A list of valid export certificates for embryos can be found below. If you are planning an export, please contact the Animal Health Offices in your area to get a copy of the export certificate and verify that the export certificate is still valid, that it applies to your export, and that there are no disease outbreaks or other events that may cause exports to be suspended. Please note that export conditions from some of the certificates to the USA are provided for information purposes only.
- Bovine
HA2039 (2004-01-05)
- Bovine (in vivo and in vitro)
HA1257 (amended 2021-10-20)
- Ovine/Caprine
HA2972 – Certificate presently not available
- Bovine
HA1392 (amended 2022-07-27) - Bovine (in vitro) produced
HA2995 (amended 2022-07-27)
- Ovine/Caprine
HA2455 (2008-10-09)
- Bovine (in vivo and in vitro)
HA2741 (2020-10-16)
Certificate for Belarus suspended. Belarus has advised that the certificate for Bovine embryos to Russia HA1334 (amended 2009-04-17) is to be used for all future shipments of bovine embryos to Belarus.
- Bovine
HA2457 (2008-10-30)
- Bovine (in vivo)
HA2614 (amended 2010-10-04)
- Bovine (in vivo and in vitro)
HA1348 (amended 2024-06-26) - Caprine
HA2776 – Certificate presently not available - Ovine
HA1540 – Certificate presently not available
Burkina Faso
- Bovine
HA2346 (2007-01-05)
- Bovine (in vivo)
HA1306 (amended 2016-02-22) - Caprine/Ovine
HA1903 (amended 2016-02-22)
- Bovine
HA1349 (amended 2016-04-26) - Bovine in-vitro fertilized embryos
HA1976 – Certificate presently not available
- Bovine (in vivo and in vitro)
HA1289 (amended 2018-05-15) - Ovine/Caprine (in vivo and/or in vitro)
HA2054 (2023-06-07)
Costa Rica
- Bovine
HA1219 (amended 2019-07-15) - Caprine/Ovine
HA2732 (2013-03-21) - Porcine
HA2987 (2019-06-04)
- Bovine
HA2147 (2010-05-03) - Ovine/Caprine
HA2424 (2022-06-01)
Dominican Republic
- Bovine
HA1554 (amended 2016-04-25)
- Bovine (in vivo)
HA2613 (2012-02-07)
- Bovine
HA1511 (amended 2004-12-17)
El Salvador
- Bovine
HA2150 (amended 2004-10-08)
- Bovine
HA1646 (amended 1998-01-01)
European Union
Canadian exporters are required to use the Trade Control and Expert System New Technology (TRACES NT) as of January 15, 2022, for export certificates for all food and animal commodities destined to the EU. For more information about TRACES, refer to the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) web page Exporting food and animal products to the European Union.
Exporters are required to complete Part I of the appropriate certificate in TRACES NT and continue to request export services (inspection and certificate issuance) from their local CFIA office.
Export certificates are accessed through the TRACES NT and are listed below.
If you are planning an export, please contact the Animal Health Offices in your area to get further information.
Note: only the specific certificates listed on the CFIA public website for export of a particular commodity to the European Union (EU) are to be endorsed by CFIA veterinarians. A number of other certificates, which are not listed on the CFIA public website, exist within the EU system (TRACES NT). These certificates should not be submitted by exporters for CFIA endorsement. If a certificate which is not listed on the CFIA public website is submitted, it will be refused endorsement by the CFIA veterinarians.
