D-06-04: Seed Potato Tuber Quality Management Program (SPTQMP)

Effective Date: April 1, 2014
(5th revision)


This directive describes the requirements for the Seed Potato Tuber Quality Management Program (SPTQMP), formerly known as the Seed Potato Quality Management Program (SPQMP). The SPTQMP outlines the requirements for seed potato growers or their designated representatives to meet in order to obtain and use Seed Potato Certification Tags (CFIA/ACIA 1370, CFIA/ACIA 2111, and CFIA/ACIA 2113) and Records of Bulk Movement for Seed Potatoes (CFIA/ACIA 2343) for eligible domestic shipments of seed potatoes. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) will conduct audits of the operations of participating seed potato growers to ensure compliance with the requirements of the Seeds Regulations Part II and conformance with the grower's licence, as described in the SPTQMP.

Changes in this revision of the directive include;

  • The introduction of licensing of seed potato growers
  • Modifications to the program eligibility requirements
  • The introduction of flexible suspension periods
  • The introduction of a risk-based approach for determining probationary periods and audit frequencies for growers
  • The requirements for the sampling and inspection of tubers were moved to the PI-009
  • The requirements for transition from probationary status to normal status were changed from fixed time periods to audit result based requirements
  • The word 'tuber' was added to the name of the program (Seed Potato Tuber Quality Management Program) as it more accurately reflects the purpose of the program
  • All elements of the program that pertained to export of seed potatoes to the United States were removed
  • Editorial changes to improve readability and clarity of the document

On this page


The CFIA will review this directive as needed. For further information or clarification, please contact the CFIA.


Approved by:

space to insert signature
Chief Plant Health Officer

Amendment Record

Amendments to this directive will be dated and distributed as outlined in the distribution below.


  1. Directive mail list (Regions)
  2. Provincial Government, Industry (determined by author)
  3. National Industry Organizations (CHC)
  4. inspection.gc.ca


The Seed Potato Tuber Quality Management Program (SPTQMP) is a voluntary program under which licensed seed potato growers conduct shipping-point tuber inspections for domestic shipments of seed potatoes. Seed potato growers licensed under subsection 4.2(1) of the Seeds Act have the flexibility to perform shipping-point tuber inspections and issue some related seed potato documents themselves or appoint a designated representative to perform this function on the grower's behalf. This program is available for application to all domestic shipments of seed potatoes of registered varieties and garden varieties.

This program does not address inspection and document issuance for shipments to any market outside of Canada and shipments of seed potatoes of the Nuclear Stock class. In addition, participants in the SPTQMP may not issue documentation for Breeders' Selection or for domestic shipments of seed potatoes of a variety not registered in Canada.


This directive establishes the criteria for the assessment, approval and program maintenance for licensed growers, as well as the suspension of the grower's licence, if necessary. The SPTQMP also provides specific requirements for the issuance of Seed Potato Certification Tags (Seed potato tags) and Record of Bulk Movement for Seed Potatoes (RBMs) in accordance with the Seeds Regulations Part II. The licence conditions establish the responsibilities for record keeping, document maintenance and training for SPTQMP participants. The criteria and procedures used to audit operations of participating growers are detailed. This directive also provides guidelines to determine the level of conformance for growers participating in the program.


  • ISPM 5 Glossary of Phytosanitary Terms - Rome, FAO (updated annually)
  • PI-009 Inspection Procedure - Seed Potato Tubers
  • Directive D-97-12: Seed Potato Certification Program -Bacterial Ring Rot Testing Program for Field Grown Seed Potatoes;

Definitions, Abbreviations and Acronyms

Definitions for terms used in the present document can be found in the Plant Health Glossary of Terms

1.0 General Requirements

1.1 Legislative Authority

  • Seeds Act, R.S.C., 1985, c. S-8
  • Seeds Regulations Part II, C.R.C., c. 1400
  • Seeds Regulations Part III, C.R.C., c. 1400
  • Plant Protection Act, S.C. 1990. c. 22
  • Plant Protection Regulations SOR/95-212
  • Canadian Food Inspection Agency Fees Notice, Canada Gazette, Part I (as amended from time to time)

1.2 Fees

Participants in the SPTQMP do not incur fees for obtaining a Licence to Use Seed Potato Certification Tags and Record of Bulk Movement for Seed Potatoes (Licence) or for CFIA audits to ensure compliance with the licence conditions.

The CFIA is charging fees in accordance with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency Fees Notice.

Anyone requiring further information regarding fees may contact their local CFIA office.

1.3 Regulated Articles

Seed potatoes of a registered variety certified as Pre-Elite, Elite I, Elite II, Elite III, Elite IV, Foundation, or Certified class as per Seeds Regulations Part II section 47.

2.0 Requirements for Licensing under subsection 4.2(1) of the Seeds Act

For a grower to be eligible for a licence under subsection 4.2(1) of the Seeds Act the applicant must:

  • Be a seed potato grower in Canada who has received a Growing Crop Certificate (CFIA-ACIA 1318) issued by the CFIA for the current shipping year.
  • Be a seed potato grower that wants to participate in the SPTQMP
  • Review the contents of policy directive D-06-04 and the information package provided by the CFIA
  • Not have a license that is currently suspended

Growers who only produce Nuclear Stock or Breeder's Selection seed potatoes are not eligible for participation in the SPTQMP.

Note: Although seed potato growers that do not require the frequent use of seed potato tags or RBMs may be eligible for participation in the SPTQMP, the current program is not recommended for these seed potato growers.

2.1 Application Process

A seed potato grower who meet the criteria in section 2.0 and who wishes to be licensed must submit a signed and completed Application for a Licence to Use Seed Potato Certification Tags and Records of Bulk Movement for Seed Potatoes (Appendix 1) to the local CFIA office, indicating that the applicant is willing and able to comply with the conditions of the licence.

A seed potato grower becomes a participant of the SPTQMP upon being licensed under the Seeds Act for the purpose of issuing seed potato tags or RBMs.

2.2 Licence Approval and Notification Process

If a grower's application is accepted, the CFIA will issue the grower a Licence indicating the farm unit number(s) authorized for participation in the SPTQMP under the conditions of the license. The grower is responsible for operating in conformance with the conditions stated on the licence.

If a grower's application is denied, the CFIA will issue a written notification to the grower stating the reason(s) why. If a grower's application is denied, the Regional Program Officer (RPO) or the supervising inspector must notify the Operational Specialist (OS) immediately.

2.3 Multiple Licences

A grower may choose to operate all of their farm units under one licence or a grower may hold separate licences for each separate farm unit they operate. If a grower chooses to hold a separate licence for each separate operation, the grower must provide a written justification on how each individual farm unit will meet the following criteria;

  • meet the definition for 'farm unit' in the Seed Regulations Part II (separate growing crop certificates);
  • maintain appropriate segregation between the farm units under each licence or disinfect any shared equipment between farm units
  • the record keeping and documentation for the SPTQMP must be kept completely separate for each farm unit.

If the farm units are not appropriately segregated or documentation pertaining to each individual unit is not available at any time during operation under multiple licenses, the grower's licences will no longer be considered as separate.

If the farm units are under separate licences, the grower or designated representative must issue the proper documentation for all lots when transferring potatoes between the separate farm units.

2.4 Designated Representatives

Only the grower may designate representatives to conduct activities on their behalf. Prior to a designated representative commencing activities on behalf of the grower, the grower must provide the CFIA with a completed Designated Representatives List – SPTQMP (Appendix 2) that lists all designated representatives for the farm unit.

A designated representative may request seed potato tags and RBMs, perform tuber inspections, complete and issue seed potato tags and RBMs, and fulfill other documentation requirements on behalf of the grower.

No party other than a designated representative shall perform tuber inspections or complete documents on behalf of the grower. In addition, the grower must notify the CFIA in writing of any change in the status of any designated representative associated with the grower's licence.

Although the grower may designate representatives, the grower remains ultimately responsible for the proper use of seed potato tags and RBMs. The grower also remains ultimately responsible for the shipments' compliance with the standards for tubers and packaging requirements in accordance with the Seeds Regulations Part II and the seed potato tuber grade sizes or the grade size specified in the written purchase agreement. By identifying an individual as a designated representative, the grower is attesting that the designated representative has been adequately trained and that the grower remains responsible for the actions of the designated representative when operating on behalf of the grower. The CFIA will accept designated representatives listed on the grower's Designated Representatives List (Appendix 2) if the CFIA inspector is satisfied with the documentation or information provided by the grower on the designated representatives' level of training.

2.5 Training

Training for growers and designated representatives can take many different forms, including grower supplied training for designated representatives, working with a CFIA inspector, reviewing the self-guided training developed by the CFIA and attending CFIA provided training sessions.

Hard copies of the following documents will be provided upon request to new applicants to the SPTQMP and to participants when the documents are updated by the CFIA:

  • PI-009 Inspection Procedure: Seed Potato Tuber Inspection
  • Directive D-06-04: Seed Potato Tuber Quality Management Program
  • Directive D-97-12: Seed Potato Certification Program -Bacterial Ring Rot Testing Program for Field Grown Seed Potatoes
  • Seeds Regulations Part II

The grower must ensure all designated representatives are sufficiently trained on the program and all program updates. Where possible, it is recommended that the grower and designated representatives attend any CFIA program information sessions made available to growers interested in participating, or currently operating under a licence. The date of training of the grower and the designated representatives shall be indicated on the Designated Representative List: SPTQMP (Appendix 2) maintained by the grower.

In addition, it is recommended that participating growers and their designated representatives review the program requirements annually. Each grower under a licence should document this review before the beginning of a new domestic shipping season.

3.0 Inspection Procedure

The PI-009 Inspection Procedure – Seed Potato Tubers describes the procedures to be implemented in the tuber inspection process to ensure that seed potatoes shipped by the licensed grower meets the standards for tubers and packaging requirements in accordance with the Seeds Regulations Part II and the seed potato tuber grade sizes or the grade size specified in the written purchase agreement. The key components of the PI-009 include inspection rates, procedures for tuber inspection, instructions on document issuance, and appendices to aid in the identification and classification of tuber diseases and defects.

The CFIA provides a single copy of the PI-009 to each newly licensed potato grower. As the CFIA occasionally updates the PI-009, any changes to the procedures that affect the program will be communicated to the grower by a local CFIA inspector. The grower must make the PI-009 available and must communicate program changes and updates to their designated representatives.

4.0 Specific Requirements

A licensed grower participating in the SPTQMP must ensure that all seed potato shipments meet the pre-requisites of the program (Bacterial Ring Rot (BRR) testing, disinfection of bulk truck, etc.) and are inspected in accordance with this policy directive and PI-009. In addition, a licensed grower participating in the SPTQMP must ensure that all seed potato tags and RBMs are issued in accordance with all of the conditions specified in the licence and the requirements in the Seeds Regulations Part II.

4.1 General Seed Potato Lot Eligibility

Seed potato lots that are eligible for shipment under the conditions of the grower's licence must meet the requirements outlined in this directive and be listed on a Growing Crop Certificate (CFIA/ACIA 1318) issued by the CFIA.

At the time of document issuance, seed potatoes shipped domestically must be either: a variety registered in Canada under the Seeds Regulations Part III; or, a garden variety as per the Directive D-98-04 Seed Potato Program – Certification of Garden Potato Varieties in Canada.

Lists of these varieties are available from a local office of the CFIA, or on the CFIA website:

Seed potatoes of varieties not registered under part III of the Seeds Regulations, Nuclear stock class and Breeder's selection are not eligible for shipment under the SPTQMP. A Certification of Authorization (CFIA/ACIA 4378) issued by a CFIA inspector is required for domestic movement of a non-registered variety. Additional conditions are specified in section 61 of the Seeds Regulations for shipment of Breeder's Selection. When Nuclear Stock class seed potatoes of a registered variety are shipped, the CFIA must issue Nuclear Stock tags (CFIA/ACIA 5298) or Nuclear Stock certificates (CFIA/ACIA 4351).

