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Ottawa, August 25, 2017 – The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has confirmed the presence of koi herpesvirus disease (KHVD) in cultured koi carp (Cyprinus carpio koi) in British Columbia (B.C.). This is the first detection of KHVD in B.C. by the CFIA, but the disease has been previously detected in Manitoba and Ontario.
The disease detection was associated with an import of koi from Israel by a wholesaler who distributed fish to greenhouses, pet stores and garden centres within B.C. for sale to private individuals. As a result of this detection, the import of all susceptible species of aquatic animals from Israel for the following end uses will be suspended until further notice:
- aquarium – commercial;
- aquarium – private;
- outdoor holding unit – commercial; and
- outdoor holding unit – private.
The CFIA is committed to working with Israel to ensure that Canada's aquatic animal health import requirements are met and the suspended zoosanitary export certificate, which applies to all exports from Israel for the aforementioned end uses, can be renegotiated as quickly as possible in order to minimize any impact on trade.
KHVD poses no risk to human health or food safety; however, this virus can infect other susceptible species and is reportable under Canada's Reportable Diseases Regulations.
Individuals or businesses that are concerned that their fish may have koi herpesvirus disease should contact their local CFIA area and district office immediately. Sick or dead fish should not be disposed of in natural waterways.
More information on koi herpesvirus disease can be found on the CFIA website.