Feed Labelling Collective Ingredient Terms Proposal Consultation Summary - Respondent Comments and CFIA Responses

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June 2, 2015 – July 17, 2015 / December 17, 2015 – January 18, 2016

Table of Contents


The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has embarked on a comprehensive change agenda to strengthen its foundation of legislation, regulatory programs and inspection delivery. These directions set the context for the renewal of the Feeds Regulations (Regulations).

The goal of modernizing the Regulations is to reduce compliance burden and support innovation while maintaining animal and human health, as well as environmental and economic stability. The modernization of the Regulations is being designed to benefit the collective Canadian feed industry which includes commercial feed manufacturers, retailers, importers, exporters, ingredient manufacturers, and livestock producers. As well as aligning with other international feed regulatory regimes, modernization also maintains the objective of enhancing animal health and food safety for the Canadian public.

Feed labelling is just one part of the Regulations which is being addressed as part of the modernization project. Feed labels play an important role in the marketplace, including:

  • communicating product information between buyers and sellers;
  • enabling buyers to differentiate between individual feeds and brands to make informed purchasing choices; and
  • informing users about the safe and proper use of feeds.

The CFIA recognizes that labels present a cost and compliance burden to regulated parties so minimizing these burdens to the extent possible is among the objectives of the modernization project.

In the fall of 2013, the CFIA posted and invited feedback on its Feed Labelling Regulatory Framework Proposal. In reviewing the feedback received, the CFIA noted that respondents raised concerns about a proposal to require a full listing of ingredients on all feed labels. Most respondents did, however, indicate that allowing the use of "collective terms" for certain groupings of ingredients (also suggested by the CFIA in the context of the labelling proposal) would help reduce some burden associated with the labelling of ingredients and provide some flexibility. Conversely, a couple of respondents representing individual livestock producers raised concerns that the use of collective terms would allow feed companies to not disclose specific ingredients.

Given that a detailed outline of what collective terms might be allowed and the scope of ingredients they would comprise was not elaborated in the 2013 labelling proposal, the Agency prepared a Proposal - Feed Ingredient Collective Terms on Labels for additional consultation on this subject. The CFIA invited comments from interested parties via a preliminary consultation from early June to mid-July 2015. A second comment period was provided to interested parties between mid-December 2015 and mid-January 2016.

This report consolidates and summarizes the comments received during the consultation periods that directly pertain to the collective terms proposal and the CFIA's response to those comments. The CFIA would like to thank everyone who contributed their time to this consultation process and shared their views.

About the Consultation

The primary mechanisms to facilitate the consultation involved the preparation and distribution of the Proposal- Feed Ingredient Collective Terms on Labels directly to stakeholders by way of an e-mail distribution list and a mail out to commercial feed manufacturers who are not members of an industry association during the summer of 2015. The proposal was subsequently posted on the CFIA's Consultations on Proposed Regulatory and Policy Changes website in mid-December 2015 and an additional 30 day comment period was provided to interested parties to review and provide feedback. Twenty-three (23) written responses were received.

What We Heard

Respondent Profile

Table 1: Respondent Profile
Category of Respondent Distribution
Feed Industry – Associations 7
Feed Industry – Individuals 10
Livestock Producer – Associations 4
Livestock Producer – Individuals 0
Other – Associations 1
Government (Canadian federal/provincial) 1
Total 23

The feed industry association respondents represent Canadian and American commercial feed manufacturers, as well as some feed ingredient supplier organizations. The Canadian feed manufacturers association represents 90 percent of commercial feed manufactured in Canada, while the US association represents about 75 percent of commercial feed manufactured in the US. The "Other" association listed in the table above that responded was a US-based, consumer-oriented pet food organization which supplied feedback in the context of pet food labelling. As the Agency's collective terms proposal would not apply to the labelling of pet food products in Canada, the comments from this organization were appreciated but have not been reflected in this summary report.

Key Respondent Messages

Of the twenty-two (22) responses taken into consideration, the respondents were divided on whether they supported the proposal or not:

  • Eleven (11) respondents (including most of the feed ingredient industry associations and all livestock producer organizations) indicated some level of support for allowing the use of collective terms on feed labels. This support ranged from
    • full support for the proposal as presented to;
    • support "in principle" with a few to several suggested changes or concerns associated with the Canadian and US collective terms being different.
  • Seven (7) of the respondents (including feed industry associations and individuals) did not support the proposal. The reasons given by these respondents ranged from:
    • the use of collective terms would do very little to inform a purchaser about what is in a feed in order to make a buying decisions; and
    • the proposal does not go far enough to provide sufficient flexibility and reduce burden to the feed industry with respect to the labelling of ingredients in their products; to
    • the proposal is not harmonized enough or completely with the collective terms and ingredient groupings approved in the US;

    A few of these respondents indicated that the status quo would still be a reasonable approach (i.e. providing a full list of ingredients on the label or the statement, "A list of the ingredients used in this feed may be obtained from the manufacturer or registrant") even in a modernized regulatory framework.

  • The remaining four (4) respondents did not express a position either way but did provide comments or questions about the proposal that were considered.