- Bovine embryos (in vivo and in vitro) and oocytes collected after April 20, 2021 (HA3155)
2024/351 (2021/403) Model animal health certificate for entry into the Union of consignments of oocytes and embryos of bovine animals collected or produced, processed and stored in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/429 and Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/692 after 20 April 2021, dispatched by the embryo collection or production team by which the oocytes or embryos were collected or produced – Model BOV-OOCYTES-EMB-A-ENTRY - Bovine embryos (in vivo) collected before April 21, 2021 (HA2283)
2024/351 (2021/403) Model animal health certificate for entry into the Union of consignments of stocks of in vivo derived embryos of bovine animals collected, processed and stored before 21 April 2021 in accordance with Council Directive 89/556/EEC, dispatched after 20 April 2021 by the embryo collection team by which the embryos were collected – Model BOV-in-vivo-EMB-B-ENTRY - Bovine embryos (in vitro) collected before April 21, 2021 (HA2696)
2024/351 (2021/403) Model animal health certificate for entry into the Union of consignments of stocks of in vitro produced embryos of bovine animals produced, processed and stored before 21 April 2021 in accordance with Council Directive 89/556/EEC, conceived using semen complying with requirements of Council Directive 88/407/EEC, dispatched after 20 April 2021 by the embryo production team by which the embryos were produced – Model BOV-in-vitro-EMB-C-ENTRY - Bovine embryos (in vitro) collected before April 21, 2021 – authorized semen (HA3140)
2024/351 (2021/403) Model animal health certificate for entry into the Union of consignments of stocks of in vitro produced embryos of bovine animals produced, processed and stored before 21 April 2021 in accordance with Council Directive 89/556/EEC, conceived using semen coming from semen collection or storage centres approved by the competent authority of the exporting country, dispatched after 20 April 2021 by the embryo production team by which the embryos were produced – Model BOV-in-vitro-EMB-D-ENTRY - Bovine embryos and oocytes exported from an EU approved germinal product storage centre (HA3154)
2024/351 (2021/403) Model animal health certificate for entry into the Union of consignments of germinal products listed below, dispatched after 20 April 2021 from the germinal product storage centre – Model BOV-GP-STORAGE-ENTRY - Ovine/Caprine embryos (in vivo and in vitro) and oocytes collected after April 20, 2021 (HA3156)
2024/351 (2021/403) Model animal health certificate for entry into the Union of consignments of oocytes and embryos of ovine and caprine animals collected or produced, processed and stored in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/429 and Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/692 after 20 April 2021, dispatched by the embryo collection or production team by which the oocytes or embryos were collected or produced – Model OV/CAP-OOCYTES-EMB-A-ENTRY - Ovine/Caprine embryos collected before April 21, 2021 (HA2516)
2024/351 (2021/403) Model animal health certificate for entry into the union of consignments of oocytes and embryos of ovine and caprine animals collected or produced, processed and stored in accordance with directive 92/65/EEC before 21 April 2021, dispatched after 20 April 2021 by the embryo collection or production team by which the oocytes or embryos were collected or produced – Model OV/CAP-OOCYTES-EMB-B-ENTRY - Ovine/Caprine embryos and oocytes exported from an EU approved germinal product storage centre (HA3159)
2024/351 (2021/403) Model animal health certificate for entry into the union of consignments of germinal products listed below, dispatched after 20 April 2021 from the germinal product storage centre – Model OV/CAP-GP-STORAGE-ENTRY
- Bovine
HA2931 (2016-07-22) - Ovine/Caprine
HA2930 (2016-0 7-22)
Great Britain, Channel Islands and Isle of Man
- Bovine (in vitro) EU semen
HA3139 (Amended 2024-02-12) - Bovine (in vitro) authorized semen – Annex 4
HA3137 (Amended 2024-02-12) - Bovine (in vivo)
HA3138 (Amended 2024-02-12) - Ovine/Caprine
HA3141 (Amended 2024-02-12)
- Bovine
HA2027 (2004-11-03) - Caprine/Ovine
HA2961 (2017-02-21)
- Bovine (in vivo/in vitro)
HA2976 (Amended 2022-10-07) - Ovine/Caprine (in vivo/in vitro)
HA3006 (2018-04-10)
- Bovine (in vivo)
HA1572 (amended 2016-04-14) - Ovine
HA2454 Certificate presently not available
- Bovine
HA2243 (2007-10-11) - Ovine/Caprine
HA2558 (2018-07-31)