A grower or a designated representative who has prior authorization from the CFIA may conduct inspections of shipments of non-registered varieties and Breeder's Selection to facilitate the issuance of a Certification of Authorization (CFIA/ACIA 4378) by the CFIA inspector for the respective shipment. The inspections of Non-registered varieties and Breeder's Selection must be carried out under the conditions of the grower's license. A CFIA inspector may request to see a Tuber Inspection Report prior to issuance of a Certification of Authorization.

Domestic seed potato shipments which do not meet the standards for tubers due to one defect of a mechanical or physiological nature are not eligible for the issuance of seed potato tags and/or RBMs under the Seeds Regulations Part II. If a grower has received prior permission from the CFIA for a domestic shipment which does not meet the standards for tubers due to one defect of a mechanical or physiological nature, a grower or designated representative should inspect the shipment. A CFIA inspector may issue a Special Permission for Sale of Seed Potatoes Not Eligible for Official Tags (CFIA/ACIA 1278) authorizing the grower to move the shipment domestically based on the grower's Seed Potato Tuber Inspection Report (CFIA/ACIA 3076). All conditions stated in PI-009 Inspection Procedure – Seed Potato Tubers for issuance of a Special Permission for Sale of Seed Potatoes Not Eligible for Official Tags (CFIA/ACIA 1278) must be met prior to the issuance of the document.

4.1.1 Testing for the Pathogen Causing BRR

A minimum of two seed lots from the farm unit, and each seed lot being shipped as Elite II, Elite III, Elite IV or Foundation class shall have been sampled and laboratory tested in a CFIA approved laboratory as per the Directive D-97-12 Seed potato certification program – Bacterial ring rot testing program for field grown seed potatoes. Additionally, all lots that have been laboratory tested for the farm unit must show that the pathogen causing BRR was not detected prior to issuing seed potato tags or RBMs and prior to movement of any seed potatoes off the farm unit.

4.1.2 Operation Under a Licence After a Grower Re-enters the Seed Potato Certification Program Following an Outbreak of BRR

A grower or a grower's designated representative must not issue seed potato tags or RBMs for the classes Pre-Elite, Elite I or Elite II after the grower re-enters the seed potato certification program following an outbreak of BRR as detailed in Sections 53(6) and 56(9) of the Seeds Regulations Part II. This restriction remains in place for a period of three years after the initial detection of pathogen causing BRR on the farm unit.

4.2 Tuber Inspection

The grower or designated representative must inspect eligible seed potato shipments in order to determine compliance with tuber grade sizes and standards for tubers as detailed in sections 48 and 48.1 of the Seeds Regulations Part II before seed potato tags or RBMs for the lot may be issued. All required tuber inspections must be performed as outlined in the PI-009 Inspection Procedure Seed Potato Tubers.

4.2.1 Seed Potato Tuber Inspection Report

Tuber inspection results must be recorded on a Seed Potato Tuber Inspection Report (Appendix 14A or Appendix 14B PI-009) and signed by the grower or designated representative(s). The inspection report supports the issuance of seed potato tags or RBMs and the movement of the shipment as seed potatoes to destination.

4.2.2 Sampling for Inspection

All tuber samples must be collected as outlined in the PI-009 Inspection Procedure Seed Potato Tubers. Tuber samples must be collected randomly and be representative of the entire volume being assessed for compliance with the tuber grade sizes and standards for tubers.

4.2.3 Quarantine and Regulated Non-Quarantine Pests

In addition to the pests described in the PI-009: Inspection Procedure – Seed Potato Tuber Inspection, growers and designated representatives must be able to identify suspect tubers showing symptoms of specified quarantine and regulated non-quarantine pests listed in Appendix 3. If tubers are suspected of being infested with a quarantine pest, in accordance with the Plant Protection Act and Regulations, the grower or designated representative must immediately contact the CFIA prior to any further shipment from the farm unit. A CFIA inspector may take samples for further identification and/or laboratory testing at any time.

Reference material to assist in the identification of quarantine pests and regulated non-quarantine pests of concern is available from the local office of the CFIA.

4.3 Issuance of Documentation

Seed potato tags may only be issued for seed potatoes which have been or will be inspected before they leave the farm unit in accordance with the Seeds Regulations Part II and as outlined in the PI-009 Inspection Procedure – Seed Potato Tubers. Similarly, RBMs may only be issued once the shipment of seed potatoes has been inspected and determined to be in accordance with the Seeds Regulations Part II and as outlined in the PI-009 Inspection Procedure – Seed Potato Tubers and before a shipment leaves the farm unit. Growers or designated representatives are only licensed to issue seed potato tags and RBMs for shipments determined to comply with the Seeds Regulations Part II and III, including all conditions specified in the licence. Only growers who are licensed or their designated representatives are allowed to issue the above noted documents. All required BRR testing as specified in Directive D-97-12 must be completed. All laboratory results for the farm unit must show that the pathogen that causes BRR was not detected before official seed potato tags may be attached to bags, RBMs completed for lots intended for shipment as seed or other shipments moved as seed under a CFIA issued document, i.e., a Certification of Authorization (CFIA/ACIA 4378).

All seed potato tags shall be removed from packages determined not to meet the standards for tubers and packaging requirements in accordance with the Seeds Regulations Part II and the seed potato tuber grade sizes or the grade size specified in the written purchase agreement. RBMs shall not be completed until it is determined that the seed potatoes meet tuber grade sizes, standards for tubers, packaging and disinfection requirements in accordance with the Seeds Regulations Part II or the grade size specified in the written purchase agreement.

