product composed of organic acid-producing Bacillus paralicheniformis and its growth medium, which are dried in such a manner as to preserve the viability of the Bacillus paralicheniformis bacteria. The culturing process of the microorganism shall be conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices using a non-pathogenic strain of Bacillus paralicheniformis, which does not contain a novel trait. A microbial strain unique identifier shall be indicated on the label. It shall not contain other extraneous materials except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved as a source of viable organisms for use as a component of gut modifier products for livestock species."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for the minimum number of colony forming units per gram.
- 2-619-026 Bacillus subtilis culture dehydrated
is the dried product composed of organic acid-producing Bacillus subtilis and its growth medium, which are dried in such a manner as to preserve the viability of the Bacillus subtilis bacteria. The culturing process of the microorganism shall be conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices using a non-pathogenic strain of Bacillus subtilis, which does not contain a novel trait. A microbial strain unique identifier shall be indicated on the label. It shall not contain other extraneous materials except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved as a source of viable organisms for use as a component of gut modifier products for livestock species."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for the minimum number of colony forming units per gram.
Note: Bacillus subtilis culture dehydrated is also approved under subclass 6.20 with ingredient number 2-620-023.
- 2-619-027 Streptococcus thermophilus culture dehydrated
is the dried product composed of homofermentative, organic acid-producing Streptococcus thermophilus and its growth medium, which are dried in such a manner as to preserve the viability of the Streptococcus thermophilus bacteria. The culturing process of the microorganism shall be conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices using a non-pathogenic strain of Streptococcus thermophilus, which does not contain a novel trait. A microbial strain unique identifier shall be indicated on the label. It shall not contain other extraneous materials except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved as a source of viable organisms for use as a component of gut modifier products for livestock species."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for the minimum number of colony forming units per gram.
Note: Streptococcus thermophilus culture dehydrated is also approved under subclass 6.20 with ingredient number 2-620-021.
- 2-619-028 Enterococcus lactis culture dehydrated
is the dried product composed of homofermentative, organic acid-producing Enterococcus lactis and its growth medium, which are dried in such a manner as to preserve the viability of the Enterococcus lactis bacteria. The culturing process of the microorganism shall be conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices using a non-pathogenic strain of Enterococcus lactis, which does not contain a novel trait. A microbial strain unique identifier shall be indicated on the label. It shall not contain other extraneous materials except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved as a source of viable organisms for use as a component of gut modifier products for livestock species."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for the minimum number of colony forming units per gram.
Note: Enterococcus lactis culture dehydrated is also approved under subclass 6.20 with ingredient number 2-620-019.
- 2-619-029 Bacillus amyloliquefaciens culture dehydrated
is the dried product composed of organic acid-producing Bacillus amyloliquefaciens and its growth medium, which are dried in such a manner as to preserve the viability of the Bacillus amyloliquefaciens bacteria. The culturing process of the microorganism shall be conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices using a non-pathogenic strain of Bacillus amyloliquefaciens, which does not contain a novel trait. A microbial strain unique identifier shall be indicated on the label. It shall not contain other extraneous materials except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved as a source of viable organisms for use as a component of gut modifier products for livestock species."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for the minimum number of colony forming units per gram.
- 2-619-030 Lactobacillus acidophilus culture dehydrated
is the dried product composed of homofermentative, organic acid-producing Lactobacillus acidophilus and its growth medium, which are dried in such a manner as to preserve the viability of the Lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria. The culturing process of the microorganism shall be conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices using a non-pathogenic strain of Lactobacillus acidophilus, which does not contain a novel trait. A microbial strain unique identifier shall be indicated on the label. It shall not contain other extraneous materials except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved as a source of viable organisms for use as a component of gut modifier products for livestock species."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for the minimum number of colony forming units per gram.
Note: Lactobacillus acidophilus culture dehydrated is also approved under subclass 6.20 with ingredient number 2-620-022.
