Appendix 1: Summary of phytosanitary import requirements for temperate fresh fruit and tree nuts approved for entry into Canada

This document is Appendix 1 of directive D-95-08: Phytosanitary import requirements for fresh temperate fruits and tree nuts.

Note: the importation of any fresh temperate fruit or tree nuts from any origin that is not included on this list requires prior approval from the CFIA.

General requirements

Scientific (botanical) name of the product must be indicated at least to the genus level (for example, Malus spp.) on the shipping documents. Where only certain species or varieties within a genus are approved, the species and/or variety must be indicated.

All material must be free from soil, soil-related matter and plant debris.

All material must be free from quarantine pests.

The containers used to package and transport fresh fruit and tree nuts must be new or cleaned in a manner that addresses risks from regulated plant pests and removes all organic matter, soil and/or soil-related matter.

Material from foreign countries entering Canada via a third country must meet the same phytosanitary requirements as shipments that are imported directly into Canada.

Notes on these tables

"Yes" in the "Trial period" column indicates that the fruit or tree nuts may only be shipped under trial period conditions, as described in directive D-95-08.

All appendices referenced in these tables can be found in directive D-95-08: Phytosanitary import requirements for fresh temperate fruits and tree nuts.

The tables are in alphabetical order by scientific name of the fruit. Rows in the tables are arranged in the following order:

  • Countries other than the United States (U.S.) are listed first, followed by the U.S.
  • For countries other than the U.S., rows are in alphabetical order based on the first country listed in the row.
  • Where there are different requirements for different states in the U.S., the main portion of the U.S. (for example, "continental U.S. [except California]") is listed first, followed by the states with specific requirements in alphabetical order.
  • Where there are different requirements for different destinations in Canada, the main portion of Canada (for example, "other than B.C.") is listed first, followed by the destinations with specific requirements in alphabetical order.


  • For China, see People's Republic of China.
  • For South Korea, see Republic of Korea.
  • B.C. = British Columbia
  • "Provinces" is intended to mean "provinces and territories" in this document.

Column headings:

  • TP: trial period
  • IP: import permit
  • PC: Phytosanitary Certificate

You can use the following internal links to skip ahead to each section of this appendix:

Summary of the phytosanitary import requirements for Actinidia spp. fresh fruit (kiwis)
Scientific name Common name Origin Destination TP IP PC Pests and requirements
Actinidia spp. kiwis all origins all provinces no no no No pest-specific phytosanitary requirements
Summary of the phytosanitary import requirements for Castanea spp. nuts (chestnuts)
Scientific name Common name Origin Destination TP IP PC Pests and requirements
Castanea spp. chestnuts all origins other than continental United States all provinces no yes yes Fumigation as per Treatment schedules 3 or 4 in Treatment schedules for horticulture commodities or hot water treatment for a minimum of 45 minutes at 50°C, with treatment details indicated on Phytosanitary Certificate
Castanea spp. chestnuts continental United States all provinces no no no No pest-specific phytosanitary requirements
Summary of the phytosanitary import requirements for Citrullus lanatus fresh fruit (watermelons)
Scientific name Common name Origin Destination TP IP PC Pests and requirements
Citrullus lanatus watermelons all origins all provinces no no no No pest-specific phytosanitary requirements
Summary of the phytosanitary import requirements for Corylus spp. nuts (hazelnuts, filberts)
Scientific name Common name Origin Destination TP IP PC Pests and requirements
Corylus spp. hazelnuts, filberts all origins all provinces no no no No pest-specific phytosanitary requirements
Summary of the phytosanitary import requirements for Crataegus spp. fresh fruit (haws)
Scientific name Common name Origin Destination TP IP PC Pests and requirements
Crataegus spp. haws See Malus spp.
Summary of the phytosanitary import requirements for Cucumis melo fresh fruit (melons, cantaloupes)
Scientific name Common name Origin Destination TP IP PC Pests and requirements
Cucumis melo melons, cantaloupes all origins all provinces no no no No pest-specific phytosanitary requirements
Summary of the phytosanitary import requirements for Cydonia oblonga fresh fruit (quinces)
Scientific name Common name Origin Destination TP IP PC Pests and requirements
Cydonia oblonga quinces Argentina, Brazil, Chile, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Mexico, Montenegro, Morocco, Serbia, Switzerland, Türkiye, Uruguay other than B.C. no no no No pest-specific phytosanitary requirements
Cydonia oblonga quinces Argentina, Brazil, Chile, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Mexico, Montenegro, Morocco, Serbia, Switzerland, Türkiye, Uruguay B.C. no no yes Fumigation as per Treatment schedule 2 in Treatment schedules for horticulture commodities with treatment details indicated on Phytosanitary Certificate (Grapholita molesta)
Cydonia oblonga quinces Australia other than B.C. no no yes Fumigation as per Treatment schedule 5 in Treatment schedules for horticulture commodities with treatment details indicated on Phytosanitary Certificate (Epiphyas postvittana)
Cydonia oblonga quinces Australia B.C. no no yes Fruit must be fumigated as per Treatment schedule 2 in Treatment schedules for horticulture commodities, then maintained at a continuous temperature of 0°C for 21 days. The Phytosanitary Certificate must show the treatment details. (Epiphyas postvittana and Grapholita molesta)
Cydonia oblonga quinces New Zealand other than B.C. no no yes See D-07-03 (Epiphyas postvittana)
Cydonia oblonga quinces New Zealand B.C. no no yes

