The path forward: Information for Prince Edward Island potato growers

This guide is intended to provide general information to Prince Edward Island (PEI) potato growers on movement requirements related to the potato wart Ministerial Order.

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Ministerial Order

In November 2021, the Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada issued a Ministerial Order to prohibit or restrict the movement of regulated things within and out of the province of PEI.

With certain exceptions, the Ministerial Order prohibits the movement of seed, table stock and processing potatoes and other regulated things (for example, farm equipment, soil, sod, plants for planting, etc.) both within and outside of PEI unless authorized to do so by an inspector.

Requirements for the domestic movement of PEI potatoes

The requirements for the movement of potatoes within and out of province, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) potato program for PEI, differs depending on the intended end use and market of the product. In many instances, the movement of potatoes within and out of province is subject to a written authorization issued by an inspector. As such, one or all of these ongoing requirements (beyond 2024) may be required to support the issuance of a written authorization. Requirements under the Safe Food for Canadian Regulations must also be met including those related to product traceability. These requirements are the same as those of the 2023 growing season.

It is a recommended best practice for all producers of potatoes to implement enhanced traceability and biosecurity measures. The National Farm-Level Biosecurity Standard for Potato Growers is a tool jointly developed by the Canadian potato industry and government to inform development of on-farm biosecurity plans.

Checklist: Processing potatoes

Potatoes originating from an unrestricted area and moving outside of PEI

Washed and free from soil, with sprout inhibitor applied and moved directly to a facility for processing
  • No written authorization required
Washed with no sprout inhibitor applied
  • A written authorization (domestic movement certificate) is required. Considerations for the issuance of the certificate:
    • A compliance agreement at destination
    • A preventive control plan at origin
    • Product must be moved directly to the destination indicated on the certificate
    • The certificate needs to accompany each shipment and records must be kept for 10 years
    • Other conditions may be included on the domestic movement certificate
Unwashed (with or without sprout inhibitor applied)
  • A written authorization (domestic movement certificate) is required. Considerations for the issuance of the certificate:
    • A compliance agreement at destination
    • A preventive control plan at origin
    • Product must be moved directly to the destination indicated on the certificate
    • The certificate needs to accompany each shipment and records must be kept for 10 years
    • Other conditions may be included on the domestic movement certificate

Potatoes originating from a restricted area (unless otherwise indicated on official notices) and moving outside of PEI

Unwashed or washed potatoes
  • A written authorization (domestic movement certificate) is required. Considerations for the issuance of the certificate:
    • A compliance agreement at destination
    • A preventive control plan at origin
    • Product must be moved directly to the destination indicated on the certificate
    • The certificate needs to accompany each shipment and records must be kept for 10 years
    • Other conditions may be included on the domestic movement certificate

Checklist: Field-grown seed potatoes

The pest free places of production and pest free production sites criteria that are currently under development are intended to support off island movement of seed potatoes once finalized.

Potatoes originating from an unrestricted area and moving within PEI or to Newfoundland and Labrador

  • Documents as per national the Seed Potato Certification (PEI only)
  • Written authorization required for potatoes destined to Newfoundland and Labrador only

Potatoes originating from an unrestricted area moving to provinces other than PEI or Newfoundland and Labrador

A written authorization (domestic movement certificate) is required. Considerations for the issuance of the certificate:

    • Case-by-case evaluation from criteria established in 2021 and updated in 2022
    • The certificate needs to accompany each shipment and records must be kept for 10 years
    • Other conditions may be included on the domestic movement certificate

Checklist: Table stock potatoes

Potatoes originating from an unrestricted area

Bulk and packaged potatoes that are washed and free of soil, with sprout inhibitor applied and moved directly to retail market, consumer or facility for repacking or packing
  • No written authorization required.
Bulk and packaged potatoes that are washed with no sprout inhibitor applied
  • Written authorization (domestic movement certificate) is required. Considerations for the issuance of the certificate:
    • A compliance agreement at destination
    • A preventive control plan at origin
    • Product must be moved directly to destinations indicated on the certificate
    • The certificate needs to accompany each shipment and records must be kept for 10 years
    • Other conditions may be included on the domestic movement certificate
Bulk and packaged potatoes that are unwashed (with or without sprout inhibitor)
  • A written authorization (domestic movement certificate) is required. Considerations for the issuance of the certificate:
    • A compliance agreement at destination
    • A preventive control plan at origin
    • Product must be moved directly to destinations indicated on the certificate
    • The certificate needs to accompany each shipment and records must be kept for 10 years
    • Other conditions may be included on the domestic movement certificate

