Jordan - Export requirements for meat and poultry products

1. Eligible/ineligible product

1.1 Eligible

  • beef
  • poultry meat and offal

1.2 Ineligible

It is doubtful if pork or pork products would be acceptable, but this fact should be checked with the appropriate authorities.

2. Documentation requirements


  • Certificate of Inspection Covering Meat Products (CFIA/ACIA 1454)
  • Annex A – Veterinary Certificate for Fresh Meat and Meat Products Derived from Cattle
  • Annex B – Veterinary Certificate for Meat and Meat Products derived from Poultry for Export to Jordan

3. Other information

  • A certificate in respect of ritual slaughter is required. The exporter is responsible to make the necessary arrangements with an Islamic organization to obtain certification acceptable to Jordanian authorities.
  • The certification required may have to be endorsed by the Embassy of Jordan. The exporter and importer are responsible to ensure that the applicable requirement is met to the satisfaction of the Jordanian authorities.
  • The exporter and importer are responsible to label the product according to applicable Jordanian requirements, for example, Arabic language labelling.