Tables of Permissible Claims for Feed Labels

This document is incorporated by reference into the Feeds Regulations, 2024. Any changes to this document must be made in accordance with the CFIA Incorporation by Reference Policy.

Table 1: General claims
Item Column 1
Type of claim
Column 2
Approved claim
Column 3
Feed conditions
Column 4
Label conditions
1. Claims highlighting the presence of a single ingredient feed

Contains XX (name of single ingredient feed).

For example:

contains canola oil.

Contains XX (name of single ingredient feed) as a XX (purpose statement).

For example:

contains canola oil as an energy source.

The livestock feed must contain the named single ingredient feed.

The named single ingredient feed must be listed in classes 1 to 5 of the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table.

May indicate the purpose of that single ingredient feed as per the classification in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table or as per the label of the registered single ingredient feed.
2. Transfer of claims Any approved claim as per the label of a registered single ingredient feed or label of a registered mixed feed.

The mixed feed must contain the single ingredient feed or mixed feed in its formulation in an amount that is associated with that claim.

The livestock feed name and registration number of the registered single ingredient feed or registered mixed feed must be noted on the label in conjunction with the transferred claim(s).
3. Claims respecting organic


Contains X percent organic ingredients

Canada Organic logo

The livestock feed must meet all of the conditions of Part 13 of the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations.

Refer to Organic products

The label must meet all of the conditions in Part 13 of the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations.

Refer to Organic products

4. Claims respecting method of production This livestock feed is suitable for use as part of the raised without antibiotics program. The livestock feed must be made in a manner that is consistent with the CFIA Food Program's policy on method of production claims.

"Free from" claims are not allowed.

The following claims may only be added to the label if the "Approved claim" also appears on the label:

  • Raised without antibiotics
  • RWA
This livestock feed is suitable for use as part of the raised without the use of added hormones program. The livestock feed must be made in a manner that is consistent with the CFIA Food Program's policy on method of production claims.

"Free from" claims are not allowed.

The following claims may only be added to the label if the "Approved claim" also appears on the label:

Raised without the use of added hormones

This livestock feed has been manufactured and/or handled in accordance with the Canadian Ractopamine-Free Pork Certification Program (CRFPCP).

This livestock feed has been manufactured and/or handled in accordance with the CRFPCP.

Manufactured and/or handled in accordance with the Canadian Ractopamine-Free Pork Certification Program.

Manufactured and/or handled in accordance with the CRFPCP.

These claims can only be made on labels for swine feeds.

"Free from" claims are not allowed.

This livestock feed is suitable for use as part of the raised without animal products, animal by-products, animal fat, meat meal, animal meal, and/or bone meal program.Table note a The livestock feed must be made in a manner that is consistent with the CFIA Food Program's policy on method of production claims.

"Free from" claims are not allowed.

The following claims may only be added to the label if the "Approved claim" also appears on the label:

"Raised without" or "fed no"

  • animal products,
  • animal by-products,
  • animal fat,
  • meat meal,
  • animal meal, and/or
  • bone meal

Note that the term animal includes insects, fish and shellfish.

This livestock feed is suitable for use as part of the raised without the use of medically important antimicrobials (MIAs) program.

The livestock feed must be made in a manner that is consistent with the CFIA Food Program's policy on method of production claims for RWA claims, but specific for MIAs.

The livestock feed must not contain medically-important antimicrobials:

Those belonging to the categories I, II, and III according to Health Canada's Categorization of Antimicrobial Drugs Based on Importance in Human Medicine

"Free from" claims are not allowed.

The following claims may only be added to the label if the "Approved claim" also appears on the label:

Raised without the use of MIAs

This livestock feed is suitable for use as part of the grain fed program.

The livestock feed must be made in a manner that is consistent with the CFIA Food Program's policy on method of production claims.

The claim can only be made on labels for complete feeds, and must meet the minimum percentages of grains or grain by-products allowed in complete feeds for certain livestock species outlined in the policy.

"Free from" claims are not allowed.

The following claims may only be added to the label if the "Approved claim" also appears on the label:

Grain fed

This livestock feed is suitable for use as part of the all vegetable program.

The livestock feed must be made in a manner that is consistent with the CFIA Food Program's policy on method of production claims. Refer to this policy for any exceptions.

No single ingredient feed of animal origin is to be used in the manufacture of livestock feed when claiming the livestock feed contains all vegetable or plant-based single ingredient feeds.

"Free from" claims are not allowed.

The following claims may only be added to the label if the "Approved claim" also appears on the label:

  • all vegetable
  • AV
5. Claims respecting the absence of ingredients in the livestock feed Contains no animal products, animal by-products, animal fat, animal meal, and/or bone meal.Table note a

The livestock feed must be made in a manner that is consistent with the CFIA Food Program's policy on method of production claims. Refer to this policy for any exceptions.

No single ingredient feed of animal origin is to be used in the manufacture of livestock feed when claiming the livestock feed does not contain that single ingredient feed of animal origin.

"Free from" claims are not allowed.

Note that the term animal includes insects, fish and shellfish.

Contains no added medications

The livestock feed must be made in a manner that is consistent with the CFIA Food Program's policy on method of production claims.

No added medications are to be used in the manufacture of livestock feed when claiming the livestock feed contains no added medications.

"Free from" claims are not allowed

Contains no added antibiotics

The livestock feed must be made in a manner that is consistent with the CFIA Food Program's policy on method of production claims.

No added antibiotics are to be used in the manufacture of livestock feed when claiming the livestock feed contains no added antibiotics.

"Free from" claims are not allowed

Contains no added medically important antimicrobials (MIAs)

The livestock feed must be made in a manner that is consistent with the CFIA Food Program's policy on method of production claims.

No added MIAs are to be used in the manufacture of livestock feed when claiming the livestock feed contains no added MIAs.

"Free from" claims are not allowed

Table 2: Nutritional claims
Item Column 1
Type of claim
Column 2
Approved claim
Column 3
Feed conditions
Column 4
Label conditions
1. Claims respecting a source of a nutrient (for example, vitamin, mineral, fat, protein, fibre)Table note b

Source of XX (specific nutrient).

For example:

Source of protein.

Source of copper.

The livestock feed must contain the specific nutrient (for example, protein) at a level that meets at least 25% of the animal's minimum daily requirement, as defined by the National Research Council.

The livestock feed must contain a source of the specified nutrient.

A guarantee for the specified nutrient must be included in the guaranteed analysis.

Qualifier words are not permitted to be added to the claim.

For example:

"high in";
"excellent"; etc.

Table 3: Specialty feeds claims
Item Column 1
Specialty feeds
Column 2
Approved claim
Column 3
Feed conditions
Column 4
Label conditions

Anion/cation balance products

Anion/cation balance product

Dietary cation/anion balance (DCAB) product

Dietary cation/anion difference (DCAD) product

Anionic supplement

Contributes to the reduction of the risk of hypocalcaemia in dairy cows.

The livestock feed must contain sources of anions and/or cations.

When used as directed results in reduced dietary cation/anion balance (DCAB).

The livestock feed may not contain a medicating ingredient or non-feed product.

The livestock feed must be manufactured in Canada.

A guarantee for actual percent chloride and actual cation/anion balance expressed in mEq/kg must be included in the guaranteed analysis.

The formula used to determine the DCAB must be included on the label.

Directions for use must indicate feeding to dry dairy cows during weeks 1 to 4 prepartum.

List of ingredients is required on the label.


Anticaking products

Anticaking agent

Flowing agent

Flow aid

Free-flow agent

Anticaking of livestock feeds

Reduces the caking of livestock feeds

Improves the flowability of livestock feeds

The livestock feed may only contain single ingredient feeds as listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table Part I, subclass 6.5 anticaking ingredients or products registered for that purpose and carriers.

Directions for use must not exceed the maximum levels (if listed) set for anticaking ingredients listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table or as per the registered product.

When used as directed the product results in improved flow or prevents caking of livestock feed.

The livestock feed cannot contain flavour ingredients, antioxidants, yeast and yeast by-products, vitamins, algae, enzymes, any other specialty feed or any single ingredient feed supplying nutrients to livestock.

Does not supply a significant source of nutrients.

The livestock feed may not contain a medicating ingredient or non-feed product.