CFIA Response:

The CFIA has revised the original list of collective terms (Annex I), trying to accommodate stakeholder comments while respecting the current Canadian list of approved feed ingredients, the provision of feed safety information to purchasers and to align as closely as currently possible with the group of collective terms permitted on feed labels in the US by the Food and Drug Administration (US-FDA) and the American Association of Feed Control Officials (AAFCO).

This revised group of terms will be included as a list for incorporation by reference in the scope of the formal, modernized regulatory framework proposal the CFIA will publish in the Canada Gazette Part I for final public review and comment. The names of the proposed revised collective terms are subject to legal review and possible change as part of the regulatory development process.

Both feed packagers and purchasers are reminded that the use of collective terms on feed labels in lieu of actual ingredient names is a flexibility the CFIA is proposing to offer to reduce labelling burden; packager or purchaser preferences will influence to what extent the use of such terms will be adopted in the marketplace.

Appropriateness of terms proposed for the labelling of feeds in the Canadian marketplace

In the proposal, stakeholders were prompted to comment on whether the collective terms being proposed would be appropriate for the labelling of feeds in the Canadian marketplace. Only a few respondents were supportive of the six (6) terms as proposed. The following table summarizes suggestions respondents provided for additions or modifications to the terms proposed.

Table 2: Collective Terms – Respondent-suggested Additions
Suggestion # of Respondents Suggesting(or Supporting) Respondent Rationale
"Animal Protein Products"
(CFIA proposal indicated this is a collective term allowed on US feed labels but CFIA did not think it was an appropriate term to allow on Canadian labels)
(Supporting – 7)
(Not supporting – 2)
Term is one currently allowed on US feed labels; would better harmonize Canadian and US labelling requirements. Animal health risks/restrictions associated with the feeding of some animal protein products to certain species can still be effectively addressed by other means (e.g. requirement for additional statement on labels)
"Fats and Oils" 4
Many feeds contain ingredients of these kinds so collective terms for them should be considered as well.
"Mineral Products" 4 Many feeds contain ingredients of these kinds so collective terms for them should be considered as well.
"Vitamins" or "Vitamin A and B-Complex" 3 Many feeds contain ingredients of these kinds so collective terms for them should be considered as well.
"Micro-ingredients" 2 Term would apply to, for example, flavouring agents, enzymes and synthetic amino acids. Disclosure of these kinds of ingredients on labels may serve to disclose proprietary formulations.
"Food Industry By-products" 1 Proposal does not include a term for range of ingredients of this kind; would provide feed industry additional flexibility on labelling
"Molasses Products" 2 Term is one currently allowed on US feed labels; would better harmonize Canadian and US labelling requirements

CFIA Response:

As indicated above, the CFIA is revising the group of proposed collective terms (Annex I) to align as closely as currently possible with the group of collective terms permitted on feed labels in the US by the Food and Drug Administration (US-FDA) and the American Association of Feed Control Officials (AAFCO).

With respect to other suggested additional collective terms identified in Table 2 above:

  • As a partial exception to this approach and despite respondent support, the CFIA will not include an "Animal Protein Products" collective term owing to the restrictions that apply to the feeding of certain animal protein products ("prohibited material") to ruminants to address on-going risks of transmission of Bovine Spongiform Encephalopathy (BSE) to cattle and other susceptible species in Canada. When coupled with the statement currently required on feed labels containing prohibited material (when applicable),

    "Feeding this product to cattle, sheep, deer or other ruminants is illegal and is subject to fines or other punishment under the Health of Animals Act."

    including the actual name(s) of animal protein ingredients used in feeds and will provide purchasers clear information as to the risk the feed may pose to animal health. However, the "Dairy By-Products" collective term that has been retained includes some of the ingredients covered by the FDA/AAFCO "Animal Protein Products" collective term.

  • While the CFIA agrees that a collective term for "Fats and Oils" ingredients would line up with the rationale for allowing such a term, neither FDA nor AAFCO has such a term defined for use on feed labels at present;
  • "Mineral Products", "Vitamins" or "Vitamin A and B-Complex" and "Micro-ingredients" collective terms would likely represent too broad an array of ingredients or even mixed feeds used as ingredients in other mixed feeds (themselves containing various ingredients,. for example, sources of vitamins and minerals on carriers that may be listed in other collective terms already proposed) to provide purchasers with meaningful information about the composition of feeds. In addition, the list of ingredients under such terms would be too extensive and not practical to list under one collective term given the other non-mineral and non-vitamin ingredients that could be included so these terms have not been added to the revised group of terms;
  • A "Food Industry By-products" collective terms would represent many ingredients already covered by, in some cases, an ingredient description that is in itself a collective term, for example:

    "Snack food waste dehydrated (IFN 4-12-175) consists of a mixture of potato chips, cheeses, pretzels and flours that have been mechanically separated from non-edible material, artificially dried and ground. …" (Feeds Regulations, Schedule IV, Part I, 4.6.22) – consequently, this term has not been added to the revised group of terms; and

  • The CFIA agrees that a "Molasses Products" collective term is appropriate in the context of this proposal – this term and its grouping of ingredients has been added to the revised group of terms (Annex I) to better align this proposal with FDA/AAFCO terms.
Table 3: Collective Terms – Respondent-suggested Modifications
Suggestion # of Respondents Suggesting(or Supporting) Respondent Rationale
Merge proposed collective terms (and groupings of ingredients) "Roughage Products", "Processed Grain Products" and "Brewers and Distillers By-Products" into one term, "Grain and Seed By-Products" 1 Would provide feed industry additional flexibility on labelling
Merge proposed collective term (and grouping of ingredients) "Brewers and Distillers By-Products" into "Plant Protein Products and By-Products" 1 Ingredients covered by the two proposed collective terms are routinely interchanged with each other so combining them would be appropriate.
Merge proposed collective term (and grouping of ingredients) "Brewers and Distillers By-Products" into "Processed Grain By-Products" 1 In US, Brewers and Distillers By-Product ingredients included in collective term "Processed Grain By-Products" ; would better harmonize Canadian and US labelling requirements
Replace proposed collective term "Roughage Products" with "Plant By-Products Rich In Fibre" 1 "Roughage Products" may suggest to purchasers that feed contains hay or other processed hay ingredients. Term "Plant By-Products Rich In Fibre" is more descriptive of ingredients proposed for "Roughage Products" term.

In addition, three (3) respondents suggested that definitions or criteria for each collective term be developed to more clearly explain why the ingredients specified are included within the scope of each term. As a rationale for this suggestion, the following comment from one of these respondents is reflective of all three respondents' thinking:

"Currently, similar ingredients can be found grouped within different collective terms, and it is unclear why they have been grouped differently. For example, barley mill run appears under Roughage products, but wheat mill run is found under Processed Grain By-Products. Clear definitions or criteria for the collective terms will facilitate the future addition of similar ingredients, and will provide purchasers a clearer understanding of the ingredient listing."

CFIA Response:

With respect to other suggested modified collective terms identified in Table 3 above:

  • Of the four (4) merge or replace suggestions identified above, CFIA will only merge the proposed collective term (and grouping of ingredients) "Brewers and Distillers By-Products" into "Processed Grain By-Products" as this will better align the CFIA proposal with the current FDA/AAFCO terms.

    With respect to the suggestion that definitions or criteria for each collective term be developed,

  • These terms are largely self-explanatory; collective terms recognize a general classification of ingredient origin, which perform a similar function, but do not imply equivalent nutritional values. This is generally the case in the group of terms proposed by the CFIA as most ingredients listed in association with a specific collective term are drawn from one or two classes of ingredients from Schedule IV. This is largely the situation with the US collective terms as well;
  • CFIA acknowledges that there were some inconsistencies in the grouping of certain similar ingredients under different collective terms in the initial proposal. Such inconsistencies have been noted and corrected in Annex I.
  • It is likely the CFIA will be required to prepare procedures for updating the naming of collective terms and grouping of ingredients thereunder in future so definitions or criteria may best be outlined in such procedures.

Scope of ingredients suggested for each proposed Collective Term

In the proposal, stakeholders were prompted to comment on whether the scope of ingredients listed for each of the collective terms being proposed was appropriate. Several comments were received suggesting that some additional ingredients be included within the scope of certain proposed collective terms or other modifications be considered. The following table summarizes these comments.

Table 4: Scope of Ingredients – Respondent-suggested Additions or Modifications
Suggestion # of Respondents Suggesting(or Supporting) Respondent Rationale
Include screenings (all varieties), Camelina and Caranata meals in scope of collective terms proposal 1 Ingredients are missing but should be included in proposal.
Processed Grain By-Products
Include screenings (all varieties) 1 Are frequently used as an ingredient in many animal feed products
Move various hull and mill run ingredients from "Roughage Products" 1 These kinds of ingredients are viewed by animal nutritionists as processed grain by-products.
Include bakery waste dehydrated 1 No rationale provided
Roughage Products
Include pea and lentil screenings, cereal grain and refuse screenings 2 No rationale provided
Dairy By-Products
Include condensed deproteinized cattle whey permeate, concentrated milk permeate powder, Liquid concentrated deproteinized cattle whey permeate, lactose C12H22O11 and dried cheese product 1 No rationale provided
Plant Protein Products and By-Products
Include yeast, active dry yeast; brewers dried yeast, culture; yeast, primary dried; and yeast, Torula dried (or Candida dried) 2 To match what is currently approved by AAFCO in the US in this collective term
Include algae 2 No rationale provided

CFIA Response:

With respect to other suggested additions and modifications identified in Table 4 above:

  • Some suggestions have been made to include specific ingredients which are currently captured in the Part II section of Schedule IIIV or V. The CFIA will not be including Part II ingredients within the collective terms at this time. Many of these ingredients are placed in Schedule IV, Part II of the Feeds Regulations (requiring registration on a source-by-source basis) as an additional oversight ensuring safety and consistency of the ingredient category, and as such it is believed that inclusion of such an ingredient would be contradictory to the intent of increased oversight on safety. As the new regulatory proposal will include the removal of many Part II ingredients which are currently in place due to non-safety issues, there will be an opportunity in the future to revisit the inclusion of such ingredients within a collective term as applicable.
  • Following this lead, Camelina meal as a Part I ingredient is being included in Plant protein Products and By-Products; while Carinata meal as a Part II ingredient, will not be included in any ingredient Collective Terms
  • Bakery Waste and Screenings: As with the suggestion above to have a "Food Industry By-products" collective terms that would represent many ingredients already covered by an ingredient description that are in themselves a collective term (including bakery waste), this same rationale applies in response to the suggestions to include screenings under one or more collective term. (Example: "Pulse grain screenings grade 1 (or No. 1 Feed screenings pulse grains) (IFN --) means pulse grain screenings (i.e. from chickpeas, lentils, peas and beans, solely or a mixture thereof) conforming to the No. 1 Feed screenings standard referred to in the Off Grades of Grain and Grades of Screenings Order. …" (Schedule IV, Part I, 4.3.5). In addition, the FDA/AAFCO collective terms do not include any screenings at present. For these reasons, screenings have not been added to any terms set out in Annex I;
  • Hulls and mill run; Hulls have been retained in the "Roughages" collective term as they are predominantly fibre sources; all mill runs are included under "Grain By-Products" in Annex I;
  • Dairy By-products: Condensed deproteinized cattle whey permeate, Concentrated milk permeate powder, Liquid concentrated deproteinized cattle whey permeate and Dried cheese product have been added to the Dairy By-Products collective terms ingredient list (see Annex I). Lactose, however, is not a protein, it does not align in purpose with the other ingredients listed in the Dairy By-Products collective term and has not been added.
  • Plant Protein Products and By-Products: Neither yeasts nor algae are included in livestock rations as protein sources in practice. They have not been added to the Plant Protein Products and By-Products collective term.

On restricting the use of collective terms to labels of feed manufactured in Canada

In the CFIA's proposal, stakeholders were prompted to comment on whether the use of the proposed CFIA collective terms should be restricted to labels for feeds manufactured in Canada. Labels on imported feeds would otherwise be required to provide a full list of ingredients. Ten (10) respondents provided feedback on this thought. None of the responders were in favour of the CFIA taking this approach. In the opinion of one respondent in particular:

"On the contrary, we see the use of collective terms, as a better option to improve trade between Canada and other countries by moving towards uniformity of describing animal feed ingredients."

CFIA Response:

The CFIA proposes to allow mixed feeds manufactured internationally for export to Canada to be labelled with the feed ingredient collective terms set out in Annex I where such feeds contain some or all of the ingredients that correspond to the term(s) used on the label. While the CFIA will likely adjust its approaches to the oversight of feed imports in its modernized regulatory framework, feed registrants and/or importers will be responsible for providing purchasers and CFIA inspection staff with the actual list of ingredients used in their feeds upon request to confirm composition and compliance with Canadian regulatory requirements.

Additional Feedback

Given the recognized disparities in terminologies and scope of ingredients between CFIA's proposed collective terms and those allowed by a combination of the US Code of Federal Regulations and the American Association of Feed Control Officials' (AAFCO) Official Publication, several respondents commented in this regard. In general, as these disparities could cause confusion and complexity with labelling of feeds on both sides of the border, certain respondents urged the CFIA to work with US counterparts towards harmonization of collective terms to the extent possible. Others urged the CFIA to consider using the collective terms allowed on feed labels in the US in lieu of a separate Canadian approach since Canada is a member of AAFCO. One respondent even suggested going so far as to have the Canadian regulations incorporate the US terms by reference if legislation would allow it.

CFIA Response:

The CFIA will seek opportunities to collaborate with FDA and AAFCO towards creating a more harmonized group of feed ingredient collective terms between Canada and the US which will improve clarity and consistency of terminology used on feed labels in a North American context.

The following additional points were raised in respondent feedback, seeking clarification by the CFIA:

  1. Will the term "and/or" be allowed, such as is used in the food industry?
  2. If there is a change to the ingredient list, would CFIA expect new labels to be reproduced immediately or would there be an acceptable transition period over which labels could be changed?
  3. For feeds requiring CFIA registration, what will be the transition from the current labelling mode to a mode using collective terms? Will a re-registration of products be required? If this will be the case, clarify the process to be put in place to ensure the transition will minimize the costs and time required to implement collective names.

CFIA Response:

  1. The use of collective terms in lieu of listing the actual ingredient(s) represents an "and/or" labelling approach to providing compositional information. If certain ingredients in feeds are not included in the scope of a collective term, they will have to be specifically identified on the label.
  2. In its November 2013 Feed Ingredient Assessment and Authorization - Regulatory Framework Proposal, the CFIA committed to providing regulated parties and other stakeholders with notifications of proposed ingredient list changes and an opportunity to provide feedback. The transition period to the implementation of a modified ingredient list should be sufficient to allow, where necessary, feed labels to be adjusted.
  3. It is anticipated that an implementation period will be provided to enable an orderly transition to compliance with modernized regulatory requirements. Regardless of whether a feed is registered, or not, at the time the modernized provisions take effect, the CFIA will notify all registrants and other regulated parties as to the effective date(s) of the modernized requirements and that full compliance would be expected after such date(s).

