Spongy moth (Lymantria dispar dispar)

Changes to common names

The common names for some insects are under review internationally. Spongy moth is the new common name for Lymantria dispar dispar, previously known as European gypsy moth, EGM or LDD moth. This change does not affect the French name.

The common name for the group of moths (Lymantria dispar asiatica, Lymantria dispar japonica, Lymantria umbrosa, Lymantria postalba and Lymantria albescens) referred to as AGM (formerly Asian gypsy moth) has changed to Flighted Spongy Moth Complex (FSMC).

Image of two LDD moths. The male is brown and the female is white.

The spongy moth (Lymantria dispar dispar) is an invasive pest that can destroy trees by eating their leaves. It is found in Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. The spongy moth has been detected in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, although introductions of the insect have been detected and eradicated.

What to do

  • Inspect trees and things stored outside, including your vehicle and patio furniture
  • Look closely at things like tarps, yard and garden items, and sports equipment (including the underside)
  • It's important not to accidentally transport these pests to new parts of the country, so if you're travelling or going camping, check your camper, trailer, or RV before making the trip
  • Remove or scrape off egg masses, larvae, caterpillars and moths
  • Destroy them by soaking them in hot soapy water for at least 2 days
  • Put the destroyed insects in your household garbage

If you find the spongy moth in western Canada or Newfoundland and Labrador, please report it.

What information is available



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