Asian Longhorned Beetle - Signs of Infestation

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Asian Longhorned Beetle
Asian Longhorned Beetle
Emergence hole
Emergence hole
Egg-laying site
Egg-laying site
Dripping sap from egg laying site
Dripping sap from egg laying site
Sloughed bark from first instar larva; egg laying scar no longer visible.
Sloughed bark from first instar larva; egg laying scar no longer visible.
Piles of coarse sawdust at joint of tree and branches
Piles of coarse sawdust at joint of tree and branches.
Egg-laying site
Egg-laying site

If you believe that you have found an Asian Longhorned Beetle, call the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) at 1-647-790-1012.

For more information on how to identify signs of the insect and infested trees, please visit the CFIA website.

Photos - B. D. Gill, CFIA