Next Steps

The CFIA will prepare a consolidated proposal which incorporates the comments received on its labelling-related proposals, those on the Feed Ingredient Assessment and Authorization and the Hazard Identification and Preventive Controls proposals as well as feedback received on other consultations. Further clarification on proposed requirements will be provided in the consolidated proposal and the CFIA will take all the feedback it has received from all its consultation initiatives into consideration in preparing a formal regulatory modernization proposal for publication in the Canada Gazette.

Annex I – Revised Collective Terms (Proposal)

Forage Products

May include one or more of the following:

1.1 Alfalfa-grass hay sun-cured ground (or Alfalfa-grass meal (IFN 1-29-774)

1.2 Alfalfa hay sun-cured ground (or Sun-cured alfalfa meal) (IFN 1-00-111)

1.3 Alfalfa leaves meal dehydrated (or Alfalfa leaf meal) (IFN 1-00-137)

1.4 Alfalfa meal dehydrated (IFN 1-00-025)

1.5 Alfalfa stems sun-cured ground (or Alfalfa stem meal) (IFN 1-00-165)

1.6 Grass-alfalfa hay sun-cured ground (or Grass-alfalfa meal) (IFN 1-29-775)

1.8 Cereals grass meal dehydrated (or Dehydrated cereal grass) (IFN 1-16-289)

1.26 Alfalfa cubes dehydrated (or Dehydrated alfalfa cubes or Cubed alfalfa dehydrated or Alfalfa cubes) (IFN--)

1.27 Alfalfa-maize cubes dehydrated (or Alfalfa-corn cubes dehydrated or Cubed alfalfa-corn dehydrated or Corn-alfalfa cubes dehydrated or Cubed corn-alfalfa dehydrated or Alfalfa maize cubes or Alfalfa corn cubes) (IFN--)

1.28 Alfalfa-timothy cubes, dehydrated (or Timothy-alfalfa cubes, dehydrated or Cubed alfalfa-timothy, dehydrated or Cubed timothy-alfalfa, dehydrated or Alfalfa timothy cubes or Timothy alfalfa cubes) (IFN--)

1.30 Timothy meal (IFN--)

1.31 Timothy pellets (IFN--)

1.32 Timothy cubes (IFN--)

Roughage Products

May include one or more of the following:

1.10 Maize, cob fractions, screened (or Corn, cob fractions, screened or Maize cob fractions or Corn cob fractions) (IFN 1-02-779)

1.11 Oats hulls (IFN 1-03-281)

1.13 Peanut pods (or Peanut hulls) (IFN 1-08-028)

1.15 Rice hulls (IFN 1-08-075)

1.16 Soybean seed coats (or Soybean hulls) (IFN 1-04-560)

1.17 Sunflower hulls (IFN 1-04-720)

1.19 Walnut, persian, shells, ground (or Walnut shell meal) (IFN 1-18-668)

1.20 Citrus pomace without fines dehydrated (or Dried citrus pulp) (IFN 4-01-237)

1.22 Buckwheat hulls (IFN 1-12-238)

1.23 Cottonseed hulls (or Cotton hulls) (IFN 1-01-599)

1.29 Canola hulls (IFN--)

1.33 Canola fibre by-product (IFN--)

4.2.13 Soybean flour by-product (or Soybean mill feed) (IFN 4-04-594)

4.2.27 Canola hulls with solubles (IFN -- --)

4.4.2 Beet sugar pulp dehydrated (or Plain dried beet pulp) (IFN 4-00-669)

5.8.3 Tomato pomace dehydrated (or Dried tomato pomace) (IFN 5-05-041)

1.14 Peanut seed coats (or Peanut skins) (IFN 1-03-631)

4.2.4 Maize ears ground (or Corn ears ground or Maize and cob meal or Corn and cob meal) (IFN 4-02-849)

4.6.9 Apple pomace dehydrated (or Dried apple pomace)

1.12 Oats groats by-product less than 22 per cent fibre (or Oat feed or Oat mill by-product)

Grain Products

May include one or more of the following:

4.1.1 Barley-cereals grain (or Barley mixed grain) (IFN 4-29-789)

4.1.2 Barley grain (IFN 4-00-549)

4.1.3 Maize-cereals grains (or Corn-cereals grains or Cereals mixed grains) (IFN-4-29-790

4.1.4 Maize dent white grain (or Corn dent white grain) (IFN 4-02-928)

4.1.5 Maize dent yellow grain (or Corn dent yellow grain) (IFN 4-02-935)

4.1.6 Maize grain (or Corn grain) (IFN 4-02-879)

4.1.7 Maize opaque 2 grain (high lysine) (or Corn opaque 2 grain (high lysine)) (IFN 4-11-445)

4.1.8 Oats-cereals grain (IFN 4-29-791)

4.1.9 Oats grain (IFN 4-03-309)

4.1.10 Oats wild-oats-cereals grain (or Mixed feed oats) (IFN 4-06-175)

4.1.11 Rice grain (IFN 4-03-939)

4.1.12 Rye-cereals grain (or Rye mixed grain) (IFN 4-29-792)

4.1.13 Rye grain (IFN 4-04-047)

4.1.14 Sorghum grain (IFN 4-04-383)

4.1.15 Sorghum milo grain (or Milo)(IFN 4-04-444)

4.1.16 Wheat-cereals grain (IFN 4-29-793)

4.1.17 Wheat grain (IFN 4-05-211)

4.1.19 Buckwheat grain (IFN --)

4.1.21 Triticale grain (IFN --)

4.1.23 Hulless oats (or Naked oats grain) (IFN--)

4.2.20 Maize grain kibbled (or Kibbled corn or Corn, kibbled) (IFN 4-02-866)

4.2.24 Maize grain flaked (or Flaked corn) (IFN 4-02-859)

4.6.20 Maize kernels heat processed (or Corn kernels heat processed, or Whole corn

heat processed) (IFN 4-29-354)

4.2.10 Oats groats (IFN 4-03-331)

4.2.21 Rice groats, polished, broken (or Chipped rice or Broken rice or Brewer's rice)

Processed Grain By-products

May include one or more of the following:

4.2.3 Maize bran (or Corn bran) (IFN 4-02-841)

4.2.6 Maize grain fines (or Corn grain fines or Maize feed meal or Corn feed meal) (IFN 4-02-880)

4.2.7 Maize grits (or Corn grits or Hominy grits) (IFN 4-02-886)

4.2.8 Maize grits by-product (or Corn grits by-product or Hominy feed) (IFN 4-02-887)

4.2.9 Maize extractives fermented condensed (or Corn extractives fermented

condensed or Condensed fermented maize extractives or Condensed fermented corn extractives) (IFN 4-02-890)

4.2.11 Rice bran with germs (or Rice bran) (IFN 4-03-928)

4.2.12 Rye flour by-product less than 8.5 percent fibre (or Rye middlings) (IFN 4-04-031)

4.2.14 Wheat bran (IFN 4-05-190)

4.2.16 Wheat flour by-product less than 7 percent fibre (or Wheat middlings) (IFN 4-05-201)

4.2.17 Wheat flour by-product less than 9.5 percent fibre (or Wheat shorts) (IFN 4-05-205)

4.2.18 Wheat mill run less than 9.5 percent crude fibre (or Wheat mill run) (IFN 4-05-206)

4.2.19 Rice bran with germs, meal, solvent extracted (or Rice bran, solvent extract) (IFN 4-03-930)

4.2.23 Buckwheat middlings (IFN --)

4.2.26 Feeding oat meal (or Oats cereal by-product less than 4% fibre) (IFN 4-03-303)

5.3.7 Maize germs meal dry milled mechanical extracted (or Corn germ meal (dry milled)) (IFN 5-02-894)

5.3.8 Maize gluten meal (or Corn gluten meal) (IFN 5-02-900)

5.3.9 Maize gluten with bran (or Corn gluten with bran or Corn gluten feed or Maize gluten feed) (IFN 5-02-903)

5.3.41 Wheat gluten (IFN - - -)

4.2.5 Maize flour (or Corn flour) (IFN 4-08-024)

4.2.25 Rye flour

4.2.2 Barley pearl by-product (or Barley feed)

4.2.15 Wheat flour less than 1.5 percent fibre (IFN 4-05-199)

5.3.34 Wheat germ ground

4.2.1 Barley mill run (or Barley mixed feed or Barley mill by-product) (IFN 4-00-523)

5.5.1 Barley brewers grains dehydrated (or Barley brewers dried grains) (IFN 5-00-516)

5.5.3 Barley distillers dried grains (or Barley distillers grains dehydrated or Dried Barley distillers grains) (IFN --)

5.5.4 Barley distillers grains with solubles dehydrated (or Dried barley distillers grains with solubles or Barley distillers' dried grains with solubles) (IFN --)

5.5.5 Barley distillers solubles condensed (or Condensed barley distillers solubles or Barley condensed distillers' solubles) (IFN --)

5.5.6 Barley distillers solubles dehydrated (or Dried barley distillers solubles or Barley distillers' dried solubles) (IFN --)

5.5.7 Barley malt sprouts dehydrated (or Malt sprouts) (IFN 5-00-545)

5.5.8 Maize distillers grains dehydrated (or Corn distillers' grains dehydrated or

Dried corn distillers' grains or Corn distillers' dried grains) (IFN --)

5.5.9 Maize distillers grains with solubles dehydrated (or Dried corn distillers' grains with solubles or Corn distillers' dried grains with solubles or Corn distillers' grains with solubles dehydrated) (IFN --)

5.5.10 Maize distillers solubles condensed (or Corn distillers' solubles condensed or Condensed corn distillers' solubles or Corn condensed distillers' solubles) (IFN -)

5.5.11 Maize distillers solubles dehydrated (or Dried corn distillers' solubles or Corn distillers' dried solubles or Corn distillers' solubles dehydrated) (IFN --)

5.5.12 Rye distillers grains dehydrated (or Dried rye distillers' grains or Rye distillers' dried grains) (IFN --)

5.5.13 Rye distillers grains with solubles dehydrated (or Dried rye distillers' grains with solubles or Rye distillers' dried grains with solubles) (IFN --)