- 2-619-031 Bacillus licheniformis culture dehydrated
is the dried product composed of organic acid-producing Bacillus licheniformis and its growth medium, which are dried in such a manner as to preserve the viability of the Bacillus licheniformis bacteria. The culturing process of the microorganism shall be conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices using a non-pathogenic strain of Bacillus licheniformis, which does not contain a novel trait. A microbial strain unique identifier shall be indicated on the label. It shall not contain other extraneous materials except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved as a source of viable organisms for use as a component of gut modifier products for livestock species."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for the minimum number of colony forming units per gram.
6.19.3 Acids
Reserved for future use
6.19.4 Ingredients for the mitigation of environmental impacts related to livestock production
Reserved for future use
6.19.5 Other
- 2-619-012 Yucca schidigera pulp powder (or yucca pulp powder)
is the product obtained from the whole stem of the Yucca schidigera plant that has been shredded, and the sap has been removed. The residual pulp is dried and then ground into a fine powder. It shall contain not less than 20% total dissolved yucca solids on a dry basis, and not less than 4.5% and not more than 7.5% total saponins on a dry basis. It shall also contain not less than 4.5% and not more than 6.5% total phenols on a dry basis.
This ingredient is approved for use as a component of gut modifier products in an amount not to exceed 75 g/tonne (75 mg/kg) of the complete feed.
To address worker safety concerns, it shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient may cause eye, skin and respiratory irritation and/or sensitization. Appropriate protective equipment must be worn during handling. / Cet ingrédient peut causer une irritation des yeux, de la peau et des voies respiratoires et/ou une sensibilisation. Un appareil de protection approprié doit être porter lors de la manutention."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent total dissolved yucca solids, minimum percent total saponins, minimum percent total phenols, and maximum percent moisture.
- 2-619-013 Quillaja saponaria powder (or quillaja powder)
is a product obtained from chips of the limbs and branches of Quillaja saponaria trees. The crude water extract of the chips is filtered, heated and concentrated. The concentrated extract is mixed with chips of the limbs and branches of Quillaja saponaria trees, and dried and then pulverized into a fine powder. It shall contain not less than 15% total dissolved quillaja solids on a dry basis, and not less than 3% and not more than 5% total saponins on a dry basis. It shall also contain not less than 2.5% and not more than 3.5% total phenols on a dry basis.
This ingredient is approved for use as a component of gut modifier products in an amount not to exceed 425 g/tonne (425 mg/kg) of the complete feed.
To address worker safety concerns, it shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient may cause eye, skin and respiratory irritation and/or sensitization. Appropriate protective equipment must be worn during handling./Cet ingrédient peut causer une irritation des yeux, de la peau et des voies respiratoires et/ou une sensibilisation. Un appareil de protection approprié doit être porter lors de la manutention. "
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent total dissolved quillaja solids, minimum percent total saponins, minimum percent total phenols, and maximum percent moisture.
- 2-619-014 Encapsulated zinc oxide
is zinc oxide coated with a matrix to protect against hydrolysis by hydrochloric acid in the stomach allowing for the release of zinc oxide in the small intestine.
This ingredient is approved for use as a component of gut modifier products.
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for actual milligrams of zinc per kilogram.
- 2-619-015 Muramidase
is the preparation of the enzyme which has the activity to hydrolyze the 1,4-beta-linkages between N-acetylmuramic acid and N-acetylglucosamine of peptidoglycan fragments. This ingredient is produced from a fermentation process conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation shall be conducted using a non-pathogenic strain of a microorganism, which does not contain a novel trait. The enzyme preparation may or may not contain residual growth media from the fermentation process.
The source of the enzyme preparation shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with the following statements:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
"This ingredient is approved for use as a component of gut modifier products for livestock species."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum enzyme activity, minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, and maximum percent moisture.
6.20 Forage additives
- 2-620-007 Bacillus culture dehydrated
is the dried product composed of homofermentative Bacillus species and the medium in which it is grown, dried in such a manner as to preserve the viability of the Bacillus bacteria which does not contain a novel trait. The Bacillus culture shall not be affected with any communicable disease which would render it unsuitable for importation into Canada pursuant to section 7 of the Health of Animals Regulations.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is for use only as a component of a silage additive to aid in the production of lactic acid or to lower the pH of the ensiled plant materials or as a source of viable organisms in viable microbial products."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for the minimum number of colony forming units per unit of weight.
