Invasive plants

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) Invasive Plants Program focuses on preventing the introduction and spread of invasive plants in Canada because these species can invade agricultural, horticultural, forestry and natural areas, causing serious damage to our economy and environment.

The following factsheets have been developed to promote public awareness and encourage reporting of potential sightings of these species that have the potential to be invasive in Canada, some of which are regulated under the Plant Protection Act. The invasive plants regulated under the Plant Protection Act are included in the list of Pests regulated by Canada. The invasive plants regulated under the Seeds Act are listed in the Weed Seeds Order, 2016.


This list includes quarantine or regulated non-quarantine pests. Regulated non-quarantine pest may already be established in specific areas of Canada. Contact the CFIA if a pest is found in an area where it is currently not known to occur.