D- 99-01: Barley, Oats, Rye, Triticale and Wheat - Phytosanitary Requirements on Import, Transshipped, In-Transit and Domestic Movement

Effective Date: August 20, 2013
(6th Revision)


This directive specifies the plant protection requirements for the import, transshipped, in-transit and domestic movement into or through Canada of barley (Hordeum spp.), oats (Avena spp.), rye (Secale spp.), triticale (X-Triticosecale) and wheat (Triticum spp.):

  • seed (for propagation, including scientific research) and grain (whole - for consumption and for processing);
  • straw, hay and compost;
  • screenings, chaff, hulls, grain for cleaning, processed products and by-products.

This revision was made to remove California and Texas as prohibited origins for the presence of Karnal Bunt. New origins approved to export cereals to Canada have been updated in the specific appendices.

Table of Contents


This directive will be updated as required. For further information or clarification, please contact the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA).


Approved by:

Chief Plant Health Officer


  1. Directive mail list (Regions, PHRA, USDA)
  2. Provincial Government, Industry (determined by Author)
  3. National Industry Organizations (determined by Author)
  4. Internet



This directive is intended for the use of the CFIA inspection staff and the Canadian Border Services Agency in order to prevent the entry of regulated pests of cereals, including dwarf bunt, flag smut of wheat and Karnal bunt, into areas of Canada not currently infested with these pests. It is also intended for use by importers, shippers and customs brokers as a reference to the import, domestic, transshipped and in-transit movement requirements of the regulated commodities.


D-96-07: Import Requirements for Screenings and Grain and Seed for Cleaning.

D-05-02: Pilot Project - Import requirements for wheat, triticale, rye and barley for non-propagative uses originating from the state of North Dakota and approved areas within the state of Montana.

D-06-03: Pilot Project - Import requirements for wheat, barley, triticale, and rye for propagation originating from the states of North Dakota and approved areas within the state of Montana.

RMD-07-02: Risk Management Document: Cereal Leaf Beetle (Oulema melanopus).

ISPM No. 5, Glossary of Phytosanitary Terms, FAO, Rome (updated annually).

RSPM No. 5, NAPPO Glossary of Phytosanitary Terms, Ottawa.

D-96-13: Import Requirements for Plants with Novel Traits, including Transgenic Plants and their Viable Plant Parts.

Definitions, Abbreviations and Acronyms

Definitions for terms used in the present document can be found in the Plant Health Glossary of Terms.

1.0 General Requirements

1.1 Legislative Authority

The Plant Protection Act, S.C. 1990, c. 22
The Plant Protection Regulations, SOR/95-212
Canadian Food Inspection Agency Fees Notice, Canada Gazette: Part I (as amended from time to time)

1.2 Fees

The CFIA is charging fees in accordance with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency Fees Notice. For information regarding fees associated with imported product, please contact the National Import Service Centre (NISC). Anyone requiring other information regarding fees may contact any local CFIA office or visit our Fees Notice Web Site.

1.3 Regulated pests

  • Cuscuta spp., dodder
  • Orobanche spp., broomrape
  • Striga spp., witchweed
  • Tilletia indica Mitra, Karnal bunt
  • Wheat attacking strains of Urocystis agropyri (Preuss) Shroeter, wheat flag smut or flag smut of wheat
  • Tilletia controversa Kühn, dwarf bunt
  • Trogoderma granarium, khapra beetle

More pests may be added to the above list as pest risk assessments are completed.

In addition to the pests listed above, which could be associated with the regulated commodities (Section 1.4), consignments must be free from the other pests on the "List of Pests Regulated by Canada".

1.4 Regulated Commodities

The following commodities are regulated:

  1. Seed and grain of wheat and triticale, as a recognized pathway of Tilletia indica, wheat attacking strains of Urocystis agropyri, and Tilletia controversa.
  2. Seed and grain of barley and rye, a recognized pathway of Tilletia indica and Tilletia controversa.
  3. Seed and grain of oats.
  4. Straw, hay and compost of barley, oats, rye, triticale and wheat, as a recognized pathway of Tilletia indica, wheat attacking strains of Urocystis agropyri, Tilletia controversa, and Oulema melanopus.
  5. Seed and grain for cleaning, screenings, chaff and hulls of, or derived from, barley, oats, rye, triticale and wheat, a recognized pathway of Tilletia indica, wheat attacking strains of Urocystis agropyri, and Tilletia controversa. Refer to directive D-96-07 (Appendix 6), for additional import requirements.
  6. U.S. origin grain of barley, oats, rye, triticale and wheat, originating from areas approved by the CFIA, moving in-transit by hopper bottom railcars via Canada to a destination in the U.S.
  7. U.S. origin grain of barley, oats, rye, triticale and wheat, originating from Karnal bunt free states of the continental U.S., moving in sealed cargo containers, in transit and in bond, via Canada for destination in a third country.

1.5 Commodities Exempt

  1. Cooked grain; meal.
  2. Couscous; endosperm; flour; germ; gluten; pasta; semolina.
  3. Broken, chopped, crushed, flaked, ground, kibbled, pearled, rolled, or sliced grain.
  4. Bran; middlings; milling run; shorts.
  5. Sprouted seed and seedlings for food or feed; malt; malt sprouts.
  6. Straw artifacts, ornaments and toys that have been bleached, dyed, painted or shellacked.
  7. Small quantities of hay or straw carried in vehicles only for in-transit use by animals are exempt from the import and domestic requirements identified in this directive. If disposed of in Canada, this hay or straw must be deposited in an area where it will be disposed of by burial or burning (where approved) in a municipal landfill.

Note: Importers and shippers should be aware that all shipments may be subject to inspection to verify freedom from quarantine pests and practical freedom from injurious pests and soil.

1.6 Regulated Areas

All countries where one or more of the regulated pests listed in Section 1.3 of this directive occur.

See Appendix 1 for a list of countries/areas infested or suspected to be infested with regulated pests.

1.7 Plants with Novel Traits

When importing plants or viable plant material, importers should be aware that they may be subject to additional regulatory requirements if the imported product is a plant with a novel trait, or PNT.

