Korea (Republic of) - Export requirements for processed egg

Canada has a negotiated certificate with the Republic of Korea (KR).

Eligible/ineligible product

The list of products below is for reference only. It is the responsibility of the exporter to ensure that the product being exported will be covered by the negotiated certificate.


Example of processed eggs

  • Liquid whole egg: whole egg contents; or, such contents added with edible salt or saccharides, etc.; or, those frozen (those with not less than 80% egg content).
  • Liquid egg yolks: egg yolks; or, such yolks added with edible salt or saccharides, etc.; or those frozen (those with not less than 80% egg content).
  • Liquid egg white: egg whites; or such whites added with edible salt or saccharides, etc.; or those frozen (those with not less than 80% egg content).
  • Whole egg powder: whole egg contents processed into powder form (those with not less than 90% egg content).
  • Yolk powder: egg yolks processed into powder form (those with not less than 90% egg content).
  • Egg white powder: egg whites processed into powder form (those with not less than 90% egg content).
  • Heated egg products: Products made by: heating eggs with or without the addition of food or food additives; or, by boiling down or processing eggs, added with food or food additives with/without removing shells after boiling them in water (those with not less than 30% egg content).

Egg product refers to products manufactured by adding food or food additives to eggs or egg products used as a main ingredient, or by processing such eggs or products; and, includes whole egg liquid, liquid egg yolks, liquid egg whites, whole egg powder, egg yolk powder, egg white powder and heated egg products.

Processed egg containing product refers to products manufactured/processed using eggs as a main ingredient.


  • Information not available.

Pre-export approvals by the competent authority of the importing country


  • The products must come from an establishment licensed under the Safe Food for Canadian Regulations (SFCR).
  • To apply for entry on to the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety (MFDS) list, please contact your CFIA area or regional office. All documents provided must be in English.
  • The following documentation should be provided:
    1. Application for registration (or changes in registration). Form available on MFDS web site (Korean and English only).
    2. A checklist to demonstrate regular inspection supervision conducted by the government of the exporting country in compliance with the inspection standards/criteria which the Minister of Food and Drug Safety establishes and provides. (CFIA inspection report)
    3. A copy of business approval(registration) documents issued by the government of exporting country.
    4. In the case of a foreign establishments adopting own standards equivalent to standards for certification of sanitary control specified in Livestock Products Sanitary Control Act, a summary of business operating plan and a copy of process flow chart with critical control points indicated.
    5. For an establishment not applicable to (4) above, summary of sanitary control standard the establishment complies with and a copy of process flow chart.
  • The exporters should confirm that the establishment is properly listed with the MFDS list of registered foreign establishments. Please choose "Petition Application" then "List of Registered Foreign Establishment".

Product specifications

  • For powder products percentage of water must not exceed 10%.

Microbiological requirements

Pasteurized egg products (or products for direct consumption)
Criteria n Table Note a c Table Note b m Table Note c M Table Note d
Bacterial count 5 1 104 5 X 104
Coliforms 5 1 10 100
Salmonella 5 0 Absence in 25 g -
Listeria monocytogenes 5 0 Absence in 25 g -
Non-pasteurized egg products
Criteria n Table Note a c Table Note b m Table Note c M Table Note d
Bacterial count 5 1 5 x 105 106
Coliforms 5 1 100 1000
Salmonella 5 0 Absence in 25 g -
Processed egg containing products (pasteurized)
Criteria n Table Note a c Table Note b m Table Note c M Table Note d
Bacterial count 5 1 104 5 x 104
Bacterial count (sterilized products) 5 0 Absence -
Coliforms 5 1 10 100
Salmonella 5 0 Absence in 25 g -

Table notes

Table note a

Number of units comprising the sample.

Return to table note a  referrer

Table note b

Number of sample units giving values between m Table Note c and M Table Note d.

Return to table note b  referrer

Table note c

Microbiological limit (colony forming unit per gram or per millilitre). The threshold limit, below which the product is considered of satisfactory quality. All results equal or below to this criteria are considered satisfactory.

Return to table note c  referrer

Table note d

Microbiological limit (colony forming unit per gram or per millilitre). Acceptability threshold limit beyond which the results are not considered satisfactory and the product is considered to be toxic.

Return to table note d  referrer

Production controls and inspection requirements

  • The Republic of Korea's import requirements for egg products are similar to those of Canada. However, the manufacturer must implement an auditable specific procedure which demonstrates that the final product meets the requirements as described on the model health certificate for egg products exported to the Republic of Korea. See Annex 1 - EP-KR.

