Management response and action plan for the Evaluation of the Export Certification Program

Recommendation 1

CFIA should:

  • Review and update its 2018 CFIA service management strategy to align with CFIA's strategic priorities
  • Establish service delivery standard 'groupings' that organize the export certificates into like groupings and determine appropriate delivery standard(s) for each grouping
  • Monitor and report on its performance against these standards
Management Response: CFIA Management agrees with the recommendation
Action plans Target dates Accountable lead

Review and update its 2018 CFIA service management strategy to align with the Agency's strategic priorities.

There are significant changes that must occur to be able to shift clients onto the Agency's preferred digital channel. There are also many certificates that must be negotiated and made in an electronic format (based on risk) that will allow for the shift to digital enablement.

October 31, 2020 Vice-President, Digital Services Branch, with support from Vice President colleagues from International Affairs, Operations, Science

Establish service delivery standard 'groupings' that organize the export certificates into like groupings and determine appropriate delivery standard(s) for each grouping.

Analysis is needed to determine opportunities based on risk to make these digital shifts. Once they are done and in practice, service standards can be developed. Change management plans will be developed and guidance provided to staff to ensure that they are aware of the established service standards.

March 31, 2022 Vice-President, Digital Services Branch, with support from Vice President colleagues from International Affairs, Operations, Science

Monitor and report on its performance against these standards.

There is currently a logic model and performance indicators for export certification and these will be revisited as required to update as new services come on line.

March 31, 2022 Vice-President, Digital Services Branch, with support from Vice President colleagues from International Affairs, Operations, Science

Recommendation 2

CFIA should provide all relevant employees updated export certification training, guidance and reference tools to promote and assist in their understanding of how to perform their duties for new and existing export certification systems and practices. This could include the following:

  • There is a clear process to review and update export certification training policies, procedures and guidance for the purposes of consistency and accuracy
  • Training curriculums address the competencies required and any identified gaps for export certification
  • Delivery of training occurs in a timely manner
Management Response: CFIA Management agrees with the recommendation
Action plans Target dates Accountable leads
An inventory of existing guidance documents will be conducted in order to identify gaps and/or outdated documents. Additionally, a risk-based business process for the creation and maintenance of guidance documents will be created so that it aligns with each business line's priorities and enables appropriate work-planning. December 31, 2020 Vice-President, Operations with support from the Vice-President, Human Resources Branch and Vice-President, International Affairs Branch
In order to assess all inspectorate training priorities, a review of the existing guidance and training materials will be combined with a review of training needs identified by the Inspectorate. A prioritized national work plan will be developed by Business and Workforce Enablement and then incorporated into the appropriate training plans. March 31, 2021 Vice-President, Operations with support from the Vice-President, Human Resources Branch and Vice-President, International Affairs Branch

Recommendation 3

CFIA should strengthen how it applies an integrated risk management approach within and across its animal, food and plant programs to more effectively determine appropriate resource allocations to its export certification activities. This risk management approach should align with the Treasury Board Framework for the Management of Risk.

Management Response: CFIA Management agrees with the recommendation
Action plans Target dates Accountable leads
CFIA will strengthen the effective application and implementation of integrated risk management through the further development of risk models and integration of these results into strategic, programmatic and operational planning processes across and within business lines. March 31, 2022 Vice-President, Policy and Programs, with support from Vice President colleagues from Corporate Management Branch, Digital Services Branch, International Affairs Branch, Human Resources, Operations and Science

Recommendation 4

CFIA should develop a transition plan designed to allow for all paper and electronic export certificates to be entered and managed in the Digital Service Delivery Platform. This plan should include a change management approach that supports both internal and external stakeholders being prepared for implementation.

Management Response: CFIA Management agrees with the recommendation
Action plans Target dates Accountable leads
CFIA will continue to build upon and maintain the CFIA-developed Information Technology-enabled export certification platform. CFIA will work with all relevant stakeholders to take stock of the platform capabilities and develop a phased implementation plan to move paper and electronic export certificates for food, plant and animal to the Digital Service Delivery Platform over the next 5 years. September 30, 2020 Vice-President, International Affairs Branch, with support from Vice-President, Digital Services Branch and Vice-President, Operations