Note: Bacillus culture dehydrated is also approved under subclass 6.19 with ingredient number 2-619-004.
- 2-620-008 Enterococcus culture dehydrated
is the dried product composed of homofermentative lactic acid-producing Enterococcus species and the medium in which it is grown, dried in such a manner as to preserve the viability of the Enterococcus bacteria, which does not contain a novel trait. The Enterococcus culture shall not be affected with any communicable disease which would render it unsuitable for importation into Canada pursuant to section 7 of the Health of Animals Regulations.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is for use only as a component of a silage additive to aid in the production of lactic acid or to lower the pH of the ensiled plant materials or as a source of viable organisms in viable microbial products."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for the minimum number of colony forming units per unit of weight.
Note: Enterococcus culture dehydrated is also approved under subclass 6.19 with ingredient number 2-619-005.
- 2-620-009 Lactobacillus culture dehydrated
is the dried product composed of homofermentative lactic acid-producing Lactobacillus species and the medium in which it is grown, dried in such a manner as to preserve the viability of the Lactobacillus bacteria, which does not contain a novel trait. The Lactobacillus culture shall not be affected with any communicable disease which would render it unsuitable for importation into Canada pursuant to section 7 of the Health of Animals Regulations.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is for use only as a component of a silage additive to aid in the production of lactic acid or to lower the pH of the ensiled plant materials or as a source of viable organisms in viable microbial products."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for the minimum number of colony forming units per unit of weight.
Note: Lactobacillus culture dehydrated is also approved under subclass 6.19 with ingredient number 2-619-006.
- 2-620-010 Pediococcus culture dehydrated
is the dried product composed of homofermentative lactic acid-producing Pediococcus species and the medium in which it is grown, dried in such a manner as to preserve the viability of the Pediococcus bacteria, which does not contain a novel trait. The Pediococcus culture shall not be affected with any communicable disease which would render it unsuitable for importation into Canada pursuant to section 7 of the Health of Animals Regulations.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is for use only as a component of a silage additive to aid in the production of lactic acid or to lower the pH of the ensiled plant materials, or as a source of viable organisms in viable microbial products."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for the minimum number of colony forming units per unit of weight.
Note: Pediococcus culture dehydrated is also approved under subclass 6.19 with ingredient number 2-619-007.
- 2-620-011 Streptococcus culture dehydrated
is the dried product composed of homofermentative lactic acid-producing Streptococcus species and the medium in which it is grown, dried in such a manner as to preserve the viability of the Streptococcus bacteria, which does not contain a novel trait. The Streptococcus culture shall not be affected with any communicable disease which would render it unsuitable for importation into Canada pursuant to section 7 of the Health of Animals Regulations.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is for use only as a component of a silage additive to aid in the production of lactic acid or to lower the pH of the ensiled plant materials or as a source of viable organisms in viable microbial products."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for the minimum number of colony forming units per unit of weight.
Note: Streptococcus culture dehydrated is also approved under subclass 6.19 with ingredient number 2-619-008.
- 2-620-012 Bifidobacteria culture dehydrated (or dried Bifidobacteria culture)
is the dried product composed of homofermentative lactic acid-producing Bifidobacteria species and the medium in which it is grown, dried in such a manner as to preserve the viability of the Bifidobacteria bacteria, which does not contain a novel trait. The Bifidobacteria culture shall not be affected with any communicable disease which would render it unsuitable for importation into Canada pursuant to section 7 of the Health of Animals Regulations.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is for use only as a component of a silage additive to aid in the production of lactic acid or to lower the pH of the ensiled plant materials or as a source of viable organisms in viable microbial products."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for the minimum number of colony forming units per unit of weight.
Note: Bifidobacteria culture dehydrated is also approved under subclass 6.19 with ingredient number 2-619-009.
