These diseases are of significant importance to aquatic animal health or to the Canadian economy. Anyone who owns or works with aquatic animals and knows of or suspects a reportable disease is required by law to notify the CFIA. If a reportable disease were to be detected, the CFIA would begin an investigation.
Facilities working with animal or zoonotic pathogens must comply with the Containment Standards for Facilities Handling Aquatic Animal Pathogens.
- Susceptible species currently listed in the Health of Animals Regulations
- Federally reportable diseases in Canada
- Ceratomyxosis (Ceratomyxa shasta)
- Epizootic haematopoietic necrosis
- Infectious haematopoietic necrosis
- Infectious pancreatic necrosis
- Infectious salmon anaemia
- Koi herpesvirus disease
- Spring viraemia of carp
- Viral haemorrhagic septicaemia
- Whirling disease (Myxobolus cerebralis)
- White sturgeon iridoviral disease
- Disease caused by Bonamia ostreae
- Disease caused by Haplosporidium nelsoni
- Disease caused by Marteilia refringens
- Disease caused by Marteiliodes chungmuensis
- Disease caused by Mikrocytos mackini
- Disease caused by Perkinsus marinus
- Disease caused by Perkinsus olseni