Must meet the following requirements:

Cydonia oblonga quinces continental U.S. other than B.C. no no no No pest-specific phytosanitary requirements
Cydonia oblonga quinces continental U.S. (except California) B.C. no no yes Fumigation as per Treatment schedule 2 in Treatment schedules for horticulture commodities with treatment details indicated on Phytosanitary Certificate (Grapholita molesta)
Cydonia oblonga quinces California B.C. no no yes

Must meet the following requirements:

Summary of the phytosanitary import requirements for Diospyros kaki fresh fruit (persimmons)
Scientific name Common name Origin Destination TP IP PC Pests and requirements
Diospyros kaki persimmons all origins other than continental U.S. all provinces no no no No pest-specific phytosanitary requirements
Diospyros kaki persimmons continental United States (except California) all provinces no no no No pest-specific phytosanitary requirements
Diospyros kaki persimmons California other than B.C. no no no No pest-specific phytosanitary requirements
Diospyros kaki persimmons California B.C. no no yes Table note 1 See D-07-03 (Epiphyas postvittana)
Summary of the phytosanitary import requirements for Fragaria spp. fresh fruit (strawberries)
Scientific name Common name Origin Destination TP IP PC Pests and requirements
Fragaria spp. strawberries Argentina all provinces no no yes No specific additional declarations or treatment details required on the Phytosanitary Certificate
Fragaria spp. strawberries Australia all provinces no no yes See D-07-03 (Epiphyas postvittana)
Fragaria spp. strawberries Chile all provinces no no yes No specific additional declarations or treatment details required on the Phytosanitary Certificate
Fragaria spp. strawberries Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Mexico all provinces no no no No pest-specific phytosanitary requirements
Fragaria spp. strawberries Egypt all provinces yes yes yes No specific additional declarations or treatment details required on the Phytosanitary Certificate
Fragaria spp. strawberries Israel (Gaza) all provinces no no yes The place of origin of the shipment must be clearly identified as Gaza on all shipping documents.
Fragaria spp. strawberries New Zealand all provinces no no yes See D-07-03 (Epiphyas postvittana)
Fragaria spp. strawberries Peru all provinces no no yes No specific additional declarations or treatment details required on the Phytosanitary Certificate
Fragaria spp. strawberries Republic of Korea (South Korea) all provinces no no yes

See Appendix 2.20

(Anthonomus bisignifer, Archips breviplicanus, Archips semistructa, Mamestra brassicae and Scirtothrips dorsalis)

Fragaria spp. strawberries Spain all provinces no no yes No specific additional declarations or treatment details required on the Phytosanitary Certificate
Fragaria spp. strawberries continental U.S. other than B.C. no no no No pest-specific phytosanitary requirements
Fragaria spp. strawberries continental U.S. (except California) B.C. no no no No pest-specific phytosanitary requirements
Fragaria spp. strawberries California B.C. no no yes See D-07-03 (Epiphyas postvittana)
Summary of the phytosanitary import requirements for Gaylussacia spp. fresh fruit (huckleberries)
Scientific name Common name Origin Destination TP IP PC Pests and requirements
Gaylussacia spp. huckleberries all origins other than continental U.S. all provinces n/a n/a n/a Not approved pending a pest risk analysis (NAPPRA)
Gaylussacia spp. huckleberries U.S. states regulated by the CFIA for Rhagoletis mendax as per Appendix 2.18 New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island no no no No pest-specific phytosanitary requirements
Gaylussacia spp. huckleberries U.S. states regulated by the CFIA for Rhagoletis mendax as per Appendix 2.18 all provinces other than New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island no yes Table note 2 yes Table note 2 See Appendix 2.18 (Rhagoletis mendax)
Gaylussacia spp. huckleberries U.S. states not regulated by the CFIA for Rhagoletis mendax as per Appendix 2.18 all provinces no no no No pest-specific phytosanitary requirements
Summary of the phytosanitary import requirements for Lonicera spp. fresh fruit (for example, honeyberries, haskap)
Scientific name Common name Origin Destination TP IP PC Pests and requirements
Lonicera spp. for example, honeyberries, haskap all origins except the continental U.S. all provinces n/a n/a n/a Not approved pending a pest risk analysis (NAPPRA)
Lonicera spp. for example, honeyberries, haskap continental U.S. all provinces no no no No pest-specific phytosanitary requirements
Summary of the phytosanitary import requirements for Malus spp. and Crataegus spp. fresh fruit (apples, crabapples, haws)
Scientific name Common name Origin Destination TP IP PC Pests and requirements
Malus spp., Crataegus spp. apples, crabapples, haws Argentina, Chile, South Africa all provinces no no no No pest-specific phytosanitary requirements
Malus spp. apples, crabapples Australia all provinces no no yes See D-07-03 (Epiphyas postvittana)
Malus spp. apples, crabapples Brazil other than B.C. no no yes No specific additional declarations or treatment details required on the Phytosanitary Certificate
Malus spp. apples, crabapples Brazil B.C. Prohibited (Grapholita molesta)
Malus spp. apples, crabapples France, Italy, Portugal, Spain all provinces no no yes