The livestock feed must be manufactured in Canada.

No nutrient guarantees are permitted.

Directions for use must support the use as an anticaking product in livestock feed.

List of ingredients is required on the label.


Antioxidant products


Prevents or slows oxidation of feeds.

Reduces oxidation of fats and nutrients.

Reduces oxidation in livestock feed.

Protects against oxidative damage of nutrients or feed components during processing and/or storage.

The livestock feed must contain single ingredient feeds as listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table Part I, subclass 6.1 as antioxidants or products registered for that purpose. The livestock feed may contain carriers and facilitating agents.

Directions for use must not exceed the maximum levels (if listed) set for the antioxidants listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table or as per the registered product.

When used as directed the product results in reduced oxidation in the livestock feed.

Does not supply a significant source of nutrients.

The livestock feed may not contain a medicating ingredient or non-feed product.

The livestock feed must be manufactured in Canada.

No nutrient guarantees are permitted.

The minimum amount of each antioxidant must be guaranteed.

Directions for use must support the use as an antioxidant product in the livestock feed.

List of ingredients is required on the label.


Ruminant buffer products

Ruminant buffer



Improves milk fat test in dairy cows.

Ruminant buffer products must only be fed to ruminants receiving high grain or concentrate diets.

The livestock feed must contain at least 1 of the following buffer ingredients:

  1. sodium sesquicarbonate;
  2. sodium bicarbonate
  3. magnesium oxide

The recommended concentrations of sodium bicarbonate or the recommended concentrations of magnesium oxide or the recommended concentrations of both mineral salts, must be as follows:

  • sodium bicarbonate at 1.2 to 1.6% of the dairy ration or 0.6 to 0.8% of the total diet dry matter
  • magnesium oxide at 0.4 to 0.6% of the dairy ration, or 0.2 to 0.4% of the total diet dry matter
  • 2 to 3 parts sodium bicarbonate mixed with 1 part magnesium oxide at 1.6 to 2.2% of the dairy ration or 0.8 to 1.2% of the total diet dry matter

The livestock feed may not contain a medicating ingredient or non-feed product.

The livestock feed must be manufactured in Canada.

  1. Livestock feeds consisting of a mixture of buffer ingredients:
    1. no nutrient guarantees are permitted
    2. the actual concentration of buffer ingredient may be included in the guaranteed analysis
  2. Livestock feeds consisting of a mixture of buffer ingredients and nutrients
    1. Guarantees for required nutrients normally shown for a similar livestock feed not containing buffer ingredients
    2. Nutrients guaranteed cannot include the nutrient values from the buffer ingredients
    3. The actual concentration of each buffer ingredient may be included in the guaranteed analysis
  3. Directions for use must include the statement: "For ruminants receiving high grain or concentrate diets"

Phytase products

This livestock feed contains phytase which is an enzyme that increases availability of phytate phosphorus in poultry and swine diets when used at a minimum of 500 FTU*/kg of the complete feed.

*phytase unit

The livestock feed must contain a registered source of phytase.

The manufactured livestock feed must contain or supply phytase at a level indicated as per the registered source.

Does not supply a significant source of nutrients. The livestock feed may not contain a medicating ingredient or non-feed product.

The livestock feed must be manufactured in Canada.

A guarantee for phytase activity must be included in the guaranteed analysis.

Source of phytase must be displayed on the label.

The registration number of the original source of the phytase must appear on the label.

For example: Contains 6-phytase produced by (name of microorganism) (Registration Number: XXXXXX)as a source of phytase.

May include the brand name of phytase on a voluntary basis.

Other approved claims as per the registered product label can be transferred to the label.

The approved claim on the label may also include the following statement:

Because of the improved dietary phosphorus utilization, less phosphorus is excreted in the manure.


Livestock feed colouring products

To colour the livestock feed

Colouring agent

To darken the livestock feed

The livestock feed must contain single ingredients feeds as listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table Part I subclass 6.6 as colourants for livestock feeds, or products registered for that purpose. The livestock feed may contain carriers and facilitating agents.

Directions for use must not exceed the maximum levels (if listed) set for livestock feed colouring ingredients listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table or as per the registered product.

When used as directed the product results in the livestock feed having a distinct colour.