A plant is considered to be a PNT if it contains a trait that is both new to the Canadian environment and has the potential to affect the specific use and safety of the plant with respect to the environment and human health. PNTs are a broad category of plants that can be produced through a variety of methods, including genetic engineering.

Please refer to D-96-13 for additional regulatory requirements.

2.0 Movement Requirements and Prohibitions

2.1 Import, Transshipment, In-Transit and Domestic Movement Requirements for Seed and Grain, and Straw and Hay (e.g. oat hay)

Material imported into, moving within or transiting through Canada, shall meet the requirements listed in Appendix 3, Tables 1 through 3 (Seed and Grain) and Appendix 4, Table 1 (Straw and Hay).

Material imported into Canada must be clean and free from soil and regulated pests and regulated weeds.

2.2 Import Requirements for Grain or Seed for Cleaning in Canada, Screenings, Chaff and Hulls

Non-processed screenings and grain and seed of cereals imported for cleaning in Canada are subject to the requirements in Appendix 5, Table 1, and the requirements in directive D-96-07: "Import Requirements for Screenings and Grain and Seed for Cleaning" (Appendix 6).

2.3 Import and Domestic Movement Requirements for Soil Free Mushroom Compost derived from Cereal Straw

Soil free mushroom compost derived from straw of wheat, triticale, barley, rye and/or oats, and originating from Karnal bunt free states of the continental U.S., may be imported subject to the following requirements (refer to Appendix 4, Table 2).

The imported material must be accompanied by a Proof of Process (e.g., a document signed by a USDA or state Department of Agriculture official authorized to attest to the compost process).

The Proof of Process must attest that the compost has been produced under a combination of time and high temperatures generated under sound composting practices to destroy regulated pests, e.g., 75°C for three days, 65°C for five days, 60°C for seven days, 55°C for fourteen days, or other efficacious combination of temperature and time. The process must be monitored by USDA or state Department of Agriculture inspectors.

A Phytosanitary Certificate is not required.

2.4 Requirements for Special Purposes

In cases where the regular requirements for import of a regulated commodity cannot be met, the importer may submit a completed application for a Permit to Import, along with details of the proposed importation to the CFIA. The application must be accompanied by specific information on the scientific name of the product to be imported, the origin of the product, the anticipated volume of the product to be imported, the method and anticipated dates of shipment (includes means of preventing possible pest escape), the port of entry and estimated date of arrival of the product in Canada, the purpose of importation, any treatments or processes to be undertaken (include details of proposed process or treatment and the site where these will occur) and any other information that may be required to assess the risk of possible pest introduction. Issuance of a Permit to Import and the conditions of import identified on the Permit will be assessed on a case by case basis.

For further information on Permits to Import, importers should refer to D-97-04: "Application, Procedures, Issuance and use of a Permit to Import under the Plant Protection Act".

In cases where the regular requirements for domestic movement of a regulated commodity cannot be met, a Canadian may submit, to the CFIA, a letter stating the reasons for requesting permission to move a regulated thing from regulated to non-regulated areas within Canada. The letter must contain the following details: common name (and scientific name if a plant or organism) of product, origin of the product, quantity of product to be moved, method of shipping (include means of preventing possible pest escape), destination of product, persons responsible for shipping, receiving and handling of the product and their address, probable date of product movement, details of treatments or processes of the product and the site where these will occur, and any other information which may be required in order to assess the risk of possible pest spread. Upon receipt, the written submission will be assessed by the responsible commodity officer at the CFIA. Issuance of a Movement Certificate and the conditions of movement identified on the Movement Certificate will be assessed on a case by case basis.

2.5 Inspection Requirements

2.5.1 Document Verification

When applicable, valid Permits to Import, Phytosanitary Certificates, Certificates of Origin and Proof of Process documents, must be verified prior to the release of the material to the importer or consignee.

2.5.2 Product Examination

All shipments of regulated commodities, imported or moving within Canada, are subject to inspection and/or sampling and testing for regulated pests and soil contamination by an authorized CFIA inspector.

2.5.3 Facility Inspections

Facilities approved to import screenings, chaff, hulls, or grain or seed for cleaning in Canada, are subject to audit as per internal work plans. Audits must verify if the conditions spelled out in the application by importer have been met.

2.6 Non-Compliance

Shipments not meeting the import or domestic movement phytosanitary requirements of this directive will be refused entry or movement, returned to origin, re-exported, treated or destroyed at the importer's or shipper's expense. These expenses also include, but are not limited to, costs associated with quarantine actions resulting from accidental contamination caused by in-transit shipments and any seizure, confiscation and forfeiture of shipments.

The Permit to Import or the Movement Certificate will be cancelled if an importer/shipper does not comply with conditions of the Permit or Certificate.

Notifications of non-compliance will be issued in accordance with D-01-06: "Canadian Phytosanitary Policy for the Notification of Non-compliance and Emergency Action".

2.7 Other Requirements

The importation and domestic movement of cereals are also subject to the Seeds Act and Regulations, the Feeds Act and Regulations, the Health of Animals Act and Regulations, the Canadian Grain Act and Regulations, the Export-Import Permits Act and Regulations administered under the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade, and provincial noxious weed or weed control acts and regulations.

Importers wishing to know more about these acts and regulations may contact the offices of the CFIA, the Canadian Grain Commission or the Department of Foreign Affairs and International Trade. The provincial departments responsible for administering the provincial noxious weed or weed control legislation may be contacted for information on that legislation. Information is also available on CFIA's website.

It is the responsibility of the importer to meet all regulations pertaining to the imported goods or commodities.

