Notice to industry: Consultations on new or amended single ingredient feed descriptions


The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is introducing a new consultation approach for livestock feed ingredients. Before any new or amended single ingredient feed (SIF) descriptions are finalized, the CFIA will conduct a consultation to provide an opportunity for stakeholders to share their comments. This approach aligns with the process that will be used when the modernized Feeds Regulations are published in Canada Gazette, Part II (CGII). It will also ensure that any SIFs that are approved or amended between now and that publication date will be able to be incorporated into the new Canadian Feed Ingredients Table (CFIT).


Currently, Schedules IV and V of the Feed Regulations, 1983 are the lists of SIFs that have been evaluated and approved by the CFIA for manufacture, sale, or import in Canada.

With the new Feeds Regulations, 2023, the CFIT will replace Schedules IV and V of the current regulations. All SIFs already approved in Schedules IV and V have been transferred to the CFIT. They have been placed into new classes/subclasses and the SIF descriptions have been standardized. The CFIT is 1 of 9 documents incorporated by reference (IBR) under the proposed Feeds Regulations, 2023. The CFIA's Incorporation by Reference (IBR) Policy requires that a consultation be conducted before changes to IBR documents are made, and therefore new and amended SIF descriptions will be consulted on prior to adding them to the CFIT.

Consultation format

The CFIA will continue to assess new SIFs to verify they are safe and effective for their intended purpose. In preparation for the Feeds Regulations, 2023, if a SIF is to be approved, part of the approval process will include consultation on the SIF description. This consultation will ensure transparency and allow for stakeholder feedback on changes to the CFIT. Consultations will be conducted for new SIF descriptions and amendments to existing SIF descriptions.

The consultation will have a two-step process:

  • the CFIA will post a document for public consultation on proposed changes to the CFIT for new SIF descriptions or changes to an existing SIF description
  • the CFIA will post a summary of comments received and the CFIA's responses to the comments from the consultation
  • The summary document will include any changes to be made to the SIF description and the finalized SIF description that would be added to the CFIT along with the date the update comes into effect.

The consultation document will only be posted after an assessment of the SIF has been completed by the CFIA, and the CFIA recommends that the SIF be approved or amended. The consultation document will indicate if there are any conditions or restrictions on use as an outcome of the assessment, and that the CFIA intends to add this SIF to CFIT.

Stakeholders will have 30 days to submit any comments on the SIF description. No confidential business information will be included in the consultation. Stakeholders are encouraged to share comments if they have concerns over the accuracy of the SIF description or if there is any additional scientific data that should be considered before the SIF is approved.

Scientific questions or information will be reviewed by CFIA evaluators for consideration in the assessment. Non-scientific input will be evaluated and appropriate ways of addressing the comments will be explored. Subject to the commenters' consent, the CFIA may forward comments to the applicant whose SIF is being assessed, for their consideration. Commenters will remain anonymous however, a summary of the comments and feedback will be included in the What We Heard Report that will be published following the consultation. Requests for changes or additions to SIF descriptions, such as including additional livestock species, will not be considered as part of the consultation. Requests of this type require an additional assessment and should be submitted as an amendment to the SIF, once it is approved.

Following the comment period, the SIF approval will be finalized, provided there were no significant concerns raised, and the applicant will be notified that their SIF has been approved.

The CFIA recognizes that adding a consultation period or step into the SIF approval process may affect how quickly SIFs are approved. In cases where there are no significant concerns raised during consultation, the CFIA will issue the SIF approval and certificate to the applicant after the consultation closes. At that time, applicants will be able to market and sell their SIF. If there are major issues raised after the consultation, these would have to be addressed with the applicant prior to approval and addition to the CFIT.

Anticipated outcomes

This approach to the consultation on new or amended SIF descriptions will:

  • meet the CFIA's obligations to consult on modifications to documents that are incorporated by reference
  • provide greater transparency on new and amended SIF descriptions
  • give regulated parties and other stakeholders an opportunity to provide feedback on proposed new SIFs or amendments to existing SIF descriptions, before the approval is finalized
  • provide a consistent and predictable process for updating the list of approved SIFs

This new approach to consultations will take effect immediately.

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