- 2-620-001 Lactococcus culture dehydrated (or dried Lactococcus culture)
is the dried product composed of homofermentative lactic acid-producing Lactococcus species and the medium in which it is grown, dried in such a manner as to preserve the viability of the Lactococcus bacteria, which does not contain a novel trait. The Lactococcus culture shall not be affected with any communicable disease which would render it unsuitable for importation into Canada pursuant to section 7 of the Health of Animals Regulations.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is for use only as a component of a silage additive to aid in the production of lactic acid or to lower the pH of the ensiled plant materials."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for the minimum number of colony forming units per unit of weight.
- 2-620-002 Propionibacterium culture dehydrated (or dried Propionibacterium culture)
is the dried product composed of a homofermentative, propionic acid producing strain of Propionibacterium, and the medium in which it is grown, dried in such a manner as to preserve the viability of the Propionibacterium bacteria. The Propionibacterium culture shall not be affected with any communicable disease which would render it unsuitable for importation into Canada pursuant to section 7 of the Health of Animals Regulations.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is for use only as a component of a silage additive to aid in the production of propionic acid or to lower the pH of the ensiled plant materials."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for the minimum number of colony forming units per unit of weight.
- 2-620-003 Lactiplantibacillus culture dehydrated
is the dried product composed of homofermentative organic acid-producing Lactiplantibacillus species and its growth medium, which are dried in such a manner as to preserve the viability of the Lactiplantibacillus bacteria that do not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is for use only as a component of a silage additive to aid in the production of organic acids or to lower the pH of the ensiled plant materials."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for the minimum number of colony forming units per unit of weight.
- 2-620-004 Lacticaseibacillus culture dehydrated
is the dried product composed of homofermentative organic acid-producing Lacticaseibacillus species and its growth medium, which are dried in such a manner as to preserve the viability of the Lacticaseibacillus bacteria that do not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is for use only as a component of a silage additive to aid in the production of organic acids or to lower the pH of the ensiled plant materials."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for the minimum number of colony forming units per unit of weight.
- 2-620-005 Lentilactobacillus culture dehydrated
is the dried product composed of heterofermentative organic acid-producing Lentilactobacillus species and its growth medium, which are dried in such a manner as to preserve the viability of the Lentilactobacillus bacteria that do not contain a novel trait.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is for use only as a component of a silage additive to aid in the production of organic acids or to lower the pH of the ensiled plant materials."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for the minimum number of colony forming units per unit of weight.
- 2-620-006 Lactiplantibacillus plantarum culture dehydrated
is the dried product composed of homofermentative organic acid-producing Lactiplantibacillus plantarum and its growth medium, which are dried in such a manner as to preserve the viability of the Lactiplantibacillus plantarum bacteria. The fermentation process shall be conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices using a non-pathogenic strain of Lactiplantibacillus plantarum, which does not contain a novel trait. The microbial strain identification number shall be indicated on the label. It shall not contain other extraneous materials except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved as a source of viable organisms for use as a component of forage additives to aid in the production of organic acids or to lower the pH of the ensiled plant materials."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for the minimum number of colony forming units per gram.
Note: Lactiplantibacillus plantarum culture dehydrated is also approved under subclass 6.19 with ingredient number 2-619-016.
- 2-620-013 Pediococcus acidilactici culture dehydrated
is the dried product composed of homofermentative, organic acid-producing Pediococcus acidilactici and its growth medium, which are dried in such a manner as to preserve the viability of the Pediococcus acidilactici bacteria. The culturing process of the microorganism shall be conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices using a non-pathogenic strain of Pediococcus acidilactici, which does not contain a novel trait. A microbial strain unique identifier shall be indicated on the label. It shall not contain other extraneous materials except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved as a source of viable organisms for use as a component of forage additives to aid in the production of organic acids or to lower the pH of the ensiled plant materials."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for the minimum number of colony forming units per gram.
Note: Pediococcus acidilactici culture dehydrated is also approved under subclass 6.19 with ingredient number 2-619-020.