5.5.14 Rye distillers solubles condensed (or Condensed rye distillers' solubles or Rye condensed distillers' solubles) (IFN --)

5.5.15 Rye distillers' solubles dehydrated (or Dried rye distillers' solubles or Rye distillers' dried solubles) (IFN --)

5.5.16 Rye malt sprouts dehydrated (IFN 5-04-048)

5.5.17 Sorghum distillers grains dehydrated (or Dried sorghum distillers' grains or Sorghum distillers' dried grains) (IFN --)

5.5.18 Sorghum distillers grains with solubles dehydrated (or Dried sorghum distillers' grains with solubles or Sorghum distillers' dried grains with solubles) (IFN --)

5.5.19 Sorghum distillers solubles condensed (or Condensed sorghum distillers' solubles or Sorghum condensed distillers' solubles) (IFN --)

5.5.20 Sorghum distillers solubles dehydrated (or Dried sorghum distillers' solubles or Sorghum distillers' dried solubles) (IFN --)

5.5.21 Wheat distillers grains dehydrated (or Dried wheat distillers' grains or Wheat distillers' dried grains) (IFN --)

5.5.22 Wheat distillers grains with solubles dehydrated (or Dried wheat distillers' grains with solubles or Wheat distillers' dried grains with solubles) (IFN --)

5.5.23 Wheat distillers solubles condensed (or Condensed wheat distillers' solubles or Wheat condensed distillers' solubles (IFN --)

5.5.24 Wheat distillers solubles dehydrated (or Dried wheat distillers' solubles or Wheat distillers' dried solubles) (IFN --)

5.5.25 Wheat malt sprouts dehydrated (IFN 5-29-796)

Dairy By-products

May include one or more of the following:

5.1.14 Cattle buttermilk dehydrated (or Dried buttermilk) (IFN 5-01-160)

5.1.15 Cattle milk dehydrated (or Dried whole milk) (IFN 5-01-167)

5.1.16 Cattle skim milk dehydrated (or Dried skimmed milk) (IFN 5-01-175)

5.1.17 Cattle whey protein dehydrated (or Dried whey protein concentrate) (IFN 5-06-836)

4.6.2 Cattle whey condensed (or Condensed whey) (IFN 4-01-180)

4.6.3 Cattle whey cultured condensed (or Condensed cultured whey) (IFN 4-01-181)

4.6.3 Cattle whey cultured condensed (or Condensed cultured whey) (IFN 4-01-181)

4.6.4 Cattle whey dehydrated (or Dried whey) (IFN 4-01-182)

4.6.5 Cattle whey low lactose dehydrated (or Dried whey product) (IFN 4-01-186)

4.6.26 Cattle whey solubles condensed modified (or Cattle whey solubles condensed) (IFN 4-01-188)

4.6.27 Cattle whey and whey solubles, dehydrated (or Dried whey and whey solubles) (IFN --)

4.6.40 Deproteinized cattle whey permeate condensed (or Condensed deproteinized cattle whey permeate or Deproteinized whey permeate)

4.6.43 Concentrated milk permeate, dehydrated (or Concentrated spray dried milk permeate or Concentrated milk permeate powder)

4.6.45 Liquid concentrated deproteinized cattle whey permeate (or Liquid cattle whey permeate, concentrated and deproteinized)

5.1.18 Casein acid precipitated dehydrated (or Casein) (IFN 5-01-162)

5.1.23 Cattle cheese rind (or Cheese powder, or Cheese rind) (IFN 5-01-163)

5.1.24 Cattle cheese trimming dehydrated (IFN 5-32-189)

5.1.25 Cattle milk protein dehydrated (or Dried milk protein) (IFN 5-08-044)

5.1.26 Casein hydrolysed dehydrated (or Dried hydrolysed casein) (IFN 5-08-055)

5.1.30 Cattle whey solubles dehydrated (or Dried whey solubles, or Dry whey solubles) (IFN 4-01-189)

5.1.35 Cattle whey solubles on carrier, dehydrated (or Dry whey solubles on carrier, or Dried whey solubles on carrier)(IFN-)

5.4.32 Cattle skim milk cultured condensed (IFN 5-01-173)

5.4.33 Cattle skim milk cultured dehydrated (IFN 5-01-174)

5.1.33 Cheese product dehydrated (or Dried cheese product)

Plant Protein Products and By-Products

May include one or more of the following:

5.3.1 Bean navy seeds heat processed (or White beans) (IFN 5-29-785)

5.3.2 Broadbean seeds (or Faba beans or Field beans or Horse beans) (IFN 5-09-262)

5.3.3 Canola meal prepress solvent extracted low erucic acid low glucosinolates (or Canola meal) (IFN 5-06-145)

5.3.4 Canola meal solvent extracted low erucic acid low glucosinolates (or Canola meal) (IFN 5-06-146)

5.3.5 Coconut kernels with coats meal mechanical extracted (or Coconut meal or Copra meal) (IFN 5-01-572)

5.3.6 Coconut kernels with coats meal solvent extracted (or Coconut meal or Copra meal) (IFN 5-01-573)

5.3.10 Cotton, seeds (or Whole cottonseed) (IFN 5-01-614)

5.3.11 Cotton seeds meal mechanical extracted (or Cottonseed meal) (IFN 5-01-609)

5.3.12 Cotton seeds meal solvent extracted (or Cottonseed meal) (IFN 5-11-590)

5.3.13 Flax seeds ground (IFN 5-30-286)

5.3.14 Flax seeds meal mechanical extracted (or Linseed meal or Linseed oilcake meal) (IFN 5-30-287)

5.3.15 Flax seeds meal solvent extracted (or Linseed meal or Linseed oilcake meal) (IFN 5-30-288)

5.3.16 Pea, field, protein product, spray dehydrated (or Pea protein) (IFN 5-17-726)

5.3.17 Pea field seeds (IFN 5-08-481)

5.3.18 Peanut seeds without coats meal mechanical extracted (or Peanut meal)(IFN 5-03-649)

5.3.19 Peanut seeds without coats meal solvent extracted (or Peanut meal) (IFN 5-03-650)

5.3.20 Safflower seeds meal mechanical extracted (or Safflower meal) (IFN 5-04-109)

5.3.21 Safflower seeds meal solvent extracted (or Safflower meal) (IFN 5-04-110)

5.3.22 Soybean flour mechanical extracted (or Soy flour) (IFN 5-12-177)

5.3.23 Soybean flour solvent extracted (or Soy flour) (IFN 5-04-593)

5.3.24 Soybean protein concentrate (or Soy protein concentrate) (IFN 5-08-038)

5.3.25 Soybean protein isolate (or Soy protein isolate) (IFN 5-24-811)

5.3.26 Soybean seeds heat processed (IFN 5-04-597)

5.3.27 Soybean seeds meal solvent extracted (or Soybean meal) (IFN 5-04-604)

5.3.28 Soyflour chemically and physically modified (IFN 5-19-651)

5.3.29 Soybean seeds without hulls meal solvent extracted (or Dehulled soybean meal) (IFN 5-04-612)

5.3.30 Sunflower seeds meal mechanical extracted (or Sunflower meal) (IFN 5-27-477)

5.3.31 Sunflower seeds meal solvent extracted (or Sunflower meal) (IFN 5-30-032)

5.3.32 Sunflower seeds without hulls meal mechanical extracted (or Dehulled sunflower meal) (IFN 5-30-033)

5.3.33 Sunflower seeds without hulls meal solvent extracted (or Dehulled sunflower meal) (IFN 5-30-034)

5.3.36 Soybean seeds extruded ground (or Ground extruded whole soybeans)(IFN 5-14-005)

5.3.37 Sweet lupine seeds without hulls, ground (or Dehulled sweet lupine)(IFN 5-30-462)

5.3.38 Sweet lupine seeds solvent extracted (or Sweet lupine meal) (IFN 5-30-461)

5.3.39 Sweet lupine seeds ground (IFN 5-17-049)

5.3.40 Maize zein (or Corn zein) (IFN - - -)

5.3.43 Canola, whole low erucic acid, low glucosinolates (or Canola seed)

5.3.44 Pea meal (IFN -- --)

5.3.45 Soybean feed, solvent extracted (or Soybean feed) (IFN -- --)

5.3.46 Crambe meal (or Crambe meal, solvent extracted) (IFN 5-30-280)

5.3.47 Soybean seeds meal mechanical extracted (or Soybean meal) (IFN 5-04-600)

5.3.48 Pulse seeds, pelleted pulse seeds (IFN—)

5.3.49 Canola meal mechanical extracted (or Canola meal, or Canola meal mechanical extracted low erucic acid low glucosinolates) (IFN ----)

5.3.50 Canola meal protein concentrate (IFN ----)

5.3.51 Corn protein concentrate (IFN ----)

5.3.52 Whole flax seed (or Flax seed or Whole linseed) (IFN ----)

5.3.53 Canola protein isolate (or Isolated canola protein) (IFN ----)

5.3.54 Canola protein hydrolysate (or Hydrolysed canola protein) (IFN ----)

5.3.55 Partially deproteinized canola meal (or Washed canola meal, partially deproteinized)(IFN ----)

5.3.56 Crambe meal, mechanical extracted (or Crambe meal, expeller-pressed)(IFN ----)

5.8.4 Potato protein isolate (or Potato protein) (IFN -- --)

Molasses Products

May include one or more of the following:

4.4.1 Beet sugar molasses (or Beet molasses)

4.4.3 Beet sugar pulp, molasses added dehydrated (or Dry molassed beet pulp)

4.4.6 Sugarcane molasses

5.4.35 Sugarcane-beet sugar molasses yeast solubles condensed (or Molasses yeast condensed solubles)

4.4.7 Sugarcane molasses distillers solubles condensed (or Molasses distillers condensed solubles)

4.4.5 Beet sugar molasses, corn cob fractions dehydrated added

4.4.4 Beet sugar molasses, soybean mill run dehydrated added

4.4.10 Sugarcane molasses, corn cob fractions dehydrated added

4.4.8 Sugarcane molasses, soybean mill run dehydrated added

4.4.11 Sugarcane molasses, sunflower hull dehydrated added