Documents incorporated by reference

The Feeds Regulations, 2024 includes 9 documents that are incorporated by reference. Incorporation by reference (IBR) is a drafting technique that introduces the content of a document into a regulation without having to reproduce the document's text in the regulation. If a document is incorporated by reference, the incorporated wording has the same effect as if it appeared in the regulations.

  1. Canadian Feed Ingredients Table
  2. Compendium of Medicating Ingredient Brochures
  3. Compendium of Non-Feed Products
  4. Tables of Nutrient Guarantees and Conditions for Feed Labels
  5. Tables of Permissible Claims for Feed Labels
  6. List of Weed Seeds and Maximum Levels for Feeds
  7. Tables of Maximum Nutrient Values for Feeds
  8. Tables of Maximum Contaminant Levels for Feeds
  9. List of Prescribed Deleterious Substances

The CFIA's Incorporation by Reference Policy describes a clear and comprehensive process for selecting IBR documents. The policy outlines the general principles and processes that the CFIA follows when identifying documents appropriate for IBR and making modifications to those documents. The principles of accessibility, transparency, consistency, reasonableness and clarity form the foundation of the policy.

How to request a modification to a document incorporated by reference by the CFIA into the Feeds Regulations, 2024

Additional information

The documents that have been incorporated by reference into the Feeds Regulations, 2024 are used to provide additional information for the composition and safety standards, and labelling of livestock feeds.