- 2-620-014 Acidipropionibacterium jensenii culture dehydrated
is the dried product composed of organic acid-producing Acidipropionibacterium jensenii and its growth medium, which are dried in such a manner as to preserve the viability of the Acidipropionibacterium jensenii bacteria. The culturing process of the microorganism shall be conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices using a non-pathogenic strain of Acidipropionibacterium jensenii, which does not contain a novel trait. A microbial strain unique identifier shall be indicated on the label. It shall not contain other extraneous materials except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved as a source of viable organisms for use as a component of forage additives to aid in the production of organic acids or to lower the pH of the ensiled plant materials."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for the minimum number of colony forming units per gram.
- 2-620-015 Lactococcus lactis culture dehydrated
is the dried product composed of homofermentative, organic acid-producing Lactococcus lactis and its growth medium, which are dried in such a manner as to preserve the viability of the Lactococcus lactis bacteria. The culturing process of the microorganism shall be conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices using a non-pathogenic strain of Lactococcus lactis, which does not contain a novel trait. A microbial strain unique identifier shall be indicated on the label. It shall not contain other extraneous materials except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved as a source of viable organisms for use as a component of forage additives to aid in the production of organic acids or to lower the pH of the ensiled plant materials."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for the minimum number of colony forming units per gram.
- 2-620-016 Lacticaseibacillus paracasei culture dehydrated
is the dried product composed of homofermentative, organic acid-producing Lacticaseibacillus paracasei and its growth medium, which are dried in such a manner as to preserve the viability of the Lacticaseibacillus paracasei bacteria. The culturing process of the microorganism shall be conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices using a non-pathogenic strain of Lacticaseibacillus paracasei, which does not contain a novel trait. A microbial strain unique identifier shall be indicated on the label. It shall not contain other extraneous materials except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved as a source of viable organisms for use as a component of forage additives to aid in the production of organic acids or to lower the pH of the ensiled plant materials."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for the minimum number of colony forming units per gram.
- 2-620-017 Lentilactobacillus buchneri culture dehydrated
is the dried product composed of heterofermentative, organic acid-producing Lentilactobacillus buchneri and its growth medium, which are dried in such a manner as to preserve the viability of the Lentilactobacillus buchneri bacteria. The culturing process of the microorganism shall be conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices using a non-pathogenic strain of Lentilactobacillus buchneri, which does not contain a novel trait. A microbial strain unique identifier shall be indicated on the label. It shall not contain other extraneous materials except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved as a source of viable organisms for use as a component of forage additives to aid in the production of organic acids or to lower the pH of the ensiled plant materials."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for the minimum number of colony forming units per gram.
- 2-620-018 Pediococcus pentosaceus culture dehydrated
is the dried product composed of homofermentative, organic acid-producing Pediococcus pentosaceus and its growth medium, which are dried in such a manner as to preserve the viability of the Pediococcus pentosaceus bacteria. The culturing process of the microorganism shall be conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices using a non-pathogenic strain of Pediococcus pentosaceus, which does not contain a novel trait. A microbial strain unique identifier shall be indicated on the label. It shall not contain other extraneous materials except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved as a source of viable organisms for use as a component of forage additives to aid in the production of organic acids or to lower the pH of the ensiled plant materials."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for the minimum number of colony forming units per gram.
- 2-620-019 Enterococcus lactis culture dehydrated
is the dried product composed of homofermentative, organic acid-producing Enterococcus lactis and its growth medium, which are dried in such a manner as to preserve the viability of the Enterococcus lactis bacteria. The culturing process of the microorganism shall be conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices using a non-pathogenic strain of Enterococcus lactis, which does not contain a novel trait. A microbial strain unique identifier shall be indicated on the label. It shall not contain other extraneous materials except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved as a source of viable organisms for use as a component of forage additives to aid in the production of organic acids or to lower the pH of the ensiled plant materials."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for the minimum number of colony forming units per gram.
Note: Enterococcus lactis culture dehydrated is also approved under subclass 6.19 with ingredient number 2-619-028.
