What We Heard Report: Proposed amended livestock feed ingredient - Camelina meal mechanical extracted


The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) led a 30-day consultation on an amended single ingredient feed (SIF) description for camelina meal mechanical extracted from June 9, 2023 to July 9, 2023. The purpose of the consultation was to seek comments and feedback on the proposed amended description for camelina meal cold-pressed mechanical extracted found in Subclass 3.2 (Protein products and by-products of plant origin) of Class 3 (Protein feeds) in part 1 of the Canadian Feed Ingredients Table (CFIT). The SIF name was amended to camelina meal mechanical extracted and the description was amended to reflect the addition of heat processing as a manufacturing process.

A summary of the comments received during this consultation period are available below.


The Feeds Regulations require a proponent to submit a pre-market application for SIFs that are new, have been modified such that they differ from an approved SIF, or are for a new purpose. The CFIA evaluates the information in the application to establish that the SIF is safe, effective, and labelled correctly.

The CFIA completed a detailed evaluation of an application seeking to amend the description for camelina meal mechanical extracted. The amendment was to add a new manufacturing process (hot-pressed extraction).

The evaluation considered information related to:

  • the safety of feeding this SIF to livestock with respect to animal health
  • the safety of people who consume food derived from livestock that eat this SIF
  • the safety of workers/bystanders exposed to this SIF
  • environmental safety
  • an evaluation of the fit-for-purpose and efficacy for this SIF, for the intended livestock species

Following the evaluation, the CFIA consulted on the amended SIF description for camelina meal mechanical extracted.

What we heard

The CFIA received a total of 3 sets of comments and feedback from stakeholders during the 30-day consultation period. The CFIA appreciates the feedback received on this consultation.

Comment: a respondent commented that the CFIA should not allow any product intended to fatten up animals for food. Only allow healthy food for animals should be allowed.

CFIA response: camelina meal mechanical extracted has been evaluated and found to be safe and efficacious for its intended purpose and its use in livestock feed in Canada. It is a source of protein after the mechanical extraction of oil from camelina seeds, and therefore not a significant source of oil which would result in deposition of fat in animal tissues. It is already an approved SIF in the CFIT, and was amended to add a new manufacturing process.

Approved SIFs can have a nutritional purpose (for example, source of energy, source of protein, etc.) or they can provide a non-nutritional/technical function (for example, flavouring agent, anticaking agent, antioxidant, preservative, forage additive, etc.). If the information provided to the CFIA in support of the intended livestock feed purpose(s), nutritional or non-nutritional, supports that the SIF is safe and efficacious, it may be approved for use in livestock feed.

Comment: a respondent suggested that the CFIA should include other species such as swine and turkey in the description and remove any use restrictions so that nutritionists can use the SIF to the maximum limit of a given livestock feed formulation.

A second respondent also suggested including multiple poultry species (for example, broiler turkeys, ducks and game birds, as well as poultry intended for the production of table eggs or hatching eggs).

CFIA response: at this time, there will be no additional species added to the description, as this application only included data to support its use in broiler chickens and laying hens. The CFIA evaluates new and amended SIFs based on the information supplied by the applicant. If a stakeholder would like a SIF approved for additional livestock species, other production classes of chickens or other poultry; or changes to the maximum inclusion rates allowed for this SIF in livestock feed, they will need to submit an application to amend the SIF description. Refer to RG-1 Regulatory Guidance-Regulation of Livestock Feeds. The application must include data or information to support such amendments, including data to support any additional livestock species or changes to the maximum inclusion rates. It would follow the normal SIF approval process, including consultation.

None of the respondents provided any comments on the actual SIF description. The comments and feedback received did not result in any changes to the SIF description.

Final SIF description

Following the CFIA's evaluation and determination of the safety and efficacy of this SIF, and since no significant concerns were raised during consultation, the CFIA will amend the existing SIF description. The SIF name will be changed to camelina meal mechanical extracted, and the description amended to reflect the addition of hot pressing as a manufacturing process. The amended SIF description will be as follows:

Part 1
Class 3 – Protein Feeds
Subclass 3.2 – Protein products and by-products of plant origin

Camelina meal mechanical extracted (or Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz meal mechanical extracted or camelina meal expeller-pressed)

is the meal obtained after the removal of most of the oil, through the mechanical extraction process of high-pressure pressing, from whole seeds of the species Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz. The meal may be pressed cold or heated. This product shall be processed in accordance with good manufacturing practices. It shall be free of harmful microorganisms. The oil component of the meal shall contain not more than 4.5% erucic acid and the solid component of the meal shall contain not more than 43.5 micromoles of total glucosinolates per gram of dried meal. This meal cannot contain more than one-half of 1% of the seeds of Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz, and no screenings shall be added.

This ingredient is approved for use as a source of protein in an amount not to exceed 12% of the total diet for broiler chickens, and in an amount not to exceed 10% of the total diet for laying hens.

If the method of oil extraction is included in the ingredient name (for example, cold-pressed or hot-pressed) it shall correspond thereto.

If the product bears a name descriptive of the form (for example, pelleted), it shall correspond thereto and it may be indicated on the label.

If a pelleting aid is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.

If a mould inhibitor is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used at the approved rate, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.

If an anticaking or flow agent is used, it must be approved for use in livestock feeds, it shall be used in an amount not to exceed 0.5% by weight, and the common name or names shall be indicated on the label.

It shall be labelled with the following statements:

"This ingredient is approved for use as a source of protein in an amount not to exceed 12% of the total diet for broiler chickens."

"This ingredient is approved for use as a source of protein in an amount not to exceed 10% of the total diet for laying hens."

It shall be labelled with guarantees for minimum percent crude protein, maximum percent crude fat, maximum percent crude fibre, maximum percent moisture, maximum percent erucic acid, and maximum micromoles of glucosinolates per gram.

This amended description has been added to the CFIT.

Next steps

The CFIA would like to thank everyone who participated in the consultation process for contributing their time and sharing their views.

We are committed to reviewing any new scientific information on the safety of any SIF. Anyone who becomes aware of new scientific information respecting the safety of camelina meal mechanical extracted is encouraged to contact the CFIA.

This amended SIF (with the finalized description above) has been added to the CFIT for inclusion with the publication of the proposed Feeds Regulations, 2024.

Related information

Contact us

Animal Feed Program (AFP)
Canadian Food Inspection Agency
59 Camelot Drive
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0Y9

Email: cfia.afp-paa.acia@inspection.gc.ca