5.3 Cattle and bison for temporary stay

This section provides guidelines on certification requirements for cattle and bison being imported into Canada or exported from Canada on a temporary basis. A common example of a temporary stay is a livestock show or exhibition.

U.S. cattle and bison imported for a temporary stay in Canada requirements for return to the U.S.

For animals imported from U.S. for temporary stay in Canada, if less than 60 days:

  • a copy of the United States Health Certificate including a proof of the date of entry into Canada
  • no Canadian tattoo or branding is required; and
  • the animals should bear an approved tag or a foreign indicator deemed equivalent to an approved tag under the livestock identification and traceability program TRACE).

After 60 days of residence in Canada they must be treated as Canadian animals unless they obtain an exemption from the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA):

  • animals will be required to meet the export certification requirements of section 5.2 Cattle and Bison Born on or After March 1, 1999 of this manual, including the requirements for:
  • all animals imported from the U.S. which have been exhibited at a publicly recognized exposition in Canada are eligible to return to the U.S. within 90 days under special conditions. Refer to section 5.10 for more information

Canadian cattle and bison exported for temporary stay in the U.S.

Canadian animals exported for temporary stay in the U.S. must meet the export certification requirements of section 5.2 of this manual, including the requirements for:

Requirements for return to Canada

Due to the ongoing situation with Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) affecting dairy cattle in the US, Canadian animals returning after temporary stay in the U.S. of less than 60 days will be faced with additional post re-return requirements in addition to those listed below.

For dairy cattle this will include isolation and testing at the destination farm. Accredited veterinarians may refer to Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) in cattle: Guidance for private veterinarians for guidance on sampling procedures and actions to be taken regarding HPAI in cattle.

Recommendations for beef cattle returning from a temporary stay in the U.S. can be found in the Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza in Cattle: Letter for Beef Cattle Exporters, which is also referenced in above advisory.

It is recommended that accredited veterinarians share or make available the corresponding letter for cattle exporters (referenced above) to their clients as well as discuss its contents and the potential implications of a temporary movement of their animals to the U.S. (i.e. return to Canada within 60 days).

For animals that have been exported to the U.S. for less than 30 days:

For cattle exported from Canada to the U.S. more than 30 days but less than 60 days before the date of return to Canada, the animal must be accompanied by the following documents:

  • a Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) import permit
  • a Canadian Zoosanitary Export Certificate of a veterinary inspector, or a certificate of a veterinarian endorsed by a veterinary inspector, that clearly identifies the animal and states that it was exported to the U.S.
  • the USDA VS FORM 17-140 (Zoosanitary export certificate), issued within 7 days of planned return to Canada, or a certificate of a veterinarian endorsed by an official veterinarian of the U.S. that shows that the animal proved negative to test for brucellosis within 30 days before the date of return
  • the document entitled "EXPORT CERTIFICATION STATEMENTS FOR CANADIAN ORIGIN CATTLE (ALL BREEDS AND END USES) IN UNITED STATES FOR LESS THAN 60 DAYS RETURNING TO CANADA" must be issued 7 days, or less, of the planned return to Canada.

The above-mentioned conditions can be found at the following: Automated Import Reference System (AIRS)

For more details, the importer must contact his or her Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) district veterinarian.

Cattle and bison transiting the U.S. for export to Mexico

Shipments of cattle and bison transiting the U.S. for export to Mexico will require an "in transit" permit from the USDA and the export certificate for the final destination

No tattoo or branding is required. The animal must bear an approved tag or a foreign indicator deemed equivalent to an approved tag under the TRACE program

Loads will be sealed at the farm of origin. Refer to section 6.4 for more information