- Bovine
HA1681 (amended 2015-09-27) - Ovine/Caprine
HA2365 (amended 2016-03-11)
- Bovine
HA2453 (2008-09-30)
- Bovine (in vivo derived)
HA1613 (2019-09-24) - Bovine (in vitro produced)
HA3066 (2019-09-24)
- Bovine
HA1359 Certificate presently not available - Ovine/Caprine
HA2632 (amended 2014-02-06)
- Bovine
HA1378 (amended 2014-03-14)
- Bovine
HA1614 (2005-07-05)
- Bovine
HA2344 (2007-02-05)
- Bovine
HA2549 (2010-03-10)
Korea (Republic of)
- Bovine
HA1415 (amended 2017-07-21)
Kyrgyz Republic
- Bovine
HA2585 (2010-07-05)
- Bovine
HA2101 (2004-03-09)
- Bovine
HA1042 (amended 2012-12-20) - Ovine/Caprine
HA2513 (amended 2011-02-15)
- Bovine (in vivo and in vitro)
HA1258 (amended 2004-12-23) - Caprine (in vivo)
HA2276 (amended 2012-10-23) - Ovine (in vivo)
HA2019 (amended 2012-10-23)
- Bovine (in vivo)
HA2638 (amended 2018-08-28) - Bovine (in vitro)
HA3029 (2018-08-28)
- Bovine
HA2410 (2008-01-16) - Ovine/Caprine
HA2489 (2009-03-10)
- Bovine (in vivo)
HA1373 (amended 2010-07-26)
- Bovine
HA1512 (amended 1998-01-01)
New Zealand
- Bovine
HA1299 (amended 2024-05-07) - Ovine
HA2904 (amended 2024-09-12)
- Bovine
HA1907 (1999-12-08)
Norway has aligned import conditions with those of the European Union (EU) and accepts certification through the EU electronic certification system, Trade Control and Expert System New Technology (TRACES NT), as of January 15, 2022.
For more information about TRACES, refer to the CFIA web page Exporting food and animal products to the European Union
Exporters are required to complete Part I of the appropriate certificate in TRACES NT and continue to request export services (inspection and certificate issuance) from their local CFIA office.
Export certificates are accessed through the TRACES NT and are listed below.
If you are planning an export, please contact the Animal Health Offices in your area to get further information.
Note: only the specific certificates listed on the CFIA public website for export of a particular commodity to the European Union (EU) are to be endorsed by CFIA veterinarians. A number of other certificates, which are not listed on the CFIA public website, exist within the EU system (TRACES NT). These certificates should not be submitted by exporters for CFIA endorsement. If a certificate which is not listed on the CFIA public website is submitted, it will be refused endorsement by the CFIA veterinarians.
- Bovine embryos (in vivo and in vitro) and oocytes collected after April 20, 2021
2022/497 (2021/403) Model animal health certificate for entry into the Union of consignments of oocytes and embryos of bovine animals collected or produced, processed and stored in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/429 and Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/692 after 20 April 2021, dispatched by the embryo collection or production team by which the oocytes or embryos were collected or produced – Model BOV-OOCYTES-EMB-A-ENTRY - Bovine embryos (in vivo) collected before April 21, 2021
(2021/403) Model animal health certificate for entry into the Union of consignments of stocks of in vivo derived embryos of bovine animals collected, processed and stored before 21 April 2021 in accordance with Council Directive 89/556/EEC, dispatched after 20 April 2021 by the embryo collection team by which the embryos were collected – Model BOV-in-vivo-EMB-B-ENTRY - Bovine embryos and oocytes exported from an EU approved germinal product storage centre
2022/497 (2021/403) Model animal health certificate for entry into the Union of consignments of germinal products listed below, dispatched after 20 April 2021 from the germinal product storage centre – Model BOV-GP-STORAGE-ENTRY
- Bovine (in vivo and in vitro)
HA2959 (2019-05-30)
- Bovine
HA1639 (amended 2007-10-03)
- Bovine
HA2084 (amended 2004-02-02)
- Bovine
HA1643 (amended 2015-11-03)
- Bovine (in vivo)
HA1659 (amended 2021-08-05)
- Bovine (in vivo and in vitro)
HA1491 (amended 2019-01-25) - Ovine/Caprine
HA2609 (2018-07-23) - Swine
HA3050 (2019-03-29)
- Bovine
HA1334 (amended 2009-04-17)
- Bovine
HA2567 (2010-04-22)
Saint Vincent
- Ovine/Caprine
HA2279 – Certificate presently not available
Saudi Arabia
- Bovine
HA1500 (2004-11-25)
Serbia Republic
- Bovine
HA2060 (2010-03-23)
South Africa
- Bovine
HA1428 (amended 2004-01-30)
Switzerland has aligned import conditions with those of the European Union (EU) and accepts certification through the EU electronic certification system, Trade Control and Expert System New Technology (TRACES NT), as of January 15, 2022.
