Aquatic animal export: certification requirements for Brazil

The following certificates are available:

  • Aquatic Animal Health and Sanitary Certificate for the Export of Eviscerated Finfish Products Intended for Human Consumption from Canada to Brazil (AQAH-1054)
  • Aquatic Animal Health and Sanitary Certificate for the Export of Uneviscerated Finfish Products Intended for Human Consumption from Canada to Brazil (AQAH-1055)
  • Aquatic Animal Health and Sanitary Certificate for the Export of Live Crustaceans (except shrimp) Intended for Human Consumption from Canada to Brazil (AQAH-1059)
  • Aquatic Animal Health and Sanitary Certificate for the Export of Molluscs Intended for Human Consumption from Canada to Brazil (AQAH-1053)
  • Aquatic Animal Health and Sanitary Certificate for the Export of Crustaceans (except shrimp) Intended for Human Consumption from Canada to Brazil (AQAH-1020)
  • Aquatic Animal Health Certificate for the Export of Atlantic Salmon (Salmo salar) Fertilized Eggs for Purposes of Evaluating their Growth Performance from Canada to Brazil (AQAH-1082)

Important Notes:

  • Currently, certificates (AQAH-1053), (AQAH-1054) and (AQAH-1055) only apply to wild, dead aquatic animals and fish and seafood products. Live aquatic animals, cultured aquatic animals cannot be shipped using this certificate. The processing establishment's name must appear on the List of Canadian Establishments Approved for Export to Brazil.
  • Certificate (AQAH-1059) only applies to wild caught live lobsters (Homarus americanus). Other species of live wild caught aquatic animals or cultured aquatic animals cannot be shipped using this certificate. The processing establishment's name must appear on the List of Canadian Establishments Approved for Export to Brazil.
  • Certificate (AQAH-1020) only applies to wild, dead aquatic animals and fish and seafood products. Live aquatic animals, cultured aquatic animals cannot be shipped using this certificate. The processing establishment's name must appear on the List of Canadian Establishments Approved for Export to Brazil.
  • Brazil has indicated that all the information on the above certificates, including the first page and description of the product (in particular the information in Box 10. Means of Transport, Box 12. Conditions for transport/storage and Box 14. Description of the product, Type of packaging and Number of packages), must be in Portuguese. The exporter shall be responsible for providing this information in Portuguese to the CFIA at the time of the request for certification and for its accuracy. It remains the responsibility of the exporter to ensure they are meeting all the requirements of the importing country.
  • Currently, certificate AQAH-1082 only applies to the export of Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) fertilized eggs for the purposes of evaluating their growth performance. It is the importer and exporters responsibility to obtain a valid import permit(s) and copy of the importing country requirements issued by the Brazilian Authorities prior to import. The exporter shall provide the inspector with a copy or copies of any and all import documents required to import this commodity into Brazil so CFIA can verify that the animal health attestations on the negotiated certificate meet Brazil's current import requirements prior to the CFIA's issuance of the certificate.
  • Canada is currently in negotiation with Brazil for export certification of cultured aquatic animals intended for human consumption. For this specific commodity, until such time as a negotiated certificate is available, shipments exported without an aquatic animal health certificate may be detained in Brazil.
  • There may be existing certificates or additional information from the Fish and Seafood program. However, for the specific commodities above, an aquatic animal health certificate is required.
  • To request an export certificate outlined above or if you require any other information on aquatic animal health export certification, please contact your CFIA Area Office.