Food licences

Under the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations (SFCR), certain food businesses will require a licence to conduct one or more activities.

Services and information

Who needs a licence

Answer a few questions with this interactive tool to know whether you need to apply.

Before you apply

Steps to apply, change a licence, food categories, if you already have a licence or registration.

Activities needing a licence

Trade within and outside Canada, manufacturing, processing, treating, preserving, grading, packaging, labelling, sector-specific rules.

Find a licence

Find out if a business is licensed under the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations.

Create a My CFIA account

How to sign up for business use, create profiles, and assign contacts.

Trading food

Rules for trading within a province, between provinces, or with another country.

Regulatory requirements

The rules that give us the authority to give, renew, amend, suspend or cancel a food licence.

Importing food with a licence

Automatic licence verification, steps to make sure you have a valid licence, how to correct errors.

Food licence overview

How it works and why it matters in English, French, and 10 other languages.



Learn more about My CFIA online services.

Getting started with SFCR

Learn more in our toolkit for food businesses.