For more information about TRACES, refer to the CFIA web page Exporting food and animal products to the European Union.
Exporters are required to complete Part I of the appropriate certificate in TRACES NT and continue to request export services (inspection and certificate issuance) from their local CFIA office.
Export certificates are accessed through the TRACES NT and are listed below.
If you are planning an export, please contact the Animal Health Offices in your area to get further information.
Note: only the specific certificates listed on the CFIA public website for export of a particular commodity to the European Union (EU) are to be endorsed by CFIA veterinarians. A number of other certificates, which are not listed on the CFIA public website, exist within the EU system (TRACES NT). These certificates should not be submitted by exporters for CFIA endorsement. If a certificate which is not listed on the CFIA public website is submitted, it will be refused endorsement by the CFIA veterinarians.
- Bovine embryos (in vivo and in vitro) and oocytes collected after April 20, 2021
2022/497 (2021/403) Model animal health certificate for entry into the Union of consignments of oocytes and embryos of bovine animals collected or produced, processed and stored in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/429 and Delegated Regulation (EU) 2020/692 after 20 April 2021, dispatched by the embryo collection or production team by which the oocytes or embryos were collected or produced – Model BOV-OOCYTES-EMB-A-ENTRY - Bovine embryos (in vivo) collected before April 21, 2021
(2021/403) Model animal health certificate for entry into the Union of consignments of stocks of in vivo derived embryos of bovine animals collected, processed and stored before 21 April 2021 in accordance with Council Directive 89/556/EEC, dispatched after 20 April 2021 by the embryo collection team by which the embryos were collected – Model BOV-in-vivo-EMB-B-ENTRY - Bovine embryos (in vitro) collected before April 21, 2021
(2021/403) Model animal health certificate for entry into the Union of consignments of stocks of in vitro produced embryos of bovine animals produced, processed and stored before 21 April 2021 in accordance with Council Directive 89/556/EEC, conceived using semen complying with requirements of Council Directive 88/407/EEC, dispatched after 20 April 2021 by the embryo production team by which the embryos were produced – Model BOV-in-vitro-EMB-C-ENTRY - Bovine embryos and oocytes exported from an EU approved germinal product storage centre
2022/497 (2021/403) Model animal health certificate for entry into the Union of consignments of germinal products listed below, dispatched after 20 April 2021 from the germinal product storage centre – Model BOV-GP-STORAGE-ENTRY
- Bovine
HA2635 (2011-03-01)
- Bovine
HA1470 (amended 2010-10-19)
Trinidad and Tobago
- Bovine
HA1564 (2009-05-15) - Ovine/Caprine
HA2436 (2008-05-20)
- Bovine
HA2102 (2006-02-14)
Türkiye (Republic of)
- Bovine
HA2420 (Amended 2022-08-12) - Ovine/Caprine
HA2599 (amended 2022-08-12)
- Bovine
HA2495 (2010-03-25)
- Bovine
HA1713 (amended 2004-06-30)
United Arabes Emirates
- Bovine (in vivo and in vitro)
HA1822 (amended 2019-11-12)
United States
- Bovine (in vivo and in vitro) and Oocytes
- Equine
HA2504 (2009-06-02) - Equine Oocytes
HA3214 (2024-03-26) - Porcine
HA1832 (amended 1998-03-04)
- Bovine (in vivo and in vitro)
HA1436 (amended 2024-08-28)
- Bovine
HA2595 (2010-08-04)
- Bovine
HA1410 (amended 2010-04-27)
- Bovine
HA1988 (amended 2003-09-18) - Ovine/Caprine
HA2427 (2009-06-10)
Ovine/Caprine embryos collected before April 21, 2021
Western Samoa
- Bovine
HA1752 (amended 1998-01-01)
- Bovine
HA1326 (amended 2004-01-30) - Ovine/Caprine
HA3039 (2018-11-15)