Grape phylloxera – Daktulosphaira vitifoliae or Viteus vitifoliae

Typical phylloxera-induced leaf galls on the underside of a grape leaf

Grape phylloxera (Daktulosphaira vitifoliae or Viteus vitifoliae) is a small, aphid-like insect that infests grape plants. Grape phylloxera form galls (swellings on plant surfaces) on the leaves and/or roots of grapevines. The occurrence and location of these galls depends on the strain of phylloxera, the species and variety of grapevine (graft and rootstock), the soil, and other conditions.

Grape phylloxera is essentially found in every country that grows grapes. Native to eastern North America, grape phylloxera was brought around the world in the 1800s with new cultivars and has continued to spread ever since. In Canada, grape phylloxera occurs naturally in Ontario through Nova Scotia. It has also been detected at low levels in the Okanagan Valley over the last 60 years and was detected on Vancouver Island for the first time in 2020.

When grape phylloxera is detected in an area where it is not known to naturally occur, grape plants at an affected location (excluding fruit and seed), are placed under a Notice of Prohibition of Movement by the CFIA. Detections do not prevent the harvest or movement of grape fruit at the affected locations.

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