3.0 Appendices

Appendix 1: Areas Infested or Suspected to be Infested with Regulated Pests

Appendix 2: Acceptable Additional Declarations and Treatments

Appendix 3: Seed and Grain Movement Requirements

Appendix 4: Straw and Hay and Compost Movement Requirements

Appendix 5: Grain or Seed for Cleaning, Screenings, Chaff and Hulls; Processed Products, By-Products and other Exempt Material; and Sealed Cargo Containers of U.S. Grain Moving In Bond and In-transit through Canada Movement Requirements

Appendix 6: D-96-07 - Import Requirements for Screenings and Grain and Seed for Cleaning

Appendix 7: Status of Countries Approved by CFIA for Export of Cereal Grain Or Seed to Canada

Appendix 8: Plant Protection Permit to Import: Conditions of Entry for Grain Originating From Approved Areas Other Than the Continental United States

Appendix 9: List of Areas Approved for In-transit Rail Movement of Wheat, Triticale, Barley, Rye and Oats

Appendix 10: Conditions for In-transit Rail Movement of Grain

Appendix 11: Example of an Acceptable Certificate of Origin

Appendix 1 Areas Infested or Suspected to be Infested with Regulated Pests

The following table outlines areas infested or suspected to be infested with regulated pests. The areas mentioned within the table include countries, states or provinces, districts or counties. Three different kinds of pests are provided that potentially infest the area outlined.
Country, State or Province, District or County Karnal Bunt Flag Smut (Wheat Strains) Dwarf Bunt
Canada: BC1 - Regional Districts of Central Kootenay, North Okanagan, and Columbia Shuswap west of the Monashee Mountain Range No No Yes, BC1 only
Canada: ON1 - East of Thunder Bay No No Yes, ON1 only
Canada: Other areas No No No
United States: AZ - Counties of La Paz, Maricopa, Pinal Yes No No
United States: ID; OR; WA No Yes Yes
United States: IN; MI; MT - Counties of Big Horn, Carbon, Chouteau, Fergus, Flathead, Gallatin, Lake, Missoula, Teton, Ravalli, Stillwater; NY; UT; WY No No Yes
United States: CO - Counties of Dolores, La Plata, Moffat, Montezuma, Rio Blanco, Routt, San Miguel No No Yes
United States: AL; AR; CA; CT; DE; DC; GA; IL; IA; KS; KY; ME; MD; MA; MN; MO; MT - Counties other than Big Horn, Carbon, Chouteau, Fergus, Flathead, Gallatin, Lake, Missoula, Teton, Ravalli, Stillwater; NM; NV; NH; NJ; NC; ND; OH; PA; SC; TN; TX; VT; VA; WI; WV No No No
United States: Other areas No No No
Asia: Afghanistan, Iran, Iraq Yes Yes Yes
Asia: India, Pakistan Yes Yes No
Africa: South Africa Yes Yes No
Asia: Nepal Yes Yes No
North America: Mexico Yes Yes No
South America (incl. Central America): Brazil Yes No No
Africa: Algeria, Libya, Morocco, Tunisia No Yes Yes
Asia: Japan, Kazakhstan, Krygyzstan, Syria, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan No Yes Yes
Europe: Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Spain, Switzerland, Türkiye, Ukraine No Yes Yes
Oceania: Australia No Yes Yes
South America (incl. Central America): Uruguay No Yes Yes
Africa: Egypt No Yes No
Asia:China (incl. Hong Kong), Israel, Jordan, Korea (North), Korea (South), Mongolia No Yes No
Europe: Cyprus, Estonia, France, Ireland, Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Portugal, United Kingdom No Yes No
South America (incl. Central America): Falkland Islands No Yes No
Africa: Tanzania No Yes No
South America (incl. Central America): Chile, Guatemala, Venezuela No Yes No
Europe: Albania, Armenia, Austria, Bosnia-Herzegovinia, Croatia, Denmark, Georgia, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Moldova, Poland, Slovenia, Sweden No No Yes
Oceania: New Zealand No No Yes
South America (incl. Central America): Argentina No No Yes
Africa: Benin, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Canary Islands, Central African Republic, Chad, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Gambia, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Ivory Coast, Madeira, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Somalia, Sudan, Togo No No No
Asia: Bahrain, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei Darussalam, Kuwait, Laos, Lebanon, Macao, Malaysia, Oman, Phillippines, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Thailand, United Arab Emirates, Vietnam, Yemen No No No
Europe: Andorra, Belarus, Belgium, Finland, Gibraltar, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Malta, Monaco, Norway, San Marino No No No
Countries other than those listed above To be determined To be determined To be determined

Appendix 2 Acceptable Additional Declarations and Treatments

Where the imported material must be accompanied by a Phytosanitary Certificate or a Movement Certificate (for domestic movement of material) with additional declarations for freedom from pests, the acceptable declarations and treatments are as outlined in the following tables.

Table 1, Table 2, Table 3

Table 1. Acceptable Treatments1 on Phytosanitary Certificates and Domestic Movement Certificates for Regulated Pests [1Details of treatment must show on the Phytosanitary Certificate or Movement Certificate. For information on pest control products registered in Canada, please contact the Canadian Pest Management Regulatory Agency (PMRA) at 1-800-267-6315.]

The following table outlines the acceptable treatments on Phytosanitary Certificates and Domestic Movement Certificates for regulated pests, specifically for the commodity of winter wheat seed.
Commodity Treatment Acceptable to attest freedom from Karnal Bunt Acceptable to attest freedom from Flag Smut (Wheat Strains) Acceptable to attest freedom from Dwarf Bunt
Winter wheat seed Difenoconazole, used in accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. No No Yes

Table 2. Acceptable Declarations on Domestic Movement Certificates for Regulated Pests

The following table outlines the acceptable declarations on Domestic Movement Certificates for regulated pests, specifically for the commodity of grain, seed, straw, or hay.
Commodity Declaration Acceptable on a Movement Certificate to attest freedom from Dwarf Bunt
Grain or Seed, Straw or Hay "The material originated in an area free from [include herein the Latin name of the pest(s)] on the basis of official surveys." Yes
Grain or Seed, Straw or Hay "The material is free from [include herein the Latin name of the pest(s)], on the basis of official laboratory testing." Yes
Grain "The material is being sent to [include herein the name and address of the facility] for milling or feed." Yes

Table 3. Acceptable Declarations on Phytosanitary Certificates to Attest Freedom from Regulated Pests

The following table outlines the acceptable declarations on Phytosanitary Certificates to attest freedom from regulated pests, specifically for the commodity of grain, seed, straw or hay.
Commodity Additional Declaration Acceptable on a Phytosanitary Certificate to Attest Freedom from Karnal Bunt Acceptable on a Phytosanitary Certificate to Attest Freedom from Flag Smut (Wheat Strains) Acceptable on a Phytosanitary Certificate to Attest Freedom from Dwarf Bunt
Grain or Seed, Straw or Hay "The material originated in an area free from [include herein the Latin name of the pest(s)] on the basis of official surveys." No, for all material from AZ.

