How to properly declare a Safe Food for Canadians licence number on food import declarations

Most food importers are now required to have a Safe Food for Canadians (SFC) licence to import food into Canada. The Canadian Food Inspection Agency has been reviewing food import transactions to ensure that importers have a valid Safe Food for Canadians (SFC) licence, as required.

During our review of the transactions, we have noticed that the SFC licence number is not being declared properly on many import declarations. In the near future, if the SFC licence number is not entered properly on the import declaration, the transaction will be rejected and the shipment could be refused entry into Canada.

Please review the following to ensure you are entering the importer's SFC licence number correctly on the import declaration.


Enter the importer's Safe Food for Canadians (SFC) licence number in the Registration Number field of the import declaration exactly as was issued by the CFIA

  • SFC licence numbers issued by the CFIA consist of a combination of eight (8) numbers and letters

Review your licence information using the My CFIA portal to ensure that your licence covers:

  • the licensable activity of "Importing Food"
  • the food commodity or commodities you intend to import

If you need to amend your SFC licence, please do so using the My CFIA portal.

If you have multiple licences, ensure you are entering the correct licence number on the import declaration. Remember, the licence number you enter must cover the activity of "Importing Food", as well as the food commodity or commodities you are importing.

For more information on food commodities, including definitions and examples of the types of food included in each commodity, refer to Appendix A of What to consider before applying for a Safe Food for Canadians licence.


Enter a "Y" (for "Yes") in the Registration Number field of the import declaration

  • A "Y" can no longer be used to indicate that the importer has a licence
  • The Registration Number field must include the importer's 8-digit SFC licence number

Enter a previous licence or registration number in the Registration Number field of the import declaration

  • A previous licence or registration number is no longer accepted
  • The Registration Number field must include the importer's 8-digit SFC licence number

Leave the Registration Number field blank

  • This field must include the importer's 8-digit SFC licence number

If you have questions about applying for or amending your SFC licence, refer to our Food licences page or contact the Centre of Administration at 1-800-442-2342.