CFIA Statement on Rejected Shipment of Products from the UK

Irn Bru and Marmite are not banned for sale in Canada. These products have been available on Canadian store shelves for more than a decade and will continue to be sold in stores across Canada.

Recently, a shipment containing a number of products imported from the UK was detained in the course of regular border activities because it contained meat products that were not accompanied by the required documentation.

Appropriate certification of meat products is required to assure food safety and protect animal health in Canada.

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) determined that the rejected shipment also included other products, including Irn Bru (drink) and Marmite (a yeast-based spread).

Imported products, including Irn Bru and Marmite, that meet Canadian requirements under Canada's Food and Drug Regulations are and will continue to be available for sale in Canada.

The CFIA will work with the food seller to ensure they are accessing the correct products, destined for Canadian markets.

Food safety remains a top priority for the Government of Canada, and is the primary focus of the CFIA's food inspection action.