The Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, pursuant to subsection 15(3) of the Plant Protection Act Footnote 1, hereby makes the annexed Plum Pox Virus Infested Place Order, 2025.
Ottawa, Ontario, 21 February, 2025
Lawrence MacAulay
Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food
On this page
- Interpretation
- Declaration
- Movement out of the infested place
- Repeal
- Schedule I: Infested place
- 1. Designated section of the City of Hamilton
- 2. Designated section of the Town of Pelham
- 3. Designated section of the City of Thorold
- 4. Designated section of the City of Niagara Falls
- 5. The entire Town of Grimsby
- 6. The entire Town of Lincoln
- 7. The entire City of St. Catharines
- 8. The entire Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake
- Schedule II: Excepted Prunus
1. In this Order,
"infested place" means the place set out in Schedule I; (lieu infesté)
"inspector" means a person designated as an inspector pursuant to section 21 of the Plant Protection Act and under section 13 of the Canadian Food Inspection Agency Act; (inspecteur)
"pest" means the plum pox virus; (parasite) and
"plant" means a plant of any species of Prunus, other than a species of Prunus listed in Schedule II, including any part of such plant other than seeds, fresh fruit or dead or dried out branches. (végétal)
2. It is hereby declared that the place set out in Schedule I is infested with the plum pox virus.
Movement out of the infested place
3. No person, except an inspector, shall move or cause movement of the pest or a plant out of the infested place, unless authorized to do so beforehand in writing by an inspector and unless the person complies with the authorization.
4. The Plum Pox Virus Infested Place Order made on March 14, 2014 is repealed.
Schedule I: Infested place
For the purposes of this order, the declared infested place is the Niagara plum pox virus infested place, which is defined as follows:
1. Designated section of the City of Hamilton

Description for the map of the designated section of the City of Hamilton
All that part of the City of Hamilton in the province of Ontario, as more particularly described as follows:
- Commencing at a point of intersection of the municipal boundary line between the City of Hamilton and the Town of Grimsby and the shores of Lake Ontario;
- Thence proceeding westwardly along the shoreline of Lake Ontario to McNeilly Road;
- Thence proceeding southwardly along the east side of the section of McNeilly Road north of the Queen Elizabeth Way, extended through by a straight line to the section of McNeilly Road south of the Queen Elizabeth Way;
- Thence proceeding southwardly, eastwardly, and westwardly along the east, north, and south side of McNeilly Road continuing eastwardly and southwardly along the north and east side of 8th Road East to Ridge Road;
- Thence proceeding westwardly along the south side of Ridge Road;
- Thence proceeding southwardly, eastwardly and southwardly along the east, north and east side of 8th Road East to Green Mountain Road East;
- Thence proceeding eastwardly along the north side of Green Mountain Road East extended through by a straight line to the municipal boundary line between the City of Hamilton and the Town of Grimsby;
- Thence proceeding northwardly along the west side of the municipal boundary line between the City of Hamilton and the Town of Grimsby to the point of commencement.
2. Designated section of the Town of Pelham

Description for the map of the designated section of the Town of Pelham
All that part of the Town of Pelham in the Province of Ontario, as more particularly described as follows:
- Commencing at a point of intersection of the municipal boundary line between the Town of Lincoln and the Town of Pelham and Twenty Road;
- Thence proceeding southwestwardly along the south side of Twenty Road to Maple Street;
- Thence proceeding southwardly along the east side of Maple Street to Sawmill Road; Thence proceeding eastwardly along the north side of Sawmill Road to Centre Street;
- Thence proceeding northwardly along the west side of Centre Street to the municipal boundary line between the Town of Lincoln and the Town of Pelham;
- Thence proceeding westwardly along the municipal boundary line between the Town of Lincoln and the Town of Pelham to the point of commencement.
3. Designated section of the Town of Thorold

