Annex L - Procedures for end product monitoring

These are the procedures that should be followed in order to evaluate and record all necessary information on the Detail/work sheet.

  • Identify the grade and size to be assessed, the grade declared on the package or invoice, and the kind/ type/ variety of the product.
  • Record the date and time that inspection was started.
  • Record marks on packages and pallet identifiers on the detail sheet for the inspection. Full description of labelling should be included.
  • Determine the number of containers that make up the load to ascertain sample size.
    • The number of samples is determined by the CFIA sampling plan.
    • Select a representative sample which is taken randomly throughout the load. Each package must have an equal likelihood of selection.
    • For bulk loads, every effort should be made to take representative samples throughout the bins or bags, not just the top. Every bin or tote must have equal likelihood of selection.
  • Verify the weight of ¼ of the packages that are selected for sampling and record the weight. No tolerance for short weight packages. If preliminary results indicate short weight, lot must be held for sampling at double CFIA sampling plan.
  • Weigh and record the weight for each sample collected from a bulk load to allow for precise calculation of size and defect percentages.
  • Take and record product and warehouse temperatures.
  • Empty contents of packages; visually examine samples for cleanliness and maturity (skinning and firmness).
  • Examine specimens in each sample for compliance with size requirements and record findings for:
    • Minimum size;
    • Maximum size; and/or
    • Special lot tolerance for size.
  • Examine samples and score specimens against the grade identified on the detail sheet for:
    • Special lot tolerance for defects (e.g.: potatoes skinning and external sprouts);
    • Decay;
    • Internal defects; and
    • External defects.
  • Compute percentages of defects for total of all samples and total for internal and external defects.
  • Determine compliance.
  • Provide statement whether lot meets or fails to meet requirement, and samples examined represented the lot.
  • If the lot fails, corrective action is required. All product related to the lot(s) sampled must be segregated and marked "Do Not Ship".
  • If product is re-worked/ re-graded, pallet or container ID numbers must be removed and new numbers applied.