The following additional declaration must appear on the Phytosanitary Certificate:

"The fresh fruit in this consignment has been inspected within 14 days prior to export and found to be free of living stages of the pear leaf blister moth, (Leucoptera malifoliella)."

Malus spp. apples Germany all provinces yes yes yes

See Appendix 2.22

(Adoxophyes orana, Amphitetranychus viennensis, Cydia pomonella, Grapholita lobarzewskii, Grapholita molesta, Leucoptera malifoliella, Monilinia fructigena, Syndemis musculana)

Malus spp. apples Japan all provinces yes yes yes

See Appendix 2.3

(Adoxophyes orana, Amphitetranychus viennensis, Carposina sasakii, Conogethes punctiferalis, Grapholita dimorpha, Grapholita inopinata, Grapholita molesta, Monilinia fructigena, Monilinia mali, Monilinia polystroma, Spilonota spp., Stathmopoda auriferella)

Malus spp., Crataegus spp. apples, crabapples, haws Mexico other than B.C. no no no No pest-specific phytosanitary requirements
Malus spp., Crataegus spp. apples, crabapples, haws Mexico B.C. no no yes See D-00-07 (Rhagoletis pomonella)
Malus spp. apples, crabapples Netherlands all provinces no no yes No specific additional declarations or treatment details required on the Phytosanitary Certificate
Malus spp. apples, crabapples New Zealand all provinces no no yes Table note 3 See D-07-03 (Epiphyas postvittana)
Malus spp. apples People's Republic of China – Provinces of Hebei, Henan, Liaoning, Shaanxi, Shanxi and Shandong other than B.C. some provinces Table note 4 some provinces Table note 4 yes

See Appendix 2.2

(Adoxophyes orana, Amphitetranychus viennensis [=Tetranychus viennenis], Carposina sasakii, Conogethes punctiferalis, Cydia inopinata, Diaporthe tanakae, Leucoptera malifoliella, Monilinia fructigena, Monilinia mali)

Malus spp. apples People's Republic of China – Provinces of Hebei, Henan, Liaoning, Shaanxi, Shanxi and Shandong B.C. some provinces Table note 4 some provinces Table note 4 yes

See Appendix 2.2

(Adoxophyes orana, Amphitetranychus viennensis [=Tetranychus viennenis], Carposina sasakii, Conogethes punctiferalis, Cydia inopinata, Diaporthe tanakae, Grapholita molesta, Leucoptera malifoliella, Monilinia fructigena, Monilinia mali)

Malus spp. apples, crabapples Poland all provinces no no yes

See Appendix 2.16

(Adoxophyes orana, Amphitetranychus viennensis [=Tetranychus viennenis], Cydia pomonella, Leucoptera malifoliella, Monilinia fructigena, Monilinia polystroma, Syndemis musculana)

Malus spp. apples, crabapples Republic of Korea (South Korea) All Provinces no no yes

See Appendix 2.4

(Adoxophyes orana, Amphitetranychus viennensis [=Tetranychus viennenis], Carposina sasakii, Conogethes punctiferalis, Grapholita dimorpha, Grapholita molesta, Monilinia fructigena, Monilinia fructigena, Spilonota albicana)

Malus spp. apples, crabapples Uruguay other than B.C. no no yes No specific additional declarations or treatment details required on the Phytosanitary Certificate
Malus spp. apples, crabapples Uruguay B.C. no no yes See Appendix 2.9 (Grapholita molesta)
Malus spp., Crataegus spp. apples, crabapples, haws continental U.S. other than B.C. no no no No pest-specific phytosanitary requirements
Malus spp., Crataegus spp. apples, crabapples, haws continental U.S. (except California) B.C. no no yes See D-00-07 (Rhagoletis pomonella)
Malus spp., Crataegus spp. apples, crabapples, haws California B.C. no no yes

Must meet the following requirements:

  • See D-07-03 (Epiphyas postvittana)
  • See D-00-07 (Rhagoletis pomonella)
Summary of the phytosanitary import requirements for Morus spp. fresh fruit (mulberries)
Scientific name Common name Origin Destination TP IP PC Pests and requirements
Morus spp. mulberries all origins all provinces n/a n/a n/a Not approved pending a pest risk analysis (NAPPRA).
Summary of the phytosanitary import requirements for Physalis spp. fresh fruit (all species, including but not limited to: groundcherries, tomatillos)
Scientific name Common name Origin Destination TP IP PC Pests and requirements
Physalis spp. for example, groundcherries, tomatillos all origins all provinces no no no No pest-specific phytosanitary requirements
Summary of the phytosanitary import requirements for Prunus avium and P. cerarus fresh fruit (cherries)
Scientific name Common name Origin Destination TP IP PC Pests and requirements
Prunus avium, P. cerasus cherries Argentina, Belgium, Chile, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Montenegro, Morocco, Serbia, Switzerland, Türkiye all provinces no no yes See D-13-03 (Lobesia botrana)
Prunus avium, P. cerasus cherries Australia other than B.C. no no yes

See Appendix 2.10

(Epiphyas postvittana, Grapholita molesta)

Prunus avium, P. cerasus cherries Australia B.C. no no yes

See Appendix 2.10

(Epiphyas postvittana, Grapholita molesta, Cydia pomonella)

Prunus avium, P. cerasus cherries Brazil, Mexico, Uruguay all provinces no no no No pest-specific phytosanitary requirements
Prunus avium, P. cerasus cherries New Zealand all provinces no no yes See D-07-03 (Epiphyas postvittana)
Prunus avium, P. cerasus cherries South Africa other than B.C. no no yes No specific additional declarations or treatment details required on the Phytosanitary Certificate
Prunus avium, P. cerasus cherries South Africa B.C. no no yes

See Appendix 2.11

(Cydia pomonella, Grapholita molesta)

Prunus avium, P. cerasus cherries continental U.S. (except New York) other than B.C. no no no No pest-specific phytosanitary requirements
Prunus avium, P. cerasus cherries New York other than B.C. no no yes See D-17-03 (Rhagoletis cerasi)
Prunus avium, P. cerasus cherries continental U.S. (except California, New York, Utah and Wisconsin) B.C. no no no No pest-specific phytosanitary requirements
Prunus avium, P. cerasus cherries California B.C. no no yes Table note 5 See D-07-03 (Epiphyas postvittana)
Prunus avium, P. cerasus cherries New York B.C. Prohibited (Rhagoletis cerasi)
Prunus avium, P. cerasus cherries Utah and Wisconsin B.C. Prohibited (Rhagoletis pomonella)
Summary of the phytosanitary import requirements for Prunus spp. (other than P. avium and P. cerasus) fresh fruit (stone fruit: apricots, nectarines, peaches, plums and hybrids thereof)
Scientific name Common name Origin Destination TP IP PC Pests and requirements
Prunus spp. (other than P. avium and P. cerasus) apricots, nectarines, peaches, plums and hybrids thereof Argentina, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Montenegro, Morocco, Serbia, Switzerland, Türkiye other than B.C. no no yes See D-13-03 (Lobesia botrana)
Prunus spp. (other than P. avium and P. cerasus) apricots, nectarines, peaches, plums and hybrids thereof Argentina, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Montenegro, Morocco, Serbia, Switzerland, Türkiye B.C. no no yes Fumigation as per Treatment schedule 2 in Treatment schedules for horticulture commodities with treatment details indicated on Phytosanitary Certificate (Grapholita molesta, Lobesia botrana)
Prunus spp. (other than P. avium and P. cerasus) apricots, nectarines, peaches, plums and hybrids thereof Australia other than B.C. no no yes

See Appendix 2.10

(Epiphyas postvittana, Grapholita molesta)

Prunus spp. (other than P. avium and P. cerasus) apricots, nectarines, peaches, plums and hybrids thereof Australia B.C. no no yes

See Appendix 2.10

(Cydia pomonella, Epiphyas postvittana, Grapholita molesta)

Prunus spp. (other than P. avium and P. cerasus) apricots, nectarines, peaches, plums and hybrids thereof Brazil, Mexico, Uruguay other than B.C. no no no No pest-specific phytosanitary requirements
Prunus spp. (other than P. avium and P. cerasus) apricots, nectarines, peaches, plums and hybrids thereof Brazil, Mexico, Uruguay B.C. no no yes Fumigation as per Treatment schedule 2 in Treatment schedules for horticulture commodities with treatment details indicated on Phytosanitary Certificate (Grapholita molesta)
Prunus spp. (other than P. avium and P. cerasus) apricots, nectarines, peaches, plums and hybrids thereof Chile other than B.C. no no yes See D-13-03 (Lobesia botrana)
Prunus spp. (other than P. avium and P. cerasus) apricots, nectarines, peaches, plums and hybrids thereof Chile B.C. no no yes

See Appendix 2.25

(Grapholita molesta, Lobesia botrana)

Prunus domestica plums Moldova all provinces yes yes yes

See Appendix 2.23

(Monilinia fructigena, Cydia funebrana, Cydia pomonella, Grapholita molesta, Lobesia botrana, Amphitetranychus viennensis)