- 2-620-020 Levilactobacillus brevis culture dehydrated
is the dried product composed of heterofermentative, organic acid-producing Levilactobacillus brevis and its growth medium, which are dried in such a manner as to preserve the viability of the Levilactobacillus brevis bacteria. The culturing process of the microorganism shall be conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices using a non-pathogenic strain of Levilactobacillus brevis, which does not contain a novel trait. A microbial strain unique identifier shall be indicated on the label. It shall not contain other extraneous materials except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved as a source of viable organisms for use as a component of forage additives to aid in the production of organic acids or to lower the pH of the ensiled plant materials."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for the minimum number of colony forming units per gram.
Note: Levilactobacillus brevis culture dehydrated is also approved under subclass 6.19 with ingredient number 2-619-024.
- 2-620-021 Streptococcus thermophilus culture dehydrated
is the dried product composed of homofermentative, organic acid-producing Streptococcus thermophilus and its growth medium, which are dried in such a manner as to preserve the viability of the Streptococcus thermophilus bacteria. The culturing process of the microorganism shall be conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices using a non-pathogenic strain of Streptococcus thermophilus, which does not contain a novel trait. A microbial strain unique identifier shall be indicated on the label. It shall not contain other extraneous materials except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved as a source of viable organisms for use as a component of forage additives to aid in the production of organic acids or to lower the pH of the ensiled plant materials."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for the minimum number of colony forming units per gram.
Note: Streptococcus thermophilus culture dehydrated is also approved under subclass 6.19 with ingredient number 2-619-027.
- 2-620-022 Lactobacillus acidophilus culture dehydrated
is the dried product composed of homofermentative, organic acid-producing Lactobacillus acidophilus and its growth medium, which are dried in such a manner as to preserve the viability of the Lactobacillus acidophilus bacteria. The culturing process of the microorganism shall be conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices using a non-pathogenic strain of Lactobacillus acidophilus, which does not contain a novel trait. A microbial strain unique identifier shall be indicated on the label. It shall not contain other extraneous materials except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved as a source of viable organisms for use as a component of forage additives to aid in the production of organic acids or to lower the pH of the ensiled plant materials."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for the minimum number of colony forming units per gram.
Note: Lactobacillus acidophilus culture dehydrated is also approved under subclass 6.19 with ingredient number 2-619-030.
- 2-620-023 Bacillus subtilis culture dehydrated
is the dried product composed of organic acid-producing Bacillus subtilis and its growth medium, which are dried in such a manner as to preserve the viability of the Bacillus subtilis bacteria. The culturing process of the microorganism shall be conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices using a non-pathogenic strain of Bacillus subtilis, which does not contain a novel trait. A microbial strain unique identifier shall be indicated on the label. It shall not contain other extraneous materials except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved as a source of viable organisms for use as a component of forage additives to aid in the production of organic acids or to lower the pH of the ensiled plant materials."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for the minimum number of colony forming units per gram.
Note: Bacillus subtilis culture dehydrated is also approved under subclass 6.19 with ingredient number 2-619-026.
- 2-620-024 Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus culture dehydrated
is the dried product composed of homofermentative, organic acid-producing Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus and its growth medium, which are dried in such a manner as to preserve the viability of the Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus bacteria. The culturing process of the microorganism shall be conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices using a non-pathogenic strain of Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus, which does not contain a novel trait. A microbial strain unique identifier shall be indicated on the label. It shall not contain other extraneous materials except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved as a source of viable organisms for use as a component of forage additives to aid in the production of organic acids or to lower the pH of the ensiled plant materials."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for the minimum number of colony forming units per gram.
- 2-620-025 Enterococcus faecium culture dehydrated
is the dried product composed of homofermentative, organic acid-producing Enterococcus faecium and its growth medium, which are dried in such a manner as to preserve the viability of the Enterococcus faecium bacteria. The culturing process of the microorganism shall be conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices using a non-pathogenic strain of Enterococcus faecium, which does not contain a novel trait. A microbial strain unique identifier shall be indicated on the label. It shall not contain other extraneous materials except in such amounts as may occur unavoidably during good manufacturing practices.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is approved as a source of viable organisms for use as a component of forage additives to aid in the production of organic acids or to lower the pH of the ensiled plant materials."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for the minimum number of colony forming units per gram.
