Requesting a Safe Food for Canadians Licence

Requesting a Safe Food for Canadians Licence – Transcript/Captions

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency signature appears on a white screen.

The scene fades out and the title "Requesting a Safe Food for Canadians Licence" appears.

The scene fades out and a computer screen appears on the CFIA landing page and begins to type "" in the URL bar, the SFCR landing page loads.

Over the scene, a narrator speaks:

Before requesting a Safe Food for Canadians or (SFC) licence through My CFIA, visit to determine if your business needs a licence.

The SFCR page loads while the page scrolls from top to bottom.

Over the scene, the narrator speaks:

On this page, you will find various tools and resources that you can use to determine licensing requirements under the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations (or SFCR). In addition, information for importers, exporters, and domestic producers can also be found on the page.

The mouse moves to the URL bar, and types in ""

Over the scene, the narrator speaks:

Once you've determined your SFCR requirements, visit to begin the process of requesting an SFC licence.

The My CFIA landing page loads and scrolls from top to bottom. The mouse hovers over the "Before you sign up" link.

Over the scene, the narrator speaks:

If you do not have a My CFIA account yet, you will need to create one in order to request a SFC licence. Click on "Before you sign up" to find out what documentation you need for the enrolment process

The mouse moves and clicks on the "sign in" link, the secure sign-in method page appears.

Over the scene, the narrator speaks:

If you already have a My CFIA account, select "sign in" and choose your secure sign-in method, either through your online banking information or GCKey.

The mouse clicks "Sign in," the "Choose a secure Sign-In" page loads. The mouse hovers over the button, "Continue to Sign-In Partner," then moves over the button, "Continue to GCKey."

"Continue to GCKey" is selected and the "Welcome to GCKey" page loads.

The example username, "NurtiFood01" is typed out followed by the user's password. The mouse clicks "Sign In."

Over the scene, the narrator speaks:

If you selected, "Continue to GCKey," enter your username and password, then select "sign in." If you do not have a GCKey, you can register for one.

The "Welcome NutriFood01" page loads. The mouse moves to the "Continue" button and clicks.

Over the scene, the narrator speaks:

Then select, "continue."

The page "Contact Profile Dashboard" loads. The mouse moves to the "Party Administration" drop-down menu and selects NutriFood01's appropriate Party Profile, "NutriFood1 (Validated Party)," option. The mouse moves to the right and clicks, "Select."

Over the scene, the narrator speaks:

In order to apply for an SFC licence, you must request it on behalf of your business. Make sure you've selected the appropriate party profile at the top of the screen and hit, "select."

The party profile dashboard loads and the mouse scrolls down the page and moves to select the "New Service Request" button.

Over the scene, the narrator speaks:

You are now presented with your party profile dashboard. To apply for the SFC licence you need to select "New Service Request."

The "Confirm Application Details" page loads and the mouse hovers over the business information displayed. The mouse moves to the bottom and selects "Safe Food for Canadians Licence Application" from the application type drop-down list. The mouse then selects the "Next Step" button.

Over the scene, the narrator speaks:

Before submitting a service request, review your business information to ensure it's correct, then go to the "Application Type" drop-down list, select "Safe Food for Canadians Licence Application" and move on to the "Next Step."

The "SFC Licence Privacy Notice Statement" page loads. The mouse scrolls through the privacy statement text, then moves to the bottom of the box and selects "Accept."

Over the scene, the narrator speaks:

You will then need to review the SFC Licence Privacy Notice Statement. Then click the "Accept" button.

The "Safe Food for Canadians Licence Application – Application Create" page loads. The mouse moves to the "Application Name" field and types "Vancouver – Egg." The mouse then moves down and selects "Next Step."

Over the scene, the narrator speaks:

In the first section of the SFC licence application, provide an application name that will help you identify this application from future ones, For example, you can include your location and the commodity type. Then, select "Next Step."

The "Safe Food for Canadians Licence Application – Primary Contact and Emergency Contact" page loads. The mouse moves and selects "John Smith [6135555555]" from the drop-down menu and the primary contact for NutriFood01. The mouse then moves down the page hovering over the "Emergency Contact" section, and selects "Next Step."

Over the scene, the narrator speaks:

Make sure that the proper primary contact for this service request is selected and review the emergency contact information to check that it's valid. If you need to make any changes, you can modify this information in the "Manager Party" section of your dashboard. Then select "Next Step."

The "Safe Food for Canadians Licence Application – Licensable Activities" page loads. The mouse selects "Prepare food for inter-provincial trade" and "Preparing food for export" under the Licensable domestic activities. "Exporting Food" is then selected under the Licensable international activities. "Next Step" is then selected.

Over the scene, the narrator speaks:

You will need to select you domestic and/or international licensable activities that apply to your business. Then select "Next Step."

