Brown Spruce Longhorn Beetle Infested Places Order (the Province of Nova Scotia)

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The Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food, pursuant to subsection 15(3) of the Plant Protection ActFootnote 1, hereby makes the annexed Brown Spruce Longhorn Beetle Infested Place Order (the Province of Nova Scotia).

Ottawa, Ontario, 2015

Minister of Agriculture and Agri-Food

At Ottawa, Ontario on April 2, 2015

Brown Spruce Longhorn Beetle Infested Place Order (the Province Of Nova Scotia)

It Is Hereby Declared, Pursuant To Subsection 15(3) Of The Plant Protection Act, that the area described in the Schedule is infested with the brown spruce longhorn beetle (Tetropium fuscum).

And It Is Hereby Ordered That:


1. In this Order,

"Canadian Lumber Standards Accreditation Board" (CLSAB) means a corporation (established by the Canadian Standards Association) pursuant to Letters Patent, issued on March 8, 1982 (Film 476 Document 72), and Supplementary Letters Patent (File Number 127741-3), issued on November 10, 2000 under the Canada Corporations Act (1970); (Conseil d'accréditation de la Commission canadienne de normalisation du bois d'oeuvre)

"conveyance" means any aircraft, carriage, motor vehicle, trailer, railway car, vessel, cargo container or other contrivance used to move persons or things; (véhicule)

"grading agency" means a lumber grading agency accredited by the Canadian Lumber Standards Accreditation Board; (agence de classification)

"infested place" means the area described in the Schedule; (lieu infesté)

"inspector" has the same meaning as in section 3 of the Plant Protection Act; (inspecteur)

"movement certificate" has the same meaning as in section 2 of the Plant Protection Regulations; (certificat de circulation)

"pest" means the brown spruce longhorn beetle (Tetropium fuscum) in all its life stages; (parasite)

"regulated article" means firewood of all species, as well as spruce (Picea spp.) logs. (chose réglementée)

Prohibitions or Restrictions of Movement

2. (1) No person, except an inspector, shall move or cause the movement of the pest into or out of the infested place unless the person is authorized beforehand to do so in writing by an inspector under a movement certificate and the person complies with the certificate.

(2) Subject to subsection (3), no person, except an inspector, shall move or cause the movement of a regulated article out of the infested place unless the person is authorized beforehand to do so in writing by an inspector and the person complies with the authorization.

(3) No person shall move or cause the movement of a regulated article through the infested place area unless the article is transported without undue delay in transit.

3. Notwithstanding subsection 2(2), no authorization is required to move or cause the movement of

  1. any dimensional sawn lumber or wood packaging and dunnage that has been subjected to a heat treatment to attain a minimum core temperature of 56°C for 30 minutes and that bears the CLSAB KD/HT stamp, the IPPC ISPM No. 15 mark or any other similar stamp or mark approved by the Canadian Food Inspection Agency to identify heat treated wood;
  2. lumber produced by facilities registered by a Grading Agency; or
  3. spruce stems or branches having a maximum diameter equal to or less than 10 centimetres (4 inches).

4. Notwithstanding subsection 2(2), no authorization is required to move or cause the movement of a regulated article that is being exported from Canada via any Port within the infested place.


The Brown Spruce Longhorn Beetle Infested Places Order, 3rd Revision, dated May 28, 2013, is repealed.


The province of Nova Scotia.