Notification of Reportable Diseases by Aquaculturists

Aquaculturists who own or work with finfish, molluscs or crustaceans are required to notify the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) when they suspect a reportable aquatic animal disease or when a reportable aquatic animal disease is detected in the animals under their care, possession or control.

Amendments to the Health of Animals Regulations and Reportable Diseases Regulations were published in Canada Gazette Part II, on December 22, 2010, and January 5, 2011, respectively.

The requirement is as follows:

5. (1) A person who owns or has the possession, care or control of an animal shall notify the nearest veterinary inspector of the presence of a reportable disease or toxic substance, or any fact indicating its presence, in or around the animal, immediately after the person becomes aware of the presence or fact (Health of Animals Act).

If you suspect or detect (including cases of non-negative test results) of a reportable aquatic animal disease, notify a veterinary inspector located at your nearest CFIA Animal Health Office, as soon as is reasonably possible.

The veterinary inspector may require additional information from you in order to help him/her determine whether an inspection is required to examine the affected animals and collect samples for testing in a Fisheries and Oceans Canada National Aquatic Animal Health Laboratory System. When notifying the veterinary inspector, please make sure that live animals or fresh, refrigerated carcasses are available for inspection. Requested information may include:

  • scientific name of the animal,
  • life stage affected,
  • number of animals that may be affected,
  • disease history of the animals,
  • presence of signs of disease,
  • mortality numbers,
  • whether the animals have been examined by a veterinarian, and
  • laboratory reports.

The reportable aquatic animal diseases are:

Reportable Diseases
Disease Aquatic Animal
Bonamia ostreae Mollusc
Ceratomyxosis (Ceratomyxa shasta) Finfish
Epizootic haematopoietic necrosis Finfish
Haplosporidium nelsoni (MSX) Mollusc
Infectious haematopoietic necrosis Finfish
Infectious pancreatic necrosis Finfish
Infectious salmon anaemia Finfish
Koi herpesvirus disease Finfish
Marteilia refringens Mollusc
Marteiliodes chungmuensis Mollusc
Mikrocytos mackini (Denman Island Disease) Mollusc
Perkinsus marinus Mollusc
Perkinsus olseni Mollusc
Spring viraemia of carp Finfish
Taura syndrome Crustacean
Viral haemorrhagic septicaemia Finfish
Whirling disease (Myxobolus cerebralis) Finfish
White spot disease Crustacean
White sturgeon iridoviral disease Finfish
Yellow head disease Crustacean

More information is available on these Reportable Diseases.