Yes, for: wheat, triticale, barley, rye grain or seed; or wheat, triticale, barley, rye, oat straw or hay from all U.S. states other than AZ.

Not required for oat grain or seed from all U.S. states other than AZ.

Yes Yes
Grain or Seed, Straw or Hay "The material originated in an area free from [include herein the Latin name of the pest(s)]." No Yes Yes
Grain or Seed, Straw or Hay "The material is free from spores of [include herein the Latin name of the pest(s)] on the basis of official laboratory testing."

[See Appendix 1 for list of U.S. counties generally or partially infested with Karnal bunt.]

No, for all material from infested U.S. counties.

Yes, for material from non-infested U.S. counties.

Yes Yes
Grain Additional Declaration on phytosanitary certificate: "The material is free from spores of [include herein the Latin name of the pest(s)] on the basis of official laboratory testing." is replaced by a document issued by an accredited laboratory for phytosanitary testing indicating that the material in the shipment has been officially sampled and tested and found to be free of spores of the regulated pest(s). No Yes, for all material originating from U.S. counties where the pathogen is known to occur. Yes, for all material originating from U.S. counties where the pathogen is known to occur.

Appendix 3 Seed and Grain Movement Requirements (Tables 1, 2 and 3)

Table 1, Table 2, Table 3

Table 1. Seed and Grain of Wheat and Triticale - Import, Transshipped, In-transit and Domestic Movement Phytosanitary Requirements [For seed or grain imported for cleaning, screenings, chaffs and hulls and processed products, see Appendix 5.]

The following table outlines the import, transshipped, in-transit and Domestic Movement Phytosanitary Requirements for the seed and grain of wheat and triticale.
Source (Country, State or Province) Canadian Destination
(Province or County)
Regulated Pests Phytosanitary Requirements

[See Appendix 1 for infested counties.]

All Provinces KB, FSW and DB Prohibited from counties infested with Karnal Bunt.


PI and PC with ADs for KB and FSW, and AD or treatment for DB from counties not infested with Karnal Bunt.

AD or treatment for DB is not required for consignments shipped directly to the following destinations and contained to prevent spillage or spread while in-transit:
- BC1
- ON1

USA: All Continental States except AZ All Provinces KB, FSW and DB PC with ADs for KB and FSW and AD or treatment for DB

AD or treatment for DB is not required for consignments shipped directly to the following destinations and contained to prevent spillage or spread while in-transit:
- BC1
- ON1

For imports of grain in bulk, AD for FSW and/or DB may be replaced by a report issued by an accredited laboratory for phytosanitary testing indicating that the material in the shipment has been officially sampled and tested and found to be free of spores of the regulated pest(s).

USA: Hawaii All Provinces KB, FSW and DB PI and PC with ADs for KB and FSW and AD or treatment for DB

AD or treatment for DB is not required for consignments shipped directly to the following destinations and contained to prevent spillage or spread while in-transit:
- BC1
- ON1

USA: North Dakota, Montana All Provinces KB, FSW and DB Alternative certification options available as per: D-05-02, D-06-03
USA: All Continental States except AZ U.S. grain to be transiting or transshipped through Canada via the Great Lakes and/or St. Lawrence Seaway transportation system (i.e., East of Thunder Bay, ON).   None
USA: All Continental States except AZ U.S. grain transiting via Canada in sealed cargo containers for destination in a third country   Statement must be provided by the Importer/Shipper indicating that there is no loose grain on the exterior of the container, and the container is in good condition and not likely to leak while in-transit via Canada
USA: CO, CT, IA, KS, ME, MA, MN, MO, MT, NE, NH, NJ, ND, PA, RI, SD, VT, WI U.S. grain from approved origins for in-transit movement by covered hopper bottom railcars via Canada KB, FSW and DB PC with ADs for KB and FSW and AD or treatment for DB

AD for FSW and/or DB may be replaced by a document issued by an official laboratory indicating that the material in the shipment has been officially sampled and tested and found to be free of spores of the regulated pest(s).


For grain in rail cars transiting through Canada

PI and COO

South Africa, Afghanistan, India, Iran, Iraq, Nepal, Pakistan, Mexico, Brazil, Uruguay All Provinces KB Prohibited
Ethiopia, Morocco, China (incl. Hong Kong), Japan, Philippines, Syria, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, Chile, Puerto Rico All Provinces FSW and DB PI and PC with AD for FSW and AD or treatment for DB

AD or treatment for DB is not required for consignments shipped directly to the following destinations and contained to prevent spillage or spread while in-transit.
- BC1
- ON1

Other countries All Provinces To be determined Prohibited
Canada: BC BC DB MC with AD or treatment for DB

No MC is required for consignments originating in BC1 and shipped directly to those same destinations and contained to prevent spilling or spread while in-transit.

No MC is required for consignments originating in areas other than BC1 and shipped directly to all destinations in BC.

Canada: BC ON DB MC with AD or treatment for DB

AD or treatment for DB is not required for consignments originating in BC1 and shipped directly to destinations East of Thunder Bay and contained to prevent spillage or spread while in-transit.

No MC is required for consignments originating in areas other than BC1 and shipped directly to all destinations in ON.

Canada: BC All Other Provinces DB MC with AD or treatment for DB

No MC is required for consignments originating in areas other than BC1 and shipped directly to all destinations.

Canada: ON ON DB MC with AD or treatment for DB

No MC is required for consignments originating East of Thunder Bay and shipped directly to those same destinations and contained to prevent spillage or spread while in-transit.

No MC is required for consignments originating in areas Thunder Bay and West and shipped directly to destinations in ON.

Canada: ON BC DB MC with AD or treatment for DB

AD or treatment for DB is not required for consignments originating East of Thunder Bay and shipped directly to the following destinations and contained to prevent spillage or spread while in-transit:
- BC1

No MC is required for consignments originating in areas Thunder Bay and West and shipped directly to all destinations in BC.

Canada: ON All Other Provinces DB MC with AD or treatment for DB

No MC is required for consignments originating in areas West of Thunder Bay and shipped directly to destination.