Prunus spp. (other than P. avium and P. cerasus) apricots, nectarines, peaches, plums and hybrids thereof New Zealand other than B.C. no no yes See D-07-03 (Epiphyas postvittana)
Prunus spp. (other than P. avium and P. cerasus) apricots, nectarines, peaches, plums and hybrids thereof New Zealand B.C. no no yes

Must meet the following requirements:

Prunus spp. (other than P. avium and P. cerasus) apricots, nectarines, peaches, plums and hybrids thereof South Africa other than B.C. no no yes No specific additional declarations or treatment details required on the Phytosanitary Certificate
Prunus spp. (other than P. avium and P. cerasus) apricots, nectarines, peaches, plums and hybrids thereof South Africa B.C. no no yes

See Appendix 2.11

(Cydia pomonella, Grapholita molesta)

Prunus spp. (other than P. avium and P. cerasus) apricots, nectarines, peaches, plums and hybrids thereof Spain other than B.C. no no yes

See Appendix 2.1

(Adoxophyes orana, Cydia funebrana, Lobesia botrana, Monilinia fructigena, Rhagoletis cerasi and Amphitetranychus viennensis [=Tetranychus viennenis])

Prunus spp. (other than P. avium and P. cerasus) apricots, nectarines, peaches, plums and hybrids thereof Spain B.C. no no yes

See Appendix 2.1

(Adoxophyes orana, Cydia funebrana, Grapholita molesta, Lobesia botrana, Monilinia fructigena, Rhagoletis cerasi and Amphitetranychus viennensis [=Tetranychus viennenis])

Prunus spp. (other than P. avium and P. cerasus) apricots, nectarines, peaches, plums and hybrids thereof continental U.S. other than B.C. no no no No pest-specific phytosanitary requirements
Prunus spp. (other than P. avium and P. cerasus) apricots, nectarines, peaches, plums and hybrids thereof continental U.S. (except California, Idaho, Oregon and Washington) B.C. no no yes Fumigation as per Treatment schedule 2 in Treatment schedules for horticulture commodities with treatment details indicated on Phytosanitary Certificate (Grapholita molesta)
Prunus spp. (other than P. avium and P. cerasus) apricots, nectarines, peaches, plums and hybrids thereof California B.C. no no yes Must meet the following requirements:
Prunus spp. (other than P. avium and P. cerasus) apricots, nectarines, peaches, plums and hybrids thereof Idaho, Oregon and Washington B.C. no no yes Fumigation as per Treatment schedule 2 in Treatment schedules for horticulture commodities with treatment details indicated on Phytosanitary Certificate or meet the requirements of the certification program in D-99-04 (Grapholita molesta)
Summary of the phytosanitary import requirements for Punica granatum fresh fruit (pomegranates)
Scientific name Common name Origin Destination TP IP PC Pests and requirements
Punica granatum pomegranates all origins all provinces no no no No pest-specific phytosanitary requirements
Summary of the phytosanitary import requirements for Pyrus spp. fresh fruit (pears)
Scientific name Common name Origin Destination TP IP PC Pests and requirements
Pyrus spp. pears Belgium all provinces yes yes yes

See Appendix 2.17

(Adoxophyes orana, Amphitetranychus viennensis, Argyrotaenia ljungiana, Cydia funebrana, Cydia pomonella, Diaspidiotus pyri, Grapholita molesta, Leucoptera malifoliella, Monilinia fructigena)

Pyrus spp. pears Japan all provinces no no yes

See Appendix 2.6

(Acrobasis pirivorella, Adoxophyes orana fasciata, Alternaria gaisen, Amphitetranychus viennensis, Aphanostigma iaksuiense, Carposina sasakii, Conogethes punctiferalis, Grapholita inopinata, Grapholita molesta, Monilinia fructigena, Monilinia polystroma, Spilonota spp., Tetranychus truncatus, Venturia nashicola)

Pyrus spp. pears Netherlands all provinces no no yes

The following additional declaration must appear on the Phytosanitary Certificate:

"The fresh fruit in this consignment has been inspected within 14 days prior to export and found to be free of living stages of the Pear Leaf Blister Moth, (Leucoptera malifoliella)."

Pyrus spp. pears continental U.S. other than B.C. no no no No pest-specific phytosanitary requirements
Pyrus spp. pears continental U.S. (except California) B.C. no no no No pest-specific phytosanitary requirements
Pyrus spp. pears California B.C. no no yes See D-07-03 (Epiphyas postvittana)
Pyrus spp. pears People's Republic of China, Shanxi Province all provinces yes yes yes

See Appendix 2.5 for a list of regulated pests associated with this commodity.

Pyrus spp. pears People's Republic of China, Provinces of: Hebei, Shandong and Xinjiang all provinces no no yes

See Appendix 2.5 for a list of regulated pests associated with this commodity.

Pyrus communis pears, common Argentina, Chile, South Africa all provinces no no no No pest-specific phytosanitary requirements
Pyrus communis pears, common Australia, New Zealand all provinces no no yes

The following additional declaration must appear on the Phytosanitary Certificate:

"This consignment was inspected and found free of all living stages of light brown apple moth (Epiphyas postvittana)."

