The requirement to obtain a CFIA export certificate depends on the food commodity and the importing country. The Food export requirements library outlines the importing country requirements you need to meet, including export certificates that are required.
The Food Export Control Policy outlines the principles the CFIA follows as Canada's competent authority to verify compliance and certify food commodities for export. The policy also clarifies the responsibilities of food commodity exporters.
Use this form to request food export certificates that are issued outside of the MyCFIA e-Certification portal. If you have questions, contact your local CFIA office.
Complete the food export certificate request form and submit it to your local CFIA office. This gives the CFIA an opportunity to review the export eligibility of your product and, if required, schedule a product inspection.
When requesting an export certificate or other export permission, exporters must provide the inspector with accurate and complete information and any supporting documents that may be required. The inspector may request the exporter's documents to verify that the information submitted is factual, accurate, and complete.
The CFIA charges fees for some of the services it provides to industry and stakeholders. Please refer to the CFIA Fees Notice and contact your local CFIA office for billing information.
Food Export Certificate Request
The CFIA will assess your application and you may be contacted for additional information.
Section I – Application information
- I.1 Date of request:
- I.2 CFIA office service location:
- I.3 Application type:
- Original Application reference No.:
- Application amendment Original application reference No. Reason for amendment
- Certificate Replacement Original certificate No. Reason for replacement
- I.4 Date of departure from Canada:
- I.5 Export certificate form No(s).:
- I.6 Final country of destination:
- I.7 Transit country(ies) (if applicable):
- I.8 Applicant information:
- Name:
- Telephone No.:
- E-mail:
- Address:
- SFC Licence No.:
- SFC Licence expiry date:
- I.9 Consignor name and address:
- I.10 Consignee name and address:
- I.11 Name(s), establishment ID No(s)., and SFC licence No(s). of all manufacturing/processing establishment(s):
- I.12 Name(s), establishment ID No(s)., and SFC licence No(s). of cold storage(s) (if applicable):
- I.13 Means of transport:
- Airplane
- Road vehicle
- Vessel
- Railway
- I.14 Container and/or seal no. (if available):
- I.15 Transport conditions:
- Frozen
- Refrigerated
- Ambient
- I.16 The lot is available for inspection by:
- Date:
- Time:
- Location (Name/Address):
- I.17 End use
- Human consumption
- Further processing
Section II – Description of consignment
- Product description
- Manufacturing / processing establishment name(s) and ID no(s).
- Production date(s) / mark(s) / lot code(s) /
- Number, type and unit weight of packages
- Net weight
Section III – Applicant attestations
- I attest that:
- All information contained or referenced in this application is complete and accurate, and is not false or misleading.
- I have read and understood exporter responsibilities, food export licence requirements, and the associated Canadian policies, acts and regulations that apply to the food products I wish to export.
- I have documented the verification required to confirm that the product(s) identified in this application and the related certificate(s) meet the requirements of the importing country.
- Comments:
- Name and signature of applicant:
- Date / Date:
Section IV – For CFIA Use Only
- Application approved
- Application denied
- Inspection required prior to application approval
Name and signature of evaluating inspector:
Application review date:
Certificate reference number assigned by CFIA:
- Assigned
- To be assigned once issued
Instructions for application
Section I – Application information
All fields are mandatory unless otherwise identified.
- I.1 Date of your request.
- I.2 Identify the CFIA office service location.
- I.3 Identify your certificate application type by selecting one option.
- Original: provide a unique reference no. for your application. The CFIA will refer to this number when corresponding with you about your application.
- Application amendment: For any required amendments to an application for which the certificate is not yet issued. Provide the application reference number and reason for amendment.
- Certificate Replacement: provide the original certificate No. and reason for replacement. Attach any supporting documentation (that is, official correspondence from Border Control Post or transport carrier, as applicable).
- I.4 Provide the date of departure from Canada. If unknown at the time of submission, please provide an estimated departure date.
- I.5 Identify the export certificate form No(s). of the certificate(s) that you are requesting. For example: CFIA/ACIA ####.
- I.6 Identify the final country of destination.
- I.7 (Optional field) Identify the transit countries if additional certification documents are required.
- I.8 Provide applicant information: name, address, telephone No., email, and the Safe Food for Canadians (SFC) licence number and expiration date.
- If the application is submitted by a freight forwarder on behalf of an applicant, provide the name of the freight forwarder in the comments box.
- I.9 Provide the name and address of the consignor. The consignor is typically the party that is the owner/legal party responsible for the shipment.
- I.10 Provide the name and address of the consignee. The consignee (the buyer) is financially responsible for the receipt of a shipment.
- I.11 For all vessels/manufacturing/processing establishment(s) where product was harvested, manufactured and/or processed, please provide name(s), establishment ID No(s), and SFC licence No(s).
- I.12 (Optional field) If the certificate requires identification of a cold storage, please provide name, establishment ID no, and SFC licence no.
- I.13 Identify means of transport of your shipment by selecting one option.
- I.14 Provide container and/or seal no., if available. This information does not have to be provided at the time of the initial submission but must be made available to the inspector prior to certificate issuance if it is required on the certificate.
- I.15 Indicate the transport conditions of your shipment by selecting one option.
- I.16 Indicate the date and time that your shipment will be available for an inspection, and at what location.
- I.17 Indicate the end use of your shipment by selecting one option.
Section II – Description of Consignment
Product description: Product description as it appears on the label.
- product name as written on label (mandatory)
- if product is non-compliant and marked "For Export Only".
Additional information (as appropriate, including but not limited to)
- scientific name
- type and variety of the food
- type of processing
- product quality (grade, class, colour, age, size, etc.)
- product state (frozen, refigerated, cooked, ready-to-eat, etc.)
- Manufacturing / processing establishment name(s) and ID no(s).
- Production date(s) / mark(s) / lot code(s): Provide information which allows for the identification of your consignment
- Number, type and unit weight of packages
- Net weight
Section III – Applicant attestations
Please acknowledge each attestation by selecting each check box.
Provide any additional product information, including information requested by the local CFIA office, for the certificate(s) application. For example:
- HS code: Must be provided if the certificate requires this information.
- Product country of origin: Identify if the product is of Canadian origin or imported (whole or in part of imported ingredients). If imported, identify which country the product originally came from.
Name and signature of applicant: Wet or digital signatures are accepted.
Section IV – For CFIA Use Only
- Inspectors will record the result of the application review by selecting one option.
- Comments: Inspectors may use this field to record any notes and/or record information that was obtained after original submission.
After dating and signing the form, inspectors are to communicate the application status with the applicant.