Canada: ON Grain to be transiting or transshipped through Canada via the Great Lakes and/or St. Lawrence Seaway transportation system (i.e., East of Thunder Bay, ON).   None
Canada: All Provinces except BC, ON All Provinces None None

BC1 - Regional Districts of Central Kootenay, North Okanagan, and Columbia Shuswap west of the Monashee Mountain Range

ON1 - East of Thunder Bay

Table 2. Seed and Grain of Barley and Rye - Import, Transshipped, In-transit and Domestic Movement Phytosanitary Requirements [For seed and grain imported for cleaning, screenings, chaffs and hulls and processed products, see Appendix 5.]

The following table outlines the import, transshipped, in-transit and Domestic Movement Phytosanitary Requirements for the seed and grain of barley and rye.
Source (Country, State or Province) Canadian Destination (Province or County) Regulated Pests Phytosanitary Requirements

[See Appendix 1 for infested counties.]

All Provinces KB and DB Prohibited from counties infested with Karnal Bunt.


PI and PC with ADs for KB and DB from counties not infested with Karnal Bunt.

AD for DB is not required for consignments shipped directly to the following destinations and contained to prevent spillage or spread while in-transit:
- BC1
- ON1

USA: All Continental States except AZ All Provinces KB and DB PC with ADs for KB and DB

AD for DB is not required for consignments shipped directly to the following destinations and contained to prevent spillage or spread while in-transit:
- BC1
- ON1

For imports of grain in bulk, AD for DB may be replaced by a report issued by an accredited laboratory for phytosanitary testing indicating that the material in the shipment has been officially sampled and tested and found to be free of spores of the regulated pest(s).

USA: Hawaii All Provinces KB and DB PI and PC with ADs for KB and DB

AD for DB is not required for consignments shipped directly to the following destinations and contained to prevent spillage or spread while in-transit:
- BC1
- ON1

USA: All Continental States except AZ U.S. grain to be transiting or transshipped through Canada via the Great Lakes and/or St. Lawrence Seaway transportation system (i.e., East of Thunder Bay, ON).   None
USA: All Continental States except AZ U.S. grain transiting via Canada in sealed cargo containers for destination in a third country   Statement must be provided by the Importer/Shipper indicating that there is no loose grain on the exterior of the container, and the container is in good condition and not likely to leak while in-transit via Canada
USA: CO, CT, IA, KS, ME, MA, MN, MO, MT, NE, NH, NJ, ND, PA, RI, SD, VT, WI U.S. grain from approved origins for in-transit movement by covered hopper bottom railcars via Canada KB and DB PC with ADs for KB and DB

For imports of grain in bulk, AD for DB may be replaced by a document issued by an accredited laboratory for phytosanitary testing indicating that the material in the shipment has been officially sampled and tested and found to be free of spores of the regulated pest(s).


For grain in rail cars transiting through Canada

PI and COO

South Africa, Afghanistan, India, Iran, Iraq, Nepal, Pakistan, Mexico, Brazil All Provinces KB Prohibited
Ethiopia, Morocco, China (incl. Hong Kong), Japan, Philippines, Syria, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, Chile, Puerto Rico All Provinces DB PI and PC with AD for DB

AD for DB is not required for consignments shipped directly to the following destinations and contained to prevent spillage or spread while in-transit:
- BC1
- ON1

Other countries All Provinces To be determined Prohibited
Canada: BC All Provinces, including BC DB MC with AD for DB

AD for DB is not required for consignments originating in BC1 and shipped directly to the following destinations contained to prevent spillage or spread while in-transit:
- BC1
- ON1

No MC is required for consignments originating in areas other than BC1 and shipped directly to all destinations.

Canada: ON All Provinces, including ON DB MC with AD for DB

AD for DB is not required for consignments originating East of Thunder Bay and shipped directly to the following destinations and contained to prevent spillage or spread while in-transit:

No MC is required for consignments originating in areas Thunder Bay and West and shipped directly to destination

Canada: ON Grain to be transiting or transshipped through Canada via the Great Lakes and/or St. Lawrence Seaway transportation system (i.e., East of Thunder Bay, ON).   None
Canada: All Provinces except BC and ON All Provinces None None

BC1 - Regional Districts of Central Kootenay, North Okanagan, and Columbia Shuswap west of the Monashee Mountain Range

ON1 - East of Thunder Bay

Table 3. Seed and Grain of Oat - Import, Transshipped, In-transit and Domestic Movement Phytosanitary Requirements [For seed or grain imported for cleaning, screenings, chaff and hulls and processed products, see Appendix 5.]

The following table outlines the import, transshipped, in-transit and Domestic Movement Phytosanitary Requirements for the seed and grain of oat.
Source (Country, State or Province) Canadian Destination (Province or County) Regulated Pests Phytosanitary Requirements

[See Appendix 1 for infested counties.]

All Provinces KB Prohibited from counties infested with Karnal Bunt.


PI and PC with AD for KB from counties not infested with Karnal Bunt.

USA: All Continental States except AZ All Provinces None - None
USA: Hawaii All Provinces None  PI and PC
South Africa, Afghanistan, India, Iran, Iraq, Nepal, Pakistan, Mexico, Brazil All Provinces KB Prohibited
Ethiopia, Morocco, China (incl. Hong Kong), Japan, Philippines, Syria, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, Chile, Puerto Rico All Provinces None  PI and PC
Other countries All Provinces To be determined Prohibited
Canada: All Origins All Provinces None None

Appendix 4 Straw and Hay and Compost Phytosanitary Requirements

Table 1, Table 2

Table 1. Straw and Hay of Triticum spp. (Wheat), X-Triticosecale (Triticale), Secale spp. (Rye), Hordeum spp. (Barley), and Avena spp. (Oats) - Phytosanitary Requirements Related to Regulated Fungi for Import and Domestic Movement. [For straw ornaments, artifacts and toys that have been bleached, dyed, painted or shellacked, and for straw used as bedding material to protect animals from injury or sickness in vehicles transporting livestock, see Appendix 5 (Table 2). The requirements herein apply for all straw and hay (pure or in mixtures, including loose and baled straw or hay, straw used as packing material, and straw erosion control mats).]

