New Zealand - Export requirements for meat and poultry products

Eligible/ineligible product


  • Beef
    • meat products derived from animals born, raised and slaughtered in Canada and/or the United States of America (beef, and beef-buffalo products for further processing, ruminant edible tallow, bovine whole blood cells for human consumption, bovine plasma products (fibrinogen or thrombin) for human consumption, ruminant casings and bovine adrenal glands, epiglottis, hearts, oesophagi, pancreas glands, spleens, thymus glands, thyroid glands, tracheas)
  • Pork:
    • cooked products
    • cured products
    • consumer-ready cuts packaged for direct retail sale, not exceeding three (3) kg per package
    • lard
  • Poultry
    • Canned poultry meat may be exported provided that the cooking and canning processes have been approved by the New Zealand Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI).


  • Beef products not listed above
  • Pork Footnote 1
    • consumer-read cuts packaged for direct retail that include:
      • minced (ground) meat
      • head and neck
      • axillary, medial and lateral iliac, sacral, iliofemoral (deep inguinal), mammary (superficial inguinal), superficial and deep popliteal, dorsal superficial cervical, ventral superficial cervical, middle superficial cervical, gluteal and ischiatic lymph nodes
      • any other macroscopically visible lymphatic tissue (i.e. lymph nodes and lymphatic vessels) encountered during processing
  • Poultry products not listed above

Pre-export approvals by competent authority of importing country


  • New Zealand MPI permits the import of Canadian pork and beef products from Canadian registered establishments.

Import permit

  • All applicable requirements will be specified on the permit, including the requirements for further processing in a New Zealand transitional facility, if applicable.
  • Exporters are advised that before meat products are imported into New Zealand, a permit must be obtained from the animal imports group of MPI.

Production controls and inspection requirements

  • The exporter and importer are responsible for ensuring that the certification provided by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is in compliance with the requirements appearing on the MPI import permit.


  • Pig meat and meat products should meet requirements of Annex A – Zoo-sanitary Certificate – Pig meat / processed pig meat products for human consumption destined to New Zealand.
  • Operators of establishments where pork is manufactured for export to New Zealand must develop and implement effective and verifiable control measures to ensure compliance with all additional New Zealand specific products requirements listed on this page and to ensure that products intended for export to New Zealand can be distinguish at all time from products that are not eligible for export to New Zealand. The procedures have to be approved by the veterinarian-in-charge or the inspector-in-charge and compliance will be verified through usual inspection activities.
  • The controls measures must include monitoring, verification and deviation procedures.

Low-acid canned foods

  • The CFIA procedures governing the processing of low acid canned foods comply with the Recommended International Code of Hygiene Practice for Low Acid and Acidified Low Acid Canned Foods as published by the Codex Alimentarius Commission.
  • At the time of export of such products, the inspector-in-charge of the exporting establishment should issue a certificate, on departmental letterhead paper, as follows:
    • Certificate of Compliance to the Codex Alimentarius Commission Requirements
    • __________ (name of exporting establishment)
    • __________ (address of exporting establishment)
    • __________ (establishment number)
    • I,__________ (name and title) certify that the described product on Certificate of Inspection Covering Meat Products, CFIA/ACIA 1454 No. __________ (form number) has been manufactured, processed and packed according to the principles detailed in the recommended International Code of Hygiene Practice for Low Acid and Acidified Low Acid Canned Foods as published by the Codex Alimentarius.
    • __________ (date)
    • __________ (signature of exporting establishment official inspector-in-charge)

Labelling, packaging and marking requirements

  • The export stamp must appear on each shipping container.
  • Beef and pork sides shall be marked with the meat inspection legend on not less than four places (leg, loin, back and shoulder) and be covered with double stockinette or polythene and single stockinette.
  • Beef cuts and pork cuts or bones must be packed in polythene-lined cartons which must bear the inspection legend of the registered establishment preparing the shipment.
  • Products exported for pharmaceutical purposes must be labelled as "Inedible - Not for Human Consumption - For Pharmaceutical Use Only" or equivalent.
  • The containers used for transportation must be sealed with an official seal. The seal number must be indicated on the export certificate(s).

Documentation requirements


  • Certificate of Inspection Covering Meat Products (CFIA/ACIA 1454)
  • Annex A – Zoo-sanitary Certificate – Pig meat / processed pig meat products for human consumption destined to New Zealand
  • Annex G – Veterinary Certificate for the Export of Porcine Whole Blood cells for Human Consumption from Canada to New Zealand
  • Annex I – Veterinary Certificate for the Export of Ruminant Meat, Meat Products, Blood Products and Tallow from Canada to New Zealand
  • Annex J-1 – Zoo-sanitary Certificate for pig by-products (including lard) destined to New Zealand
  • Annex K – Zoo-sanitary Certificate – Sausage casings destined to New Zealand
  • Annex L – Certification in relation to Japanese requirements
    • At the request of the exporter/importer, and if all applicable Japanese requirements are met, the certificate in Annex L can be issued.
  • Annex M – Certification in relation to Australian requirements can be issued upon request.

Other information

Ministry for Primary Industries (MPI)
Pastoral House – 25 The Terrace
Wellington 6140
PO Box 2526

General enquiries
Tel.: + 64-48-94-01-00

Biosecurity New Zealand
Import health standards
Animal imports group (email: