Requesting a Certificate of Free Sale using My CFIA


Applying for an online Certificate of Free Sale via My CFIA is available to licensed food businesses under the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations (SFCR) for the following types of commodities at this time:

  • manufactured foods
  • processed fruits and vegetables
  • maple products
  • honey products

More information on the eligibility requirements for the online certificate can be found on the Certificate of Free Sale web page.

On this page

Prerequisites for requesting an online Certificate of Free Sale

In order to request a Certificate of Free Sale, you must meet the following 2 prerequisites:

Step-by-step instructions for requesting a Certificate of Free Sale in My CFIA

Sign into My CFIA

If you've obtained a party profile in My CFIA, along with an SFC licence, you are ready to request a Certificate of Free Sale. To do so, go to the My CFIA home page and click the sign in link. Then choose your secure sign-in method and enter your credentials.

Create a new service request

Once signed in, you will be on the party profile dashboard page. Click on the white drop down box under party administration to select the proper validated party followed by clicking the select button. Scroll down to the service request section and click on the new service request link.

Picture - Dashboard. Description follows.
Description for photo - Dashboard


Viewing: Fast food export specialists PR-00787 – Party (validated)

Party administration

Choose party, then click select.

If you would like to request services on behalf of a business or organization, select a party profile from the drop down list or click "enrol new party, alternative service provider/enter invite code" to create a new profile. If you would like to request service for personal use, select your contact profile.

Fast Food Export Export Specialists PR-00787 – Party (validated) - Select

Manage party

Enrol new party, alternative service provider/enter invite code

Service request

Welcome to your service request dashboard. On this page you can view your current or past service requests and create new service requests. The service you are requesting may be subject to a fee. To see a list of Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) service fees and learn more visit – CFIA's Fees Notice.

New service request

Issued permissions, issued export certificate, inspection reports, Pre-market Application Submissions Office (PASO) submission outcomes, e-invoices, payments

Select application type, provide a name and date of export

On the next screen, you will select the application type. Click on the drop down arrow and select export application, then click on the next step button. You will have to attest that all information you are submitting is complete and accurate and is not false or misleading, by selecting the accept button.

Next, you will be prompted to indicate an application name. Make sure to enter a name that will be easy to search once you've submitted your request.

You will also have to enter the date of export. This is the date that your product will be leaving Canada. The CFIA will aim to complete your export application prior to your date of export but this cannot be guaranteed.

Important notes about the date of export:

  • export certificates will not be issued for shipments that have already left Canada
  • if you do not have a confirmed date of export, identify the anticipated date
  • you can enter a later date of export by modifying your application within the My CFIA portal
  • if you need to identify an earlier export date than originally indicated, please contact the CFIA

Once complete, select next step.

Identify the consignor

On the next screen you will identify the consignor. The consignor is the person or organization responsible for the sale and transportation of the goods or products.

First select an operating name from the pre-existing operating name(s) that you identified in your profile. The operating name you select will appear on the certificate as the consignor (that is the name of the exporting company).

Note: you can add a new operating name or edit an existing one by clicking on the manage operating names button.

Next select the consignor address. There are 4 types to choose from; establishment; main office address; billing address; and custom consignor. Selecting the establishment option will result in a drop-down list of your establishments from the pre-existing addresses that you identified in your profile. Select the establishment you want and click the next step button. Alternately, you can identify a custom consignor address and click the next step button to fill in the required information.

Picture - Export application – 15% complete. Description follows.
Description for photo - Export application – 15% complete

Export application – 15% complete

Identify the consignor

Please choose the operating name that will appear as the consignor name on the export certificate (that is the exporter). You can select from the pre-existing operating names and addresses that you have identified in your profile or you can identify a custom consignor address using the radio button below. A custom selection will appear when you click the next step button.

Available operation names (required): fast food exporters specialists

Manage operating names

Please ensure that the address you choose is correctly associated with the operating name selected above.

Please select the consignor address (required)

  • Establishment
  • Main office address
  • Billing address
  • Add custom consignor

Next step

Establishment is selected, select establishment: Fast Food Exporters Specialists – New Ham

Identify the consignee

On the next screen you will provide the consignee information. The consignee (importing company) is the person or organization who is receiving the shipment.

You must fill out all required fields before you can move on (name, country, address lines and city). This is mandatory information required for the export certificate.

Once you are finished click on the next step button to continue with your application.

Picture - Export application – 20% complete. Description follows.
Description for photo - Export application – 20% complete

Export application – 20% complete

Consignee Information

The consignee information below is required for your application. It may also be used to populate the appropriate export certificate for your shipment.

  • Name (required)
  • Country (required)
  • Address line 1 (required)
  • Address line 2
  • Address line 3
  • City (required)
  • State/province/region
  • ZIP/postal code

Next step


Indicate the destination and transit country(s)

On the next screen you will select the destination country and any country(s) that your commodity will travel through after leaving Canada and prior to arriving at the importing country. Once you are finished click on the next step button to continue with your application.

Note: it is the applicant's responsibility to ensure the shipment meets the requirements of any transit country.

Indicate business line, commodity and end use

On the next screen, you will be asked to enter the:

  • business line (select food or plant or animal health)
  • commodity group
  • end use

Use the available drop-down menus to select the appropriate response for the product you would like to export. Only applications for which all the items have the same business line, commodity group and end use will be accepted.

Please note that the following commodity groups are eligible for a Certificate of Free Sale through My CFIA at this time:

  • manufactured foods
  • processed fruits and vegetables
  • maple products
  • honey products

Once you've made the selections, click on the next step button to proceed.

Identify commodity sub-group; commodity type; and product name

On the following screen you will be asked to enter the:

  • commodity sub-group
  • commodity type
  • product name

This screen will allow you to identify all the products in your shipment. Use the white triangles to the left of the checkboxes to reveal all of the next level of choices available. Open the commodity list to the third level before making any choice(s), then you can select the products you need.

To help you locate your product(s) within the tiered set of choices, click on "this link" to open a searchable commodity table. Refer to examples below to see how the searchable commodity table can be used to help you locate your product(s) easily within the tiered set of choices.

Picture - Commodity selection(s). Description follows.
Description for photo - Commodity selection(s)

Commodity selection(s)

This screen will allow you to identify all the commodities in your shipment.

Use the white triangles to the left of the commodity checkbox(es) to reveal all of the next level of choices available. Open the commodity list to the third level before making any choice(s), then you can choose just the products you desire. The system will automatically mark off the levels above and keep track of the selections you have made.

You will be able to choose the number of product lines on the certificate in an upcoming screen.

To access a searchable format of the commodities listed below please follow this link.

  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Confectionary, sweeteners, snack foods (containing or not containing nuts), non-bakery desserts
  • Fats and oils
  • Food chemicals
  • Foods not otherwise listed
  • Grain derived foods
  • Infants foods
  • Multiple foods
  • Non-alcoholic beverages
  • Nuts, grains, seeds
  • Spices, herbs, flavours, condiments, dressings
  • Vegan substitutes

Next step

Picture - Commodity table: categorized listing of food products for export using the Certificate of free sale (CFS). Description follows.
Description for photo - Commodity table: categorized listing of food products for export using the Certificate of free sale (CFS)

Commodity table: categorized listing of food products for export using the Certificate of free sale (CFS)

This table indicates how different food products are categorized for the issuance of the certificate of free sale online. Use the search bar to look-up the product(s) you intend to export. This will help you find the products easily when completing the online export application in My CFIA. Manufactured foods, processed fruits and vegetables, maple products, and honey are the commodity types that can currently be requested online for a CFS.

Filtered Items (for example: waff...for waffles)

Showing 1 to 2 of 2 entries (filtered from 1,416 total entries) | Show 25 entries

Entry 1:

Commodity group (manufactured foods); commodity subgroup (grain derived foods); commodity type (cake mixes); product common name (waffles)

Entry 2:

Commodity group (manufactured foods); commodity subgroup (grain derived foods); commodity type (cakes, prepared); product common name (waffles)

Picture - Commodity selection(s). Description follows.
Description for photo - Commodity selection(s)

Commodity selection(s)

This screen will allow you to identify all the commodities in your shipment.

Use the white triangles to the left of the commodity checkbox(es) to reveal all of the next level of choices available. Open the commodity list to the third level before making any choice(s), then you can choose just the products you desire. The system will automatically mark off the levels above and keep track of the selections you have made.

You will be able to choose the number of product lines on the certificate in an upcoming screen.

To access a searchable format of the commodities listed below please follow this link.

  • Alcoholic beverages
  • Confectionary, sweeteners, snack foods (containing or not containing nuts), non-bakery desserts
  • Fats and oils
  • Food chemicals
  • Foods not otherwise listed
  • Grain derived foods
    • Baking aids
    • Bread/bread products
    • Cake mixes
    • Cakes, prepared
      • Angel Food
      • Cheesecake
      • Cupcake
      • Frozen cake
      • Fruit cake
      • Layer cake
      • Other cakes, prepared
      • Pancake
      • Pound cake
      • Slab cake
      • Sponge cake
      • Torte
      • Waffles (selected)

Country of origin and applicant declarations

You will now be asked a series of questions that will determine if your export activity is eligible for a Certificate of Free Sale. The topics will include the following:

  • gathering information for your export certificate application
    • read the information statements provided then click on the next step button to proceed
  • country of origin
    • product(s) must be manufactured in Canada to be eligible for a Certificate of Free Sale
  • applicant declarations
    • read the information statements carefully and attest that you have read, understood and agree to the conditions listed

Interview results

You will now be at the export application – 40% complete screen. This is the end of the interview portion where you are informed about which export certificates are required and if they can be processed online through My CFIA.

If the shipment is eligible you should see a screen that looks like this:

Picture - Eligibility information and certification requirements. Description follows.
Description for photo - Eligibility information and certification requirements

Eligibility information and certification requirements

Thank you for your export request. The information below outlines the export certificate(s) that will be generated based on the information that you have provided, along with any additional documents (if required).

If you need an inspection to fulfil the export requirements, you will be asked to identify establishment of facility information in the pages to follow.

If you require supporting documentation to fulfil the export requirements, you will be asked to upload the documentation, if available, in the pages to follow.

Export certificate(s) required:

Certificate of Free Sale

Additional certificate information will be required, in the pages to follow you will be able to view and add information to the certificate template

Helpful resources:

Applicable legislation:

  • Safe Food for Canadians Act (L.C. 2012. Ch. 24)
  • Safe Food for Canadian Regulations (SOR/2018-108)

The export application interview is complete.

The export application can be processed online.

The export application with identified policy model can be processed online.



If you do not see a screen like the one above, please refer to the Troubleshooting unexpected results section further below.

Building the certificate

Indicate number of product rows

On the next screen you will indicate the number of product rows required on the export certificate. You will see a table showing the commodity sub-group, commodity type, and product for each product you have identified to be exported.

Under the column heading number (#) of rows, enter the number that you need for each product. The certificate will be created with the correct number of product rows for each type of product.

Picture - Commodity sub-group; commodity type; product; # of rows. Description follows.
Description for photo - Commodity sub-group; commodity type; product; # of rows

Commodity sub-group (grain derived foods); commodity type (cakes, prepared); product (Waffles); # of rows (1)

Select manufacturer

Next, you will complete the manufacturer selection.

To start, click the add manufacturer button. This will display a new screen showing the licensed facilities associated with your party and it will allow you to search for other parties with establishments. Scroll down to the second table and click on add to successfully add a manufacturer.

Picture - Select manufacturer. Description follows.
Description for photo - Select manufacturer

Select manufacturer

Manufacturer selection

If the manufacturer is associated with your party, please choose the correct name, address and appropriate licence combination for your application. Depending on the certificate you are applying for, 1 or more manufacturers may be selected. In most cases this information will be transferred to your export certificate. Click the add button next to all the manufacturers as appropriate for your shipment.

Note: for the Certificate of Free Sale only 1 manufacturer may be selected per application. Only 1 manufacturer name and address will be displayed on the certificate.

If the manufacturer you want to select is not associated with your party, you can search for the manufacturer using the filter field and click on 1 of the links in the table to select the correct party to display all the licensed establishments associated with that party in the following section. Click the add button to select the correct name, address and appropriate licence combination for your application.

Please click on the save button to return to the 55% complete screen and progress through your application.

Currently selected party: Funtastic Food Stuffs Inc

Filter with key words: craf...

Show 10 entries

Party (Cleverly Crafted Pastries)

Legal name (Fantastic Food Stuffs Inc)


Please select the licensed establishment(s) by clicking the add button

Filter with keywords:

Show 10 entries

License number (9CTBDGRL)

Establishment (Cleverly Crafted Pastries – Baden)

Address (Sweettreat Lane, Baden, Ontario, K0A1A2, Canada)


The page will then automatically refresh to indicate added with no underline.

Picture - Licence number; Establishment; Address. Description follows.
Description for photo - Licence number; Establishment; Address

Licence number (9CTBDGRL)

Establishment (Cleverly Crafted Pastries – Baden)

Address (Sweettreat Lane, Baden, Ontario, K0A1A2, Canada)


If a mistake was made and you need to remove the manufacturer, scroll down the page and click on remove. To finish, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the save button. This will return you to the 55% complete screen where you will click on the next step button to proceed.

Note: for the Certificate of Free Sale only 1 manufacturer may be selected per application. Only 1 manufacturer name, address and licence number will be displayed on the certificate.

Upload supporting documents (optional)

You will then be given the option to upload supporting documents. Supporting documents are not required for the Certificate of Free Sale, so you can skip this step by selecting the next step button.

Modify transportation information

The next screen will ask you to enter transportation details. There are no specific requirements for entering information in the conveyance information field for this certificate. However, you can choose to enter flight reference numbers, seal numbers, container numbers, licence plates of vehicles, or any identifying conveyance information here.

The conveyance type is a required field and must be filled out before you can proceed. The selections to choose from are maritime transport; rail transport; road transport; and air transport. Once complete, select next step.

Note: if you need to leave before you are finished, click on the save and return later button to continue with your application another time.

Picture - Export application – 75% complete. Description follows.
Description for photo - Export application – 75% complete

Export application – 75% complete

Modify transportation information

The conveyance information details provided will be transferred to the export certificate, if applicable. The information required for your certificate may include a ship name, an airline flight number, a license plate number and/or business information such as a waybill number. If you are not certain about the information required, please contact CFIA.

Conveyance information

Conveyance company name

Conveyance type (required)

  • Select conveyance type:
    • maritime transport
    • rail transport
    • road transport
    • air transport


Save and return later


Enter certificate information

You will now be at the 80% complete screen where you will fill out your Certificate of Free Sale with required information. Click on the edit link to display a new screen with a blank Certificate of Free Sale form.

You must fill out any mandatory information in order to proceed. In order to determine what is mandatory, click the save button to display the required fields in dark gray.

Picture - Pending Certificate of Free Sale. Description follows.
Description for photo - Pending Certificate of Free Sale

Pending Certificate of Free Sale

Canadian Food Inspection Agency logo

Certificate reference number 2022-S-732477522

Certificate of Free Sale

"Pending" water mark

Country of destination

United States


Name: Phenomenally Fast Food Exporters


Telephone: (dark grey field)

License or registration number: (dark grey field)


Name: Funtastic Food Stuffs Inc.

Address: 1 Sweettreat Lane, Baden, Ontario, K0A 1A2, Canada

License or registration number: 9CTBDGRL

Product information:

Product description

Cakes, prepared: (dark grey field)

Lot code

(dark grey field)

Lot size

(dark grey field)

Total net weight (kg)

(dark grey field)

Save, print, close

Once finished, select the save button again.

Review your application

The next screen will display a summary of all information you have provided for your certificate. Review the information to ensure that it is accurate and submit the application by scrolling down and selecting the submit button.

Picture - Review your application. Description follows.
Description for photo - Review your application

Review your application:

Please review your application below for completeness and accuracy prior to submission. You can save and return to your application if necessary. You can continue to make modification to your application prior to submission. Once your export application is submitted to the CFIA, the information you can modify will be limited. After submission, you will still have the ability to modify the export date, consignee information and conveyance type and information using the modify button. Requests to change other information can be made through the amend button. The buttons for modify and amend are found within your submitted export application summary.