Description for the map of the designated section of the City of Thorold
All that part of the City of Thorold in the Province of Ontario, as more particularly described as follows:
- Commencing at a point of intersection of the municipal boundary line between the City of Thorold and City of St. Catharines and Decew Road;
- Thence proceeding eastwardly along the north side of Decew Road to Beaverdams Road;
- Thence proceeding northeastwardly along the north side of Beaverdams Road to Marlatts Road;
- Thence proceeding eastwardly along the north side of Marlatts Road extended through by a straight line to the intersection of Niagara Falls Road and Allanburg Road;
- Thence proceeding eastwardly along the north side of Niagara Falls Road to Beaverdams Road;
- Thence proceeding eastwardly along the north side of Beaverdams Road to the municipal boundary between the City of Thorold and the City of Niagara Falls;
- Thence proceeding northwardly along the municipal boundary line between the City of Thorold and the City of Niagara Falls to the municipal boundary line between the City of Thorold and the Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake;
- Thence proceeding southwestwardly along the boundary line between the City of Thorold and the Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake to the municipal boundary between the Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake and City of St. Catharines;
- Thence proceeding southwestwardly along the boundary line between the City of Thorold and the City of St. Catharines to the point of commencement.
4. Designated section of the City of Niagara Falls

Description for the map of the designated section of the City of Niagara Falls
All that part of the City of Niagara Falls in the province of Ontario, as more particularly described as follows:
- Commencing at the point of intersection between Niagara Townline Road and Stanley Avenue;
- Thence proceeding southwardly along the west side of Stanley Avenue to Portage Road;
- Thence proceeding southwestwardly along the north side of Portage Road to Mountain Road;
- Thence proceeding westwardly along the north side of Mountain Road to Mewburn Road;
- Thence proceeding northwardly, westwardly and northwardly along the east, north and east sides of Mewburn Road to the municipal boundary line between the Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake and the City of Niagara Falls; and
- Thence proceeding eastwardly along the municipal boundary line between the Town of Niagara-on-the Lake and the City of Niagara Falls to the point of commencement.
5. The entire Town of Grimsby
The entire Town of Grimsby in the province of Ontario.

Description for the map of the Niagara plum pox virus infested place
The Niagara plum pox virus infested place consists of:
- the entire Town of Grimsby
- the entire Town of Lincoln
- the entire City of St. Catharines
- the entire Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake, and
- designated sections of the:
- City of Hamilton
- Town of Pelham
- City of Thorold, and
- City of Niagara Falls
6. The entire Town of Lincoln
The entire Town of Lincoln in the province of Ontario. View the map of the Niagara plum pox virus infested place, including the Town of Lincoln.
7. The entire City of St. Catharines
The entire City of St. Catharines in the province of Ontario. View the map of the Niagara plum pox virus infested place, including the City of St. Catharines.
8. The entire Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake
The entire Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake in the Province of Ontario. View the map of the Niagara plum pox virus infested place, including the Town of Niagara-on-the-Lake.
Schedule II: Excepted Prunus
- Prunus apetala
- Prunus avium
- Prunus buergeriana
- Prunus campanulata
- Prunus canescens
- Prunus caroliniana
- Prunus cerasoides
- Prunus cerasus
- Prunus clarofolia (Syn. P. litigiosa, P. pilosiuscula)
- Prunus conadenia (Syn. P. macradenia)
- Prunus concinna
- Prunus cornuta
- Prunus cyclamina
- Prunus × dawyckensis
- Prunus emarginata
- Prunus × eminens
- Prunus × fontanesiana
- Prunus fruticosa
- Prunus × gondouinii (Syn. P. effusa)
- Prunus grayana
- Prunus hirtipes
- Prunus ilicifolia
- Prunus incana
- Prunus incisa
- Prunus itosakura
- Prunus jamasakura
- Prunus × juddii
- Prunus × laucheana
- Prunus laurocerasus
- Prunus leveilleana
- Prunus lusitanica
- Prunus maackii
- Prunus mahaleb
- Prunus maximowiczii
- Prunus mugus
- Prunus nipponica
- Prunus obtusata (Syn. P. vaniotii)
- Prunus padus
- Prunus pensylvanica
- Prunus pleiocerasus
- Prunus pseudocerasus
- Prunus rufa
- Prunus rufoides (Syn. P. dielsiana)
- Prunus sargentii
- Prunus × schmittii
- Prunus serotina
- Prunus serrula
- Prunus serrulata
- Prunus setulosa
- Prunus speciosa
- Prunus spinulosa
- Prunus ssiori
- Prunus × subhirtella (Syn. P. × changyangensis)
- Prunus × syodoi (Syn. P × hillieri)
- Prunus tatsienensis
- Prunus undulata (Syn. P. wallichii)
- Prunus virginiana
- Prunus wilsonii (Syn. P. sericea)
- Prunus × yedoensis
- Prunus zippeliana