How to label allergens on your food product

food allergen labelling

If you are selling or making a packaged food that contains any priority food allergens, gluten sources or added sulphites, then your product likely requires allergen labelling.

Know your common food allergies and related disorders in Canada

Peanuts icon

Peanuts: Peanuts are actually legumes that grow underground, and are not tree nuts. Peanuts can sometimes be found in baked goods, cereals, glazes, spreads, sauces and snack foods such as trail mixes.

Tree nuts icon

Tree Nuts: Tree nuts include almonds, Brazil nuts, cashews, hazelnuts, macadamia nuts, pecans, pine nuts, pistachios and walnuts. Tree nuts must be declared using these names.

Sesame icon

Sesame: Sesame is often used in bread, baked goods, cereals, dips, and spreads such as hummus.

Milk Icon

Milk: Milk is used to make butter, cheese, cream and yogurt, among other products. Milk is also present in many baked goods, glazes, soups, and sauces.

Egg icon

Egg: Both the egg yolk and the egg white can cause an allergic reaction. Egg is often used in battered or fried foods, as well as pastries. It is also used in many fillers or binding ingredients.

Soy icon

Soy: Soy can often be found in broths, bouillon cubes, cereal and baked goods. Soy is also found in sauces such as soya and teriyaki.

Wheat icon

Wheat and triticale: Wheat is used to make white and whole wheat flours. Wheat can also be an ingredient in bread, cereal, pasta, baked goods, sauces, and seasonings.

Seafood icon

Crustaceans and molluscs: Crustaceans and molluscs must be declared using the common name of the crustacean, such as crab or shrimp; or shellfish, such as oyster or clams. Crustaceans and molluscs are sometimes collectively referred to as shellfish.

Mustard icon

Mustard: Mustard seed is used to make prepared mustard, mustard powder and liquid mustard. Mustard can be found in spices and seasoning mixtures, sauces and powdered soups, as well as in condiments such as salad dressing and relish.

Fish icon

Fish: Fish must be declared using the common name of the fish, such as tuna or halibut.


Sulphites: While not a true allergen, sulphites can cause severe adverse reactions for sulphite-sensitive individuals. Sulphites can be found in most wine and some beer, and are often used on dried fruit such as apricots, dates, prunes and raisins.

Gluten icon

Gluten: While not a true allergen, gluten can cause severe adverse reactions for individuals with Celiac disease. Gluten sources include barley, rye, oats, triticale and wheat. Gluten sources must be declared using these names.

Complete food allergen labelling requirements

Health Canada's food allergen information