Pyrus communis pears, common France, Italy, Portugal, Spain all provinces no no yes

The following additional declaration must also appear on the Phytosanitary Certificate:

"The fresh fruit in this consignment has been inspected within 14 days prior to export and found to be free of living stages of the pear leaf blister moth, (Leucoptera malifoliella)."

Pyrus pyrifolia pears, var. Asian Australia all provinces no no yes

The following additional declaration must appear on the Phytosanitary Certificate:

"This shipment originated from orchards under the nashi pear pest management program and was inspected and found free of all living stages of light brown apple moth (Epiphyas postvittana) and other injurious pests, i.e. painted apple moth (Orgyia anartoides), and yellow peach moth (Conogethes punctiferalis)."

Pyrus pyrifolia pears, var. Asian New Zealand, United Kingdom all provinces no no yes

The following additional declaration must also appear on the Phytosanitary Certificate:

"This consignment was inspected and found free of all living stages of light brown apple moth (Epiphyas postvittana)."

Pyrus pyrifolia pears, var. Asian Republic of Korea (South Korea) All provinces no no yes

See Appendix 2.7

(Acrobasis pyrivorella, Adoxophyes orana, Alternaria gaisen, Amphitetranychus viennensis, Aphanostigma iaksuiense, Carposina sasakii, Conogethes punctiferalis, Grapholita dimorpha, Grapholita molesta, Monilinia fructigena, Spilonota albicana, Tetranychus truncatus, Venturia nashicola)

Pyrus ×sinkiangensis pears, var. fragrant Republic of Korea (South Korea) All provinces no no yes

See Appendix 2.7

(Acrobasis pyrivorella, Adoxophyes orana, Alternaria gaisen, Amphitetranychus viennensis, Aphanostigma iaksuiense, Carposina sasakii, Conogethes punctiferalis, Grapholita dimorpha, Grapholita molesta, Monilinia fructigena, Spilonota albicana, Tetranychus truncatus, Venturia nashicola)

Summary of the phytosanitary import requirements for Ribes spp. fresh fruit (for example, currants, gooseberries)
Scientific name Common name Origin Destination TP IP PC Pests and requirements
Ribes spp. for example, currants, gooseberries Argentina, Chile, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Montenegro, Morocco, Serbia, Switzerland, Türkiye all provinces no no yes See D-13-03 (Lobesia botrana)
Ribes spp. for example, currants, gooseberries Australia all provinces no no yes See D-07-03 (Epiphyas postvittana)
Ribes spp. for example, currants, gooseberries Brazil, Mexico, South Africa, Uruguay all provinces no no no No pest-specific phytosanitary requirements
Ribes spp. for example, currants, gooseberries New Zealand all provinces no no yes See D-07-03 (Epiphyas postvittana)
Ribes spp. for example, currants, gooseberries continental U.S. (except California) all provinces no no no No pest-specific phytosanitary requirements
Ribes spp. for example, currants, gooseberries California other than B.C. no no no No pest-specific phytosanitary requirements
Ribes spp. for example, currants, gooseberries California B.C. no no yes Table note 6 See D-07-03 (Epiphyas postvittana)
Summary of the phytosanitary import requirements for Rubus spp. fresh fruit (for example, raspberries, blackberries)
Scientific name Common name Origin Destination TP IP PC Pests and requirements
Rubus spp. for example, raspberries, blackberries Australia all provinces no no yes See D-07-03 (Epiphyas postvittana)
Rubus spp. (other than R. caesius, R. fructicosus) for example, raspberries, blackberries Chile all provinces no no no No pest-specific phytosanitary requirements
Rubus caesius, R. fructicosus European blackberries, European dewberries Chile all provinces no no yes See D-13-03 (Lobesia botrana)
Rubus spp. for example, raspberries, blackberries Costa Rica all provinces no no no No pest-specific phytosanitary requirements
Rubus spp. for example, raspberries, blackberries Guatemala all provinces no no no No pest-specific phytosanitary requirements
Rubus spp. for example, raspberries, blackberries Mexico all provinces no no no No pest-specific phytosanitary requirements
Rubus spp. for example, raspberries, blackberries New Zealand all provinces no no yes See D-07-03 (Epiphyas postvittana)
Rubus spp. for example, raspberries, blackberries Peru all provinces yes yes yes No specific additional declarations or treatment details required on the Phytosanitary Certificate
Rubus spp. for example, raspberries, blackberries continental U.S. (other than California) all provinces no no no No pest-specific phytosanitary requirements
Rubus spp. for example, raspberries, blackberries California other than B.C. no no no No pest-specific phytosanitary requirements
Rubus spp. for example, raspberries, blackberries California B.C. no no yes Table note 7 See D-07-03 (Epiphyas postvittana)
Summary of the phytosanitary import requirements for Vaccinium macrocarpon and V. oxycoccos fresh fruit (cranberries)
Scientific name Common name Origin Destination TP IP PC Pests and requirements
Vaccinium macrocarpon
Vaccinium oxycoccos
cranberries all origins other than continental U.S. all provinces n/a n/a n/a Not approved pending a pest risk analysis (NAPPRA)
Vaccinium macrocarpon
Vaccinium oxycoccos
cranberries continental U.S. all provinces no no no No pest-specific phytosanitary requirements
Summary of the phytosanitary import requirements for Vaccinium angustifolium, V. corymbosum and V. myrtilloides fresh fruit (blueberries)
Scientific name Common name Origin Destination TP IP PC Pests and requirements
Vaccinium angustifolium, V. corymbosum and V. myrtilloides blueberries Argentina, Chile all provinces no no yes See D-13-03 (Lobesia botrana)
Vaccinium angustifolium, V. corymbosum and V. myrtilloides blueberries Australia all provinces no no yes

