Enforcement actions taken

Each day, CFIA inspectors work to verify that industry is operating in compliance with Canadian standards and regulations to safeguard food, animals and plants, which enhances the health and well-being of Canada's people, environment and economy. Inspections are targeted in areas most at risk for not meeting Canadian standards and regulations so that they have the most impact.

Compliance is monitored all along the supply chain, which involves many industry members and jurisdictions.

When the CFIA identifies non-compliance with the legislation it administers and enforces, it has a number of tools it can use to respond. Consumers and industry can be confident in the federal food inspection system.

The CFIA shares compliance and enforcement information with the public on this website in relation to the actions below.

Services and information

How we enforce

The approach, policy, frameworks and continuum that guides our actions in cases of non-compliance.

Licence suspensions and cancellations

Food establishments and companies with suspended and cancelled licences and how they failed to comply.

Notifications of charges laid

Charges laid by the CFIA's Enforcement and Investigation Services with the support of the Public Prosecution Service of Canada.

Prosecution bulletins

Reporting of public record convictions and other outcomes following resolution of charges laid.

Administrative monetary penalties

Notices of violation with warning or financial penalty to protect Canada's food supply, plants and animals.

Cancelled organic certifications

List of operators with cancelled organic certifications that cannot market their products as organic.

Suspended and cancelled accreditation of certification bodies

Actions against certification bodies not operating in accordance with the Canada Organic Regime.


How food testing helps keep you safe

CFIA scientists test food products to look for undeclared allergens and other hazards, like pesticides and bacteria, that could make you or your loved ones sick.

Consistent and efficient inspections

In order to ensure the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations are applied nationally in a consistent manner across industry, the CFIA is making changes to its food inspection procedures.

Meet Shae Wasyliw, CFIA meat hygiene inspector

As a cattle rancher and meat hygiene inspector with the CFIA, I paved my way in the industry to help feed and protect Canadians.