Oak wilt information card

Card description - Oak wilt has been confirmed in Canada. Description follows.

Card description - Oak wilt has been confirmed in Canada

Oak wilt has been confirmed in Canada

What to look for

  • Dull green, brown or yellow leaves – premature leaf discoloration beginning on leaf tip and moving in towards leaf centre (photo credit: Nicole Mielewczyk, Canadian Food Inspection Agency).
  • Cracks in the trunk of dead trees (photo credit: Joseph O'Brien, USDA Forest Service, Bugwood.org),
  • White, grey or black fungus under bark surface of dead trees (photo credit: Nicole Mielewczyk, Canadian Food Inspection Agency).
  • Early and sudden leaf drop beginning at the crown of the tree (photo credit: William M. Ciesla, Forest Health Management International, Bugwood.org).

What you can do

  • Don't prune oak trees between April and November
  • Don't move firewood
  • Check oak trees for signs of oak wilt
  • Prevent the spread: oak wilt can kill an oak tree in a single season. If you see signs and symptoms of this disease, contact the Canadian Food Inspection Agency immediately.

Learn more about oak wilt.