The following table discusses the import and Domestic Movement Phytosanitary requirements of straw and hay of wheat, triticale, barley, rye and oats.
Source (Country, State or Province) Canadian Destination (Province or County) Regulated Fungi Phytosanitary Requirements for Regulated Fungi
USA: AZ All Provinces Karnal Bunt (KB), Flag Smut of Wheat (FSW) and Dwarf Bunt (DB) Prohibited from counties infested [See Appendix 1 for infested counties] with KB.


Import Permit (IP) and Phytosanitary Certificate (PC) with additional declarations (ADs) for KB, FSW, and DB from counties not infested with KB.

AD for DB is not required for consignments shipped directly to the following destinations and contained to prevent spillage or spread while in-transit:

  • BC
  • ON
USA: All Continental United States, except AZ All Provinces KB, FSW and DB PC with ADs for KB, FSW and DB.

AD for DB is not required for consignments shipped directly to the following destinations and contained to prevent spillage or spread while in-transit:

  • BC
  • ON
USA: Hawaii All Provinces KB, FSW and DB PC with ADs for KB, FSW and DB.

AD for DB is not required for consignments shipped directly to the following destinations and contained to prevent spillage or spread while in-transit:

  • BC
  • ON
South Africa, Afghanistan, India, Iran, Iraq, Nepal, Pakistan, Mexico, Brazil All Provinces KB Prohibited
Ethiopia, Morocco, China (incl. Hong Kong), Japan, Philippines, Syria, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Türkiye, United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, Chile All Provinces FSW, DB IP and PC with ADs for FSW and DB.

AD for DB is not required for consignments shipped directly to the following destinations and contained to prevent spillage or spread while in-transit:

  • BC
  • ON

Refer to Animal Health Directorate for additional requirements

Other countries All Provinces To be determined Prior Approval From the Plant Health and Biosecurity Directorate.

Refer to Animal Health Directorate for additional requirements

Canada: BC and ON All provinces (except areas within BC and ON DB Movement Certificate (MC), with AD for DB.

MC is not required for consignments originating in areas and destined for areas with the same infestation status (within BC or ON) shipped directly to destination and contained to prevent spillage or spread while in transit.

Table 2. Compost of Wheat, Triticale, Barley, Rye and Oats -- Import and Domestic Movement Phytosanitary Requirements.

The following table discusses the import and Domestic Movement Phytosanitary requirements of the compost of wheat, triticale, barley, rye, and oats.
Source (Country, State or Province) Canadian Destination (Province or County) Regulated Pests Phytosanitary Requirements

[See Appendix 1 for infested counties.]

All Provinces KB, FSW and DB Prohibited from counties infested with Karnal Bunt.


PI and PC with ADs for KB, FSW, and DB from counties not infested with Karnal Bunt.

AD for DB is not required for consignments shipped directly to the following destinations and contained to prevent spillage or spread while in-transit:
- BC1
- ON1

USA: All Continental States except AZ All Provinces KB and other pests (i.e., FSW, DB), depending on origin and destination Proof of Process (e.g., a letter signed by a USDA or State Department of Agriculture official authorized to attest to the compost process)
USA: Hawaii All Destinations KB and other pests (i.e., FSW and DB), depending on origin and destination Prohibited
South Africa, Afghanistan, India, Iran, Iraq, Nepal, Pakistan, Mexico, Brazil All Destinations KB and other pests (i.e., FSW and DB), depending on origin and destination Prohibited
Other countries All Destinations To be determined Prohibited

BC1 and ON1

All provinces (except areas within BC1 and ON1 DB Proof of process (e.g., a letter signed by a CFIA official that attests to the compost process).

No Proof of process is required for consignments originating in areas and destined for areas with the same infestation status for DB, shipped directly to destination, and contained to prevent spillage or spread while in-transit.

No proof of process is required for consignments originating in areas other than BC1 and ON1 and shipped directly to destination.

BC1 - Regional Districts of Central Kootenay, North Okanagan, and Columbia Shuswap west of the Monashee Mountain range

ON1 - East of Thunder Bay

Appendix 5 Grain or Seed for Cleaning, Screenings, Chaff and Hulls

Table 1, Table 2, Table 3

Table 1. Grain or Seed for Cleaning, Screenings1, Chaff1 and Hulls1 of Wheat, Triticale, Barley, Rye and Oats -- Import and Domestic Movement Requirements [1For finely ground (< 2 mm) screenings, chaff and hulls, see Table 2 below.]

The following table outlines the import and domestic movement requirements in relation to grain or seed cleaning, screenings, chaff and hull of wheat, triticale, barley, rye, and oats.
Source (Country, State or Province) Canadian Destination (Province or County) Regulated Pests Phytosanitary Requirements
USA: AZ All Destinations KB, FSW and/or DB; prohibited parasitic plants; and soil related regulated pests Prohibited.
USA: All Continental States except AZ All Destinations KB, FSW and/or DB; prohibited parasitic plants; and soil related regulated pests PI

Phytosanitay Certificate may be required for import of grain or seed for cleaning in Canada. Refer to Appendix 3 for phytosanitary requirements

USA: Hawaii All Destinations KB, FSW and/or DB; prohibited parasitic plants; and soil related regulated pests Prior Approval From the Plant Health and Biosecurity Directorate is Required.

Refer to Animal Health Directorate for Additional Requirements

Other countries All Destinations KB, FSW and/or DB; prohibited parasitic plants; and soil related regulated pests Prior Approval From the Plant Health and Biosecurity Directorate is Required.

Refer to Animal Health Directorate for Additional Requirements

Canada: BC BC, ON DB MC

No MC is required for consignments originating in BC1 and shipped directly to destinations in:
- BC1
- ON1

No MC is required for consignments originating in areas other than BC1 and shipped directly to destination.

Canada: BC AB, MB, NB, NL, NS, PE, QC, SK, NT, NU, YT DB MC with AD or treatment for DB

No MC is required for consignments originating in areas other than BC1 and shipped directly to destination.

Canada: ON All provinces except BC DB MC with AD or treatment for DB

No MC is required for consignments originating East of Thunder Bay and shipped directly to destinations East of Thunder Bay to the ON/QC border.

No MC is required for consignments originating in areas Thunder Bay and West and shipped directly to destination.