Egg product

  • Hairline-cracked eggs, dirty eggs, and soft-shelled eggs shall not be used as an ingredient in non-pasteurized liquid egg products.
  • Raw eggs to be used in processing process shall be carefully selected, removing eggs not fit for human consumption. In addition, shells shall be removed in a compartmented work place in a sanitary manner to prevent contamination.
  • Eggs with eggshells contaminated with excrements, etc. shall be thoroughly cleaned and at the same time pasteurized with not less than 150 mg/L of sodium hypochlorite or using other methods with equivalent or better effect, before use.
  • Pasteurized eggs shall be filtered, homogenized and pasteurized.
  • Egg white powder shall be obtained by drying egg whites after removing saccharide components therefrom in order to prevent discoloration/denaturation of products.
  • Non-pasteurized liquid egg products shall be quickly cooled down to 5°C or below after removing shells; and shall not be stored for more than 72 hours.
  • Pasteurized products shall be quickly cooled down to 5°C or below after pasteurization process in order to minimize microbial growth.
  • When refrigerated, raw eggs to be used as an ingredient shall be stored in separate areas from egg products.
  • Eggs containing blood spots and meat spots shall be used after removing such spots using a proper method.

Labelling, packaging and marking requirements

  • It is the exporter's responsibility to meet all the requirements for Labelling, Packing and Marking requirements as per the importing country.

Export documents available upon request

Annexe 1 – EP-KR contains the information required to complete Part 1: Identification of the products of the health certificate.


  • Health Certificate for Egg products exported to the Republic of Korea from Canada (CFIA/ACIA 5912)

An annex covering the product details part of the CFIA/ACIA 5912 certificate can be used if necessary.

Other information

Further details on import requirements can be obtained from the following Republic of Korea web pages:

Annex 1- EP-KR

Information required for completion of Part I: Identification of the products of the health certificate for egg products exported to the Republic of Korea from Canada (CFIA/ACIA 5912)

Identification of the products

General information

  • 1. Name and address of consignor
  • 2. Name and address of consignee
  • 3. Certificate No

     To be filled out by CFIA

  • 4. Competent authority

     To be filled out by CFIA

  • 5. Local competent authority

     To be filled out by CFIA

  • 6. Country of origin (ISO Code)
  • 7. Country of destination (ISO Code)
  • 8. Name of vessel or flight
  • 9. Date of departure
  • 10. Departure port/airport
  • 11. Entry port/airport
  • 12. Container and seal No

Product information

  • 13. Animal species
  • 14. Type of packaging
  • 15. Number of packages
  • 16. Total net weight (kg)
  • 17. HS Code
  • 18. Transportation/Storage conditions
    • Ambient
    • Chilled
    • Frozen
  • 19. Type of heat treatment: Tick(Check) to applicable box
    • Liquid whole eggs: 64°C / 2 min 30 sec or equivalent heat treatment / space°C spacesec (min)
    • Liquid egg yolks: 62.2°C / 138 sec or equivalent heat treatment / space°C spacesec (min)
    • Liquid egg white: 55.6°C / 870 sec or/ou 56.7°C  / space°C spacesec (min)
    • Whole egg powder: 60°C / 188 sec or equivalent heat treatment / space°C spacesec (min)
    • Egg white powder: 67°C / 20 h or/ou 54.4°C for at least 513 h or equivalent heat treatment / space°C spacesec (min)
    • Egg yolk powder: 63.5°C / 3.5 min or equivalent heat treatment / space°C spacesec (min)
    • Heated egg products: 90°C / 20 min or equivalent heat treatment / space°C spacesec (min)

Details of products

Processing plant - Est. No Processing plant - Name Processing plant - Address Name of product Lot number Date of production (processing) Shelf life
Number of packages Net weight (kg)

The statements below must be met in order to issue the export certificate.

  1. Manufacture, processing, packing, distribution, handling and storage of the exported egg products have been performed in compliance with sanitary regulations on egg products. These products have been handled and shipped to the Republic of Korea in a manner avoiding re-contamination.
  2. The exported egg products were manufactured with raw materials sourced from clinically healthy animals and are suitable for human consumption.
  3. The exported egg products comply with the relevant criteria of standards and specifications regarding food processing in the Republic of KoreaFootnote 1 on chemical residues (antimicrobial agents, agricultural chemicals, hormones, heavy metals and radioactive materials) and pathogenic microorganisms (Salmonella, Staphylococcus aureus, Clostridium perfringens, Listeria monocytogenes, Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli and others) that cause public health risks.
  4. Containers or packaging materials for the exported egg products comply with the applicable sanitary requirements and they are made of materials that are clean and harmless to humans and sterilized products are placed in air tight containers or packages.
  5. The exported egg products are suitably labelled to show the product name, manufacturer and date of manufacture (or sell-by date).