The grower must retain all unused or spoilt seed potato tags and RBMs for collection by the CFIA. If the pathogen causing BRR has been detected on a farm unit in the previous three years the grower shall not issue seed potato tags or RBMs for Pre-Elite, Elite I and Elite II classes of seed potatoes in accordance with the Seeds Regulations Part II.

4.3.1 Ordering Domestic Movement Documents

Licenced growers or their respective designated representatives must complete, sign and submit the Request for Seed Potato Certification Tags or Record of Bulk Movement for Seed Potatoes (Appendix 4) prior to those documents being provided. Growers may wish to develop their own order form customised to their record keeping system; such forms will be accepted provided that the form includes all of the information required in Appendix 4. In order to avoid administrative delays, it is recommended that the request be submitted well in advance. Growers or their designated representatives have the option to complete CFIA supplied pre-printed seed potato tags on their own premises only if; the grower has prior approval from the CFIA and can complete the seed potato tags appropriately. Grower-completed seed potato tags must be accurate and legible. The method used to complete the seed potato tags must be durable so the seed potato tags may be legible after shipping, (e.g. inks used on the seed potato tags should be waterproof and fade resistant). For growers or designated representatives not able to complete their own CFIA supplied pre-printed seed potato tags, the CFIA will provide the grower or designated representative with completed seed potato tags.

4.3.2 Control of Domestic Movement Documentation

Seed potato tags and RBMs are non-transferable, shall be kept under the secure control of the grower or designated representative, and shall not be made available to any party other than the CFIA. All un-issued seed potato tags or RBMs, whether new, spoiled, voided, removed, or otherwise, shall be retained by the grower and shall only be destroyed by or under supervision of the CFIA. All seed potato tags and RBMs must be returned to the CFIA upon request.

4.3.3 Requirements for Seed Potato Certification Tags

  1. Seed potato tags shall be attached to the containers of seed potatoes that were produced from a crop in respect of which a Growing Crop Certificate (CFIA/ACIA 1318) has been issued. Each container shall be new, closed after packing and have no markings making reference to non-certified seed potatoes
  2. Seed potato tags shall only be attached to containers of not less than 20 kg. For smaller containers the CFIA must be contacted to obtain a Permit Relating to Packing of Seed Potatoes (CFIA1347)
  3. All seed potato tags must include:
    1. The class, variety and size1 (in mm) of the seed potatoes
    2. The certification number
    3. The date of printing of the tag(s)
  4. A sample from each batch of seed potato tags printed shall be retained on the premises. The sample tag must be proofread, initialled, and dated by the grower or representative prior to affixing any printed seed potato tags to seed potato containers of the respective seed lot and shipment. Sample seed potato tags shall be made available to the CFIA upon request

4.3.4 Requirements for the Record of Bulk Movement for Seed Potatoes

  1. For domestic shipments moving within the province in which the seed lot was produced, a single RBM may be issued for the total volume of a seed lot delivered to a single consignee within a seven-day period. The grower or designated representative must provide the consignee within their province with a RBM within seven days of the initial shipment that is covered by the RBM

    Note: The RBM cannot be withheld by the seller for any reason once movement has been completed for any amount of seed

  2. For domestic shipments moving outside of the province, a RBM must accompany each bulk shipment of seed potatoes.
  3. All RBMs issued shall contain the following information:
    1. The weight (in tonnes), class, variety and sizeFootnote 1 (in mm) of the seed potatoes
    2. The certification number
    3. The name and address of the PurchaserFootnote 2
    4. Grower name and address as the supplier of the seed potatoes
    5. Signature of grower or a designated representative
    6. The date of issuance
    7. The trailer licence or ID number
  4. The original (white copy) is for the purchaser of the seed potatoes and shall accompany the shipment. The yellow copy shall be retained in the original booklet and made available to the CFIA upon request. The pink copy is for grower records and shall be retained on file
  5. The grower or the designated representative signing the RBM must verify and indicate on the shipment log that the vehicle(s) carrying bulk shipments of seed potatoes from the farm unit have been disinfected prior to loading with a control product determined to be effective for use against the pathogen causing BRR

If multiple lots are shipped in a single bulk shipment, a grower-supplied label must be securely affixed to each of the containers or lot dividers, to facilitate lot identification of bulk containers such as mini-totes. In addition, a RBM must accompany every lot of this type of bulk shipment.

All grower supplied labels used to identify bulk containers in a shipment must have the following information clearly printed on it;

  1. Farm unit or grower name
  2. Variety
  3. Class
  4. Certification number

4.4 Record keeping

The grower or a designated representative must maintain records that will assist the CFIA in the verification that the licence conditions have been implemented effectively and are consistently being met. The grower or designated representative must complete the records while the activities being recorded are taking place. In certain cases, growers may wish to develop specific forms customised to their record keeping systems; the use of such forms will be accepted provided they are granted prior approval by a CFIA inspector and as a minimum the forms must collect the equivalent information as the forms supplied by the CFIA. SPTQMP records must be kept on file at the premises of the grower and remain readily available to CFIA inspectors upon request. Records must be maintained for a minimum of ten (10) years regardless if the grower's licence has been suspended.

The information maintained by each seed potato growers participating in the SPTQMP must contain:

  1. The Licence to Use Seed Potato Certification Tags and Record of Bulk Movement for Seed Potatoes
  2. The "Tags Received" portion of the Shipment Record Log-Seed Potato Certification Tags: SPTQMP (Appendix 5) completed at the time seed potato tags are printed or received from the CFIA. The remainder of the log sheet completed at the time of shipping
  3. A Shipment Record Log – Record of Bulk Movement for Seed Potatoes: SPTQMP (Appendix 6) completed at the time of shipping when the RBM certificates are issued
  4. Completed Seed Potato Tuber Inspection Report (Appendix 14 of PI-009 Inspection Procedure – Seed Potato Tubers) for all seed potato shipments inspected by a licenced grower
  5. Designated Representatives List: SPTQMP (Appendix 2) including when the list has been updated
  6. Copies of all Audit Reports: SPTQMP provided to the grower by the inspector
  7. Copies of all Corrective Action Requests: SPTQMP issued by the CFIA during surveillance audits and documentation of all corrective actions taken by the grower or designated representative
  8. Copies of all Request for Seed Potato Certification Tags or Record of Bulk Movement for Seed Potato forms (Appendix 4)
  9. Samples of seed potato tags and copies of all RBMs issued including all unused or spoilt seed potato tags and RBMs
  10. All BRR laboratory results for the testing conducted on the farm unit to meet the requirements specified in Directive D-97-12 Seed Potato Certification Program – Bacterial Ring Rot Testing Program for Field Grown Seed Potatoes
  11. Up-to-date copies or access to all of the following documents:
    1. The Seeds Regulations Part II;
    2. Directive D-06-04 Seed Potato Tuber Quality Management Program (SPTQMP);
    3. Directive D-97-12 Seed Potato Certification Program – Bacterial Ring Rot Testing Program for Field Grown Seed Potatoes
    4. PI-009 Inspection Procedure – Seed Potato Tubers; and
    5. List of registered potato varieties in Canada and, if garden varieties are grown on the farm unit, the list of Garden Varieties in Canada.
    6. Training materials
  12. Any other correspondence between the grower or designated representative and the CFIA that relates to the SPTQMP or the grower's license

5.0 CFIA Audits

The CFIA will conduct audits of farm units associated with licensed growers and the CFIA will prepare audit reports that summarize the audit findings. The grower or a designated representative must be available to assist the CFIA in performing all audits. The grower or designated representative must allow the CFIA auditor to examine records and documents, collect samples, conduct tuber inspections, inspect articles, and interview any individual involved in the shipment of seed potatoes and/or the issuance of documentation under the licence.

The audit provides a verification that the grower has ensured the procedures described in this directive and other documents associated with the SPTQMP are implemented and documented in accordance with the license conditions. The CFIA may conduct audits prior to, during and after periods of active shipping. A component of an audit may be to evaluate seed potatoes which have been inspected by the licensed grower or designated representative for compliance with the tuber grade sizes and standards for tubers. Results of all audits shall be communicated to the licensed grower or grower's designated representative in writing. Where a non-conformance is identified, the CFIA will issue a Corrective Action Request: SPTQMP (CAR) to the grower and/or the grower's designated representative. The grower must implement and document the corrective actions taken to address the non-conformance identified in the CAR within the time frame specified. Corrective actions shall be verified by the CFIA during subsequent audits or during a timeframe specified by CFIA.

In general, the audits of farm units and facilities from which the licensed grower ships seed potatoes will address the following broad areas:

  • The grower understands and complies with the conditions of the license
  • The designated representatives have been adequately trained, understand, and comply with the conditions of the licence
  • Only seed potatoes from an eligible seed lot are shipped by the licensed grower
  • Required documentation and reference material is sufficient, current and readily available
  • The record keeping and document management systems conform to the conditions of the license
  • Corrective actions are completed within the timeframes specified by the CFIA auditor on outstanding CARs
  • The entire volume shipped from each shipment is covered by Seed Potato Tuber Inspection Reports that indicate the lot was sampled at an appropriate frequency and compliance with the tuber grade sizes and standards for tubers
  • Proper use and control of CFIA provided seed potato tags and RBMs as per the conditions of the licence

5.1 Re-Inspection

In addition to shipping-point inspection, seed potato lots shipped domestically by a licensed grower may be subject to re-inspection by the CFIA under article 60.1 of the Seeds Regulations Part II. Re-inspection is generally initiated under the following circumstances:

  • At the request of the recipient, as per paragraph 60.1(2) of the Seeds Regulations Part II, a request for re-inspection may be made to the CFIA within two working days of receipt of the lot. Growers in receipt of seed potatoes are encouraged to examine each shipment closely upon receipt and contact the local CFIA office within the specified timeframe if it is suspected that the shipment does not comply with the tuber grade sizes, standards for tubers or packaging requirements

The CFIA may re-inspect seed potatoes at any time as per paragraph 60.1(1) of the Seeds Regulations Part II. At any time, the CFIA may verify that the tubers in a shipment and the associated documents issued by a licensed grower comply with tuber grade sizes, standards for tubers or packaging requirements as part of ongoing monitoring.

A Seed Potato Tuber Inspection Report (CFIA/ACIA 3076) must be completed by the CFIA inspector conducting a re-inspection to document the results of the re-inspection. If any non-conformance as detailed in this directive is noted in the review of the documentation associated with the shipment, the details of the non-conformity must be noted on the Seed Potato Tuber Inspection Report (CFIA/ACIA 3076).

If a shipment was re-inspected and the potatoes did not meet the grade standard, the CFIA should promptly follow up with the originating farm unit and conduct an audit to assess the compliance with the conditions of the license on the farm unit.

If it is appropriate, based on the audit, a CAR will be issued and the grower's licence may be suspended. Any non-conformities identified during a re-inspection or audit must be noted in the grower's file and taken into consideration in determining the status of the grower's licence as detailed in section 5.4. A summary of the audit results must be sent by the local office conducting the audit to the OS detailing if a CAR was issued as a result of the follow up to the re-inspection.

5.2 Non-Conformities

Any procedure, documentation, or article found to be in contravention of the conditions of the grower's licence is considered to be a non-conformance. Any non-conformance which is detected must be classified as being critical, major, or minor in nature. The grower's history of compliance with the conditions of the license and the number and type of non-conformities found during the latest audit are used to determine the compliance status of the grower, and will be considered in determining the subsequent audit frequency. The classification of a non-conformance is generally based on an evaluation of the associated risk and whether the integrity of the activities under the SPTQMP have been compromised. The Audit Report: SPTQMP checklist details specific non-conformities and the suggested classification assigned to each.

5.2.1 Critical Non-Conformities

Audit findings indicating that the integrity of the activities under the SPTQMP on a grower's farm unit is in jeopardy shall result in a critical non-conformance. A critical non-conformance may be viewed as something that may affect the integrity of the activities under the SPTQMP program as a whole. If any critical non-conformities are found on a grower's farm unit, the grower's licence will be immediately suspended. Corrective actions must be carried out to the satisfaction of a CFIA inspector within a specified period of time.

5.2.2 Major Non-Conformities

Major non-conformities are isolated incidents of non-conformance that do not have immediate impacts on the integrity of shipments for which licensed growers have conducted inspections and/or have issued documentation, but which could affect the overall integrity of activities under the SPTQMP if repeated over time. Corrective actions issued for a major non-conformance must be carried out to the satisfaction of a CFIA inspector within a specified period. If the grower and/or designated representatives of a farm unit fail to carry out the required corrective actions within the specified period, the grower's licence will be suspended.

If two or more major non-conformities are detected in any one audit, this is considered equivalent to one critical non-conformance.

5.2.3 Minor Non-Conformities

A minor non-conformance is one which does not immediately or significantly affect the status of either the shipments for which licensed growers have conducted inspections and/or have issued documentation, or the SPTQMP, but could lead to a major non-conformance if not addressed. Corrective actions must be undertaken by the grower and/or designated representatives of a farm unit before the next scheduled audit, or within a shorter period as specified by the CFIA.

If three minor non-conformities are detected in any one audit, this is considered equivalent to one major non-conformance. Therefore, four minor non-conformities are equal to one major plus one minor non-conformance. Similarly, six minor non-conformities are equal to two major non-conformities, which constitutes a critical non-conformance, triggering the requirements under section 5.2.1.

5.3 Corrective Action Request

A Corrective Action Request: SPTQMP (CAR) must be generated for each non-conformance that is detected during the audit of a licensed grower's farm unit. For each CAR, the grower or a designated representative must provide a description of the measures that will be implemented to prevent a recurrence of the non-conformance and a time frame for completing the corrective actions.

5.4 Grower Status and Frequency of Audits

The frequency of CFIA audits is determined by the grower's licence status, which is primarily based on the results of the previous audits of the grower's farm unit and the length of time the grower has been a participant in the SPTQMP. Whenever possible, the timing and frequency of audits should coincide with the inspection of seed potato shipments, such that the auditor can assess the tuber grade sizes, standards for tubers, packaging and disinfection requirements as a component of the audit.

Newly approved growers and growers that have been previously suspended will be placed on probationary status until the probationary period has been completed. The RPO or supervising inspector will make the determination as to the eligibility, approval, and the conformance status of a grower.

All licensed growers that ship potatoes must have their farm units audited at least twice a year, once during active domestic shipping and once after the domestic shipping season has concluded for the year. Additional audits of the farm unit must be conducted at the frequencies specified in section 5.4.1 or 5.4.2, based on the farm unit status, during the domestic shipping season. Audits may also be performed based the conformance history of the grower.

Due to the seasonal nature of the domestic shipping season, and in cases where growers may have extremely short shipping periods (e.g., 1-2 weeks), the grower must contact the CFIA prior to and after the domestic shipping season to ensure that the CFIA can perform the required audits. Failure to contact the CFIA prior to starting shipping for the year to arrange for the scheduling of audits will be considered a critical non-conformance resulting in a suspension of the license.

5.4.1 Probationary Status

For farm units where the grower's license is under probationary status, in addition to what is required under section 5.4.2 (Normal Status) the audit frequency is maintained at a minimum of once every two-week period for the entirety of the shipping season. The two-week period starts from the date of the first domestic shipment, or until the farm unit successfully transitions to normal status.

5.4.2 Normal Status

For farm units where the grower's license is under normal status, the audit frequency may be reduced as compared to the probationary status. The farm unit must be audited at least once during active domestic shipping and an additional audit must be conducted after the domestic shipping season has concluded for the year. If a farm unit is shipping for more than four weeks, audit frequency is maintained at a minimum of once every four week period during the entire shipping season, starting from the date of the first shipment.

A grower's licence under normal status shall be carried forward to the subsequent shipping season for farm units that remain in conformance with the licence conditions.

5.4.3 Transition from Probationary Status to Normal Status

Growers operating with a licence under probationary status must complete three consecutive audits during which there have been no major or critical non-conformities found on the farm unit before they may be granted normal status. Three or more incidents of minor non-conformance in a single audit will disqualify a grower's licence from conversion to normal status and the grower's licence will remain at probationary status. The three consecutive audits required to move from probationary status to normal status may occur over more than one shipping seasons. Growers will be notified that their licence will be converted to normal status by issuance of a written notification to the grower.

5.4.4 Suspension

If the grower fails to address a CAR within the period specified by the inspector issuing a CAR or if a farm unit is found to have an incidence of critical non-conformance or equivalent number of other non-conformities, the grower's licence shall be suspended immediately. Growers that have had their licence suspended cannot inspect and issue documentation for seed potatoes. Licence suspensions will last until all CARs have been addressed to the satisfaction of the CFIA.

If a grower's licence is suspended, all farm units operating under the same licence shall be suspended for the same period of time as the original farm unit. All other farm units operated by the same grower under different licences or that are operating in the same facility or with common designated representatives shall be audited immediately to ensure that these associated farm units conform to the conditions of each grower's licence.

In the event of licence suspension, the inspector must issue a written notification to the grower indicating that the grower's licence has been suspended. If a licence is suspended, the National Manager of the Potato Section and the OS must be immediately notified. Once the grower has completed the required corrective actions to the satisfaction of the CFIA, the inspector must note that all individual CARs have been closed on each Corrective Action Request: SPTQMP and provide a copy to the grower, the RPO or the supervising inspector and the OS. The licence suspension will then be lifted and the farm unit may begin operating again under the licence with a probationary status. To notify the grower that the suspension has been lifted an inspector must issue a written notification to the growerand provide a copy to the RPO or the supervising inspector and the OS.

If a grower's licence is suspended the inspector must immediately take possession of all un-issued seed potato tags and RBMs. The inspector must remove and take possession of all seed potato tags and RBMs applied to shipments that the grower has issued documentation for but have not yet been shipped. Seed potato tags or RBMs will be returned to the grower or designated representative only after the suspension is lifted and the licensee has addressed all outstanding CARs to the satisfaction of the CFIA.

6.0 Appendices

Appendix 1: Application for a Licence to Use Seed Potato Certification Tags and Record of Bulk Movement for Seed Potatoes

PDF (35.2 kb)

Name of grower(s) in control of the Farm Unit: space

Name of Farm Unit(s): space

Farm Unit Number(s): space

Telephone No.: space

General conditions for a Licence to Use Seed Potato Certification Tags and Record of Bulk Movement for Seed Potatoes:

  1. The only functions a grower may designate representatives to perform on their behalf are: requesting Seed Potato Certification Tags (CFIA/ACIA 1370, CFIA/ACIA 2111, CFIA/ACIA 2113) (seed potato tags) and Records of Bulk Movement for Seed Potatoes (CFIA/ACIA 2343) (RBMs); perform tuber inspections: complete and issue seed potato tags: complete and issue RBMs: and fulfill other documentation requirements.
  2. Only the grower and his designated representative(s) may complete or issue seed potato tags and RBMs under the conditions of the licence.
  3. The grower must make proper use of CFIA supplied seed potato tags and RBMs.
  4. The grower must have all required laboratory test results for the farm unit as per the Directive D-97-12 Seed potato certification program – Bacterial ring rot testing program for field grown seed potatoes and all results for the farm unit must show that the pathogen causing BRR was not detected prior to issuing seed potato tags or RBMs and or prior to movement of any seed potatoes.
  5. When shipping seed potatoes domestically, the grower may only issue Seed potato tags and RBMs for potatoes of a registered variety or garden variety as per D-98-04 – Seed Potato Program – Certification of Garden Potato Varieties in Canada.
  6. Prior to the issuance of documentation associated with a seed lot, the licensed grower must determine the eligibility of the seed potato lot through a documented shipping point tuber inspection verifying compliance with the standards for tubers and packaging requirements in accordance with the Seeds Regulations Part II and the seed potato tuber grade sizes or the grade size specified in the written purchase agreement.
  7. The grower or designated representatives must remove all certification seed potato tags if they are affixed to packages determined not to meet the standards for tubers and packaging requirements in accordance with the Seeds Regulations Part II and the seed potato tuber grade sizes or the grade size specified in the written purchase agreement..
  8. The grower or designated representatives must not complete any RBMs for a shipment until it is determined that the seed potatoes meet the standards for tubers, packaging and disinfection requirements in accordance with the Seeds Regulations Part II and the seed potato tuber grade sizes or the grade size specified in the written purchase agreement. 
  9. The grower or designated representative must collect all tuber samples as outlined in the PI-009 Inspection Procedure Seed Potato Tubers.
  10. The grower or designated representative must record and sign the tuber inspection results and on a Seed Potato Tuber Inspection Report or similar form that has been pre-approved by the CFIA.
  11. The grower must maintain all documentation specified in section 4.4 of Directive D-06-04 Seed Potato Tuber Quality Management Program (SPTQMP) for a period of 10 years. If the grower chooses to use their own forms for record keeping, as a minimum, the forms must collect the equivalent information as the forms supplied by the CFIA.
  12. The grower or a designated representative shall retain a sample from each batch of seed potato tags printed. The sample tag must be proofread, initialled, and dated by the grower or designated representative prior to affixing any printed seed potato tags to seed potato containers of the respective seed lot and shipment.
  13. The grower or a designated representative shall provide all information when completing RBMs including the variety, class, quantity, certification number, size, vehicle number, purchaser's name, purchaser's address, name of grower or designated representative and address of the grower or designated representative.
  14. The grower or a designated representative shall sign all completed RBMs.
  15. The grower or a designated representative shall provide all information when completing seed potato seed potato tags including the class, variety, size, date, and certification number.
  16. All un-issued seed potato tags or RBMs, whether new, spoiled, voided, removed, or otherwise, shall be retained by the grower and shall only be destroyed by or under supervision of the CFIA.
  17. The grower must make all required documentation available to the CFIA upon request.
  18. The grower or a designated representative shall contact the CFIA immediately if any quarantine or regulated non-quarantine pests listed in Appendix 3, D-06-04 of this directive are detected or suspected, prior to any further shipment from the farm unit.
  19. If the licence is suspended, the grower or designated representative shall not issue seed potato seed potato tags or RBMs in association with the SPTQMP until written notification is received from the CFIA indicating the suspension of the licence has been removed or the licence is reissued by the CFIA.
  20. Any seed potato seed potato tags and/or RBMs must be returned to the CFIA upon request.
  21. The grower's designated representatives must be sufficiently trained to meet the conditions of the licence for all areas of the program where the designated representative will be involved. Furthermore, any actions taken by the grower's designated representatives in respect of the licence must conform to the conditions specified.
  22. The grower must make the PI-009 available and must communicate program changes and updates to their designated representatives.
  23. The grower must immediately notify the CFIA of any change in the status of designated representatives for the farm unit, or the designation of new representatives.
  24. The grower must contact the local CFIA office prior to the commencement of domestic shipping and once domestic shipping has been completed for the shipping season.
  25. The grower must provide the CFIA with access to any record, location, property or premises where any activities under this licence are being carried out to verify compliance with the conditions of the licence.
  26. The grower shall provide all reasonable assistance to verify compliance with the conditions of the licence.