Canada: ON BC DB MC

No MC is required for consignments originating East of Thunder Bay and shipped directly to destinations in BC1

No MC is required for consignments originating in areas Thunder Bay and West and shipped directly to all destinations in BC.

Canada: AB, MB, NB, NL, NS, PE, QC, SK, NT, NU, YT All Destinations None None

BC1 - Regional Districts of Central Kootenay, North Okanagan, and Columbia Shuswap west of the Monashee Mountain Range

ON1 - East of Thunder Bay

Processed Products, By-Products and other Exempt Material

Table 2. Processed Products1, By-Products1 and other Exempt Material1 of Wheat, Triticale, Barley, Rye and Oats -- Import and Domestic Movement Requirements. [1 Includes cooked grain; couscous; endosperm; flour; germ; gluten; pasta; semolina; broken, chopped, crushed, flaked, ground, kibbled, pearled, rolled or sliced grain; meal; bran; middlings; milling run; shorts; screenings, chaff and hulls that have been finely ground and milled (< 2 mm); blocks, pellets, crumbles and cubes; sprouted seed and seedlings for food or feed; malt; malt sprouts; straw ornaments, toys and artifacts that have been bleached, shellacked, painted or dyed; and straw used as bedding material to protect animals from injury or sickness in vehicles transporting livestock.]

The following table outlines the import and domestic movement requirements for processed products, by-products and other exempt material specifically of wheat, triticale, barley, rye, and oats.
Source (Country, State or Province) Canadian Destination (Province or County) Regulated Pests Phytosanitary Requirements
All countries (including Canada) All Destinations None None

Sealed Cargo Containers of U.S. Grain Moving In Bond and In-transit through Canada

Table 3. Sealed Cargo Containers of U.S. Grain Moving In bond and In-transit through Canada1 [1cereal grain of barley, oats, rye, wheat or triticale, originating from States of the Continental U.S. not known or suspected to be infested with Karnal bunt, in sealed cargo containers moving in-bond through Canada for destination in a third country. The containers must be sealed at the time of entry to Canada, and must travel in bond while in Canada, as regulated by CBSA. At the time of entry to Canada, it must be verified that there is no loose grain on the exterior of the container, and the container is in good condition and not likely to leak while in-transit in Canada.]

The following table outlines the phytosanitary requirements of sealed cargo containers of U.S. grain moving in bond and in-transit through Canada.
Source (Country, State or Province) Canadian Destination (Province or County) Regulated Pests Phytosanitary Requirements

[See Appendix 1 for infested counties.]

In bond shipments of U.S. grain moving in-transit through Canada in sealed cargo containers for destination in a third country. KB, FSW and DB Prohibited from counties infested with KB


PI and PC with ADs for KB, FSW and DB from counties not infested with KB

USA: All Continental States except AZ In bond shipments of U.S. grain moving in-transit through Canada in sealed cargo containers for destination in a third country.   None

Appendix 6

D-96-07 - Import Requirements for Screenings and Grain and Seed for Cleaning

Appendix 7 Status of Countries Approved by CFIA for Export of Cereal Grain or Seed to Canada

Table 1, Table 2, Table 3

Table 1. Countries where Karnal bunt (Tilletia indica) occurs - it is prohibited to export cereal grain or seed to Canada:


  • South Africa


  • Afghanistan
  • India
  • Iran
  • Iraq
  • Nepal
  • Pakistan

North America:

  • Mexico
  • United States (infested counties of AZ)

South America (incl. Central America):

  • Brazil

Table 2. Countries approved to export cereal grain or seed to Canada:


  • Ethiopia
  • Morocco


  • China (incl. Hong Kong)
  • Japan
  • Philippines
  • Syria


  • Austria
  • Belgium
  • Czech Republic
  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • France
  • Germany
  • Italy
  • Ireland (oats only)
  • Iceland (barely only)
  • Netherlands
  • Poland
  • Portugal
  • Romania
  • Russian Federation
  • Slovakia
  • Spain
  • Sweden
  • Switzerland
  • Türkiye
  • United Kingdom

North America:

  • United States (other than Karnal bunt infested counties of AZ)


  • Australia
  • New Zealand

South America (incl. Central America):

  • Argentina
  • Chile
  • Puerto Rico
  • Uruguay (wheat only)

Table 3. Countries which require prior approval (following completion of a Pest Risk Assessment) to export cereal grain or seed to Canada:

All other countries not listed above.

Appendix 8 Plant Protection Permit to Import: Conditions of Entry for Grain Originating from Approved Areas Other Than the Continental United States

Grain originating from approved areas outside the Continental United States [Refer to Appendix 7], and imported to Canada for use as Animal Feed or Human Consumption, may be imported subject to the following requirements:

The Importer must obtain a Permit to Import issued by the CFIA Permit Office. With the application for a Permit to Import, the Importer must provide information outlining the import, transportation, handling, storage, processing and end use of the imported grain.

Prior to importation to Canada, a shipment of grain must be cleaned. The material in the shipment must be free of soil and seeds of prohibited plant species. The total of all extraneous matter, such as chaff and debris, weed seeds, and other foreign material, which may be carriers of regulated pests, must not exceed 2.0% by weight. Where higher industry standards exist for levels of tolerance of extraneous matter these must be respected. Import shipments which do not meet these standards are prohibited entry to Canada.

Shipments of wheat, triticale, barley, rye or oats must be accompanied by a Phytosanitary Certificate. Where required, Additional Declarations, certifying freedom from flag smut (wheat strains) (Urocystis agropyri) and dwarf bunt (Tilletia controversa) must be included on the Phytosanitary Certificate.

  • Refer to Appendix 3, Table 1, for requirements which have to be met for import of grain or seed of wheat or triticale to Canada;
  • Refer to Appendix 3, Table 2, for requirements which have to be met for import of grain or seed of barley or rye to Canada; and
  • Refer to Appendix 3, Table 3, for requirements which have to be met for import of grain or seed of oats for to Canada.

All shipments of regulated commodities, imported or moving within Canada, are subject to inspection and/or sampling and testing for regulated pests and soil contamination by an authorized CFIA inspector.

Shipments of grain for non-propagative purposes originating from approved areas outside of the continental United States will be held at the facility off-loading the vessel shipping the grain for a period of up to two weeks or until results of sample testing has been completed.

