Invasive species

Certain insects, plants, snails, slugs and micro-organisms can harm plants when they spread to new areas of the country.

They can cause serious damage to Canada's economy and the environment when they invade farm land, forests, parks and other natural areas.

Report plant pest sightings

Services and information

Invasive insects

Facts, photos, how to identify, pest cards, requirements.

Nematodes, snails and other

Facts, requirements, Newfoundland and Labrador soil restrictions.

Plant diseases

Facts, photos, how to identify, pest cards, requirements.

Report invasive species

Tell us if you think you've found an invasive plant pest.

Invasive plants

Facts, photos, requirements, field guides, reports, weeds, tools.

Unsolicited seeds

What to do if you receive seeds you did not order.

Domestic plant protection measures

Information on CFIA regulations in Canada, requirements.

Importing and handling invertebrates and micro-organisms

Processes, authorizations, requirements.