Dated space 20 space at space, Province of space

Grower(s) Signature: space

For CFIA use only

CFIA Inspector reviewing application: space

Signature: space Date: space

Recommended: Yes checkbox No checkbox

CFIA - RPO or Supervising Inspector: space

Signature: space Date: space

Application Approved: Yes checkbox No checkbox

Appendix 2: Designated Representatives List - SPTQMP

PDF (17.4 kb)

Name of Farm Unit(s): space

Farm Unit Number(s): space

Grower Name: space

I space to insert name the grower(s) in control of the above named farm unit declare that the following person(s) is/are trained in all relevant aspects of the Seed Potato Tuber Quality Management Program (SPTQMP) as required in the Directive D-06-04. Therefore, the following person(s) shall be considered designated representative(s) and may act on my behalf to use Seed Potato Tags and Record of Bulk Movements for Seed Potatoes under the conditions of the license.

Name of designated representative: space

Signature of designated representative: space

Date and type of training received: space

Signature of the licensed grower: space

Dated space 20 space at space, Province of space

Name of designated representative: space

Signature of designated representative: space

Date and type of training received: space

Signature of the licensed grower: space

Dated space 20 space at space, Province of space

Name of designated representative: space

Signature of designated representative: space

Date and type of training received: space

Signature of the licensed grower: space

Dated space 20 space at space, Province of space

Appendix 3: Specific Quarantine and Regulated Non-Quarantine PestsTable Note 3

Specific Quarantine and Regulated Non-Quarantine Pests
Quarantine Pests Reference
Brown rot (Ralstonia solanacearum (Smith) Yabuuchi et al. race 3 (biovar 2) 1,4
Columbia root knot nematode (Meloidogyne chitwoodi Golden et al. 1980) 1,3,4
Golden nematode (Globodera rostochiensis (Wollenweber) Behrens 1,3,4
Stem and bulb nematode (potato race) (Ditylenchus dipsaci (Kuhn) Filipjev) 2
Potato rot nematode (Ditylenchus destructor Thorne) 1,3,4
Pale cyst nematode (Globodera pallida (Stone) Behrens) 1,3
Potato gangrene (Phoma exigua Desmazieres var. foveata (Foister) Boerema) 1
Potato smut (Thecaphora solani (Thirumulachar & O'Brien) Mordue) 1
Potato wart disease (Synchytrium endobioticum (Schilbersky) Percival) 1,3,4
Regulated Non-Quarantine Pests Reference
Bacterial Ring Rot - BRR (Clavibacter michiganensis subsp. sepedonicus) 1,4
Potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) 1,4

Table Notes

Table Note 3

For a complete listing of pests regulated by Canada refer to


  1. Compendium of Potato Diseases 2001, W.R. Stevenson et al. APS Press, St. Paul Minnesota
  2. Diseases and Pests of Vegetable Crops in Canada 1994, R.J. Howard et al., The Canadian Phytopathological Society and The Entomological Society of Canada
  3. Pest Fact Sheets, provided via the CFIA website; inspection.gc.ca
  4. Potato Field Guide: Insects, Diseases, and Defects Publication 823, 2004, E. Banks et al., Ontario Ministry of Agriculture and Food

Return to table note 3 referrer

Appendix 4: Request for Seed Potato Certification Tags or Record of Bulk Movement for Seed Potatoes

PDF (20 kb)

Farm Unit Name space
Farm Unit Number: space
Seed Potato Certification Tag request (CFIA/ACIA 1370, CFIA/ACIA 2111, CFIA/ACIA 2113):
Quantity Variety Class Size Seed Lot Certification Number Size of Bags Destination

Number of Record of Bulk Movement for Seed Potatoes Requested (CFIA/ACIA 2343): space

List sequence numbers below for Record of Bulk Movement for Seed Potatoes (CFIA/ACIA 2343):

No. space to space

No. space to space

No. space to space

No. space to space

No. space to space

No. space to space

Grower or designated representative requesting documents:

space to print name
Name - Print
space to sign name
space to insert date

CFIA personnel providing documents:

space to print name
CFIA Personnel - Print
space to sign name
space to insert date

Blank Seed Potato Certification Tags (CFIA/ACIA 1370, CFIA/ACIA 2111, CFIA/ACIA 2113) and/or Record of Bulk Movement for Seed Potatoes (CFIA/ACIA 2343) are provided to the grower or designated representative of the farm unit stated above.

Appendix 5: Shipment Record Log - Seed Potato Certification Tags: SPTQMP

PDF (16.6 kb)

Farm Unit Name space
Farm Unit Number: space
Shipment Record Log - Seed Potato Certification Tags: SPTQMP
Tags Received Shipments
# of Tags Received Variety & Class Certification Number Date Shipped Vehicle No./ID Table Note 4 Disinfected? (Y/N) No. of Bags Size of Bags Name and Province of Buyer Initials

Table Notes

Table Note 4

If vehicle number is unavailable, assign unique number for each separate shipment from a given lot/certification number (e.g. 1, 2, 3, etc.). This number is entered on the Seed Potato Tuber Inspection Report in place of vehicle number.

Return to table note 4 referrer

No. of Seed Potato Tags
Seed Potato Tags Elite Found Cert.
No. of tags used
No. of tags spoiled

Note: Growers are required to contact the CFIA prior to the start of the shipping season and after the shipping season is completed.

Appendix 6: Shipment Record Log - Record of Bulk Movement for Seed Potatoes: SPTQMP

PDF (23.1 kb)

Farm Unit Name space
Farm Unit Number: space
Shipment Record Log - Record of Bulk Movement for Seed Potatoes: SPTQMP
Variety & Class Certification Number Date Shipped Vehicle No./ID Table Note 5 Vehicle / container (s) Disinfected? (Y/N) Qty. Shipped (MT) Name and Province of Buyer RBM Number Initials

Table Notes

Table Note 5

If the vehicle number is unavailable, assign a unique number for each separate shipment from a given lot/certification number (e.g. 1, 2, 3, etc.). This number is entered on the Seed Potato Tuber Inspection Report in place of the vehicle number.

Return to table note 5 referrer

RBM Issued: space

RBM Spoiled: space

Note: Growers are required to contact the CFIA prior to the start of the shipping season and after the shipping season is completed.