Federal Assistance Program

The Federal Assistance Program (FAP) is the Canadian Food Inspection Agency's (CFIA) contribution program.

The FAP operates within the context of the broader mandate of the CFIA and provides a means for the agency to broaden its reach by supporting projects and initiatives that advance the CFIA's core responsibility for safe food and healthy plants and animals.

Examples of recipients and projects that have been supported with FAP contributions include:

  • national or international organizations that promote and contribute to food safety, animal health and plant protection
  • international standard-setting and regulatory bodies that establish worldwide regulatory frameworks and early warning systems
  • third-party scientific survey and research work that is relevant to the CFIA's mandate; and
  • emergency projects by other levels of government, industry, and related organizations that respond to disease outbreaks

There is no fixed budget amount allocated for the FAP.

Service standards

  • General inquiries about the FAP will be responded to within 5 business days of receipt
  • Applicants will be advised of funding decisions within 30 business days of receipt of a completed FAP request for funding

For more information, contact the FAP Contribution Coordinator.