The following additional declaration must appear on the Phytosanitary Certificate:

"The blueberry fruit in this shipment has been inspected and found free of Acropolitis rudisana, Epiphyas postvittana, Nysius vinitor and Teia (Orgyia) anartoides."

Vaccinium angustifolium, V. corymbosum and V. myrtilloides blueberries Colombia all provinces yes yes yes No specific additional declarations or treatment details required on the Phytosanitary Certificate
Vaccinium angustifolium, V. corymbosum and V. myrtilloides blueberries Guatemala all provinces yes yes yes No specific additional declarations or treatment details required on the Phytosanitary Certificate
Vaccinium angustifolium, V. corymbosum and V. myrtilloides blueberries Mexico all provinces no no yes No specific additional declarations or treatment details required on the Phytosanitary Certificate
Vaccinium angustifolium, V. corymbosum and V. myrtilloides blueberries Morocco all provinces yes yes yes See Appendix 2.24 (Grapholita molesta, Lobesia botrana)
Vaccinium angustifolium, V. corymbosum and V. myrtilloides blueberries New Zealand all provinces no no yes

The following additional declaration must appear on the Phytosanitary Certificate:

"This consignment was inspected and found free of all living stages of light brown apple moth (Epiphyas postvittana) and painted apple moth (Teia [Orgyia] anartoides)."

Vaccinium angustifolium, V. corymbosum and V. myrtilloides blueberries Peru all provinces no no yes See Appendix 2.19
Vaccinium angustifolium, V. corymbosum and V. myrtilloides blueberries South Africa all provinces yes yes yes No specific additional declarations or treatment details required on the Phytosanitary Certificate
Vaccinium angustifolium, V. corymbosum and V. myrtilloides blueberries Spain all provinces yes yes yes See D-13-03 (Lobesia botrana)
Vaccinium angustifolium, V. corymbosum and V. myrtilloides blueberries Uruguay all provinces no no yes No specific additional declarations or treatment details required on the Phytosanitary Certificate
Vaccinium angustifolium, V. corymbosum and V. myrtilloides blueberries U.S. states regulated by the CFIA for Rhagoletis mendax as per Appendix 2.18 New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island no no no No pest-specific phytosanitary requirements
Vaccinium angustifolium, V. corymbosum and V. myrtilloides blueberries U.S. states regulated by the CFIA for Rhagoletis mendax as per Appendix 2.18 all provinces other than New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island no yes Table note 8 yes Table note 8 See Appendix 2.18 (Rhagoletis mendax)
Vaccinium angustifolium, V. corymbosum and V. myrtilloides blueberries U.S. states not regulated by the CFIA for Rhagoletis mendax as per Appendix 2.18, other than California all provinces no no no No pest-specific phytosanitary requirements
Vaccinium angustifolium, V. corymbosum and V. myrtilloides blueberries California other than B.C. no no no No pest-specific phytosanitary requirements
Vaccinium angustifolium, V. corymbosum and V. myrtilloides blueberries California B.C. no no yes Table note 8 See D-07-03 (Epiphyas postvittana)
Summary of the phytosanitary import requirements for Vaccinium spp. fresh fruit other than Vaccinium angustifolium, V. corymbosum, V. macrocarpon, V. myrtilloides and V. oxycoccos (all species, including but not limited to: bilberries, lingonberries)
Scientific name Common name Origin Destination TP IP PC Pests and requirements
Vaccinium spp. other than
V. angustifolium,
V. corymbosum,
V. macrocarpon,
V. myrtilloides and
V. oxycoccos
all origins other than continental U.S., Chile and South Africa all provinces n/a n/a n/a Not approved pending a pest risk analysis (NAPPRA)
Vaccinium spp. other than
V. angustifolium,
V. corymbosum,
V. macrocarpon,
V. myrtilloides and
V. oxycoccos
Chile all provinces no no yes See D-13-03 (Lobesia botrana)
Vaccinium spp. other than
V. angustifolium,
V. corymbosum,
V. macrocarpon,
V. myrtilloides and
V. oxycoccos
South Africa all provinces yes yes yes No specific additional declarations or treatment details required on the Phytosanitary Certificate
Vaccinium spp. other than
V. angustifolium,
V. corymbosum,
V. macrocarpon,
V. myrtilloides and
V. oxycoccos
U.S. states regulated by the CFIA for Rhagoletis mendax as per Appendix 2.18 New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island no no no No pest-specific phytosanitary requirements
Vaccinium spp. other than
V. angustifolium,
V. corymbosum,
V. macrocarpon,
V. myrtilloides and
V. oxycoccos
U.S. states regulated by the CFIA for Rhagoletis mendax as per Appendix 2.18 all provinces other than New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island no yes Table note 9 yes Table note 9 See Appendix 2.18 (Rhagoletis mendax)
Vaccinium spp. other than
V. angustifolium,
V. corymbosum,
V. macrocarpon,
V. myrtilloides and
V. oxycoccos
U.S. states not regulated by the CFIA for Rhagoletis mendax as per Appendix 2.18, other than California all provinces no no no No pest-specific phytosanitary requirements
Vaccinium spp. other than
V. angustifolium,
V. corymbosum,
V. macrocarpon,
V. myrtilloides and
V. oxycoccos
California other than B.C. no no no No pest-specific phytosanitary requirements
Vaccinium spp. other than
V. angustifolium,
V. corymbosum,
V. macrocarpon,
V. myrtilloides and
V. oxycoccos
California B.C. no no yes Table note 9 See D-07-03 (Epiphyas postvittana)
Summary of the phytosanitary import requirements for Vitis spp. fresh fruit (grapes)
Scientific name Common name Origin Destination TP IP PC Pests and requirements
Vitis spp. grapes Argentina, Chile, Spain all provinces no no yes See D-13-03 (Lobesia botrana)
Vitis spp. grapes Australia all provinces no no yes Fumigation and cold-treatment as per Treatment schedule 5 in Treatment schedules for horticulture commodities with treatment details indicated on Phytosanitary Certificate (Epiphyas postvittana, Phalaenoides glycinae)
Vitis spp. grapes Brazil, Colombia, Mexico, South Africa, Venezuela all provinces no no no No pest-specific phytosanitary requirements
Vitis spp. grapes Egypt all provinces yes yes yes

