Revised framework for the prevention and control of African swine fever


To prevent entry and mitigate the impacts of ASF in the Americas

Four pillars for action based on a foundation of science

1. Preparedness and planning

Expected outcome: Countries have a high state of readiness to swiftly control ASF should it enter the Americas region.

Areas for action

  • Increase readiness by validating ASF preparedness plans and testing response capabilities through exercises involving all stakeholders
  • Find solutions to deficiencies in ASF response capabilities and planning gaps
  • Optimize rapid ASF detection in the Americas by ensuring capacity for surveillance
  • Develop the appropriate process and capacity for rapid risk assessment to identify risks for ASF and inform policy decision as situations evolve
  • Continue to collaborate internationally on critical ASF research with particular attention to the development of vaccines and other tools to prevent or respond to an ASF outbreak

2. Enhanced biosecurity

Expected outcome: Key biosecurity measures are in place to prevent the entry of ASF into the domestic and wild pigs populations of the Americas, and mitigate its spread within these populations.

Areas for action

  • Identify key threats, gaps, and best practices in national border biosecurity, including establishment of appropriate level of activity, informed by risk assessment
  • Establish coherent collaboration to ensure border authorities share intelligence and best practices to mitigate the entry
  • Foster collaboration and compliance to address biosecurity ensuring responsibilities of all stakeholders are identified
  • Involve stakeholders in government, industry, and academia to gain an understanding of the wild pigs populations, and share best management practices at borders and the interface with domestic pigs

3. Ensure business continuity

Expected outcome: Mitigate the trade impacts of ASF on the swine sector, both nationally and internationally, while controlling and eradicating the disease.

Areas for action

  • Ensure risk based movements of animals and animal products domestically to keep industry viable in the face of an outbreak
  • To provide guidance and technical support for the development of common standards for zone establishment to gain wider acceptance
  • Proactively negotiate the recognition of zoning approaches with trading partners to reduce impediments to trade
  • Work with international partners and the World Organisation for Animal Health (WOAH; founded as Office International des Épizooties (OIE)) to develop globally recognized and accepted guidance on the application of compartmentalization for ASF to gain wider acceptance, both in infected and uninfected countries

4. Coordinated risk communications

Expected outcome: Effective risk communication on ASF with target audiences to encourage informed decision making, behaviour modification, and trust in governments and industry.

Areas for action

  • Develop a consistent approach and strategies to communicating risk, adapted to the specific needs and circumstances, including disease status, of various countries
  • Identify or develop platforms and mechanisms for ongoing coordination of messaging and for sharing of communications-related information between countries
  • Establish mechanisms for monitoring public narrative on ASF to ensure information in media and social media is accurate
  • Develop notification protocols to update partners on disease status


Leverage existing partnerships or build new ones to engage stakeholders in areas which require collaboration to attain expeditious and responsive solutions to manage ASF. Clearly define the roles and responsibilities of the partners in accordance with their respective mandate.


Optimize the potential of existing governance mechanisms at international, regional, sub-regional and national levels to ensure effective coordination and co-operation among all parties to implement appropriate measures to achieve common objectives for the prevention and control of ASF.

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