Potatoes originating from a restricted area

All bulk potatoes (washed or unwashed, and with or without sprout inhibitor applied)
  • A written authorization (domestic movement certificate) is required. Considerations for the issuance of the certificate:
    • A compliance agreement at destination
    • A preventive control plan at origin
    • Product must be moved directly to destinations indicated on the certificate
    • The certificate needs to accompany each shipment and records must be kept for 10 years
    • Other conditions may be included on the domestic movement certificate
Packaged potatoes that are washed and free from soil, with sprout inhibitor applied and moved directly to retail or consumer
  • Written authorization (domestic movement certificate) is required. Considerations for the issuance of the certificate:
    • A preventive control plan at origin
    • Product must be moved directly to destination indicated on the certificate
    • The certificate needs to accompany each shipment and records must be kept for 10 years
    • Other conditions may be included on the domestic movement certificate
Packaged potatoes that are washed with no sprout inhibitor applied
  • Written authorization (domestic movement certificate) is required. Considerations for the issuance of the certificate:
    • A compliance agreement at destination
    • A preventive control plan at origin
    • Product must be moved directly to destinations indicated on the certificate
    • The certificate needs to accompany each shipment and records must be kept for 10 years
    • Other conditions may be included on the domestic movement certificate
Packaged potatoes that are unwashed (with or without sprout inhibitor applied)
  • Written authorization (domestic movement certificate) is required. Considerations for the issuance of the certificate:
    • A compliance agreement at destination
    • A preventive control plan at origin
    • Product must be moved directly to destinations indicated on the certificate
    • The certificate needs to accompany each shipment and records must be kept for 10 years
    • Other conditions may be included on the domestic movement certificate

Export requirements – All (restricted/unrestricted)

  • Exports must meet the specific import phytosanitary requirements of individual importing countries and exporter must obtain any required import documents to support phytosanitary export certification
  • Potatoes exported for human consumption must meet the requirements of the Safe Food for Canadian Regulations

Inspection requirements flowchart

For visual flowcharts explaining these options, visit industry guidance on inspection requirements for processing, table stock and seed potatoes and other regulated things leaving PEI.

Path forward: Upcoming changes

The CFIA is reviewing and considering enhancements to several existing potato wart programs and/or mitigation measures. All proposed changes will be subject to stakeholder engagement before they are finalized and implemented. See the proposed timelines for upcoming engagement. Current mitigation measures under consideration are:

  • enhanced biosecurity (preventative control plans) and traceability requirements
  • criteria to establish pest-free places of production and pest-free production sites, facilitating off-island movement of products with soil, including seed potatoes, to the rest of Canada

Find out if your property is affected by movement restrictions

The Land Management Tool provides up-to-date information about potato wart related land restrictions using the Government of PEI's property identification number.

Compliance requirements

This document is intended for guidance purposes only and should not be construed as an authorization to move product. All requirements listed are required to be in place as per CFIA's legislation. For more information, review the following resources:

Surveillance of unrestricted fields

For the 2024 potato crop year, the National Potato Wart Survey will focus on potato farms that submit an Application for Seed Potato Crop Inspection - Grower's Declaration (CFIA 1317) and only fields that are entered for certification on the application will be eligible for sampling. Only one field per farm will be sampled and fields from across PEI will be included in the survey. Sampling method will be the tare and visual method used in 2023 and only fields that have not been sampled and tested for potato wart in the last 10 years will be considered for the 2024 survey.

Seed potatoes pose the highest risk for potato wart spread and establishment.

Proposed timelines for upcoming engagement

November 2023

CFIA activity: Enhancements to biosecurity and traceability requirements are under development. These proposals are available for review in CFIA risk management documents (RMDs):

  • RMD 23-02 Seed Production in restricted fields
  • RMD 23-03 Field categorization
  • RMD 23-04 Biosecurity options

Grower action(s) required: Documents are available for comment. Industry comments should be submitted by January 31, 2024.

Winter 2023/24

CFIA activity:

  • Draft of pest free places of production and pest free production sites criteria shared with potato sector for review
  • Finalised risk management documents published by the CFIA
  • PEI Land Management Tool available

Grower action(s) required: To be determined.

Early spring 2024

CFIA activity: Draft of new National Potato Wart Response Plan shared for public comment.

Grower action(s) required: Documents will be available for 60 day comment period. Anticipate late March/early April start date.

Summer 2024

CFIA activity:

  • Finalized pest free places of production and pest free production sites criteria published
  • New National Potato Wart Response Plan published
  • Discussions with stakeholders on implementation timelines for the National Potato Wart Response Plan

Grower action(s) required: Published criteria will be made available on the CFIA website as well as the date and location of CFIA information sessions. Interested growers/land owners can contact the CFIA to identify fields for soil sampling and analysis.

Fall 2024

CFIA activity:

  • CFIA conducts soil sampling and analysis to support establishment of pest free places of production and pest free production sites
  • Potato Wart National Response Plan implementation timelines communicated to growers/users of fields associated with potato wart detections (Category A, B, C or D)

Grower action(s) required: Growers identify fields for soil sampling to support establishment of pest free places of production and pest free production sites.