Revocation Order (Subsection 15(3) of the Plant Protection Act)

May 5, 2023 – Ottawa – Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)

Whereas, I, Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, believe that the movement restrictions for soil and plant parts without soil are no longer required in the areas declared infested with Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica) in the Cities of Vancouver and Burnaby; pursuant to subsection 15(3) of the Plant Protection Act;

Therefore, I hereby revoke, pursuant to subsection 31(4) of the Interpretation Act, Amended Japanese Beetle Ministerial Order.

Dated at Ottawa, Ontario, this 5th day of May, 2023.

Marie-Claude Bibeau, Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food

Japanese beetle regulated areas for British Columbia and the related requirements for regulated articles are now found in Phytosanitary Requirements to Prevent the Spread of Japanese Beetle, Popillia japonica, in Canada and the United States (D-96-15)

Revoked – Amended Japanese Beetle Ministerial Order

March 19, 2022 – Ottawa – Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA)

In the matter of a Japanese beetle infestation located in the cities of Vancouver and Burnaby in the Province of British Columbia

Whereas, subsection 15(3) of Plant Protection Actfootnote 1, empowers the Minister to determine and subsequently vary the area of any place that is declared infested;

Whereas, the Ministerial Order dated April 27, 2018, replaced by the Ministerial Order issued on February 7, 2019, declared an area in the City of Vancouver, in the province of British Columbia, infested with Japanese Beetle (Popillia japonica);

Whereas, Japanese Beetle has been detected outside of the already declared infested area within the City of Vancouver and within the City of Burnaby, British Columbia;

Therefore, in this amended Ministerial Order, I hereby vary the area of the place declared infested on February 7, 2019 by expanding the area declared infested in the City of Vancouver and adding an infested area in the City of Burnaby as described in Schedule 1;

This amended Ministerial Order does not displace the legal obligations under Schedule  II, item 30, of the Plant Protection Regulations.


1. In this Order,

"infested place" (lieu infesté) means the area set out in the Schedule 1 attached hereto;

"inspector" (inspecteur) has the same meaning as in section 3 of the Plant Protection Act;

"movement certificate" (certificat de circulation) has the same meaning as in section 2 of the Plant Protection Regulations;

"pest" (parasite) means the Japanese beetle (Popillia japonica Newman) in all its life stages;

"plants with no soil attached" means plants and plant parts that have no soil attached;

"regulated article" means soil and plant parts without soil;

"soil" means the loose surface of the earth in which plants grow, in most cases consisting of disintegrated rock with an admixture of organic matter, including related matter such as clay, silt, sand, soil minerals, humus, compost, earthworm castings, muck, plant litter and debris, either individually or in combination;

Prohibitions or Restrictions of Movement

2.1 No person, except an inspector, shall move or cause the movement of the pest out of the infested place, unless the person is authorized beforehand to do so in writing by an inspector under a Movement Certificate.

2.2 No person, except an inspector, shall move or cause the movement of a regulated article out of the infested place unless the person is authorized beforehand to do so in writing by an inspector under a Movement Certificate.

3. Notwithstanding subsection  2.2, no authorization is required to move or cause the movement of:

  1. plants with no soil attached between January 1 to June 14 and October 16 to December 31 of each calendar year; or
  2. plants with no soil attached that are not infested or that are unlikely to be infested with the pest; or
  3. regulated articles that have been subjected to treatment or processing in a manner to eliminate the pest.

4. Notwithstanding subsection  2.2, no authorization is required to move or cause the movement of a regulated article out of an infested place if it will be exported via a public port that is located within the infested place, and the export of the regulated article complies with the Plant Protection Act and Plant Protection Regulations.

Schedule 1

Infested Place

City of Vancouver

All parts of the City of Vancouver, in the Province of British Columbia, located within the area commencing at the point of intersection between Knight Street and East 49th Avenue and proceeding westward along the centre of East 49th Avenue to Main Street;

Thence proceeding westward along the centre of West 49th Avenue to Granville Street;

Thence proceeding northward along the centre of Granville Street to West 41st Avenue;

Thence proceeding westward along the centre of West 41st Avenue to Mackenzie Street;

Thence proceeding northward along the centre of Mackenzie Street to Quesnel Drive;

Thence proceeding northwest along the centre of Quesnel Drive to West King Edward Avenue;

Thence proceeding westward along the centre of West King Edward Avenue to Blenheim Street;

Thence proceeding northward along the centre of Blenheim Street, crossing Point Grey Road, to the high water mark line of English Bay;

Thence following the high water mark northeastward along the shoreline of English Bay around Stanley Park and along the shoreline of Burrard Inlet eastward to Clark Drive;

Thence proceeding southward along the centre of Clark Drive until Clark Drive transitions to Knight Street;

Thence proceeding southward along the centre of Knight Street to the initial point of intersection of Knight Street and East 49th Avenue.

City of Burnaby

All parts of the City of Burnaby, in the Province of British Columbia, located within the area commencing at the point of intersection between Eastlake Drive and Production Way and proceeding southward along the centre of Production Way until Production Way transitions to Brighton Avenue;

Thence proceeding southward to the 3 way intersection of Brighton Avenue, Winston Street and Government Street;

Thence proceeding southwest along Winston Street to the western border of Salamander Creek;

Thence proceeding southward along the western border of Salamander Creek to the northern border of the Brunette River;

Thence proceeding westward along the northern border of Burnaby Lake to Phillips Point;

Thence proceeding northward from Phillips Point in line to Phillips Avenue;

Thence proceeding northward along the centre of Phillips Avenue to Lougheed Highway;

Thence proceeding eastward along the centre of Lougheed Highway to the eastern border of Eagle Creek Ravine Park;

Thence proceeding northeast along the border of Eagle Creek Ravine Park to the point in line with Venture Street;

Thence proceeding eastward along the centre of Venture Street to Lake City Way;

Thence proceeding northward along the centre of Lake City Way to Broadway Street;

Thence proceeding eastward along the centre of Broadway Street to Underhill Avenue;

Thence proceeding southward along the center of Underhill Avenue to Eastlake Drive;

Thence proceeding eastward along the centre of Eastlake Drive to the initial point of intersection of Eastlake Drive and Production Way.


The Japanese Beetle Infested Place Order for the City of Vancouver, in the Province of British Columbia, dated February 7, 2019, is repealed.