Note: Enterococcus faecium culture dehydrated is also approved under subclass 6.19 with ingredient number 2-619-019.
6.21 Fermentation products non viable
- 2-621-001 Pichia pastoris fermentation solubles dehydrated (or dried Pichia pastoris fermentation solubles)
is the product resulting from drying the liquid after the separation of suspended solids from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of the microorganism Pichia pastoris, which does not contain a novel trait.
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 2-621-002 Pichia pastoris fermentation extract liquid (or liquid Pichia pastoris fermentation extract)
is the extract obtained from the ultra-filtration and concentration of the liquid materials obtained from the fermentation of a non-pathogenic strain of Pichia pastoris for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances, or other microbial metabolites in accordance with good manufacturing practices using a non-pathogenic strain of Pichia Pastoris, which does not contain a novel trait.
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, minimum percent crude fat, maximum percent moisture, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent ash.
- 2-621-003 Pichia pastoris fermentation product dehydrated (or dried Pichia pastoris fermentation product)
is the product resulting from drying both solid and liquid materials from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of the microorganism Pichia Pastoris, which does not contain a novel trait.
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
It shall also be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 2-621-004 Aspergillus aculeatus fermentation solubles condensed (or condensed Aspergillus aculeatus fermentation solubles)
is the condensed liquid product after the removal of suspended solids and further purification of the solubles from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of the microorganism Aspergillus aculeatus, which does not contain a novel trait.
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 2-621-005 Trichoderma reesei 1391A fermentation solubles condensed (or condensed Trichoderma reesei 1391A fermentation solubles)
is the condensed liquid product remaining after the removal of suspended solids and further purification of the solubles from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of the microorganism Trichoderma reesei, designated 1391A and which does not contain a novel trait.
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, and maximum percent moisture.
- 2-621-006 Paenibacillus fermentation solubles condensed (or condensed Paenibacillus fermentation solubles)
is the product resulting from concentrating the liquid after the separation of suspended solids from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of the microorganism Paenibacillus, which does not contain a novel trait.
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, and maximum percent moisture.
- 2-621-007 Schizosaccharomyces pombe fermentation product liquid (or liquid Schizosaccharomyces pombe fermentation product)
is the stabilized product of both solid and liquid materials from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of the microorganism Schizosaccharomyces pombe, which does not contain a novel trait.
Enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite level shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity or nutrient metabolite.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
It shall also be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent equivalent crude protein from non-protein nitrogen, maximum percent crude fibre, and maximum percent moisture.
- 2-621-008 Komagataella phaffii fermentation extract, liquid (or liquid Komagataella phaffii fermentation extract)
is the extract obtained from the ultra-filtration and concentration of the liquid materials obtained from the fermentation of a non-pathogenic strain of Komagataella phaffii for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances, or other microbial metabolites in accordance with good manufacturing practices using a non-pathogenic strain of Komagataella phaffii, which does not contain a novel trait.
Enzyme activity shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for maximum percent moisture.
- 2-621-009 Komagataella phaffii fermentation extract dehydrated (or dried Komagataella phaffii fermentation extract)
is the product resulting from drying the extracted water soluble materials from a fermentation conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation is conducted for the production of enzymes, fermentation substances, or other microbial metabolites using a non-pathogenic strain of Komagataella phaffii, which does not contain a novel trait.
Enzyme activity shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for maximum percent moisture.
6.22 Sweeteners
Reserved for future use
6.23 Mycotoxin detoxification ingredients
- 2-623-001 Fumonisin esterase
is an enzyme which has the activity to hydrolyze the tricarballylic acid side chains of fumonisins. This enzyme is produced from a fermentation process conducted in accordance with good manufacturing practices. This fermentation shall be conducted using a non-pathogenic strain of a microorganism, which does not contain a novel trait. The enzyme preparation may or may not contain residual growth media from the fermentation process.
The fermentation source (production organism (genus and species) and the fermentation type) of the enzyme preparation shall be indicated on the label.
This ingredient is approved for use as a component of mycotoxin detoxification agents. The approved purpose of this ingredient is for the degradation of fumonisins when incorporated into complete feeds fed to poultry and swine.
If a carrier or facilitating agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with the following statements:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity and is not a source of viable microbial cells."
"This ingredient is approved for use as a component of mycotoxin detoxification agents for the degradation of fumonisins in complete feeds for poultry and swine."
Caution/Précaution :
"Fumonisin esterase can only be used in complete feeds for poultry and swine that are considered safe for livestock consumption in accordance with the Canadian standards for mycotoxins and is not for use to remediate livestock feeds that do not comply with the Canadian standards for mycotoxins. (This caution statement is not required on complete feed labels.) / La fumonisine estérase ne peut être utilisée que dans les aliments complets pour la volaille et les porcs qui sont considérés comme sans danger pour la consommation d'animaux de ferme conformément aux normes canadiennes relatives aux mycotoxines et ne doit pas être utilisée pour remédier les aliments pour les animaux de ferme qui ne sont pas conformes aux normes canadiennes relatives aux mycotoxines. (Cet énoncé de précaution n'est pas requis sur les étiquettes des aliments complets.)"
It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum fumonisin esterase activity, and maximum percent moisture.
Class 7. Other
Feeds in this class have been approved for specific non-nutritional purposes, other than those in the other sub-classes.
- 2-701-001 Beeswax
is the product resulting from refining the natural wax produced by honey bees of the genus Apis. The product shall be free from any contamination, including that from apiculture practices common to the country of origin.
This ingredient is approved for use as a carrier in registered carotenoid-based colouring agents.
- 2-701-002 Earthworm lysate extract, liquid (or liquid earthworm lysate extract)
is the lysate extract obtained from earthworms (Eisenia fetida, also commonly known as redworm, brandling worm, panfish worm, trout worm, tiger worm or red wiggler worm). The earthworms are grown on decaying organic materials that are acceptable for the production of safe and nutritious livestock feeds. Whole earthworms are harvested and cleaned to be free of growth substrates. The clean earthworms are homogenized, autolyzed, and filtered to produce the earthworm lysate. The lysate is then purified using isoelectric separation, which separates the lysate into different fractions containing various digestive enzymes. This extract shall be processed in accordance with good manufacturing practices and be free of harmful microorganisms. Enzyme activity shall be guaranteed where the product is to be sold for its enzyme activity.
It shall be labelled with the following statement:
"This ingredient is free of antimicrobial activity."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for maximum percent moisture.
- 2-701-003 Synthetic sodium aluminosilicate (or synthetic sodium aluminum silicate or sodium aluminosilicate, synthetic)
is a form of sodium aluminosilicate which has been chemically synthesized. It is produced by mixing silicates and aluminates together, which then undergo gelation and crystallization processing. The resulting product is then filtered, washed and spray-dried. It has the chemical formula 6Na2O·6Al2O3·12SiO2·27H2O (Na12·Al12·Si12·O48·27H2O) and a pore size of 4 Ångström. It consists predominately of aluminum oxide and silicon dioxide and to a lesser extent sodium oxide.
This ingredient is approved for use as an aid to maintain calcium balance in periparturient dairy cows. It is to be fed only to dry dairy cows for a period of up to 2 weeks pre-calving, in an amount not to exceed 400 grams of synthetic sodium aluminosilicate per head per day.
If a carrier or facilitating agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.
It shall be labelled with the following statements:
"This ingredient is approved for use as an aid to maintain calcium balance in periparturient dairy cows. It is to be fed only to dry dairy cows for a period of up to 2 weeks pre-calving, in an amount not to exceed 400 grams of synthetic sodium aluminosilicate per head per day."
Caution/Précaution :
"Do not use in association with anionic supplements. / Ne pas utiliser en association avec des suppléments anioniques."
It shall be labelled with a guarantee for actual g/kg of synthetic sodium aluminosilicate.