Aquatic animal export: certification requirements for Mexico

The following certificates are available

  • Aquatic Animal Health Certificate for the Export of Dead Crustaceans for Aquatic Animal Feed from Canada to Mexico (AQAH-1021)
  • Aquatic Animal Health Certificate for the Export of Dead Crustaceans (Krill, Euphasia spp.) from Canada to Mexico (AQAH-1022)
  • Aquatic Animal Health Certificate for the Export of Live Molluscs, Gametes or their Germplasm for Aquaculture and Research from Canada to Mexico (AQAH-1035)
  • Aquatic Animal Health and Sanitary Certificate for the Export of Live Crustaceans from Canada to Mexico (AQAH-1062)
  • Aquatic Animal Health Certificate for the Export of Live Finfish, gametes or their germplasm (salmonids) for aquaculture and research from Canada to Mexico (AQAH-1107)
  • Aquatic Animal Health Certificate for the Export of Live Finfish, Gametes or their Germplasm (non- salmonids) for Aquaculture from Canada to Mexico (AQAH-1108)

Important notes

  • At this time, certificate (AQAH-1021) only applies to export of dead crustaceans for aquatic animal feed
  • Certificate (AQAH-1022) only applies to dead krill, Euphasia species only, harvested in Canadian waters

If the Euphasia species was not harvested in Canadian waters, or for any other species of dead crustaceans for purposes of aquatic animal feed please use Aquatic Animal Health Certificate (AQAH-1021)

  • Currently, certificate (AQAH-1035) only applies to export of the live molluscs, gametes or their germplasm for aquaculture or research purposes.

    Sampling and testing may be required.

  • Currently, the use of AQAH 1108 is limited to the exportation for use in aquaculture and research of: Striped or Striated Bass (Morone saxatilis) White Bass (Morone americana) Yellow Bass (Morone mississippiensis) and other species of the Morone genus

    A veterinary inspection is required.

  • Certificate AQAH-1107 for export of live finfish, gametes or germplasm (Salmonids) requires veterinary inspection and may require sampling and testing.
  • Currently, certificate (AQAH-1062) only applies to live crustacean species destined for human consumption
  • There may be existing certificates or additional information for certification to Mexico available through the Export requirements for fish and seafood web page.

To request an export certificate outlined above or if you require any other information on aquatic animal health export certification, please contact your please contact your local CFIA Office.