The "Safe Food for Canadians Licence Application – Declared International Activities" page loads. The mouse moves and clicks on "Egg" under the "Export Food" subheading. More subheadings open, "Processed Egg" and "Shell Egg" are selected. The mouse moves down the page and clicks "Next Step"

Over the scene, the narrator speaks:

On this screen, you must declare your international activities. In this example, we are exporting processed and shell eggs. Then select "Next Step."

The "Safe Food for Canadians Licence Application – Select Establishments" page loads. The mouse moves down and selects "NutriFood Vancouver" under the "Establishments" heading. The mouse moves to the right and clicks on the right side pointing arrow. "NutriFood Vancouver" shifts over a column and is now under "Selected Establishments." The mouse then selects "Next Step."

Over the scene, the narrator speaks:

Choose the establishment you wish to licence by selecting the establishment name and clicking the "right arrow." Once done, move on to the next step.

The "Safe Food for Canadians Licence Application – Establishment Activity" page loads. The mouse moves down and selects the NutriFood Vancouver "Select Domestic Activities" link.

Over the scene, the narrator speaks:

You now need to select the domestic activities for your establishment by clicking the link on the screen.

The "Safe Food for Canadians Licence Application – Establishment Activities" page loads. The mouse moves and selects the "Egg" sub-category under "Prepare food for inter-provincial trade" heading. The mouse then selects the boxes "Processed Egg" and "Shell Egg" listed beneath the "Egg" sub-category. The additional sub-categories "Label," "Package," "Process, treat, preserve, manufacture," and "Store" open and all are selected. The mouse then selects the "Egg" sub-category under the "Preparing food for export" heading and again selects "Processed Egg" and "Shell Egg." The mouse then clicks "Save."

Over the scene, the narrator speaks:

In this example, we will select all applicable inter-provincial trade activities under processed and shell eggs. Next, select "Save."

The "Safe Food for Canadians Licence Application – Establishment Activity" page loads displaying all selected domestic activities. The mouse moves to the bottom of the page and clicks "Next Step."

Over the scene, the narrator speaks:

Once complete, review the information on the screen and select "Next Step."

The "Safe Food for Canadians Licence Application – Preventive Control Plan (PCP) Declaration" page loads. The mouse moves and clicks the box to declare it has a PCP for all of the business' interprovincial trade activities as well as a PCP for its international export activities. The mouse then selects the "Next Step" button.

Over the scene, the narrator speaks:

Here, you must declare that your business has the necessary written preventive control plans (or PCPs) based on your licensable activities. In this example, we are declaring that we have written PCPs for both interprovincial trade and international export activities. Once complete, select "Next Step."

The "Safe Food for Canadians Licence Application – Review Your Application" page loads. The mouse scrolls through the page from top to bottom hovering over all the application information. The mouse then selects all boxes next to the three disclaimers at the bottom of the page. Next, the mouse clicks "Submit."

Over the scene, the narrator speaks:

Review all information associated with your licence application. If everything is correct, read the disclaimers and acknowledge that you have done so by clicking on each box at the bottom of the page. To complete your licence application, select "Submit."

The "Your application has been submitted" page loads.

Over the scene, the narrator speaks:

You have now completed your SFC licence application. Select "Proceed with payment" to complete the required payment information.

The mouse moves to the bottom of the page and selects "Proceed with Payment."

The "Task information Page" opens

Over the scene, the narrator speaks:

Here you can review the total cost for the purchase of your SFC licence. Select "Proceed to payment."

The mouse moves to the bottom of the page and selects "Proceed with Payment."

The "Confirm Payment Options" screen loads, and the drop down list under "Payment Method is selected so all three payment options are displayed.

Over the scene, the narrator speaks:

You can pay for your SFC licence using any of the 3 available options

If your business has an account with CFIA's National Accounts Receivable Centre you will be asked to enter your "on-account number". Once provided, the fee will be withdrawn and your application will be processed.

If you select the online option you can pay using a credit card or interact. A pay window will open where you can input your card details.

If you select other, you will be forwarded on to the payment confirmation screen that will provide all necessary information for paying by Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT), cheque, or cash.

For this example, we've selected "on account" as our payment option.

"On-Account" is selected and the mouse moves to the bottom of the page and selects "Proceed with Payment."

The "Payment Confirmation" screen loads

Over the scene, the narrator speaks:

Here you are presented with a payment confirmation screen, where you can review and print the information. If everything looks okay, select "return to application".

The mouse moves to the bottom of the page and selects, "Return to Application"

The "Case Status" screen opens.

Over the scene, the narrator speaks:

On this screen, you can review your application. If payment is processed successfully, you will be automatically issued a Safe Food for Canadians Licence. Now that you've submitted and paid for your service request, you can go back to your party profile dashboard to track the status of your application.

The mouse moves to the bottom of the page and selects, "Return to Dashboard".

The "Party Profile Dashboard" loads, the "Issued Permission Tab" is selected.

Over the scene, the narrator speaks:

You will receive an email once your licence is issued. To print it, go to the 'issued permission tab on your dashboard and select 'print'.

Scene fades away to show Canada word mark.

End of video.