See Appendix 2.21

(Lobesia botrana, Monilinia fructigena, Phomopsis viticola)

Vitis spp. grapes Greece all provinces no no yes

See Appendix 2.12

(Coniella diplodiella, Elsinoe ampelina, Phomopsis viticola, Eupoecilia ambiguella, Lobesia botrana)

Vitis spp. grapes India all provinces no no yes See Appendix 2.8 (Coniella diplodiella, Conogethes punctiferalis, Monilinia fructigena, Nippoptilia vitis)
Vitis spp. grapes Italy all provinces no no yes

Must meet the following requirements:

  • See D-13-03 (Lobesia botrana) and
  • Fumigation as per Treatment schedule 9 in Treatment schedules for horticulture commodities (with treatment details indicated on Phytosanitary Certificate) or production under a CFIA-approved systems approach for Otiorhyncus corruptor (with additional declaration on Phytosanitary Certificate).
Vitis spp. grapes Japan all provinces no no yes

See Appendix 2.15

(Coniella diplodiella, Eupoecilia ambiguella, Guignardia baccae, Phomopsis viticola, Popillia japonica)

Vitis spp. grapes Lebanon all provinces no no yes See D-13-03 (Lobesia botrana)
Vitis spp. grapes Namibia all provinces no no yes No specific additional declarations or treatment details required on the Phytosanitary Certificate
Vitis spp. grapes New Zealand all provinces no no yes See D-07-03 (Epiphyas postvittana)
Vitis spp. grapes Peru all provinces no no yes No specific additional declarations or treatment details required on the Phytosanitary Certificate
Vitis spp. grapes Republic of Korea (South Korea) all provinces no no yes

See Appendix 2.13

(Aleurolobus vitis, Conogethes punctiferalis, Eulecanium kunoense, Eupoecilia ambiguella, Guignardia baccae, Icerya purchasi, Monilinia fructigena, Nippoptilia vitis, Scirtothrips dorsalis)

Vitis spp. grapes United Kingdom all provinces no no yes

Must meet the following requirements:

Vitis spp. grapes Uruguay all provinces no no yes

See Appendix 2.14

(Elsinoe ampelina, Coniella diplodiella, Naupactus xanthographus, Phomopsis viticola)

Vitis spp. grapes continental U.S. (except California) all provinces no no no No pest-specific phytosanitary requirements
Vitis spp. grapes California other than B.C. no no no No pest-specific phytosanitary requirements
Vitis spp. grapes California B.C. no no yes Table note 10 See D-07-03 (Epiphyas postvittana)
Summary of the phytosanitary import requirements for Ziziphus jujuba fresh fruit (jujubes)
Scientific name Common name Origin Destination TP IP PC Pests and requirements
Ziziphus jujuba jujubes all origins all provinces no no no No pest-specific phytosanitary requirements