International 2 and 3 letter country codes

Country Codes

The following country codes must precede all certificate numbers on Official Meat Inspection Certificates (OMIC) for export to Canada.  For the PHIS certificates Importer/broker must add the ISO code US in front of certificate number when entering information in Single Window.

International 2 and 3 letter country codes
Country 2 / 3 letter code
Argentina AR / ARG
Australia AU / AUS
Austria AT / AUT
Belgium BE / BEL
Brazil BR / BRA
Chile CL / CHL
China CN / CHN
Croatia HR / HRV
Czech Republic CZ / CZE
Denmark DK / DNK
Finland FI / FIN
France FR / FRA
Germany DE / DEU
Greenland GL / GRL
Hungary HU / HUN
Iceland IS / ISL
Ireland IE / IRL
Israel IL / ISR
Italy IT / ITA
Japan JP / JPN
Lithuania LT / LTU
Mexico MX / MEX
Netherlands NL / NLD
New Zealand NZ / NZL
Paraguay PY / PRY
Poland PL / POL
Portugal PT / PRT
Puerto Rico PR / PRI
Romania RO / ROM
Slovenia SI / SVN
South Korea
(Republic of Korea)
Spain ES / ESP
Sweden SE / SWE
Switzerland CH / CHE
Thailand TH / THA
United Kingdom GB / GBR
Ukraine UA / UKR
Uruguay UY / URY
United States US