Raw, soft and semi soft cheese policy and sample certificate (France)

The Food and Drug Regulations (FDR) require that cheese made from an unpasteurized source be stored at 2°C or more for at least 60 days.

In September 2000, representatives from Health Canada and the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) visited France to learn of its regulations and control systems concerning soft and semi-soft raw milk cheese manufacturing. It was

As of July 2001, France has provided the CFIA with export certificates for all shipments of these cheeses. These certificates confirm that the product is from a recognized establishment, that the establishment performs microbiological self-testing of their production and has had official sampling and analyses of its product within the last three months. In lieu of requiring the 60 day storage period for raw soft and semi-soft cheeses from France, the CFIA accepts receipt of France's certificate for each exported shipment of raw, soft and semi-soft cheeses, together with ongoing microbiological monitoring.

Image-Page 1 of Sample Health Certificate. Description follows.
Description for Image-Page 1 of sample Health Certificate to export of some raw milk cheeses to Canada

This image is a sample Health Certificate to export of some raw milk cheeses to Canada from France. This certificate confirms that the product is from a recognized establishment, that the establishment performs microbiological self-testing of their production and has had official sampling and analyses of the product(s).

Image-Page 2 of sample Health Certificate. Description follows.
Description for Image-Page 2 of sample Health Certificate to export of some raw milk cheeses to Canada

This image is a sample Health Certificate to export of some raw milk cheeses to Canada from France. This certificate confirms that the product is from a recognized establishment, that the establishment performs microbiological self-testing of their production and has had official sampling and analyses of the product(s).