June 30, 2020
The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has updated its plant health requirements to make it easier to import certain micro-organisms that are already present in Canada.
The requirements for importing micro-organisms are provided in the CFIA directive D-12-02: Import Requirements for Potentially Injurious Organisms (Other than Plants) to Prevent The Importation of Plant Pests in Canada.
Thirty-five species of fungi have been added to Appendix 1 of the directive and no longer require an import permit under the Plant Protection Act. There are also no requirements related to the transfer, movement or handling of these organisms in Canada.
While these species of fungi meet the definition of a plant pest, their addition to Appendix 1 is based on their presence and distribution in Canada. Any future imports of these species should be of negligible significance to plant health in Canada.
Before applying for a plant protection permit to import a PIO, please review Appendix 1 to determine whether an application is needed. As specified in the CFIA's Automated Import Reference System (AIRS), when PIOs are allowed into Canada, Appendix 1 is valid documentation that a plant protection import permit is not required.
If you have questions, please contact CFIA-IAS_ACIA-EEE@inspection.gc.ca.