This is a service request for: fast food export specialists

Export information

Application name: FFES – Waggles – US001

Application type: new

Business line: food

Commodity program: Imported and manufactured foods

Anticipated date of export:

Date of Export (mm/dd/yyyy): 03/08/2022

Export commodities

Commodity sub-group: grain derived foods

Commodity type: cakes, prepared

Product: waffles

# of rows: 1

Location of regulated activity

Establishment name: Cleverly Crafted Pastries – Baden

Facility registration number:

Picture - Review your application (continued). Description follows.
Description for photo - Review your application (continued)

Review your application (continued)


Manufacturer: Funtastic Food Stuffs Inc.

Address: 1 Sweettreat Lane, Baden, Ontario, K0A1A2, Canada

Interview results

Results of the export application interview

Export certificate(s)

Certificate name: Certificate of Free Sale

State: complete

List of uploaded documents

Do you have any comments you would like to add to this request? (optional)


Access a copy of your certificate

You have completed your Certificate of Free Sale application. Select the return to dashboard button to return to your My CFIA dashboard where you can monitor the status of your application and print a copy of your official certificate.

Picture - Application submitted. Description follows.
Description for photo - Application submitted

Your application has been submitted successfully. To monitor and view your submission, return to your dashboard. Once an export certificate has been issued, you can view and print certificate details from the issued export certificate tab

Return to dashboard

You can find your Certificate of Free Sale under the issued export certificates tab.

Picture - Issued export certificates tab. Description follows.
Description for photo - Issued export certificates tab

Service request, issued permissions, issued export certificates, inspection reports, PASO submission outcomes, e-Invoices and payments.

To access your certificate, click on the certificate number (#).

Picture - Certificate number (#). Description follows.
Description for photo - Certificate number (#)

Certificate number (2022-S-249056177);

case ID (CAS-2022-00471);

application name (FFES-Waffles-US-001);

consignee name (Wally's Waffles);

date of issuance (2022-03-04);

country of destination (United States);

status (issued).

This will open a screen with a summary of your export application. Scroll to the bottom of the page and click on view documents to access a copy of your certificate.

Picture - View documents. Description follows.
Description for photo - View documents

If you wish to view your documents, please click the button below.

View Documents

Your Certificate of Free Sale will now open in a new window. To print the signed certificate, select the print button. You can only print the original document once. You can print an unlimited amount of certified copies by following the same steps as you did to print the original document.

Note: make sure that you print your Certificate of Free Sale in colour and ensure that the original certificate accompanies your shipment.

You have now completed the application and accessed your Certificate of Free Sale.

Troubleshooting unexpected results

Depending on the information you provide, your application may not result in a Certificate of Free Sale being issued. There are 3 main reasons why you would receive a failure message on the 40% complete page:

  • ineligible destination country
  • country of origin not eligible for online certificate issuance
  • invalid or inadequate SFC licence

Below is an example highlighting these failure messages in red font.

Picture - Eligibility information and certification requirements. Description follows.
Description for photo - Eligibility information and certification requirements

Eligibility information and certification requirements

Thank you for your export request. Export of your commodity to this destination country is not available at this time. For further information contact your inspector.

The export application interview is complete.

The export application cannot be processed online.

The export application with identified policy model cannot be processed online.

The destination country is not open for trade. The destination country is not currently accepting exports from Canada. No export certificates are available through My CFIA nor at your local CFIA office.

The product origin is not Canadian. 1 or more selected product(s) have an identified country of origin that is not eligible for online processing

The SFC licence is not valid. The SFC licence does not include the required international activity of exporting food, or the SFC licence is expired, cancelled or suspended.

If you have made an error you may return to the previous screen to correct your selections and resubmit your export interview.

If you have confirmed that the export application details are accurate but continue to see the export application 40% failure notice, your request is either not available through My CFIA at this time or not able to be completed. Please contact your local CFIA office to confirm if other offline application options are available or to confirm if the application cannot be completed at all due to trade or eligibility restrictions. In case of other difficulties with your online service request, please call 1-800-442-CFIA (2342).