Does not supply a significant source of nutrients.

The livestock feed may not contain a medicating ingredient or non-feed product.

The livestock feed must be manufactured in Canada.

No nutrient guarantees are permitted.

The minimum amount of each livestock feed colouring ingredient must be guaranteed.

Directions for use must support the use as a livestock feed colouring product in the livestock feed.

List of ingredients is required on the label.


Forage additives

Forage additive

Silage additive

Silage inoculant

Forage inoculant

The livestock feed must contain single ingredient feeds as listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table Part I, subclass 6.20 forage additives or products registered for that purpose. The livestock feed may contain carriers and facilitating agents.

Directions for use must not exceed the maximum levels (if listed) set for the forage additives listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table or as per the registered product.

When used as directed the product supplies the active ingredients at levels specified in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table to inoculate forage or silage or as per the registered product.

Does not supply a significant source of nutrients.

The livestock feed may not contain a medicating ingredient or non-feed product.

The livestock feed must be manufactured in Canada.

Guarantees for any active substance are required.

Detailed directions for use to reflect specific mixing instructions, application rates and targeted forages or livestock feed as per the active ingredient specifications indicated in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table or as per the registered product.

Must add the percent dry matter content of the forage or silage to be inoculated.

List of ingredients is required on the label.


Microtracer products


Microtracers for livestock feed

Livestock feed microtracers

Feed tracers

The livestock feed must contain single ingredient feeds as listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table Part I, subclass 6.11 microtracers or products registered for that purpose. The livestock feed may contain carriers and facilitating agents.

Directions for use must not exceed the maximum levels (if listed) set for microtracers listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table or as per the registered product.

When used as directed it should code, colour or identify micro-feed ingredients or livestock feed.

Does not supply a significant source of nutrients.

The livestock feed may not contain a medicating ingredient or non-feed product.

The livestock feed must be manufactured in Canada.

No nutrient guarantees are permitted.

Directions for use must support the use as a microtracer in the livestock feed.

List of ingredients is required on the label.


Mould inhibitor products

Mould inhibitor

Reduces mould growth in livestock feed

Reduces mould growth in forages, silages, and/or haylage

The livestock feed must contain single ingredient feeds as listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table Part I, subclass 6.2 mould inhibitors or products registered for that purpose. The livestock feed may contain carriers and facilitating agents.

Directions for use must not exceed the maximum levels (if listed) set for mould inhibitors listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table or as per the registered product.

When used as directed the product results in inhibition of mould growth in feeds, forage, silage and/or haylage.

Does not supply a significant source of nutrients.

The livestock feed may not contain a medicating ingredient or non-feed product.

The livestock feed must be manufactured in Canada.

Guarantees for any active substance are required.

Detailed directions for use to reflect specific mixing instructions, application rates and targeted forages, silages or livestock feed as per the active ingredient specifications indicated in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table or as per the registered product.

Must add the percent dry matter content of the forage or silage to be inoculated.

List of ingredients is required on the label.


Odour control products

Odour control

Odour control agent

Potential to reduce odour in barns.

Potential to reduce ammonia in barns.

The livestock feed must contain single ingredient feeds as listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table Part I, subclass 6.14 odour control ingredients or products registered for that purpose. The livestock feed may contain carriers and facilitating agents.

Directions for use must not exceed the maximum levels (if listed) set for odour control ingredients listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table or as per the registered product.

When used as directed the product has the potential to reduce odour in barns (for example, reduction in litter ammonia levels in barns or other indicators of odour).

Does not supply a significant source of nutrients.

The livestock feed may not contain a medicating ingredient or non-feed product.

The livestock feed must be manufactured in Canada.

No nutrient guarantees are permitted.

Directions for use must support the use as an odour control product in livestock feed.

List of ingredients is required on the label.


Pelleting products

Pelleting aid

Pellet binder

Improves pelleting efficiency

Improves the durability of pellets

The livestock feed must contain single ingredient feeds as listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table Part I, subclass 6.4 pelleting aids or products registered for that purpose. The livestock feed may contain carriers and facilitating agents.

Directions for use must not exceed the maximum levels (if listed) set for pelleting aids listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table or as per the registered product.