Appendix 9 List of Areas Approved for In-Transit Rail Movement of Wheat, Triticale, Barley, Rye and Oats

Table 1: The following table outlines the approved areas of origin for movement of grain by hopper-bottom railcar from the United States in-transit through Canada to the U.S. or via Canadian ports for transfer directly from rail cars to vessels for export.

State County
Colorado The counties of Adams, Arapahoe, Baca, Bent, Boulder, Cheyene, Crowley, Custer, Denver, Douglas, Elbert, El Paso, Fremont, Huerfano, Jefferson, Kiowa, Kit Carson, Larimer, Las Animas, Lincoln, Logan, Morgan, Otero, Phillips, Prowers, Pueblo, Sedgwick, Washington, Weld and Yuma 1
Connecticut All counties
Iowa All counties
Kansas All counties
Maine All counties
Massachusetts All counties
Minnesota All counties
Missouri All counties
Montana The counties of Beaverhead, Blaine, Broadwater, Carter, Cascade, Custer, Daniels, Dawson, Deer Lodge, Fallon, Garfield, Glacier, Golden Valley, Granite, Hill, Jefferson, Judith Basin, Lewis and Clark, Liberty, Lincoln, Madison, McCone, Meagher, Mineral, Musselshell, Park, Petroleum, Phillips, Pondera, Powell, Prairie, Richland, Roosevelt, Sanders, Sheridan, Silver Bow, Sweetgrass, Toole, Treasure, Valley, Wheatland, Wibaux and Yellowstone1
Nebraska All counties
New Hampshire All counties
New Jersey All counties
North Dakota All counties
Pennsylvania All counties
Rhode Island All counties
South Dakota All counties
Vermont All counties
Wisconsin All counties

1. Grain originating from the other counties of the States of Colorado and Montana may only move in-transit through Canada if accompanied by a Phytosanitary Certificate with the appropriate Additional Declarations for the area(s) of Canada they are transiting through.

Appendix 10 Conditions for in-transit rail movement of grain

For movement of grain by hopper-bottom railcar from the United States in-transit through Canada to the United States or via Canadian ports for transfer directly from rail cars to vessels for export.

The conditions of the Permit to Import shall be respected. An Importer of Record (IOR), residing in Canada, shall apply for this to the CFIA Permit Office. A Permit to Import is required for each importing state, but several exporters can be covered by the same. The IOR shall be a responsible employee or owner of a rail company to be carrying U.S. grain in-transit through Canada. This IOR will be liable in ensuring that the conditions are met. These conditions will be as follows:

  1. The in-transit rail movement through Canada of grain from other than the approved areas of the U.S. is not permitted with an import permit.
  2. The grain shall be accompanied by a Certificate of Origin.
  3. The Importer of Record (IOR) will ensure that the Certificates of Origin are presented as requested by the Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) or the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA). The IOR shall ensure that all requirements outlined in D-99-01, regarding the Certificate of Origin, are met.
  4. The imported grain shall transit through Canada only by rail, shall return to the U.S. and shall not be unloaded in Canada; or where the grain is delivered to a Canadian port for transfer to an ocean going vessel for export directly from Canada, that the grain is transferred directly from the rail car(s) to the vessel, the grain is not stored in a grain or bulk handling facility within Canada, the grain is not cleaned during the transfer from the rail car to the vessel, and that no mixing of grain of U.S. origin with grain of Canadian origin occurs during the transfer of the grain from the rail car to the vessel and that separation is maintained where required.
  5. The IOR shall ensure that, prior to presentation to the Canada Border Services Agency at the Canadian point of entry, all hatches and gates on the rail cars are closed, all gates are sealed, the exterior structures of the rail cars do not carry grain, and the condition of the rail car is such that the risk of leakage or spillage of grain during the in-transit movement of grain is negligible.
  6. The IOR shall ensure that, while the rail cars are in-transit through Canada, the rail cars are inspected for soundness, and all the hatches and gates remain closed.
  7. The IOR shall, in the event of a derailment, or other instance of spillage or leakage of grain, including at direct transfer from rail cars to vessels for export, immediately dispatch a clean-up crew to the site to collect and dispose of the spilled grain in a manner approved by the CFIA. In all such cases, the IOR will contact the CFIA.
  8. The IOR will provide a monthly cross border report to the CFIA which will include a reconciliation of all inward and outward movement of rail cars carrying grain under the alternative certification requirements, as well as a narrative summary of actions taken to clean up and dispose of any spilled grain. This report shall be submitted to: Plant Protection - Grains and Field Crops Specialist, CFIA, Federal, 6th Floor, Room 613 - 269 Main Street, Winnipeg, MB, R3C 1B2, Telephone: 204-259-1400, Fax: 204-259-1331, no later than two weeks following the final date covered by the report.
  9. The IOR shall, where rail cars of companies other than the IOR's company, use the rail tracks of the IOR's company for in-transit movement through Canada of U.S. origin grain, shall ensure that the grain moved by these other companies meet the requirements of D-99-01.
  10. The IOR shall provide the CFIA with the route and schedule of all rail cars ahead of time for audit purposes.

Appendix 11

Example of an Acceptable Certificate of Origin

For movement of grain by hopper-bottom railcar from the United States in-transit through Canada to the United States or via Canadian ports for transfer directly from rail cars to vessels for export.

State of Origin Certificate
[Name of State Department of Agriculture included herein]
[Number of Certificate included herein]

[Address of State Department of Agriculture included herein]

To the Plant Protection Organization of:

"The rail car(s) listed in this Certificate of Origin was (were) completely cleaned of any residues of previous consignments carried in the rail car(s) prior to loading the grain identified below in this Certificate. The grain in the rail car(s) listed below was produced and originated in the state(s) and county(ies) listed below."

Type of grain:

Origin (i.e. state and county where grain originated and was produced):

Rail car numbers:

Name of Elevator:space



Name of Elevator Agent:space

Signature of Elevator Agent:space


State Department of Agriculture Authorized Certification Officer:

Signature of Authorized Certification Officer:


[Distribution included herein, e.g., original (white) to shippers, 1st copy (pink) to shippers, 2nd/ copy (canary) to the State.]