When used as directed results in aiding the pelleting of livestock feed (that is, improves pellet durability and/or the efficiency of the pelleting process).

The use of a pelleting aid in medicated livestock feeds must align with the compatibility condition(s) in the Compendium of Medicating Ingredient Brochures and the description set out in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table.

Does not supply a significant source of nutrients.

The livestock feed may not contain a medicating ingredient or non-feed product.

The livestock feed must be manufactured in Canada.

No nutrient guarantees are permitted.

Directions for use must support the use as a pelleting product in livestock feed.

List of ingredients is required on the label.


Preservative products


Maintains the nutritional quality of the feed.

Inhibition of the growth of spoilage microorganisms.

The livestock feed must contain ingredients as listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table Part I subclass 6.1 as preservatives, or products registered for that purpose. The livestock feed may contain carriers and facilitating agents.

Directions for use must not exceed the maximum levels (if listed) set for preservatives listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table or as per the registered product.

When used as directed results in the preservation of the livestock feed.

The livestock feed may not contain a medicating ingredient or non-feed product.

The livestock feed must be manufactured in Canada.

No nutrient guarantees are permitted.

The minimum amount of each preservative must be guaranteed.

Directions for use must support the use as a preservative in livestock feed.

List of ingredients is required on the label.


pH Adjuster products

pH adjuster

pH buffer

Reduces pH of livestock feed

Increases pH of livestock feed

The livestock feed must contain single ingredient feeds as listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table Part I, subclass 6.3, pH adjusters, or products registered for that purpose. The livestock feed may contain carriers and facilitating agents.

Directions for use must not exceed the maximum levels (if listed) set for the pH adjusters listed in the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table or as per the registered product.

When used as directed the product maintains or alters the pH of the livestock feed.

The pH adjuster or pH adjuster product must not be encapsulated.

Does not supply a significant source of nutrients.

The livestock feed may not contain a medicating ingredient or non-feed product.

The livestock feed must be manufactured in Canada.

No nutrient guarantees are permitted.

Directions for use must support the use as a pH adjuster in livestock feed.

List of ingredients is required on the label.


Mixed/combination of specialty feeds from Table 3 of this IBR document

Any approved claims listed in column 2 of Table 3 of the Tables for Permissible Claims for Feed Labels.

At least 1 claim from column 2 of Table 3 of the Tables for Permissible Claims for Feed Labels for each allowed specialty feed type used in the mixed specialty feed.

The mixed specialty feed must meet all the feed conditions as stipulated for each specialty feed type from column 3 of Table 3 of the Tables of Permissible Claims for Feed Labels.

The mixed specialty feed cannot be encapsulated or contain any encapsulating products.

A specialty feed cannot be subject to a mixing technology that alters the purpose of the livestock feed.

The livestock feed may not contain a medicating ingredient or non-feed product.

The livestock feed must be manufactured in Canada.

The label must have all of the guarantees as stipulated for each specialty feed type from column 4 of Table 3 of the Tables of Permissible Claims for Feed Labels.

No other guarantees are permitted unless specified in the label conditions for each specialty feed type from column 4 of Table 3 of the Tables of Permissible Claims for Feed Labels.

Directions for use must support the use as a mixed specialty feed.

List of ingredients is required on the label.


Mixture of nutritional livestock feeds and specialty feeds from Table 3 of this IBR document

Any approved claims listed in column 2 of Table 3 of the Tables for Permissible Claims for Feed Labels.

At least 1 claim from column 2 of Table 3 of the Tables for Permissible Claims for Feed Labels for each specialty feed type used in the mixed specialty feed.

The mixed feed must meet all the feed conditions as stipulated for each specialty feed type from column 3 of Table 3 of the Tables of Permissible Claims for Feed Labels.

This mixed feed must contain at least 1 single ingredient feed listed in class 1 to 5 of the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table as a source of a nutrient.

The livestock feed must be manufactured in Canada.

The label must have all of the guarantees as stipulated for each specialty feed type from column 4 of Table 3 of the Tables of Permissible Claims for Feed Labels.

The label must also display the guarantees of the nutritional livestock feed source.

Directions for use must support the use as a mixed nutritional and specialty feed.

List of ingredients is required on the label.